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© MONTOPIA | Do not edit. (1, 2)
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My grandpa held my hand, and that is the reason why I am still alive.
…I almost killed myself
I put on my sunglasses, to hide my swollen eyes, over my tears. I cried all my makeup off. Went inside to have a milkshake. I don’t know why. I wanted something to drink as I figured out what I would do. I got a soda and a milkshake. Medium. The cashier looked at me and with a line around the corner of the counter he rushed away from the counter “Hold on “ he yelled to a coworker.
I filled my soda and went back and saw him looking all over. I go up and he gets close and says “I made it a large”.
That was seriously enough for me not to do it. His kindness. Someone went out of their way and as I went back in my car to cry I realized I could muster through a few other days. A few more weeks. Then I came down from that panicky high of anxiety, depression, and pain. I finished my shake. And it was enough time to let me feel better. I… I’m alive. I’ll make it through.
Try and be nice today. Tomorrow. Something as much as a smile. It helped so much.
Thank you man at McDonalds.
The milkshake saved my life
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The King of the Future
PT 2
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The First thing you noticed about the castle was the outdated decor. " Holy shit is this one of those Living History places?" The sound of footsteps halting caught your attention as you looked up to 2 very surprised eyes. The young man gave you a confused smile, but the older man did not look so happy. " Madam, how dare you swear in the presence of the King!" Now it was your turn to be confused, "You are the King?" You asked the older man. The younger man started to laugh as the older man got even more mad. "Goodness No. This is our King. The youngest King of Eterias. King Yoongi." The older man stated as he pointed at the younger man. Now it was your time to be confused, " B-but you are so young!" You stared at the King with your mouth open which just encouraged the King to laugh harder. "Yes Miss, I am fairly young, but I promise that I am well prepared for the job." Your conversation with the King and the older man had distracted you so much that you did not notice that you had arrived outside of a large door. King Yoongi turned to address the older man, " My Dear Earl, please go on without me. I wish to do the questioning myself." "B-but your Majesty, what if she is armed?" The older man stared at you out of the side of his eyes with such disdain that you jumped out of your skin as you felt the King run his hands down your body. "See, no weapons." The King gestured for the man to leave as he held the door open for you to enter. You walked into what you presumed was the Kings Study. "So miss, what is your name to start?" The King asked as he pulled out a chair which you took. "Y/N." You answered as he sat across from you with his hands crossed. " Miss Y/N, where do you come from?" "Definitely not from here." You answered as you stared at a particular painting of what you guess was the King when he was a child. " I can presume that based on your trousers." The King looked at your thighs. " And what is wrong with my pants?" You asked as you glared at him. " Woman don't wear pants," The King stood up to his full height so he could tower over you. You stood up too, you were not about to be looked down on by this fruit basket of a man. "Woman can wear and do whatever they want, King."you said as you glared holes into his face. The King just chuckled and nodded his head. He approached you and touched your chin, "You are going to be great fun." With that he rang a bell and a maid came in. " Miss Y/N, will be staying as our guest tonight in my room. Please make sure she is comfortable until I finish my work." The King said to the maid as he gestured for you to leave.
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The King of the Future
I am not great at writing, but I have had this idea in my head for a while. This is a Yoongi Royalty fic. I have not decided if I want to make this smut or not due to the fact that I have no idea how to write smut. I hope you guys like this. PT 1
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Your reflection stared back at you. "When did I become so tired?" Your nervousness makes your tummy feel queasy as you look at the kitchen knife laying on your side table, but your mind is set. You never wanted it this bad before. The feeling of dread that has followed you most of your life met a crescendo this past week. You had no one left after your mom moved in with her new boyfriend. The woman who used to provide so much comfort to you has now asked you to go live your life without her so she can have a clean slate with her boyfriend and their unborn child. You couldn't blame her, you weren't even mad. Your anxiety had caused her to miss out on so many opportunities, she deserved this carefree life. You just happened to not be apart of it anymore. Hesitantly you felt the cold metal of the knife. You had already left a note and made sure that the last thing you said to your mom was how much you loved her. You made sure that you were dressed in your favorite outfit. You didnt want whoever to find you to see you naked and pathetic.There was literally nothing holding you back anymore, so you slowly dragged the blade across your arm and laid back, except you never felt the pain. Your senses were overwhelmed with a loud humming noise. You started to feel drowsy. You closed your eyes coming to the realization that you were dying.
