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kyloxfem · 5 years ago
Solo Travel As a Business and Lifestyle Phenomenon
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In increasing numbers, people are traveling alone rather than simply waiting for others to join them. Solo travelers from the recent years have totaled 21 million in just the US and UK combined. According to a New York Times article in Nov. 2012, Internet searches for"solo travel packages" were up 60% over the previous year. The US Department of Commerce's Office of Travel & Tourism Industries ("OTTI") reported that a staggering 42 percent of U.S. citizens/residents that travelled overseas in 2011 traveled independently. 
Of these individual travelers, 38% traveled for leisure or to visit friends & relatives ("VFR") and 66 percent for business. Similarly, inbound solo travelers from overseas totaled 36.2%. Who are solo travelers? Solo travelers are a much wider group than just the single population. They may be: • Two-career couples on business travel or"DINK'S" (Double Income No Kids). • People who have relatives or friends overseas. • Family members pursuing different sports/hobbies overseas. 
Abercrombie & Kent's Jill Fawcett has clarified their solo travelers as:"frequently... married or have partners, but the spouses do not share the same interest... They wish to travel with like-minded individuals and the little group gives them some interaction. Then they return to the solitude of their room... 25 percent of individuals who opt for our Extreme Adventure series are (too ) solo travelers," she said. "People feel a bit more secure in a group if the destination is intimidating or there is a language barrier." Solo Travel Is Growing at a Rapid Rate | Phil Hoffman travel site, 10/25/11. 
Based on Grand Circle Corp chairman Alan Lewis,"Women are a growing force in the solo travel marketplace... in which the solo market has increased from approximately 20% to 25 percent of [Grand Circle's] total bookings during the previous five decades." Single travelers do continue to play an active part in solo travel. Their expansion is apparent in Europe and North America where people are marrying later and might be divorced, widowed or never married. 
According to a March 19, 2013 post entitled"The Growing Solo Travel Market", typical single families total as follows:
• 35% of households in developed countries • 40 percent in Finland and Norway (2011) 
• 37% in the Netherlands (2011)
 • 27 percent in the US (2010), 29% in the UK (2011) and 28 percent in Canada (2011). 
How can solos travel?
Solo travel might not necessarily imply traveling as a"group of one". Individuals may choose 
1. Escorted group tours 
2. Independent tours 
3. Traveling alone and choose their own hotels/tours 
What Matters Confront Those Traveling Alone? 
There are two key challenges for individual travelers. 
• Attractive prices: Lodging, tours and cruises are costly regularly on double occupancy. Although this isn't necessarily 2X, the cost differential can be significant. This is most pronounced in tour packages, especially cruises that have"2-for-the-price of 1" early booking promotionals. Because of this, those traveling alone may cover 3-4X couples/pairs. 
• Top excellent accessibility and service: At a busy vacation or tourist season, the unaccompanied traveler could be given less desired accommodations or tables . In actuality, even 5 star hotels may be unwilling to have a dinner reservation for you even if the individual traveler is a guest of this resort. The alternative might be sitting in the bar for dinner however the dining area has vacant tables. The outcome? 
These travelers are facing a"standup" buffet or participating in sleuthing to find an available seat. What's the Business Opportunity? This journey phenomenon is growing exponentially and represents an underserved market. The Chance for this industry is substantial, prioritized as follows: Leisure travelers: They're the biggest percentage of industry revenues. But a smaller percentage move alone for leisure trips. The beneficiaries: airlines, hotels, tours, car and concierge services. 
Business travelers: Even though a small part of revenues, a larger percentage are on business. Moreover, they could have a bigger budget than an individual on holiday. The identical industry segments would benefit with the exception of excursions except as possible additions to an international trip. VFR: People visiting friends and family might be met at the airport and also have access to local transport. While staying at a private house, meals might not be removed as often as resort guests. 
Thus, such travelers will continue to create new revenue primarily for airlines but are not likely to augment the present market for additional travel services. This business represents a largely untapped market. Given the sheer numbers of wealthy professionals and business executives, with the ideal mixture of well-priced, high quality supplies, both sides benefit. The travel industry will boost their present earnings while those traveling alone will reach more competitive pricing and access to high quality. It's a market whose time has come.
The Joys (and Sorrows) of Travelling Alone
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There's not any one"right" way to travel, particularly in regards to the amount of partners you choose to travel with as you explore the world. Yes, if you travel with other people, you should only travel with those whose existence you like. And yes, I would argue you'll have far more fun by travelling with a few intimate and adventuresome friends as opposed to travelling through a foreign destination with a bunch of tourists that hardly need to leave the resort. However, assuming you make a few wise decisions concerning the company you keep, you will find unique benefits hidden within travelling with a single individual, with three individuals, or using a dozen individuals. 
Not that you really want to travel with anyone else. In actuality, the intensity of travelling often outclasses anything you will encounter travelling with others- extreme in its highs and its lows. Intense in its relations and its isolation. Intense in its chances for developing confidence, and extreme in its chances for dealing with uncertainty and fear. And it is this intensity of often-conflicting experience which produces travelling alone for a protracted period of time an absolute requirement for each and every one of us. 
Traveling is About Growth 
A quick aside. 
Some people might be put off with the ideal of intensity I have used to drum up travelling independently. I understand this. An intense experience could be embarrassing to consider. But in fact, an extreme experience is often more embarrassing to think about than it is to really live through. But our distress surrounding intensity lies in the core of every growth opportunity we encounter. We develop the most when we feel most alive and once we push vague anxieties to enlarge our sphere of comfortable actions.
In other words you should not avoid the extreme experiences and the distress they temporarily create - you need to run towards them. Sometimes travelling is all about just enjoying yourself, but at its center travelling the world is all about running towards intensity, adopting distress, and enlarging the world you inhabit.
 So yes, the notion of travelling alone can occasionally feel frightening. That is sort of the point. Do not use this fear as an excuse to live in a smaller world than you will need to. 
