ladygojooo · 6 hours
Neither Did I, My Dear (Nanami x Reader)
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Synopsis: Five years - the amount of time you've been single, in university over in the States, and out of Japan. The amount of time you had to get over your ex.
Somehow, it wasn't enough.
Pairing: Kento Nanami x reader
WC: 2.3k
Content: exes to lovers, alternate universe - no powers, spiraling thoughts, hurt/comfort, angst, angst to fluff, fluffy ending, reconciliation (possibly OOC Nanami)
A/N: I tried, guys, I really did, but no guarantees that Kento is in character. I'm hoping that the more I write JJK fanfics, the easier it'll become to slip into their skins (metaphorically, lol). AO3 link here (coming soon).
After five years in America, you’d forgotten how light Japan got in the springtime.
You didn’t really know how to put it, exactly, but it’s like you could see the sunbeams between the buildings and trees. You saw all the pastels and lighter colors of passerbys, the bright colors of the stands, the cherry blossoms - all of it was something you lost when you moved overseas for university. America had its vibrancy, sure, but it often was overwhelmingly grey. 
Even the peaches were softer and sweeter back in your home country. You smiled at the man running the stand, dropping the money into his hand and walking away with your find. Maybe you could make a nice peach cobbler, that was always your favorite dessert to eat when in the States.
Or, you thought as you were pushed and watched your peaches go flying into the air, maybe it would be better to force the person who ruined the peaches to pay for a new round.
“My apologies,” a baritone voice said, “I didn’t see you there.”
You looked up in spite of the unpleasant leap in your stomach to find him there.
Kento Nanami.
Valedictorian. Salaryman. Wannabe emo.
…and ex-boyfriend.
“It’s no problem,” you said, keeping your head down and gathering your peaches. “I’m not the best at watching my surroundings.”
He stayed quiet for a few moments, and for a brief second, you thought he’d move on and continue walking to wherever he had to go.
It wouldn’t be the first time.
But, much to your chagrin, your name came forth from his lips, and all hope of walking away from this encounter without further interaction was dashed spectacularly.
“Nanami, hey.” Your smile felt more like a grimace, but you’d practiced in front of a mirror long enough to know that it would look fine. “How- how’ve you been?”
“I’ve been well.” He bent down and picked up the last peach, putting it in the bag from whence it came. “I’ve been working for the past few years. It’s monotonous work at its finest, but there’s not much to complain about.”
“I’m glad work isn’t too much for you,” you said, keeping the strained smile on your face. “I know you worked hard to get to where you’re at.”
You both stood, letting the noise of the people moving around you fill the void that was your history.
He looked good. The lanky frame he had in high school had properly filled out, his hair had been cut and made him look professional, and the sunglasses - well, the sunglasses simply added onto the charm.
Not that there was any charm anymore. No. No, absolutely not. None.
“Would you-”
“I’ve gotta-”
You both stopped, caught off guard by speaking at the same time. “You first,” you insisted.
Nanami nodded in thanks. “Would you like to get coffee sometime? I’d like to catch up with you, if you’re willing.”
Your heart screamed in dread and delight at the proposition. It was everything you’d hoped for since he’d told you that the relationship was over, sure, but-
You’d spent five years trying to find some semblance of normal in the wake of the damage he left behind. Would intentionally meeting up with him undo all of that hard fought progress?
“I-” You cut yourself off and sighed. Who were you kidding? You still couldn’t say no to him, not even after all this time apart. “I’m free next Saturday.”
After exchanging numbers, texting back and forth sporadically, and figuring out a coffee shop which you both wanted to go to, you finally made it to the following Saturday.
You felt like you were going to puke.
Your nerves felt two seconds away from lighting on fire, which was a stark contrast to your deep and even breaths.
You felt like you were going to puke.
You leaned forward, your forehead touching the top of the steering wheel. Your eyes closed as you breathed yet again. How was this going to go? How could you stand in front of Nanami - purposefully - and not lose all the progress you made in moving on? Have you even moved on?
You felt like you were going to- 
“Alright, that’s enough, out of the car,” you told yourself, forcibly yanking your mind out of a downward spiral. You told Nanami you’d be here, and so help you if you skipped out of it because you were afraid of some stupid feelings that should have died a long time ago.
The shop bell chimed brightly as you walked in. It was a quaint little place, one recommended by Nanami himself, and one that you were quite taken by. Maybe you’d swing by here another time by yourself to enjoy it without the dread of talking to your ex hanging over you.
Speaking of, you heard him call your name from off to your right. Situated in the corner away from the other patrons was Nanami, two cups of coffee in front of him.
You waved, and as you drew close to the table, you spoke. “Hey, thank you for getting us a spot. I hope I didn’t keep you too long.”
“No worries. I wanted to make sure we had a spot that wasn’t in the midst of the shop. If I recall correctly, I know we both value peace and quiet.”
You were able to blame the way your eyes darted away from his on hanging your backpack on the back of your seat. It had been over five years since you last had any meaningful conversation with him, how in the world did he still remember that about you?
“I appreciate it, Nanami, thank you.” You smiled politely at him, hoping against hope that you weren’t blushing. “And thank you for the coffee. You didn’t have to do that.”
“Nonsense, I was the one to initiate this outing. It’s only fair that I cover the cost.”
You nodded once and took a sip. Your eyebrows raised in surprise. “Is this a muddy mocha?”
“Yes. It’s still your favorite type of coffee, correct?”
You didn’t have an excuse to break eye contact, but your eyes still glanced down at the table for a moment. Goodness, you hoped your polite poker face extended to blushing as well. “It is, yeah.”
“Good,” he said. You looked up at him through your lashes again, catching the way the side of his mouth ticked up the tiniest bit. You answered his grin with one of your own.
Much to your surprise, you two had fallen right into conversation like no time had passed. Tales about university, dead end jobs, and daily life were exchanged freely. You got to tell him about your friend group over in America, and Nanami got to disclose all the details about what his friend group in Japan was up to (you dutifully ignored the pang in your heart as you remembered that they weren’t your friends anymore).
“And that’s,” he said chuckling, head tilted back ever so slightly, “how Haibara ended up getting the number of a convict.”
“Oh my gosh,” you laughed, hand covering your mouth so as not to disturb the rest of the cafe with how loud you were. “If you would have told me that sweet, innocent Yu would one day get the contact information for a lady who’s been arrested multiple times for public drunkenness, I wouldn’t have believed it.”
“I still don’t.” Nanami’s voice sounded warm and inviting, just like-
Your laughter turned to sniffles and cries in an instant, and for the life of you, you couldn’t understand why you couldn’t just remain happy. Why did you always have to do this to yourself?
You heard Nanami shift in his seat. “Are you okay?”
His question, so full of concern for your wellbeing, only pushed you closer to tears. You stood abruptly, gathering your cup and your backpack in a few seconds.
“This was a bad idea, I- I’m sorry, Nanami, I have to go,” you whispered, hand still over your mouth and half over your face as you tried to conceal your sudden shift in mood. You hurried over to the trash can by the front door and threw away the empty cup.
His voice cut off as you pushed open the door, fleeing as quickly as you could.
You idiot, you knew that coming out was a bad idea, but noooo, you just had to go ahead and screw yourself over. All that progress, and for what? An outing you deluded yourself into thinking was a date?
You didn’t have time to wipe your tears from your face as Nanami cornered you against the wall. The alleyway in which you two stood was abandoned, just like it was the day he broke up with you.
“It isn’t like you to burst into tears like that,” Nanami said, eyes creased with worry. “Please tell me what’s going on.”
“Let me go, Nanami,” you whispered, your head turned to the side so you didn’t look at him.
“Not when you’re upset like this.”
You laughed bitterly. “What makes you think you have the right to try to soothe me? Why start now?” Silence answered you, and you couldn’t help the splinter of your heart. “Just let me go, please.”
“Let me make this right,” he murmured, drawing closer. You shook your head.
“You can’t.”
Only a few seconds of silence passed before you felt his fingers gently take hold of your jaw and turn your head toward him. Two more tears dropped down your cheeks when your eyes met his. He wiped them away and settled his thumb along your cheek, letting it glide back and forth.
“I-” He sighed raggedly. “It hurts me more than ever to see you in pain. What did I do, and how can I fix it?”
You laughed around a sob stuck in your throat and tilted your head back, moving out of his grasp. His hand landed on your neck instead. Your eyes closed.
“For a moment,” you mumbled, “for a moment, I felt normal again. We used to do this all the time, back when we were in school, and for a second, it-”
You paused and breathed before you started crying harder. You already hated that there were tears streaming down your face, but the prospect of breaking down further terrified you. This was the same man who walked away after shattering your heart. You didn’t want to be vulnerable in front of him again.
“Kento,” you whimpered, body betraying you as more tears slipped down your face, “for the first time in five years, everything felt bright again. I felt at peace for the first time in so long, only to remember that this is going to end. We’ll both leave the coffee shop and go back to our regular lives, and that’s ok - it is - but-”
“Breathe, darling,” he said as he rubbed his hands up and down your arms. It had always been a tried-and-true method that he used back in high school to calm you down, but after so long of not having him, it only made you fully burst into tears.