You don't know how long you were asleep for or where you were for that fact. Never once had you believed in the afterlife, so when you woke up in what looked to be a tea garden you were incredibly confused. There was chatter near by, you could distinctly hear the voice of a man. His voice so deep and soothing lulling you into a state of calm until it halted. You raised your head to see 2 men staring at you with their mouths wide open. The one who caught your attention looked to be around your age with soft brown hair and dark eyes.
"Ma'am why are you in the Kings Garden? And for God's Sake why are you wearing pants?" The older man asked.
You scrambled to your feet noticing the wounds on your arms weren't bleeding, but still looked fresh. "I'm sorry, who are you? Where am I? Why am I not dead? Wh-"
The young man cleared his throat causing you to look up, he stared at you with a look that you couldn't translate. You were so confused. Tears started to threaten to spill over, your breathing became ragid. "I just want my mom. " That was it, the bravery you were trying to hold onto broke as you started to cry. Soft fabric enveloped your skin as the young man covered you in his jacket.
" Please don't cry. I will answer all your questions as you will answer mine. First, let us go inside it is much too cold to converse out here." Overwhelmed by the man's kindness you gave a small nod as you let the men walk you out of the gardens towards a castle. WHAT THE FUCK! THATS A CASTLE.
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you know you’re in too deep when even your youtube commercials are in korean
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Can we have a Selca day where we all make a heart each and write “We love Seokjin” on it. He gives us ARMYs so many hearts he deserves some back! 
How about 1st August?
Edit: Tag your pics with #HeartsForJinDay
It’ll help if you retweet this to spread word on twitter
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See what your followers think!
BLACK = I would date you. GREEN = I think you’re cute. BLUE = You are my tumblr crush. GREY = I wish you would notice me. PURPLE = I don’t talk to you but I really love your blog. TEAL = We have a lot in common. YELLOW = I don’t know you at all. ORANGE = I don’t like your blog. BROWN = I don’t like you. PINK = I think you are unattractive. RED = I hate you with a burning passion. WHITE = You scare me. RAINBOW = BED PLZ. SCARLET = You have influenced my decision/thoughts on something. MAROON = You taught me something new. CINNAMON = You’re a really cool person and admire you from afar. PERIWINKLE = You make me laugh MAUVE = You are really talented BLUSH = Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better. CYAN = We have very little in common THISTLE = I only just started following you INDIGO = I’ve been following you for a long time FUCHSIA = Your blog content is gold COPPER = Your blog content is trash (and I love it) VERMILION = You make me feel passionate HONEYDEW = I want to call you by a nickname LAVENDER = You inspire me CORAL = You’re a meme UMBER = I want to know more about you FORGET-ME-NOT = You remind me of somebody RAZZMATAZZ = I would share my favorite food with you ARSENIC = I don’t know how to describe the way I feel about you WINE = You make me feel kinda funny, like when we used to climb the rope in gym class SAFFRON = I love your ideas TIMBERWOLF = I trust you FALLOW = I want to run through the Northern wilderness barefoot with you PLUM = I’d like to chat with you TANGERINE = I love your aesthetic SAGE = You make me cry CRIMSON = We should collaborate on something! VIRIDIAN = I wanna hang out on your blog CHARTREUSE = You’re my homie BURGUNDY = I get excited when I see posts from you
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I think it should now be a thing that when bts win an award celine dion comes out to sing my heart will go on
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Wine 6
You were sitting in your car waiting for Jungkook to get off work. You were wearing a short skirt and a white button up. There was a tree towards the back of your parents vineyard that you used to sit under to read books and look at the stars. It was a beautiful place to have a picnic so thats what you were going to do.
Jungkook tapped on the window of the passenger door and then hopped in. “Hey, y/n. You didn’t have to pick me I could have driven.” “No no no, sir. Where we are going is a surprise.” He huffed at you, “I wanted to be the one to initiate the date.” you laughed at his pouting face. How was this man able to go from looking like a God to a little bunny in .2 seconds. “Believe me, Jungkook. You will love this.”
