kreativejazz · 1 year
We are the healing we desire
Sunday 16 April 2023
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On this day last year, I used Snapchat to register this download and it reads.
" We possess the ability to heal ourselves. Healing happens from following our deep intuition /gut feeling, but also acceptance & detachment. Hence why the bible references that "anything you ask in my name, should be given to you " John 14:13.
Further it says, "so that the father (your soul) may be glorified in the son" ( the body) because trinity is a concept & not three masculine people. It is soul, spirit & body.
"So that the father may be glorified" simply means so that one can be in harmony, with the body soul and spirit.
" My name" here, refers to the spiritual part of us that is intuited with the universe/God. ( consciousness). That’s the same part that makes us love strangers & animals innocently. And that’s what "Jesus"was referring to. That part is called compassion.
Jesus respected and lived by the 12 laws of the universe. That’s why he was able to transcend but also manifest anything during his "earth" life "miracles " included
We hear a lot about what Jesus did & it was fasting & prayer in mountains, alone & with people also. This tells me he was a monk that’s what they do. But also ate clean. Not burgers chips & alcohol or engaging in immoral sexing. Bad diet clouds our third eye/spiritual awareness. Additionally sex is diet too to me.
Fasting and meditating about things we can’t control gives us balance/control because we’re able to manage our inner selves & accept what is, rather than stressing over what isn’t.
In the past when I struggled mentally, that’s the way I’ve healed myself. And the bonus is that fasting healed me spiritually & physically, as fasting promotes cell growth/regeneration as well as physical wellness.
That brings me to my final thought which is eating the right things. We are what we eat and that is true. But we don’t only eat with our mouths. We eat with all our senses. So we must monitor all diets in our lives. So that we prevent being sick in the first place.
However we must know what is good for us so that when we are affected by the things we cannot control, we are able to tap into our own healing in every aspect because we can. "
~ NoJa
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kreativejazz · 1 year
Mr. Bad luck (2012)
I wrote Mr. Bad luck in 2012, whilst speaking to a close friend who blamed his exes for the relationships that did not work, without checking himself.
Hello mister, it's time you find your way down
Because I don’t  feel at ease carrying you on top of my head
It’s time you departed from the seat you've mercilessly and unpermittedly occupied
I can't bear your heavy weight no longer! 
If it's that hard, unload a part of you!
Take the word before off yourself and let the other one remain
From Noemi to Mr Bad Luck
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kreativejazz · 2 years
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Sunday 22nd March 2023
Gold in its purest form is neglected by those who don’t know it’s value.
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kreativejazz · 2 years
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Saturday 21 , January 2023
I feel like to have high tolerance for bullshit, and for hardship is a curse.
There’s this type of endurance deeply embedded in my being, that stops me from totally raging in situations I absolutely should.
I don’t know where it comes from! Maybe it’s genetics, maybe it’s traditional or maybe it’s just ridiculous to be that way.
I should totally have enough courage to tell people to sit the F***ck down, for trying to cross my boundaries, multiple times. But the tolerance silences me and I find myself giving more grace than I should.
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kreativejazz · 2 years
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Consistency is the only missing ingredient.
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kreativejazz · 2 years
Thank you for stopping here today.
After 6 years of not logging into Tumblr, a couple days ago I just had a itch to log in, gosh! Did I even remember my password ? Lol. After several attempts of resetting my account here I am.
Last week when I regained access, I began rereading all my posts and it made me realise that I start many things and never finish or simply I don’t start because I’m afraid of how and if anything I write will be received.
It made me realise that regardless of how I feel I must push through those feelings and continue with what I start. I could have accomplished a lot with my blogs on Tumbr in these past 6 years but I don’t keep up with my projects.
In this new year and being my 30’s that’s one aspect I’m not carrying in this year. So I had this idea to start a podcast a long time ago but been so anxious and I create excuse to support it too. On 31st of December at midnight, I grabbed my mic turned on the camera and recorded a significant amount of episodes which I published the first episode of today as the above video shows.🤭
If you’re like me? Maybe the universe sent you to come and resonate with these words.
