#i just remembered that CoD school au exists
melondaskelet0n · 3 months
Deciding to make a new intro blog since I feel like it
@meloubdagoober @melondaskeletondraws
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disloopy · 4 years
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i wanted to write a college au but i was also horny so this came into existence.
tendou satori
word count: 6199
genre: smut but with a plot??
It was hard to study with your parents constantly bickering in the living room downstairs. Ever since you moved back in with them, you've found it hard to concentrate on virtually anything besides their frequent, yet petty, arguments. Sometimes you'd stay at college late into the evenings under the guise of classes and assignments but really you just hated being around them. The stress of school was already a mounting threat without the emotional toll of your parents' nearly shattered relationship.
Scraping your chair back as you stood up, you decided you'd had enough. You shoved your textbooks, notebooks, and some random clothing articles from the top of your drawer into a bag and ran down the stairs. Your mother twisted her body around to face you from the couch, an eyebrow raised.
"Where are you going, young lady?" 
You didn't look at her in the process of yanking on your shoes. "I'm going to Sam's house or am I not even allowed to visit her without you breathing down my neck?" you asked sharply, feeling your heart hammer in your chest. You were fed up. "I'm twenty and under no obligation to listen to the two of you arguing about whatever movie you want to watch just because you don't have the cajones to discuss the real issue!"
With finality, you slammed the door shut behind you and hopped onto your bike, pedaling as fast as legally possible out of the neighborhood. You always knew that the main reason your parents had urged you to move back in with them was to fill the empty void their failed marriage left in the house. At first, even you were convinced that your presence would revitalize their marriage and they'd remember why they loved each other from the start.
However, their own child wasn't enough to give them a reason to put aside their differences and love each other for what they were - a family; a family, you knew, should be willing to sacrifice a part of their individual lives for each other, that's what it meant to be married.
But your parents weren't even willing to confront the problem -- not being in love with each other anymore -- much less work it out. At your age, you were aware of the fact that love wasn't all a marriage needed, there was responsibility and sacrifice and with a little understanding, the love could be rekindled, not just once but multiple times throughout the life spent together. The last thing you'd want was for them to separate and you were quite certain that with a little communication this hellish nightmare could be put past them. They were immature, you concluded. Your parents wanted to ignore it altogether, which would only leave them stumped at this obstacle, growing angrier with each bland dinner and mismatched grocery.
You couldn't take it anymore. Stopping your bike at a nearby convenience store to pick up a few snacks, you texted your boyfriend, Tendo. He was usually around, and usually free -- plus, he lived in a dorm all by himself. It was the perfect escape from your exhausting household. Without waiting for a reply, you journeyed across a few streets to get to the college residence and parked your bike anywhere. It wasn't worth enough to get stolen and even if some desperate thief decided to have some fun, it would only serve as an excuse for your parents to finally get you a car.
After the long and silent elevator ride which seemed to compress you on all sides, you arrive at the seventh floor and felt your shoulders relax almost immediately. You'd been here so many times it was like a second home to you. Tendo's place always gave you the relief you wanted after a tiresome day of school, or your parents, or both.
Struggling to keep the strap of your heavy bag filled with books, clothes, and food on your shoulder, you lightly knocked on the front door. There were sounds of incomprehensible yelling and laughter coming from inside which you thought was strange but not enough to question it.
When there was no answer and you were fed up with waiting, you decided to try the knob which was surprisingly unlocked. So, you entered the house and called out loudly, "Tendo? It's Y/N". Not even a step later, a strong scent of weed hit your nose directly and you winced.
"Y/N?" said a voice, followed by Tendo rolling back in a computer chair, tugging his headset to his neck with the hand that wasn't latched onto the controller, his eyes wide in pleasant surprise. 
"Hey," you said quietly, smiling at the sight of him. "I texted you . . ."
"Oh, sorry. I was in a game so I didn't check my phone," Tendo murmured, throwing a distracted glance at his phone on the couch before immediately returning his attention to the screen, his headset back on his ears. "I SAID COVER ME!" 
"He's been yelling all match," someone said and you startled, looking back at the couch to see one of Tendo's friends, Semi, sitting cross-legged on the couch, a hoodie covering most of his head and a bong tucked between his thighs. It was unusual for Tendo to have friends over. Even at school, he rarely sat with a large group of friends for long. On weekends, it was mostly just you and him when it could be.
"I swear I'm playing with 11 year olds," Tendo remarked as the screen flashed red, signaling his team's failure. He spun around in his chair and glanced between you and Semi. "Sit down, Y/N, what the fuck. Semi got kicked out of his parents house so he's gonna be here for a while."
You widened your eyes. "You got kicked out?"
The ashy-blonde haired boy nodded, seeming casual as he fiddled with the bong. "They caught me smoking in the basement and said they didn't want me back till I quit," he explained with a shrug. "I miss my drum set but I'd rather be free to smoke, if I'm being honest."
Tendo shook his head, amused. "Get a fucking job, Semi -- then you can pay for half of this place and we can live together."
"Really?" Semi's eyes lit up and he seemed attentive for the first time that night. "I totally should, huh? I can work at some government institute, you know? They'll see that I'm smart since I major in political science . . ." 
"Tendo, can I get in the shower?" you asked and Tendo nodded of course. As you were about to disappear down the hall before turning around and feeling blush creep onto your cheeks when Tendo gave you a questioning look. "Um . . . I also . . . Wanted to stay here for a bit. My parents are just really . . ."
"You can!" Tendo said with an enthusiasm that made your heart jump with pleasure. "It'll be fun with the three of us. I'm sorry about your parents though." 
The shower was warm and almost therapeutic with the muffled sounds of Tendo's frustration with his team and Semi teasing him about it. You even sat down on the porcelain for a bit, the soothing water sprinkling down on your bare body. When you had finally decided to come out, you found that Semi was eating the snacks you'd brought along with you. Although you were initially doubtful of him staying over with you and Tendo, you quickly grew more open about it. He was normally quiet and serious, but the weed seemed to open him up to being actually friendly and talkative, not failing to make you laugh several times that evening.
"Yo, if you make my girl laugh that much I'm gonna have to ask you to leave," Tendo said, throwing a cheeto at Semi's head. 
You eventually fell asleep on the couch, Tendo and Semi's voice almost serving as a lullaby. You'd rather hear their weed-inspired symposium in your sleepy stupors than the sound of your parents arguing. Some time that night, unknown to the dizzy you, Tendo had hauled you into his arms and transferred you to the warm security of his bed, wrapping his covers around you, and then wrapping his arms around you. 
The next morning, Semi was already gone for an 8am class. Despite sharing Tendo's major, he had registered very late and got the worst schedule a student could ask for. You and Tendo, however, were able to fool around in the bathroom (no, not like that. Tendo spit toothpaste on you), and eat lazy bowls of cereal before heading out, walking under the warm morning sun to get to campus.
When you'd arrived at your own class, Tendo let you know he'd wait for you at the college center after class. You checked your phone while the professor was setting up his stuff. Disappointment settled in your chest at the realization that your parents hadn't bothered to check up on you. You hadn't given them the heads-up that you would be staying over at "Sam's" house and although you declared that you weren't under their jurisdiction, you half-expected a "should we wait up for you?" text from either parent.
You tried to push your dejectedness and self-pity in order to pay attention to your lecture. The anger formed into a kind of resistance, telling you to stay as contactless from them as possible, waiting for one of them to care about your absence, or at least notice.
After class, you stopped by the vending machine to buy Tendo and yourself two bottles of juice before walking with your head down to the college center. You didn't want to see any of your friends or anyone for that matter. You wanted to be alone . . . With Tendo. He knew how to give you the reassurance and comfort you needed without uttering a single word. Sometimes you wondered if he was even aware of the effect he had on you. Did he know how his mere presence could reduce your anxiety? The man was like a remedy.
You spotted Tendo slumped on one of the couches, thumbs tapping away on his phone and you were almost certain he was engaged in a game of COD mobile. Then he seemed to notice you and he lifted his bright red-haired head up, shoving his phone in his pocket.
"Damn bay-bee!" Tendo whistled and you rolled your eyes as an instant reaction to his typical attention-drawing behaviour. "Hot girl alert," he announced, grinning at you.
"Shut up!" you yelled, chucking a juice bottle at him, which he caught with extraneous ease. You would've been surprised if you weren't already familiar with the fact that he, along with Semi, were on the volleyball team of a prestigious high school. He never failed to remind you and always talked about a mysterious "best friend" named Ushijima who he strongly believed would be famous one day.
Grateful that no one was staring at you two anymore, you collapsed next to Tendo, resting your head on his shoulder. He had produced his phone once again and you realized he had been texting Semi. You didn't want to intrude on his messages but you couldn't help catch parts of the conversation. He was going out drinking with Semi later because they had both received excellent grades on one of their tests. This also didn't come as a surprise because although you've never actually seen Tendo studying, he always did well on his tests.
Tendo turned to you. "You can go ahead back to my place," he suggested, twirling his dorm keys around his finger as he handed them to you. You gave him a small smile when he left you with a parting kiss on the lips as you separated for your next class.
You didn't see him again before leaving campus to return to Tendo's house. As you walked, you felt a sinking feeling in your stomach. Why hadn't Tendo ask you to join him? You shook your head, why were you even thinking of such a thing when you knew you hated drinking? But some uncomfortable tug in your chest left you questioning whether Tendo even wanted you at his place. Maybe he had accepted to be polite, or because he felt sorry for you . . . or because he didn't want to say no to you in front of Semi.
The biting thoughts bounced around your head, a reminder that Tendo loved you popping up every now and then to shoot those thoughts into a corner but not doing much to quell your worries.
You spent your evening studying, getting excited only at the occasional text from Tendo, making sure you got home fine, or that you knew you could eat anything in his fridge, or sleep in his bed if you were tired, or play on his PlayStation if you were bored. You did neither of those things, not touching a single thing in his kitchen even while your poor stomach cried with hungry grumbles.
You felt sick to your stomach, opting to switch on the television for background noise as you hugged your knees on the couch. There was an aching fear building up inside of you, fear that you were as unwanted to your boyfriend as you were to your own parents. You knew you shouldn't have been insecure, he'd always been there for you and never gave you a reason to doubt him.
But it had been quite a while since he'd last told that he loved you, sincerely, from the bottom of his heart. A lot could change within a person in that sort of time. And the last time the two of you had sex or even really made out was several months ago before you moved in with your parents. You could blame that on the chaos of school, both of you being in your second-years with exams and pressure to find jobs keeping your heads under water.
Nonetheless, the fear of Tendo falling out of love with you the same way your father fell out of love with your mother still existed and was still very real. You could always untangle this very confusing frustration with Tendo, he'd never shied away from important conversations. However, despite the many insecurities he'd helped you through, this just wasn't one you wanted him to hear.
And maybe you were like your parents in that way . . .
You dropped your head into your lap, feeling the burn of tears in your eyes, your chest tightening under the pressure of the worries you knew had no foundations but still pushed their way into your system. Eventually, your eyes had drooped and your brain was shifting in and out of focus with the screen before you.
Before you could really fall asleep though, you heard the sound of the door opening and Tendo's voice informing you of his presence. You hummed in response and Tendo furrowed his brows at you, jumping in next to you on the couch. You could tell he was still a little delirious from drinking but not enough to turn you away from him, as you usually did when he got completely wasted.
"Y/N, I went to the corner store on the way back and got you the cake you said you really liked," Tendo mumbled, putting his arms around you and pulling you closer. You wanted the cake, sure, but to be truthful, you wanted him more than anything.
"I just wanna fuck," you blurted out and Tendo's head instantly snapped up to look at you, a lazy grin pulling at the edges of his lips.
"Uh? You wanna what?"
You blushed, tugging your knees to your chest but Tendo's hands were already on them, pulling them apart. "I said I wanna fuck," you murmur.
"That's right, baby," said Tendo, settling himself between your thighs as he licked his lips. "I knew what you said, I wanted to hear you say it again."
"I got it, stupid," you told him, curling your fingers around the shoulders of Tendo's shirt and bringing his chest to yours before connecting your lips. The effect was immediate. You simultaneously relaxed and tensed up underneath the weight of his body, completely winded by the effortlessness with which his tongue moved past your lips and pressed to your own.
"You're right, I deserve this," Tendo breathed against your lips, a hand going to your thigh and guiding your leg around his waist. You hadn't said that but didn't care enough to point it out. "I can't call it a treat without wrecking this pretty body of yours." Your heart fluttered with his words and you watched him trail his lips down your chin, jaw, and neck toward the now exposed skin of your chest as he hooked a finger over the collar of your sweater and forced it down.
You shut your eyes, drowning in the anxious ecstasy of what was to come, the outcome of all this; him inside of you, filling you up, and fighting off all your worries with each sway of his hips against yours.
His teeth grazed against your skin and you pressed your lips together, knowing it was going to be followed by a bite and it did. Tendo bit and tugged at your sensitive skin, earning a pained gasp from your lips before smoothing over the sting with his tongue. It hurt but in that good way you never wanted it to stop, not until every inch of your body was covered in marks from him and only him.
Tendo had always liked to take his time. Even now, with you practically squirming and wordlessly begging for him. You could tell by the way he rubbed the seam of his jeans right against the very spot you craved him most, knocking the air out of your lungs and making your hips snap up against his, which caused you both to moan (Tendo's turned into choked laughter). He usually opted to wear sweatpants or, at best, trousers, but the roughness of his jeans really did amplify the feeling and although it made you throb almost everywhere, you were starting to get impatient.
"Jinx," Tendo groaned, dropping his head into the crook of your neck as your fingernails raked through his messy hair.
"Shut up, Tendo, just . . . Fuck . . . Get inside already," you said between shallow breaths. Tendo was already doing that, wedging a hand between both your bodies to unbutton his jeans. But between making jokes of your desperation and dry-humping you right on his couch, Tendo (and you) failed to realize that you had company.
The sound of the door swinging open almost completely shattered your preoccupation with each other. Tendo dragged himself off you and onto his knees while you propped yourself up, slightly embarrassed but more so disappointed when Semi walked into the living room, squinting at the two of you.
"Oh," he said, realizing what he had interrupted with a nod. High Semi was a lot different than this not-very-drunk or just-sober-enough Semi, who was stoic and didn't laugh the awkwardness off like you expected. "S-sorry about that," he stuttered and made to head towards his own room.
Tendo turned back to you with a smile that told you he didn't mind continuing what you two had already started. He didn't mind . . . But that probably didn't mean he wanted to. Neither did you with Semi in the next room. The heavy feeling from earlier took residence in your stomach once more, unwarranted and so quick you felt tears spring to your eyes.
Pushing Tendo off, you ran to his room in order to cry without his prying eyes, kind as they were. But you knew you wouldn't have the room for very long. The five minutes you really were alone, you were quite sure Tendo was trying to give you space or wonder what he'd done wrong. Then the door opened and he stepped in and you buried your head in your hands.
"Y/N, what the fuck is up with you?" He asked, but in a gentle tone before you felt his hand on your back, rubbing soothingly. "Why are you crying, hm? Look at me." Tendo tugged on your forearm and practically forced your head up. You stared at him through tear-blurry vision.
"Why didn't you invite me to come with you and Semi?" You stuttered dumbly and Tendo blinked in surprise.
"I-I didn't think you'd want to come," he answered with a shrug and a look of guilt marred the fond carelessness of his face. "Usually you say no . . . I'm sorry, I should've asked."
You shook your head quickly and realized you were doing exactly what you hated about your parents: avoiding the problem. But how could you not avoid the problem when the problem was questioning his love for you? Maybe you were the immature one, thinking talking about those things was so simple. It wasn't.
So you just said, "Sorry, I've been having a rough week . . . "
Tendo nodded, understanding. "Do you want Semi out of here?"
"W-What? No, no, no," you said quickly, wiping your wet eyes. "He needs somewhere to stay, I-I don't mind. It's mostly just . . . " you braced yourself to finally voice your fear out loud. Tendo's eyes on you, full of concern and attention. "I'm sick of my parents," you ended up saying and then cringed with your whole body.
"They fighting again?" Tendo asked, wrapping an arm around your waist and maneuvering the two of you against the bed frame to lean back. You leaned into his chest and relaxed in the comforting scent of him.
"They haven't checked up on me," you murmured, feeling slightly embarrassed for needing your parents attention this much. Tendo just stroked his fingers through your hair, intently listening. "I didn't tell them I'd be away from home and I usually never am. But they haven't even texted me to ask. I just feel like I'm not wanted there."
"They're probably just lost in their own issues to even think about dealing with you," Tendo said and he seemed to have the simplest answers to the complicated worries in your heart. "Stay here with me, just until they really get worried. Besides you're wanted here all the time."
You lifted your head and smiled. "Thanks Tendo, I-I love you," you mumbled shyly and Tendo grinned, shaking his head in amusement.
"I love you too," he replied without hesitating. The two of you soon fell asleep, Tendo changing out of his jeans first and yelling at you to get in your pajamas, before throwing a shirt at your head. You were too tired to get up now and Tendo knew that but it didn't stop him from trying. He gave up shortly and muttered something about you being a stubborn little bitch before sinking into the mattress next to you and shutting off the lights.
The next week flew by just like that. You were getting quite used to living with Tendo and he seemed to be happy with that. Most days were just busy with school and assignments, the slower days were spent in wondering if Semi would be home now or then to gauge how long the two of you had alone. But in that worry itself, you and Tendo would miss the opportunity Semi seemed to have intentionally been giving you each time. Dinners were nice since the three of you got along very well. Tendo would usually make the jokes, vulgar or downright shocking, causing you to almost choke up your food and Semi to roll his eyes yet smirk all the same.
Semi had found a job as a male receptionist at some package delivering company, which was a grounds for all three of you to celebrate. Tendo explained that they probably only wanted Semi because he was eye-candy  for anyone entering the building. You agreed that Semi was very pretty and Tendo pouted at you.
Friday night, the bong was reintroduced and you surrendered to the thought of really forgetting all your stress and just getting high. Which you did. And it was really relieving. So the next day, you decided it couldn't hurt to have another session. Semi had gone off to work and he wouldn't be back till very late, which gave you and Tendo time to smoke a little and fuck a lot.
But neither of you were really in the mood that evening and you could tell by the lack of foreplay Tendo usually invested in before putting it inside. He was out of focus and so were you, lying in his bed and occasionally moaning when he hit the right spot.
