lepussolum · 4 years
                and one day, when you’re tired of plodding forward, you’ll whisper :                    ❝    IT WASN’T SUPPOSED TO TURN OUT LIKE THIS.    ❞
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lepussolum · 4 years
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lepussolum · 4 years
the seven keyblade weenies of light.
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lepussolum · 4 years
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          why have i been so quiet on here, do you ask? mostly because work has been kicking my ass...but also because i might be making my 9s blog into a multi. 👀
          i know there is some weird bias against multis for whatever reason in the rpc, but uhhh i have a fair few muses plucking at my attention now. and if i try to juggle five blogs they will all die. guaranteed. so, multi it is i suppose?
          muses i’m toying with: 9s (nier:automata, obviously he’s not leaving), noctis lucis caelum (ffxv, an old muse of mine that i bitch slapped awake again), haku (spirited away, because we love a dragon boi), and jareth, the goblin king (labyrinth...because i am trash for labyrinth oKAY???)
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lepussolum · 4 years
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          𝙷𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚍 𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚜 ━ 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚕𝚎𝚏𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 ━ confined a solitary figure, lost within his work ⦓ his mission ⦔. Towers of bound parchment and ink climbed the drafty chamber like a makeshift prison of literature. Imposing their knowledge upon all who entered, the novels near whispered temptation to answers not yet sought within their weathered pages. Under any other circumstance, such ambiance would be welcomed to such a bibliophile. Yet behind the resilient stone walls of the castle within Radiant Garden, SANCTUARY could not be found between pages and paragraphs. A sort of habit ━ or test, if you will ━ to see how long one can last on the living grounds of NIGHTMARES. For her sake, to find her. A mantra ⦓ which convinced not even himself ⦔ played like a broken record among scattered thoughts. Reality: this was an examination of his heart. Perhaps the budding apprentice lingered on. . .?
          Willowy digits trailed down rows of words which did not quite cling to his consciousness. Glinting gaze of aquamarine washed over the same sentence in at least a dozen fruitless attempts to find substance. With a sigh not restrained of FRUSTRATION, the Diviner snapped the volume shut ━ the closure a definitive echo among its companions. Sealed of meaningless jargon, the journal was set to join the rest atop a neatly arranged stack. Now barren hands raked through cerulean tresses, combing back the stray strands that dared to fall within sight. A pensive expression claimed his fair features, head reclining briefly to ease the ache which had settled in his neck. Was there any PURPOSE to this continued torment which he willfully sought? Had he not concluded that all traces of her had been swept away so many years ago?
          Time and again, he fell prey to some glimmer of H O P E━ false, though it may be ━ and would seek out his own demise once more within Radiant Garden; to warmly greet the phantoms of his past in an effort to uncover any shred of TRUTH. Anything to confirm that more than a decade of his time had not been idled away in vain would suffice. The former Nobody would not rest until every nook and cranny, every scrap of information which may hold some worth had been brought to light  within that castle. Though, once more he found himself at his limit as the mark upon his brow seemed to burn with unavoidable recollection. It was time the Diviner sought the solace of Twilight Town. Gingerly, he began to return each volume procured to its proper home among the shelves. So enveloped as he was in this meticulous process, only the boisterous entrance of a certain KEYBLADE WIELDER upon his domain could still his hand.
                         Where Saix would have bitten ━ all fang and apathy                                    Isa h e s i t a t e d . . . 
          A passing silence settled within the record chamber, several BEATS of a heart’s quiet contemplation. Gaze fixated upon the line of orderly books before him, the Diviner refrained from meeting those azure hues ━ remarkably astute for one so young. Words flitted about his tongue, chosen with great care before breath imbued life. To confront one’s former adversary ⦓ to put in the most base of terms ⦔ was a fickle matter to be sure. On one hand, habit beseeched a return to a long since practiced rhythm. Arrogance, detachment and no small sense of SUPERIORITY threatened to taint his tone. Yet that freshly birthed HEART now residing within his chest implored a more amicable approach. Naturally, what breached his lips was a bittersweet marriage between the two.
