kylo-ren-hate-blog · 7 years
if you’re a cishet ace/aro you’re not queer sorry not sorry :///
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kylo-ren-hate-blog · 7 years
Just a quick reminder that ‘terf’ literally stands for 'trans exclusionary radical feminist’ so all those posts that say terfs are criminalised and that not all terfs are transphobic are completely invalid
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kylo-ren-hate-blog · 7 years
@smol-feminist terfs,,,, are trans exclusive radical feminists,,, how do you not hate trans people then ,,, I'm genuinely confused
a question to all terfs:
why are y'all so open about hating trans people
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kylo-ren-hate-blog · 7 years
I’m a :
⚪️ male
⚪️ female
🔘 desperate fan
Looking for:
⚪️ a friend
⚪️ a date
🔘 trans peter parker to be cannon in sm:hc 2
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kylo-ren-hate-blog · 7 years
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kylo-ren-hate-blog · 7 years
can u believe it's Halloween
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kylo-ren-hate-blog · 7 years
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spider-man: homecoming 2017 (dir. jon watts)
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kylo-ren-hate-blog · 7 years
honestly i will never EVER date a girl
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kylo-ren-hate-blog · 7 years
a question to all terfs:
why are y'all so open about hating trans people
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kylo-ren-hate-blog · 7 years
post #2 - appreciation post for pat (PDA) - 8/12/2017
reasons why i love pat
1. literally the prettiest eyes ever!! they’re blue but a shade i’ve never seen??? it’s probably common but they’re his eyes and they’re so beautiful and i just ??
2. he got me into cobra, fob, tai, he’s got an amazing music taste !!
3. his writing is rlly good and i just? love it sm bc he thinks it’s trash but it’s so good
4. he has a cute body tbh 
5. what a beautiful smile. it gives me hope !!
6. always there for me
7.it makes my day to see him
8. whenever we facetime i get rlly rlly rlly happy um
9. his singing voice is melodic and really sweet and flowy 
10. talks about the future with me
11. deals with my weird crap
12. laughs at my jokes
13. my best friend
14. we like the same bands
15. understands my references
16. likes my singing
17. makes me feel beautiful
18. smart
19. we can have rlly good convos 99% of the time
20. he can talk to me about anything
21. my first platonic love of my life
22. tells me the truth
23. always up so we can talk all the time
24. relatable
25. he’s rlly musical if that makes sense?? he’s just art uh
26. we’re similar but different
27. assures me everything will be okay
28. we’re so far apart but close and we don’t even need each other physically to be so close
29. i think of him every night before i go to sleep, but “i’m a day closer”
30. in the band, wants me to be happy!!
31. his laugh is adorable
32. i’ll be there for him every step of the way
33. my special pure n good sweet boy
34. everything he does/?? um
35. i turn to mush with him uhhhhhhhhhh,
36. inspires me
37. keeps me alive
38. helps me with writing
39. we’re really close !!!
40. he smiles and he thinks it’s bad but !!! aaa its so good
41. he deserves the best
42. he’s my guardian angel and i’m his guardian angel
43. pulls me out of my sadness
44. he makes me see beauty in everything
45. he loves me and i love him!!
46. we hate the same things
47. i learn something new about him everyday
48. always there for me um 
49. tells me secrets
50. my baby !! he’s amazing
51. he’s strong
52. listens to my rants
53. inside jokes
54. we can talk to each other about literally everything
55. my suiteheart i pavlove him 
56. thinks im cool
57. he’s my baby uwu and he’s great
58. he’s so amazing and !!
59. he’s the person im gonna spend my life with
60. emotional and he understands me and my fucked up kicks™
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kylo-ren-hate-blog · 7 years
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Just so we’re explicitly clear on where i stand
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kylo-ren-hate-blog · 7 years
Anakin&Padme: *doing couple-y shit*
Ahsoka: really? right in front of my salad?
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kylo-ren-hate-blog · 7 years
anybody else gay as fuck out there on this fine night
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kylo-ren-hate-blog · 7 years
update: im seeing spiderman homecoming for the third time tomorrow
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kylo-ren-hate-blog · 7 years
me,,, making my friends go to the movies with me so I can see spider-man homecoming again,,,, it's more likely than you think
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kylo-ren-hate-blog · 7 years
leia would beat kylo ren up in two seconds she wouldn't care if he's her son
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kylo-ren-hate-blog · 7 years
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