And when he'd pulled out so quick, you couldn't help lifting your head in confusion. "T-Tendo, what—" but the question was cut off with warm liquid spraying over your bare chest and splashing onto your mouth, droplets almost hitting your eyes before you shut them.
"Ah shit!" Tendo gasped, giggling breathlessly. "I'm s-sorry about that. I just wanted to cum on your tits."
"I'm gonna get pink-eye!" You complained, wiping your eyes and mouth with the back of your hand.
"Don't be dramatic," he said dismissively, hopping off the bed and disappearing into the closet. You blinked, heavy breaths living your lips and slightly disoriented. But Tendo had really just . . . Done that, without bothering to ask if you'd finished (he never really asked because it was quite obvious you had every time, but not tonight).
Before the worthlessness could settle in, a towel was thrown directly at your face and now you were just . . . Really angry. Your own boyfriend seemed to have used you and discarded you, you thought, furiously wiping yourself down with the towel and watching Tendo from the corner of your eye light up a joint and take a deep drag from it.
You slipped your shirt back over your bare chest and stared down at your lap as he breathed out, smoke filling the air and your nose. You just wanted to turn around and sleep.
"Y/N," said Tendo, prompting you to glance up at him. You shifted your gaze to him and saw that he was dangling a pair of handcuffs in one hand and a collar with a chain attached to it in another. Tendo grinned lazily, the joint hanging from his lips as he tossed both on the bed, you gazing at them in wonder.
"Do you wanna try these?" He asked, setting the joint aside and crawling onto the bed. "I ordered them a while ago, they're cheap as fuck but if we like them — if you like them — we can get something proper."
You licked your lips, excitement rising in your stomach. "I . . . Um . . . Yes! I'd like to try . . ."
"That's my girl," said Tendo eagerly, clicking the collar around your neck with a sly smile. "You look pretty fucking hot, if I'm being honest." He turned your head to the side so you could see yourself in the mirror. You couldn't help but agree with your boyfriend. The presence of the collar on your throat did wonderful things to your conscious.
Then there was a rough tug on the chain, squeezing the collar around your neck, and a whimper tumbled past your lips as Tendo forced you to face him. Tendo's eyes widened in wicked surprise as he stared at you and felt yourself blushing.
"This chain comes in handy then, I bet," he muttered with a smile.
Once your shirt was off and the handcuffs were locked around your wrists, both behind your back, Tendo pushed you to the ground in front of him and swung his feet off the bed. He reached one of his large hands towards you, fingers immediately tangling in your hair as you made quick work of him. The constant yanking on your hair and the choked grunts Tendo made was really adding to the rush of it all. Especially when he pushed your head down and forced himself deeper into your throat. 
"Take all of my cock," he hissed out the order, the chain of your collar wrapped around his free hand, tugging at it every now and then when he wanted you to look at him. You accepted every  praise that followed, tears forming at the edge of your vision with each thrust. "You look so pretty like this, baby. God, I love face-fucking you . . . You're so good . . . You're the best." 
After he'd shuddered and his cock twitched, sending a warm stream of cum down your throat, Tendo didn't stop there. He pulled the chain up, your head rising with it as the collar squeezed your neck. "Let me see," he whispered, gently gripping your jaw as you opened your mouth, feeling the liquid drip down your chin. "Good girl. Now swallow." The instruction was followed by the harsh slap of his palm against your ass, prompting you to obey.
"Ah!" you cried out, biting your lip. "Y-Yes, sir." 
Tendo smirked and yanked the chain again, bringing your lips down upon his and the saltiness from earlier was wiped away as he sucked on your lips, grasping your hips and sitting you down on top of him where you could feel his cock pressing right against your entrance. 
"Tell me what you want, baby," Tendo groaned as you moved your hips against him, your head buried in his neck along with your lips grazing his warm skin. Your wrists were sore and aching and all you wanted was to latch onto him but Tendo didn't seem to want to take them off just yet. 
"Fuck me," you whispered against his ear.
Tendo didn't waste time, moving back so he was lying down on the bed, shirt off and you, on top of him, wanted to touch the tanned skin of his bare chest so bad. He watched your every moment with a dizzying intrigue, allowing you to fuck yourself on his cock while his fingers pressed bruises into your hips. 
"Just like that, Y/N," he grunted through a clenched jaw, pushing you all the way down as he lifted his own hips and thrust up into you. 
"Tendo!" You gasped, your head falling back, eyes shut tightly as the pain and pleasure shot up your body, releasing breathless moans from the base of your throat. "Fuck . . ."
Tendo grinned. "You ride me so well, Y/N . . . Ugh, fuck!" He pulled the chain towards him, swallowing your moan with the careful, wet kisses of his mouth. "You look so hot on top of me." You could feel the tight knots in your stomach slowly unraveling, the new angle doing mind-shattering things to your insides. 
"I-I . . . Tendo . . ." You stuttered, blinking rapidly as the feeling overcame you. 
Tendo's hands went to your thighs immediately, throwing you off of him and the sudden feeling of emptiness shocked you. "What the fuck?!" You cried, shaking the hair off your face as your wrists were still faithfully behind you. 
"Let me fuck that pussy," Tendo muttered, shifting you onto your hands and knees before sinking into you from behind as your head pressed into the pillow beneath you. "You're so tight . . . I love this pussy . . ." Tendo bent over you, till his chest was pressed to your back, his hand still clamped around the chain of your collar, making sure you were being choked how he liked you. 
"Moan for me, Y/N . . ." he whispered, lips and teeth clashing against the skin under your ear, your neck, your shoulder. You should've been embarrassed with the sounds leaving your parted mouth but you really couldn't focus on much besides the feeling of his cock buried deep inside you. 
The mindless euphoria and muffled pain of it all drove every thought out of your head, the uncertainty and unease. You wanted to be as close to Tendo as possible and he wanted to be deep inside you. As your vision blurred and you were so close to completely losing it, Tendo pulled out of you again. Your jaw fell open but he'd flipped you around and frantically uncuffed your now throbbing wrists, tossing the handcuffs to the side, before sliding back into you. 
"Fuucckkk . . ." He moaned, eyes fluttering but he tried to keep them open to watch your flushed face, your back arching until your breasts were pressed right up against his chest. The sound of profanities leaving his swelling lips was smothered as he sucked on your neck, your arms finally able to loop around his neck, yanking at his hair as he slipped his fingers between your legs. "C-Cum on my cock . . ." Tendo stuttered.
But you'd begged him to come inside and Tendo had to pull his head back to look at you with surprise. After the painful edging and denial, those words were enough to snap every knot in your stomach completely. Tendo had grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. "I wanna see you when you cum," he managed to choke out as you tried your best to keep your eyes open, focused on his gaze and the way it sent goosebumps all over your sweat-glistening body. Tendo had sped up and groaned a string of curse words as he released inside of you, and you had given to defeat, throwing your head back, mouth open in a silent cry before Tendo's hips slowed down and the room was filled with shuddering breaths and occasional whimpers. 
"Holy fuck," Tendo whispered, unclipping the collar from around your neck and examining the red and almost bleeding skin before tossing the item to the side. "I'm so sorry . . . Did it hurt?" 
"K-Kinda," you squeaked as he kissed your neck softly. Truthfully, you hadn't noticed it then but the pain was coming back to you in short bursts as you trembled underneath Tendo. 
"I should've known considering it was like five bucks," he responded, dropping down next to you. You wrapped your arms around him and rested your head on his chest. Tendo seemed surprised by this as you two normally cleaned yourselves up first before cuddling. 
"My parents are falling out of love," you blurted out. 
Tendo scoffed, pushing your hair out of your face. "I just fucked you like you were a bitch in heat and the first thing you say is 'my parents are falling out of love' . . . What the fuck am I doing?" he murmured, leaning down and kissing the top of your head. "I'm sorry to hear that, Y/N."
You licked your lips, trailing your fingers over Tendo's bare chest. "I-I'm scared that . . . That you don't love me anymore either."
"Oh . . . This fucking girl, you can't leave her alone with her thoughts for a second," Tendo teased. "I can tell you this, Y/N; sometimes it doesn't work between people and forcing it will just make it worse." 
You nodded, shifting into a seated position so you could look at him properly. Tendo smiled at you, the mere action causing your heart to jump into you throat. "You're right . . . I'll have to hope for the best between my parents."
"That being said," Tendo continued, tucking your hair behind your ear gently. "I fucking love you and I don't plan on stopping so you can get that silly thought out of your head." There was a distant sound of the front door opening and when you'd glanced at the clock, you knew Semi was home. He'd announced his arrival and said,
"Keep fucking if you guys are fucking! I don't wanna ruin your relationship!"
Tendo rolled his eyes and hugged you closer, putting his chin on your shoulder. "You were amazing and I'm sorry about before . . ." You giggled. It seemed sort of trivial now. "You're beautiful by the way," Tendo said and you blushed. "Your face and body but also on the inside . . . and I'm not talking about these sweet insides I just ruined . . ."
"I know," You laughed as Tendo tickled your thigh with his fingertips. 
"Y/N," said Tendo suddenly and you glanced at him. "D-Do you want to try something new?"
You raised an eyebrow. "Hey, I guess the handcuffs weren't enough, huh? Yeah, let's do something new!" But you weren't expecting Tendo to call for Semi. To your own surprise though, you didn't stop him and even smiled widely when the boy pushed the door open and froze, blush creeping onto his cheeks. 
Tendo hadn't said anything further but your heart was pounding furiously again, especially when Semi's eyes shifted from Tendo to meet your own. He opened his mouth to say something but then thought better of it.
A second later, he was tugging at his own hoodie, the only two words that left his lips "fuck it" completely forgotten once the door shut and Tendo dimmed the lights. 
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
We’re Not Just Friends
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He’s so cute what the fuck
Best friend Mark X Reader
Genre: College AU, best friends to lovers, mutual pining, THE FLUFFIEST OF FLUFF
Word Count: 10.7K
Summary: You and Mark have been friends for as long as you could remember. The two of you were like magnets; wherever you went, he’d follow and vice versa. With that being said, you did what you thought was one of the best yet biggest mistakes you could ever do in a friendship, you fell in love with your best friend. There were times where you felt as if he reciprocated your feelings, but you ultimately pushed any idea of being more than just friends with him. That all changes one night when he gets drunk and admits a little too much information you weren’t quite ready for.
A/N: Hey guys, so I was in Marshall’s the other day when the song “Friends don’t” by Maddie and Tae came on (I highly recommend you listen to it while reading this I make quite a few references to the song in this story) and I couldn’t stop putting ideas together while shopping (I actually pulled to the side to brainstorm I actually hate myself). With that being said, this is one of my favorite stories I’ve written so far and I hope you all enjoy it!
They don't cancel other plans Have conversations with nothing but their eyes They don't hear each other's names and forget to concentrate Hits a nerve and lights you up like dynamite
Friends don't call you in the middle of the night Couldn't even tell you why They just felt like saying "hi" Friends don't stand around, playing with their keys Finding reasons not to leave Trying to hide the chemistry Drive a little too slow, take the long way home Get a little too close We do, but friends don't
As a junior in college, sleep was a foreign word to you. You’ve been getting at least three hours of sleep this week since you’ve been preparing for finals; so you savored every minute of slumber you could get. Tonight was the first night you allowed yourself a break from studying and you were going to make the most of it by sleeping in. 
When you felt your phone vibrate, you couldn’t help but groan at the idea of your alarm going off; but it occurred to you that you turned off all your alerts for the day in order to get some well deserved rest. A huge part of you, the one that’s been dying to continue dancing around in dreamland wanted to ignore whoever was trying to get in touch with you. They could wait until the morning to talk to you. However, there was only one person who would dare to wake you up in the middle of the night and it was the same person, the only person you didn’t mind taking you away from your dreams. 
Once you took a look at his caller ID, you released a frustrated sigh but the smirk that rose on your face at the idea of him was very contradicting. “You better have a good reason for waking me up Mark. What is it?” The phone was silent for a few moments and you had a hunch that he was feeling remorseful for waking you up knowing how tired you’ve been from all the all nighters. 
“Hey y/n. Did I wake you? I’m sorry about that.” Although he had an apologetic tone in his voice, you’ve know him long enough to know that he wasn’t the least bit sorry. Mark never did anything he would have to apologize for. Plus, you could hear the glint in his voice and it made you smile softly to yourself. 
“It’s fine. Are you okay? Did something happen? Where are you?” He giggled at your many questions and you could feel a blush rising on your cheeks at the sound. Mark Tuan in more or less words was the love of your life. You made the mistake of falling in love with your best friend and because you were afraid of him not reciprocating your feelings and losing him if he were to find out, you kept it to yourself. 
It was hard. You only fell more and more in love with him as the days went by. The two of you met in middle school when he accidentally hit you in the face with a volleyball. He was extremely apologetic and did not leave your side at all for the rest of the class time. Actually, he hasn’t left your side at all since that fateful day in P.E. but you weren’t complaining. Mark was everything you could’ve asked for in a best friend and more. 
Although everyone in your grade knew him to be extremely shy and timid, he was a completely different person whenever he was around you and you were very happy to be the lucky person that got to see his outspoken and overly energetic side to him. He was smart; he had one of the top grades in the entire school. He was quite the joker, even if a lot of the jokes he told were extremely cheesy and sometimes did not make sense. He was athletic; joined any sport that your school offered and was captain of the baseball, soccer and water polo teams. Plus, he was a sight for sore eyes. 
Sure, you’ve seen quite the amount of cute boys in your three years of college, but Mark was a sight to behold. Standing at 5”9 with the prettiest brown eyes you’ve ever seen, a well-defined jaw line, sharp nose, and the most adorable heart shaped lips, you knew he was God’s favorite. Sometimes you didn’t understand why he was wasting his time being friends with you. He was such an intelligent, overly talented and interesting person. All the guys at your college wanted to either be him or be friends with him and a lot the girls wanted to date him. They made it quite obvious that they envied you for being the lucky girl Mark spent most of his time with but you couldn’t blame them, he was perfect. 
As much as you loved being his friend, your stupid and naive heart craved to be more. You wanted to be the one to hold his hand, the one to kiss his pretty pink lips, the one to hold him and be held by him. You wanted him to see you as more than just his friend; although, there were times when you did question his feelings for you. As a communications major, you were very good when it came to observing people; Mark being your number one test subject or so you called him. 
You were quick to pick up on how he always needed to be touching you, whether it be slinging his arm over your shoulder when the two of you would watch a movie, tapping gently on your thigh whenever you’d go for a drive, pulling you to his side and tightly gripping on to your waist in a crowded area or sitting in between your lap while he played video games. He explained to you once that your presence made him calm and the skin ship was because he needed “evidence that you were real”. The dreamer in you wished that his gestures and not so subtle touches meant more than what he claimed to be. 
Then came the stolen glances. You’d catch him from time to time staring at you at the most randomest times. You noticed he looked at you a lot when you’d be studying or while you were eating and that’s when you felt the least amount of attractive so you were sure it was because he thought you looked funny. 
There was once time that you slept over at his apartment and you fell asleep on the couch while the two of you watched stranger things. When you woke up, you were quick to realize that he probably carried you to his room like he normally did. As soon as your eyes adjusted to your surroundings, you saw Mark already looking at you with a specific look in his eyes. It was a mix of adoration and something else you couldn’t put your finger on. He’s never looked at you like that before and when he realized you were awake, he immediately closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. Neither of you talked about that incident and he acted completely weird the next morning but things settled down not too long after. 
Another thing that you noticed, was his jealousy. Mark could get extremely jealous whenever it came to you. If he saw any guy get a little too close for his liking, even if it was one of your mutual friends, he’d go insane. One thing you could do without was his anger. When Mark got angry, he got really angry. You never understood why he would get upset at the idea of you interacting with another guy, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like it. There was one time the two of you attended a hotel party and got yourselves stuck playing spin the bottle. When you spun the bottle and it landed on Jinyoung, you didn’t think much about it and crawled over to him, leaving a chaste yet sweet kiss on his lips. You didn’t think it would cause Mark to give you the silent treatment for three days and when he finally did talk to you again, he gave you a lame excuse as to why he acted like such an asshole. 
You weren’t stupid, with the way he looked at you and treated you as if you were the most delicate flower, you knew he had to have some sort of feelings for you. You just had a hard time understanding why he was so adamant on keeping it to himself. If he did have feelings for you, you felt as if he was keeping it a secret from you for the same reason you were keeping it from him; he didn’t want to lose you. 
“I’m fine. Nothing’s wrong. I just couldn’t sleep. I should’ve played cod or something instead of bothering you. I knew you took the day off tomorrow for rest. I just—I want to talk to you. It’s been a week since we saw each other. I miss you.” The last words came out as a whisper, but you heard them and your heart fluttered at the thought of him wanting to talk to you because he missed you. Why did he have to do and say things that confused you? He told everyone that the two of you were just friends, but behind closed doors the two of you were in your own little worlds. As if nobody else existed and you liked it that way. 
“I miss you too. I promise once finals are over, I’m all yours okay? I’m sorry I’m putting all my time and effort in to school but you know how anal I get when it comes to my grades.” He giggled softly and although you couldn’t see him, you knew he was playfully rolling his eyes because it was true. See unlike Mark, you actually had to put in effort whenever it came to your education. He was naturally smart and you found it quite unfair but he never failed to help you if and when you needed it but you never wanted to bother him. He already had a lot on his plate and you didn’t want to add your incompetence to his already hectic schedule. 
“It’s fine. Do you—would you maybe wanna go for a drive? I’ll come pick you up. We don’t have to go anywhere far, honestly we could go on a drive around your block and I’ll drop you back. I just—I’d like to spend time with you.” You were glad he stuck with a phone call and didn’t try to FaceTime you because it would’ve been quite obvious his words were having an affect on you. Something felt off with the way he was acting. There were times where the two of you would go weeks without seeing one another and he was completely fine about it. 
One time, he went to Taiwan for an entire month to visit his family over summer vacation and you missed him dearly. That was the longest you went without seeing him, but he contacted you every single day so it made you feel a little bit better. So why was he wanting to see you so badly? 
“Yeah sure. Give me ten minutes. I’ll see you soon. Drive safely.” As soon as you heard him hang up, you practically leaped out of bed and ran straight to your bathroom. Mark has seen you at both your best and your very worst. He made it known that he didn’t care if you looked like an actual ogre, nor did you want to make it obvious that you wanted to look nice for him but you didn’t want him seeing you with your hair all over the place while your breath smelled horrendous. 