          ❝ So surprised, little Guardian? ❞
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         As the last journal was nestled between its brethren, Isa finally saw fit to deign young Sora with his undivided attention. Eyes not of molten gold, but rather reminiscent of the TEMPESTUOUS SEA settled upon the teen. A carefully crafted mask of indifference obscured true intention, nigh impossible to discern the waging war of emotions within. That keen gaze did not miss the subtle intonation to the youth’s tone which hinted at the C A U T I O N concealed through his markedly unguarded stance. Warranted, the Diviner would allot him that, though he still bore the air of naivety. Fingers wove together to rest clasped at his lower back, poised not to strike, though far from intimidated when faced with the HERO which heralded his demise on more than one occasion. A delicate brow arched at his rather juvenile vocabulary, not that much substance was to be anticipated. 
          ❝ All this time upon the battlefield, only to still bear such a narrow view. Truly, a pity. ❞ A slight frown claimed his countenance as his view grew pointed, calculating upon the keyblade’s CHOSEN ONE. ❝ Good and bad, light and darkness...one day you will come to find this existence is not so black and white. ❞
          Perhaps he should have lowered his expectations, had he been so WISE at such a young age? Far from so, he had been a hollowed out DOLL, v o i d of purpose with only the fading memories of a former life and a sole surviving companion to cling to. By comparison, Sora certainly had a greater opportunity for growth than had been granted to young Saix. Though pained to admit such, no doubt the disappointment he now held the boy in took root in that bitter sense of JEALOUSY which refused to release his heart. To have not been utterly robbed of a childhood...how different would the present Isa be? Certainly not plagued with nightmares and unrelenting TRAUMA, least not of a similar sort to what burdens him now. 
          ❝ Your war has ended, so what brings you to birthplace of your enemy? A mere social visit? ❞
          With a sharp exhale, THE DIVINER made his way about to the far side of the room where the only remnants of contemporary technology stood among endless shelves of dusty tomes. A luminescent screen detailed a simple program to catalog the numerous volumes which lined the room. Without such assistance at hand, Isa had little doubt he would have hardly a clue in where to begin his search. However, technology could only aid so far and his research thus far resulted in hardly more than DEAD ENDS. Xehanort proved quite fastidious in tying up any stray strands for which Isa could follow. Still, he whittled away the hours until the memories became unbearable contained within those castle walls. Quick clicks scoured the search history left on the database. All traces of “human experimentation” and “S U B J E C T  X” were dispersed into the void of code. Not a mention could be found of his queries, as though they were all but a child’s tale. Yet Isa stood by the TRUTH. To this day he could recall her timid voice and the screams which echoed through the nights of Radiant Garden. The scar he bore and the years wasted in servitude to a being so far detached from HUMANITY stood as testament. 
          ━ Evidence concealed that none recall, and those that do dare not breathe word. For who would believe such VILE acts pervaded the illustrious world of Radiant Garden long before the fall to darkness?
          Ignorance is BLISS, so they say...
@lepussolum​​      ( starter call . accepting . )
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          battle wrought instincts flicker at the sight of a man   ( monster ?   — man , the fallen hero reprimands himself )   ;   once , he prostrated himself before him &   once , he begged him .   anger should come easily , yet his hands remain free of the kingdom key &   while there’s wariness , there’s no accusation , no overt distrust ,   “ oh , so you did come back ?   cool !   one less baddie for me to deal with , hehe . ”
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lepussolum · 4 years
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Lazy afternoons~
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lepussolum · 4 years
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are  you  looking  for  people  to  write  in  the  same  fandom  as  you  but  you’re  having  a  hard  time   to   find   them  ?      you’ve  come  to  the  right  place  !     this   blog   has   the   intention   to   create   a   masterlist,  yet  to  be  created   I    need    volunteers          to  appear  on  this  masterlist  please  reblog  this  post  with  the  tags         be  sure  to  add  the  following  to  your  tags  :  
           canon   or   original  character                 multi-muse   or     single  muse                  character  name            
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lepussolum · 4 years
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          ...ngl it’s taking a lot of self-control to not waste my night making more icons of young saix from young isa. just...just appreciate this pls because i am so heckin’ proud:
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lepussolum · 4 years
          @gravitasfatum​​ ━ starter.
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          𝙳𝚊𝚢𝚜, 𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜 𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚙𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 ━ time cast aside meaning within this VOID. That vast expanse of nothingness ━ one could no longer discern a moment from the steady march of year. All that remained constant was the numbness which settled in veins like pitch black tar ━ sluggish and stagnant. Paralysis weighed on both body and soul to fixate all that remained in place: a S H E L L. Hollowed out, the husk served as little more than a reminder to what was and what came to be. Neither painful, nor deserved of mourning for such emotions were beyond reach now. AGONY demanded a heart to strangle, SORROW could not dim a light which had already been extinguished. 