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Wine 5
Jungkooks hand did not leave your thigh the entire night and Jessica knew it. You felt so succesful with ever wide eyed look she would give you. She knew you were the CEO and that she was probably going to get fired tomorrow for how she treated the customers and you. Felipe got up to announce that the night was over and everybody was welcome to go out to drinks with him. You started to get up and collect your stuff when Jungkook pulled you back down. “Where are you going?” he asked “ I am thinking about going out to get some drinks with Felipe.” “Please Y/N, I have been so patient. Can’t you be with me tonight?” you laughed at his begging face, “ you’ve been patient? It’s only been a couple of hours. I am not sleeping with you yet. We aren’t even dating.” “Well that can chamge really fast.” he replied. “Y/N can you be my girlfriend?” you smiled and gave him a peck on his nose, “okay, Jungkook. I will be your girlfriend but let’s take it slow.” Jungkook started to groan before he caught you giving him a look and instead smiled. He walked you out to your car and gasped. ��You turned around worried he was hurt, when you saw him staring at your car his mouth opening and closing. “Is this yours?!” he said pointing to your black Bugati. You nodded. “Are you like rich?” he blurted out and then covered his mouth apologizing. “I guess you could say that. My parents own a vineyard.” He smiled, “this day just keeps getting better.” he said before pulling you into a kiss and bidding you farewell until tomorrow. You went to the resturaunt the next morning to see a smiling Jungkook behind the bar. You approached him and sat down in front of him. “Why are you smiling, Jungkook?” “I don’t know. I haven’t been able to stop.” You placed his hand over his and he looked up at you with a bright smile. "Jungkook, do you want to go to dinner with me tonight?" "I would love to."
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Wine 4
You were dressed in a beautiful black gown that had a plunging neck line and reached the floor and a fur coat. Felipe came outside the resturaunt to escort you inside and help you carry the gifts you had bought for the employees. "Ladies and gentleman! If I could have your attention please?" Felipe announced. Everyone turned around. You caught Jungkooks eyes as he stared at your face and then ran down your body. You smirked as you said, "Hello my dear employees. I know many of you have yet to meet me, but I would like to formerly introduced myself." you stared at Jessica, " I am the CEO of this fine establishment, y/f/n y/l/n. I am pleased to meet all of you and hope you enjoy the night and the presents I have brought." Jessicas jaw hit the floor as Jungkooks eyebrows furrowed. Felipe smiled as he reached to take your coat off your body. You decided to sit next to Jungkook and watch his face as he stared at you completely surprised. You laughed as you saw him trail his eyes down to your cleavage and then back up to your eyes. "What's the matter, darling? Do you still think I am a bitch?" you leaned in close enough to press your cleavage against his chest. He growled roughly in your ear, "why didn't you tell me? I look like an idiot now." you smiled at this your hand now on his knee, "You don't look like an idiot. I didn't tell you because my job is to be your boss not your friend and I desperately wanted to get to know you on a personal level" at the last words you gave his leg a squeeze befor totally removing yourself from him. He leaned in placing a light kiss on your jugular, " how about we go somewhere else?" You patted his head like a child which made him squeeze your thigh. " Oh no, baby boy this is your punishment."
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Wine 3
There is some explicit language in this chapter. The next couple of days passed and you were too busy with your midterms coming up. You were also a little bit nervous to see Jungkook again, but today you decided to go check up on the resturaunt. Once you sat down at the counter with your sketchbook getting ready to finish your art project Jungkook came over to you. "Wow, Y/N! That is amazing!" he exclaimed staring at your sketch of Michelangelo. You smiled slightly until he asked you how you knew Felipe. "Um, I live close by and Felipe was my nanny growing up." You replied. "Does that mean you have met the CEO of this resturaunt?" your hands started to fidget as you replied, "Yeah, I guess you can say that. Why?" you looked up at him. "No reason, I just heard she was a bit of a bitch." he said nonchalantly. You stood up at this coming up with a lame excuse of having to go to class. As you were leaving Jungkook looked really confused. "Did he really just call me a bitch?" you asked yourself as you slid into your Bugati. "Fucking hell, man I was finally getting somewhere with him." You stopped going to the resturaunt for a couple of weeks until your father pulled you aside one day with a garment bag in his hands. "Y/N, don't forget that the employee dinner is tomorrow and you are expected to go." Fuck Fuck Fuck! You were pissed and nervous and excited at the same time. You couldn't wait to see Jessicas face as Felipe introduced you as the CEO, but at the same time you really didn't want to see Jungkooks face. Oh well you thought. "Pay back!"