You threw on one of his jackets and a pair of shorts while flat ironing your hair and before you knew it, he texted you that he was downstairs. Once you made it down to the lobby, your breath hitched at the sight of him and all his handsome glory. His hair was disheveled; it was obvious he ran his hand through it a couple times. He was leaning against his pick up truck and although it was dark, you could make out that he was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants with a white tank top. You silently cursed him for going to the gym more often in his downtime because his arms grew three times the size they were back in high school. When his eyes landed on your visibly exhausted frame, he sent a cheeky smile your way before opening his arms out to you. 
“Mmm, I’ve missed your hugs.” He pulled you closer to his chest and placed his chin on top of your head. The two of you stood there for a couple of seconds before he pulled away to take a good look at you. If you had the choice, you’d allow him to hold you for the rest of the night. Mark’s arms were your favorite place to be. You always felt so safe in his embrace. He was always so warm and smelled like the cologne you bought him that he’s been looking at for a few months. 
“You know y/n, once finals are over I think you need to sleep for a solid two months straight. These dark circles are taking away from your beauty.” He brought his hands up to your cheeks and began to examine your entire face but you were quick to shove him off. If he continued to caress you like the way he was currently doing, you were sure you’d blow your cover and you did not want the night to end before it even started. Although he’s complimented you on your looks many times in the many years you’ve known him for, you could never get used to hearing him tell you how pretty he thought you were. 
“You’re one to talk grandpa. BamBam told me all about how you almost broke your back the other day when you attempted to do a martial art trick. How many times do I have to remind you that you’re no longer the fifteen-year-old boy that you used to be? I swear to God Mark Tuan if you break a bone, I will kick your ass.” His laughter filled the entire parking lot and you found yourself laughing along with him. For a grown man, his laugh was high pitched and very adorable. You were sure he could light up an entire room by letting out the faintest of giggles, his laughter already did wonders on your heart. 
“Even if I do break a bone, you’ll nurse me back to health right?” You scoffed and playfully rolled your eyes but deep down you knew you’d do anything for the devastatingly handsome boy in front of you. You also wouldn’t mind having a reason to stay by his side for as long as possible. Like the gentleman he was, he opened your door for you and helped you buckle your seatbelt. You were sure he saw it as a friendly gesture and you knew he wanted to help you out as much as possible, but you couldn’t handle him bringing his hand across of your chest and down to your upper thigh. It’s as if he knew exactly what he was doing by helping you. 
When he got in to his side of the car and started to reverse out of the stall, his free hand immediately found your lap like it normally did and he began to drive away. To where, you didn’t know nor did you care. You didn’t care where the two of you went, you just loved being around him. The car ride was filled with laughter, mainly yours because Mark turned the radio to the country station and began singing a couple songs out of tune and in the worst country accent you’ve ever heard. 
It was in moments like these where it was just the two of you, laughing and smiling like idiots that made you feel the most unhappy. You were unhappy because you wanted more. You wanted to be the reason behind his contagious smile. You wanted to be the reason he couldn’t go to sleep at night because his thoughts were so clouded by the idea of you. You wanted to be his motivation; you wanted him to do the best in anything that he did with the idea of making you proud. You wanted to be the one he told his friends and family about. But you were only his best friend. Every time he introduced you as his best friend, it felt like a stab to the chest. However, it was the truth; so you had no reason to be bothered by the fact that that was all you were going to be to him. 
“Something wrong bub?” You were too busy thinking about the unfortunate situation you were in and didn’t get to hear Mark ask you if you wanted something to eat. 
“No, I’m okay. Sorry, it’s just—finals. Yeah. I can’t stop thinking about my possible grades. I’m sorry, I’ll stop. Tonight is about us. What were you saying?” He waited till he pulled up at a stoplight before turning to face you and brought some of your hair behind your ear. 
“Hey, don’t stress too much. I’m sure you did amazing like you always do. If only you allowed me to tutor you more, I’m sure you would’ve had an easier time understanding the material. What? Am I not good enough for the all mighty y/n y/l/n? By the way, I decided with going to McDonalds since you didn’t answer. I’m in the mood for a McChicken—don’t look at me like that. What? Come on y/n—where do you want to go then? You drive me nuts woman. Popeyes? You’re in the mood for fried chicken? At 2:30 in the morning? Why can I already see you wanting fried chicken when you’re pregnant one day? I feel like it’ll be one of the foods you’ll crave the most. You know I’d do anything for you and I can’t wait till you become a mother, I’m sure you’ll be such an amazing mom. But don’t you dare wake me up in the middle of the night for fried chicken I will disown you. You’re lucky you’re cute. Their chicken sandwich better taste as good as McDonalds.” 
You knew you wanted Mark around for the rest of your life; you wanted to be best friends forever. Unfortunately, nobody knows what the future holds. For all you knew, he could get a girlfriend sometime soon and she could disapprove of your friendship; causing you to lose connection with one another. The idea of losing Mark was both mentally and physically painful. You could actually feel your chest tighten at the thought of waking up one morning and no longer having him in your life. With that being said, no matter how many times he’s brought up your future together, it always caused butterflies to swarm in your tummy. 
“I hate burdening you if I can handle doing something on my own. You already have so much to deal with, so tutoring me should be the least of your worries. Whatever you say asshole, I’m sure my future husband would be willing to do that for me and I’ll make sure I’ll rub it in your face. Dude, Popeyes shits on McDonalds. Are you joking? Why am I even friends with you, you’re such a loser with bad taste.” You couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at the entire conversation, but as soon as you realized Mark wasn’t laughing, you turned to face him and froze when you saw his jaw clench and his grip on the wheel tightened. 
Did you say or do something to upset him? Why did he get mad all of a sudden? As you were about to speak up, he made his way through the Popeyes drive thru and began ordering. You smiled like an idiot to yourself when he gave your order to the cashier. Although you ordered the same meal almost every single time, you found it cute that he memorized what you wanted. Once he paid and got the food, he drove down an all too familiar road you’ve been down quite a few times. Both you and Mark had a special place only the two of you knew of. You stumbled upon it one day after getting in to an argument with your parents and ended up bringing Mark there a couple days later. The two of you would go there whenever you both had free time. It was a nice, deserted beach. 
During the day, it was extremely beautiful but at night, it was indescribable. Especially because you spent most of your time there with Mark. Some days, the two of you would swim, skip rocks or attempt to build sand castles. Other days, more so when you went at night, he would lie on your lap and have you run your fingers through his hair while the two of you would listen to the waves crash on the shore. You’d find yourself looking at him adoringly and there was one time you were so close to connecting your lips together, but you chickened out and clumsily ended up pushing him off of your lap. 
The car ride was tense and he didn’t say anything the entire time. You decided to allow him to speak up when he was ready. It was something you learned throughout the duration of your friendship. Mark was short tempered. He would lash out on people at the smallest of things, but you were very understanding and extremely patient whenever it came to his mood swings. He’s apologized for it many times and did his best to work on it because he hated lashing out on you of all people, but some days he just couldn’t help himself. As soon as he parked the car, he motioned for you to get out and made his way to his trunk. He immediately hopped in the back without helping you like he usually did and when he saw that you weren’t getting inside and that your arms were crossed in frustration, he let out an irritated grunt. 
“What? Get in here. Do I have to help you with everything?” It was your turn to scoff. How did he go from singing to the top of his lungs at a Carrie Underwood song to giving you the cold shoulder? 
“If you’re going to be an asshole for no reason, you can just take me home right now. I’m sorry. I don’t know what I did or said to upset you but I’m sorry.” There were situations where Mark was in the wrong, but you’d find yourself apologizing because he was never one to give in. He was the definition of stubborn. However, you noticed that you were the only person that he’d give up his pride for. He hated the thought of upsetting you and putting the two of you in to an awkward situation. So he’d apologize as soon as he knew things were going south and tonight was no different. Right as you were about to open your door, you felt him gently grip at your wrist and before you knew it, he was picking you up bridal style before jumping on to his truck bed. 
“I’m sorry, I’m just being stupid. Please forget all about it okay? Fuck, I’ve ruined our night together didn’t I? I’m so sorry y/n.” You shook your head before leaving a quick peck on his cheek. Kissing each other was a normal thing between you and Mark. The two of you would kiss each other’s foreheads and cheeks all the time. Sometimes he’d even kiss your nose, your chin and even your shoulder blade but he had yet to kiss you where you wanted to kiss him the most. 
“Talk to me Mark. What’s bothering you?” You intertwined your fingers together and gave him your full attention. You knew something had to be heavy on his mind and you wanted him to be honest with you. He pulled his hands away from yours to your disappointment and scratched the back of his neck before taking a bite of his food. 
“Y/n I love—this chicken sandwich holy shit. This is good. I don’t know why I was settling for that pathetic excuse of a chicken patty at McDonalds. It’s nothing okay? Don’t worry about me. Eat your food, I know how you get when your chicken isn’t crispy and I don’t want you complaining later.” The two of you sat in silence eating your meals and you hated the fact that the atmosphere was filled with animosity. Once the two of you were both finished, he pulled you on to his lap and rested his chin in the crook of your neck.
“What are you doing tomorrow?” You shrugged before leaning back in to his embrace. It was weird how the two of you could go from arguing one minute to cuddling as if nothing happened the next but you never questioned it. 
“Probably staying in all day. Oh—I need to go to target. You drank all of my milk and failed to tell me. I’ve been eating my cereal DRY for the last week thank you very much.”
“Can I come? I think I need some groceries too.” You couldn’t help but stifle a laugh at the idea of Mark shopping for his own groceries. The older boy practically lived at your apartment. Sometimes you would even offer to look for an apartment together but your mutual friend Jackson always complained about you “stealing his roommate”. A lot of his clothes were sitting in your closet, he brought over some of his toiletries each and every time he slept at your apartment, most of the cubby holes in your shoe rack were taken up by him and he even bought an Xbox specifically to leave it at your place. You wouldn’t mind living with Mark, but sometimes you were glad Jackson was so adamant on keeping him at their place. Sharing the same space with him would surely drive your feelings through the roof.
“You mean some groceries to leave over at my place. You never go shopping for your own shit. Sometimes I feel like you’re only friends with me because you like mooching off of me and because I help keep you alive. If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t be taking your vitamins everyday and your health wouldn’t be as good as it is now.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever. You grocery shop for fun, who the fuck does that? Oh yeah, OLD PEOPLE. Don’t sound so upset, you had fun the last time I came with you to the grocery store.”
You giggled at the memory before turning around to flick his forehead. “You almost got us kicked out because you were fighting with a six-year-old over a Chewbacca figurine.”
“IT WAS THE LAST ONE Y/N. I HAD IT FIRST. The punk just had to start crying and his mom came telling me I was immature for fighting with a first grader.”
“You know sometimes I forget that you’re a 23-year-old senior in college and not the same 12-year-old boy from middle school. I love that you’re still a child at heart by the way. Sometimes the adult life can get a little hectic. You’re like my personal escape. Like, a breath of fresh air. I don’t say it all that often, but I’m very grateful for you. You mean a lot to me, more than you’ll ever know Tuan.” If you were facing him right now, you’d be able to see how red you made him by your sweet words. He left a gentle kiss on your jaw before leaning himself further in to the truck and pulling you down with him. The two of you stayed like that for almost two hours, stargazing and basking in the other’s presence. No words were shared but the silence spoke volumes. 
You couldn’t help but think back to a few hours ago when he was about to admit why he was so bothered but instead admitted his love for the chicken sandwich. Was he finally going to tell you how he felt for you but lost the courage as the L word fell from his lips? Why did he always have to make things so difficult? When you noticed the sun slowly making its appearance against the shoreline, you squeezed Mark’s bicep to let him know that maybe it was time to go home. 
“Since we’re hanging out later today anyway, did you want to come over to my place? Or we can head back to yours? It doesn’t really matter. If you wanna be by yourself, that’s fine too. I’ll just drop you off and come back later.” You gave him a soft smile before sitting up right and reaching over to play around with his hair. 
“Let’s go to yours. I wouldn’t mind spending time with Jackson and I miss my baby Milo.” He nodded in agreement and helped you down before making his way to his side of the car. Once he began to drive away, a small frown rose upon your face when he didn’t move his hand to your thigh. This was the first time in a long time that he drove with both hands and you knew that something was genuinely bothering him. 
You tried to take your mind off of Mark and put all your focus to everything you’d see while he drove to what you thought was going to be his apartment. However, it seemed as if he was taking a detour down different neighborhoods and you were surprised when you took a peek to see how fast he was driving and found out he wasn’t going fast at all. In fact, he was going under the speed limit. Something must’ve struck a nerve with him; Mark was known for his speed. He hated slow drivers and hated being in traffic which is why you found it unusual for him to be going at such a slow pace. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He released a soft sigh as he turned in to his apartment structure and nodded slowly. 
“Just tired. You’re not the only one staying up late to study. Oh, before I forget, you’re never a burden y/n. I’m never too busy for you. Actually, you’re one of my main priorities. So don’t feel like you can’t approach me if you need my help. Come on, let’s get you upstairs.” When the two of you made it up to his place, he tried his best to quietly open the door knowing that Jackson was still asleep. As soon as the two of you made your way in, Milo was all over you. You lowered yourself down to the little puppy and picked him up while leaving kisses all around his face. 
“Hi Milo! I’m glad to see you missed me. I missed you too cutie pie. Has daddy been taking good care of you and feeds you the snacks I bought?” You made your way to Mark’s bedroom and scoffed when you saw how neat it was. For someone who was constantly busy, why was his room so clean? Your room was in the exact state as your life, messy. Since you’ve been in here more times than you could count, you walked over to your side of the bed and laid down. He was quick to join you but not before taking off his shirt. 
You were used to Mark being shirtless, so you learned how to control your emotions and facial expressions over the years to prevent yourself from making it aware that you enjoyed it. However, you could feel your breath going shallow, especially when he would pull you in to his embrace like he was currently doing so right now. He wrapped his arms around your waist and placed his cheek against yours so that your faces were practically smashed together. The two of you weren’t strangers to spooning and cuddling, but there were times that you’d feel something hard against your thigh every now and then so Mark would keep his distance whenever it came to holding you. 
Not too long after the two of you got in to bed, you felt his warm breath against your neck as soft snores fell from his lips. You on the other hand could not find it in yourself to fall asleep. Your mind was too clouded with the events that happened during your drive and it confused you more than you already were. You began to let your eyes wander around his bedroom and giggled softly to yourself when you saw the Chewbacca figure on his desk. When you felt something vibrate in your back pocket, you remembered you put your phone in there and quickly brought it out to turn it off to prevent any noise from waking Mark up. 
As you reached to put your phone on his night stand, your heart fluttered at the photo of you from your senior prom back in high school. You remembered that night like it was yesterday. Mark was quick to ask you to be his date and you agreed right off the bat. Even at that time, you knew you wanted all your best memories to be shared with him. Your parents were extremely excited when they found out that the two of you were going together. They were all secretly hoping that you and Mark would end up with each other one day but they never did or said anything because they waited for the two of you to discover your feelings on your own. Even your mom claimed that she had a huge feeling that Mark had developed a crush on you but you never believed her. 
How could you though? You and Mark have been friends for almost a decade and he never showed signs of taking things further between the two of you. Prom night was one of the best nights of your entire high school career and you knew it had a lot to deal with the person who’s arms you were currently in. He bought you the prettiest bouquet and corsage, complimented you at least twenty times on how beautiful you looked, he even made it clear that you were the prettiest girl there but you knew he was just saying that because he was your best friend. The two of you danced almost the entire night and he entered a game in order to win an expensive pair of speakers which was currently sitting on your kitchen counter. 
Any time spent with Mark was amazing. He gave you his full attention and made sure you were having a good time no matter what the two of you were doing. Slowly, in attempts not to wake him, you found yourself turning around in order to take a good look at him. You gently began to trace his handsome features and you had to stifle a laugh when his nose scrunched, probably from being tickled. Why did you have to be such a coward? Why couldn’t you just tell him how you felt no matter the consequences? Finally, after contemplating what you would do about your feelings for Mark, you placed a kiss on his nose and fell asleep. 
When you woke up, you weren’t shocked to see that Mark was still asleep. He was an extremely heavy sleeper. There were so many times he’s found himself late to school and practice because he slept through his alarm. You took a few moments to get used to the light that was coming through his window before trying your best to leave his embrace without waking him up and when you succeeded, you turned on your phone to see what time it was and made your way into the living room. As you were about to head in to the kitchen to find something to make for you and Mark, you failed to notice Jackson on the couch, smiling at you like an idiot. 
“Good morning sunshine. Looks like somebody got a nice rest while wrapped up in your loverboy’s arms. He’s still asleep isn’t he?” You jumped at the sound of his voice, not knowing that he was there with you and rolled your eyes at his sarcastic statement. Jackson was known to be a prankster. He always made snide remarks about your relationship with Mark and he would always hint to you every now and then that Mark had feelings for you but just like how you were when your mom confronted you about your feelings, you couldn’t believe Jackson either. No matter how badly you wanted to. 
“Of course he is. I slept like a baby. Hey, what’s with you guys and being shirtless all the time? Do neither of you own any shirts?” The cheeky boy winked at you before pulling you in for a hug. 
“Gotta flaunt off the goods while we still have them. You can take off your shirt too if you want. I wouldn’t mind seeing you shirtless—ow! You’re always so abusive whenever it comes to me. It’s not like I haven’t seen you practically naked before.” You ignored him while making your way to the fridge and looking for something to cook. The two of you began to update each other on what you both did in the last few weeks since you’ve seen each other. He updated you on how basketball season was going so far and invited you to some of his games. 
The two of you continued your conversation and he brought up something that caught your attention. “Hey y/n, I know you’re not one to drink, but there’s more than just alcohol involved whenever we go out to bars and clubs. Why don’t you come with us? I’m sure Mark would finally come out with us if he knew you were tagging along. Come on, we all know baking desserts, playing modern warfare and staying up watching reruns of the office together is fun, well; for you guys. But you and Mark need to get out and do something college-like for once. You know how many times Mark has cancelled plans with us just so he could spend time with you? God, you both are so smart yet so stupid.” 
Mark was cancelling out on plans with the guys in order to hang out with you?You tried your best not to show to Jackson that his confession made you feel all warm and giddy on the inside. As the retaliation was on the tip of your tongue, Mark released a yawn to make it known he was in the room. “Ah, if it isn’t the devil himself. I was just inviting y/n to come out with us to the club on Saturday. You coming?” 