          Thus he remained empty.                     A discarded shell.                               A MEANINGLESS existence . . .
          Dull marbles of amber stared idly up at sterile ivory ceilings ━ seeing, though not quite comprehending. Writhing along that monochromatic canvas, SHADOWS shifted to and fro, cast from whatever entities dwelt beyond the bare windows which lined the far wall. Through the glass pane, an endless night twinkled o’erhead, unchanging with the hours. An eerie stillness settled within the sparingly decorated room; lacking in any of the usual staples one would require to find respite. A small white desk adorned with a few drawers stood abandoned by one wall; a matching wardrobe with uniform contents against another. Only a bed served its purpose, bearing the weight of a young boy. 
          Body stiff as a CORPSE, he lay upon pristine sheets with only the subtle rise and fall of his chest to indicate any signs of . . . life? Or merely preservation ━ survival. The answer evaded him, an unfamiliar conclusion to be sure. At a time, the child once craved information, an insatiable thirst in the pursuit of knowledge. He would devour books like a starved hound, a question always just waiting on the tip of his tongue. Now he knew not where to begin. Torn from all he understood to be REAL, the ground had all but crumbled beneath his feet. A newborn to an existence that should not be, trapped in a castle among STRANGERS ━ save for one. 
          . . . Lea A X E L.
          The name rang like a curse upon his mind. An identity erased ━ no longer were they permitted to cling to childhood. Memories still drifted among that churning sea of thought, yet they held little meaning. Recollections of sunshine grew dim and saccharine moments now carried a bitter tinge. The only worth to be found among those distant dreams was a PURPOSE, a singular drive to survive. In the brief periods where the veil over his disconnected mind would flutter and allot some semblance of focus, a plan would gradually take root. Scattered concepts at first, he devised each step little by little to be tucked away for the future. Given the chance, he would confide in the only soul he could TRUST within this barren world, cobbled between light and darkness. Together they would endure and find H E R.
          The first step? Reconnaissance.  
          Fists curled against fine leather from where they rested upon the mattress at his side. With grace he heaved himself upright, legs swinging to the tile floors below. A slight throb to his cranium served as a reminder to the wound which mutilated his brow. Wincing, digits tenderly touched the layer of bandages that obscured the raw laceration beneath. PAIN remained the only sensation to penetrate the void which now resided within his bones. Perhaps that residual physical response ━ nigh primitive, but real ━ was what truly drove him onward, spurred his determination to even stand. 
          Any means, that was what he had vowed, even if it were simply pain.
          Heeled boots clipped along the marbled stone, carrying the youth from the confines of his bedroom to the winding castle halls. The scenery bore little change, identical WHITE wall encompassed him all the same. A winding maze of corridors, it was a miracle he had yet to lose himself within the labyrinth. As he wandered, not a soul crossed his path, save for the occasional Dusk. Just according to plan ━ an opportunity to investigate without interruption. Ideally, he would have called upon a certain pyromancer for assistance, but the SUPERIOR deemed to keep them as separate as possible during their adjustment period. Sever any frail ties to the past that remained, this was his method of instilling absolute servitude. Now was not the time for defiance, though the child swore he would maneuver his way around that small hindrance to reach him.
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          An abrupt halt plummeted the hall into silence as he paused a few steps shy of another carbon copy door. Barely ajar, he caught a glimpse of the interior  ━ interest immediately piqued. More or less the Nobody found himself stultified in the company of his fellow members. LOYAL guards or twisted academics, the lot of them! Save for one. And the child had kept an eye on him from their very first encounter, long before the destruction of his heart. Braig ━ No, Xigbar ━ as he now preferred,  was an ENIGMA, an enticing puzzle that posed both a challenge and a threat. Naturally, the former was favored. A chance to delve deeper into that convoluted psyche certainly held its appeal and the crack through which he could slip by had presented itself. Dare he lift the shroud and venture further?
          The door swung without the slightest protest to let him pass. 
