Egg Mother
12 posts
I write what I want and I post what I want *shrug*
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localizedtrashcan · 5 years ago
I am a complete dumbass with a superiority complex. How and why you might ask? Well I was put into the gifted and talented program in third grade and never left.
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localizedtrashcan · 5 years ago
I Really Liked TROS and Here’s my Analysis of Some Things You Guys Didn’t
I’m really pissed at seeing all of these people mad about TROS. Calling JJ homophobic, angry that Ben was an “accessory” to Rey, just having a general conniption about finnpoe and zorii and poe, etc.
Let’s talk about the whole finnpoe thing first and how it was never going to happen in the first place. I ship it as much as the next guy and Oscar Isaac is a real hero for giving us what he did, but it was never going to happen. Disney likes to make money, and with as big as this movie was going to be, it was going to bring in a shit ton of revenue from all over the world, including countries that don’t have LGBT+ rights. They can’t give us main characters that are gay because it then jeopardizes the return on the movie as well as how much it will make after and what countries the movie is allowed to play in. It also hurts fans in those countries who want to see how the story ends after 40 some years. What Disney can do, however, is give fans a clip. A clip of a character that has been in the universe for two movies now reuniting with her girlfriend/wife. That way it can be played in countries that have LGBT+ rights and cut out in those that don’t. It essentially was as much representation as the writers were allowed, I’m sure. Also, JJ is a director, not a writer. Chill on him for directing what was written.
Poe was supposed to die the first movie, that’s a known fact. He essentially wasn’t written to have a backstory.In TLJ, he still didn’t get a backstory. We got a lot of characterization, but nothing of his past. We needed a backstory of some sort, a run in with Kylo, and generally a lot of plot. Having Poe meet someone from his past who hated him gave him a backstory. And it would make sense that he would be a drug runner if he ended up with the Rebellion, and it gave him a cool backstory. It gave a place for Rey to fight Kylo, and it gave the sub plot of the spy a place to end. The Star Wars writers also like to introduce characters for no reason and only use them for a short time, we know this. Zorii was a cool character that they could introduce and drop or pick back up with n issue while adding to a main characters story. 
Ben Solo kissing Rey absolutely did not make him an accessory to Rey. He was happy she was alive and she was happy he was good and alive and so they kissed end of story. The fact that he died after wasn’t even connected to that. He had become one with the force, a true Jedi. He had a whole redemption arc, which was amazingly written (at least in my opinion). He had his own story apart from Rey’s, and he had a story with Rey as well. They were connected after all. I also really liked the how they were connected and why they were connected and all that jazz.
I also really liked that Rey was a Palpatine. It was a very cool way to show that we are who we decide to be and not who everyone tells us to be. She was a Sith but chose to be a Jedi. Same thing with Ben. He was told and influenced to be the next Vader, but in the end became a Jedi. And the whole thing with her saying she was a Skywalker at the end, people were mad that she wasn’t embracing who she was. Guys, She was choosing to go her own way and be a part of her found family and not a part of the family that killed the guy she loved. 
Anyways, in short I really loved The Rise of Skywalker, I want to be an X Wing Pilot, I really loved Ben Solo’s redemption arch. The only thing I wished there was more of was Rose, I love her.
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localizedtrashcan · 6 years ago
*contains spoilers for endgame*
The whole Steve and Bucky situation
I get it. Even I was pissed at the end of Endgame for many reasons involving the Steve, Bucky, Sam thing that went on. But I took a day, read some posts and decided I was ready to comment.
Yes. What Steve did was selfish. But oh my god, let this man be selfish for once in his goddamn life. He has saved the world multiple times, he has seen his friends die (his best friend more than once), he put himself into a 70 year coma. Let this man take a break. He deserves it.
