folina | jewish | nineteen | autistic | she/her | i sometimes write poetry
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Why people adore summer so much is beyond me.
The days are longer, with the sky waking up earlier and earlier each year.
Doing absolutely nothing is sickly, you get coated with sweat that does nothing but make you sticky.
Perhaps people love summer oh so much, since it marks the beginning of the Christmas holidays.
That is, only if you are still in school.
Perhaps people love summer so much, since its finally warm enough for beach trips and bikinis.
Only you risk sunburn,
Turning your skin so pink its hard to even look at.
The summer storms are my favourite thing about this season.
Listening to the thunder, watching the lightning.
Wondering if the wind is strong enough to knock that tree down.
The smell of rain before most people realise, it’s going to rain.
Maybe summer isn’t so bad.
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Not sorry but if you treat somebody poorly because of "bad vibes" alone, and the person never said or did anything to actually warrant the negative treatment, you are the one with the bad vibes.
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An Incomplete Collection of Tidbits from My Craft
Clean your windows with vinegar to see your path clearly (improving divination)
After a heavy rain, if you see live worms, good news is coming your way, more worms is bigger and better news. If you see only dead worms, bad news is coming
Sweep dirt out a doorway to rid your life of whatever is troubling you
Ring a bell (or bang some pans together tbh) to usher out unwelcome spirits
Don't hang mirrors where they can reflect you sleeping, it let's witches into your dreams
Make door wreaths out of brambles or rose branches to keep out those who would wish you harm
Always wear one ring of iron and one of silver when walking in the woods and wild places (any jewelry or items made of iron and silver would work carried on you, but rings are the tradition I learned and they are hella cool)
Honey in your tea will make people more inclined to like what you have to say
A single drop of whiskey in your tongue will fill your words with bravery and truth, too much will turn your words to deceit
Spirit and Entity Work:
If you find fairy caps (acorn tops) on your property, leave a saucer of milk out
Milk and honey outside an animal enclosure will keep them safe from spirits
If you hear knocking at your door but don't see anyone outside when you look through the window/peephole, don't open it (this is also just good mundane advice, too)
If you hear someone call your name when you're home alone, put a few rosemary leaves on your tongue and hold them there as long as you can
Any time you bake, set aside a little bit for the spirits in your home
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jews try and explain how intergenerational trauma works and functions in our families + communities and white gentiles r still like “so you get intergenerational trauma when anything bad has previously happened to any group of people like you??”
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tiny hearts generate above my head when i think of u
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Antisemitism Education
What does dogwhistle mean?
A dog whistle is the use of coded or suggestive language in political messaging to garner support from a particular group without provoking opposition. The concept is named after dog whistles, which are audible to dogs but not humans
Antisemitism or “anti-semitism”?
The word, “anti-semitism” was coined on the premise of pseudo-scientific race theory, alleging that “Semites” are a race of people, in order to give the hatred of Jews a scientific, rationalistic veneer.
Numerical dogwhistles
One representing the letter “A” and eleven representing the letter “K”, this is a numerical dog whistle made to refer to the Aryan Knights (AK) which is an Idaho based white supremacist group.
May be written as 109/110. This refers to the idea of Jews being exiled from 109 countries. The “110” is typically a direct threat, stating that there is about to be 110 countries.
One representing the letter A and two representing the letter B, these two letters represent the Aryan Brotherhood (AB).
While there are many variations, 100% generally refers to “100% white”, feeding into the “pure white race” belief.
14 (14 words)
Fourteen words refers to a white supremacist slogan coined by the deceased leader of the group “The Order”, David Lane
A numerical dog whistle that joins the “14 words” used by white supremacists in conjunction with “88” which refers to the eighth letter in the alphabet, “H”. “88” - “HH”, meaning Heil Hitler. 1483 may also appear which would instead mean Heil Christ.
