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kurotsukkki-blog · 7 years ago
bokuakurotsuki hcs no one asked for
tsukki has major anxiety but hates to be open about it
akaashi also has anxiety but it isnt as bad as tsukki's
kuroo has OCD
bo, akaashi, and tsukki found out about it when tsukki walked into their room while kuroo was crying and flicking the light switch constantly
kuroo over thinks everything and usually has a breakdown at 2am
bokuto is the calm one when someone is having an attack and knows how to handle it
tsukki is still in college
bokuto and kuroo are both volleyball coaches
akaashi is a teacher
akaashi having a major panic attack on his first day of teaching and one of his students (a high schooler) calming him down
the other three (mainly kuroo) buying tsukki tons of dinosaur related things
tsukki getting three sets of the jurassic park movies for his 18th birthday, because the other three didnt tell each other what they were getting him
tsukki lOVES bdsm
tsukki and akaashi fucking after akaashi gets back from teaching, knowing their boyfriends will be back from practice soon
akaashi loves breathplay
bokuto is suprisingly quiet during sex
kuroo likes to be fucked more than he likes to do the fucking
tsukki and akaashi usually have one side of the bed
because bokuto and kuroo cant stay still in their sleep
kuroo kicking one of them off the bed at least every other night
they need a bigger bed
kuroo likes to initiate hugs or kisses or most physical contact because of his OCD
kuroo's OCD usually gets pushed to the back of his mind when playing volleyball
tsukki didnt continue volleyball in college
bokuto, kuroo, and akaashi all went to the same college (also tsukki later on)
bokuto is the best (but messiest) at cooking
kuroo can make amazing shortcake
akaashi and tsukki suck at anything in the kitchen
akaashi is an amazing and gorgeous artist, but he doesnt really like his pieces, so he hides most of them
one day while kuroo was reorganizing (looking at their messy house was giving him anxiety) he found a box of akaashi's old sketchbooks and fell in love with everything
a lot of the drawings were of bokuto
tsukki always having to buy new glasses, because they're always getting sat on or scratched
kuroo wanting a dog (despite being apart of the nekoma team) but bokuto wants a cat
akaashi and tsukki surprising them with both on christmas
a german shepherd and a hairless cat (even though it was super expensive and hard to find but that's the kind bokuto wanted)
surprisingly arent very picky eaters so their meals dont have to be difficult
but can never decide what to watch on movie night
have races to whoever touches the dvd player first gets to watch the movie they picked out
bokuto and kuroo ignoring akaashi and tsukki after they went ahead on the show they were watching on netflix
cuddling and falling asleep on the couch (kuroo always on the left side)
waking up with sore bodies because of the awkward positions
just good boyfriends
tsukki hates that god damn sphynx but it loves tsukki (much to bo's displeasure)
tsukki thinks it's the most ugliest thing in the world
he'd jump everytime it crawled in his lap while he's doing homework and would make a fit at bokuto about it
the dog and cat get along really well
bokuto and kuroo coming home from work one day with another cat
this cat is all black and wasnt even abandoned or anything they just wanted to look at cats and came home with one
they said the black cat reminded them lf akaashi
the sphynx and black cat hating each other
the sphynx getting mad when the other cat crawls onto tsukki and would get into a fight on top of tsukki
kuroo always recording it
all of their pets have really thought out names
akaashi is in love with the dog
he takes him on walks, always giving him treats, and telling him how much of a good boy he is
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