What everyone has to realise too is that Steve didn’t even take this break for himself. He took it for Tony. Tony told him to “get a life” and even though it wasn’t meant like that, Steve took it upon himself to get one. He knew Tony would be angry if after all this, Steve didn’t allow himself to take a break. And seeing Tony die for the universe probably also made Steve realise he just wants to live out some of this life Tony left to him in peace and in love.
Now the whole Captain America thing.
We now have a black Captain America, and you guys are upset? And don’t get me wrong I was mad in the beginning too because I love Falcon and I was butthurt because Steve glanced over Bucky. But I get it now. Steve didn’t want the job, and he gave it to the most qualified person he knew. And Bucky even told Sam it was okay to take it.And that another thing. Bucky. Bucky told Steve way back in the 40’s that he didn’t follow Captain America, he was following that little kid from Brooklyn. I took that as Bucky wasn’t following the name, he was following the heart. Steve knows that Bucky wasn’t just going to leave Steve for the Captain America name, and Steve knew that Bucky thought Sam had enough heart to follow.
Another thing too. Bucky is mentally ill. He was brainwashed and frozen repeatedly for 70 years. He isn’t stable. They don’t fully know what Bucky could do yet if he accidentally slipped or if Hydra got ahold of him again. Bucky is my favourite character in the MCU, but he is also a liability and a huge risk that Steve can’t afford to take. And why do you think Bucky said he would miss Steve, even though Steve was only going to be gone for five seconds. Bucky knew. And he still let it happen. Because Bucky knows Steve deserves every second of peace he can get. And this isn’t (really) out of character for Steve. He has done a lot of growing up in the last couple of movies and I think the end of Civil War really changed him and the way he looked at people. Yes Bucky was his best fried, but now he was down a whole lot of friends because of Bucky and he had to deal with the consequences of that decision. And he also had to go five years without his friends and all of these people and he had to deal with all of the undusted people’s sadness and grief. So let this man live out his life happily and the way he wants. He deserves it.
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localizedtrashcan · 6 years ago
Headcanon that Bakugou needs glasses, but his quirk makes them fly off of his face, so every time he doesn’t have anymore contacts or he doesn’t want to wear contacts, he has to wear RecSpecs
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localizedtrashcan · 7 years ago
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My art style makes everyone look like they are in the Other World from Coraline
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localizedtrashcan · 7 years ago
Season 5 Kuron *contains spoilers*
Season 5 confirmed every suspicion the fandom had on the This Shiro is a Clone theory. Not only can he not remember the dream-void-thing, but after Haggar initiated stage four, Kuron (not Shiro) was shown and things like that don’t just happen. That was a deliberate choice made by the crew. They could have shown any other character but they chose to show Kuron. When Haggar was shown looking through the floating screen thing and spying on Lotor, it was always from a perspective we saw Kuron standing at. Lance was a big indicator as well. Shiro would never say how Lance should leave or how Lance should stay out of something because Shiro knew they needed to do things as a team and Kuron does not. Kuron would make rash decisions because he was the leader and people had to follow him just because he said so. Again, Shiro knew they had to do things and make decisions as a team. Shiro also knew he was Lance’s hero. If I was someone’s hero, I wouldn’t tell them to stay out of something, especially not if they had issues with self confidence. Point is, this is 100% not our Shiro and if last season created doubt this was Kuron, this season confirmed it is Kuron.
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localizedtrashcan · 7 years ago
“Shuri is an actual queen”
-Everyone in the universe
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localizedtrashcan · 7 years ago
“You want to what?” Her eyes go wide at the statement.
“You heard me. I want to brush your hair.” Katsuki growled. His light blush and his direct manner made you laugh. That made Katsuki blush a deeper red.
“Stop laughing at me, you little shit!” He yelled, causing her to laugh harder. Inbeteeen your bouts of laughter and his embarrassed yelling, she nodded out an “of course.”
“Just let me go grab my brush.” She said before padding back into the bathroom, hanging up her towel along the way. She came back to find Katsuki sitting on the edge of her bed staring of into space.