When you travel your adventures will swing wildly back and forth between being profoundly social and profoundly lonesome. Often the tone of your adventures changes instantly. 1 night you meet some new friends you spend hours and hours with as you speak, as you explore, as you bare your souls- as you get drunk together and dance together as you drift overseas streets late at night together, invincible in the present time. 
The next day they depart and so does the last person you know in your present location and you are alone again. In that moment you can be busy and reach out and meet others, but you will feel shocked how frequently, in that instant, you would rather spend your time entirely independently. Through expat pubs and hostels and other excursions, travelling supplies you with a never-ending chance to meet new men and women. 
When you travel by yourself you will only ever be as lonely as you need to be. You will have the ability to meet others without preconceptions, without strings attached, without checking in to see if everything's cool with your friends and without worry what others. If it comes down to it travelling by yourself supplies you with social liberty you could never experience back home or travelling with other people. And that has the freedom to really be on your own. 
The relief of sometimes spending a day on your own once you're back home doesn't, and can't, compare with the thickness of the solitude you may experience when you're alone for hours, days, or months at a time in cities, states and cultures far from your daily experience. These quiet, lonely moments will make you feel so many things, they will provide you the opportunity to process and to question and to reply, it is in those moments of complete separation from everything and everyone connected to home that you may acquire the maximum perspective in your life and make the difficult decisions about who you are, what you need, and how you are going to get there- decisions that you can't make when you are grasping on to even the smallest thread of connection to the life you used to know.  
I hope I do not sound like I am bearing down on others. So lots of your chances for some semblance of enlightenment will come to you in the business of others. We're intensely, and intrinsically, social animals. As E.E. Cummings stated,"We're for each other," and each nugget of insight you learn as you travel on your own is different for the sole purpose of helping you better serve the world and others who reside in it.
I am merely suggesting there are benefits and insights out there in the wild you can only gain when you disconnect entirely from the way you only can if you vacate regular life and search for something else by yourself. If you will need any greater sign that humans are really societal in nature think about the powerful feelings of uncertainty and fear you will feel when you cut yourself off from others. Even considering travelling alone you are probably thinking it isn't something that you could ever do. 
When you leave home on your own you may feel incredibly fearful of what you will find way out there and if you will have the ability to handle it. Travelling alone you may repeatedly question pretty much everything about yourself and if you can even survive, at a fundamental mental and psychological sense, without constant close contact with other individuals. And going through these cycles of fear and uncertainty you may learn something- which you can manage it. You can't just survive but you can flourish. 
You understand how tough you are, how small you really need, and with that knowledge of your own inherent indestructibility and with that understanding that life can be great even if you drop everything, you will get the confidence and courage to really act on the harmful insights you collect as you travel. Travelling alone not just enables you to view what difficult choices you will need to make when you return back home, travelling alone tells you you're strong enough to risk it all and act on them. Travelling alone makes you a wiser and a more powerful individual in ways travelling with others , ever could. Yes, travelling alone is harder than travelling with other people, but occasionally, especially during these times when you don't know what to do with yourself or your life, travelling alone becomes absolutely crucial.
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kyloxfem · 5 years ago
Plan Your Lifestyle, Then Business
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The jobs we do, the business we have, and where we live all affect the quality of life. I honestly believe it to build a successful business you need to envision the lifestyle you would like to have first. By way of instance, it doesn't make sense for me to begin a fishing business once I hate fish. Irrespective of how much money I make, I will despise every second of the procedure. Wealth isn't just measured in terms of cash but the fullness of life we enjoy because of this. Lifestyle design or lifestyle entrepreneurship is designing your business around the lifestyle you desire. Lifestyle design is something that became important to me when I had my first kid. 
I knew I didn't need to spend hours working out of my kids but at the exact same time I had to provide for them. I was determined my kids weren't going to invest hundreds of hours in daycare and because of this I negotiated with my boss to design my own job in this way where I could spend quality time with my baby. Despite the fact that I didn't have a formal terminology for it then I never based my choice on taking a work based on money alone. The job had to be flexible enough to give me the lifestyle I wanted. I wasn't reluctant to eliminate all of the conventional norms of starting a business and building a business that will afford me the lifestyle I love. 
I've been really blessed all through this procedure. Arranging a lifestyle business Primarily - specific and measurable Objectives If you throw up a cent, it is going to come down: One fact we can't escape is that we will probably end up in the direction we're heading. We can't fulfill the goals we set for ourselves unless we aim for them. So in case you wish to design a business that accommodates your preferred lifestyle, you must become very specific. To put it differently, you require specific and measurable targets. As an example, as opposed to saying,"I wish to drop weight" state"I need to lose 10 lbs in 3 weeks". 
Having specific and quantifiable goals can interpret in any part of life. If your lifestyle purpose is to spend your winters someplace warm then you want to incorporate that taste in your business. You Will Have to consider a way to structure your business where: You earn enough money to pay for the lifestyle Your business is mobile/ flexible enough where leaving your permanent residence for a complete season won't disrupt cash flow. If you don't take your preferences into account, what ends up happening is that you develop a business you learn how to hate and you end up stuck at a hamsters wheel. 
Arranging a lifestyle business is less complex than people make it. Second, identify what you need to understand and learn In the event of losing 10 lbs in 3 weeks, you would have to learn how to lose 10 lbs in 3 months. When you have clear specific objectives, then understanding what you will need to know will come really straightforward. Thirdly, write some actionable steps you can take to Begin As soon as you know what you will need to know, you will need to write some actionable steps about the best way best to gather the information you want. 
To lose 10 pounds in 3 weeks, you can do the following: Purchase a book on how to loose 10 pounds in 3 weeks and then do it yourself Research online for a few practical steps on losing 10 pounds in 3 weeks Hire a personal trainer Join a gym Your actionable measures should be composed in this way where it takes you one step farther than you are now. You don't need to learn how to reach the end line but every action should lead one to the next one that eventually takes you to the end line. 