“It’s been five years, Kento, why do you still hold my heart captive?”
You couldn’t see the look of devastated longing on his face through your tears, but you could feel him guide you into his arms again. You felt his warmth and strength hold you as you fell apart for the first time in a long while. You felt him rock you back and forth as your tears soaked into his shirt.
You felt whole again in the arms of the man who broke your heart, and you hated it just as much as you loved him.
Only when your cries turned into the occasional sniffle did he speak again.
“I suppose we’ve both been holding each other captive, then.”
You couldn’t understand what he was talking about. “What?”
Kento shifted, drawing you the tiniest bit closer. His breath was warm where it fanned against the crown of your head. “I’ll be honest - I asked you out today to see if there was a chance you’d allow me to date you again. Ending our relationship was the worst decision I’ve made.”
You pulled away from his chest to look at him, hoping that your face didn’t appear pathetically hopeful. “What?”
His hand came once more to rest on your cheek, eyes flitting between yours. “My heart has always been yours, I just didn’t realize it until you disappeared the week after everything ended.”
“Please, sweetheart,” he whispered, touching his forehead to yours, “let me win your heart over once again. Let me be yours.”
With his plea came two distinct paths.
The first? You could keep the walls you’d painstakingly built, back away from Nanami, and walk away. The path of your future would be blank and wide open, and you could mold it any which way you wanted. You could pursue further education, found a charity, rescue a dog or two - any and all of it, it was open to you.
And it seemed terribly unappealing.
The second? 
Well, you could lean forward and feel the warmth of his lips once more. You could spend more nights together, making dinner and watching tv before leaving for your apartment. You could hold his hand, exchange warm glances, and pepper his face with kisses. You could one day have and hold him, until death did you both part.
And so you leaned forward ever so slightly, bridging the chasm that stood between the both of you.
His lips, slightly chapped though they were, felt so much like home that it took an embarrassing amount of strength to keep standing and not fall completely into him. Kento’s hands found their way to your waist, pulling you impossibly closer as he reciprocated.
“I never stopped loving you,” was the first thing out of your mouth when you pulled away. 
He chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“Neither did I, my dear.”
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ladygojooo · 1 month
15K notes · View notes
ladygojooo · 1 month
OP, this is INSANELY good! One of the best Sukuna fics I've read so far. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing!! <3
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moments in twilight
synopsis: oh, innocent child of blood and bones. you cry as if your heart bleeds fire. has nobody ever taught you to burn them all first? w.c: 13k.
pairing: heianera!ryomen sukuna x f!reader
warnings: childhood friends to lovers, major character death. mentions of cannibalism, violence, and slight gore. ANGST! sfw, but mdni!
a/n: this was requested by this enthusiastic nonie! i hope you enjoy this and that it’s everything you wanted <3 a massive shout to @spookuna for being my biggest supporter and cheerleader, because i genuinely couldn’t have done this without her!
divider / art / ao3 / @ficsforgaza
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the first sight of her fate didn’t seem real, like something out of a dream.
she couldn’t understand what – or who – she was looking at.
perhaps it was a fully materialized specter born somewhere from the deepest recesses of her imagination, unknown even to herself. it certainly seemed that way to her; she was only six and knew nothing of the horrors of the world, except for those that came to life in scary stories.
her ghost was digging feverishly into the earth, its fingers curled like claws, like it was searching for something. it was a dirty, scrawny little thing, wearing no clothes except for a soiled fundoshi that looked as if it was strung together by luck and willpower. every so often, it would pull something stringy and limp into its mouth, devouring it rabidly, though she couldn’t make out what it was.
why would her imagination come up with something so… awful?
it wasn’t a pretty, or kind looking ghost to be sure, and she scratched her arms as an uncomfortable itch settled into her skin.
the specter paused, like a fawn that had been discovered.
and turned.
no… it was a wolf, but it was really just a boy.
a boy that stared at her with a basin full of blood in his eyes. a garden that should have been filled with a gorgeous array of ruby roses, was instead full of violence and malice, of death and root rot. this was not a normal, or happy, sort of boy like the boisterous ones in her village.
she still thought she was dreaming, still believed the boy was just a ghost.
because what else could he be? real boys didn’t have a second pair of small eyes beneath their normal ones. even if his were closed, his two pale lids shut tightly like an oyster.
would there be precious little red, red, red pearls underneath them?
a gentle gust of wind swept through the trees, ruffling the boys matted locks of hair, and he vanished from her sight like a puff of dust.
surely now it was a dream.
real boys couldn’t just disappear.
until she felt all the air knocked out from her lungs as she crashed backwards into the earth, sharp fingernails digging into the soft skin of her forearms, and the boy’s crimson eyes were consuming her in his fire.
she knew then it wasn’t a dream, because dreams couldn’t hurt her like this.
she kicked and struggled, her ears ringing from the force of her head knocking into the ground, screaming until one of his dirty hands covered her mouth. she stilled immediately, tears pricking the corner of her eyes, and sliding down the apples of her cheeks.
“you can’t steal,” the boy hissed, his voice sharp and pointed like nails, and he shook her roughly as he repeated like a mantra. “can’t steal, can’t steal.”
she whimpered and nodded frantically, as sharp stones from the earth pierced her skin, adding to her misery. the boy licked his lips, a snake tasting the air with its forked tongue, and bent down closer to her ear.
“i’m hungry” he whispered, a dusting of glee coating his words like powdery snow. “i want to eat you.”
the sky was haunted with the last light of the sunset, like the cries of a mourning mother, swirling with hues of orange and purple. she wondered if she was going to become a ghost that could only existed in her own mother’s dreams.
for the first time in her meager existence, she felt her childish immortality slipping between her tiny fingers.
something uncomfortably hot and wet spread out from beneath her thighs.
the boy sniffed once, twice, with his nose upturned.
then he cried out angrily, his red eyes flashing in the twilight hour, and shoved her roughly into the ground before releasing his grip on her, recoiling defensively infront of his hole of dirt. she scrambled up ungracefully to her feet, her chest heaving, wincing as she tasted bitter soil and salty tears on her tongue.
“yucky! dirty, dirty!” the boy spat indignantly, hypocritically, as if he wasn’t more soiled than she was.
he was rolling in the dirt now, rubbing his face and body with it as if it were soap, as if the coarse earth could wash her touch away from him. she took two steps backwards from him, feeling an eerie charge of energy settling into the edge of the forest.
like the spark of a flame that could ignite into a wildfire.
she took another slow step back.
and then another.
and another.
until she turned and fled, like a squawking bird escaping the grasp of a hawk, her short legs crying out as she sprinted faster than she ever had in her life. she ran all the way from the edge of the forest, up the slight incline of the main pathway through her village, and finally crashed through the doorway of her home, startling her mother who was scrubbing away at dirtied clothes in a bucketful of soapy water.
her mother gasped loudly, alarm rising like a looming mountain, always there and ever present. “whatever happened to you? you’re all scratched.”
she wailed loudly, messy snot dribbling down her nose and chin and right onto her mother’s worn, muted robes. her mother shushed her gently, bundling her child into her arms and pressing comforting kisses to her forehead.
“what happened, my dearest love?” her mother repeated, whispering softly and soothingly.
she somehow knew that if she told the truth, it would only invite chaos and misery into her home.
“i p-played in the forest a-and falled,” she finally hiccuped, her bottom lip pouting and wobbling.
her mother cooed, wiping away her tears with a warm, rough thumb. “you fell? my sweet, you’ll be alright. oh, oh. why have you wet yourself?”
more mucus ran down from her nose, and she wiped it messily with her palm as she shrugged her shoulders and said nothing. she let her mother fuss over her, completely unresponsive as she dunked her tiny body into a wooden bucket, washing away the touch of the wolfish, snake boy.
until all that remained of him were the little scratches dotting her arms – rough and ridged, lines carved into the trunks of trees.
she thought of him all through the night, even when her mother had tucked her into bed and tenderly kissed her brow. everything was unknown to her now, nothing was certain. was he actually like an animal, capable of following her scent and finding her here?
would he gorge on her until all that was left of her was red, red, red?