Often times we let our fears hold us back from accomplishing the things. We create situations in our heads to excuse which we know we are able to do, but are scared to. These situations and thoughts become our realities, the more we dwell on them.
However remember what Nike once said " Yesterday you said today…. JUST DO IT !" Now go and be great 😊
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kreativejazz · 8 years
Phases (2)
So she wrote
“Here is a conclusion of our conversation
I will move on . I’ve sized up things and thinks it’s for the best things stay the way they are. With no second thoughts I wish you all wellness in this life. I will try and build my life from now on and accept the fact that it’s not meant to be. Excuse how I brought it up but it was just to clarify that no turning back will occur from now. One advice treat well your woman I beg . Don’t neglect her until it’s too late. The relationship for son of man will keep as normal.”
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kreativejazz · 8 years
Phases (1)
What can I give you ? ——————-
My time have I not given more to thee? What more do I do to please you oh Lord? You have orders upon birds and trees What can I give you my king? I’ve given my youth days pardon my inconsistency What can I offer you my Lord ? You have orders upon beats and seas What more do I do to please you oh lord? My lungs inhales your creation What can I give you my king My lungs exhales your creation What can I offer you Lord
What can I help with oh lord? You Turn misery to mystery
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kreativejazz · 9 years
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So the other day I was listening to an old school classic from Celine Dion ( Pour que tu m'aime encore) and while it played I then did a bit of handmade typography 😊 The song is in French and the text there means " I'm searching for your heart if its elsewhere" I think there's an English version and I just put a link below.. It's absolute classic. 💋
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kreativejazz · 9 years
I really love your writing! It's so poetic yet kinda real? I relate to one or two ☺️ And why are you so cute? Can I have your WhatsApp?
Ah thank you 😍
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kreativejazz · 9 years
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It's not life or death with those cards in your hands, but you can play well or dead all depends in your head. You're not a joke but you got jokes and a joker in hand. Put your heart in the game you may conquer in the end If you lose I'd laugh harder just to mess with your head No referee in this game , rules Are made just as we go So when I lose I'll blow the whistle I won't sing no blues Cause this is a replay, I had this almost 2 years ago.
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kreativejazz · 9 years
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He freely gifted me with one more year by controlling my every inhaling and exhaling situation!! We thank God. I A M P R O U D Of the woman he's made of me and who He has allowed me to become 🎈🎊🎉❤️ #Birthdaygirl #thankGod #blessingseveryday #ItsGod
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kreativejazz · 9 years
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Team Natural 💁🏽 🌸🎀 #BantuKnots #African #Congolesegirls #Kinoise #Jazmine #OhJazzmine
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kreativejazz · 9 years
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some things I need to remind myself daily tbh
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kreativejazz · 9 years
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coward and the green light.
She was behind me, She had no clear sight of the light But she couldn’t be third, her aesthetics didn’t let her She whispered “ 2 more seconds” She looked at her phone and lost her patience She wasn’t a bird She was no angel, She had no wings but she flew away
I was invisible through the vapour that emitted from her vessel I was no longer first in queue She was daring, bolder….that made her a bad ass
I lost the race cause I was trying to comply, We were stuck on red for too long. No I was stuck on stupid, shy and scared. She managed to jump it off while I waited for the green light I saw her steal my place I had a firm conviction that I was meant to break the law this one time. I waited for green light but the traffic light broke.
And now I realise I wasn’t gonna do a life sentence if I jumped. The bad ass girl understood the thing broke .
I don’t drive, there was never a race, I never stood at the traffic light, she was never a bad ass, I was in love and I was a C O W A R D. ~ Jazzmine
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kreativejazz · 9 years
As a writer it is ultimately frustrating to stare at unfinished piece and wonder what word/phrase would complete it. Also after staring at it for awhile the whole thing looks wrong. So forget you unfinished piece I’ll come back to you eventually. ( Which probably means never ) And I’m sure artists feel the same way about their painting/drawings.
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kreativejazz · 9 years
it’s so difficult to not get swayed by empty words. words have a way of penetrating deep within you even though they mean nothing. when too many are thrown at you at once and spoken by the ideal person, you almost want to make yourself believe every single syllable.
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