Mark gave you a look of curiosity before walking toward the fridge. “Y/n hates the club. And we can’t, we already have plans.” 
It was your turn to look at him in confusion. You don’t remember making any plans with Mark and most of your so called “plans” consisted of the two of you laying around your apartment doing nothing. Jackson shrugged, not surprised by his older friend’s response and gave you a knowing look. 
“Yeah, but she said so herself she wouldn’t mind letting loose since we only have one year left in college. Y/n must not know about your plans because she said she’d be down to come. Don’t be such a party pooper Mark, hang out with us. You’ve been already missing out on so much of our gatherings anyway. It’ll be fun!” Y
ou felt him before you could see him. He found his place behind you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders while hiding his face between your shoulder blades and let out a frustrated grunt. “Fine! Whatever. But only if y/n is going. I don’t know why you want me to come out with you guys anyway. You all get drunk the minute we walk in and flirt with anyone that has legs. I always end up driving you drunk bastards home. Quite the college experience of you ask me.” 
You couldn’t help but giggle at his sarcasm and began plating the bacon, eggs and fried rice you made for the three of your for breakfast. Other than the constant laughter that fell from your lips whenever Jackson and Mark would bicker over nonsense, you stayed quiet and focused on eating while they conversed. Once you all were done eating, Jackson mentioned throwing on a movie but Mark was quick to shut him down. You had a feeling it had to do with what happened the last time you all watched a movie together. Before you could sit down, Jackson pulled you on to his lap and refused to let you go. The daggers Mark sent through the back of Jackson’s head didn’t go unnoticed by you; in fact it made you quite happy. You loved how protective he was whenever it came to you. 
“Y/n and I actually have plans today. We need to go grocery shopping.” Jackson’s brow raised in amusement. 
“We? You’re actually buying food for us?” 
“No. I’m going to buy food to eat whenever I’m at her place. When do I ever eat here?”
As soon as the two of them finished their bickering, you said your goodbyes to Jackson and made your way to the grocery store. One thing that Mark never failed to do was make a fool out of you every single time you took him grocery shopping. However, you couldn’t say you didn’t have fun whenever he would tag along. If the two of you were to go at night, he would jump in the shopping cart and have you push him around. But in most cases, he’d stand behind you and practically trap you between his body and the cart while taking over to push. He forced you to go in and out of every aisle to make sure the two of you weren’t missing anything. 
“Y/n, serious question, Doritos or Cheetos puffs?” You thought about it for a few seconds before giving him your answer. 
“Okay, Cheetos puffs it is.” You scowled at him but before you could really react, he was driving the cart in the other direction. As soon as you felt that you were finished, you pulled to the side to make sure you had everything you needed and nothing you didn’t. 
“Cheese in a can? Really Mark? You’re not even going to eat it—“ he was quick to cover your mouth and you counterattacked by licking his hand. 
“Lick it all you want, I’m in to stuff like that.”
“Ew gross.” 
To your dismay, Mark handed the cashier his card and paid for the entirety of your groceries. This wasn’t the first time he’s done this. Whenever he tagged along with you, he’d always end up paying for your groceries no matter how much the bill came out to and his excuse was because he used and ate a lot of your groceries. 
After returning back to your apartment and the two of you put the groceries away, you spent the rest of the day reading a book while found his way on to your lap and played grand theft auto for a couple of hours. These were the days you loved the most. Although he was quite loud and violent whenever it came to his video games, you felt at peace and the most serene when it was just the two of you lounging around. 
“Hey y/n?” You hummed in curiosity and placed your book down in order to give him your full attention. “This morning, when you talked about your future husband and shit like that—do you—do you actually want to get married? Like, you want a wedding and to spend the rest of your life with someone?” 
You thought about the exact moment he was referring to and nodded in agreement. That was around the same time he grew angry and you couldn’t help but feel as if the idea of you ending up with someone else bothered him. “Of course I do. I’ve dreamt about having a beautiful, big wedding surrounded with all my friends and family. I like to look at wedding dresses and rings from time to time. How come? Don’t you?” 
He shrugged before continuing to play his game; the way he tensed up at your response caught your attention. “I guess. I don’t know, I don’t see myself settling down with anyone I guess. I don’t want anyone getting in between us. I refuse to live without you y/n.” You smiled softly before placing a gentle kiss on his neck. Sometimes you felt like the skin ship you shared was beyond normal than what most friends did. But the two of you were used to it. 
The kisses on your jaw, your neck, behind your ear; it wasn’t normal for friends to do things like that but here the two of you were. It never bothered you, in fact there were times where you couldn’t stop kissing him and had to forcefully stop yourself in fear of him finding it weird. 
“I think that’s why I’ve been single for so long. Since you are—well—you, my standards in men are pretty high. So I’d want them to be at least half the man that you are. Honestly, you and I should just get married.” His breath hitched and it was in that moment where you knew you fucked up. 
“I mean—you know. If both of us are still single once we reach thirty—then I would marry you—you know—if you asked.” You let out a sarcastic laugh and wished the ground would swallow you whole. 
“You would? Really? You’d want to marry me?” You nodded, shocked that he found it surprising. He was the only person you saw yourself getting married to, but you still had yet to make your friendship change in to a relationship. 
“Of course I’d want to marry you Mark. You’re my best friend. Why? Do you not want to marry me?” He placed the controller down and turned around to face you. The conversation was soon turning pretty serious. Mark never turned his video game off for anybody, not even you. His xbox was the only thing before you that he paid more attention to. 
“Of course I do. Nobody comes close to you y/n. Let’s make a pact, if were both single when we turn thirty, we jump the gun and marry each other. Deal?” 
You grinned like a school girl at the idea of marrying Mark one day and nodded quickly before intertwining your pinkies together. Mark returned back to his game and you with your book but not too long after, you found yourself falling asleep on top of Mark’s back and he giggled at the feeling. 
“You’re the only girl I want to marry.” 
They don't almost say "I love you" When they're downtown somewhere, just a little drunk They don't talk about the future and put each other in it And get chills with every accidental touch
Two days later, you were at home studying for your last final of the semester when you felt your phone vibrating. You tried your best to hide it in attempts to focus on your many notes in front of you, but you couldn’t help but look at it from time to time and saw that Mark was out at a bar with Jackson, BamBam, Jinyoung and Jaebum. 
You let out a giggle at every video of the guys forcing each other to take shots and you couldn’t help but wish you went with them. Forcing five months of notes in to your brain in one night was driving you insane. Seeing Mark’s name made your heart flutter, just like it normally did and right as you were about to let it go to voicemail, you answered his call. 
You haven’t seen him since he left your place right after the two of you ate dinner. He knew you had to study, so he wanted to give you his space but you found yourself typing out his number a couple of times because you missed his presence but ended up deleting the text completely. 
“Y/nnnnnnnnn. Hey, how’s the studying going? I miss you. You should’ve came.” You knew he was drunk and there was nothing more entertaining than a drunk Mark Tuan especially because he wasn’t one to drink all that often. In fact, alcohol changed him in to a completely different person. If he had a few shots of liquid courage in him, he could tell you the history of the Pillsbury dough boy. 
“You’re drunk.”
“And you’re beautiful. Your point is?” You mentally cursed the guys for allowing him to get so drunk but he was making your extremely boring night all the more fun.
“Where’s the guys?”
“I don’t know. Somewhere here on earth. Why do you care about them huh? Focus on me. I’m the only one you should be thinking about. You’re the only one I ever think about—and I think about you all the time y/n.” 
Every word that fell from his lips tugged on your heartstrings but you were smart enough to know not to believe him. He was drunk and had no idea what he was admitting to you right now. “Mark—“
“I love you. Y/n. I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember. I don’t know why you were so surprised to—to hear that I want to marry you—look at you. You’re the most ethereal human being in the world. You’re so beautiful and you—you make me so happy. I love you, I love you, I love you. I know you’re studying for biology right now, but do you think you could learn to love me?” 
You didn’t even realize you were holding in your breath the entire time he was confessing his love for you. Even if he was drunk, his words sounded so sincere. You didn’t know what to say, it was too much to take in. Were you hallucinating? Did staying up all those hours finally drive you to the brink of insanity? Before you could find the courage to respond, you heard murmuring through the phone and soon Jaebum’s voice was replacing Mark’s. 
“Hey, do you mind coming to pick him up? He’s drunk off his ass if it wasn’t already obvious. You don’t have to worry your pretty little head about the rest of us. We’re all fine. It’s Mark who ended up drinking a little too much.”
“Of course. Can you text me your location? I’ll be there soon. Take care of him for me would you?” You debated on taking a taxi, your mind was too clouded with his entire confession and you didn’t think you were in your right mind to be driving but you didn’t want to have to wait for one while taking care of a drunk Mark by yourself. Why couldn’t the guys just take him back with them? They were the ones who allowed him to get so drunk, why were they making him your responsibility? 
The entire drive to the bar was mind wrecking and you even found yourself running a few red lights. What was going to happen when you had him all to yourself? When you pulled up to the bar, your eyes immediately landed on the group of boys hovering over who you assumed to be Mark. Smiles all rose on their faces as soon as they saw you approaching but you were too focused on making sure Mark was okay. 
“Can I get some help to my car please?” Jackson and Jinyoung wrapped their arms around his shoulders and carried him to your car while BamBam and Jaebum walked alongside you. 
“I guess it’s out there.” You looked at BamBam in curiosity and earned yourself a knowing look. 
“You know exactly what I’m talking about y/n. I can’t believe it took him getting drunk to confess his feelings for you, but it had to come out somehow and he obviously wasn’t going to tell you how he feels sober. I’ve never seen someone as in love with a person like Mark is with you. That boy looks at you like the sun shines out of your ass. You must be blind not to see it. And don’t get me started when it comes to how much he talks about you. Whenever he actually comes out with us, you’re all he talks about. “Y/n loves coming here.” “Y/n showed me that last week.” “I hope y/n did good on her test.” “Did you guys see y/n last week? She looked so pretty in that dress.” I’m sure he could write a novel about the love he has for you—ow. What was that for?” 
The younger boy rubbed his shoulder from where Jaebum hit him and you couldn’t help but snicker. “That’s enough. Let mark go in to depth about his love for her. If he finds out your dumb ass practically confessed his feelings for him, you’re going to have to catch the bus home. Drive safely y/n. Let us know when you get home. And good luck with him. Please do something with the information you found out tonight. It’s been long enough don’t you think?” 
The boys all pulled you in for quick hugs and you began to drive away, making your way back to your apartment. He looked so peaceful yet so inebriated. His cheeks were pink and his eyelids were swollen yet he still looked so good. You hesitantly reached for his cheek and grazed you’re thumb against his Cupid’s bow. 
“You silly, silly boy. What am I going to do with you?” Bringing him upstairs by yourself was a challenge. If waking him up while he was sober was hard, attempting to get him up from his slumber was even more difficult. Not only did he not wake up at every single attempt of shaking him and practically whisper yelling in his ear, but his body was practically deadweight. What normally was a two minute walk from your parking lot to your apartment took almost twenty minutes. You praised yourself once you made it to your front door and dragged him inside, pulling him towards your room. His breath wreaked of alcohol and you weren’t sure if you wanted to try and get him to brush his teeth but after a while, you ultimately decided against it. Why put yourself through even more work for you? 
You took off his clothes and helped change him in to one of the shirts he left at your place before heading back in to the kitchen to get him a bottle of water and painkillers you knew he would need in the morning. After changing your clothes and preparing yourself for bed, you found your place next to Mark and brought his face in to your hands. With his confession and reassurance from both Jaebum and BamBam, you were confident in your decision to confront and confess your love for him when he was completely sober. You gave yourself a few moments to admire the handsome boy in front of you and placed a soft kiss on his lips before sleep finally took over. 
The next morning, you woke up to the sound of something rustling and a soft groan that you knew came from Mark. He released an exhausted sigh before pulling you closer to his chest. You decided to pretend you were still asleep in order to see what his next move would be and when you felt the multiple kisses along the back of your neck, it took every bone in your body not to react. “If only you knew.”
“Knew what?” The scream that filled your room on top of the thud that came when Mark fell off your bed made you erupt in laughter. You quickly ran over to his side to help him back up on top of the bed but your giggles still continued. He glared at you and crossed his arms out of frustration and you decided to give him a break. 
“You little shit. You scared me. How did I—why am I here?” You knew he was trying to redirect your attention away from his confession and you were going to play along for a few minutes before taking your confrontation head on. 
“You got piss drunk and the boys called me over to come get you.”
“Those assholes. I always take them home after their drunken stupors, I don’t know why they can’t do the same for me. They should know better than to bother you. You’re already tired as it is already. I’m sorry about that.” You shook your head before handing him a few pain killers and the water bottle. 
“It’s totally fine Mark. How are you feeling?” He groaned. 
“Like shit. I um—I didn’t say anything embarrassing did I?” This was it. It was time to finally find out for yourself what Mark’s exact feelings for you were. Although it has been hinted to you many times, and the truth came out last night, you wanted to hear him say it himself, sober. 
You didn’t give yourself any time to think before your lips connected with his. It felt so natural to you. You cupped his cheeks with your palms as your lips moved softly against his. However, once you tasted the alcohol and noticed he wasn’t reacting, you pulled away. 
“W—what—did you just—did we—am I still drunk? I have to be. There’s no way—why did you stop? What the fuck is going on?” His stammering was extremely adorable and before you could respond, his lips were back on yours. Kissing Mark felt too good to be true. His lips melded perfectly with yours, as if the two of you were made to kiss one another. 
“You told me you loved me last night. This is my way of letting you know I feel the exact same way. I’ve been in love with you for so many years, I can’t even count how long on my hands. I never thought I was good enough for you, nor did I think there was a chance you would ever feel the same. I was always just your best friend. The idea of us being something more than friends was an unrealistic daydream I would hope and pray would become a reality. Over the course of our friendship, our parents, friends and even our teachers would try and tell me that you harbored feelings for me but I never believed anybody. We’ve been friends for so long already. If you liked me, you would’ve done something about it a long time ago. I really wanted to confess my feelings for you on many occasions, but the idea of losing you was one I couldn’t even fathom.” 
With the way he was looking at you with so much love and adoration in his eyes at your confession you were sure you’d melt in to a puddle right there. “You’re my best friend Mark. My person. My soulmate. Hearing you tell me that you love me is such a beautiful and indescribable feeling. I meant it when I said I would marry you because I knew you were the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. There’s nobody else but you Mark. You’re it for me.” 
He brought some of your hair behind your ear and just as he was about to kiss you, you dodged his lips no matter how badly you wanted to feel them against yours again. 
“You just confessed your feelings for me, let me kiss you—“ 
“Brush your teeth first stinky and then we’ll talk.” He rolled his eyes before stomping over to your bathroom. 
“The love of my life is denying me kisses I can’t believe this bullshit—“ the blush was warm on your cheeks and you knew if you were to look in a mirror that you’d be as red as a tomato right now but you didn’t care; Mark had that effect on you. You could hear how rough and quick he was brushing his teeth and the thought of him rushing in order to kiss you again made your heart flutter. Soon, he clumsily made his way toward you and practically tackled you on to the bed. He wasted no time attacking your face with kisses and finally bringing his lips to yours. 
You would have never thought, in all your years of being friends with Mark that you would one day have him hovering over you with his grip tight on your waist as your tongues battled for dominance, roughly clashing against each other. Kissing Mark was otherworldly. His lips were soft and melded well against yours and the way he was touching you, so gentle yet so seductively was driving you insane. You playfully brought his bottom lip in between your teeth and the growl that came from the back of his throat sent chills down your spine. 
“Fuck—shit—fuck—you—you’re so beautiful y/n. So fucking beautiful and extremely sexy. God, I am so, so in love with you baby. Ugh, I love how it sounds calling you that. Baby. You are MY baby.” 
He grinned widely and stole one more kiss from the corner of your mouth before continuing. “As much as I did not want to go out last night, I needed something else to consume my mind. I couldn’t stop thinking about you and how badly I wanted you to be mine. You know how hard it is? Seeing that breathtaking smile of yours, hearing that contagious laughter than makes me smile like an idiot, holding you in my arms, running my fingers through your hair and not being able to kiss you? Not being able to hold your hand and letting the world know that you’re mine? It was torture y/n. From the day we became friends, I knew you were meant to be someone special in my life. I just didn’t know how special nor did I know how much you would mean to me. You’re my entire world y/n.” He pulled you on to his lap and softly cupped your cheeks.
“You are the most selfless, hardworking, generous, kind-hearted, caring and extremely supportive person I’ve ever met. You are the reason I put so much effort and energy in to every little thing that I do. I want you to be proud of me. If you’ve been wondering why I get so angry whenever it comes to you and another guy; like you and Jackson that one movie night, you and Jinyoung when we played spin the bottle, hell, even a few nights ago when you talked about your future husband, it’s because I was jealous. The thought of you loving someone else, kissing someone else, settling down and starting a family with someone who isn’t me sends an upsetting feeling to my stomach. Pathetic isn’t it. I’m a coward who couldn’t act on my feelings because I was too afraid of your reaction so I had no right to be jealous. The reason I got so drunk last night was because BamBam and Jackson wouldn’t stop joking around about how cute you and Park Jinyoung would look together. Fuck Jinyoung—wait—don’t. The only person you’ll be fucking from now on is me. But I hope you know you’re stuck with me and my dick for the rest of your life. Now that I have you, you’re mine forever. I’m never letting you go. My beautiful y/n, I love you so much.” 
He smiled in to the kiss as soon as he felt his lips on yours and quickly wiped away your tear as it fell down your cheek. “To think, if only I got you drunk earlier, we could been in this position sooner.”
“Well I heard that drunk sex is the best kind of sex, so if you want to take a few shots of tequila and celebrate our newfound relationship by bouncing on my dick for the rest of the day then I’m all for it—ow y/n—I’m going to let you know that slapping is only fun if I get to do it to you—I hope you’re this wild during sex. Honestly, what did I get myself into? I’m kidding—come back here. Let me love you baby!”
112 notes · View notes
mikkock · 4 years
Hey hi your murder mystery art is super totally cool and amazing and I'd like to Extra! Extra! hear all about it *rattles bells*
haha wow i cant believe ud ask me THIS! unbelievable! now im gonna have to make a long post!
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all info under the cut cause im kind like that ♥
For reasons I felt like making a Fancy Ass murder mystery story, with you know, hella complex secret storylines and everyone having drama and shit, and one person died but the more the story goes the less people care about who did the murder and the more they want tHE JUICY DETAILs. X and Y had an afFAIR you say!!! well that’s thousands time more interesting than that murder that happened, who cares about the culprit its not like any of us are going anywhere anyway! tell me more about the marital issues!
