confession cookies | bokuto koutarou
Bokuto Koutarou tries to confess to you at school, just before he leaves for the school trip. He tries to confess with a box of cookies, which he tried to bake himself.

Bokuto can’t stop fidgeting, and it’s pissing Konoha greatly. He clutched the box tightly in his hands and sweat beads started to form on his forehead. Honestly, nervous really is an understatement in this case.
“Can you stop fidgeting?!” Konoha yelled, as he looked up from his locker, his voice dripping with annoyance. “You’re starting to make me nervous too, and I’m not the one confessing. By the way, if you’re gonna keep clutching the box like that, there’ll be no more cookies to give to her.”
“Huh?” Bokuto said as he looked at Konoha, who was busy with his locker. “Wh-what do you mean?”
“You’re gonna squish the box with your hands if you keep doing that.” Konoha answered flatly, his gaze still focused to his locker. “Wow, my locker is indeed messy as hell.”
Bokuto looked at his hands, which were clutching the box tightly. He quickly put the box on the table located next to the lockers. He pulled the chair under the table and sigh deeply as he sat. He examined the box carefully, making sure that there are no flaws.
Today is the day where Bokuto will confess to you. He had prepared a box of homemade cookies, which he tried to bake on his own (but failed miserably). He eventually got one of his sisters to help him bake the cookies, while the other one helped him prepared the box. Nonetheless, it’s still a gift from him.
“Are you done?” Bokuto asked. “I don’t want to miss this chance!”
“Yeah, yeah, wait a minute.” Konoha replied as he closed his locker, locking it, and put the key in his pocket. “Let’s go, Lover Boy.”
“I literally couldn’t sleep last night!” Bokuto exclaimed as they both walked down the hallway. “It feels like my heart’s gonna explode! I just wanna give her the box now!”
“Wait, you didn’t sleep last night?”
“Nope! Not one bit!”
“Damn, you like her that much, huh?”
The both of them walked down the stairs quietly. Konoha could see that Bokuto is very nervous, well more like nervous and excited at the same time, but still extremely nervous. He can’t stop fidgeting and couldn’t focus on yesterday’s club activities. He’s been rambling about this day for the past four days.
“So, have you figure out what you’re gonna say yet?” Konoha asked as he closed his locker, locking it, and put the key in his pocket.
Bokuto looked at him with confusion written all over his face. “What do you mean, bro? Say what?”
Konoha stopped in his tracks and stared at him in pure disbelief.
“... are you... are you serious?”
“What? I really don’t get it, man.”
Bokuto stared at his friend, clearly confused. “What are you trying to say, dude? I don’t understand.”
“Listen, Bokuto,” Konoha said slowly, his hands gripping Bokuto’s shoulders. “Girls like guys who can sway them up with words, you know? If you messed up, there’s a huge chance that she’ll laugh and reject you, and trust me, the gossip will spread like wildfire in this school.”
“WHAT?!” Bokuto yelled as his golden eyes widened. “YOU HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING WHEN YOU CONFESS??”
“DUH!” Konoha slapped the back of his dear friend’s head. “Do you want to be known as ‘The Famous Volleyball Captain that was rejected by a second-year’? You’ll be the talk of the school for at least a week! Hell, even the teachers will know about the news of your rejection!”
Bokuto is now very frightened. “How... How do I not know about this? Why didn’t any of you tell me? She’s definitely gonna reject me!”
“We thought you knew!”
“How can I think about cool words just 5 minutes before I gave her the cookies? Bro, you know I’m not that smart!”
All of his excitement has been replaced with fear. Can he really do this? Can he really confess to you? He didn’t prepare any cool words that he could use to sway you. He only brought the box of cookies. Bokuto can feel his hair slowly deflating as his optimism hits rock bottom.
Konoha cleared his throat. “Now now, let’s stay optimistic and calm and not in emo mode. You have a confession to do!”
Bokuto didn’t have the energy to answer his friend. He kept thinking about how you’ll reject him because he didn’t have any cool words to say.
‘I should’ve paid more attention in class.’ he thought grimly. ‘I could really use Kuroo’s brain right now.’
“She’s in the same class as Akaashi, right?” Konoha asked. “Why don’t we call Akaashi to discuss this problem? Akaashi is smart, he’ll now what to do.”
Honestly, Konoha just wanted an excuse to get Akaashi to deal with this problem. He forgot how clueless Bokuto can be.
“GREAT IDEA!” Bokuto exclaimed. “Let’s go get him right now!”
The both of them quickly walked (well, Bokuto sprinted) to the Mass Hall, where the second years are currently doing last minute studying for their finals. In this school, the third years started their finals earlier, because they have to study for the college entrance exam.
The Mass Hall is filled with the second-years trying to cram the last bits of information to their brain, and you are not an exception. You were listening to Akaashi’s last minute explanation about trigonometry but then someone burst in, literally.
“AGHAAASHIII!!” Bokuto called as he barged in to the Mass Hall. “AGHAASHIIII, COME HERE PLEASE!”
Everyone’s attention quickly shifted to the third year who stood in front of the Hall’s entrance. Everyone knew who he is, but they didn’t expect a third year student who was supposed to be on a school trip to burst in twenty minutes before the first final exam. You clearly didn’t expect this, and neither did Akaashi. Akaashi sighed and quickly walked over to the energetic owl-like captain.
“Quiet down, Bokuto-san,” Akaashi replied as he sent apologetic stares to everyone in the Mass Hall. “Everyone is currently studying for finals.”
