laszlosloth · 7 years
Reblog If You're A Hetalia Blog
Hey, guys! With the new blog, I cut the number of the blogs I follow from low five-hundred to high two-hundred. And man, my dash Hetalia-wise is dead.
That being said, reblog this post and I’ll give your blog a look!
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laszlosloth · 7 years
Hetalians, on 20th August Estonians will be celebrating 26 years of independence since restoring our independence in 1991. (Beating our previous record of 25 years that was established last year).
Please bear in mind that on 20th August 1991 Estonians stood unarmed, defending Tallinn TV tower from tanks.
Therefore it would be great if you’d celebrate our restoration of independence with us and not put fictional character before feelings of real, living Estonians.
It would be great if we wouldn’t have to read tags like following picture on our day of celebration:
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laszlosloth · 7 years
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I attempted lineless art
Enjoy pastel kohuke boy
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laszlosloth · 7 years
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Source for more facts on your dash follow NowYouKno
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laszlosloth · 7 years
sinship (like friendship except u sin together)
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laszlosloth · 7 years
Please follow my askblog!))
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This is William Orwell-Kirkland, the Hetalian representative of Ipswich (the British one, laddies) and #1 in East Anglia!
He’d love to take your questions!
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laszlosloth · 7 years
mun accidentally reblogged to wrong blog out of excitement))
102 Questions for Hetalia Muses
I’ve seen a ton of these floating around so I tried my hand at one! This may be reblogged by ask blogs to use as an ask meme (and it’s highly encouraged since that’s what I made it for)! Some of these questions get kinda deep while others are silly.
Do you have any social media accounts? If so, where? [[Note: Mun does not have to create any! Canon characters have accounts in various places~]]
(If Country) When did you become independent?
(If Country) How did becoming independent affect you?
(If State/Region/etc) Do you have any want or need to become an independent country? / Do you want anyone to recognize you as a country?
Is there anything you did in the past that you’re particularly not proud of?
How old are you? (Human age, actual age, and maybe how old you and/or other people think you act?)
Can you sum up your entire life in 10 words or less?
Do you have any pets? If so, what are they? What are their names?
What particular country/culture/etc has influenced you the most? How have they influenced you?
Since you’ve lived longer than any humans have, I’d like to know: what are your thoughts on life in general? Any sort of outlook or philosophical viewpoints?
Have you ever done anything illegal while not involved in a war of any kind?
What kind of music do you listen to? Why do you listen to it?
What kind of music has influenced your culture?
How would you react if your house was suddenly burnt down by another country?
If it meant everyone in your country/region/state was fed for one year, would you eat England’s food - and only England’s food - for two years?
Do you have an opinion on Disney?
Would you have a water balloon fight with your arch nemesis for 100 euros (or the equivalent of that in your currency?)
Thoughts on Russia?
Thoughts on Belarus?
How do you feel about America’s alien, Tony?
Look up a traditional Thai massage. Now that you’ve educated yourself, would you want one?
If you desire to steal Belgium’s chocolate stash (which you should cause her chocolate is amazing and that’s not a euphemism), how would you go about doing that?
Were you ever a pirate? If so, what was it like?
Have you ever, ever wanted to, or were forced to attend a school/university in your country/region/etc? If so, why + how did that go down?
Thoughts on the current leadership in your country/region/etc?
Have you ever smoked?
Have you ever drank [alcohol]?
Have you been affected physically [scars, eye sight, etc] or mentally by any wars you’ve been a part of?
Do you personally think your country/region/state/etc is important in any particular way?
Have you developed any fears or phobias during your lifetime? How have they affected you?
Do you have the ability to use magic? If so, have you used it for anything?
Do you have a rivalry with anyone?
Did you have anyone in your life that you considered a parent? (Alternatively: do you?)
Do you have any siblings? (Either blood related or not?)
Do you have a human name?
Do you like your official name? If so, why? If not, what would you change it to if you could?
Do stereotypes bother you?
What sort of weather do you prefer? Is that the weather your place usually has?
Are you proud of your citizens as a whole?
Are you proud of any of your citizens, dead or alive, in particular?
Have you met any countries/regions/etc recently for the first time?
Do you plan on recognizing Sealand as a country? Why or why not?
Thoughts on Pokemon?
How tall are you?