The ultimate Vibes are Clue (the game, ya kno, it had a movie too, and that movie was shot with three different endings -fun fact- so that movie theatres could play one alternatively that way people wouldnt get spoiled or even if they did they would not get the ending they were spoiled or even if all three were spoiled you couldnt know which ending you were getting anyway, big dick move, cause its an old movie and film is expensive, also that movie stupid and campy, ALSO I ONLY LEARNED MAKING THIS AU THAT IN ENGLISH THE GAME’S CALLED “CLUE” wE CALL IT CLUEDO therefore my wip playlist is called cluedo. because. fuck it.)(i just have an emotional attachment to that game i even had a cd rom video game version and it was the spookiest shit for a 6 years old, trust me, i played it so much tho i didnt even understand the rULES i was just making scenarios like gathering the characters in rooms n making conversations outloud cause honestly the banter is the best part of a murder mystery) ANYWAY that sure is a whole paragraph of tangent. 
BUT YE the inspo from the Clue game. you can tell it from the Colours obviously, everyone’s colour codded.(even everyone’s name is colours as well you’ll see it’s real dang fancy! im just remaking that game but with 2932020 characters and more behind the scenes drama and also for gay people.)
Sir Belyy, the dude in white, is The Rich Powerful Respected Fancy Boss, and he throws a Fancy Reception Party with his closest friends and associates to celebrate the opening of a new branch of his business. All the lads gather in his wonderful little very isolated mansion in the middle of nowhere, like ok he got a death wish or something or he’s very trusting of his business partners, but not a good move, cause in the middle of the reception, as A Phat Storm Starts (for plot convenience, we going with a campy vibe if you couldnt tell), his body is found, it’s awful, there’s a killer on the loose! All the guests gather, and attempt to maybe contact the authorities, to not avail, since The Storm ya know, phone lines are Broken my dude. Its clear that the culprit is among them, since no one could have entered the house, or left it (cuz once again, ThE sTORm). And then it’s all about interrogating each other, distrust, alliances and betrayal, revealing one’s deepest secrets when they form an alibi and revealing someone else’s deepest secret for they could be a motive! Meanwhile there’s a dead body in the mansion just chillin there. 
So as I mentioned, I changed everyone’s name to be colour related (or ya know, food or flowers of that colour cause sometimes a colour in a language would not work as a name given the way names work in that culture all that jazz) which is the trippiest thing cause tHATS NOT YALLS USUAL NAMES but its fun (also changed so many ages hgfhs it was a trip)(still no one’s really old i guess i got boomerphobia). The “Cast” is clearly the most important part, and if ur a True “My OCs” Connaisseur (hdfghd the most useful skill to have, knowing *MY* Charactersdshgd) you may have recognised some faces and can already read some vibes and predict who will be progressing the plot and who will be yelling at people throwing accusations ghdfgd.
(god i wish i hadnt slacked off making the portraits of everyone in that AU i only have 3 tho that’s so sad so ill just make little sketches just cause <3 only text??? i got too many hoes with no attention span for that)
Sir BELYY (the one who dIEs lmao)
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(bust shot missing the fact that this man is the tallest beefiest lad around)
Intimidating, powerful, composed, wealthy, carries the name of a family who has generations of control to it’s reputation, he’s The Man that hoes who believe in the economy wishes they were. As in, the “self made” man who only just happened to benefit from having a wealthy background to uplift his plans. In his youth, he wanted to prove his worth, seperated himself from his father, started a business, that business became big, then got attached to the family’s business, bam back to square one but with Reputation now. There seemed to be VERY big tension between him and The Father, some speculate it had to do with his unknown mother, and some family drama there, and it never got resolved as old man Belyy died quite young (the jUICY speculations are that current sir Belyy mURDEREd old man sir Belyy, fucked up if true!). People love him though in general, as he has that reputation of “Cold Lad With a Gold Heart” aka he takes people under his wings, donates, doesnt treat his employees like the absolute worst garbage etc... you know, he’s rich and a half decent person, so obviously he’s an angel on earth. But does it matter though, he’s dead! that’s the concept of the story!  
Mr.GRAY (the grey guest)(who could have guessed from the name)
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He’s one of Sir Belyy’s oldest employees, and benefits from a high rank in the company. But, sadly for him, he’s been stagnating lately, as newer, youngest employees seem to have Belyy’s favours, and are his prefered associates for important tasks and positions. Therefore he has Some Bitterness, Some Salt, Some Distaste, some unbriddled but professionally muted hatred for Specific people in the company. He can be an antagonistic figure, but the amount of time he spent in Belyy’s circle grants him an immense quantity of information about the man, but mostly, about his business. Anything about the company’s history, dealings, operations, he’s aware of, either having been told of them, or having snooped around to obtain, immune to being questioned due to his legitimacy in the company.
Mr.LIM (the green guest)
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Remember when it was said that Gray had beef with some employees cause they were younger and rose to high ranks faster than him and became Belyy’s favourite over him? Yeah well here comes the one he hates the most for that (ofc he’s belyys fave cuz he’s Mine <3) Our lad caught Belyy’s attention for his Exploits in like, em fancy high school tournaments of smart people, it’s a thing its ridiculous, making kids compete on Smart stuff for the pride of their schools n shit, well homie Lim got clout when doing that, and Belyy was extremely interested cause that kid’s main thing was how “this young lad got mad strategic skills tf are u a war general or smth how fancy”, and that’s a coveted skill for ruthless business. So as soon as the kid is an adult, bam, join the company my dude. And because he’s just that Cool n Sexy ofc he met the expectations Belyy had, and old man Belyy got attached cuz it do be such a young lad, a kid, mentally i am adopting. That’s how you get a youngas employee becoming the right hand man of one the phatest CEO in a few years, and even make your way into being a Good Lad on top of a business partner. And that’s how you get Gray to hate your ass too. Now though, fine lad with mad strategic skills, rising to power that fast, and even infiltrating Belyy’s private life? If I were Gray I’d call suspicion there’s surely some shady stuff going no way we’re just dealing with a nice fella who just happens to work good and be friendly to the boss right?
Herra MUSTA (the black “guest”)
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Belyy’s newest butler, assistant, house keeper, he multitasks. His family has been tied to Belyy’s for generations, fullfilling roles of help, but also of confidents. He’s been the head butler since only a short time, after his mother passed, and as such is still “in training” you could say, despite having served the family his whole life. There are rumours going around that the contract tying his family to the Belyys may end on his generation and need to be resigned. He known the manor by heart, and carries all keys to any locked room (and mostly, The Master Key, cause in an old house, some doors may be locked beyond all still existing keys). He also knows secrets of the family that no one else knows, but good luck getting em out of him, he’s under contract not to divulge em bro.
Mr. HASSEL (the brown guest)
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Belyy’s childhood friend. They grew up together, pictured their dreams together, sworn to flourish together, worked together when starting the company, and then Hassel felt he should create his own thing instead of depending on his friend’s existing wealth, and while Belyy’s business went wild, his never took off. They still stayed very close, despite the massive difference in wealth. Belyy considers him his closest friend, the one person he can trust (fucked if hassel did the murder lemme tell u). So of course, he’s still always invited to the Prestigious meet ups where’s he’s free to feel uncomfortably out of place amongst all the rich and powerful people that he could have been a part of had he had a tiny bit of luck and a small loan from a wealthy relative...People LOVE saying he’s still hanging out with Belyy so much to leech off his wealth, cause of course they do! His bestie status means he has a whole different brand of information of Belyy than his butler does, the Most Intimate Stuff, the Childhood Stuff. The Juicy stuff ya kno...But Bro Code, its all secrets...
Sir RUZH (the red “guest”)
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Deep dive into Belyy’s personnal history, the man has many employees working at his house keeping it working, clean, ya know the vibe. They live on the premice, one has a kid who’s just a Joy to be around, all the employees just vibe with that lad, he’s just a born socialite you know? Belyy gets to meet the kid, and also hella vibes with him. And because human are influenced by their feelings, he gives the kid’s mum a bit of a preferencial treatment, in the tasks she fullfils and all, til he gives her an important-as mission, and then there’s an accident n mama dies, and now Belyy got guilt and there’s this kid who just Vibes. So naturally the move is to take the kid in, and play on how his vibes are just so clean, and raise him to be the Perfect Entertainer for guests, bam, its soft power propaganda, if everyone loves your now son’s vibes, they associate them with you too. And also that’s kind of a clean rep, the selfless man who adopted his employee’s son to not have him fall to the streets, how heartwarming. Not at all traumatising for the kid too I bet! But anyway now the lad is just the most charming young adult, mission accomplished. He’s always present at any reception, ready to work his people-pleasing magic, and then going back to a gigantic empty manor to wait for the next and curate the perfect vibes to meet the expectations of dad. On the plus side, he knows everyone, and those who don’t know him cannot wAIT to, he’s just got that aura ya know. People skills for miles, and the insider knowledge that comes with being the son of the CEO, all this hidden behind the personna of the fresh innocent bashful party lad. 
Dr.FEN (the pink guest)
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Do not get mistaken by the title, he’s no doc, he will not diagnose you with anything, he just studied long enough to get the sexy title. Study in what? Haha. Nothing shady. Just toxicology. He’s a world reknown poison expert basically, that’s his main thing. Oh but don’t worry, of course studying substances that may kill people is only for finding out how to cure them from it of course. What brings him in this circle? Simple, Belyy may or may not have started to suffer some weird illness that no doctor has been able to find the source, let alone cure, of. Him and Dr.Fen had met previously on some event, cause some rich man also love flexing how smart they are and attending sciencey shit, and he was contacted as sort of a shot in the dark. The lad does know how to treat some things, maybe he can treat The Mysterious Unwellness, since no traditional doctor was able to. He knows science, he’s trustworthy, bam, you’re hired to work on My Case Exclusively. Thanks to this, Dr.Fen has access to the whole health history of Belyy and his family, to many mANY dangerous substances, and also has The Respect of the hoes at the party. He HAS a doctorate after all. Epitome of knowledge. And he’s a kind to people and he wears pink like dang how can you nOT pour your wHOLE trust in him. 
Sir MOREVITCH (the blue guest)
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Youngest son of an affluent family, who used to be close the the Belyys. The two families fell slightly appart after the death of the previous head of the family on the Belyy side, as they do nOT vibe with the current one (well current, til the first night of the story ig). But, unbeknownst to all, one strong link had been kept, between the youngest of the Morevitch, who dislikes his family and wishes to emancipate himself from them while also assuring his depart will not throw him basically in the streets, and our beloved Sir Belyy, who also dislikes the Morevitches but loves to see the rebellious energy of the young one (and ya know, my enemy’s enemy’s my friend or however you say that). So Belyy’s basically offering tips and helping Morevitch plant himself safely out of his family’s grasp, but it’s all taking quite some time isn’t it, slow and steady is fine until your parents try to arrange a wedding to secure more political power, and suddenly it is all quite urgent that you escape that situation because No Thank You Parents I Do Not Want A Wife I’m Too Young And Also Huh <3 Stuff You Won’t Like Hearing For Sure <3. The people who know they’re working together also know that it’s a big point of argument between them, the difference in vision between “you have to go slow and steady to be safe” and “I have very limited time to get to that safety anyway so I gotta risk it” “hell no you cant i can’t follow through if we’re going that quick that’ll put me at risk and you’re family’s gonna send gunmen to take me down”. A mess, it’d be much quicker to just obtain a few million bucks out of nowhere and bolt for sure...
Mr.GANG (the orange guest)
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Morevitch’s trusted assistant. He hears the concerns, he helps the secret businesses, he lies to the parents about the whereabouts, and mostly, he’s basically a budget spy. The lad got that talent where people just don’t notice him popping behind them and catching all their dirty laundry as they confess it to someone they trust, and he always manages to break into places, get the intel he was looking for, and escape, putting everything back into place as if no one was ever there (wonder where he got all those skills from damn!). But what he’s even better at is being sneaky not only to benefit his boss, but himself as well <3. If he can catch all the info in the world, go any places, nothing’s stopping him from playing double agent and also going behind Morevitch’s back. After all the assistant life isn’t the most glamourous and rewarding, who can blame him from going and using his talents to build his own little exit route, right? Everybody sort of knows he cannot be trusted, but also no one managed to really incriminate or stop him, and as much as he has tea on many people, no has it on him, but bet once found that would be heeeella juicy.
M.MOUTARDE (the yellow guest)(this one is straight up the name of the yellow player in the french edition of clue too when i say its my main vibe)
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Moutarde was an influential celebrity. He had a big break acting in a movie that the whole country stanned so hard they basically turned the script into their national anthem (they would have if it was a true democracy where the people really decide), he was so handsome and elegant, everyone’s dream husband. And then the fame fiddled out because it’s how fame is, one moment you’re the sexiest dish on the table and the next someone brings in dessert and baam, its all about that fresh cake, and no one pays any mind to your delightful aroma anymore, you’ve gone cold, they had a bite, their interest is somewhere else. Belyy really admires his work though, and mostly finds his image fits with the brand of his company, therefore the two are working on a collaboration to make Moutarde a representative. This WOULD boost Moutarde’s reputation, for his ads would be displayed on every imaginable surface of the country, and it would also benefit the company cause being represented by thAT sexy motherfucker? clearly that’s a deal. The freshness of the partnership means Moutarde is a newcomer in the guests, a fresh face, with no reputation, no relationships, no unfair biases against him. He’s just the new handsome charismatic lad with a squeaky clean image. Emphasis on “image”. After all, no one really knows anything of his background, right?
Kun.LAWENDER (the purple guest)
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Private investigator, very useful to be around at a party it’s almost like it was expected there’d be a body to investigate, he’s a very close associate of Belyy, as there’s nothing more important to business than investigating the rivals and finding dirt on them to make them fall through infamy. He’s not exactly the PI who goes look for justice to be served, he’s just here for cash bro. He’s got intel on everyone, and will only let it out if offered the right thing in return (money, or sometimes other pieces of very secret intel, trade is good). Wouldn’t advise letting him and Gang team up tbh but they probably wouldnt, as Lawender is really more of a lone wolf player, going on his own for himself. The one thing that negates his usefulness as a PI on an accidental crime of scene is that even if he knew the whole truth of the event he would not spit it out unless he benefitted from saying it. He sure is a polarising lad, but at the same time, an untouchable one, he’s too knowledgeable to be taken down. Rather than sneaky, he’s extremely observant, noticing the tiniest details and engraving them in his memory, ready to be linked up to other details to deduct the big picture. He’s the upfront tea gathered basically (as opposed to Gang’s shadow tea gathering if you will, they are similar forces but using opposite methods)(also one of em got a licence n the other does not hAH).
Now the secrets, all of em have them. One of em at least got the secret of having KILLED Belyy that’s that. But that’s to be kept for later (for if i ever use this story for more than daydream material gfhjgh) bet you can imagine what some of em may be just out of Knowing what i do, from having seen the characters in other contexts, or just because you’re a genius and reading the character profiles immediatly lit up the bulbs in your head forming the perfect theory, props to you, mad genius.
Honestly my thoughts are just how lit of a game that would be, you get to pick one hoe (maybe sum are locked til u find their secrets for juicy purposes) and you do your invetigation using your character’s perks and disadvantages, and maybe there could even be Multiple scenarios and outcomes, to spice it up, give replay value, i just think it’d be a game id spend hours on. tryin to get the spicy details of everyone’s life. walking around n digging through a rich man’s stuff, witnessing the drAMA of people fighting cause they’re locked in with a murderer and that’s stressful ngl. That or a long ass show @ netflix wanna give me a show maybe? give me hella budget we’re making it animated cause im too cultured for live action. 
whatever i make of it though, i hope i can make this story Flourish, just so that i can lay down all those secret backstories i’ve written. i want the satisfaction of throwing out the craziest secret drama between character n seeing peeps loose their minds, it just is a tasty experience.
also i gotta say, i plug the hell out of Clue for an inspo but when i was building the basics of the story my mind immediatly went “oH MY GOD THE VIBES,, THE BACKSTABBING AND tEAMING UP and all,,, its The Genius, that one tv show where peeps have to do the wildest games that require strategy n they’re in that fancy set that looks like a rich ppl mansion oh god the vibes” so yeah, i rewatched the whole first two seasons cause they’re my faves and that had an impact if only minimal in the aesthetic.
Anyway hope that quick presentation gave you a lil taste of the story, and maybe,,,, got you curious,,, craving to learn more like you never did before (im exaggerating the only real question we all got is just “so who’s fuckin with whom then how many of yall secretly dating” this the real deal)
#doodlin every lad's face at one rly be like 'welcome to the cheekbone festival'#they got antti AND said at once like the cheekbonage is out of this world!#that's musta n gang btw#also every single time i draw cream (blue lad) im like 'i havent drawn u in ages' n it isnt#that i dont draw him much anymore#but that ive drawn only this bitch for months back in the days#him bein in this without his lover....criminal#cuz his boo wouldnt fit a murder mystery au like#hoes would find the corpse he'd just be like 'welp on that imma go to bed aight bye'#anyway u can tell which of my ocs i simp for v easely#like fr#they the ones i spend the longest drawfigfdj cuz i draw em n then go 'not hot enough do it again'#a struggle!#anyway the secret is that i prepares a motive AND an alibi for all of em#so that i can pick who murdered belyy at the last moment <3#its all abt the contextual clues on the scene of crime <3#none of the drama tells u anything its all for the treat of gossip <3#sad part of this project is how much ive planned n written yet i can barely tell anythin if i want to make it#n ive drawn nothingbhd#i hav a dari n a weiwei in their coloured clothes lookin handsome cuz ofc i do#im predictable i have faves#ask if they're in love in this one too take a fuckin guess#u rly think hoe going to his boss's house so much to see the ceo ???? HAH#the real question isnt if theyre smooshin we all kno that answer the question is if dad white suit knows thATs whats important#are yall secret lovers or is green boy climbing the ladder of the company cuz he's smashing the boss's son#who knows#i do i aint telling pay me
9 notes · View notes
eightmakar · 6 years
Rule Breaker | Four | S.M.
A Baseball!Shawn AU
Word Count: 6.4k
Warnings: a lot of date fluff, some cursing
Author’s Note: hi guys!!! thanks for all the wonderful feedback on this story!! i’m so happy you all love it so much! Previous parts in my masterlist! Tag list is open! Thank you @heavenly---holland for the moodboard and @the-claire-bitch-project for inspiration!
