supernynja13 · 1 year
Moxxie’s Mom Blurb
TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of some violent actions (slapping, death, nothing too gruesome), there is a part where a gun is mentioned
Please know that you are responsible for the content you read. I am open to constructive criticism, but I will not tolerate hate. Thank you.
(This is just something that I decided to write on a whim. This is told from Moxxie’s mom’s perspective, whom I have named Bellatrix. Keep in mind this is not her common name. She looked like a Bellatrix to me tho so :P. Please enjoy!)
Bellatrix hadn’t cared much for her life. She knew who she was and what she was destined to be: an imp married off to a mafia boss. There was some times, when she truly sat down and thought, that she was envious of the other imps in other rings. They didn’t have to deal with forced marriages or loveless relationships. While she wished to visit the other rings, her father hadn’t allowed her. Neither did her rotten husband.
          It was a union of two mafias in the Envy ring, and joining would create a larger and more powerful influence. Her father was more than happy to sell her off to gain more power, like every crime boss that she had met. Crimson, her husband, was happy with her looks. It was a match made in convenience. She hadn’t cared too much.
          Bellatrix didn’t remember a lot of her time with Crimson. The days blended together as the same things happened. They’d wake up in the same bed without a word, she’d make them breakfast, he’d go work while she lounged about the house wondering what to do, he’d have a wine break for which she wouldn’t have to be present for, then she’d make dinner as he finished work, only to end up in the bed together without another word. Crimson wasn’t one for talk; he was a cold imp with mind set on power, money, and, most importantly, control. To make her life easier, she had allowed him to control her. She didn’t see a reason to disobey him. She had grown up with this life even though she disliked it, and appeasing Crimson would keep him at bay to not bother her. She had given up a loving marriage long ago.
          However, one day that all changed. She noticed her mood shifting, her appetite had become near voracious, and her stomach began to grow. Bellatrix knew she was pregnant, but the concept of a child was numb to her. They were just something that would have to be sold away for more power eventually. She lived with a round stomach, uncaring to name the child she would come to give away anyway. She knew what Crimson was like.
          Next thing she knew, the little imp was in her arms, her son, her Moxxie. He was so tiny, but yet he had such a cheerful personality. He was shy of his father, but yet with her he smiled a toothless smile that made her heart flutter. Was it possible to give birth to an angel? She was convinced the answer was yes after seeing Moxxie’s gleeful face. He was so beautiful, with her freckles and bright eyes. When the nurses had left her, she held Moxxie close and silently sobbed over him. She promised that she would make sure he didn’t end up like his father. She would be better.
          For the first couple years of his life, it was easy to teach Moxxie how to be kind and caring. Crimson hadn’t shown any interest in what she did, so taking her son out for walks and showing him the parts of the Envy ring that she liked was easy enough with Crimson’s face stuffed in business deals. Crimson, however, was notably ecstatic when she came home with Moxxie, and he also wanted to teach him. She knew that he wanted to form her Moxxie into the perfect heir of the mafia. She wouldn’t allow it. So while Crimson was busy, she would love on Moxxie all that she could, teaching him that kindness and warmth was better than convenience and cold. And it seemed to work. The older Moxxie grew, the more Bellatrix grew to love him. Was it possible to love her son that much? It was to her. She would die for him.
          She cherished each day with Moxxie. He was her light, her newfound purpose in the world she grew numb to. She loved to see him smile and giggle as he played with his toys. She was disappointed a bit when he gained an interest in guns thanks to his father, but having that skill could also be beneficial to him, so she let it go. She encouraged every dream of his, smiling and nodding along with his ramblings, and played with him when she wasn’t busy. She could see he was also very determined, taking lengths to even keep her happy. He was such a sweet boy. She recognized it could be a double-edged sword, but for Moxxie, she would protect him.
          When Moxxie was around 5 years old, something had changed in the household. It started slowly, with odd glances and long stares, but something in Crimson had changed. At least, temporarily. He began to notice her more, sitting closer to her in their bed or demanding her to sit with him for a little while he looked over papers. These were all done in silence, but her sharp eye had caught the differences. She noticed the mixed looks he would give Moxxie. 
          Bellatrix’s suspicions were confirmed one night at dinner. It was a silent dinner, both her and Moxxie had accepted that there would be no talking at dinner, and steak had been served that night. Moxxie, being only five and weak, struggled to cut his steak. Naturally, she took his plate and began cutting it for him. Moxxie gave her a thankful smile with his large eyes, and she smiled back lovingly to him. Out of the corner of her eye, Crimson looked at Moxxie before staring back at her. She couldn’t fully see the expression in his eyes, but she had an idea. She felt Crimson’s foot touch hers slightly, and she swiftly moved her foot away. She didn’t want to give him any affection. He didn’t deserve it. He slammed his foot in anger at her refusal, and his expression soured as he continued to eat his food. Bellatrix gave him the side-eye as he grumbled into his food before continuing to eat as if unbothered by his attitude. She wouldn’t give him the time of day.