For example if you're totally clueless, you can hire a personal trainer to take you through the process. When you employ an expert, you have the benefit of having someone help you to the finish line faster than you can do by yourself. We often have a mental picture of what we shall like to attain. Finally, ask yourself,"Am I prepared to pay the purchase price? This is a tough question: I hear guys talk about needing a close family, but they are not inclined to put their family ahead of the career or hobbies. Someone says they need to progress in their career, but they are not keen to obtain the education necessary. Achieving success at anything requires a certain degree of sacrifice. 
Some people might want to attain the degree, but they are not willing to invest what's required to get there. Sooner or later you'll have to determine if you're prepared to make the necessary sacrifice. After you determine what's required of you, you want to ask yourself if you're willing to pay the purchase price. Don't start unless you honestly answer this question or you won't ever finish. 
Do not answer this question too fast but spend some time wrestling with this question and be honest to yourself. Should you decide to pay the purchase price, share your goal with a person who can keep you accountable. To achieve anything in life, you will need to do things differently. Insanity is doing the exact same thing over and over again, expecting a different result every time.
Warrior Wisdom - The Warrior Lifestyle
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What's the warrior lifestyle? The warrior is a rare individual in the current world. He lives life with another set of values compared with the rest of society. Even people who do share the same values, seldom live a lifestyle that adheres to all those values to the extent that the warrior does. To most people, ethics are situational. They make decisions based on what's best for them, rather than what's right. This is not true with the warrior. 
The warrior values honor, ethics, justice, and his awareness of what's right, above all else. His ethics aren't situational; they are his lifestyle. The warrior lifestyle revolves around a code of ethics that is non-negotiable. The warrior's code of ethics, or code of honor, is taken very seriously. To the warrior, differentiating between right and wrong is of extreme importance. He sees right and wrong concerning black and white. He understands that an action is either honorable or dishonorable. 
This isn't intended to indicate that honor is black and white; honor isn't that simple. People who live the lifestyle of the warrior understand that whether or not an action is honorable, depends upon both one's intentions and the situation at hand. This isn't to be confused with situational ethics. The warrior's integrity does not change based on the circumstance. His activities will alter as needed, but his integrity remains set in stone. There's a large difference between actions and ethics. Ethics determines actions; activities don't determine ethics. 
The warrior lifestyle is concerned with what is right and what is honorable. A warrior's integrity revolves around both of these issues. Justice and honor are foremost on his mind. His thoughts are based on"what's correct," not on other people's views of what's right. He realizes that a lot of people profess a belief in absolutes they live by, nor genuinely believe in, when push comes to shove. The only absolute that the warrior lives by is that of what's right and wrong. If it isn't right, he does not do it. 
He decides what is right and wrong by his strict code of ethics, not some random laws or the politically correct standards of the day. The warrior doesn't seem to be honorable; he's honorable. Sincerity is ingrained in this lifestyle. This is a lifestyle that's supposed to be lived, not fantasized about, or simply discussed. This lifestyle includes much more than being educated in the art of warfare or the art of self-indulgent, but these are an essential part of the life of the warrior. Additionally, it comprises the challenge to perfect one's personality. 
This is a process similar to the Japanese idea of kaizen. Kaizen can be interpreted as a continuous, never-ending improvement. True warriors attempt to use this concept in every area of their life. They attempt to balance and enhance each area - soul, mind, and body, on a daily basis. Each area of your life is important and needs to be kept in equilibrium. Training guys in the art of warfare or at the art of martial arts, without regard to character, just produce a dangerous man; it doesn't produce a warrior. In years past, the martial arts masters wouldn't train someone completely until they felt confident of the individual's character. 
Nowadays many schools will train anyone who can pay, no matter their character or lack of personality. This can be dangerous information to give to any and everybody who comes along. In my opinion, personality should be a necessity, not just for martial arts instruction, but for lots of the privileges which we enjoy in this nation. I'm asked frequently whether or not I think that the term"warrior" should apply only to military women and men who've been in war or to educated and experienced fighters. 
Although I realize that is the literal definition of a warrior, I don't believe this is the right definition, not based on the numerous accounts from previous warriors anyway. This literal definition of a warrior isn't the definition that's used for our discussion of the warrior lifestyle in Warrior Wisdom. An ape can be trained to throw punches and kick, a puppy could be trained to fight, but it does not make either of them warriors. Being a warrior entails more than being trained to fight or being in the army; it entails character training also. Character training is the real objective of Bushido, the way of the warrior. 
Please do not misunderstand me have great respect for our military women and men. But I feel that everyone who has ever served in the military will agree that not every soldier lives by the personality traits that are essential for the warrior lifestyle, any more than every martial artist or each individual in overall lives by these criteria. I am not taking anything away from people who serve our nation. Every person who serves our nation deserves our respect and gratitude, but support does not necessarily indicate that a man is concerned with perfecting their character. 
It's uncommon to find individuals who take their integrity seriously today. It's not uncommon to find people who claim to take their integrity seriously, but I am referring to people who walk into the walk, not just"talk the talk." Yes, the warrior is worried about physical training and martial arts, but he also understands that personality training is the cornerstone of the warrior lifestyle. The true warrior ought to be trained in martial arts. His integrity requires that he be prepared to defend his family, friends, or himself in certain circumstances. 
In the world today, you don't know when you might need to use your martial arts skills. It's very important that you have this training to be self-reliant as secure as possible, but with no code of ethics, which relies on a profound comprehension of right and wrong, there's absolutely not any warrior; there's just someone trained to fight. 
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kyloxfem · 5 years ago
The Psychology of Ideas
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On why ideas do not belong to anybody, but to the world... and are objective, independent entities. Ideas are important, and are primarily responsible for producing'things'. Ideas are made from concepts and theories transform our reality. So notions indirectly transform the reality, the world as time goes on. We will need to dissect how ideas happen and where they really come from. Highly creative folks get more ideas, so notions link closely with creativity. A creative mind is a fantastic source for new ideas. The physiology of thoughts would be similar to that of creative ideas but the psychology of thoughts and the psychology of imagination would be rather different. 
