JavaScript for the Common Man
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learningjavascript-blog · 10 years ago
Getting Started with Arrays
var a = [ ]; // Creating an empty array
var b = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; // An array filled with numbers 
var c = ['Hello', 'World', 'Please']; // An Array filled with strings
In array the first element is the 0th element, then it goes to 1, 2,3, etc. 
Example Usage 
var fruits = ["Apples", "Oranges", "Pears"];
// Prints Apples to the console
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learningjavascript-blog · 10 years ago
This posts looks beyond everyday usage of JavaScript’s objects. The fundamentals of JavaScripts objects are for the most part about as simple as using JSON notation. However, JavaScript also provides sophisticated tools to create objects in... | Bjorn Tipling | Software Engineer at @floobits
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learningjavascript-blog · 10 years ago
Contribute to mac-dev-env development by creating an account on GitHub.
Are you tired of setting up environments, every time you get a new computer or work with a new project or company, me 2. Here is a great repo on setting up your environment on your New Mac
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learningjavascript-blog · 10 years ago
Scaffolding an Angular App with Yeoman
Going further into how I hate setting up environments once you have all the dependencies, it is smooth sailing, so lets see a simple example of scaffolding with Yeoman, we will scaffold an angular app. Remember, to have ruby, sass, and npm install, rvm also is good if you need to update your ruby. 
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-angular
mkdir projectName
cd/ into projectName
yo angular projectName
grunt server, or grunt serve "I believe they updated this"
grunt test
Now you have a scaffolded out app, on port 9000, ready to go,
For more on Yeoman please check out http://yeoman.io/learning/ 
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learningjavascript-blog · 10 years ago
The hardest thing about Web Development
What I have come to find out the hardest and most time consuming thing about web development are setting up environments. This maybe a little off topic but every company I had the privilege of working for has a different type of environment and build process. I just thought I would give you some freebies, if you want to set up a local host server quickly. 
I would like to recommend MAMP, (MySql Apache and PHP) if your own a Mac and would like to use a WSYWIG web server just to get started. 
- Also if you are comfortable with the command line, and you want to get started quickly and have Python
Python 2.x:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Python 3.x:
python -m http.server
Then go to localhost:8000 , to see your demo page. 
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learningjavascript-blog · 10 years ago
Style guides, cheat sheets, code samples, free books, and more valuable resources!
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learningjavascript-blog · 10 years ago
Top 10 Books for JavaScript Engineers
No particular order, all awesome books !
1. JavaScript Design Patterns - Addy Osmani 
2. Eloquent JavaScript - Marijin Haverbeke 
3. Speaking JavaScript -  Axel Rauschmayer 
4. High Performant JavaScript - Nicholas C. Zakas
5. JavaScript the Good Parts - Douglas Crockford 
6. Maintainable JavaScript - Nicholas C. Zakas 
7. JavaScript: The Definitive Guide - David Flanagan
8. Functional Javascript - Michael Fogus
9. Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja - John Resig
10. Effective JavaScript - David Hermin 
Bonus : Learning to Program - Steven Foote 
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learningjavascript-blog · 10 years ago
Drawing a Simple Line in Canvas
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Remember Unless Specified the Default Color is Always Black
To draw a line using HTML5 Canvas, we can use the beginPath(), moveTo(), lineTo(), and stroke() methods.
First, we can use the beginPath() method to declare that we are about to draw a new path.
Next, we can use the moveTo() method to position the context point.(i.e.) and then use the lineTo() method draw a straight line using stroke().
