kvsoikawa · 8 years
( &. update )
I'll be gone fron tumblr for the next couple of days because i'm packing/moving. Feel free to hit me up on skype at [email protected] just let me know who you are!! Even if we haven't talked yet you're more than welcome.
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kvsoikawa · 8 years
“You know, it was always a fantasy of mine to get hit by a reeeeally big truck you know. I think about it at night a lot. What a turn on.” He sighs out dreamily, propping his chin up on his hand once again, he snorts once at the mention of flower petals. “Oh yeah totally. Rose petals and hot pink glitter. My two favorite things. Have fun getting the bloodstains out of the denim though. You’re gonna need a lot of stain sticks.” 
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The amused laugh that leaves his lips is as clear as a bell, and he gives a small shrug. “I may have considered it once or twice. I may be one of the great intellectuals of our generation, but I’m not sure I could hold a candle to Socrates.”
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“We’re talking like me pushing you into traffic so that I can peel the jacket off of your body before the cops get there,” he says. “Not sure how fancy you want that death to be though. Should I throw flower petals over your body, too? Will that work?” He’s known Oikawa for years, long enough to pick up on the same sarcastic habits. 
“That’s… dramatic.” Kuroo rubs at his chin thoughtfully, listening as the setter continues. “But also really deep. Man, have you thought about becoming a philosopher?” He ignores the quip at him at the end.
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kvsoikawa · 8 years
As Ushijima falls into step beside him, Oikawa finds himself analyzing the other male out of the corner of his eye. It’s strange really, to have the wing spiker walking by his side so casually. A foreign concept that isn’t entirely repulsive when put into practice....yet.  For a while they walk in silence, the setter racking through his brain in an attempt to find something, anything to talk about that wasn’t volleyball.  He realizes for the first time just how little he knows about the man who is supposed to be his mortal enemy. Essentially nothing. The reality is enough to make him slightly finicky with anxiety.  He’s rescued from his own thoughts by Ushijima’s question, and he blinks once, twice before glancing up at the other male. “Because of the theatre program...” He answers slowly. “And also because my parents thought it would be best if I continued my athletic career at a school with a legacy for winning. They still think I’m destined to become a professional or something.” He rolls his eyes at the notion before he snorts.  “What about you? Why are you here? Just for sports or...?”
( &. black: oikawa x ushijima )
Perhaps if the super ace could understand the truth behind those actions, those words, that tone, he could grip what the brunet disliked from his own attitude, but Ushijima was oblivious and worse, he was literal thinker, he couldn’t sense the sarcasm behind Oikawa’s words so that assuring answer sparkled some hope on his case. Perhaps now they could finally make a great team.
And then he turned away after he waved and started to leave. Wakatoshi kept his face expressionless, however he did wonder if he had said something wrong or what did he always do that seemed to drive the setter away every single time they interacted.
He took a turn and prepared to go, pick his things and leave. Tomorrow would be a different day, they were part of a whole now, so he could keep trying, and the next after, and so on now that a new sense of optimism had fueled the eagle. 
And just as he was about to… “I live by the station. Come if you want.”
Really? Ushijima turned, slight disbelief reaching his eyes only. Just for an instant and it then banished. At least externally. He walked, as collected as always, picked his bag and with the same movement, taking advantage of his height, he reached the other, walking just by his side. He then decided to break the silence with the one doubt that had been on his mind for since the Grand King appeared on the gym. “Oikawa, why Waseda?”
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kvsoikawa · 8 years
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Haikyuu Week Day 4: Burdens ↳Option B: Each character has a burden in some form.
He was a flower that wasn’t able to bloom.
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kvsoikawa · 8 years
"Oikawa.. I have something important to tell you," Kuroo swallows, fidgety and nervous as he looks at everything but the setter's face. He takes a deep breath, steeling himself to speak before his golden eyes flicker upwards. "You meme a lot to me."
He looks up from his phone, expression concerned as he took in the other’s nervous demeanor. “Umm...Yeah? What’s up, Tetsu?” He inquires, reaching out to place a hand on the taller male’s shoulder in an attempt to calm his down.You meme a lot to me. . . 
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The setter tried to keep a straight face. Really he did. But the fact that Kuroo had gotten so serious, just to hit him with that. Laughter bubbles past Oikawa’s lips, small snickers at first before he gives a full blown laugh. “You sir, are ridiculous. And you meme a lot to me too, babe.”
