lazy-eli · 7 days
So I listened to the musical before I read the book, which took me a while because BIG ASS BOOK. It's good but I'm easily distracted so the subplots ALMOST always went over my head the first time.
Anyways,bstill gotta say Monte-Cristo Musical (The rus one) is my fav adaptation bc it keeps SOME of the original like flow, and it's a bittersweet ending so I'll take it, also the music rocks
Okay. Here are the things about The Count of Monte Cristo I adore, but I am certain adaptations will get wrong without having watched any adaptations.
Edmond's father being a major motivator for his revenge. Films, for brevity, mainly seem to focus on Mercedes and his ruined marriage. Thanks Hollywood.
Villefort having no connection to the other people who betrayed Edmond. One of the most tragic elements is that Villefort is actually about to save Dantes, right before he sacrifices him to save himself. I'm aware of at least one musical that has Villefort conspire together with Danglars and Fernand. I love the songs but that bothers me.
Caderousse. I can imagine some versions cut him out as superfluous. The musical seems to replace him with Villefort. But he's the fourth conspirator! And the first to fall.
A whole bunch of the subplots. Do the films need all the stuff with Monsieur Noirtier? Maybe not. Is Monsieur Noirtier the best character in the book? I think so. He's the most magnificent bastard in the plot.
The Morrels. Again, is it strictly necessary? I don't know. But, again, is there the scene where they reveal Monsieur Morrel's last words were to remember Edmond Dantes, making it my favourite scene in the book? You bet your ass!
Seriously, so many subplots I can see them cutting, but each one pays off in some way. Vampa, Franz, Eugenie Danglars, the Abbey Fariah's book
That scene at the end where The Count goes back to the Château d'If is beautiful
Adaptations will try to give it a happy ending, getting him back with Mercedes or something. But that isn't the point of the book.
Only a handful of characters get out of the book happy. And most of them have gone through hell first.
Also, The Count never actually fights anyone with a sword. He could, he's apparently lethal, but he never does. He's about to once, but then Fernand fucking panics when The Count puts on a sailor suit.
He literally leaves the room, gets changed, and then comes back in a sailor's uniform. It's so extra and I love it. And Fernand loses his shit! Understandably.
The whole revenge plan is so extra, so complex, so convoluted, there is no way you could adapt it all into a film.
And all because Edmond knows the Abbey Fariah wouldn't want him just killing them. Because that would be against God.
So instead he unleashes hell on them!
It's classic "No, I didn't kill them. They're just trapped in never ending misery for the rest of their days. So it's fine."
Bleed them dry of money, out them as a criminal, introduce poisons to his wife and introduce his illegitimate bastard to society.
I can see why you could never truly adapt this book.
Doesn't mean I have to be happy about it.
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lazy-eli · 1 month
Never ignore the Potato, please Potato make my first day back to uni an okay day qwq
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lazy-eli · 2 months
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lazy-eli · 3 months
Ryusae built different
They interacted only during one arc and
One chose the other SPECIFICALLY out of many others, in the middle of match asked for number and wasn't denied just put under conditions, asked to move in together, innuendos while playing soccer, nicknames (PET NAMES *COUGH COUGH*), Sae's double standard of physical touch between Shidou and the rest of the Team, and the fact that Sae accepted Shidou's weird ass logic of his Hat Trick to give his fucking number-
so basically being Gay through the ENTIRE U-20 match and managed to get the same title as NagiReo with barely 1/4 of the other's manga panel appearances
the fact that ryusae is the only ship "semi-canon" of bllk with nagireo even though they've known each other for a few days and spoke for barley 10mn
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i'm in love with ryusae help me
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lazy-eli · 3 months
!!Spoilers of CRK Beast Yeast EP4 I guess??????
It's mostly the newest Dark Choco appeareance lmao
Thank you Future Choco for fuelling my Affocacao delusions like-
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Even the Fluff is more spikey like Affo's
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lazy-eli · 9 months
Pairs in Blue Lock that are practically canon
BachiSagi = Bachira looking fondly at Isagi in that one panel and him saying “I love you/aishiteru” to Isagi in his head
NagiReo = these two have their own shoujo manga
RyuSae = the whole u-20 arc is them flirting with each other
And the latest pair to the list, KaiNess = Ness being the one who did Kaiser’s hair and calling the dye a beautiful blue (similar to how “The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?/Tsuki ga kirei desu ne?” is a poetic way of saying “I love you” in Japanese)
Blue Lock’s acronym is literally BL. This should be a shounen ai
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lazy-eli · 1 year
One thing I’ve been thinking about for the past couple days, but something I’m not the biggest fan of with Kingdom is how the majority of the Cookies of Darkness are played more for jokes than they are for serious. And thus in doing so, the CoD itself doesn’t feel like that much of a threat
Like yeah, I like seeing stuff with the CoD just doing silly stuff, and I don’t need them to be super dark and serious 100% of the time, but like, of the Cookies of Darkness, the only characters that are consistently treated like an actual threat are Dark Enchantress Cookie and Pomegranate Cookie, though even then sometimes she’s part of the gag. And sure, some of the characters in the main story may be treated like a threat, like Red Velvet (despite his one appearance) and Affogato, but then also you’ll have them in a boy band or chilling at the rock festival, totally incognito
And again, it’s not that I don’t enjoy this stuff, but it’s just, how am I supposed to take the Cookies of Darkness as a serious threat when you’re putting them in boy bands and school AUs? Especially when more often than not, it’s the jokey route they use with them?