          Cautiously, he glanced about the room, a near mirror to his own. Like military barracks it held little more than what was provided to each member. Granted, they had hardly the time to bring a shred of personality into their  private quarters as of yet ━ not that the youth had any intention of doing so. For what was the point in growing comfortable, attached to what he desired to be TEMPORARY and nothing more? Near ready to turn and leave over fruitless endeavors, it was pure happenstance that he came across a subtle flaw to the scene. A single drawer in the otherwise untouched desk dipped slightly with the weight of its contents. In an instant, his swift gait carried him across the vacant room to the anomaly. Not even a hint of hesitation held his hand at bay as common decency was thrown to the abyss in favor of ANSWERS. Slender digits pried the drawer free to expose its contents to gilded eyes.
          ❝ It would appear I win. ❞
          All which could be found was a single book, weathered and frayed at the corners. However that was more than enough to satiate his CURIOSITY. Sparing but a moment to glance over his shoulder and ensure privacy, the youth began to flip through the tattered novel with feverish fingers. In search of what, he could not say. Anything ━ a whisper of TRUTH, a clue as to the intentions of the Superior, or answer to the riddle that was Xigbar himself. Perhaps expectations should have been set a hair shorter as what met his perusal was far from anything conclusive. 
          ❝ What the...? ❞
          Words fell silent, amiss among the scrawling sea that washed ashore before his gaze. Scribbles, almost juvenile in quality, flooded each yellowed page with black ink. Not so much as a letter could be made out among the MADNESS and each page posed the same scene with every flip. Here and there perhaps he could make out a repetitive shape ━ a box? Was that a featureless face? Any attempt to decipher the nonsense before him only caused his head to ache further for a reason entirely separate of his injury. A fool, he should have known that evidence would not be so mundane as a mere diary, given the owner’s peculiar nature. But to say that this degree of gibberish was unexpected would be to put it lightly. With a frustrated huff, the child snapped the book shut ━ HOPES thoroughly dashed.
          And just in time.
          Footsteps bearing an all too recognizable swagger reverberated through the corridor, drawing ever nearer with each moment. Golden hues imperceptibly widened ━ not in PANIC, but in revelation that he could very well be caught. Hastily, he returned the book to its confinement within the drawer, easing it back into place. Mind suddenly far more awake than it had been since before his descent into darkness, the Nobody scanned the room for a means to HIDE. Immediate escape was out of the question, for the footsteps continued to approach at a steady pace. 
         Options limited, the child took his chance with a cliche and slipped beneath the bed’s frame. DARKNESS melded with the heavy cloak enshrouding his person, allotting some means of concealment ━ minimal though it may be. From the gap beneath the frame a pair of black boots waltzed into view, identical to his own. Palms settled over mouth and nose, an attempt to muffle even the slightest indication to his presence. Still as the grave, he waited. Watched and waited for the opportunity to flee. 
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lepussolum · 4 years
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Also available on Instagram
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lepussolum · 4 years
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☽ ━ 𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚝. ━ ☾
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lepussolum · 4 years
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               Word Prompts: Drabbles & Headcanons ━ closed.                       ☽ ━ Anonymous: ❝ Fury ❞
           𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝚗𝚊𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍 whose noble intentions were foolishly executed to result in the monster he had now succumbed to. Again. Again, the voice echoed across those vacant chambers with each collapse of his fragile frame ⦓ crumpled like a lifeless DOLL⦔. Pain drew spasms through his muscles ━ a twitching heap of flesh and bone upon the white tiled floor. Sweat mingled with fresh crimson in a smear across ashen skin to massacre the youth’s flawless features. BLOOD seeped into his eyes to obscure already impaired vision in a wash of scarlet. The wound upon his forehead remained achingly fresh, hardly given the chance to heal before simply being torn apart once more. No potion would be spared for his sake, not a shred of MERCY shown for the intent was to scar. 
          ❝Again, Number Seven. ❞
          Leather-clad fingers clawed against the unrelenting stone in an effort to scrounge up some lingering scrap of strength. Limbs quivering like a newly born fawn, the child shifted to his hands and knees ━ a feat in and of itself given the battered condition of his body. Bruises littered his flesh beneath a shroud of impenetrable black and bones threatened to break with the slightest exertion. Head bowed in an almost PENITENT prostration, he fought to catch his ragged breath despite how his lung throbbed in protest. Tresses of finest sapphire clung to his features or stood in disarray, a fair few stained vermilion. A steady drip tarnished those pristine floors with spatters of red. In the CHAOS of battle, the bandages which usually encompassed his brow fell slack. The wrappings slipped like a ruby snake to pool along the ground, reeking of bitter metallic. No longer able to serve their purpose, he cast the stained linen aside with a weak swipe of a trembling hand. Exposed to the open air, the jagged gash marring his complexion stung enough to bring tears to those molten hues. 