༺ ✤ ༻
the boy had taken over her life – he was everywhere, in everything.
haunting her.
taunting her.
filling her mind with paranoia and warped visions of his red eyes staring at her, always. she saw him in between the boards of the walls and floor, and in every bite of food she took. the wispy tendrils of his hands possessed hers, eating right alongside her. he was in the blood of her scrapes, which always seemed to reopen whenever she bathed, and in her tears as she whimpered quietly, unable to sleep as she hid beneath her blanket.
as if that could save her from him.
it was in the boy’s nature to haunt her with his hunt, to frighten and consume her every thought.
she couldn’t expect anything less than that; it was who he was.
she’d seen it in his eyes, a peephole into the true nature of his soul, and it was full of violence and cruelty and…
… and beauty.
he was really just a sad, beautiful little boy.
a boy just as old as she was. a boy who had somehow been put on a path of loneliness, without light, kindness, or love.
it had to be some sort of twisted fascination she harbored for the boy, the same way she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the blood trickling from his scratches, or stop listening to the stories of ghosts and monsters in the night.
maybe it was his strange power that was possessing her, gripping her like quicksand and sucking her further and further down into his madness.
yes, that had to be it.
because why else would she be heading straight towards the edge of the forest, to him?
she tightly grasped a small bowl of rice and vegetables between her little hands, swiped from her own dinner right beneath her mother’s nose. it had long since cold, and she hoped the ghost wouldn’t mind. it was an offering, a desperate plea to break free from his curse that haunted her.
snap! crackle, snap!
a few twigs snapped loudly beneath her feet – a damning announcement.
she froze, nearly dropping her bowl, breathing quick and shallow puffs of air.
another one, this time from behind her.
she whirled around, and there he was.
the boy stood beside a thick tree trunk, his head cocked to the side and his eyes widened into full crimson moons. he was even more disheveled than he was a week ago, with mud caked to his skin and hair like dried, flaky clay. his ribs were more prominent too, scarily so, and his cheeks were gaunt like a skeletons.
he was weak.
far too weak, she realized.
she immediately extended her arms out, the bowl teetering on the edge of her fingertips, and breathlessly said, “yours.”
the boy grunted, “huh?”
snap! snap! crackle!
he’d taken a few steps forward, carefully, ever so fearfully.
she squeezed her eyes shut, turning her head up towards the twilight sky, her heart beating against her ribcage as if trying to escape, and tried more clearly, “food, for you.”
he was in front of her in a flash, his breath brushing over her cheeks. she cracked open an eye to peek at him, watching as he eyed the bowl with suspicion, sniffing loudly. he gagged offensively when his nose wandered too close to a vegetable, his tongue stretching far out from his mouth.
she half thought he was going to smack the bowl to the ground and lunge for her instead.
he’s going to eat me.
until he snatched it from her instead, retreating back behind the tree trunk.
she blinked, her lashes butterfly wings fluttering in a breeze.
there were the sounds of scoffing, rabid breathing and snuffling noises, and then nothing at all.
had he finished all of it already?
the boy’s face peeked out from behind the trunk, peering at her owlishly.
“why you back?” he asked simply, a touch of softness in his voice, the edge of a knife chipped and dulled.
she shrugged her shoulders. “you’re hungry.”
“but, what if i eat you?”
“tomorrow i’ll give you more, then you can’t eat me.”
he fully revealed himself, crouched low to the earth like a cat, staring up at her with his pupils blown. “you promise?”
she gulped. “i promise.”
“if you don’t, then i eat you!” he exclaimed, lips pulled back over his fangs in a threatening snarl, his hackles raised and shaking.
oddly, she didn’t feel afraid.
the ghost didn’t have the same malice as before; she could see his vulnerability in the way his fingers trembled. she felt it travel through the mountain air, settling onto her skin like a layer of dust. it wriggled like maggots, burrowing into her flesh and making her skin crawl.
her chest constricted painfully.
she felt so unbelievably and overwhelmingly sorry for him.
the boy scrunched his nose. “why’r you sad?”
“i’m not!” she replied quickly, a touch indignantly. she knew he would probably get angry if he knew how much she pitied him.
it was silent for quite some time as he stared at her, and she fidgeted in her spot. she knew she had to let him do this, to stay perfectly still like a rabbit in the reeds, as the wolf made its mind up whether it was hungry or not.
it seemed to work.
the boy huffed and collapsed to the ground in an ungraceful heap, his legs splayed out before him as he seemingly ignored her – a begrudging acceptance of her existing in his space.
she lowered herself to his level, the ground scraping beneath her legs, while maintaining that somewhat safe distance between them. her hands began to search for and pick up various rocks and twigs to play with, because she didn’t know what else to do to pass the time. the boy had his head held to the side, a shade of confusion painted over his cheeks as he clocked onto her every move.
she pretended he wasn’t there, ignoring the rising wave of bitter panic in her throat, and the fact that he was slowly inching closer to her, crawling to her like a prowling panther.
he sat beside her now, clearly observing how she sat with her legs crossed, then glanced towards his own legs kneeling into the dirt. she never stopped playing, pretending to be in her own world, watching from the corner of her eyes as the boy moved his body to mimic her posture and sitting position.
a giggle threatened to bubble out from between her lips.
the boy picked up a twig from her small pile, then retracted, looking at her with wonderful apprehension.
she gave him her full attention. “you can play too.”
another head tilt, and his pink lips curved downwards.
“have you never played before?”
“no, show me.”
and she did, without knowing how to really explain it. she told stories of how the twigs could be birds soaring between the gaps in the clouds, or the rocks could be fish darting in between the strands of a kelp forest. all the while, the boy was transfixed, and she began to really understand him for what he truly was.
scared and lonely, with an insatiable curiosity for new things – especially for her.
she only hoped she could live up to it.
༺ ✤ ༻
she discovered the boy’s name a fortnight later.
ryomen sukuna.
a strange sensation ran down her spine when she heard it for the first time, like a delicate lash from a whip made of fire.
she decided to ignore it.
they played together everyday since then, against the deep backdrop of the forest, and always during the duskiness of twilight. she would still sneak him scraps of whatever food she could spare, feeling guilty as her mother, who was none the wiser, always praised her for finishing her meals. her father would raise a questioning brow at her whenever she asked to play so late in the day, chiding her for being reckless, even if she passionately justified – albeit, borderline erraticly – that her imaginary friend would be very lonely without her.
“but why now? why can’t you play during the day with your… friend?”
“because he only comes out when the sun goes down.”
maybe sukuna really was a ghost.
she liked to hold onto that superstition. it made her lies a little less white, because he definitely wasn’t a figment of her imagination.
but it was still a lie, a pearlescent river of alabaster, and it had continued to flow strong for three years now.
she was nine years old, and during their time together, sukuna had only revealed glimpses of himself in little tidbits. it was like a sweet bite of plum on a hot summer’s day, satiating her for a time, but always leaving her hungry for more.
“where do you sleep?”
“i dig a big hole, you wanna see?”
“why do you only come after the sun?”
“i’m here all the time, you just don’t see me.”
but sometimes.
just sometimes, and only if she timed her questions right.
then sukuna would indulge her in just a little more.
“why are your eyes red?”
ryomen paused, a wickedly sharpened two-pronged stick in his hand, and shrugged nonchalantly. “i was hungry in my mother’s tummy, so i ate my brother.”
(there was a great clap of thunder somewhere far away, and the great sinful cut of the world bled just a little more.)
they were quiet for a long time after that.
he’d resumed stabbing the earth with his wooden weapon, completely unperturbed.
as if what he’d said was the most normal thing, like it was as easy as drinking the rain that fell from the pine leaves.
sukuna often said twisted things – things that reminded her of who she was really dealing with. although he had somewhat softened around her, he was still as wild and unforgiving as the mountainside he lived on.
she could never ever show him that it put her on edge.
still, much to her own shock, she was growing used to the depravity.
not that sukuna was always wicked, no. he would always ask her things, and she’d try to assume an air like her mother, knowledgeable and benevolent, as she guided him. when he wanted to know how she ate without using her hands, she took a pair of chopsticks from her kitchen and showed him how to use them. he’d sniff her hair, alarmingly too close, and asked how it was so much softer than his.
so one evening, she took him to the river where some of the villagers bathed during the day, and taught him how to wash himself.
“show me,” he’d ordered, his characteristic head tilt an open book of confusion.
he was more perplexed when she became flustered and refused to do it.
the ensuing conversation, in which she explained why she couldn’t just do that, was extremely awkward to say the least.
but she was even more surprised the next day when she came to play, and he was awkwardly standing there, his cheeks as pink as the once-hidden peaches in his hair. she’d stopped straight in her tracks, almost not recognizing her ghost without all the grime and dirt covering him.
he’s so beautiful…
ryomen blinked slowly, catlike, staring at his unusually clean feet with something akin to bashfulness. “what?”
“nothing,” she smiled, gentle like the summer rain that had just started to fall. “let’s play.”
༺ ✤ ༻
it was autumn now.
the leaves of the maple trees had turned into molten gold and burnt orange peels, and the remaining blooms had already died out petal by petal. there was a chill bite in the air, a promise of snow and piercing cold to come. she hated when the weather was like this, she worried about sukuna living in the wild in such conditions, and it only made it harder to go out and play with him in the evenings.
he, however, enjoyed it whenever the weather turned cold – it soothed the fire in his blood.
or so he said.
sukuna was lying down beside her, saccharine on the grass whilst looking up at the sky. he was wearing some washed-out linen clothes, a size too big, that she had managed to steal one day from the village boys bathing in the river. the deep plum wine in the skies mixed with the blood in his eyes – all four of them – the two colors swirling and teasingly touching each other.
two nights ago, the wind had been howling like wolves, screaming of murder and spilled blood in the darkness. there had been a strange heaviness in the air, a sort of static, like lighting biding its time to strike.
when she saw sukuna the next morning, he had a proud grin on his face, his teeth and mouth speckled with blood. all his eyes were wide open, staring at her as if to say ‘look at us, look at us!’
she knew that he had committed some sort of depravity in the night to have earned the transformation.
but he never told her.
perhaps she was never meant to know.
they were always alert, darting between everything and anything that moved even in the slightest – from the leaves rustling high up a tree, to the birds soaring high up in the sky, and to the blades of grass tickled by the wind.
and her.
one always rested on her.