6 million/6 gorillion
6 million refers to the number of Jews murdered in the Holocaust. Antisemites will use terms like “gorillion” and other variations to avoid detection as well as to denote exaggeration in reference to their belief that Jews exaggerate the Holocaust.
An acronym standing for “Six Million Wasn’t Enough”, signifying that 6 million Jews being murdered in the Holocaust wasn’t enough.
Dogwhistles and Conspiracy Theories
Standing for “A Klansman I Am” this allows members to greet each other covertly.
A term what once was, and still is, used by white supremacists.
In the 1920s, the Anglo-Saxon Clubs of America lobbied in favor of segregation and argued for the exclusion of those with even a drop “of any blood other than Caucasian.”
Arbeit Macht Frei
Translating to, “Work will set you free” in English, this phrase was put on the gates of Aushwitz as well as other Nazi concentration camps.
The intentional mispronunciation of Ashkenazi (Correct: Ash-ki-nah-zee. Incorrect: Ash-ki-Natzi) to accuse Ashkenazi Jews of being Nazis.
Ballpoint pen
A form of Holocaust denial in which Neo-Nazi’s claim that Anne Frank’s diary is a falsified or entirely fake document because “ballpoint pens didn’t exist at that time”.
Blood libel
Perpetuated accusation that Jews have murdered non-Jews
(such as Christian children) in order to use their blood in rituals
Jews have long been accused of being part of a secret group that controls the economic and political world order. The term cabal originates from the word kabbalah, the Jewish mystical interpretation of the Hebrew Bible.
Cultural marxism
Sometimes also appearing as Cultural Bolshevism, this antisemitic theory believes Jews are trying to overthrow “Western culture” and destroy “White America”.
A method of denying the Holocaust by suggesting that the gas chambers used to murder people were actually merely “delousing” facilities.
Dual Loyalty
Alleging that Jewish people are more loyal or only loyal to Israel rather than their own country.
Khazars or Khazar Theory
An antisemitic conspiracy theory that the Ashkenazi Jewish people today come from ancient Khazars and are “not real Jews”.
Khazar Milkers
A term used for sexual harassment towards Jewish women. Alternatively “milkies”.
Lizard people
The conspiracy theory that reptilian humanoids are trying to take over the government and can be government officials or large corporate figureheads.
Oven Dodger
A term for a Jew who antisemites believe should have been murdered in the Holocaust.
Pepe The Frog
While not originating in Nazism or White supremacy, the meme was co-opted by the alt-right along Reddit, 4-Chan, and 8chan.
Protocol of the Elders of Zion
An antisemitic text that spreads the paranoid theory that Jews are planning to dominate the globe.
Swimming Pool
An antisemitic conspiracy that the Holocaust didn’t happen because of the existence of a “swimming pool” at Aushwitz and was instead a “resort”. In actuality, it was an aquifer turned into a swimming pool for SS soldiers and their families.
The Jewish Question/Problem
The problem is the existence of Jews. The “question” being how to deal with the “problem” of Jews. This results in Nazism, for example, with the Final Solution. The full phrase is, “The Final Solution to the Jewish Question”.
White Pride/Power World Wide.
You Will Not Replace Us
A phrase popularized in 2017 after the Charlottesville Nazi Riot. Sometimes appearing as Jews will not replace us or YWNRU, this antisemitic theory believes Jews are trying to “over-run the white race”.
Meaning “Zionist Occupied Government”, white supremacists curated this phrase to signal a “Jewish controlled government”, most commonly the United States.
an antisemitic symbol used to highlight the names of Jewish individuals or organizations owned by Jews
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Harry Potter, and JK Rowling’s antisemitism
Growing up in a non-Jewish household, I had never realised just how antisemitic Harry Potter actually is, until I had hit my teenage years and learnt about my mothers side of the family and their Jewishness. That’s the moment it hit me.
For those who, somehow, aren’t aware of what Harry Potter is, it’s a novel written by J.K. Rowling, author of many other books, and mostly known these days for her transphobia, racism, and all round bigotry.