          No ━ he would not cry. He could not cry. Merely a reflex, a physical response and nothing more. 
          ❝ Stalling, are we? Then shall I take it that you admit defeat? How disappointing. ❞
           Not yet. Again. Again. Again! Not while he still drew breath would FAILURE be considered an option. Regardless of pain or the ever-encompassing v o i d which violated every corner in this bastardization of an existence he now clung to . . . he would fight. He would SURVIVE. Teeth clenched, his sights narrowed through the flow of blood and fog which threatened to consume his consciousness. The air around him shuddered with the arrival of newly summoned opponents, their blade-like wings reviving a torrent of wind to circulate about the room. In his peripherals, the honed points of well over a dozen lances could be seen aimed in his direction. Distorted screeches pierced the silence, emitted from the horde of draconic beasts which hovered above. 
          ❝ To think the Superior had such high expectations of one so young...Such a waste. ❞
          A laugh would have been appropriate, were there any humor to be had. The voice dripped with unbridled FEALTY ━ loyal to a fault to the will of the master. Damn the individual who sought to defect. Only one rule remained true among their number: to defy the SUPERIOR OF THE IN-BETWEEN was to welcome elimination. Thus, like loyal soldiers they graciously received their orders without question and executed them as commanded. A life ⦓ if one could even call it so ⦔ of servitude in exchange for . . . he knew not. A CHILD need not be informed of the finer details among adults. No, all that was tasked of him was to control the beast which had taken solace inside him. A feral, bloodthirsty creature ━ the carnivore craved release upon the hunting grounds. 
         Fear should have overwhelmed his frail body at the mere thought. Yet he felt...nothing. N o t h i n g at all.
          Another deafening chorus of roars were unleashed into the air to cause the very ground to tremble and nearly cast him back to the stone floor. The winged beasts yearned for the signal, affirmation of their handler to FEAST upon the child. Dwindling adrenaline reserves barely kept the boy in the waking world, arm nearly dead weight as he raised an outstretched palm before him. Strength had long since abandoned his muscles, chest heaving with effort. What fueled him to keep fighting ━ was it spite? Or something more PRIMAL? Sparks of pale blue light flickered about his his extended digits, a mere flurry of light at first before blossoming into a luminous wave of pure MOONLIGHT. Like wildfire, the radiance devoured his proffered limb to consume his person in an untamed aura. Weakened and beaten though he may be, the child swallowed back his pain ━ all sense of INNOCENCE discarded.
          ❝ ...Not done.... ❞ Blood which had trailed too far to his lips was spat to the ground with biting words, ❝ N-not yet.... ❞
          A banshee-like shriek ━ crazed and starved for battle ━ drowned out the cries of the dragoons as though little more than WHISPERS. Chilling steel settled within his grasp, now akin to a familiar friend. Within the shifting lunar glow a massive claymore took form. The blade extended to a length which exceeded that of its wielder, as though to shame his master for his incompetence in combat. Jagged edges honed to a LETHAL edge glinted on either side of the weapon while a head of uniform spikes adorned the tip. Yet it was not the physical design which held the claymore’s most fatal feature, but the mental impact. Raw POWER coursed through every nerve of his body in search of a weak point in what little control remained. Every hair stood on end like the hackles of a starved welp as the possession began to overwhelm him once more. It was not terror ⦓ however justified ⦔ which drew a moan from the boy, but sheer PAIN as his mind was robbed from him. The wails of the blade sawed slowly into his consciousness to sever his connection to reality. Somewhere within the howl reverberating within his skull, he could have sworn he heard LAUGHTER. 
          ❝ Oh? Have you not had enough? ❞
          Silence fell within the room, the overseer waiting with bated breath as the youth fell still as stone. A WAR raged internal; a desperate fight for dominance between wielder and weapon. Exhausted and at his limit, the boy had little hope to wrestle control from the monster. Reality seemed to drift further from his grasp with each passing moment as the beast sank its fangs further into his mind. Was there truly no other choice but to relinquish authority to this fiend? For sake of SURVIVAL, the answer was obvious. Not only for himself, but the only remnant which remained of his previous life and their shared purpose. Survive and find her by any means necessary.