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kvsoikawa · 8 years
Oikawa looks at his nails in a display of mock indifference as the other talks about the lengths he was willing to go to for an article of clothing. “When we talk sacrifice are we talking cutting my heart out for me to see or ‘here foreign invader take our friend and spare our lives’? Because if it’s not the first one I might have to pass. I want to go out flashy. I’m a fancy bitch you know.” The sarcasm is strong with this one. Directing his eyes back to the screen, he gives small shrug.  “Maybe it’s because my entire life is secretly one long rick-roll. Have you ever thought about that? I’ve grown so used to it it’s become a part of who I am. Your petty memes have no effect on me, you mere peasant.” 
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Kuroo basks in the compliment for a few moments, pleased that his friend had so readily agreed. It’s a quickly quelled feeling the minute Oikawa opens his mouth again. “You act as if I wouldn’t do exactly that, Oikawa. My jean jacket is very important to me. I’d sacrifice you for it.” His smile is faux wicked as he stares into the camera. “Yeah, it’s been a while.” His laughter at Oikawa’s surprise is uninhibited, but he nods along as the setter speaks of their plans. “Aw, man, yeah, we’ve gotta try that! Might not go very well, but there’s no harm in trying, right?” 
Kuroo clucks his tongue, less than thrilled at the reaction he receives. “Why don’t you react like every normal human being when you get Rick-Rolled?”
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kvsoikawa · 8 years
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im so wEAK.
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kvsoikawa · 8 years
Send "👌" if your muse thinks mine is attractive, along as to why, for my muses reaction.
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kvsoikawa · 8 years
He’s already started making his way back in the direction that they came in, a soft chuckle leaving his lips at the other’s teasing. Turning around for a moment, he flicks on his flashlight and holds it up so that is face is illuminated. “Oh yeah I’ll be the most terrifying of all the menaces. You have to spread my story, Keiji. Or I’ll totally float around you and pester you until you do. ooga booga booga.” Sticking out his tongue, the male wiggles his fingers in an attempt to appear creepy, but the laugher threatening to sneak through was making it quite difficult.
     “You sure that wasn’t my cold hand on your neck? Maybe, I was screwing with you.” He can’t help but joke a little. “Though, I’m pretty sure I’d just advance the process of you becoming a supernatural menace. You’ve gotta have someone spread the word about you or else it just won’t work.” Checking what footage they did have, he couldn’t help a small chuckle. “Yeah, we should go work on the editing and burgers sound nice. Lead the way, ghost in the making.” Akaashi can’t help a smirk from spreading across his face.
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kvsoikawa · 8 years
red, green, grey!
What do you like most about my blog?
Red:CharacterizationGreen:Writing StyleGrey:Mun’s PersonalityI’m not crying there’s feelings in my eye. I’m so touched thank you so much. this is stuff I always worry about tbh. Aaaaaah ily.
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kvsoikawa · 8 years
Send "I dare you to kiss..." with a url/name and my muse will have to kiss that person on the lips.
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kvsoikawa · 8 years
“This is true.” Oikawa agrees readily, always willing to shower compliments upon anyone who would accept them. Pulling the other male’s jacket tighter around his frame, his lips quirk up into a teasing smirk. “Even if you did mind, there wouldn’t be anything you could do. Unless you want to come to Miyagi and pry it from my cold, dead, hands.” He nods along to the question, blinking as Kuroo’s statement catches his attention. “Has it really been that long already?” He questions in amazement. “Goddamn, Time flies huh? But yeah, plans sound great. School’s out for a bit now so i could probably get away with chilling there for a few days. We should make that McPizza thing I showed you the other day. Or at least attempt.”  The link that’s posted in their chatroom catches their attention, and when he opens it, it only takes a moment for a look of understanding (and is that genuine entertainment?) to flash over his face. “Oh man, it’s my fuckin’ jam. ” He muses, as he grooves along to the music. 
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Kuroo tsks, face morphing into a faux scowl. “I’m always cute,” he retorts, but there’s no bite to it. He settles back into his chair, relaxing when the setter agrees to give his jacket back, and waves his hand dismissively. “I don’t mind if you keep it for a bit.” He’d been mostly jesting earlier, though it is his favorite jacket. “You’re coming out this way? We should definitely make some plans then– it’ll be a few months since we’ve seen each other at that point.” 
