lambdas-interests · 3 days
Im finally returning to the lab tomorrow I've been literally waiting the whole summer for this
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lambdas-interests · 3 days
"es irónico que no tengas nada de estabilidad siendo de ingeniería, que es, como, de lo más exacto que hay"
mientras tanto nosotros inventándonos las cosas, siendo incapaces de calcular nada con exactitud así que usamos la mentalidad de "bueno, mientras todos tengamos el mismo error supongo que estaremos bien", recibiendo consejos de inventarnos datos hasta que la cosa cuadre, que "lo fiable que os parezca esta fórmula dependerá de cuánta fe le tengáis a la mecánica de fluidos", todo son aproximaciones y asumir cosas que no son porque no sabríamos qué hacer de lo contrario ni cómo calcular nada, depender de varias formas distintas de obtener datos porque el papel y la realidad no cuadran, etc etc
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lambdas-interests · 17 days
updating this from 2nd year to 3rd year feels insane
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Hello ! The name's Lambda, welcome to my blog !
> 20 yo, 3rd year of Aerospace Engineering
> Spanish (Native), English (B2, aiming for C1)
> other interests you might find here ! : language learning, physics and technology, reading, creative writing, mental health, self-development, tarot, literature
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tag list !
> #lambda's rambling → random comments about my day or ideas
> #lambda's memein' → memes I make or even just quotes from class that I've found funny
> #lambda's random facts → I like to find out about random things and then let them out in the world. might make long posts explaining stuff and put them in here too
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lambdas-interests · 26 days
I also start next month and love to have stuff pinned or sticked somewhere in the room so a list like this sounds like a cool idea to add!
I think I'm gonna do that one exercise of "write a list of 10 things you'd like to have/have done in the next twelve months and then focus on one and create a checklist to make it happen". could be a nice source of motivation before starting the new academic year
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lambdas-interests · 27 days
I think I'm gonna do that one exercise of "write a list of 10 things you'd like to have/have done in the next twelve months and then focus on one and create a checklist to make it happen". could be a nice source of motivation before starting the new academic year
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lambdas-interests · 27 days
no puedo ser el único estudiante que preferiría estar con exámenes antes que estar en su casa (casa de sus padres)
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lambdas-interests · 3 months
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everything's a bit all over the place these days
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lambdas-interests · 4 months
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the horrors™ never end
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lambdas-interests · 4 months
two hours in the study room and the only thing ive done is cying, why did I have to be like this
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lambdas-interests · 5 months
mi compañera de habitación hace que me quiera sacar las tripas por la garganta cada vez que intento dormir ☺☺☺
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lambdas-interests · 5 months
a veces desearía no tener que usar Instagram para nada. esto de tener que mantener una cuenta sobre literatura para darte a conocer un mínimo como autor agota muchísimo y yo no sé qué hacer
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lambdas-interests · 5 months
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whiteboards make everything more fun
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lambdas-interests · 5 months
what if im on survival mode already. what if things wont feel stable enough until september
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lambdas-interests · 5 months
no recuerdo la última vez que hice algo bien
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lambdas-interests · 5 months
tengo demasiado que aprender y no sé cómo esperan examinarnos del equivalente a un libro de 900 páginas por asignatura en un intervalo de tres meses y medio
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lambdas-interests · 5 months
I want friend time :( (will not escape from exams for the next two-three months)
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lambdas-interests · 5 months
X: ¿Qué estabas estudiando?
yo: Fluidos
X: A ver, dime tres tipos de nubes
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