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Shawn flopped down on Tessa’s bed.  “Why won’t you show me around town?” he asked exasperatedly.
Tessa straddled Shawn’s thighs.  He’d been in Brewster for two weeks and they hadn’t done much around town.  She had been very reluctant to take him around town with her.  It was a small town and she knew people talked, and she wanted to just enjoy being with Shawn.  She didn’t want to worry about what the town thought of her.
Tessa kissed him lightly on the lips, then rolled off of him so she laid next to him.  “I don’t want the town to talk. Trust me, they will. One time, I went out with one of my best friends from high school.  There was never anything romantic there, but the whole town knew we went to a movie together.  It was awful, Shawn.”
He pouted.  “But I wanna see where you grew up! I want to see the town!”
Tessa sighed.  “Maybe.”
“Where have you always wanted to go on a date, Tess?” He grabbed her hand.
Her cheeks flushed. “You’ll think I’m a nerd.”
Shawn looked at her.  “Tessa.  Where?”
She sighed again and gave in. “The Cape Cod Natural History Museum. They just built this new butterfly house.”
“Well, let’s go tomorrow, then,” Shawn said.
“C’mon Tess! It’ll be fun! We’ve been doing this for what, two weeks now? I’m tired of being cooped up in here!” Shawn whined.  “Pretty pleeeeeeeease Tessa?”
Tessa looked at him. “Shawn, you’re the biggest child I’ve ever met.”
He rolled on top of her, pressing his forehead against hers.  “If I’m a good boy will you take me to get ice cream afterwards?”
She stared up into his eyes. “Maybe. I do love Kate’s.”
“So can we go? Please? I need to prove to my friends that you actually exist.”
Tessa flushed.  “You told your friends about me?”
Shawn sat back on his heels and Tessa’s legs.  “Well, yeah, of course I did.”
Tessa’s heart pounded.  “I told my friends about you, too,” she said quietly.
Shawn smiled softly, then bit his lip in nervousness.  “Tessa?”
“I like you.”
Tessa went cold. “You, uh, like me? I like you too, Shawn.”
“No, like,” Shawn said.  He shuffled around, picking up Tessa’s hands in his and interlocking their fingers together.  “I like you.  Like, I like you so much, Tess.  Like, I’ve never felt like this before.”
Tessa felt like she was going to burst.  “I like you so much too, Shawn.  You have no idea.”
He grinned. “Shit, really?”
“Shawn, I let you give me hickies before Whitecaps games.  Of course I like you.”
He laughed.  “Well, thank God for that.  I’ve been freaking out trying to tell you for days.”
Tessa should’ve felt wonderful.  She should’ve felt nice and warm and appreciated, but she just felt like she was going to throw up.  She needed to tell Shawn something.
“Shawn, I’m a virgin,” she blurted out.  “I mean, I’ve done stuff before, just not like, full-blown penetration sex.”
“And that changes this how?” Shawn asked.  
“A lot of guys make a big deal out of it,” Tessa said quickly.  “I just don’t want you to think less of me.”
“Why would I do that? It doesn’t matter to me.  You’re you and that’s what’s important, okay?” Shawn leaned down and pressed a sweet kiss on her forehead.  
She smiled. “That’s sappy as fuck, Mendes.”
“I don’t see you complaining about it,” he laughed.  He kissed the tip of her nose, then her lips.  “So can we please go out tomorrow? It’ll be fun! I promise if we see Kyle I’ll personally kick his ass,” he begged.
“Ugh,” Tessa sighed.  “You’re lucky you’re cute, Bubs. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at noon, we can get lunch, go to the museum, and get ice cream. Sound good?”
The biggest, most adorable, childish grin spread across Shawn’s face.  He grabbed her face and kissed all over it.
“You’re a big baby,” Tessa giggled.  
“Yeah? ‘Big baby’ is what you decided to go with?” Shawn teased. He kissed her again for good measure, then pressed his forehead and nose against Tessa’s. “I can’t wait to see Brewster from your perspective.”
At noon sharp the next day, Tessa pulled up to the Miller’s house in her Subaru Outback.  She had extra blankets in the back of her car; she’d planned a special surprise ending to her day with Shawn.
She got out of the car and started walking up towards the door, but it opened and Shawn waltzed out.  He saw her, smiled, and waved before speeding up down the sidewalk to her.
Shawn swept her up in a big hug when he reached her.  “I’m so excited!” he giggled as he squeezed her.
Tessa laughed.  “I am too! But remember, I know everyone in this town, so don’t do anything dumb.”
“Me? Dumb? Preposterous,” Shawn said with a smirk.  “I got you something.”
Tessa’s eyes brightened.  “You did?”
Shawn blushed.  “I borrowed Mrs. Miller’s car to go buy it,” he said. He handed her a small black box.
“Can you even legally drive in the United States?” Tessa asked, squinting at him suspiciously.
Shawn’s eyes went wide.  “Fuck.”
Tessa laughed musically, then pulled the top off of the box.  There was a small, rose gold butterfly on a delicate chain lying on a small cotton pillow.  She smiled.
“You sounded so excited about the butterflies,” Shawn said softly.
“Shawn, it’s beautiful!” Tessa exclaimed.  “Will you put it on for me?”
Shawn lit up.  “You like it?”
“Of course I do!” She pulled it out of the box and handed it to Shawn. It looked even smaller in Shawn’s enormous hands. Tessa turned around and moved her hair to the side so Shawn could drape the necklace around her neck and connect the hook.
She turned back around and showed Shawn.  He grinned. “It looks great on you!” he said happily.
“It’s beautiful! Thank you, Bubs,” Tessa said.  She kissed his cheek.  “You ready?”
“Let’s go,” he said, his grin widening.  He hurried around to the driver’s side of the car, opening it for Tessa.  She rolled her eyes, but smiled sweetly at him and climbed in the car.  He hurried back around the car and hopped in the passenger’s seat.
“I figured we’d go to JT’s,” she said as she backed out of the Miller’s driveway. “It’s a seafood place, and since it’s a nice day, we can sit outside and enjoy the weather.”
Shawn smiled.  “Sounds perfect to me.”
Tessa connected her phone to the auxiliary cord at a red light so she could play some music on the short drive to JT’s.   She clicked “Shuffle” at the top of her iPhone and heard the familiar bassline and drumstick riff of “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell.  She grinned and rolled the windows down as she began to sing.
Listen, baby
Ain't no mountain high
Ain't no valley low
Ain't no river wide enough, baby
Shawn came in on Tammi’s part, singing in a falsetto voice with Tessa.
If you need me, call me
No matter where you are
No matter how far (don't worry, baby)
Just call my name
I'll be there in a hurry
You don't have to worry
She stopped at another light and looked at Shawn.  He looked perfect sitting in her passenger seat, arm hanging out the window, singing his heart out with her.
Cause baby there
Ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you, babe
He took over the next verse and Tessa dropped out.  He had a gorgeous voice, and she just wanted to listen to him serenade her.
Remember the day
I set you free
I told you you could always count on me, darling
From that day on, I made a vow
I'll be there when you want me
Some way, somehow
Tessa came in again on the chorus.
Cause baby there
Ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you, babe
Tessa pulled up to JT’s as the song ended.  She laughed joyfully, so happy to have someone that would jam out in the car with her.  She hopped out of the car and walked around to Shawn’s side to join him, smiling brightly.
“What’s got you all giddy, hmm?” Shawn asked as Tessa interlocked their fingers.
“Being with you,” she said.  She looked up at him lovingly.  Shawn smiled, leaned down, and kissed her lips chastely.
“That’s the cheesiest thing you’ve ever told me,” he laughed.
“Get used to it, Bubs,” she laughed back.  Tessa’s stomach growled, so they walked towards the door of JT’s.
“What’s good here?” Shawn asked as they walked towards the counter.
“You can’t come to the Cape and not get seafood,” she said matter-of-factly.  “My favorite is the Fried Fish Sandwich.”
He craned his neck down to look at the menu.  “Is the fish and chips good?”
“Yeah!” Tessa exclaimed.  “That’s what Dad always gets.”
“Well, if it’s good enough for Coach Hale it’s good enough for me,” Shawn said with a soft smile.
Tessa rolled her eyes, then dragged Shawn up to the counter to order.
“Tessa!” the cashier, whose name tagged read “Michelle” said.  “How are ya?”
“I’m great!” Tessa said cheerfully.  “How about you?”
“Doing good!”
“How’s Jackson?” Tessa asked, letting go of Shawn’s hand and putting her arms on the table.
“He’s great! He grows way too fast, you know?” Michelle said.  “And who’s this with you?”
“This is Shawn, he’s playing for us this summer.” Tessa motioned to Shawn.
“Hey,” he said, offering Michelle his hand to shake.  “Nice to meet you.”
Michelle reached over the counter and shook his hand.  “You too, Shawn.  What can I get you guys?”
“The regular for me,” Tessa said, “and Dad’s regular for Shawn, please!”
Michelle put their order in and Tessa went to pay, but Shawn playfully bumped her with his hip.
“I got it, Tess,” he said, wallet in hand.
“Shawn,” she protested.
“Don’t even try, Tessa,” Shawn said, sticking his tongue out and handing his credit card to Michelle.
Tessa teasingly glared at him.  “Fine. But I’m getting our ice cream later. And I have a surprise tonight.”
Shawn took his card back from Michelle and signed the receipt, smiling at her.  “Thanks, Michelle,” he said, then turned to Tessa. “What kind of surprise?”
“That would ruin the surprise,” she sassed.  “Let’s sit outside, yeah?”
“Sounds good to me,” Shawn said.  He gently grabbed her hand again and the two of them wandered outside to find a table.
They sat down across from each other at their table.  The wind lightly blew, sending Shawn’s dark curls rustling, the noontime sunlight turning his eyes bright green.  Tessa took out her phone and took a picture of him as he rested his head in his hand on the table.  God, he was gorgeous.
“You look like a painting right now,” she said softly.
Shawn turned his head to her.  “You always look like a painting,” he countered.
“Why are you like this?” she asked, blushing. Whenever he complimented her, she felt like she was flying.
“I’m just telling the truth, Sunshine,” he said with a cheeky smile.
“‘Sunshine?’” she echoed.
“Yeah. You get Bubs, I get Sunshine.”
Tessa’s blush deepened. “That’s cute.”
“You’re cute,” he replied.
Tessa gave him a look.  A sassy comment came to her mind, but their food arrived.  
“Alright, the fish and chips?” the waiter asked.
“That’s me,” Shawn said, raising his hand a little bit.  The guy put his food down in front of him.
“And the Fried Fish Sandwich with cheese and onion rings,” the waiter said. He went to place the food in front of Tessa, then paused.  “Tessa?”
She looked up. Her ex-boyfriend, Brett, stood above her. Her body tensed. “Hi, Brett,” she responded tersely.  “Didn’t realize you still worked here.”
“Yeah, in the summertime when I’m home,” he said.  “How’ve you been?”
Shawn looked nervous. “Just fine, Brett. Just fine.”
Brett pressed his lips together.  “Alright, well, if you need anything let me know.” Brett walked away.  
Tessa jerked her thumb behind her.  “My ex.  He cheated on me. He went to college before I did, lied to everyone there and told them he was single.  He guilted a bunch of girls into sleeping with him and shit. One of my friends heard about it and told me.”
“Tess, I’m--.”
“Don’t even worry about it, Bubs. He’s irrelevant.” Tessa smiled, then pulled off the top bun of her sandwich.  She poured tartar sauce on it, then squished her bun back on. She picked it up and bit down, crunching into the fried fish.
Shawn pressed his lips together, then picked up a piece of his fried fish and dipped it in tartar sauce before taking a bit.
“Damn, this rivals actual British fish and chips,” he said, scarfing down the piece of the fish in his hand.  
“Yep, it’s the best in the world,” Tessa said, smiling.
Shawn devoured the rest of his fish and chips silently and happily. He finished his food just before Tessa, which impressed her, because she ate fast, especially when it was JT’s. He sat and waited for her until she was done.
“Alright, I approved of JT’s,” Shawn said with a laugh.
“Good,” Tessa laughed back.  They stood up, cleared their trash, and walked back to Tessa’s car.
Shawn went out of his way to open the driver’s side door for Tessa again, then jogged over to his door and clambered in.
They listened to the radio, Tessa softly humming to the songs. Shawn stared at her lovingly as she nodded her head to the beat of the song.  She pretended not to see him looking at her. Out of her peripheral vision, she could see him gazing at her with a soft smile on his face.
She pulled into the museum, shaking with nervous excitement.  Shawn leapt out of the car and sprinted over to her door, opening it for her with a flair of his hand.
“Shawn, you don’t have to do that,” Tessa said, rolling her eyes.
“Chivalry is not dead, Tessa,” he insisted.
“Alright, whatever you say, Bubs,” Tessa laughed.  She took his hand and led him towards the ticket booth.
“Hi, two adults, please,” Shawn said, jumping in front of Tessa to pay for her ticket. He grinned at her and handed his credit card to the attendant.
Tessa let go of his hand to cross her arms and stare at him.  “Why you gotta do that?”
He stuck his tongue out at her.  “We’ve always hung out at your place, so I feel like I owe you,” he explained with a shrug.  
Tessa squinted at him as he handed her ticket to her. “I suppose I’ll allow it.” She grabbed the ticket, then his hand again.  They walked together into the museum, Tessa bouncing with excitement.  
Shawn gazed at her as she dragged him through the museum, from exhibit to exhibit. He stared at her like he did in the car and she pretended not to notice. She jumped from sign to sign, breezing through the information.  Shawn was just along for the ride, happy to just be with Tessa.  He was so happy to see her enjoying herself, so happy to see her letting go.
The pair reached the Butterfly House. Tessa was shaking with excitement.
“We donated a bunch of money to help them build this,” she said as they entered.  “I love butterflies, so they were really excited to hear they were doing this.  Mom and Dad did it in my name.” She blushed.
“That’s so sweet of them!” he said with a soft smile.  “I picked a good necklace then, didn’t I?”
Tessa smiled brightly. “You read my mind, Bubs.”
Shawn opened the door for her, then joined her in the Butterfly House. The butterflies flew freely in their house, and as soon as Shawn and Tessa walked in, they flocked to them, as they were the only two people in there. It smelled like flowers, like the two of them were out in a wildflower field the middle of the woods.  The butterflies were so serene and calming; Tessa never wanted to leave, especially not since Shawn was with her.
It hadn’t been open long, but the last time Nate, Tessa’s brother, had been home, they’d gone together. Nate knew how much she loved butterflies, and he’d booked one of the feeding sessions for the two of them.  They didn’t have many butterflies then, but the two of them had a blast.
Tessa felt a small pang of nostalgia hit her as she looked around. There were so many more butterflies this time, but they still reminded her of how much she missed her brother.
Shawn squeezed her hand.  “You okay?”
“Yeah,” she said. “Last time I was here was my brother, so I just miss him.”
“Oh,” Shawn said, surprised. “We can go if you want, I--.”
“Shawn,” you said. “We aren’t leaving, this is perfect. They’re happy memories.  And this is just going to be another happy memory.”
Shawn smiled softly. “Good,” he whispered. He gently touched Tessa’s waist, staring at her lips.  Tessa smiled back at him, her hands finding his shoulders. She dragged her hands down his arms, then gently gripped his sides, tugging him into her. Shawn pressed his forehead against hers, staring into her eyes.
“You’re so beautiful, Tessa,” he whispered.
“Look who’s talking, handsome,” she whispered back. “Is that the only thing you like about me?”
“Oh, God, no,” Shawn said. “I could go on for days.”
“We’ve got time,” Tessa said. She wanted to hear what else he liked about her.
“Well,” Shawn began, “you’re the most intelligent person I’ve ever met. It’s incredible, the way your brain works. God, every time you speak it’s like, like, you know so much more than me but you somehow can relate everything back in ways I understand. I have no idea how you do it, but God, it’s amazing.”
Tessa’s face grew hot. No one ever said things like that to her in a romantic sense. She was blown away by Shawn’s openness, but her heart was full of all the things he was telling her.
“You’ve got the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever met,” Shawn continued. “I’ve never met anyone so caring or kind to everyone. Except Kyle, of course.”
Tessa laughed. “I mean, the only person who could love him is his mom.”
Shawn threw his head back and laughed so hard tears came to his eyes. “Wow, Tess.”
“Shhh,” she hushed him, putting her finger over his lips. “You’ll disturb the butterflies.”
“If you wanna shut me up, you’ll have to use something better than your finger,” he teased.
Tessa stood up on her tiptoes and kissed Shawn sweetly. “Better?” she asked.
“Better,” Shawn replied, leaning down and kissing her again. He smiled against her lips.
A butterfly suddenly hit them both. Tessa pulled away, laughing, as several of the butterflies fluttered towards them. Tessa spun around to look at them.
One flew towards Tessa and landed in her hair. She turned to Shawn.
“I’m a magnet!” she giggled.
Shawn pulled out his phone to take a picture of her.  She continued to giggle as the butterflies sailed around her.  She held out one hand, and the butterfly on her head fluttered down to her hand.
Another butterfly landed on the tip of her nose.  Tessa squealed in delight. Shawn snapped more pictures, smiling at her.  “You’re a magnet, Tess.”
He continued to stare at her, watching her relish in the freedom and joy of the butterflies. He kept taking her picture, wanting to capture this moment forever.
“Tessa,” he said.  He put his phone back in his pocket.
She turned, her face hurting from smiling so much.  Shawn grabbed her gently by the hips, pulling her closer. He smiled down at her.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” he whispered. “Please?”
Tessa wanted to cry.  She went cold again, her hands shaking. “Of course,” she whispered back.
Shawn grinned, then wrapped his arms around Tessa, picked her up, and spun her around.  She giggled again. He put her down and they stared at each other.
“What other tattoos do you have, Shawn?” Tessa finally asked.
“Well,” he began, “you’ll tease me for this, but I have the number “8” on my finger. My birthday is August 8th, so it’s my lucky number. It’s why I’m number 8 in baseball.”
“Oh my god,” Tessa laughed.
“I also have an elephant on my other middle finger,” he said, showing her. “My mom has a matching one. She loves elephants.”
“What about the guitar? What’s the story behind that?”