var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas'); // Targeting the Canvas Element Using the DOM's API var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); // Creating the Context Element Using the Canvas API context.beginPath(); // Function to begin a Path  context.moveTo(100, 150); context.lineTo(450, 50); // JavaScript Syntax context.lineTo(x,y) context.stroke(); // Context to Stroke or in other words fill in the Path
View on CodePen  w3Schools Example
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learningjavascript-blog · 10 years ago
JavaScript Syntax
// Single Line Comment 
; // Semi-colon is used to terminate a statement 
i.e. var x = 0; 
/ * It is not necessary but it is good to end each statement with a semi-colon, because javascript does something called automatic semi-colon insertion so if you want your statements to behave correctly and not do something funky. I would recommend ended each statement with a semi-colon. */ 
// Declaring a variable 
var x;
// Declaring a variable and assigning it to something
var x = 0 ; 
// x is assigned to 0 
// You can also assign a value to a variable already created, let's take x 
x = 3;
// Variable Names 
/* A variable name cannot start with a number, but it can start with a letter */ 
x, abc, etc // good variable names 
1ajdjd, !please, 0go // Bad variable names
// Good variable names are descriptive the Describe what is being done 
var items; // Good variable name 
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learningjavascript-blog · 10 years ago
Styling with JavaScript
If you want to be able to quickly style  a div with javascript. 
<div id="myDiv">
Here is an example (Javascript)
var myDiv = document.getElementById('myDiv');
myDiv.style.backgroundColor = 'green';
myDiv.style.border = 'solid 2px black';
myDiv.style.width = '500px';
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learningjavascript-blog · 11 years ago
JSbooks is a showcase of the bests free ebooks about Javascript. Find here the best publications about JS without spending any bucks !
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learningjavascript-blog · 11 years ago
Everything you need to know about web development. Neatly packaged. Learn HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, Rails, Node, and more! Made with love in NYC by @jonhmchan.
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learningjavascript-blog · 11 years ago
What is a Method?
What is a Method? And not Method Man ...
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A method is a function associated with an object, or, simply put, a method is a property of an object that is a function. Methods are defined the way normal functions are defined, except that they have to be assigned as the property of an object.
Human Definition :) A function that is attached to an object.
Examples are:
objectName.methodname = functionName;
var myObj = {
myMethod: function (params) {
// .. do something
Now examples for us humans :-/
box2.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', '<p>This get's inserted</p>');
insertAdjacentHTML is the Method (the Method Check 2 1 2 in my rappers voice), and beforebegin and <p>This get's inserted</p> are the paramaters.
function displayCar() {
var result = "A beautiful"  + this.year +  " " + this.make +
" " + this.model;
In the above example this is the method, and the above function, is a function used created using the constructor pattern. I will get on to patterns later on, but I feel like no one talks about the basics of javascript anymore. The basic fundamentals.
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learningjavascript-blog · 11 years ago
Basics of setting up your environment for javascript coding as well as simple document.write script to get started, post originally from the new boston on youtube
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learningjavascript-blog · 11 years ago
Logical and Comparison Operators
Comparison Operators
== : equal to
=== : exactly equal to (equal value & equal type)
!= : not equal to
!== : not equal (different value or different type)
> : greater than
< : less than
>= : Greater than or equal to
<= : Less than or equal to
Example usage: if (age<18) x="Too young";
Logical Operators
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&& : and
|| : or
! : not
Example usage: if (x=30 && y=5) {alert("Your Too Old"); }
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learningjavascript-blog · 12 years ago
Declaring a Variable and Initialization !
var x; // Declaring a Variable
x = "Hello, World" ;
The code above will do the same as the alert code before, but now I am assigning it to memory, by assigning the Hello World to a variable, which is var. Var is the name of the keyword for variable you can name variables anything you want just don't start a variable name with a number. I would recommend using friendly variable names or a name that explains what you are doing, so it can be easy for you and others to understand what is happening in your code.  // This signifies a comment, comments are good in code to help again in understanding of code. Also pay attention to the javascript syntax, end each statement with a semi-colon, strings are place inside quotes either single or double. 
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learningjavascript-blog · 12 years ago
Simple Alert
I didn't actually want to use this because it is so commonly used in coding, but I just wanted to create the Hello World alert so we all can get use to javascript syntax. As you can see it ends with a semi-colon and the message is parenthesis followed by quotes. We will get in further details on why we use parens and quotes in further lesson. But this is a basic sentence in the javascript language.
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