What’s your birthday? Is it a significant date in your history?
What languages do you speak? Are there any that you used to speak but forgot how to?
Do you know any fighting techniques special to your culture?
What’s your largest city and your thoughts on it? Do you like going there?
Do you notice your accent?
Is there anyone you have a foreign/official relationship with? Do you know them well?
Do you have any tattoos or piercings? Can we see them?
Can you describe your personality in 10 words or less?
Do you have any weaknesses that you’re willing to admit to?
Do you have a better butt than Spain?
Do you believe in the paranormal?
Do you believe in aliens?
Do you have any opinions or beliefs that aren’t common among your people [anymore]?
Is there anyone you would consider your best friend?
Have you ever had a one night stand / relationship with your one or more of your citizens?
Do you think your history is interesting?
Is there anywhere you’d like to vacation to?
Are you normally busy or do you have a lot of free time?
What hairstyles, different from your current one(s), did you have in the past, if any?
In regards to the choices you’ve made that affected your citizens, are you generally proud of the choices you’ve made?
Were you involved in any of the World Wars? Do you have thoughts or opinions on them?
Thoughts on Hollywood?
Have you ever gone to a World Conference? If so, thoughts?
Does anyone have a flag design similar to yours? Thoughts?
(Islands) Would you think being an island affects you in any way?
(Islands) Do you think being an island has affected your personality?
What’s the greatest thing you’ve ever been a part of?
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever been a part of?
Does reminiscing on any point in your past make you cry?
What are your biggest regrets?
Has anyone in your country/region/state or from your country/r/s ever invented something? If so, what?
What cool things were founded in your country?
Do you think micronations deserve a different seating place at meetings, separate from the main table(s)?
If you’ve hosted a World Conference, do you like hosting them or would you rather go somewhere else?
Do you like touring different countries?
Where’s your favorite place to be, either within or not within your borders?
Do you have a favorite book or author?
Is there anything or anyone that you find insanely stupid?
Do you consider yourself religious? If not, was there a time in your life where you were?
Is there any piece of land that you don’t own that you want to occupy?
Is there somewhere you’d really like to go but have never been able to?
What’s your favorite historical outfit that you own?
Have you ever drawn or written something that you’re proud of?
In your opinion, what’s the most important part of your history?
Thoughts on modern technology?
What’s your favorite foreign food?
Whats your favorite food from / that is common in your country/state/region?
Is there any fashion from another country that you’d like to wear? Let’s see you in it!
What’s your favorite alcohol?
Ever heard of memes?
Are any current events stressing you out?
Have you participated in Eurovision? If so: did you win? If not: would you like to?
What’s your national animal? If you could change it, would you (and what to, if yes)? If not, why do you like your national animal?
If you could say one thing to your past self, what would it be?
Do you try and stay in shape?
Is there anyone you haven’t talked to in a long time that you’d want to try and reconnect with?
Ever been married to another country/region/etc?
Are you a dream daddy?
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laszlosloth · 7 years
Hey, how are you doing? You are like, not a cocksucker or a hairy canadian. And that is okay. I think you are very pretty and smart, and you can trust me, 'cause I am american.You are awesome like a hero. With love from ([∂]ω[∂]) (from Estonia's notebook, because I do what I want)
Oh my God, thank you...America!
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laszlosloth · 7 years
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laszlosloth · 7 years
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laszlosloth · 7 years
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DenEst Week Day 3: Animal Lover’s Tuesday! 
i have a soft spot for adorable heraldic creatures~
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laszlosloth · 7 years
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DenEst Week Day Two: Workaholic Monday!
it’s just a typical day at the office for Eduard from accounting...
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laszlosloth · 7 years
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my very first contribution to DenEst week! Day One: Siren Sunday!
an eager Danish merman appears to have waylaid a renowned Estonian naval captain
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laszlosloth · 7 years
“Tell me who your second favourite Hetalia character is!”
Favourite characters are great, but what about the second favourites? If you want to know who people’s second favourites are, reblog this post! Tag asks as #hetaliafandomhub if you want us to see them! Time to get discussing!
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laszlosloth · 7 years
australia gets christmas before america
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laszlosloth · 7 years
REBLOG: go to your blog and click the egg to see what hatches
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laszlosloth · 7 years
Estonia in N3, please!
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resting well ( - v -)
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