          There was another time Crimson decided to take them on a “family outing” to a dinky and unkept amusement park, if it could even be called that. Run by shady shark demons and victimizing imps, Crimson of course thought it the best place for them to act as a family. Bellatrix just knew that he was trying to save a couple dollars not taking Moxxie to an actual park. She wondered why he even tried. 
          Moxxie was around 6 years old now. He had grown taller but only about where her mid-thigh was. Crimson watched from a distance as her and Moxxie searched through the park. He was drawn to many things temporarily, but nothing of which really catching his attention fully. That was until he caught sight of this shooting game at the corner of the park. He was so cute, jumping up and down and pulling her along as he pointed at the game. She smiled, droopy eyes beaming back at her son, and allowed him to pull her along. His skills were extraordinary for someone his age. He hit all three targets in a matter of seconds, each hitting the bullseye in the center of the dummy’s chest. Moxxie was so cute when he looked up at her for approval. She rubbed the white hair on top of his tiny hand and cooed at him at how well of a job he had done. 
          Her expression instantly changed to worry when one short shark demon slid his arm around Moxxie and urged him to play another shooting game. Bellatrix called out for him when the demon pulled her son away from her and to the game. She saw them setting up a live imp like a scarecrow in front of her son, and her eyes widened. Crimson then handed Moxxie a gun and pointed to the imp, telling Moxxie to shoot at him. She felt anger and disgust wrack through her body as she stomped over to them. Bellatrix got there just in time just as Moxxie was about to mindlessly obey his father, quickly grabbing the gun out of his tiny hands and shoving it into Crimson’s chest. She stormed out of the park while gripping Moxxie’s hand, fuming that Crimson was trying to destroy her sweet boy. She didn’t look back at Crimson. She couldn’t stand that monster.
          It wasn’t long after they got back home that Crimson also walked through the door, slamming it shut. Bellatrix’s head shot up at hearing the door slamming and quickly placed Moxxie off of her lap, asking him to run to his room and pretend he was asleep. Moxxie did as she asked, running upstairs, just before Crimson entered the living room. He frowned at her, beckoning with a finger to follow him. He shut their upstairs bedroom door behind him as she entered, and he growled at her for her actions at the park. She replied sharply back at him, telling him that he had no right to make her son kill people. He was so young and couldn’t understand what he was doing. Crimson barked at her, saying that Moxxie knowing how to kill mindlessly would do him good. They fought, voices raised and faces twisted into anger, as all the frustrations that had come along with their marriage came to life. The last straw was plucked when she yelled at him, saying that he would never amount to anything and be angry the rest of his life. With anger and hate in his sharp eyes, he slapped her across the face. He told her to watch her tongue. She would not.
          She stormed out of their bedroom, shutting the door behind her, before heading to Moxxie’s room. She would get him and leave Crimson forever. She would find a quiet place for them in another ring and raise him alone. She always did want a quieter life. She just needed a reason to leave. For Moxxie, she would do anything. She was horrified, however, when she entered his room and found him gone. Where was Moxxie? Did he run out of the house? For the first time, she felt her heart beating out of her chest as she flew down the stairs and out the door, calling for Moxxie while walking down the streets. Panic swelled in her chest as she searched for him all night, but yet not a trace of him could be seen. She wouldn’t rest until she found him. (How was she supposed to know that her son was hiding under their bed and currently eating with his father, nearly crying with not having his mom there with him?)
          She returned to Crimson’s house, banging on the door frantically and demanding he tell her where her son is. Not long after, the servants escort her to Crimson’s office, closing the doors behind them as they give them space. They weren’t worried about her hurting him. She yelled at Crimson to tell her where Moxxie was, eyes welling up with fear, fatigue, and frustration. At first, he didn’t seem to be confused before quickly switching to a knowing glare. He grinned and mocked her, saying he was keeping her son elsewhere and that he was the only person who knew. Bellatrix pleaded with him, promising to not take anything with her except for Moxxie if he showed her where he was. Crimson thought for a while, expressions shifting from deep thought to a wicked grin, before accepting her request. 
          It took a good couple minutes for Crimson to row out in the bog. Bellatrix was rightfully nervous when he took her into the deadest part of the Envy ring where not a sound was heard other than the shifting black water. Crimson stopped after a couple minutes, and the boat came to a silent stop. He stared at her with a grimace, one she had brown used to seeing, but this one was different. This one was filled with seething hate and violent anger. He nodded his head to the water, and she immediately knew what he was saying. She cried.