The novels follow a 11 year old orphan, living with an abusive aunt and uncle, who had just found out he is actually a wizard, as where his parents. Here, he goes to Hogwarts, a school specifically for witches and wizards, and is shown the wizarding world. At first glance, nothing about this seems antisemitic, right?
It’s not until Harry enters Gringotts Bank, where you start to see more and more antisemitic themes. The flooring of the bank has a Star of David pattern on it. (Those who don’t know what the Star of David looks like, it’s this ✡️)
The Star of David is recognised as a Jewish symbol, as it had been almost universally adopted by Jews during the 19th-century. During the holocaust, Nazis had made Jews wear a yellow patch with the Star of David on it, as a way of separating Jews from everyone else.
Now, the Star of David being apart of the floor pattern in Gringotts bank isn’t in itself antisemitic, as it is the flooring of the actual filming location, London’s High Commission of Australia. But it’s other features, combined with the flooring, that make Gringotts Bank in itself antisemitic propaganda.
What are these other features, you ask? The goblins who run the bank. J.K. Rowling depicted them in the series as a secretive cabal of hook-nosed bankers, who maintain a contentious relationship with the wizarding world, who view them with deep suspicion. These Goblins fall into the Nazi depiction of Jews, using antisemitic tropes and stereotypes.
A lot of Harry Potter fans had tried to debunk this, and claiming it isn’t antisemitic, as the goblins fit into the fantasy world J.K. is creating, but goblins in folklore had never been found behind a desk, nor running an underground bank. And if J.K. desperately wanted goblins in her series, she could of depicted them differently.
Instead, she actively chose to give them antisemitic Jewish physical traits, such as hunched backs, large hooked noses, beady eyes, long fingers. She also chose to depict the goblins as greedy, gold loving bankers.
Banking and Money Lending has historically been a profession forced onto Jews by the churches, and then later persecuted for. J.K’s goblins are also seen as blood thirsty and viscous, and Jews have been subjected to hundreds of years of blood libel, resulting in our mass persecution and genocide.
But what else about Harry Potter could possibly be antisemitic, besides the goblins?
Harry Potter is a holocaust allegory, written by someone who is not Jewish, and who did not take the time, care, nor consideration to educate herself on Jewish culture and history.
The death eaters in Harry Potter had intentionally been written as a nazi allegory, they’re depicted as these dark, cool Voldemort followers with snake tattoos, and Voldemort himself is painted in an antisemitic light. Following along with this allegory, the muggles (non wizards) in this universe are Jews.
Muggles had been exiled from the wizarding world, and are talked down upon by the witches and wizards. How is this antisemitic? The muggles are actually different from the wizards. They have no powers. This gives antisemites a ledge to stand on, as in real life, Jews are seen as inferior species.
I am not trying to cancel Harry Potter, as I’ve accepted it’s forever going to be apart of my generation, the generations before and after me. However I wish for more people to be aware of the content they consume, and just how hurtful these themes can be towards others.
J.K. Rowling has also been actively racist in the series, but as a white person, it is not my place to speak on these issues, instead I have linked posts below talking about them.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post.
(Any hate towards me or downright racism, antisemitism, and JK defending commenters will be blocked and deleted.)
Anything else you’d like for me to add? Feel free to reach out!
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you drew stars
around my scars,
and now I’m bleeding
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Hi! I’m Folina!
On this blog, I will post about my interests, witchcraft, my experiences and my thoughts and opinions on various topics, antisemitism, and occasionally post my photography!
Some of my favourite books, movies, tv shows and games are;
The Last Of Us
The Maze Runner
Stardew Valley
The Walking Dead (game)
Animal Crossing
Anne with an E
#witchblr#jewish#witch#witches of tumblr#jewitch#tlou#tlou 2#the last of us#the last of us 2#narnia#the chronicles of narnia#the maze runner#tmr#witch blog#stardew valley#lgbtqia#lgbt#lesbian#acnh#ACNH#animal crossing#botw#breath of the wild#twd#twdg#the walking dead
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Harry Potter, and JK Rowling’s antisemitism
Growing up in a non-Jewish household, I had never realised just how antisemitic Harry Potter actually is, until I had hit my teenage years and learnt about my mothers side of the family and their Jewishness. That’s the moment it hit me.