That's the reason why, the psychology of thoughts, is so interesting, you see. An idea occurs suddenly, it does not need a trained mind, although some basic knowledge might help give shape to it. It's finally independent of the brain which conceptualized it in the first location. Ideas stick out in their liberty. That is how ideas are not the same as a creative thought. A creative idea needs you as the creator, whereas an idea is independent and"out there". The moment the thought comes to you in a flash, it belongs to you personally, but to the entire world. 
Whereas the creative idea usually moves inwards to misery or inspire the artist, scientist or the author, an idea jumps out to move in the world. Ideas and creative ideas have different or opposite directions. Sounds weird that thoughts and ideas can have instructions. This is a really new idea and you won't find people talking about instructions of thoughts and ideas. Ideas will need to be executed, and involve some type of action. They also relate to a aim and the ability of the person to gain through the thought. Thus a productive idea might assist in financial gain, psychological profit or social gain. 
Ideas belong to the Earth, and are important since they are separate entities. They're externalized concepts and creative ideas are internalized concepts. Ideas are more objective and don't really belong anywhere and that's the reason why they're always timeless and eternal. Creative thoughts will need to belong and they're also more subjective. Creative thoughts may be used to study an individual's mental state and psychoanalysts do that all the time. Ideas can't however reveal the depths of the mind. An idea has its own objective existence. I'm getting too philosophical now, but coming back into the psychology, why do certain people have certain ideas which might be universal or unique? 
An idea is exceptional when your precise circumstances produce the underlying concept, and universal if it's shared by all. We've got a universal idea of God or how to establish a business. Yet there might be unique elements in how we perceive God or try to conduct our business.We could have both universal and unique ideas. There are those who develop a novel idea. Whether this idea creates a substantial effect on society, we call this person a genius. Let us consider Einstein and his theory that mass is equivalent to energy. 
Additionally, this is an insight, but primarily an idea that is'out there' and completely objective. A business plan is also an idea and because a business is a goal plan, it's again'out there' and ready to be implemented on the planet. Standard psychology has barely done any research on ideas. Psychologists haven't explained what thoughts are. There's a significant need to get participants to articulate and study this concept completely. If we get to understand the psychological mechanics of how ideas develop, we could do a great deal of things, we could actually encourage the growth of thoughts in children and adults and there'll be idea programs, thought gyms, thought workouts, idea replacements - the whole shabang - commercialization of'thought'. 
That would indicate a brave new world, filled with thoughts. Ideas must be closely linked to both intellect and imagination since these attributes provide the basis for ideas. We've got psychological concepts, and when faced with internal or external stimuli, we might discover or invent something new or just gain new insight and think of an idea. Thus concepts when used productively in the presence of external stimulation, could create new ideas. Now assume, you have notions of roses, flowers and garden and how they can come together for a gorgeous experience of roses from the garden. 
Then on your visit to the current market, you find the rose plants and you've got the idea, that you want roses in your garden. So concepts, external cause and your thought. Of course there may be physiological triggers and social circumstances that may facilitate the introduction of an idea. That's the reason ideas can be so diverse with an infinite number of theories and unlimited number of external causes or situations, ideas may also be infinite. So, how would you or your child get more ideas and actually how would you get more productive thoughts? 
What do you need to drink to get better ideas? If thoughts are permutations and combinations of theories and stimulation, it can be indicated that more experience with stimulation and superior conceptual understanding would lead to better ideas. Superior conceptual skills demand higher degrees of intelligence and how we control these concepts in our mind to comprehend the planet is a direct measure of our intellectual capacities. Experience with internal or external stimuli suggest that we will need to react to these stimuli and this requires a degree of creativity as we don't respond to stimuli mechanically like robots, but largely creatively, with conscious understanding.
Where Do Good Ideas Come From?
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What is a fantastic idea? We might begin by looking at the way the words,'good' and'thought' can be used and are described. Since the word'great' is a type of catch-all word with as many meanings as it attaches itself to as an adjective, we're well-advised to check at the list of synonyms that seem most suitable as an adjective to describe a notion. Here's a list of synonyms for'great': commonsense, commonsensible, commonsensical, firm, hard, educated, just, justified, levelheaded, logical, rational, reasonable, reasoned, sensible, sober, strong, legitimate, well-founded. 
But few, if any of these words conjure up the notion of creative. In actuality, the majority of synonyms of the word'great' relate to qualities of things, instead of thoughts. Generative, germinal, productive. These words seem more appropriate when describing a'good idea'. They conjure up the essence of all that's great about a'good idea', especially in the context of the discussion. Now for the term'thought', described as: something, like a thought or conception, that potentially or actually exists in the mind as a product of mental activity. 
I also wish to present the adjective'new' so that the'good idea' from the name,'Where do great ideas come from', describes great ideas that are fresh ones, ones that are original, new, not in any true absolute sense, but instead intended to refer to those thoughts that are good ones and are fresh and original to the individual thinking them. This outlining is vital for my purpose; great ideas that never make the light of day stay day-dreams; untried, untested, unverified, undefended and unexplained. 
The'good thoughts' I need to explore the origins of are the ones that do make the light of day, as we say, those which are tried and tested, verified, defended and explained, and survive the onslaught of uncertainty, and are still considered as'good thoughts'. In actuality, we might go so far as to state that such great ideas are ones that effect some alternative preferable to those who have gone before. It does look commonsense to talk about these ideas that change something for the better, does not it? 
Thus, creativity in thought appears to be synonymous with imagination:'Creativity' could be described as the process of creating something which makes a difference. It's all about doing something or making something which somehow changes the changes or changes how a person experiences it. It can happen in almost any sphere of human action. Often it's quite spontaneous, a natural response to an event or situation when a creative answer is almost accidental in character. More interestingly, it can also be a deliberate kind of action, a procedure that can be learned, a procedure that may be nurtured. 
So, having a fantastic idea may be something like a'light-bulb or Eureka moment, which happens as fast as a flash, or it may be the product of a means of thinking - of orienting oneself to events, things, people, circumstances or issues. It's this second, more deliberate manner of coming up with great ideas that interests me. The Eureka minutes - flashes of inspiration, are precious, but I do not believe we have enough time to sit around and wait for them to occur. Rather, it may be more productive to consider the ways we can be creative on a regular basis as opposed to relying on something like lightning to strike. 