“So for a while, I wanted to be a musician. I taught myself how to play guitar, and I still do like to play, on occasion. I found a really great, um, stress reliever, I guess I’d call it, in music. I found the base for it on Pinterest, but it’s a guitar in the shape of trees,” he pointed, “and then the end bit there is the skyline of Toronto. The middle part is the sound wave of my parents and my sister saying ‘I love you.’ It’s super personal and sentimental.”
“That’s beautiful,” Tessa said, tracing the tips of her fingers over it.  “Which one did you get first?”
“The guitar,” he answered immediately.  “I’m also the most proud of that one. I put a lot of thought into it. I like my tattoos to be super meaningful. I think they’re such a great way to express what’s important to you, you know?”
“Yeah,” Tessa said softly. “I know.”
“Would you ever get one?”
“A tattoo?”
“Hmm,” Tessa thought. “Maybe. Maybe I’ll get a butterfly.”
Shawn laughed. “Let’s get matching butterflies.”
“Bet,” Tessa said. “Let’s do it right now.”
“Whoa,” Shawn paused, eyes wide. “I, um, we haven’t, um--.”
“Don’t worry,” Tessa laughed. “I’m kidding. Maybe one day, but not today. Definitely not today.”
“Oh, thank God,” Shawn breathed. “I thought I was going to come up with some bullshit excuse as to why we couldn’t go get a tattoo right now.”
Tessa laughed. “I think my brother would kill me if I got a matching tattoo with a guy I just met. He’s been begging me to get matching ones since I turned eighteen.”
“What does he want you to get?”
“Something dumb, I don’t know. Like, a baseball I think? Or like, our parents’ initials or something. I can’t really remember, he changed it so often.”
“What, you wouldn’t get a baseball tattoo?” Shawn teased.
“Definitely not,” Tessa laughed. “Not a straight up baseball, but maybe something Whitecaps related, since I’ve grown up with them.”
“That’s cute,” Shawn said. “I really want more.”
“I want at least one,” Tessa said. “Like my kids initials, when I have them. I think that’s super cute.”
“I didn’t even think of that!” Shawn said. “I could dedicate my whole left arm to my kids’ initials and birthdays.”
“What’s the one body part you wouldn’t get tattooed?” Tessa asked with a smirk.
Shawn’s eyes went wide, then he looked down at his crotch. Tessa burst out laughing. She laughed so hard she had to hold onto Shawn so she didn’t fall over.
An older couple came into the Butterfly House while Tessa was still clinging to Shawn. They gave her a funny look as she cackled at Shawn.
“God, what’s wrong with you?” Shawn laughed. “We gotta get you outta here before those old people think you’re having a stroke or something.”
Tessa kept laughing. “You . . . just looked . . .” she got out before another fit of laughter overtook her.
“Alright, let’s go,” Shawn said. He picked her up easily, holding her bridal-style and walking out of the Butterfly House.
Tessa finally caught her breath. “That’s the best thing that happened all day,” she gasped, wiping tears from her eyes as Shawn let her down.
“Tess, I literally asked you to be my girlfriend.” Shawn was a little hurt.
“Yeah,” Tessa said. “But that was the most I’ve laughed in a long time.” Shawn pouted, so Tessa added, “C’mon, Bubs, I’ll get you something from the gift shop.”
Shawn immediately perked up, like he was a child. Tessa giggled again. “I hope they have a Grow-A-Dinosaur,” Shawn said in a child’s voice.
“Alright, you big baby,” Tessa said, grabbing his hand. “Whatever you want.”
Shawn grinned, then practically dragged Tessa into the gift shop. He wandered around slowly, Tessa in tow. She found exactly what she was looking for as they passed the jewelry.
“You should get this, Bubs!” she said excitedly. She reached for a woven bracelet with a green, ceramic butterfly in the middle of it. “Then we’ll match.”
“Lemme see it, Sunshine,” he said, holding out his hand.  Tessa placed the bracelet in his hand and he held it up to examine it. “I love it. Get it.”
“You’re letting me buy it?” Tessa teased, gaping wide as she took the bracelet from Shawn.  
“Only because you said you’d get me something,” he warned. “Don’t let this go to your head, Bubs.”
Tessa smiled, then purchased the bracelet for Shawn. He immediately put it on, smiling at the way it looked on his wrist.
“It’s wonderful,” he whispered. He looked at Tessa, leaned in, and kissed her sweetly. “Thanks, Sunshine.”
“Anytime, Bubs.” They walked towards the door hand in hand
“Ice cream?” he asked hopefully, opening and holding the door for Tessa.
“Ice cream,” Tessa agreed.  They walked back to her car together. Tessa dramatically opened the passenger’s side door for Shawn.
“Goddammit,” he whispered softly.  “You got me.”
Tessa smirked. “Gotcha.”
She walked around to her side of the car, climbed in, and cranked the car.  They held hands while she drove to Kate’s, enjoying the sea air and the warmth of the sun.  
Shawn looked at her about halfway there.  “Tessa?”
“Do you like sports medicine?”
Tessa looked ahead of her.  “Yeah, I guess.”
“You guess?”
“I guess. I picked it because it would get me the closest to the diamond for the rest of my life.”
“Why not coach?”
Tessa laughed.  “Bubs, you have no idea what I’d do to be a baseball coach.”
“Then why not do it?”
“Shawn, I’m a girl. I think both the majors and minors would fall to pieces.”
“So? There’s a female coach in the NFL now.”
“That’s the NFL. This is baseball.”
“You basically coach the Whitecaps,” Shawn pointed out.
“Yeah, I do, I guess.”
“How about this: What would be your absolute dream job?”
“General manager for an MLB team.”
“So there you go,” Shawn said. “Do that.”
“Maybe, Shawn,” Tessa said.  “Maybe.”
They sat in comfortable silence until Tessa pulled into Kate’s.  They climbed out of the car and quickly got their ice cream.
“You know where my favorite seat is?” Tessa asked.
“Where?” Shawn replied.
“The back of my car.”
He smiled, then followed her back to the car.  She opened the hatchback, revealing the myriad of pillows and blankets piled in. She handed Shawn her ice cream so she could crawl in, then held Shawn’s so he could join her.
“Comfy,” Shawn said, scooting close to Tessa.
“This is part of my surprise,” Tessa said shyly.
“There’s a drive-in movie tonight,” she confessed. She spooned some ice cream into her mouth.
“Oh shit,” Shawn said. “That’s one of my dream dates!”
Tessa smiled. “Today’s just been the day of dream dates.”
Shawn laid his head on Tessa’s shoulder.  “Thanks for showing me around, Tess,” he said softly.
She kissed the top of his head, then put her head against his.  “Thanks for putting up with me,” she replied just as softly.
“Whatcha mean by that, Sunshine?”
“I’ve never dated one of my dad’s players,” she started, “so I’m not sure how this is supposed to go.  I’m afraid I’ll be the talk of the town, that people will say I’ve finally broken down with this whole dating thing.  That’s why I just wanted to stay in my house and enjoy just being us together.”
“We can just be us anywhere, Tess,” Shawn said.  “It doesn’t matter where we are and it’s not anyone else’s business besides ours.”
Tessa sighed.  “I wish I’d met you years ago, Shawn Mendes.”
“Right back atcha, Tessa Hale.”
Tessa pulled up to the window at the drive-in.  It was just beginning to get dark, so the movie wasn’t going to start for another hour or so.
“Tessa!” the clerk greeted her.
“Hey Daniel!” she chirped. “It’s just the two of us in here.”
“That’ll be eighteen dollars,” Daniel replied.  Tessa handed him a twenty dollar bill and Daniel handed her two ones back.  “You know where to go. Enjoy the show!”
“Thanks!” Tessa pulled forward and drove to the third row of cars, pulling to the next row. She turned the radio to the correct channel, then turned the car off completely.  She got out of the car and wandered to the hatchback, lifting it open.
“Are the snacks worth it?” Shawn asked, craning his neck to look at the snack stand in the back of the grassy area the theater was situated in.
“Absolutely,” she said.  “They’re cheap and fantastic. I recommend the tater tots.”
“I’ll be back then!” Shawn called, then walked away.
Tessa clambered into the back of her car to rearrange the pillows and blankets. She knew Shawn’s legs would stick out of the hatchback, but they’d be very comfortable laying against the back seats of her car.  
Shawn came back about ten minutes later, holding a drink tray with two sodas and two cups of tater tots in one hand and two foil-wrapped circles in the other.
“Burger?” he asked, offering Tessa one.
“God, yes,” she said. She clambered to the door and took a burger. “What drinks did you get?”
“Coke for you and Powerade for me,” he said, handing her the tray so he could climb in the car.  He had to lay down with his legs sticking out just to be able to fit, while Tessa could sit cross-legged.
“Coach would be so proud,” Tessa teased.  “I, however, need caffeine.”
He grinned as he grabbed his Powerade and Tessa grabbed her Coke. They ate together, laughing and talking.
“I forgot to ask,” Shawn said when they finished. “What movie is showing?”
“It’s 80’s night,” Tessa said, swallowing a sip of her Coke. “Tonight is Dirty Dancing.”
“Never seen it,” Shawn said with a shrug.
Tessa gaped at him. “Seriously?”
Shawn raised his free arm, the one he wasn’t propping his head up with. “Guilty.”
“God, you’re lucky you’re cute,” Tessa said, shaking her head.
“What?” Shawn said defensively. “I’m about to watch it, am I not?”
Tessa squinted at him. “Fair point.”
“Attention customers: The movie will be starting in fifteen minutes. Concessions will close in ten. Please ensure your cars are ready with lights off.”
“Popcorn?” Shawn asked.
“I’ll get it!” Tessa said. She jumped out of the car as Shawn groaned.
“It’s not fair that you always buy our food!” he whined.
Tessa put her hands on her hips. “That’s a lie,” she said. “But it was my date idea so I’m paying. Next time is on you, mkay?”
“I guess,” Shawn sighed dramatically.
Tessa rolled her eyes, then walked up to the concessions stand. She bought the biggest bowl of popcorn she could, then walked back to her car and Shawn.
“Hold this, Bubs,” she said, handing the popcorn to Shawn. He held it so she could climb in the car.
Tessa curled up next to Shawn as the movie started, enjoying his calming presence and his body heat. He wrapped an arm around her protectively. He gently traced shapes on the strip of skin between her shirt and her jeans that revealed itself as her shirt rode up a little.
Shawn made sassy comments to Tessa throughout the movie.
“Why are they grinding like that? That’s not really fun for the guys.”
“What kind of parents name their kid ‘Baby?’”
“Do her parents just not realize she’s gone?”
“Shawn,” Tessa finally said. “Please. Shut up and watch the movie.”
He grinned. “I just wanted your attention.”
“You’re that needy?” Tessa asked, looking up at him and kissing his jaw.
“Yep. I can’t help it.” Shawn batted his eyelashes innocently.
Tessa rolled her eyes. “Okay, big baby. If you stop talking, I’ll play with your hair the rest of the movie. Deal?”
Shawn smiled brightly. “Deal.”
Shawn laid in Tessa’s lap for the rest of the movie while Tessa lightly ran her fingers through his brunette curls. They were soft and beautiful, and Tessa could’ve stayed there the rest of the night just playing with Shawn’s hair.
The movie ended far too soon. Shawn had to clamber out of the car first just to provide Tessa with enough room to crawl out. Her feet hit the gravel and she stretched, causing her shirt to ride up again.
Shawn poked her stomach just above her belly button. “I approve of Dirty Dancing,” he said, walking around to the passenger’s side door of Tessa’s car.
“You actually shut up enough to understand what happened?” Tessa asked, shutting the hatchback, then walking to the driver’s side door.
Shawn scrunched his face at Tessa, then ducked into the car. Tessa hopped in and cranked her car, the familiar sound and feeling of the engine turning over comforting her to no ends. She put the car in “Drive” and grabbed Shawn’s hand.
Shawn plugged his phone up to Tessa’s speaker while they waited in line to get out of the theater. “What do you like to listen to?” he asked.
“I like everything. Except country music. If you play country music in this car, I’ll gut you and make you walk home,” Tessa threatened.
Shawn’s eyes went wide. “No country. Got it. You like Queen?”
Tessa snorted. “Do I like Queen? What kind of question is that? Everyone likes Queen!”
“I’ve met people who don’t like Queen,” he said as he selected “Radio Gaga” to play.
“Then you should immediately disconnect from them and never speak to them ever again. You can’t trust anyone who doesn’t like Queen,” Tessa said with a shrug.
Shawn laughed. “Anyone else you don’t trust?”
“Um, frat boys in khaki shorts and polos, sorority girls who wear wedges to football games, people who don’t let their dogs sleep on their beds, um, people who don’t like ranch dressing, hmm, people who don’t use their turn signals.”
Shawn laughed, gazing at Tessa. “You’re a mess.”
“I am, but I’m your mess now, Shawn.”
“How was your date yesterday?” Benjamin asked Tessa at warm-ups before the Whitecaps game against the Hyannis Harborhawks. He stood next to her as Sonny took batting practice. Benjamin was next, and Tessa was in her normal spot on the back of the cage.
Tessa blushed. “It was great. We had a really good time. Made it official, too, but we don’t need Kyle knowing that.”
“I’ve got it covered. Where’d y’all go? I want some good places to take Claire when she’s here.” Benjamin lifted his bat up in both hands, leaning back to stretch his shoulders with it.
“Shoulders sore?” she asked.
“A little, yeah,” he answered.
“Here,” Tessa said, hopping down. She took his bat and tossed it on the ground. She grabbed his arm and pulled it back, gently stretching his shoulder out. “Shawn and I went to the drive-in last night. If you’re looking for a great date, that’s definitely where you should take Claire.”
“You’re my hero,” he said. “She’s always wanted to go to a drive-in. I’ve got my truck here, too. Do they allow trucks?”
Tessa switched his arms. “Yep, but you have to park in the back so you don’t block the screen.”
“We can do that,” he agreed. “They sell concessions?”
“The best around. Shoulders feel better?” Tessa let go of his arm slowly.
He twisted his back to crack it, then swung his arms around. “Yeah, they do. You’re a miracle worker, Tessa.”
“It’s my job,” she said with a smile and a shrug.
Benjamin picked up his bat and took Sonny’s place in the batting cage. A group of guys came in from the infield, including Shawn and Kyle.
“Hey, Tessa,” Shawn called as he went towards the dugout.
“Mmhmm?” She looked over at him.
“I think I tweaked my wrist, can you check it out?” he asked.
“What’d you do?” she asked, walking over to grab her backpack of medical supplies.
“Um,” Shawn paused sheepishly, “I, uh, tried to barehand a ball and it was too fast. It just, uh, knocked my wrist back.”
Tessa rolled her eyes, but still told him, “Alright, c’mere.”
“Thanks,” Shawn said, shuffling over to her.
“Sit,” she commanded.
“Yes ma’am,” Shawn said. Tessa rolled her eyes again.
“So, right hand?” she asked.
“Yep, it just bent back when the ball hit me and it hurts like a bitch.”
Tessa took his wrist in her hands. She felt the bone, trying to make sure it wasn’t broken. He didn’t mention a pop, but she wanted to make sure it wasn’t just in case. She gently massaged the muscles, causing Shawn to wince.
“I think it’s just a sprain,” she said. “This is why you have a glove, Mendes. Catch the ball in the glove and you won’t hurt yourself.”
Tessa reached in her bag and pulled out her pre-wrap and athletic tape. She positioned his arm out straight, then wrapped it with her teal pre-wrap.  It was a basic circular wrap, just to stabilize his wrist without restricting it too much.  She wrapped the pre-wrap in a circular motion with the tape.
“That feel okay?” Tessa asked Shawn.
He moved his wrist around, flinching a little at the motion. “Yeah, not too tight,” he replied. “Still hurts, though.”
“I can’t make the pain go away, sorry, Bubs,” she said softly. She ruffled his hair. “You’re good to go, you’ve got batting practice next.”
“Thanks, Tess,” he said. He squeezed her forearm with his newly-taped hand.
“No problem,” she smiled. “Remember that foot thing I told you about, and straighten up your stance, okay?”
“Got it, Coach,” Shawn said louder. He stood up, grabbed his helmet, and walked over to take his batting practice before the next game.
What are y’all excited to see in the upcoming chapters? What is your favorite thing about Tessa? Give me some feedback!
@spiderboytotherescue@elentiya02@musiclover1263@illuminateshawn@flickershawn @hollandbaby@hollandroos @smallerinfinities@harryandmolly @parkerpuffwrites@keepingupwiththeparkers @tomhollandeu@dtftomholland@checkthisoutmaybeifyouwanna @shawnm521@ilovejackavery @littlemissbaksi @accalialionheart @ashwarren32@onmyshawn@sippingchai@wanderingmendes @sbawnmendes @accioarmenian@sayingloveat2am @mendesmusical @lionsfandomsandbearsohmy @mutuallynotmutual @goldenhemmings@rrbries62 @marvelousmendess @thotgomery @brokenuntilapril26th2019 @upsidedownstrangerthings @daisychains4 @feliciaceciliamariajacobsson @hufflepuffshawn
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moon-minghao · 7 years
‘my human boy’
anon requested: verkwan mermaid au
words: 4052
summary: seungkwan lives a standard, solitary life in his hometown by the sea, until one night he meets a strange boy swimming in the dark. 
For as long as he can remember, Seungkwan has gone to the ocean everyday of his life. He supposes that’s just how it goes, son of a fisherman, island kid.
(he used to go out on the boat with his father when he was little, but now he can hardly stomach the sight of a gutted cod, not with all the blood and the scales that go along with it)
Nowadays, he just sits on the rickety old dock and watches the waves, or helps out Miss Huan, the woman who runs the bait shack. Sometimes he’ll bring school work, find a bench with a nice view and start solving math equations.
(it’s not the most interesting place to live, but he loves it all the same)
It’s a tuesday in early june when he meets the boy.
(the boy with the nice eyes and the beautiful smile and the soft looking lips- )
The sun had already gone down, leaving the beach cold and dark and empty, the only signs of life being the little lights from boats far out at sea. Seungkwan was searching the sand for small organisms, ones that he could bring in to examine under under a microscope for biology class the next day.
He’s near the edge of the water when he hears a loud splash, looks up in an attempt to locate the sound, but is greeted by the sight of the calm, black waters. It’s not for a while, but surely enough he hears it again.
“Hello?” Seungkwan asks, stepping up onto one of the rocks for a better view. He sees a tail, then, a second a later, too soon after, he sees a boy.