          And so he willingly succumbed the DARKNESS.
          A crown of azure THORNS slowly raised to meet the enemy. Distorted features drew fresh blood from the gaping sigil drawn taut, yet the pain no longer registered. Fangs bared in a snarl of defiance as the claymore’s head was burrowed into the ivory stony with unnatural force. Not a boy, but a WOLF ━ starved and savage ━ sought new prey with pool of luminous gold. Spitting, a guttural growl rendered from a raw throat as that broken body was hoisted to stand. 
          Naive child, no longer. All that which remained was the DEMONIAC.
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lepussolum · 4 years
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Under-appreciated ReMind moment: Saïx realizing Xion is responding to Roxas and Axel’s names and then deliberately saying them back-to-back to try to get her to remember herself
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lepussolum · 4 years
                                WHEN I CALL MYSELF A SHELL, I MEAN :                                                                 //  a used up bullet casing                                                 //  the aftermath of something lethal                                                                 //  an echo of inflicted evil
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lepussolum · 4 years
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               Word Prompts: Drabbles & Headcanons ━ closed.                       ☽ ━ Anonymous: ❝ Snacks ❞
          Despite his rather bitter exterior, Isa actually has quite the SWEET TOOTH. While in his youth, he would often patronize the popular ice cream stand of Radiant Garden which sold the local favorite: sea salt ice cream. If a popsicle wasn’t in hand, his craving for sugar would show no bias in treat of choice. Admittedly, he often would overindulge when his parents were away on business trips and he was left to his own devices. Still, he never grew wearisome of sugar and even had a go testing a few recipes of his own to appease his appetite. Cookies, candy, or other SACCHARINE confections have always been his preferred snack and continue to be even as an adult ━ though he is far less open to admit to the addiction. Still, place a slice of cake before him and the Diviner cannot help but perk up like a child once more. The only exception to this is his morning coffee: always black.
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lepussolum · 4 years
          @fabulumn​​​ (feat. verona) ━ ☾
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         𝙰 𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚘𝚖𝚢 𝚜𝚘 𝚋𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚕𝚢 𝚘𝚗 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢 ━ all for the entertainment of none but their own accompaniment. No prying eyes bore witness to the UNION of two souls birthed from vastly divergent realms. Between them mutual ground blossomed a fruitful relationship that no mere collection of words could bring justice unto. No, a foundation of parchment and finely inked notes to hold their SONG, given life through hand and talon could not ⦓ should not ⦔ be defined beyond simply what was: a harmony, bittersweet and strange ━ foreign, yet somehow all too familiar. Though TRUTH remained unspoken, an undeniable communion could still be found in that silent understanding illuminated only by the sweet trills of ebony and ivory. Time would weather walls, set barriers to crumble as it inevitably devours all. A day would come where all would be laid bare, vulnerable to each other’s gaze. For now, what endured was only this: an unexpected BALANCE between the facile and extraordinary.
          Content in this kinship, juvenile though it may be, the Diviner held his place beside one so truly DIVINE. A mockery to his own title, she emulated all that did encompass the term ethereal ━ untamed and beyond mortal comprehension. Yet inferiority held no place in his fledgling heart, far too enraptured in the simplicity of the mundane scene in which he took part. Two spirits: one so sublunary and tarnished with the meager burden of man that appeared inconsequential in comparison, the other. . . ETERNAL. Ever-shifting, churning to give a mere glimpse of an existence beyond what is concrete and temporal before abruptly vanishing in a dying spark. As the smoke which effortlessly wafted from plump lips, she, too, appeared as a being ⦓ a DREAM, at times he swore she was not quite rooted in reality ⦔ just beyond reach. Curling, twisting in an enthralling dance before dissipating to some higher life; only a lingering aroma served as a token of her company, a memory. 
         Even so he remained satisfied. 
