ldk-why-lm-here 6 months
I miss who I used to be,
when I knew who I was and what I wanted to be.
When I felt like me.
Recently I thought I had that back
I knew who I was and what I wanted to be
Best of all I felt like me,
But that was only briefly
A quick tease of the way things could be.
Now I'm back to acting like someone else wishing I could help it
Will I ever feel that again?
Will I forever be stuck in a cycle of finding myself and losing me again?
I think the worst thing I'll ever lose is myself
- 饟啛
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ldk-why-lm-here 6 months
Sometimes I feel like I'm adrift at sea
Alone with nothing but the waves
Blue for as far as the eye can see
I find peace here,
No noise from the cars outside
No expectations from
Then I open my eyes
And feel the weight of my limbs
Remembering all the things I have to do
Before the day is over
My responsibilities
My hopes and my dreams
The blissful emptiness gone
And being alone is no longer beatific
Instead it's sad, isolating
All I want is to be close to someone
Feel their presence and know I'm not alone.
But I am never alone,
The plants surrounding me,
The neighbours cat sat in the window,
The birds chirping in every tree
Even when I'm a drift at sea
There are fish swimming beneath me,
Whales calling to one another,
Kelp swaying in the currents
I'm never alone, there are beautiful soals everywhere I look.
- 饟啛
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ldk-why-lm-here 6 months
What am I supposed to think
When I see so many people and companies
Use and hurt the people that work for them
While they watch, believing that these lives
are less valuable than their own because of
the country they're from.
When I see the people I once looked up to
Being exposed as abusers and criminals
That use their status
As leverage to gain power over the ones who
trust them
When I see normal people like me
Turn a blind eye to the horror and hatred that
is happening around them
Not doing their part to help the world we're
all appart of
It's hard to want to keep going
And trust that there is good in the world.
- 饟啛
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ldk-why-lm-here 7 months
Soon, Next, Tomorrow
I have this strange feeling of adomania,
Days go by in the blink of a eye
The moon passes and returns
And with each phase a new haze
Of fear that the future is coming,
Perhaps before I'm ready,
Steadily approaching with change in its wake
Like a lake bursting its banks
Giving no warning
To the people who live in the village below,
Fellow anxious ridden hidden humans
Who feel asthough the empty months
Filled with empty days
Go by like whiplash leaving a crash behind
That can't be redrawn
Because those days have been and gone.
- 饟啛
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ldk-why-lm-here 7 months
Healing From Younger Me
Younger me used to think that she would never like the boring things.
She used to say that if she did when she grew older
she'd be disappointed
Now I have grown and changed beyond belief
but that little girl still remains,
and as she grew she started to see the beauty in 'boring things'
like oil painted art, poetry and long walks.
Instead of being disappointed,
she's accepted that these things are not meant for children
Who can't see the thought behind each brushstroke and word
Who can't appreciate the peace that nature brings yet.
So she's not disappointed
but, instead, is greatful that her world has become so much larger
and she can enjoy the sense of quiet thinking that comes with these things.
- 饟啛
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ldk-why-lm-here 7 months
I'm afraid to turn off the light at night
Not because I'm scared of the dark
The dark has never bothered me
Instead I'm afraid that once I'm alone,
led in the dark with nothing but my thoughts
All that can't touch me in the day
will come, find me and pounce
Catching me while I'm vulnerable
All the anxious thoughts will come running,
charging at me
And I, defenceless, will be able to do nothing
except for cry.
Cry because of everything I've ever done and everything that I haven't
while my brain fights itself,
torn in two,
convincing me I'm awful
and reassuring me that I am not.
So I keep the light on
and stop myself from sleeping
until I can't stay awake any longer
then I suffer from tiredness
all day long
and the cycle repeats
day after day
night after night.
- 饟啛
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