He looks about Seungkwan’s age, hair dark and skin almost glowing in the moonlight. Seungkwan walks closer to get a better view. The boy doesn’t look familiar at all, which is new and exciting, Seungkwan isn’t used to strangers in such a small town.
There’s an awkward moment of silence in which Seungkwan is too busy analyzing the kid in front of him to speak, but he recovers quickly.
“Hello!” Seungkwan says again. He thinks that maybe his mother would shout at him for talking to strange boys who swim in the ocean in the middle of the night, but the boy doesn’t look particularly threatening, especially not when he smiles back, wide and bright.
“Hey.” the boy responds. His voice is higher than Seungkwan was anticipating, slightly accented, but pleasant sounding all the same.
Seungkwan sits down, crossing his legs on the damp rock.
“Aren’t you cold? It’s pretty cold to go swimming, you know. Who goes swimming so late, anyways? I’ve never seen you before… are you staying with family? Who are you?”
The boy’s face contorts as he desperately tries to keep up with Seungkwan’s rapid fire questions, deciding to answer only the easiest.
“I’m Hansol.”
Seungkwan pouts, a little disappointed by the lack of information, but introduces himself all the same.
“I’m Boo Seungkwan.”
Hansol smiles. An instant later he is underwater, moving closer to the rocks. Seungkwan watches him do this, gasping at the sight. Hansol is close enough to the surface that his legs are visible when he swims, or at least, where his legs should be.
But all Seungkwan sees is scales, scales like he’s back on his father’s boat, like maybe the boy in front of him isn’t a boy at all, or even a human.
Seungkwan chuckles, he’s getting ahead of himself again. He rubs at his eyes, surely just imagining things so late at night.
But even after he shakes his head and looks away, the scales of hansol’s ‘legs’ still glow. Seungkwan pinches himself, and it does nothing.
“Holy shit!” Seungkwan shouts, an impossibly loud noise for such a quiet night. “You’re a fucking mermaid! That’s why I’ve never seen you around town! Oh my god, oh my god…”
Hansol starts laughing, amused by Seungkwan’s apparent distress. He hasn’t talked to anyone in a while, and the energetic boy in front of him is interesting and so very very human. In the moment he decides to show off,  pushing himself up onto the rocks in a fluent motion that allows him to sit next to Seungkwan, the blue and purple scales of his tail on full display. He tilts his head back, showing off the gills on his neck.
“Mermaids, huh? Is that what you call us nowadays, not sirens?”
Seungkwan is understandably startled by the sight, especially now with Hansol being so close to him, “This can’t be real… oh my god. I must have hit my head on a rock and gone into a coma, oh, my mother will be so worried…”
He starts shaking his head again, humming loudly as if doing some sort of strange vocal exercise, which just makes Hansol laugh harder, reaching forward to pat Seungkwan on the shoulder. Seungkwan sends him a horrified look at the contact, and Hansol retracts his hand.
“Oh, god. You’re real, aren’t you?”
“Are you asking if I’m real or if God is real? Because I am definitely real, but I’m not so certain about the big man up top.” Hansol jokes.  
“You know what I meant! Ugh, this is so unfair, my first encounter with the supernatural and he has to be an asshole about it.” Seungkwan sighs, throwing his hands up. He is slowly starting to comprehend what is happening, and his excitement is starting to spike. Here, in the flesh, a real life mermaid.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. But humans beings are funny.”
There is moment of silence which seems to remind both boys that they have only known each other for a total of six minutes, and strangers are still strangers, mermaid tails aside.
“So… how old are you?” Hansol says. Start with the basics, he thinks, can’t go wrong with that.
“I’m sixteen.” Seungkwan answers confidently. Then, a second later, he squints, and turns to look at Hansol inquisitively. “Why? How old do you think I am? I bet I’m older than you! How old are you?”
“Hey, I’m sixteen too, alright? I didn’t mean anything by it.” Okay, so maybe Hansol can’t win, not even with the basics.
Seungkwan nods, shrugging. He wants to ask for the specific date that Hansol was born, but he decides to let it rest for now. He keeps staring at Hansol’s scales, but doesn’t feel bad about it because Hansol is staring at his legs, too.
A slight wind starts, and Seungkwan looks up, suddenly very aware of his surroundings.
“Look, Hansol, it’s been lovely meeting you, but I really have to get home. My mom will be really worried since I told her I’d be back before twelve.” Seungkwan stands, stepping from rock to rock until he gets back to the shore. Hansol slips back into the water, keeping pace with the boy until they are both close to sand.
“Wait, before you go, do you live here? I mean, will I, uhm, see you again?” Hansol asks.
Seungkwan smiles and nods. All he can see of Hansol now is his face, which, he notices, is quite handsome.
“Yeah, of course I live here. Up the road, actually. Most of the tourists or whatever visit the other side of the island… I come to the beach all the time, though, so yes. You’ll see me again. Tomorrow night, actually, I promised to help close up shop.” He explains.
“Oh, okay, tomorrow then. Adios, human.”
“See you, mermaid.” he says it with incredulity, as if tomorrow he’d show up and Hansol would be a normal boy, or wouldn’t exist at all.
Seungkwan spends the entirety of the next school day thinking only of going home. He supposes he’s always been connected with the ocean, in some way, but now, it feels like there is actually someone pulling him back, calling him to shore, and he can hardly sit still.
His friends don’t believe him. They never do. ‘I call bullshit’ the kid sitting across from him at the lunch table says, taking a swig of his milk as if it was liquor.
‘Well, that’s fine, I wouldn’t take you to meet him anyway.’ Seungkwan says indignantly. He taps his foot, a bundle of energy, picks apart his food instead of eating it, thinks aloud until the kids around him shoot annoyed looks his way.
But Seungkwan doesn’t care. He waits impatiently until last bell, when he rushes home to do his homework like the diligent student he is. He finishes his language essay before dinner, giving himself just enough time to help his mother with setting the table.
“Are you assisting Ms. Huan today?” His mother asks him, taking a sip of wine.
“Yes. I’ll be home really late, actually, she’s having me clean the whole shack too. So don’t worry about me tonight, okay?”
“Have you finished your schoolwork?”
“Yes, ma.”
“Okay. Just don’t be too loud when you come home, I’ll be catching up on sleep.”
“Alright, ma.” He smiles.
(seungkwan cleans the dishes quickly that night, paying no mind to the fact that he’ll probably have to wake up early the next morning in order to properly wash them)
It’s half past seven by the time he slips out the door, eager to impress Ms. Huan with his spectacular habit of arriving when she wants him to, and also hoping to be quick enough that he doesn’t keep Hansol waiting for too long.
The bait shack is exactly what it sounds like, a small, tattered thing, thoroughly torn up every time a group of fishermen go looking for something.
Miss Huan is an ancient widow, strict but kind in a way that reminds Seungkwan of his grandmother. She’s observant, too, notices how Seungkwan keeps glancing out the window as he organizes and reorganizes the tins of worms that sit on the back of the shelves.
“Ah, you have done enough here if you’ve got somewhere to be.” Miss Huan says with a knowing look.
“No, no, I am meeting with someone at the nearby dock, and I’ve got all the time in the world.” He grins.
She smiles. “Oh, a date so late on a school night?”
Seungkwan laughs, Miss Huan is an old woman after all, eager for gossip that he knows will eventually reach his mother.  
“It isn’t a date, ma’am, just my friend and I.”
She looks slightly disappointed, cheated of any news to tell her friends, but nods all the same.
Seungkwan is going through the freezer, throwing out the chunks of rotten fish that even sailors wouldn’t use, when he decides it’s finally dark enough to go look for Hansol. Miss Huan left a little while back, reminding Seungkwan to lock the door behind him and get a good night’s sleep as she exited the store.
He leaves the key on the outside door frame and leisurely walks to the dock, hoping to remain calm. He sits down at the edge, taking his shoes off and dipping his feet in, surveying the waters.
They are as abandoned as the day before, empty and calm, disrupted only by the occasional gusts of wind. Seungkwan wonders what it would be like to live in them, so dark and deep.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Hansol, just because you can breathe under water doesn’t mean you’re allowed to sneak up on me.” He whines. Hansol had swum beneath the dock while Seungkwan wasn’t paying attention,  poking his head out with a grin.
“Eh, you came back.” Hansol says. “I thought maybe you wouldn’t.”
“Well, I mean, I live here so it’s not like I had much of a choice. Really, you would be the one that would have to leave in order for us to avoid each other.” Seungkwan jokes. Then, as an afterthought: “Where do you live?”
“Uhm. Nowhere really. I guess I migrate? I don’t even know how I found this island.” He muses.
“So you don’t have like, a home? No Atlantis?”
Hansol laughs, “no, no Atlantis.”
He moves his body out from under the dock, swimming deeper into the blue. Seungkwan watches as he does this, still in slight disbelief.
“Yesterday, you said people used to call you a siren. Sirens lure people into the deep with their voices. Can you sing?”  
“No, but I can rap.” He shrugs, making Seungkwan chuckle.
“Really? I can’t say I’ve ever heard of a mermaid who raps.”
“Well then, I guess I’m the first.”
Seungkwan smiles, splashing up water with his feet. He’s curious, now, as curious as he always is. He waits a few moments for Hansol to resurface from his dive that lasts seconds longer than Seungkwan could ever manage.
“Do you have a family, Hansol?”
Hansol raises his eyebrows. “Getting personal today, are we?” he says, sounding slightly taken aback but not offended. “It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize for asking. I do actually. And yeah, they’re merfolk too… or whatever the hell you called me earlier.” he grins, and god, how seungkwan could fall in love with a smile like that, so warm and kind, even when he notices that Hansol’s teeth are sharp, sharper than that of a human being.  
“What about you?”
“Ah, it’s just my mother and I. We’re a great family, though. The best.”
Hansol nods. He thinks that Seungkwan seems sweet. Slightly insane in a way, maybe, but sweet all the same. They talk for a while, conversation light and easy. Seungkwan tries to start complaining about his biology project, which then leads to him trying to give the most detailed explanation of public school he could possibly think of, and Hansol tells him that he got his education through tales and traditions passed on throughout his family.
“I am pretty certain I shouldn’t even be talking to you… what with the whole threat of humankind finding out about our existence and hunting us until we go extinct or whatever… but you won’t tell anyone, right?” Hansol finishes his speech, folding his arms on the dock and laying his head down against it.
Seungkwan wonders if he should mention that he has already tried to tell his classmates, but settles on “no one would believe me even if I did say something. Like, what, the strange kid starts talking about mermaids and the mayor sends out an aquatic search party? Not likely.”
He yawns, and Hansol notice how his head dips slightly when he finishes speaking. He wants to ask Seungkwan what makes him a self-proclaimed strange kid, but instead just reaches out to shake him.
“You should go back home. I am tired.” Hansol says, because it’s easier than saying ‘you look exhausted and I want you to get back safely.’
The month of June passes by in the slow, sweat soaked way it always does, but it feels different this time, because now, Seungkwan’s got a secret. He’s got a friend.
They see each other almost every day, always late at night, always by themselves. Seungkwan has taken to bringing small artifacts of land life to show off to Hansol. Once, Hansol starts bragging about his ability to breathe underwater and the next time they meet up, Seungkwan brings broken scuba gear.
(“See? You’re not cool just because you have gills, solie, humans invented a way of staying under underwater ages ago.” “Yeah, you’re right, I’m cool for tons of other reasons.”)
Seungkwan had told his mother that he made a friend at school. She didn’t ask any more questions, only told him to be careful when he said he was staying out.
And it works out just fine, he thinks. He keeps up with his schoolwork and his job and sometimes Hansol doesn’t even show up, so Seungkwan is allowed to just sit and daydream.
It’s a week before final exams, and Seungkwan is stressed and anxious in ways that Hansol can’t possibly understand, so they sit on the rock together as Seungkwan studies his english and Hansol whittles away at a piece of wood he found.
“We won’t see each other until next friday, y’know, I’m too busy with school to spend time down here.”
Hansol nods. Maybe he’ll travel somewhere, return to wherever he came from (which he cannot remember for the life of him), or maybe he’ll just go out past the fishing boats, swim careful laps around the island.
“But after that I’ve got a break, so I won’t have to go to school everyday.”
“Really?” Hansol asks, then, his voice goes soft for a moment. “Will you come visit me, even in the daytime?”
He looks hopeful in a way that makes Seungkwan’s heart race. “Yeah. Yeah, I will. But we can’t meet here, there’ll be too many people.” He explains.
Hansol’s face falls for a moment, but it only takes him a second to think of a new plan.
“Then I’ll find some place! It’ll be our… merfolk-human hideout, with no one to bother us.”
Seungkwan tells him that it sounds fantastic before turning back to his flashcards. The boys are uncharacteristically silent, Seungkwan too involved with school work to crack any jokes, and Hansol just follows the suit of seriousness.
He only makes it to the wednesday of exams week before Seungkwan gives up on the promise he’d made to focus solely on his studies. He sneaks out to have a five minute conversation with Hansol about the stars before getting a phone call from his mother telling him to come home immediately.
(he smiles like an idiot his entire walk home, too busy thinking about handsome mermaids with nice voices to care about how insane he must look to passerby)
Hansol had told him, before he left, “meet me first thing saturday morning.”, and Seungkwan hadn’t asked any questions; but by the time friday rolls around he is wishing that he had, because he is exhausted from school and isn’t too keen about waking up at dawn on the first day of summer.
He sets his alarm anyways.
Seungkwan gets to the dock just after all the fishermen have set sail, and there are a few children running around on the shore, kicking water at each other amidst some imaginary game that only they understand. He searches for a while before spotting Hansol, who appears to be doing his best impression of how a human swims, but is dancing on the line of looking like he’s drowning. Seungkwan laughs.
“Hansol!” Seungkwan calls out. The children don’t even look up, but Hansol does, smiling like always.
“Ah, Seungkwan! Come this way.” He shouts back, gesturing down the shoreline. Seungkwan follows his instructions, doing his best to not break into a jog. Hansol stops swimming eventually so he stops running, taking a few shallow steps into the water.
“You should come in.” Hansol says.
“I mean, you should come into the water with me.”
It’s a simple enough request, but it’s new. Seungkwan doesn’t swim often, has had an irrational fear of drowning ever since he was ten years old.
He looks down at his school polo shirt and khaki shorts. “I can’t. I’m not dressed for it.”
“Humans are so weird… I mean, you can swim, can’t you?” Hansol’s tone is almost teasing. “Or are you insecure about taking your shirt off? Because you’re super attractive, so I really don’t think you have anything to worry about.”
His last comment turns Seungkwan into even more of a stuttering mess, blushing beet red. “Y-yeah, I mean, of course I know how to swim, gosh, solie,”
“So what are you waiting for?”
Seungkwan sighs as a way of admitting defeat, shrugging his shirt off and getting into the water. Hansol smiles again, and Seungkwan is torn between wanting him to never stop and also wanting him to quit it, because it’s so hard to keep up any sense of dignity or self respect when you’ve got a pretty mermaid boy looking at you like you know the secrets to the universe.
“Follow me. I found the best hideout out, Seungkwan. It’s super cool.” Hansol dives underwater halfway through his sentence, and Seungkwan does the same out of instinct. Even fully submerged, Hansol can speak perfectly clearly, which, Seungkwan supposes, is to be expected.
They swim for a while, Seungkwan falling behind occasionally as they travel along the shore. Seungkwan is nervous, worried he’ll forget how to get home as if he hasn’t been navigating this island his entire life, but the anxiety disappears when Hansol finally slows down, coming up from the water.
“Here! You see it! This is a dock just like the one back in town, but it’s totally abandoned.” He runs a hand through his dark hair, water keeping it slicked back. “And there’s a river, too, so we can go inland sometimes… if you want.”
Seungkwan nods, surveying the area. It’s not the nicest, the dock looks unsafe and there’s broken bottles on the small piece of shore that isn’t covered in brush, but he wades over to Hansol and grabs his hand all the same, interlocking their fingers and telling him that the hideout was perfect, phenomenal.
July passes by in the quick, seawater soaked haze it always does, except it feels different, because now, Seungkwan has a crush.
They spend their days exploring and napping and having staring contests underwater and Seungkwan doesn’t even try and hide it, stays close and touchy and grins at Hansol even when his jokes aren’t funny.
(and maybe seungkwan should be a little more careful, but hansol isn’t human after all, doesn’t understand societal expectations that have been driven so thoroughly through seungkwan’s skull)
Hansol notices, of course, he would be an absolute idiot if he didn’t, but both of them want to revel in the cotton-candy sweetness of their friendship for a little while longer.
“Have you ever seen a shark?” Seungkwan asks once, while he sunbathes next to Hansol. The water around them is two inches deep, disappearing and reappearing with the undertow.
“Yeah. There are tons of them out there, you wouldn’t believe it.”
“Are they scary?”
“Maybe for you they’d be, but I could probably outswim one if it came down to it.”
He’s cocky but it makes Seungkwan smile.
“My father caught a shark once. He let it go, though, because no one ever buys shark meat.” says seungkwan, rolling over onto his stomach. the rocks leave indents on his back that Hansol reaches over to trace with his finger. seungkwan folds his arms and uses them as a pillow.
“Your father was a fisherman?” Hansol asks.
“Everyone’s father is a fisherman. A fisherman or a soldier.”
“My father doesn’t work.” Hansol shrugs.
“That’s because you’re a fucking mermaid, Solie.”
“That’s right. And you’re my human boy.” He says, overly sweet, teasing, smirking like he’s proud of himself.
Their first kiss is gentle, expected, soft and sweet, just like summer rain. And it is raining, storming for the entire first week of August. They are swimming under the dock, Seungkwan using goggles that make his eyes look funny, when he catches sight of Hansol just staring at him, the slit-like gills in the side of his neck working as he watches Seungkwan search for shells. So Seungkwan smiles, kicking forward until he is right in front of Hansol, leaning in and pressing their lips together.
It’s the first time either of them have ever kissed anyone and they’re underwater, so it’s definitely not the most comfortable experience Seungkwan has ever had, but it’s full of good intentions, just like them.
Hansol nearly forgets that humans have to breath air, wanting to cling to Seungkwan for as long as he can, but he pulls away so they can stick their heads up, Seungkwan gasping.
They both decide to push themselves onto the dock, and it’s there that they stay for the rest of the afternoon, talking like they always do, kissing whenever they want to.
(which is all the time)  
For as long as he can remember, Seungkwan has gone to the ocean everyday of his life. He supposes that’s just how it goes, son of a fisherman, island kid, in love with a boy from the sea.
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