“Ah yes, sorry,” Bokuto smiled sheepishly, and he caught you smiling at him, which made him blush. “I need to talk to you outside, now.”
Akaashi followed him outside without speaking a word, poor boy must’ve thought that this was something between life and death. He saw Konoha waiting outside the Mass Hall.
“What’s wrong, Bokuto-san? Konoha-san? My exam starts in twenty minutes, I hope this won’t be long.”
“It’ll just take a minute,” Konoha replied. “Tell him, Bo.”
“Do you know any cool words that could, um, y’know, sway a girl?” Bokuto asked.
“Pardon?” Akaashi said as he looked at Bokuto and Konoha. “Cool words? I don’t understand the point of your question, Bokuto-san.”
“There’s this girl that Bokuto likes. She’s in your class,” Konoha explained. “Bokuto wants you to help him prepare some cool words so that he can confess to her.”
“I just need some cool words to sway her!” Bokuto added. ���I brought her a box of cookies! I just don’t know what to say to her...”
Akaashi knew exactly who they’re talking about. “Wait here, both of you. I’ll be right back.”
Akaashi went back inside the Hall. Just as he disappeared, Bokuto felt the excitement coming back to his body. Konoha knew he can always rely on Akaashi to make Bokuto feel better.
“Calm down, Bo,” Konoha put his hand on Bokuto’s shoulder. “Everything will be all right. Just... take deep breaths.”
After a couple of minutes later, Akaashi came out of the Mass Hall. However, he’s not alone. Akaashi had called you to go outside with him. Konoha’s eyes widened as he realized that calling Akaashi was huge mistake. Meanwhile, Bokuto kinda felt betrayed. How can Akaashi do this to him? How can he send him off without any preparations?
“Bokuto-san has something to say to you,” Akaashi said as he looked at Bokuto, who was gaping at him while clutching the box of cookies. “Go ahead, Bokuto-san.”
Bokuto felt that his throat was so dry, he couldn’t even form a word. Poor boy is so nervous that it looks like he’s about to faint. His brain scrambled to fine information about anything that sound cool.
“Hello, Bokuto!” You said as you gave him a smile. “What is it that you want to tell me?”
Bokuto tried to remember every cool word that everyone has said in this life, but his brain couldn’t function. He tried to think about Kuroo, his best friend from another school. Kuroo is a pretty cool guy, so he tried to remember the scientific things Kuroo said. His mind is completely blank, so he went with his instings.
“MAGNESIUM!” He yelled loudly, startling all three of you. Bokuto could feel the color draining from his face as he realized that he had said the wrong word.
“... What ??”
“I.. uh... I mean...-”
Bokuto has never felt this stupid in his entire life. Why, why did had to remember the fun part of Kuroo’s song now? Right in front of his crush? Konoha and Akaashi were both flabbergasted. Konoha bit his tongue, trying not to hold his laughter in, but the poor boy failed.
“HAHAHAHAHAAHAAHA!” Konoha laughed loudly, completely ignoring Bokuto’s pitiful face. “MAGNESIUM?! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHH-”
“Ssst!” Akaashi whispered as he elbowed him. “Be quiet, Konoha-san!”
Bokuto’s head snapped to look at you, who were trying to talk and hold your laughter at the same time. Bokuto’s hair were starting to deflate and honestly, it’s the cutest thing ever.
“I’m sorry, but chemistry is not my best subject,” you replied. “I’m sorry Bokuto, is there anything I can do for you? If not, I would like to excuse myself and go back to studying inside.”
“WAIT!” Bokuto grabbed your hand. “Please wait. I... I just want to give you this.”
He gave you the box that he’s been holding in his hand. You opened the box and you realized that he gave you your favorite cookies. You looked at Bokuto, whose own face is red with embarrassment.
“Are these... cookies?”
“Yes! I made them all by myself!”
“Thank you, Bokuto!” You said happily as you gave him your best smile. Bokuto loved that smile of yours.
“So, please give me a second chance!” He said as he tried not to cry. “Please, please, don’t reject me!”
“Huh?” you asked, your head tilted in confusion. “I’m sorry, but I don’t--”
“PLEASE!” Bokuto pleaded, no, the boy practically yelled. “JUST ONE MORE CHANCE, I PROMISE! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEA--”
“Bokuto-san!” Akaashi interrupted the pleading captain. “Please refrain from making so much noise, a lot of people are studying inside the Hall.”
“Sorry,” Bokuto replied gloomily. “Just, please. One more chance.”
“Of course, Bokuto,” Your cheeks started to turn red. “First of all, thank you for this amazing gift, I’m really grateful. Second, may I know the reason why you gave me these cookies?”
Bokuto looked at Akaashi and Konoha for reassurance, and the latter gave him a thumbs up. “Tell her, Bo!”
“I like you,” Bokuto said as he hold your unoccupied hand. “A lot, actually.”
“... you do?”
“Why?” Bokuto looked confused. “Because you’re so nice and caring, you’re fun and your jokes are really funny! You have the best smile! I liked you ever since we started going home together back in August.”
You couldn’t believe what you just heard. Did the cute volleyball captain just declared that he likes you?
“I couldn’t hold my feelings for you anymore. I know I didn’t have anything cool to say, so please please please give me another chance! I’ll do better when we become a couple, I promise!”
You feel your heart skips a beat. This is the cutest confession you ever had, as well as the only confession you ever had. You look down at the box in your hands, and then you look at Akaashi, who smiled proudly. Then, you look at the third-year in front of you.
“So... uh... will you be mine?”
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