A good starting point is to state that in order to be creative, someone should have certain qualities: to be a creative person you will need to be curious. Curiosity is the beginning point in the process of creating ideas. You've got to be curious to wonder if something could be changed, to give enough thought to whatever it is that you think may benefit from change, and that means you've got to be flexible also. Flexibility is another critical quality for anybody who has fresh ideas. Possessing a mind opposed to flexibility - rigidity - would inhibit the creation of anything new. Connect ideas; the author, E.M. 
Forster famously once said,"Only connect", and even though he was probably talking about what writers do, it's good advice for anybody wanting to be revolutionary. Connecting things that aren't normally considered capable of being linked is the hallmark of the mind. Accept disorder; disease can be threatening to some people, and viewed as an opportunity to other people. Putting some different sort of order to what seems chaotic is a creative exercise. Be unorthodox; in scenarios, finding unorthodox solutions, or replies points to a creative mind. Some find unorthodox thoughts threatening, from the question, as they say, or simply ridiculous. 
Creative men and women aren't so threatened by unorthodox thoughts. To the contrary, they enjoy them. Enjoy experimenting; experimentation is something similar to daydreaming - asking What if? Be open to new experiences; being conservative in thought word and deed usually suggests that somebody isn't receptive to new experiences or finds them threatening and unpleasant. Those people who are open to new adventures likely have a much more optimistic outlook on life and enjoy life a whole lot more too.
Have the courage to take risks; taking risks always requires some guts. It's in overcoming the threat risk taking poses which we find the confidence to take more risks; not with abandon, but with a rational calculation of the odds of being successful. Enjoy humor and playfulness; it's in our drama and in humor that we find our real selves, or escape, however momentarily, from the day to day, often stultifying patterns that indicate our days. Humor and play are antidotes to the boredom of routine, and they're terrific stress relievers also.
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kyloxfem · 5 years ago
Healthy Living Practices That You Can Do On Your Own
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It's frequently heard everywhere, but a lot of do not understand what it actually means. There are many factors which influence the general well-being of an individual such as age or heredity, but you can boost your health by promoting a wholesome lifestyle. Normally, it means keeping a healthy weight, avoiding alcohol and tobacco, eating right and having a routine exercise. 
By taking the correct steps, you can substantially reduce your chances of getting cancer, heart ailments and other serious ailments. Even tiny changes in your lifestyle like carrying an additional glass of water daily can do much to enhance your health. 
The most important components of healthy living are the following: · Healthy and nutritious diet 
· Routine exercise 
· Great social life 
· Positive outlook in life 
· Adequate rest and relaxation 
· Healthy relationship Strategies for Promoting a Healthier Lifestyle 
- High Fiber Diet One of the first things you need to do in promoting better health is to eat a diet that's full of fibers. Take away all of the bad carbohydrates off your diet and replace them with good carbohydrates. 
You should also include various fruits and vegetables into your normal food intake, in addition to whole grains and other foods which are high in fiber. Hypoglycemic foods should likewise be removed from your daily diet. Take Loads of Water If you're utilized to taking other sorts of beverages, you should start replacing them with pure water.
It's vital in promoting healthy living because it aids in the digestion of food, elimination of toxins that are harmful to your body and absorption of nutrients. Make it a point to take eight glasses of water every day. Have enough Physical Activity If you would like to keep better health, begin having a routine physical activity, taking care to prevent any injuries. 
Training with weights and walking briskly regular are more practical than high impact workouts as they do not subject your body to unnecessary strain which could do more damage than good. Maintain your Ideal Weight An perfect weight is vital in healthy living, but it doesn't mean you will need to enter diet pills or fad diets. 
A lot of them can really do your body more harm than good and aren't suggested for promoting better health. Focus on a healthy diet and active lifestyle rather for keeping your weight down. Be Optimistic and Favorable All the Time Your attitude is an integral element in promoting better health. It's a force that compels you to keep on changing for the better and keeping up the self-discipline that's essential for a healthy lifestyle. 
There'll always be obstacles on your endeavor, but remember; you're as happy as you think you are. So make a choice to be happy and have a joyful and positive outlook of the future. If you still have terrible health habits like smoking, excessive caffeine intake and other practices which are detrimental to healthy living, begin replacing them with healthy input so that your efforts won't be in vain. I hope you found this information helpful and if you want more information on ways to stay healthy, then please see my eating healthy internet site where you'll find great
Healthy Living and Exercise Help an Individual Keep Fit
There are various kinds of exercise that help keep someone fit. Dance is seen as an art form, as in creative arts, but also it's also a sport. There are lots of extreme sports such as Wake boarding which is also an adrenaline pumping water game, that unites water skiing, snowboarding and surfing methods. 
Healthy living and exercise is important if someone wants to keep a fantastic lifestyle. Individuals can use this game to drop weight and keep fit whilst also having fun. Power lifting is a power sport which also helps individuals drop weight. Living a healthy life must include exercise whilst also teaching organizational skills in order that someone could plan their meals and not eat the wrong kinds of food. 
Without essential vitamins and nutrients your body doesn't function properly. So as to be fit and healthy we need to practice healthy living styles. We will need to eat proper food and follow disciplined behaviors and exercise. Don't jump in feet first when creating your lifestyle changes and take each step at a time. Study body and how the use of healthcare flaws to sport, exercise, and physical performance has an effect on the body. 
As soon as you understand how food affects the body you'll be more careful over what and when you eat. Sometimes there are loads of things which make our lives filled with action and we are apt to forget to over indulge ourselves with food. However there are occasions when we might comfort eat to make ourselves feel better. 
Eating health and living a healthy lifestyle is crucial to make you live a lifetime. If we always over indulge we'll wind up obese and unhealthy. We will need to set disciplines and follow them. There are lots of kinds of exercise that help keep someone fit. However if we don't eat the correct foods too then we are not going to notice the benefits.