“ryo,” she started, ripping fistfuls of grass. “do you like to play in the snow?”
the eye fixed on her rolled in annoyance. “no, and stop calling me that,” he huffed.
she rolled her eyes, blowing a hot-pink raspberry at him. “yes you do, liar! i know you do.”
she knew that sukuna loved to be teased, but only when he was carefree and relaxed. during moments like now, with the ghost of the permanent scowl sewn into his features unraveled into wispy threads of gold. he was seriously mulling over what she had just said, something she knew he also enjoyed – untangling mysteries and puzzles in his mind, a satisfied gleam in his eyes when he finally figured them out.
“i don’t… like anything.”
she stilled.
a blade of grass fell from her grip, and she gnawed on her bottom lip.
why did she feel so embarrassed?
he wasn’t really referring to her at all – and yet, it all felt so personal.
“okay,” was all she could muster weakly, barely a whisper, resuming her onslaught on the grass like nothing mattered at all.
maybe none of it ever did.
sukuna turned his head and stared at her strangely, but said nothing.
he was grinning wildly now. “let me chase you.”
she wiped away the raindrops that had splattered onto her cheek, a slight sting on her thigh from his smack. “i don’t wanna play.”
“but… you like this game,” sukuna frowned, head tilted, rolling over with his elbows digging into the grass. “why not?”
“i jus-ow! stop hitting me!”
“start running then.”
so she did, quite begrudgingly.
her footsteps crackled loudly against the forest floor, as the dark grey clouds darkened even more and the rain fell faster, and the sun dipped further behind a neighboring mountain. sukuna was hot on her trail, and she knew how easily he could catch up to her in an instant, but he never did. it was as if he switched off whatever made him less human during their games. maybe it was to give her a fighting chance, or perhaps it was entertaining to him to know he could always win whenever he wanted to.
if she got to the village fast enough, she would win today.
she swung herself against a tree trunk to propel herself forward, imagining she was an agile deer leaping between the trees.
get to the village.
run, you can wi-
her leg gave way beneath her, sliding up in an arc as she slipped backward. her head hit the ground, and stars and minuscule black moons danced in her eyes amidst the silver clouds.
sukuna appeared above her, his face upside down, all of his eyes on her with what looked something like panic in his irises. it made her heart skip a beat, followed by a swarming terror of bats and a throbbing swell of pain in her left ankle.
and then… sheer, crippling embarrassment.
she started to wail loudly.
big salty droplets squeezed out from her tearducts, running to her temples and mixing with the rain in the dirt. sukuna's face contorted painfully, his mouth pulled into a grimace, his eyes darting over her like a hummingbird flitting between flowers.
"s-stop doing that," he tried to order harshly, but was cruelly betrayed by the shaky wobbling his lip.
snot messily dribbled down her nose as her ankle started to throb more intensely. "it h-hurts!"
"stop crying!" sukuna exclaimed, his fists clenched and shaking. "just stop."
she made the mistake of moving her leg, and cried out as fiery pain licked a smoldering trail straight up to her head. "ryo! please. make it stop, make it stop, make it stop."
his face fell, crumbling into pieces. with a tenderness she had never known, and the sleeves of his shirt falling over his hands, sukuna gently held the sides of her face.
she stilled, a drop of crystal suspended in time.
he hushed her, soothingly. "it's okay. just... please. stop crying."
she sniffled, broken sobs stuttering out from her lips, until they fizzed out altogether. all the while, sukuna never let her go, their foreheads brushing against each other, his peach frizz blowing in the wind. oh, how she wished she could see his face. she wanted to know that he wasn't faking this level of care – of emotion – if nothing really mattered to him.
sukuna lifted his head, his blood eyes glossy and pained, and whispered, "does it still hurt?"
her bottom lip trembled dangerously and she nodded. sukuna sighed, his hands leaving her face and scrunching his hair.
"i-," he paused, nervous. "let me try something."
sukuna looked at her expectantly, eyes widened and pleading. she nodded again, not sure exactly what she was agreeing to, he moved slowly, cautiously, as if any sudden move would set off her pain again. all the while, his gaze was trained on her, settled and pooling on her already swelling ankle.
he breathed out shakily, placing a rough palm over her warm skin, and she whimpered as a piping hot sensation seeped through to her bone. it was nothing like pain, but it felt like sukuna. it was a strange feeling, like little bubbles popping on the skin he touched. she knew then what she was feeling – his power. sukuna was concentrating hard, little grunts escaping his lips every so often, his brow deeply furrowed into a valley of ridges.
the power rose, a tidal wave of fire and blood, and then collapsed into nothing.
he hissed in frustration, sharply pulling his hand back from her ankle, head bowed almost… shamefully.
it was quiet for a heartbeat longer before sukuna muttered, “i’m sorry, i can’t fix you. i’m not strong enough.”
her heart swelled, and she smiled weakly. “it’s okay, ryo.”
he looked up at the dark sky, mouth opening and closing as he chased his words and settled on, “its going to be night soon.”
she looked up too, watching the veil of the silver crescent moon lifting. “mhm.”
she sat up slowly, sukuna immediately turning to watch her. “i-i don’t think i can walk, ryo,” she mumbled. “how can i get home?”
“but… you can’t stay here.”
“i know.”
“the bears will hunt you.”
“ryo, i know!”
his head tilted and a spark lit in his eyes.
“i can carry you!” sukuna blurted out, his chest puffed out proudly. “i’ll bring you to where i sleep. it’s warm there, and then the bears can’t eat you because i’ll be there.”
“… you can fight a bear?”
“what do you think i eat now? i told you I didn’t need your stinky vegetables anymore!”
she blinked three times.
“okay, and then what?”
“and then… i can figure it out in the morning. i’ll keep trying to make you better when you sleep so you can go home.”
without hearing another word from her, sukuna swept her into his arms, eliciting a startled yelp from her. he settled into a brisk pace, taking them both much farther away from the village. the light darkened considerably this deep into the forest, the trees hugging each other so tightly that hardly any of the sun’s waning light could pierce between the leaves.
suddenly, he stopped.
sukuna hunched over, her cheek squishing against his chest, and gently placed her down into a cavernous burrow.
"you really weren't joking when you said you sleep in a hole," she half-heartedly joked, looking around.
he scoffed, crossing his legs and sitting beside her injured side, halfway turned towards the entrance to the burrow. "you don't like it?"
"i never said that! it's just... different."
"not all of us live in a nice home."
the air turned slightly sour, lemons tainting his softness, and they were completely silent. the sounds of the night became louder then; strange animal cries off in the distance, and the rain pelting down from outside, steady drip drip drip of droplets falling from the entrance. sukuna was right, his burrow was reasonably warm. almost, dare she say it, actually comfortable.
he was still beside her, a hand pressed lightly to her injury, his power ebbing and rushing forward like a wave against the shore. as the night grew longer, sukuna seemed to be getting more and more agitated, hissing lowly as he failed at every attempt to heal her. she couldn't sleep regardless of his noises; the enormity of the situation she was in was too jarring. what if a bear discovered their sanctuary? what would her parents be thinking right now? sukuna had to be hungry, as well tired from expending his power. could he really fight a bear if it came down to it?
"go to sleep."
"but i-"
"shut up, or i'll let the bears eat you."
"ryo! i just wanted to ask you something."
he groaned in annoyance. "what then?"
"earlier, when you said you didn't like anything. did you mean it?"
"well... yes. i don't lie."
"oh, yeah. i know."
sukuna tilted his head, both left eyes rolling towards her. "why did you get sad when i said that?"
heat rose to her cheeks. "did not!"
"you did so! i felt you get sad! you’re getting sad again now"
she fidgeted uncomfortably. "because!"
"because, because- ugh! because then that means you don't like me, okay? and that hurts my feelings.”
red eyes flashed in the dark. “why do you care if i like you?”
“because we’re-you… you’re my friend. of course i care if you like me.”
“but, what if i don’t care?”
her heart dropped, and a fresh tear prickled the corner of her eye. “you don’t?” she mumbled quietly, a drop in an ocean of naive, childish feelings.
sukuna’s face crumbled again, and he gripped her ankle just a fraction tighter. “no! i mean, yes! i do care.”
he bashfully looked away, mumbling under his breath before he said a bit louder, “i like you.”
she perked right up at that. “you do?”
“you promise?”
a low grumble. “promise.”
༺ ✤ ༻
for five days and five nights, she was in another world.
a world where all the memories of her past were washed away by the swirling green of the deep forest. it was an almost cathartic experience, a transition from one plane of existence to the next – one drawn in dripping red ink, a solitary existence that belonged only to ryomen sukuna.
or, at least, it was easier to imagine it that way.
otherwise, the painful pangs of guilt would strike her violently whenever her thoughts strayed to her village and family. if she paused and closed her eyes, she could feel the steady thrum of her mother’s grief, like an earthquake reverberating across the distance between them. it was all too much for her young mind to bear.
and so, she willingly slipped through the doorway into a new reality, where it was just her and her crimson ghost.
during that time, she had learned how to read him.
his anger was a lashing snake hidden between the rocks – wickedly sharp and quick to strike her with venomous words. they would spread quickly though her blood, making her huddle into herself, perfectly still, like a mouse meeting its most unfortunate end.
fortunately for her, she was only bitten once, and the snake had only acted out of hunger, not genuine malice.
if sukuna’s anger had been real, she doubted she would have lived to see the next sunrise.
his apology came much later after he had returned from the hunt, a satiated tiger slow to act. the only acknowledgement of his remorse was a silent head pat with a bloody palm.
his fear was iron claws scratching against a rock, piercingly grating and scraping at the walls of her heart. if sukuna was fearful, she knew it by the way he stalked and paced outside the burrow, a whip strike away from pouncing on anything that moved even slightly out of the ordinary.