He’s been mindlessly scrolling through his feed during their conversation when something catches his eye, and a wicked smile spreads across his face. “Oi, Oikawa. I’ve got a video to show you.” He opens the Skype chat and pastes the link of the video that had shown up on his feed, one that he’s seen countless times.
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kvsoikawa · 8 years
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           what do you remember, sugawara-kun?
           i remember…                                                                                …nothing
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kvsoikawa · 8 years
“Ah, do forgive me. I always forget.” Oikawa apologizes absentmindedly as his dark gaze wanders over Suga’s form, taking in the dark circles beneath his eyes and the way that he yawns. Sometimes he forgot about humans and their need for sleep, having long ago rid himself of the need to do many of the activities required for the maintenance of life. The few perks of selling one’s soul, apparently. He listens to the other’s concerns with an attentive expression, humming out once as he nods. “Ah, I see. Well, if that’s the case why not just skip service today? I’m sure they’ll understand if you tell them that you’re not feeling too hot today. Though I highly doubt that they’ll ask.” He reaches out and places a hand on the other’s shoulder, a false air of sympathy surrounding him as he gives a small smile. “Any particular reason that you’ve been tired? You look like you haven’t slept properly in days...You’re not ill are you?” He inquires, raising a hand up to press the back of his palm against Suga’s forehead. 
( &. sacrilege: feat. sugawara )
      The combination of white noise, lack of sleep, and memories of a dream he’d rather forget had been the perfect brew for a moody morning. His nights hadn’t been this troubled in years. Sleepless nights, his head filled with doubt, things he couldn’t quite place. For the most part, Suga was a pretty cheerful man, appreciating the quietude that surrounded him on a daily basis. But sometimes the quiet could be too quiet. And silence caused him to think. And anyone who knew him also knew that one day thinking too much would be his bane. There was very little he looked forward to do anymore.
      It was the exhaustion talking. Overthinking - he ought to stop doing that. The chill of the morning penetrated through the fabric of his clothes, making him shudder. It was a welcome distraction, it helped him to remain awake. His hands fidgeted with the small book in his hands, turning it over and over before he walked into the chapel. He looked around, seeking for refuge, and he found it, curiously enough, standing in all his elegant glory, standing a little to the side. Perfect.
      ‘I told you to call me Suga, already,’ he sighed, hiding a yawn behind his hand. 'I just… don’t want to be here today. Is that bad?’ Pressing his lips, Suga looked up at Oikawa, wondering if he should tell him about his nightmares or not. 'I’ve just been… a little tired that’s all.’
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kvsoikawa · 8 years
( &. update )
I’m adding a verse where Oikawa is a demon priest getting ready to graduate from Seminary. Because I’m a horror writer at heart and I gotta do dis. 
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kvsoikawa · 8 years
( &. sacrilege: feat. sugawara )
Perfectly groomed and dressed in blacks and a roman collar, nobody would ever suspect Oikawa Tooru of being anything other than a devotee to the Lord. studying to become a priest. Sheep, the lot of them were; too blind to see that the very demons that they feared were already behind the walls they cowered behind, studying the word of the absent God that was supposed to be protecting them. Their petty human defenses had little effect on demonkind, many of the exorcists who were truly competent having died long ago.  The male stares at his reflection in one of the ornamental mirrors on the wall, watching his own swirling black aura as he takes a moment to straighten his collar, a souless smile on his face as he hears the doors to the chapel opening. Worshipers file out, and his dark eyes follow their forms before his gaze comes to rest on a familiar silver-haired male breaking away from the crowd and approaching him with a rather displeased expression.  “Sugawara-san.” He greet the other warmly, tilting his head just slightly to the side. “Well, you don’t look to happy this Sunday morning. Look alive, man. You’re in the house of the Lord.” 
                                                                ( @unisuga​ )
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kvsoikawa · 8 years
What do you like most about my blog? Send me a Color!
Red: Characterization
Pink: Theme
Orange: icon/gif usage
Brown: crack posts
White: Edits
Green: Writing Style
Grey: Mun's Personality
Blue: Artwork
Black: Other {specify}
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