Individuals can use sport in their own lives to drop weight and keep fit whilst also having fun. Lots of people don't realist just how much fun living a healthy lifestyle can be. Living a healthy life must include exercise while additionally following teaching strategies to healthy meals, when and what to consume.
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kyloxfem · 5 years ago
Advantages Of Seeing A Sports Physiotherapist
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Physiotherapy, lots of individuals have found, is great in regards to healing or managing an assortment of bodily aches and pains. Given the growth in the amount of appearances sports stars need to make these days, in addition to the tough competition, many succumb to accidents often. Below are a few benefits to be derived from seeing a physiotherapist specializing in managing sports injuries. 
To begin with, these are people highly educated and proficient as much as the body in movement is concerned. Anyone who is physically active on a daily basis increases the odds of picking up injuries, even if it's the strange twisted ankle or pulled hamstring. 
So, seeing this type of professional is apt to assist sports people especially adopt lifestyles which are healthier, given the new awareness of posture and motion. These pro physical therapists are perfect to aid coaches and trainers in looking after athletes. The knowledge of the body's mechanisms as it entails movement is something coaching team would be wise to use. 
So, besides helping to manage injuries, information on the way to leverage gravity and posture in enhancing performance and remaining injury-free are priceless. These are also the best people to consult on how to prevent bodily injuries. Sometimes the incorrect approach to warm-up exercises leads to the pulling of ligaments and bruising of muscles through performance or training. 
Consulting a sports physiotherapist for information about such patterns might help to prevent such incidences. It's a good idea to make an appointment with these folks before picking up an injury. It's absolutely legitimate and wise to go for such appointment, without needing to wait for a painful body to warrant a visit. 
This is an fantastic way to remain injury-free. Everyone, regardless of what age, that is physically active stands to gain from these visits. Coaches and trainers of different sporting codes would be wise to call on the experience of those professionals from time to time. The new and fresh viewpoints physical therapists bring to the job will probably benefit everyone involved. 
Getting proactive about steering clear of activities which may bring about bodily harm is a smart approach to adopt. At times one may be bothered by injuries from years past and would not know where it comes from or where precisely the trouble is located. 
A few of the individuals best able to provide expert diagnosis and guidance in these situations are sports physiotherapists. Developments in the area are happening quickly, and the findings of new research are added to existing experience. This in turn benefits the daily practice, in addition to the customers coming for consultation. The best thing any physically active individual can do is to make an appointment to see a sports physiotherapist whenever possible.
Playing Sports - The Varied Benefits Of Sports On Body And Soul
There are a great deal of people who tout the health and group benefits of sports. You might actually get fed up with listening to all of the terrific things discussed about sports activities from several people online. Let us explore each sports activities benefits and see how they affect our lifestyle and the way in which they provide a better way of life for people that are frequently involved in athletic activity.
It's a simple fact that being actively participated in sports is most likely the best way to lose and maintain body weight. Performing physical exercise helps you burn than body fat and calories in your body which in exchange can make you more healthy. 
Though today's technology and strategies allow artificial methods to eliminate fat through liposuction and other surgical procedures, these types of unnatural methods can not improve and improve essential organs of the full body such as sports can. Among those specific systems of the body which receives the maximum advantage could be your cardiovascular system including the heart. 
You muscles will also gain benefits because they becomes more developed thus making you stronger with more power and force. Lungs as well will benefit advantages since the breathing gets stronger and consequently permits you to breath in thinner air. 
To do so, start involving oneself in many different sport routines whether it is outdoors or inside. All these are enhanced as you includes themselves in sports especially when the action is team-based. Last, you will also find enhanced socialization. 
There are lots of group sports such as marathons, soccer, basketball, and many others.However you look at sports, benefits of sports won't ever be refused and will still be an significant part in everyone's life. 
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kyloxfem · 5 years ago
10 Digital Technology Businesses You Can Start Today - Part I
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These suggestions have likely been contemplated or attempted by others. However, the possible lies in your ability to capitalize on your customers not having the opportunity to finish the tasks for themselves. In the event of the Digital Photo Album business, there are thousands of individuals that are extremely familiar with converting paper photos to digital documents but only a handful actually have enough time to engage the procedure. 
Hence, potential customers! Next, be certain to find business guidance! This may be difficult at times considering the number of books and tapes offered on the topic. Just remember to search for information from people that have a similar business model as yours. 
(1.) Start a business converting family paper photo Albums to digital photo albums. For those who have a computer and a scanner you are ready to get started. If you use a mac, get iPhoto from I begin with this program because iPhoto gets the most complete procedure I've seen with an extremely low learning curve. 
Plus after you've completed scanning in all of the photos and cleaning them up, for an excess charge to your customer if you opt to do this, you can design a hard cover photo book in iPhoto, and send it straight to Apple to be printed and sent to you or the customer for very little cost. If you are on a PC consider Picasa 2 by Google, online at at No Cost. 
Can I say it had been for FREE? I provide a tutorial overview of Picasa on my website at at the free tutorials section. It functions like iPhoto but without the support of moving directly to a publication format. However, the learning curve is reduced and the software is free. Both of the above require minimum computer system configurations ($500 e-machine or $1,200 iMac ) and scanner/printers run about $80.00 
2.) Start a business trouble-shooting and updating computer systems. Now this might appear high tech but it's really not. When on support calls I just have my knowledge of the PC and the Mac, an external hard drive to backup the customers documents, (even when they said they've done so), some applications to run some tests and a screw driver. Clients are literally two doors to your right or left, if they own a computer. 
In reality the easiest clients on earth to get are computer customers. People ALWAYS need help with their computers. Trust me, as soon as you announce just to your loved ones and friends that you fix and update computers, you're going to be busy from this moment on. Do not know how to charge? Just examine the price list the"Geek Squad" has. They charge $200 to setup a home network, excluding equipment! It really only takes 30 minutes, if that, to set up a home network, so under bid them. I'd charge a $100 and be on my way to my next stop in 20 minutes. 