“there are more people in the forest,” sukuna would mutter darkly during those fearful fits. “they're shouting your name.”
“did they see you?”
he responded with nothing more than a pointed look.
but above all, it was his kindness that was most present.
she first noticed it in the way sukuna corrected himself around her, protecting her from certain aspects of his lifestyle. for instance, when she saw the blood on his hands after a kill, or saw how horrified she was when he offered her raw, dripping meat from a deer he had just killed. it was in the way he had immediately changed his ways – washing his hands after a hunt, and skinning and butchering his kills far from the burrow so she wouldn’t see a thing.
it was also in the way he pretended he wasn’t purposely foraging berries for her, dropping them onto her lap like he had just randomly stumbled across them. it was in his stubborn refusal to give up on healing her every night when he thought she was asleep, and in how he treated her like precious sugar glass – so very careful in how he handled her.
it shouldn’t have been so surprising to discover that ryomen sukuna was neither cruel nor mad.
he was still that lonely boy from all those years ago, still learning how to be kind while yearning and searching for love.
one day, she saw him play with fire between his fingertips as if it were nothing extraordinary.
she saw how the blood in his eyes came alive, like dancing waves of a turbulent red sea. when he looked at her, she didn't expect him to smile so gently as he started a small fire and cooked her meat for her.
after sukuna had shown her more of his power, the cracks in his soul seemed to split apart, and his fire teemed and spilled out uncontrollably. he finally began to open up to her, telling her things she had always wanted to discover, along refreshingly childish ramblings.
“you know, i actually didn’t mind eating your stinky vegetables. yeah.”
“deer aren’t actually that pretty, but watching them when they’re still is… relaxing?”
“yeah, i lied before. i do like playing in the snow, especially throwing it at you.”
but some of the worst things would also spill out – things she would have preferred to never know, because they were dark and cruel enough to change the way she viewed the world.
“i didn’t mean to eat my brother, but i was just really hungry in my mother’s tummy, and she wasn’t feeding us.”
“she called me a demon for what i did.”
“no, i don’t know know where she is now, and i don’t know about my father too.”
“i do… feel a bit bad about eating my brother, because he was hurting.”
there was a stretched, almost foreboding silence before sukuna finally asked the question that must have been on his mind since the day they met.
“are you afraid of me?”
the fire spit and fizzled, and she hissed as a spark danced dangerously close to her skin.
“no, ryo. you’re my best friend.”
“well, duh. you saved me.”
he shuffled ever so slightly closer, their arms just about to touch, and mumbled, “so did you.”
she really believed she could have stayed with sukuna forever.
but her new world was shattered on the morning of the sixth day, as if the cosmic rulings of the world had decreed that they'd both had enough of a good thing.
still, it was all her fault – it had to be.
she was the one who insisted that she was too cold, that the chill in the air was day beyond what she could tolerate. she felt the wet tears clinging to her lashes were about to freeze over, and sukuna could not stand to see her cry. so, despite his own warnings, he lit her a fire for her during the day and watched nervously as the smoke rose high above the trees.
it wasn't long before the hunters came.
they came silently, prowling and closing in on them both.
and sukuna knew it.
he was bristling defensively, his neck hairs rising, eyes closed, and head bowed in the direction of a bush that had rustled unnaturally. the hunters crept forward cautiously, eyeing the boy with barely concealed suspicion, while beckoning for her to come with them.
she stayed put, pretending she was a statue of ice that couldn’t understand a thing.
a hunter tightened his grip on his bow.
another nocked an arrow.
and sukuna opened his eyes.
chaos erupted, a whirlwind of metal and feathers and red, red, red.
the hunters charged forward, consumed by a fear they could not rationally explain – of demons and monsters possessing their hearts and minds. but sukuna was faster than all of them, disappearing in a flash, and reappearing to hurl a hunter against a tree.
the poor souls had no clue what they were up against.
she knew sukuna could – and would – kill them all.
"no! no! no!" she screamed, heaving and desperately clawing at her face. “please.”
somehow, he could understand her amidst the shouts and cries of anguish from the men who had come for her.
(he always did, he always would.)
the boy of blood and fire stilled, dropping his hands to his sides, and the wolves descended upon him instantly.
she screamed once more as a hunter seized her, dragging her away from the fray of madness. all the while, sukuna remained curled in a fetal position, all of his eyes locked on her retreating figure as he endured the the blows to his body with stoic silence.
only his eyes betrayed his pain.
༺ ✤ ༻
her heart was weak.
it could only beat with half its strength, as if it couldn’t be bothered to do what was expected of it.
when she was returned to the village, to the nearly suffocating embrace of her weeping mother, she was hailed as a miracle – a little girl who had somehow survived a demon. she was cherished and fussed over by the whole village, her family showered with gifts of millet and rice, plenty of dried boar to survive the winter, and stone amulets for protection against the evil that had touched them.
meanwhile, sukuna had escaped.
the hunters had said the demon vanished into the highest peaks of the mountains, where they could not follow. they bowed low and deep to her mother, their knees buckling as they vowed vengeance on the scourge of the mountain. but she knew it was all for show. they were completely terrified of him, too proud to admit it, and so the mere memory of sukuna was spat on and desecrated by the other villagers.
oh, if only they knew the truth of it all.
it took a fortnight for her heartstrings to stop aching from the pain of being ripped apart from sukuna, and even longer for her piercing wails to cease every night before she slept. her tears burned, tears of fire and salt, made from sukuna's precious blood that had dripped down his face as he was beaten.
all because of her.
her parents couldn't fathom her sheer anguish, perplexed and frightened by its intensity, and only able to explain it as the effect of a demon. all they could do was pray for her recovery, and the rest of the village did the same.
in the beginning, when she had exhausted all her energy from wailing and crying, she would peer into the darkness of the room. through the gaps in the walls of her home, she willed and prayed so fervently that she would one day see four red orbs peering back at her.
but twelve winters and summers came and went without sukuna, and she began to wonder if had all been just a dream. an elaborate tale of an imaginary friend her mind had tricked her into believing was real. a ghost that was never meant to be, one she ought to bury in the deepest recesses of her memories where he could finally rest.
but, oh, how lifeless her world was without him.
nobody could understand or see how the anguish swirled beneath her skin. she didn’t even have the words to describe it to herself anymore, other than she was not doing well at all and felt sick all the time.
how very isolating it all was.
she was fifteen now, and all her parents could talk to her about was marriage.
“you are a young lady now!” her mother would gush loudly, almost nagging. “one who survived a demon, and every man who passes through the village wants your hand.”
she tried not to think about it at all, but it loomed larger and larger over her head as the years passed, and she doubted she could remain as she was for much longer. in those moments, her thoughts would always stray to sukuna, and how if she could have married anybody, then it would have been him.
it was the only thing that felt right.
she tried not to dwell on that for too long.
but trying not thinking about ryomen sukuna was like telling the sky not to cry.
there were often tales from afar that the traveling merchants told the villagers as they stopped for respite and to sell their crafts – stories full of horrors and atrocities. entire villages, along with all their inhabitants, were found burnt to cinders or encased in a tomb of ice, with no rhyme or reason why, simply there one minute and gone the next. there were accounts of cries and calls from strange creatures in the night, born from suffering and pain. some spoke of certain people being able to wield magic, only to be found mangled and nearly destroyed by others of the same power.
she would think of sukuna after hearing those stories and wonder what kind of life he was living.
was he just as lonely as she was?
or was he happy indulging in the violence of his nature?
then, one fateful day, her father placed a hand on her head fondly and said, “tonight is your omiai, dearest. you will finally meet the man the nakodo has chosen as your husband.”
and that was that.
that night, she stared into the eyes of the man she was to marry.
they were kind, warm – so very plain. he spoke a little to her, mainly about how he could offer her a better life than what she had now. something more comfortable, with a better house, more food, and even kimonos made of silk.
it all sounded… safe.
her family was happy she was marrying such a man, and assured her that they would come and visit her in her new home once she had settled in.
she didn’t care about that at all.
all she could think about was red, red, red, and how it felt like the ultimate betrayal.
she could do nothing but nod placidly at them all.
really, she should count her blessings that she was about the same age as her soon-to-be husband, and that he seemed likely to treat her with kindness and respect. maybe, if she tried hard enough, she could convince herself that she would find some measure of fulfillment in her marriage.
she could learn to accept it all, even force herself to be happy.
even if a part of her could never be scrubbed clean from all the red.
the day before she left for her betrothed’s village, she went to the clearing in the forest where it all began. it was midday, the sun high in the air, and the sweet bite of winter kissed her cheeks as she stood there clutching the white silks that had been gifted to her.