          Her light, her purpose in the world, was now floating at the bottom of the lake. She cried and sobbed and yelled Moxxie’s name into the night, but she received no answer other than the boat’s creaks and rocking. She continued to sob openly until she heard the click of a gun’s safety being switched off. She looked up and was met with the barrel of Crimson’s gun. Bellatrix was shocked at the sigh but not surprised. His anger had amounted to this ever since she started to defy him, and she would willingly accept it. Without Moxxie, her life meant nothing to her. She couldn’t bring herself to looked scared though. She was ready.
          Crimson scowled at her, gripping the gun so tightly that it shook as he saw her face defy him even before death. With one final growl, he put a bullet between her eyes. The mafia boss glared at his former wife’s dead body with contempt and hatred. As beneficial as her death would be, he would now be tasked with raising the little tyke. It would be a hassle. He quickly dumped her body over the side of the boat and began rowing before she began to sink underneath the water’s surface. He had no room for defiance. And she had no room for his schemes.
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supernynja13 · 1 year
Godspell Animation Faces
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I’m just adding this here for myself really. Over the summer I’ve been listening to a lot of Godspell, so I thought why not attempt to do an animation over all the songs? Rn I’m in the process of getting down the dynamics of each character with the runaway (not originally in Godspell, but this one production I saw included her and I was like “wow! :0”) and also their dynamics with each other.
Most likely I’ll just keep posting my progress onto here for myself, but if others enjoy it that’s great too. I think that if I actually go through with making an animation, I’ll be the first to do a Godspell animatic! [Though I’ll be honest, my laziness and busy schedule will probably deter me, but right now I’m in high hopes!]
I know I’ll be using the 2011 soundtrack to be my base, and I’m hoping that the character designs will eventually fit the voices of the 2011 cast.
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supernynja13 · 1 year
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Hello humans,
I decided to post a piece of mine that a made a couple months ago. I wanted to play with shadows and effects like that.
Hope y’all enjoy!
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supernynja13 · 1 year
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What’s happened to poor Eddie?
I figured I would try something with a little bit horror to it, but nothing crazy. It would be horrifying if the characters from Welcome home gained sentience and felt themselves being manipulated by something else. Hope y’all enjoy!
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supernynja13 · 1 year
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Just a bunch of neighbors getting their favorite things at Howdy’s Place! They’re all just silly little guys. I kinda wanted to show the idea that Wally likes looking at apples rather than eat them.  I like to believe that Noel has more of a sweet tooth.  Right now, I would like to try and explore both my oc, Noel, and the characters of Welcome Home by @partycoffin, but I don’t want to focus too much on Noel. After all, Wally and friends will help flesh out my character once I know them more.  Hope y’all enjoy!
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supernynja13 · 1 year
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Hello again! I have been on a role with my art. Lots of motivation, thank goodness. So, I decided to draw these best friends platonically holding hands!  Hope you enjoy!
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supernynja13 · 1 year
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Here is a sketch of Wally coming for them apples. I find the idea of Howdy constantly having to worry about Wally when he has a new shipment of apples hilarious and simultaneously cute. Enjoy!
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supernynja13 · 1 year
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Here is the art for my latest hyperfixation: Welcome Home by @partycoffin! I’m still getting used to drawing them, so I will probably be posting sketches I do of them (if I remember to post at all, lol). Hope you enjoy!
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supernynja13 · 4 years
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It's been a while since I've posted some more pictures of my art, so here's a drawing of a willow tree! I drew it based off of "Moonlight" by Beethoven, a calming yet dark classical work. Hope ya'll like it just as much as I do!
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supernynja13 · 4 years
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Forsworn think they’re so scary. Cicero will show you who’s scary >:v 🔪
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supernynja13 · 4 years
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Made this in the span of two days! I'm very proud of myself since I haven't been drawing very much. The drawing was inspired from "The In-Between" by In This Moment. Hope ya'll like it.
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supernynja13 · 4 years
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I've recently been rewatching some Avatar:The Last Airbender, so I thought to make some character! I also realized I spelled "capital" wrong, haha... Hope you like Hina and Tapeesa!
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supernynja13 · 4 years
This is EXACTLY what I imagined!
i can’t stop thinking about this voice hc of mine
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supernynja13 · 4 years
"how can people like Valdemar they are green horrifying disgusting, pure evil"
In the meantime, Valdemar:
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supernynja13 · 5 years
Yui is a great person! Might I remind everyone that she is only 17 y/o! PROTECT PRECIOUS GIRL!!!
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supernynja13 · 5 years
Millie: *breathes*
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supernynja13 · 5 years
Vivziepop and her crew:
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Hazbin Hotel Fandom:
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