         ❝ Rightfully so, or else I’d be tasked with disillusioning you to whatever charmer you had conjured as an image of me. ❞ 
          Praise rarely fell from solemn lips, so accustomed to the restriction of duty. An existence valued through rank alone ━ a NUMBER sought not flattery, nor the admiration of others. Years he endured under only the drive towards a singular goal, gilt sights fixated upon a tier that appeared attainable at a time. To consider the opinions of those beneath would welcome falter and a quick descent to be consumed by...n o t h i n g n e s s. The fact that even the barest compliment had been allowed to slip past that callous mask he so carefully carved was a testament to the transformation brought about by his HEART Where Saix refrained, he dared now to tread. Though the thought did not evade him that the supernal creature perched beside him held some measure in his metamorphosis as well.
          ❝ I would never take a lost cause as a pupil. No doubt I would have more luck directing the weather than I would in any attempt to tame you. ❞
         Not that I would prefer you any other way.
         Such were musings locked safely away within the deeper caverns of his heart. Concealed behind a layer of ice and reservation, his gaze flickered upon her lax expression like a splash of sea spray, cooling upon the molten hues set within her striking features. The connection was brief, ties severed quick before memories could be agitated just beneath the surface. Eyes of GOLD still lurked within the recesses of his nightmares as an perpetual reminder to his past. A fair few times he would catch his own glance in a reflection to see those aureate pools glint back at him like some haunting hallucination. The pair which shimmered before him now certainly held a different aura ━ bearing nothing of the VOID which had penetrated him so severely for no small amount of time. Yet still he struggled to hold her gaze even now despite such obvious variance, much to his own frustration. Weakened by the looming PHANTOM of his past ━ how terribly pathetic of him.
          Self-deprecation sat sickly within his abdomen, acidic and biting to his conscience. One once so p r o u d ━ a pillar of raw POWER and detached from any sense of morality outside his own glorious sense of purpose. Now? Fractured was the guise of a TITAN to reveal a reviled, trembling thing beneath. Strength which formerly held a vice grip upon him ⦓ dizzying, intoxicating as some all-consuming addiction ⦔ posed a new threat. FEAR at what previously fueled, the creeping sensation threaded into the cracks upon his heart to choke all sense of PASSION from his person. He could feel shackles upon his bones, locked by his own hands to chain him to the ghosts of a life discarded. Isa would never be rid of the Demoniac, his hold permanent on both mind and heart as an omen of what still could be. A constant rain of torment beneath which Isa could find little respite to pursue some semblance of normalcy.  
        Acknowledging that presence burrowed deep within him left even the smallest muscle tense ━ strung up and stiff like a DOLL in a way all too reminiscent. 
        But it was the gentle flight of notes from skilled hands which plucked upon those tightened sinews, enticing them to relax. Like a quick clip of strings, his rigid figure seemed to wilt. Brows not even intended to be furrowed smoothed as he audibly exhaled. From that unsteady breath he cast aside his worries, allowing only MUSIC and the sweet fragrance which permeated the air to fill him. Only her music seemed to set his mind at ease, if only for a brief moment. Where his hands faltered and his thoughts wavered, Verona remained steadfast ━ ironic, given her almost incorporeal state. Gradually, his sapphire crown reclined upon his shoulders to lull back with shuttered lids. Unbeknownst to his wavering awareness did their performance finally harmonize. Music soothed his weary conscience, the DARKNESS easing its daggers from his heart for some sliver of relief in a way only Verona could provide. In solitude he often found himself adrift in that torrent of thoughts, but simple companionship brought placid waters. Finally, he could b r e a t h e ━
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          Air caught within his lungs, frantic like a trapped canary within a prison of FLESH and BONE. In an instant he was stirred from his near meditative state within the music, struck by silence and a sickening sensation which drowned out all thought, all recognition. His very heart seemed to sputter for relief as his eyes snapped open. Teeth gritted, his gaze flickered down to the line of keys before him, muscle jumping from the abrupt force exerted against his jaw. There, in stark contrast to uniform backdrop, his hand was forcibly brought to rest . . . LOST beneath a veil of blackened claws. The touch was for a mere instant, gone nearly as quick as it were registered to his frazzled senses. But the sensation ━ scorching to his nerves ━ continued to radiate up his limb to course through his frame. Like a wounded victim, his trembling hand retreated to the safety of his chest to be clasped until stilled. Ears ringing, he could nary decipher a word from the enchantress’ lips. Twin seas were shut off from the waking world, lids held steadfast as he attempted to rein in his panicked breath. Only one thought permeated the CHAOS which now rained hell upon his body and soul:
         Don’t touch me.                     Don’t touch me.                               Don’tTOUCHme ━
          ❝ Mhm... ❞ The only utterance he could bear to release as the Diviner attempted to combat his slacking grip on reality. A rapid flutter of lashes scattered his aqua gaze to the vacant floor. Isa ━ he could hear her break through that numbing VOID which quickly began to descend upon him. Words of comfort swirled about the haze within his head, only to vaguely stick to some vague sense of meaning. The ground wavered beneath him, threatening to give way. TEETH sank into the tender curvature of his lower lip with unnecessary strength as a means to steady himself. Only until blood tinged his tongue, did Isa trust his voice once more.