“things are going to change for me,” she whispered to the trees that had long watched over her and sukuna, her head bowed low. "and i do not believe i will ever return here.”
desperation gripped her in a suffocating hold, hooking its claws deep into her spine. she wondered if there was a string that connected her to sukuna. a red-stained one, dripping in their blood. would he feel it wherever he was in the world if she pulled it hard enough?
if she tried, would he come for her?
(a gust of wind, a spark of flame, and a ripple of blood.)
she had realized some time ago what she had felt as a child.
but it was still a terrifying thing to admit to herself, even now, in this quiet corner of the world, that she had once been in love with ryomen sukuna.
it was best to bury it here with the trees.
tonight was the eve of her wedding, and all she wanted was to have just stayed there.
it was supposed to have been a night of solitary peace.
the last one she would ever have, with only the sound of the herbal bathwater rippling and the scent of yuzu in the air to keep her tethered to this world.
it had all been overturned in an instant.
the monsters came swiftly down from the mountainside in the night, slaughtering and tearing their way through every home in the village. the night was full of brutal screams, blood moons and snow falling from the weeping clouds. she could see them, but others weren’t so lucky. that brief look of terrified confusion was haunting – blood bubbling from their mouths as their throats were slashed by something they couldn’t see.
she stared at her fiancé, both of them trapped beneath a wooden beam, as his eyes, wide and lifeless, had not a single trace of the kindness they had once held. death had never been so close to her before, she could almost feel the cold kiss of its blade against her throat, beckoning her closer to the other side.
their assailant was a thin creature, broken and bent, with a feminine form. it licked the dripping blood of her betrothed from its wickedly sharp claws, unperturbed to the rest of the carnage unfolding around it.
“i miss you, i miss you,” it hissed in a low, screeching voice. “i love you, i miss you.”
the demon turned to her, eyeless, with only a mouth full of teeth and a thousand tongues, as if it could smell the life and heat fading from her blood. it crawled sideways towards her, its scraggly black hair brushing the ground in front of her face.
it paused, dipping its face down towards her, its reeking, snarling breaths close to her ear.
she screamed weakly as it sank its teeth into her shoulder.
soon, all our ghosts will dance together.
pale pink rose petals fluttered from the sky, falling along with the snow.
how beautiful is death?
“hmph, idiot.”
a flash of a thousand blades, and the world turned red and then black.
༺ ✤ ༻
it was the smell of incense that coaxed her back from the dreams of death.
honeyed rays of light danced behind her closed eyelids, their warmth caressing her brow and lips in golden life. when her eyes finally opened, she was convinced that she must have already been reborn. her body was wrapped in opulent silk sheets, delicately embroidered with intricate gold and silver flowers. a byobu depicting a blooming cherry blossom tree stood a few paces in front of the bed.
this was a bedroom of royalty, dripping with extravagance.
she felt as if she didn’t belong here.
but when she pinched the skin of her forearm, felt her legs moving and toes wriggling, and heard the sheets rustling loudly, she knew that this was all very real. all the blood that had been spilled was real, the kind man who would have given her a good life was truly dead, along with his entire village.
“you're awake then are you?”
she froze.
that voice.
it can't be.
so intimately familiar, yet it belonged to the strangest of strangers – deep as the oceans she had never seen, mysterious and smoky like the swirls of incense wafting through the room.
this was the voice of death.
she felt like she had heard it before, as if she should know who it belonged to.
because it was too beautiful to forget.
“sukuna?” she called out in disbelief, her voice fragile and trembling like leaves.
a low chuckle followed. “you still know me.”
oh my.
“h-how are you here? where have you – but y-you disappeared.”
the outline of shadow loomed large behind the byobu, and she gulped.
“i’ve been everywhere in this country. there’s nowhere i haven’t seen.”
it’s him, it’s really him.
sukuna hummed again, his figure swaying. she could make out the shadow of the bridge of his nose and his lips, as well as the elaborate layers of clothing he wore.
“do you remember what happened?” he finally asked after a prolonged silence.
she clenched her fists tightly. “yes.”
“good. and before you accuse me of it, i had nothing to do with what happened to you.”
“i-i wasn't going to.”
“how quaint. it’s rare that i’m not accused of causing wanton violence.”
she watched his shadow reach over and pour a liquid into a cup, followed by soft sipping noises as he drank from it.
“those... those things,” she began tepidly. “is that what you are?”
sukuna snorted. “no. i'm nothing like those low-grade cretins.” he sipped from his cup again. “although, it’s good that you can see curses. next time, you should run instead of just stand there.”
she was starting to remember him again.
she knew that he was nervous; it was evident in his sharp jibes toward her. sukuna always acted like this in unfamiliar situations, when he was unsure of how to act around her. so he would poke and prod because, at least, he understood pain and anger.
she chose to ignore it.
“i went back to the village,” he said, clearing his throat. “it hasn't changed much.”
a flash of terror struck her like lightning.
“but imagine my surprise when i discovered that something had actually changed,” sukuna’s voice had taken on a goading tone, and she could tell he wasn't pleased in the slightest. “you had left to go and get married, of all things.”
my family.
he scoffed, as if he sensed her shift in emotions. “oh, don't worry. your parents told me quite willingly. they were smart enough to know they couldn’t keep me from you.”
a trail of ice and fire ran down her spine.
oh, how much more dangerous have you really become, ryomen sukuna?
dread settled onto her bones like melted lead, and despite her better judgement, she sputtered out, "why now, after all this time?"
maybe he didn’t even know why.
sukuna's silhouette swayed back and forth behind the byobu, like beech trees high up the mountains, struggling to stay upright during a blizzard. like them, he was battling, but always against himself. his perpetual internal war against that small part inside of him that was human; full of his pain, fear, and kindness. sukuna’s cup was overflowing, even if he didn’t realize it, spilling and pouring everywhere – but she knew it.
she’d known it for the longest time.
“ryo,” her voice cracked like splintering glass. “answer me.”
he sighed, exasperated, “its been so long” – a sharp exhale – “but i can’t stop bleeding!”
utterly perplexed, she frowned. “bleeding? wha-”
sukuna’s shadow rose like a bonfire, erratically pacing in front of the byobu, and she could have sworn she saw the dancing shadows of four swaying arms.
he snarled, the words wrenched from between his fangs, "they tore you from me, and it made my heart bleed. it hasn’t stopped bleeding, because of you."
his heavy fist struck the screen, and she flinched frightfully.
“i-i don’t k-know what you mean,” she stuttered fearfully, her breaths coming out in rapid, little puffs. “i don’t understand what’s going on.”
he groaned, collected himself, and rolled his shoulders back purposefully. when he spoke again, his tone was calm, with none of the previous fire that had been spitting out from between his teeth.
“it doesn’t matter,” sukuna said, moving away from the cover as his silhouette disappeared. “you’re here now.”
the hidden implications were not as subtle as he thought. he was just as possessive as he had ever been, and it seemed that ryomen sukuna would not be letting go of her again.
she was still his, and had been for all these long years.
“you must be hungry,” he said, swiftly changing the subject. “come here.”
her heart quickened.
slowly, she rose from the safety of the bed, each step as momentous as it was absolutely terrifying. after all this time, she would see sukuna again. the boy who had once protected her, coveted her, and shielded her from the worst parts of himself. the one who wanted to change his ways and be softer for her.
she rounded the byobu.
and there he was.
her bones shivered as her mind froze her in place, stopping her from moving a single step closer.
sukuna was sitting perfectly cross-legged in front of a low table, his eyes widened ever so slightly and his lips parted. a hand was frozen mid-air, suspending in bringing his cup closer to his mouth.
oh, how much he had changed.
sukuna had grown significantly in height, could quite easily tower over her if he stood. he was no longer a boy, but a man – big, broad, and dangerous. and she had not been mistaken before; he had four arms, adorned with strangest black markings, just like his face. if it hadn’t been obvious before, it was now. sukuna was everything taboo in this world, an embodiment of death and fury itself.
“sit,” he ordered, breaking his gaze and motioning in front of him.
his words were in a refined tongue, the kind spoken by highborn royalty and nobles spoke in – those who were educated and understood things beyond the grasp of people like her. she obeyed, feeling the urge to be as well-spoken as possible.
she had never felt so small or so common in all her life.
there was an array of different foods on the table, each more richly presented than the next. elegant bowls held freshly cut fish, arranged to look like the petals of a flower. at the centre of the table sat a lacquered bowl of sekihan at the center of the table, the red bean rice a sharp contrast to the earthy tones of the pickled vegetables around it. mochi of all colors and shapes were delicately wrapped in oak leaves, and chopsticks of pearl and gold were laid beside each of their settings.
sukuna cleared his throat. “so, marriage.” she nodded silently, picking up a piece of mochi. he continued, “i’m assuming it was arranged.”
“yes. he-uh, arrived one day in the village, he was a merchant. my father and the nakodo approved, and that was it.”
he hummed thoughtfully, a fearsome blaze in his eyes. “and did you want this?”
dangerous territory, tread carefully.