3.) Setup a business loading and configuring iPods with music and movie. It never ceases to amaze me the number of people with iPods that don't use them or have not added music to them because their friend first place a couple of tracks on there for them. People might pay you to set up their iPod. What tools do you require? 
The know how and transport to the customer. Or, you can have them fall off their music, videos and their iPod to your house and charge a bundle fee or a per hour fee. When it comes to movies I've had people give me a few DVD's and asked if I could get them on their iPod. All you need is some DVD ripping software along with a compressor software then move the files on the iPod. 
Where do you get your customers in your area? Advertise in the community online paper, place a flyer in Starbucks, tell a friend, who will tell a friend. Trust me, word will spread. Once more, its not that people don't have the technology to do such things, they just generally don't wish to take the opportunity to have them done. 
4.) Start a business creating forms for businesses. I know a man who delivered a product to a customer without a statement detailing the specific quantity of things to be delivered. An argument followed between the two regarding the amount. The person delivering the merchandise wanted to keep the customer so that they just conceeded and attracted the customer more merchandise in a loss to himself. 
A friend of mine tell him that he needed was a statement with his business logo and information on it with a carbon copy sheet attached. He had no idea about how to do the above so he asked my friend to produce the documents and receive copies. My buddy did so at a price tag. There are a great many men and women who need all sorts of forms which may be downloaded from the internet and customized to fit the customers needs. 
What's required? For this you do not even need your own computer, use theirs! Google the sort of form, download it, copy the text out of it, bring it into MS Word and correct! Or, depending on how complicated it is, download a free trial version of photoshop and change it there. Do not know how to use photoshop, I have a excellent tutorial on my site that will get you up and running right away.
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kyloxfem · 5 years ago
Business Advice For Overcoming Challenges to Business Success
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Once the topic of owning their own business comes up, it's amazing the sort of excuses people make for not following through on possibly life changing business advice. They are too old, they do not have sufficient education, the economy is poor. The truth is that their procrastination is often rooted in fear of failure. 
Although it's true that the prospect of failure is great once you begin a business, that's the reality for just about anything you do in life. If you wish to take the limits off your earnings potential and experience true personal liberty, then entrepreneurship is the way to go. Although there isn't any such thing as guaranteed success, here are a couple of pieces of business advice you can use to maximize your odds of achieving your targets. 
Eliminate Self Doubt Nearly every successful entrepreneur will offer the exact same information on starting a business. Not because they do not know what else to say but because it's true. So as to make it to the top, you need to believe in yourself. You'll face many obstacles and setbacks while building your business. 
Sometimes the one thing that will prevent you from quitting is the confidence you have in yourself and your ability to persevere. One thought to bear in mind is that virtually every self-respecting millionaire started in the bottom rung. Sure there are a few who experienced a smooth ride for their achievement. However, the huge majority of them began exactly where you are now and worked hard to make their dreams come true. 
If there is 1 piece of business advice that you should listen to, it's to eliminate the self doubt and work with confidence. You can do it. Pick the Correct Opportunity To give yourself the best chance at business success, it's crucial that you begin with the ideal business opportunity. If you sign up to the wrong network marketing business, no matter how hard you work or how creative you are, you won't get to where you need to go. 
It's important to take your time and evaluate each chance to ensure it comprises the standards necessary for success. That means searching for opportunities with firms that offer unique and much needed goods or who are in the forefront of a burgeoning business. By way of instance, the company that Steve and I are involved in combined two fast growing businesses, the green movement and online shopping, to give a special chance for people to earn money. 
Avoid saturated markets and be sure that the parent company has great leadership that knows what they're doing. Invest in Yourself The last bit of good business advice I must pass on would be to invest in yourself. Spend at least an hour daily building a base of skills and knowledge of sales, marketing, interpersonal communication, and business administration. 
The more you know the better and easier it'll be to find leads and convert prospects. And don't be reluctant to cover information. Owning your own business is a really rewarding experience. Do not let a fear of failure prevent you from pursuing and accomplishing your targets. 
The best business advice comes from the French writer and Nobel Peace Prize winner Andre Gide,"Man can't discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the coast " Leave the coast of your anxieties and sail into the horizon of your dreams.
The 6 Keys To Internet Business Success
There's a good deal of advice available on how you can make your internet business successful and I noticed that a large part of the advice that is out there's philosophical or theoretical. They're not really so simple to apply or they are not measures that you can readily relate to your business. 
So as to turn your internet business a success, all you need are 6 items. 
These keys are tangible, applicable skills and knowledge that you need so as to get your business off the ground. As soon as you have these keys, you will find it much easier to manage your business and help it grow. 
1. Educate yourself. I don't mean instruct yourself in school. A whole lot of the information you will need for this sort of business is online and you won't get that knowledge in college. So, what do you want to do so as to educate yourself? Read a group, read excellent e-books, excellent blogs, excellent articles. Get as much good information so you will know just what you will need to do in your business and how to do it. 
2. Apply what you've learned to see whether it works and follow along with it. So as to genuinely know what you've learned, you need to apply that knowledge. You need to check out whether it works and see if it matches your business. And you need to follow through the whole procedure. I admit, I'm usually motivated when I start jobs and shed interest later on. However, I do make it a point to see through it once so that I know and understand what I am doing. As soon as you know what has to be done, you can simply outsource the remaining things you don't wish to do to somebody else. The point is you need to know what has to be done, you must know enough to have the ability to instruct the tasks, and you ought to know if these tasks are done properly or not. 
3. Do not reinvent the wheel. Do not attempt to be another Facebook. Unless you are a genius, there is no point in doing something which you are not sure would triumph. Study successful formulas or strategies or try to find a successful mentor and learn how he did it. Always bear in mind that a wise man learns from his mistakes as a smart man learns from the mistakes of others and avoids them. 
4. Do not follow blindly. This measure is related to the preceding step. Though I encourage you to utilize strategies which have proven to be effective, do not follow blindly. You need to see what you're doing and see if it applies to your business, to your expertise. What works for others may not work for you because certain aspects may not have been taken into consideration such as education, experience, skills, etc.. If you can't find the procedure with the goal in mind, then do not do it. Use what you know and what you know would do the job for you. 
