kyonocaf · 5 years
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kyonocaf · 5 years
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Runes! This was an assignment to create a set of flashcards that would appeal to kids and adults for my Type 1 class. They each have the rune symbol, the name of the rune, the meaning in English, the meaning (roughly translated by google, thanks google) in Norwegian, and a little icon I made. I made the big rune characters, but the display font is Comic Runes by takuminokami on Font Space (thanks internet). The cards are 3 inches by 4.5 inches. 
Also please don’t yell at me if the meanings of these are wrong, my research was not particularly scholarly. (Once again, thanks internet :p) 
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kyonocaf · 5 years
i'm procrastinating so here are notes instead
so in ph mythology we have this moon god called Bulan (and for this post we'll look at him from Bikolano myths perspective).
Bulan is very good-looking, and kind, described as 'comely' and 'docile' which is very much how you feel when you're looking at the moon: tranquil.
And you'd think this Precious Boi™️ will be a prey to the hundreds of monsters prevalent in PH mythology but aCTUALLY he befriended most of them including:
the Magindara (Bicolano mythology) - described as vicious mermaids
Asuang (also Bicolano mythology) - considered as a dark and evil god, father of monsters
... and other vicious creatures that seemed to become tame in his presence. He also earned the admiration and favor of most gods, even the Big and the Bad, like:
Magindang - powerful god of the sea and sea creatures
Bakunawa - the deity of the deep and the underworld, who later on tried to eat him (the moon) and was believed to be the cause of lunar eclipse.
Sidapa - god of death, showered Bulan and his sister with gifts after the whole debacle with Bakunawa
There's some parallelism with Visayan mythology, where some stories say Bulan is another form of Libulan, or there's just Libulan and Bulan is a whole other different deity, but there he's also admired by:
Luyong Baybay - deity of the sea and the tides, and this was believed to be the reason why the tides rise to greet the moon
Bakunawa - in this particular version, there are seven moons, all of which Bakunawa desired, and had managed to swallow the other six except for the seventh, which is Bulan.
also Sidapa - I can't remember where I read this version, but there's something about Sidapa rescuing Bulan from his other admirers (who can get a bit aggressive; case and point, Bakunawa).
Don't ask me why versions are different, the Philippines is made up of a lot of islands and divided into regions, hence the differences
I just find it a point of interest how Bulan is so pure he literally overcomes creatures with the power of friendship and kindness, when all the other legends describe physical strength and brutality. He's amazing.
And also it probably helps that anyone messing with him would mess with his fierce protectors, esp his sister Haliya
Bulan is precious and in this house we love and appreciate him.
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kyonocaf · 5 years
Raven Message
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kyonocaf · 5 years
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Have some Filipino folklore art ✨ I'm trying to design my takes on Bulan/Libulan and his husband Sidapa at the moment.
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kyonocaf · 5 years
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kyonocaf · 5 years
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“Are you sure that’s a real spell?’ said the girl. ‘Well, it’s not very good, is it? I’ve tried a few simple spells just for practice and its all worked for me. Nobody in my family’s magic at all. It was ever such a surprise when I got my letter, but I was ever so pleased, of course, I mean, it’s the very best school of witchcraft there is, I’ve heard – I’ve learnt all our set books off by heart, of course, I just hope it will be enough – I’m Hermione Granger, by the way, who are you?”
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kyonocaf · 5 years
Who is Odin?
He is the All-Father certainly, high god of the Norse
But he is also the gruff voice of a classic rock singer, the twang of a guitar about to tell a good story.
He is in the roads and highways and winds of the road, your heart searching for something you don’t know and finding it in the journey
He is coffee keeping one awake in the madness of procrastination, he is inspiration at the brink of a deadline
He is the well worn coin that travels through hands, full of stories only he could tell.
He is Odin, and he is the Wanderer
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kyonocaf · 5 years
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norse mythology | gods | odin
god of wisdom, poetry, war, death, divination & magic
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kyonocaf · 5 years
Pssst…. hey, kid….
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Want a Pokémon egg?
Everybody who reblog this, and I mean EVERYBODY will get an egg. I’ll design a brand new Pokémon based off your blog, but first, the egg will be gifted to you in your PMs.
So, enjoy!!
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kyonocaf · 5 years
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“I hope they remember you.”
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kyonocaf · 5 years
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make me choose |
stannide asked fenrir or sleipnir
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kyonocaf · 5 years
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Butterbeer (Butterscotch) Hot Chocolate
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kyonocaf · 5 years
The federal NDP are proposing a massive expansion in social programs to be paid for by tax hikes on corporations and the wealthiest taxpayers if they win the next federal election.
Leader Jagmeet Singh released the first phase of his party’s platform in Hamilton, Ont., Sunday at the provincial party’s policy convention. The unusually early reveal of a party’s election platform was done to ensure candidates have material to go door knocking with during the summer, according to a party official.
The document called “A New Deal for People,” proposes taking the “next step” in medicare by implementing universal pharmacare next year and doing the same for dental care, vision care, mental health care and hearing care within the next decade.
In a prepared speech, released before the event, Singh said the platform “shows how we believe government can make things better for people.”
The plan doesn’t come with a price tag, but party officials said more details will be rolled out before voters head to the polls on Oct. 21.
It also includes plans to invest $1 billion immediately in child care and building 500,000 affordable housing units in the next decade.
To pay for all of that and the previously announced $15 billion environment plan, the party says it would raise corporate taxes, capital gains taxes, taxes on the highest income bracket and introduce a wealth tax on people with a networth of $20 million or more.
Continue Reading.
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kyonocaf · 5 years
Happy father’s day
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If you don’t have a dad who loves and cares, feel free to hit Apollo up. He’ll be glad to be your dad.
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kyonocaf · 5 years
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Please take good care of them!
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kyonocaf · 5 years
I see what you fucking did there
They should put literally any conceivable fighter into Smash Ultimate. I’m talkin Batman. I’m talkin Indiana Jones. I’m talkin Gandalf the Grey, and his echo fighter Gandalf the White. I’m talkin Monty Python and the Holy Grail’s Black Knight.  And Benito Mussolini, and the Blue Meanie, and Cowboy Curtis, and Jambi the Genie. Robocop, The Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader. Lo Pan, Superman, EVERY SINGLE Power Ranger, Bill S. Preston, and Theodore Logan, Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan
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