“n-not really, but he seemed… kind.”
a flash of red fury crossed his face, and sukuna pursed his lips. “i see. is that what matters most to you, then – kindness?”
careful, careful, careful.
“well… i did not want to end up with a man who would hurt me.”
a dry chuckle. “and do you believe that i will?”
a flash of a memory – of a burrow, of shared tears and painful farewells.
“no,” she replied firmly, picking up another piece of mochi and chewing.
he seemed to approve of her answer, watching as she continued to eat. “good.”
they were silent again, the only sounds coming from the distant chirping of birds and the gentle trickle of a fountain outside. sukuna’s smaller eyes remained fixed on her, while the rest of his attention was on his meal and sake, his expression intensely contemplative and serious. his earlier heat had subsided into a brooding stillness, and he seemed just as amazed as she was that they were finally in each other’s presence again.
she bit her lip before tepidly trying his nickname on her tongue again, “ryo?”
he stilled for a moment, his eyes glistening with a hint of vulnerability before it vanished, and then made a questioning noise.
“what exactly do you expect from me here?”
“you will receive an education, i will not allow you to remain illiterate. you will learn to read and write, and study the arts and poetry. that is all i ask in return.”
“in return for what?”
“for residing in my residence with me. you will not return to the mountains or the village, and you will never see your parents again.”
this was it.
her childhood dream of staying with sukuna was finally here. perhaps he had really felt her pulling on their red string, felt her desperation and fear, and had come to save her. he wasn’t entirely human, after all; maybe he could have sensed her from so far away, and known about that deep hole within her. and so, he had taken her away from it all, demanding only that she say goodbye to everything she had ever known.
but things were different now.
they weren’t little children anymore. there was a taste of change in the air – something tantalizing and liberating. their dynamics had shifted, whether they wanted it or not. adulthood had brought new possibilities that couldn’t have been there before, the kind that made her heart race and chest flutter.
in the way sukuna’s eyes flashed, she felt that he knew it too.
it was her fate after all, she had just been too young to comprehend it.
so be it.
༺ ✤ ༻
the ink was blacker than raven feathers.
drip! drip! drip!
as beautiful as the depth of midnight, it shouldn’t be wasted.
she bowed her head, pensively holding her brush. the words were right there on her fingertips, straight from the centre of her heart, but she didn’t know how to say them.
or rather, if she could say them correctly.
biting her lip, she lightly pressed her brush to the page, the words flowing out with every stroke. when she was done, she leaned back on her heels and looked expectantly at her teacher.
“your brush technique was incorrect,” uraume chided emotionlessly, their icy aura ever present. “but you were close. try it like this instead, see?”
sukuna’s second had been tasked with educating her and showing her the finer ways of noble life. under uraume’s tutelage, she learned to draw the beautiful curves of hiragana and the straight, angular lines of katakana. she was introduced to the golden literature of her country, where she delved into classic and more modern texts, and learned to appreciate the hidden depths beneath the surface of grand tales and poetry.
once, she had been jealous of uraume. it was unnerving to see how much confidence sukuna placed in the ambiguous and frosty figure, and it hurt to know he trusted someone other than her. but she soon came to realize that uraume’s sole desire was to serve sukuna, and sukuna harbored nothing for them other than respect that surely had been well earned.
“try it again,” uraume suggested, returning to their position behind her and watching over her shoulder as she picked up the brush once more.
moreover, uraume was neither cruel nor haughty about her illiteracy and never treated her like a lowborn. they always guided her with a gentle coldness and a detached tone of instruction. she wondered what they thought about the nature of her relationship with sukuna, and if perhaps uraume had ever been jealous of her. she liked to think they hadn’t been, and if they had, they never showed it or asked any questions. for that, she was grateful.
what she had with sukuna wasn’t something she could describe easily.
he was there now, one of his eyes watching the way her hands moved with the brush. it wasn’t unusual that he was present; sukuna often observed their lessons, seating himself a distance and quietly reading a book or scroll. he never lavished her with praise, such was not his nature, but offered more subtle compliments in her progress: a tilt of his head, a single nod, and a hum of approval.
she would be lying to herself if she said it didn’t thrill her to hold his attention.
they only grew closer as time went on, building new little routines with each other. every night after they dined together, sukuna would tap his fingers rhythmically on the low table, completely silent, as she either read poetry from a book or recited it from memory. these were moments of softness, sukuna's strange way of drawing closer her, as the red thread connecting them weaved them closer to each other with every passing night. his gratitude was silent too: a heavy hand on her head, a quick press of his fingers to her cheek, and a small smile as he left.
it was easy to imagine sukuna as changed in those moments, a regal lord always composed and calm.
but that wasn't the reality of the world.
she was frequently reminded of it.
"i need to go," he would suddenly say, abruptly pulling her from her focus.
she closed her book and peered up at him through her lashes. “where?”
sukuna smirked, a wild gleam in his eyes. “to quench my thirst.”
he would then disappear, but never for more than a few days at a time. she liked to hope that his brief absences were because he disliked leaving her for too long. when sukuna returned, he was like a predator satiated from the hunt – more at ease, prone to teasing and sending her into a shy fluster. she realized quickly that he was still as he had been when he was a boy; always acting upon his desires and impulses without a shred of restraint.
although, sukuna kept her well away from any glimpse of that side of him.
she was relieved to be spared from it. even though she had accepted his nature, she was far more content to remain his tether to a calmer side, always ready to pull him back into the peaceful river of soothing milk and honey that was her company. yet, she couldn’t help but wonder if that was all she would ever be to him.
she had to wait three years for the winds of romance to finally shift.
the day after her eighteenth birthday, sukuna began leaving things for her to find.
sometimes the gifts were small, such as delicate hairpins, vibrant silks, or rare fruits from distant lands. they would enjoy the fruits together, her laughter filling the room as she watched him scowl at their unfamiliar taste. other times, the gifts were more extravagant: a retinue of handmaidens to attend to her every need, opulent jūnihitoe crafted by the best artisans, the emperor’s most exquisite jewelry, and the rarest art.
but perhaps the most precious gift of all was his poetry.
she didn’t know why she had assumed sukuna had no taste for poetry. after all, he had ensured she studied it, and seemed to enjoy listening to her recite it. she had thought it was to encourage her to uphold the traditions of noble women studying the arts, to refine herself as a proper lady. given his impulsive nature, she merely thought he lacked the time and patience to write his own poems.
but oh, how he had a way with words.
it wasn’t in the more traditional styles she was used to reading, but it was uniquely sukuna’s. he was never one to follow the rules anyways. they had started off expressing the calming joy he felt in her company, with gentle musings about her being like a light summer rain or the soft morning glow of the sun. those early verses were lighthearted, designed to make her heart flutter with silly little butterflies.
and now?
now they could make her heart melt into a puddle of its own blood, making her body run hot with feverish, burning emotions.
with every poem she read, warmth would spread through her cheeks and chest, her bones shaking from the intensity of it all. it embarrassed her how obviously and hopelessly in love she felt. sukuna, however, was completely unruffled, a knowing smile playing on his lips as he watched her stumble over her words.
“any particular reason why you have that stupid smile on your face?” he’d tease, ostentatiously chewing on a piece of fruit.
she looked away petulantly, a slight pout forming on her lips. “stop it, ryo!”
it was blatantly obvious he savored this.
how could he possibly expect her to act normally around him after reading something like that? these poems were a gateway to his soul, a window straight through his eyes and into his heart. she could hardly contain herself any longer, and it was almost cruel that sukuna was keeping her in suspense for even a moment longer.
but did sukuna even want marriage?
he never liked being bound to anything, always pursuing whatever he desired whenever he wanted to. perhaps he wanted the benefits of courting her without ever becoming tied to her. she wasn’t sure if she could ever accept the idea of being his concubine. after all they had been through, it would crush her soul.
they were taking a stroll together in the gardens after one of her lessons, but the air was tense. sukuna stood unusually close to her, completely silent as they moved together, stopping occasionally and waiting as she admired certain flowers blooming. she tried hard not to be too flustered, and attempted to diffuse the palpable tension between them by talking about all sorts of things.
“oh, ryo! don't you think this flower is gorgeous?”
“hmm, yes. quite.”
“the weather is so pleasant for this time of year, isn't it?”
“yes it is.”
“look, the koi! aren’t they pretty?”
“for fish, sure.”
she gave up after that last attempt. it was obvious she wasn't going to get much out of sukuna today in terms of conversation – he seemed completely and utterly wound up.
they stopped underneath the shade of a tree, and she gracefully tucked in the layers of her clothes beneath her before sitting down. sukuna stood pensively beside the tree, his side profile solemn as he clenched and unclenched his fists. his movements were slow, methodical, almost like it was the only thing grounding him in that moment.
and then, in a flash, he was crouched right in front of her.
“i have something to say,” he announced, his voice like stone.
she swallowed thickly. “then say it.”
sukuna exhaled, and she heard the sound of his knuckles cracking and snapping before he continued, “i recognize that we two are… different in many ways. i have been bound to you from the moment i first laid eyes on you, and i will forever be yours.” – a sharp inhale followed by a shaky exhale – “however, while i may accept this, i understand that you might not outside the ties of marriage.”
this is it.