          ❝ Missing....or damaged beyond repair. What difference would it make? ❞ 
          VENOM seemed to seep from each syllable, poison delivered to his own bloodstream. Frustration mingled among the anxiety which still held fast to his heart. Fingers, still quivering from the backlash, raked through tousled azure tresses as he carefully collected the pieces of his fractured composure. With a subtle clear of the lump swollen in his throat, the former Nobody reaffirmed his position upon the keys to scatter a melancholy melody into the SILENCE. A frown weighed upon his expression, eyes set sternly upon the instrument which wept beneath his touch. However, the facade of control wavered with each note, giving way to a sigh brimming with exhaustion ⦓ and no small hint of defeat ⦔.
          ❝ A muse for music...? ❞ Fingers stilling upon the keys in their somber serenade, the Diviner finally found the courage within himself to meet the seraph’s probing gaze, if for but an moment. Still, that glint of a smile captured his attention and withdrew a weak mirror to his own. ❝ Well, should you encounter some poor soul intrigued at the prospect of inspiring a man far too embroiled in his past, then do let me know. ❞
         Shamelessly, the desire to pry more information of the world she deemed HOME clawed at his self-restraint ━ if only to serve further as a distraction. A realm woven from music itself, could one even envisage a more remarkable place? Certainly not Isa, who, for all his lost passion, still hungered for the CATHARSIS which only a melody could bring. The idea alone was nearly a soothing balm to his frayed nerves, the rigidity of his shoulders giving way to a more comfortable posture ⦓ however distant he seemed to remain, just out of reach ⦔. Yet the point which seemed to appease his curiosity most fervently was the one which struck an obvious weak point to Verona. To say the sudden fading of her near blindingly optimistic persona caught Isa by surprise would be an understatement. The severity to her tone struck a chord, acrid and aggrieved that nearly drew him to recoil from her company. 
          Silence stumbled upon frail legs around them, disarming the Diviner as he scrounged for a response. An apology would sound obligatory, halfhearted ━ and he had hardly known better than to tread over such tender ground. No doubt she would discard such a meager offering. 
          Thus, he sought instead to challenge her despondency. Call the reaction insolent or ill-mannered, but he could not bring himself to regret his inquiry. Selfish, POSSESSIVE, a glutton for knowledge, perhaps ━ or rather to prove a point: he did not fear her. Steeling his resolve, Isa fixed her with an resolute gaze. Neither her air of FERALITY or unpredictable nature would see rejection in his eyes. For was he not of similar kin in some minuscule way? By no means celestial or near as exquisite, but concealing secrets nonetheless? Did he not suffer that same divide, that fissure so deeply gouged between himself and the world? Them and I ━ or rather, us and them?
          ❝ Assumptions rarely end well, you know. ❞ Relinquishing her of his glance, his fingers traced the monochrome soldiers which soundlessly awaited his command. A chord here, and another there collected into an arrangement not quite burdened with the DESOLATION of his past. Though far from upbeat, the tune seemed to entice, to call out in a cry of solidarity from one lost soul to another. A wolf’s HOWL, mournful and yearning, the song nearly stirred something within him ━ just out of reach, spurred on by the fae being at his side.
          ❝ I think I should like to hear it one day, granted your permission, of course.❞ Judging from her initial response, it was apparent this song touched something personal within each individual. As unique as the SOUL itself, it was a bold request on his part ━ perhaps rude, ignorant as he was to her customs. However, even his audacity knew its limits and he willed a change to a more lighthearted subject. ❝ So, music is innate in all Fantasia inhabitants... How does such a world maintain universal harmony? A conductor or is there a constant cacophony of song? ❞
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lepussolum · 4 years
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