“Here you go,” She said, handing him her brush before sitting in front of him. He’s uncharacteristically gentle, making sure not to pull to hard on the knots.
“You don’t have to ask, you know.” She tells him. He pauses for a moment before continuing, his quiet nature explaining his focusedness. “You can just tell me you want to brush my hair.”
“That’s what I did, didn’t I?” He growled in his usual manner. It made Her chuckle.
“I’ve been thinking about cutting my hair, you know.” She said, twirling the end of a section. She had wanted to cut your long hair for a while now. She felt it had gotten in the way of hero work, as she had to spend a while putting it up so it wasn’t in her face. She just hadn’t found the time to get it cut.
“What would you do a thing like that for? Your hair it’s…” Katsuki search for the right word. “Beautiful.”
He breathed out the single word and in an instant, all her thoughts of cutting her long hair faded. She leaned further back into his knees and nudge one with her shoulder.
“Your right. What would I do a thing like that for?”
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localizedtrashcan · 7 years ago
Steven Universe post because I am garbage
All righty, so we saw Pink Diamond. Now this 2 minutes dream gives us a lot of insight into not only Pink Diamond’s nature, but also Stevonnie’s (more likely Connie’s half) perception of Mrs. Mahashwaran. Let’s look at Mrs. Mahashwaran first though.
Mrs. Mahashwaran is personifying Yellow Diamond. As we know, Yellow Diamond is rash and harsh. She doesn’t think because she believes she is right at all times. She believes she is the absolute power, except maybe over White Diamond. Now the pattern that she clicks on the console could also have something to do with division of power as well. White, Yellow, Blue, and finally Pink Diamond. But that’s getting off topic. Yellow Diamond presumes she is correct and in power at all times. We see these as personality traits in Mrs. Mahashwaran at the start of the series. She thought Connie shouldn’t be Steven’s friend and took control and used harsh methods in dealing with it. When your 12 gear old daughter makes a new friend and you’re worried, there is a better way of dealing with it than ripping her away from him. As the series went on and Mrs. Mahashwaran understood more, she got less harsh and rash in her decision making. This episode has brought to light Connie’s perspective on her mother though. Even is her mother is less harsh, she grew up for 12-13 years with her mother acting this way. This is all she knows so it is ingrained in her to view her mother this way. Connie (and maybe even Steven) veiws Mrs. Mahashwaran as an authoritarian still, and this might be the case for a while.
Now onto Pink Diamond. Pink is clearly very spoiled though I think that has to do more with age. We’ve all heard of terrible twos. Pink diamond is the youngest and even though we don’t know how old she is, she is clearly going through something with her idea of everything being fair and demanding things like a toddler would. The Diamonds don’t give Pink a colony yet because this is how she most likely acted. The spoiled little toddler sister of the bunch who got what she wanted, when she wanted. We know that she eventually got a colony (earth), but through this scene, it seems apparent that she got it through annoying the Diamonds, not by earning it. We all know that Yellow Diamond has a short fuse so who’s to say that she didn’t just snap and give her a colony because Pink was unrelenting? And who’s to say that she didn’t snap the same way and kill her because Pink wanted another, or, going along with the whole Rose killed Pink Diamond motif, Rose could have snapped and killed her? Either way, it is highly plaisible that her nature of being toddler-like is what led to her death.
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localizedtrashcan · 7 years ago
“7 billion people on this planet and I get stuck with you?”
“In case you hadn’t notice, we’re not on the planet anymore! We’re floating a million miles above it!”
-excerpt from the book I will never write #3
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localizedtrashcan · 7 years ago
“Pinky promise?”
“Pinkies looped together means about as much as the wedding band on your finger.”
-excerpt from a book I will never write #2
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localizedtrashcan · 7 years ago
“I waited. I waited as long as you needed me too. I counted the stars, twice over, waiting for you. I watched the sun go down and the moon come up, thousands of time. And you… you never came back.”
-excerpt from a book I will never write #1
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