“you are the one good thing about my soul,” he whispered, his voice trembling with a vulnerable softness that shook her to her core. “please, say you will accept me?”
she didn’t hesitate for even a moment.
“i have always been yours, ryo, and i always will be.”
༺ ✤ ༻
love was infinite.
it transcended time and space, indifferent to who it dragged into its otherworldly domain, filled to the brim with whiteness and the saccharine scent of roses.
being ryomen sukuna’s wife meant crossing that threshold into another world, one that he had forced to turn into the brightest shade of red. his love was ferocious, nearly crippling in its intensity. loving him meant baring her heart to him, exposed and vulnerable, ready for him to consume it completely. he was a deprived man who had finally been given the key to her soul, and now he was able to come through and show her how deep his love for her coursed through in his veins.
“i want to bury myself into your skin,” he murmured into her ear, his arms wrapped around her bare body. “and settle into the spaces between your ribs.”
and yet, sukuna was tender too.
he would crave the moments of quiet, when it was just the two of them, whispering in the dark about how much she meant to him. wherever they were, a part of him was always touching her – whether it was his head on her shoulder as they sat in the garden, or pulling her onto his lap during her lessons. all the while, his eyes were memorising every little thing she did; the way she laughed, how she breathed, and every different sound and expression she made.
sukuna was immensely proud to be her husband, always devoted to providing for and protecting her.
she never wanted for a single thing.
and yet, he was still larger than life, a force of strife and bloodlust.
she knew what sort of reputation he had, that he was something of a living legend. there was no doubt that history would remember his name, spitting on it and sending shivers down people's spines at the mere mention of it.
“the king of curses,” uraume revealed to her one day, a hint of pride in her voice. “that is what the sorcerers call him.”
and that title did not come without a challenge.
on an unassuming autumn morning, sukuna abruptly interrupted one of her lessons. “i must go,” he said abruptly, clutching his trident like a god of old, a hint of glee in his words. “the fushigawa clan must be brought to heel.”
and heel they must have.
for when he returned, sukuna's face had split into two, with a mouth comfortably situated at his midriff. she knew then that unspeakable atrocities must have been committed, because her husband’s body did not evolve unless he had killed and sinned in the most horrific ways possible.
sukuna averted his gaze from her, his skin drenched in blood that was not his own. `'you cannot love me like this."
“and yet,” she whispered, standing on her toes and cupping his bloodied cheekbones. “i still do.”
she had never expected his true nature to change once they were married. to deny it was to deny him – and his love for her. as long as he kept her far from the sight of it, what more could she ask for?
in those moments, it was easy to forget how quickly darkness could overwhelm a fire.
the twilight moon cast a gentle light as a pleasant breeze wafted through the air, brushing against her cheek in a tender caress. it was one of those quiet, soft evenings, where the world slowed down just enough for husband and wife to savor each other’s company. they sat by the koi pond, watching as the silk ribbons of gold and white fins traced elegant patterns in the water. sukuna’s head rested on her lap, a pair of his eyes closed, as she gently stroked his hair.
nothing was out of the ordinary.
save for the strange man with starlight hair strolling towards them.
her husband sat up, and they both turned to watch the man approach them. the stranger carried the aura of a man assured in his own destiny, radiating confidence in the self-righteousness of the path he was on. when he lifted his head and met her gaze, she couldn’t help but gasp at the sight of his eyes, which held a beauty that well surpassed even that of the heavens above.
she knew then that this was no normal man.
“you were stupid to come here,” sukuna huffed, barely sparing the man a glance as he helped her to her feet. “i prefer not to kill in front of my wife.”
“and yet, you will die all the same,” the man retorted, his hand glowing with a threatening iridescent aquamarine light.
there was a deafening thunderclap, followed by the loud creaking and crashing of tumbling wood. before she could blink again, she found herself somewhere far from their home, surrounded by trees and nature that seemed to stretch for miles. her husband’s expression was calm, a perfectly still lake amidst the tumultuous whirlwind of emotions inside her.
sukuna softly touched her cheek. “this will all be over soon, my love.”
he pressed a tender kiss to her brow.
don’t leave me, please.
and then, he was gone.
a strong fear settled in the pit of her stomach amidst the eerie silence. she flinched each time the sky lit up in hues of red and blue, once with purple, and she could have sworn that she heard the sound of her husband’s untamed glee carried on the wind. every rustle of the trees set her teeth on edge, and she wrapped her arms tightly around herself as the coldness of the night began to settle in.
she whirled around.
another stranger emerged, this time with hair as black as the night. shadows pooled beneath his feet, ominous snarling and snapping noises of hounds coming from its depths. with a sharp gesture, the man hushed and silenced the shadows, and the hounds ceased to be. he tilted his head curiously at her, as if he couldn’t fathom why she was here alone in this place.
but what struck her about him were his eyes — they were as green as the forests in the mountains.
it made her strangely homesick.
“my husband will never stop hunting you for this,” she finally said coolly, despite the terror coursing in her blood.
“you think that terrifies me?” he scoffed, instantly shattering the image of warmth she thought he had. “no matter what, history will forever remember as the sorcerers who brought the king of curses to his knees.”
a silver blade gleamed wickedly as the man grinned maliciously.
“meanwhile, you are irrelevant.”
she didn't say a word, understanding all to well what was about to happen and why.
would death be kind?
she shook her head, turning away from the man and looking up at the crimson twilight sky, unwilling to face the man or the cruel blade that was to be her end.
(a drop of blood in a firestorm, a scream of agony)
it doesn’t matter, so long as sukuna cannot feel it.
༺ ✤ ༻
death was abysmally cruel.
ryomen sukuna once believed that it would have given him the sweet relief he always craved deep down – something that would have finally extinguished the ceaseless fire blazing in his veins. it was a release he had always longed for, yearned for, and thought he had always been ready for.
especially when the curse, kenjaku, found him suffering amidst the wreckage of his vengeful rampage for the love that had been stolen from him.
“you had your chance, once,” the curse purred, his forehead stitches starkly contrasting with the pallor of the body he had taken. “but you knew that already.”
no, death had hurt him beyond measure.
it was a hailstorm of ice and sleet, beating down at him, surely dousing his fire, but so very slowly. even though his memory now was hazy at the best of times, he would always remember that pain. how he smashed and ground his teeth together, silent as stone as kenjaku worked to preserve his essence into every one of his fingers, because he refused to cry again.
all sukuna could remember was pain.
and her.
he would always remember her – the pain of loving her, and the pain of losing her.
and how he cried for the first and last time when he saw her crumpled body lying there in that forest. how he wanted nothing more than to hold her bones in his arms for the rest of time, to die right there and then with her, and let their skeletons be burned into ash together.
love had made him sick with desire, with hate, with yearning.
it terrified him.
because ryomen sukuna did not like to feel.
he then swore to himself that he would never repeat his mistakes. love was never to be touched again, and he would burn the world before it had the chance to hurt him once more.
and finally, here sukuna was, reborn and made anew, ready to enact that vow.
only, he hadn’t planned on being stuck inside this miserable, pretentious annoying brat.
no matter, this isn’t permanent.
“how you feelin there, yuji?” asked satoru gojo in an irritatingly perky voice.
sukuna’s vessel rubbed his chest tentatively. “i guess it kinda hurts a litt- ow! okay, never mind, it hurts a lot.”
satoru smiled. “well, lucky for you, i know someone who can help with that.”
sukuna rolled his eyes, grumbling under his breath. oh, how he wanted to rip the smirk right off his face.
first, i’ll tear you–
a light laugh trickled in from just outside the door.
sukuna froze.
he knew that laugh.
the brat turned around, and through him, ryomen sukuna saw what he had thought he lost a millennium ago.
for a moment, there was nothing but white noise.
sukuna was entranced, captivated by the way her lips moved, the graceful way her figure leaned against the doorframe, and how every single feature of her face had remained unchanged and untouched despite all the time that had passed.
is this some sort of joke?
“ok yuji,” she said warmly, a kind smile on her face as she placed a hand on his chest. “this won’t hurt a bit.”
sukuna felt the ghost of her hand touching his own skin, familiar and warm, and he gripped his throne of bones tightly.
yuji frowned. “will it hurt you?”
“oh no, don’t worry about me. i can absorb as much physical pain as i want without feeling any of it myself.”
“that’s so cool! but, do you really not feel anything at all?”
she bit her lip, an ancient sadness in her young eyes. “well… sometimes i go blind for a while, and all i can see is the color red.”
“what? hell no, what if you go blind because of me? no way.”
yuji shied away from her touch, and she reached out to grasp his hand.
“no, i promise i won’t!” she practically begged. “please. yuji. i–something happens when i go blind, like something is trying to show me what’s missing inside me, and i need to find out what it is.”
so, you don’t remember a thing.
sukuna leaned forward, bones crunching beneath him.
“okay…” his vessel answered, apprehension and concern woven into his tone.
she smiled gratefully.
i think i understand what you were to me after all this time, my love.
༺ ✤ ༻
©storiesoflilies 2024, all rights reserved. please do not plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my work on other sites! i only post on ao3 and tumblr.
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ladygojooo · 2 months
First JJK fic out! Love me some husband!Gojo, he's so cute
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