5. Discover how to create sales. This is the most important ability you must learn and most likely the single most important advice I can provide you. That is because learning how to market nearly ensures your success and will pay you back a hundred-fold as soon as you understand how to do it properly. 
Robert Kiyosaki said that in providing advice to new business owners he'd tell them to join an MLM marketing team because they teach you how you can sell. When I was reading his book I recall thinking,"Nah, I am not interested in figuring out how to sell. You are selling yourself, your product, your service, your website so you need to understand how to sell.
And he is right. You are always selling, online or offline, and if you would like to succeed you need to understand how to sell. Learning how to sell is not as difficult as you might think. Read copywriting information, sales information, read about programming. Work out ways to enter people heads and make them want to purchase your product. 
Give them a reason to purchase your product. It won't matter when you've got a excellent product if you don't understand how to sell. 
Disclaimer. I'm not saying it doesn't matter if you've got a fantastic product or not as long as you understand how to sell. Always offer great services and products to your customers. You may have the ability to sell products that are crappy but your business is going as you won't have the ability to deliver exactly what your customers actually want. 
6. Learn the technical aspects of the business. This information is quite controversial as there are individuals who have attained success regardless of not needing any technical or working understanding of the business. However, you need to recognize that this is a specialized business and if you do not know the internet, you won't be able to completely understand your business.
I graduated Computer Science and having specialized understanding has helped understand how this business works and why some things work and some do not. I know it's unfair for my desktop but you do not have to be a technical whiz to learn the technical aspects. 
However, you need to be ready to learn the technicalities behind this business. You can begin with the easy stuff. Learn HTML, or WordPress or how emailers work. I am not saying you won't succeed with this material as you still can but understanding some of this material makes the business a lot easier to run. And when our business is simpler to run, it is much easier to concentrate on your business and focus on making it effective.
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kyloxfem · 5 years ago
Useful Home Gardening Tips For Beginners
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When one finds himself searching for home gardening ideas, it's important to think of the sorts of gardening such as indoor gardening, organic gardening, and vegetable gardening. These different"genres" of home gardening tips will only lead you into confusion so it's essential to be aware that there overall home gardening advice that is versatile and are fitting to your average gardener. However, before anything else, one must get an idea on the best way best to begin gardening at home so you could fully grasp the very idea of overall home gardening tips. 
What's home gardening about? It's a sort of gardening in which house growers can sustain themselves with healthy tasting produce and flowers that appear to bloom with the essence of beauty. To make the so-called tasty and attractive products of gardening, one must get the ideal set of gardening tips out there. When it comes to gardening in your home, there are certain tips you should follow. These house gardening tips are best for people that are just about to begin as home gardeners. 
First off, when intending to prepare a home garden, it's extremely important to select a particular area on your lot. This area will be based on the sort of plant or crop you're planning to cultivate, but just about all the plants for gardening comparatively share the identical set of desirable outdoor conditions that are full or near-full exposure to sunlight. Additionally it is crucial to prepare your patch of plants close to a faucet so that it would be simple to maintain because you would not have to move around that much. 
Of all of the home gardening tips on the market, this is among the most important to be aware of Deciding which vegetable or plant to grow is one of the most essential processes a gardener needs to take since understanding which type is going to give you an estimate of how big the garden plot you need to have. By way of instance, vegetable plants consume little patches of soil and are easy to grow while vine crops, such as cucumbers or watermelons demand larger patches of soil and are more challenging to manage compare to vegetable plants. 
These home gardening tips are simple to master but the most significant element in home gardening comes from no publication or from any hint out there. It will come from you. Each successful gardener has their own set of gardening hints. This advice will be nothing if you wouldn't exert effort and time into gardening. After all of the hard work, you'll have the ability to see and even literally taste the fruits of your labor.
Small Garden Design Ideas - Landscaping and Home Garden Plans
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A garden operator can themselves design and can create design plans for planting of garden and landscapes. You as an amateur gardener can achieve a great degree of experience by working for several hours in your backyard. This gives you many ideas. Landscaping can be enhanced using a vegetable house garden as part of their little garden design. There's been an increased interest in small garden design because the twentieth century. 
Who ever be the designer of the garden, be it an amateur or a professional, make sure your home garden plans include a vegetable garden planting. Ask friends and family for their ideas. Landscaping should follow certain principles and rules to satisfy the needs and need of their owners or the consumers of gardens. The design of the gardens must consist of walls, sitting areas, paths, in addition to plants themselves. I know somebody who has placed numerous yard gnomes throughout their backyard. That is some strange home garden decorating. Care at regular periods of time is necessary. 
Stick to a basic and easy little garden design to ensure that the garden is manageable. The first thing should be done is to select n proper place for the garden. A location that's topographically appropriate must be considered. There should be a well organized connection with water. The area should have rich layers of dirt. Besides a well constructed and designed garden can weigh a lot over the location. The quality of the soil in the backyard is the most important aspect as it has a significance influence on the achievement of garden. There are various kinds of fertilizers which could help the garden grow. 
There are lots of soil organisms which assist gardener in improving the soil quality. Planting nitrogen fixing plants such as the ones in the family of legumes can give a increase from the fertility of soil. The excavated dirt of the landscape ought to be mixed with peat, mineral dust, compost, sand and manure. All these are examples of organic garden fertilizer. Last, the border impinges can offer a excellent finishing appearance to the garden. 
Your own place looks amazing and organized. It can be marked with either fencing or slanting bricks or a raised base or shrubs. A proper fencing is required to keep away the animals from ruining your backyard and to enhance the beauty of your backyard. This prepares you for an excellent setting for your next home garden party. And remember the yard gnomes! Happy Gardening! Best of Luck! - Brian Dick I've been gardening for almost 30 years and have grown everything from asparagus to zucchini.
I have recently run into many excellent sources for helping to decide what to grow based on the nutrient make up of every vegetable a, source that actually lays out the secrets to successful gardening and much more. I strongly endorse both products and best of all they're available just as a e-book so that they are environmentally sound.
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