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Wine 2
Part 2 of my Wine smut. Smut should be coming soon. Jungkook came to your usual seat at the bar and asked if you were ready to order. You stuttered your order of a Rosé. Your cheeks turned bright red. Like nothing he said should have gotten you flustered, but your heart was still beating so fast. Hoping be was gone you lifted your eyes to see him staring at you with that same wonderful smiles he wears for everybody else. "Ma'am, pardon me for asking, but you are the lady who comes here and draws us every week aren't you?" Shitshitshitshit you can't keep your thoughts together. He knows, but to your defense you don't just draw Jungkook. You always have liked drawing other people. "I am." you say with a blush. "Would you mind if I looked?" Jungkook quirked an eyebrow at you. " I don't have my notebook." "bring it next time. I will make sure to get you as a customer." you smiled at this as he extended his hand, you reaching up to grasp it. "Jeon Jungkook at your service, " "Y/N" you noticed how neither of you were really willing to let go of your hand until Jessica approached you, shooting daggers into you. As soon as she got to Jungkook her eyes softened and she rubned her breasts on his arm. You caught a grimace flash on his face and then disappear. "Jessica, I am taking miss Y/Ns order. Could you wait?" "but Jungkook, I can't reach a wine bottle. Pppllleeeeaaassseeee!!!" Jungkook rolled his eyes as customers turned their heads to look. Jungkook directed his attention to you again. "I'm sorry, my darling. Could we pick up this conversation next time?" You nodded loving the pet name, but hating the reason of the interruption. As Jungkook walked away Jessica leaned over the counter her nose almost touching yours as she whispered, "Just so you know darling, I have dibs on that fine piece of ass." You reached up to hold underneath her chin eyes glaring into her eyes as you said "How about this, sweetheart. He is a human being so you ain't got dibs on shit." giving her 2 light slaps on her cheek before you walked away from her toward Jungkook to put a $100 bill into his front pocket. You gave him a giant smile before walking away. What you didn't see was both Jessica and Jungkooks faces flushed red. One with anger and one with a blush.
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Hi guys! This is the first chapter of my Jungkook fic. There will be smut later!!! Stay tuned. Growing up on a vineyard wasn't what it was made out to be. Like yeah, your parents were loaded and your only real responsibility was making sure the resturaunt was running smoothly, but as a 20 year old striving for freedom and independence it wasn't what you really wanted to be doing. You had big plans of moving away and going to an art college, but your parents begged you to go to the local college for business and since they were paying for it you don't really have a say. Running the resturaunt wasn't really hard. All you really had to do was be able to answer your phone if a HR issue were to come up. In fact you rarely even went to the resturaunt. Only the head manager knew what you looked like, so it even surprised you when you decided to go to lunch there. Walking into the resturaunt the first thing you noticed was contagious laughter. The melodic noise came from behind the bar. A young man with light brown hair was talking to an older gentleman with the most beautiful smile across his face. You caught yourself staring at him with a little smile until a hostess interrupted you asking if you would like a table, you opted for the bar. Sitting down, the first thing you did was get out your sketch book because you needed to draw that smile ASAP. The head manager, Filipe approached you, "Miss, I am surprised to see you today. What have I done to grace your presence." You beamed at the man. Filipe pretty much raised you. Your parents were so busy, so Filipe would oftenly be the person to help you with homework and let you speak your feelings. " Drop the honorifics, sir. I decided to just check up on my favorite nanny. Now do be so kind to get me a Rosé." This made the man boom with laughter causing the handsome guy with the smile to look over your way. I leaned in to whisper in Felipes ear, " Do tell me, who is that fine specimen of a man?" "That my darling is Jeon Jungkook. He is a new hire. Are you perhaps catching feelings?" you giggled as you returned to your sketch book and Felipe got your drink. After that first day you started to frequent the resturaunt much more often as a customer. It was exciting to see how people treated you normally. You weren't the heir of a multi million vineyard. You were just a customer who tipped well. It also let you see who you would eventually fire or promote. One of the female server was on the fire list. Her name was Jessica. She was rude, her shirt was way too lowcut, and she overall had a terrible attitude, but for some annoying coincidence you kept getting her as your server. Jeon Jungkook however, was a definite keeper. He was attentive and constantly smiling. It made you feel ridiculous how much you wanted him to notice you. Until one day, you got him as your server.
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