For those who, somehow, aren’t aware of what Harry Potter is, it’s a novel written by J.K. Rowling, author of many other books, and mostly known these days for her transphobia, racism, and all round bigotry.
The novels follow a 11 year old orphan, living with an abusive aunt and uncle, who had just found out he is actually a wizard, as where his parents. Here, he goes to Hogwarts, a school specifically for witches and wizards, and is shown the wizarding world. At first glance, nothing about this seems antisemitic, right?
It’s not until Harry enters Gringotts Bank, where you start to see more and more antisemitic themes. The flooring of the bank has a Star of David pattern on it. (Those who don’t know what the Star of David looks like, it’s this ✡️)
The Star of David is recognised as a Jewish symbol, as it had been almost universally adopted by Jews during the 19th-century. During the holocaust, Nazis had made Jews wear a yellow patch with the Star of David on it, as a way of separating Jews from everyone else.
Now, the Star of David being apart of the floor pattern in Gringotts bank isn’t in itself antisemitic, as it is the flooring of the actual filming location, London’s High Commission of Australia. But it’s other features, combined with the flooring, that make Gringotts Bank in itself antisemitic propaganda.
What are these other features, you ask? The goblins who run the bank. J.K. Rowling depicted them in the series as a secretive cabal of hook-nosed bankers, who maintain a contentious relationship with the wizarding world, who view them with deep suspicion. These Goblins fall into the Nazi depiction of Jews, using antisemitic tropes and stereotypes.
A lot of Harry Potter fans had tried to debunk this, and claiming it isn’t antisemitic, as the goblins fit into the fantasy world J.K. is creating, but goblins in folklore had never been found behind a desk, nor running an underground bank. And if J.K. desperately wanted goblins in her series, she could of depicted them differently.
Instead, she actively chose to give them antisemitic Jewish physical traits, such as hunched backs, large hooked noses, beady eyes, long fingers. She also chose to depict the goblins as greedy, gold loving bankers.
Banking and Money Lending has historically been a profession forced onto Jews by the churches, and then later persecuted for. J.K’s goblins are also seen as blood thirsty and viscous, and Jews have been subjected to hundreds of years of blood libel, resulting in our mass persecution and genocide.
But what else about Harry Potter could possibly be antisemitic, besides the goblins?
Harry Potter is a holocaust allegory, written by someone who is not Jewish, and who did not take the time, care, nor consideration to educate herself on Jewish culture and history.
The death eaters in Harry Potter had intentionally been written as a nazi allegory, they’re depicted as these dark, cool Voldemort followers with snake tattoos, and Voldemort himself is painted in an antisemitic light. Following along with this allegory, the muggles (non wizards) in this universe are Jews.
Muggles had been exiled from the wizarding world, and are talked down upon by the witches and wizards. How is this antisemitic? The muggles are actually different from the wizards. They have no powers. This gives antisemites a ledge to stand on, as in real life, Jews are seen as inferior species.
I am not trying to cancel Harry Potter, as I’ve accepted it’s forever going to be apart of my generation, the generations before and after me. However I wish for more people to be aware of the content they consume, and just how hurtful these themes can be towards others.
J.K. Rowling has also been actively racist in the series, but as a white person, it is not my place to speak on these issues, instead I have linked posts below talking about them.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post.
(Any hate towards me or downright racism, antisemitism, and JK defending commenters will be blocked and deleted.)
Anything else you’d like for me to add? Feel free to reach out!
#antisemitism#jewish#antisemitic#jkr tw#anti jkr#jkr is trash#harry potter#hp#jkrolwing#Harry Potter#antisemitism in media#antisemites#racism
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