It’s part of the reason I don’t really see why we need all these Legendaries and Dragons and armies to fight Dark Enchantress, because 80% of the CoD are a bunch of silly little guys. I know realistically DE is powerful and has her Cake Army, hence why they need all that power, but that impression that they’re actually a threat doesn’t typically come to mind for me. But maybe that’s a me thing
And like, honestly I’d say Ovenbreak does it better when it comes to having the CoD seem like a threat. Sure I haven’t seen every event with them involved and I know they only show up like, once in a blue moon, but they usually cause actual problems, and if anything the fact that we see them so little makes them feel more significant, and like Dark Enchantress is more of a looming threat
I dunno, that’s just how I feel
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lazy-eli · 1 year
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lazy-eli · 1 year
imagine bachira and isagi are seeing each other without clothes on for the first time, and it's a really intimate moment for them, until Isagi notices burnt scars on meguru's stomach. He carefully asks about them, and when his boyfriend goes silent with a troubled expresion he gets so worried.
A hand instantly goes to cup Bachira's cheek and he apologizes, assuring him he doesn't have to answer if it brings back bad memories. When he doesn't say anything, staring into the other's gentle blue eyes, Isagi begins planting soft kisses all over his face.
Meanwhile Bachira is torn between endearment and embarrassment, because he was just trying to fight back laughter and explain isagi he burned himself while making pancakes shirtless.
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lazy-eli · 1 year
Bro this is so funny...
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Like why does this grown ass man who is already world famous have a grudge on a up and coming superstar who's a minor... Like sir, he's just a kid... Leave him be...
And Noel noa isn't any better... Like isagi says that he wants to destroy Micheal... Someone that noa knew much longer than isagi and he's just like okay... That's your answer... Like sir... He's your student... Both of them are... And like...
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I get that Micheal is rude and childish and acts superior... Kinda cause he lowkey is... And then noa... The instructor who's supposed to be unbiased and foster team spirit is also like fuck you Kaiser... Like sir that's a minor under your care... Be nice????
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lazy-eli · 1 year
Isagi: You know Ego?
Noel: Yeah we were in the same team a decade ago and we use to be rivals
Isagi: [In his thoughts] Shit, not another duo
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lazy-eli · 1 year
Relatable and also bc my only thought was also Daniel too bc he was my fav in the beta test
I got a notif for the pre-download and my brain suddenly was like " OH YEAH IT EXISTS"
magic awakened world-wide launch on june 27
it's been 84 years i feel like im the only loser who still remembers this game in this harry potter related mobile game fandom
anyways daniel my boy here i come
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lazy-eli · 1 year
I honestly love Niko so much bc my lil guy is 15 and (as far as we know) the youngest player in general, which makes it more impressive bc the difference between a 15 year old and a 17 year old in sports is way bigger than you might expect
Niko mf Ikki is 15 years old and absolutely killing it at Blue Lock more people need to love him and put some respect on his name
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lazy-eli · 1 year
out of context blue lock things i think about a lot
keep in mind there are SO MANY but these came to mind first. feel free to reply with your other favorites:
the protagonist has caused not one but TWO breakups
character a calls character b “his treasure” repeatedly
authors have a running gag that character a is like a housewife for character b
someone gets referred to as “princess” almost as frequently as his name
someone basically murdered an unknown amount of people in soccer but like it’s basically murder he like comes out of it extremely traumatized
someone draws parallels to pregnancy and soccer
same someone begs his enemy’s brother for his number
same someone gets his enemy’s brother’s number
enemy’s brother calls same someone “horny demon” “my little demon” and other variants
same someone is at one point put in a STRAITJACKET for ATTACKING OTHERS UNPROVOKED
protagonist makes someone cry and thinks to himself “holy shit this feels good”
someone thinks to himself “i love you, partner” in regards to the protagonist
protagonist, person a, and person b re-enact a romance drama wherein protagonist says “person a, i’m here to steal you back from person b”. authors confirmed this was supposed to feel like a romance drama moment
foreigner’s first words to protagonist are “kneel” (protagonist doesn’t even understand because he doesn’t speak german)
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lazy-eli · 2 years
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lazy-eli · 2 years
if light just said he was gay and swapped out the porno mags for GAY porno mags he would have gotten away with everything, i believe that with my entire being
“why does he have so much to hide” gay, next question. “why does he act so strange around L sometimes” gay, next question. “why is he so perfect and meticulous” gay, next question.
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lazy-eli · 2 years
Genshin Theory time!!
Contains spoilers for inazuma and uses Genshin Chess theory to explain parts of it!!!
Keep reading
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