knowsguilt · 9 years
shippy angst starters.
"You're an idiot if you thought I cared about you."
"You took advantage of my feelings for you."
"Fuck you, fuck your boyfriend/girlfriend and fuck everything about you!"
"I'm in love with you and I'm sick of having to hide it."
"You were supposed to be different."
"You were the one, I can't just move on!"
"I loved you, and just because we broke up doesn't mean I can turn it off."
"I love you too much and you don't love me at all..."
"I would've done anything for you..."
"You left me. You don't get to come back."
"I want you to hurt like I do."
"That's it? You're just giving up on me?"
"I never thought we'd end like this."
"It's such a shame to let you walk away."
"Love isn't a three-way street!"
"Is this goodbye?"
"I would have followed you anywhere. "
"Do I even matter to you?!"
"My back has turned on you."
"I should have known you'd break my heart."
"You're gone and I'm haunted and I bet you are just fine!"
"Goodbye, my almost lover."
"It's over."
"I can't do this anymore."
"I'm leaving you."
"I'm done crying over you."
"I have to let you go."
"You said you loved me..."
"I LOVED you. Past tense."
"I don't believe in love."
"I never loved you."
"I hate you."
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knowsguilt · 9 years
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❛Well, where’s the last  -  p l a c e  -  you put it?❜
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❛ my DRESS   —   it’s ( m i s s i n g ) !!❜
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knowsguilt · 9 years
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    ❛Bonnie. How’ve you been?❜
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“ Hello Stefan, it’s been a long time. ”
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knowsguilt · 9 years
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      ❛Whoever said I was trying to escape? I’m not afraid of you Katherine.❜
knowsguilt liked this for a thing
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“Don’t think you can escape me.”
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knowsguilt · 9 years
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     ❛you can thank me later, let’s get out of here.❜
                                            ‘ ᵃ ˢᵃˡᵛᵃᵗᵒʳᵉ ᶤˢ ᶜᵒᵐᶤᶰᵍ ᵗᵒ ᵐʸ ʳᵉˢᶜᵘᵉˑ  ᶤ ᵃᵐ ʰᵒᶰᵒʳᵉᵈˑ ᵃˡʷᵃʸˢ ᵗʰᵉ ʰᵉʳᵒ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰˑ ‘ 
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knowsguilt · 9 years
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         ❛ & & rekindle another century of  MISERY ?  no thank you.❜
“ It’s also been done in religion, you know the whole god turning water into wine thing. Why can’t you just steal Damon’s stash? ”
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knowsguilt · 9 years
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❛ Elena, I..  — I’m so sorry.❜His soft green  hues fell to the open wound that tore through  her soft skin. ❛I didn’t mean to  hurt you.. I, I  never  W A N T E D  to hurt you.❜
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❛ I - ❜ Elena held her hand against her neck as her eyes closed tightly and pain coursed through her veins. ❛ You almost killed me Stefan.❜
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knowsguilt · 9 years
Dracula: Dead & Loving It Starters
Children of the night... what a mess they make!
Oh, it's night-time. I was having... a daymare.
I must move the coffin
____, you asshole!
I'm drinking wine, and I'm eating chicken!
___. you idiot!
My God! What are you doing to the furniture?
Yesss... MASSSTER!
No, this is wrong. This is wrong!
This is wrong, you hear me?
Wrong me! Wrong me! Wrong my brains out!
I didn't see anything! I didn't see anything
I saw everything!
Take him back to his cell and give him a you-know-what!
No! No! Not another enema!
Would an enema help?
She's doing quite well without him, isn't she?
The Opera is astonishing. The music is fraught with love, hate, sensuality, and unbridled passion... all the things in my life that I've managed to suppress.
Would you care for some wine?
I never drink... wine... oh, what the hell. Let me try it.
Allow me to introduce ___. He's a doctor of rare diseases as well as a man of theology and philosophy.
Van Helsing... a name that is famous even in Translyvania.
Dracula... are you by any chance descended from Vlad Tepeş, the first Dracula?
He used to inflict unspeakable tortures on the peasants; cutting off their hands and feet, gouging out their eyes, and then impaling them on iron spikes.
They had it coming!
What we are dealing with here is... a VAMPIRE!
Modern sciences don't admit to such a fanciful creature!
Oh, God... she's dead now.
Yes, I'm schh-eduled to meet Count Dracula.
___, you were having a nightmare.
A nightmare? But it was so real, so vivid. Two voluptuous women, heaving and grinding. How to describe it? Have you ever been to Paris?
I saw you, you put it in your mouth. I think it was an insect.
You just put a bug in your mouth. I think it was a spider!
I tell you I saw you snatch a spider right out of the air and eat it!
What are you doing down there? This is most unseemly!
My God, man! You're eating insects right from the ground!
...What makes you say that?
I won't hurt you! All I want is your life!
That's it! Put him in a straight jacket and give him an enema! Wait! Wait, wait... Give him the enema FIRST. THEN put him in a straight jacket.
I know you've always wanted me, and I've always wanted you. Finally we can be together.
But ___, I'm engaged to ___... and you're dead.
I'm not dead. I'm undead.
Well, we could cut off her head, stuff her mouth with garlic, and tear off her ears.
It must be done by one who loved her in life.
Oh... my... GOD! There's so much blood!
She just ate!
How much blood can she have left?
She's almost dead!
I have been to many, many stakings. You have to know where to stand.
Arrogant mortal! You are in my world now, and you will never leave this attic alive! I will destroy you, and then I will possess she whom you love the most. And there is not a single thing in the world you can do to stop me!
Give him an enema.
You will be my bride throughout eternity, we'll share the endless passion of immortal love!
You'll stay here 'til you rot!
You're not under anyone's control!
You're in charge of your own life, now!
I can't take it. Can you take it? The lights, the crazy faces staring at me. I'm telling you the walls are closing in on me! I've got to get out of here!
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knowsguilt · 9 years
reblog if (ง︡’-‘︠)ง
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knowsguilt · 9 years
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knowsguilt · 9 years
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❛Seriously?   —   Katherine   pierce  get’s   whatever    she  WANTS,  whenever she wants. we both know it.    You   think   I’m   being      D R A M A T I C  ?   You    were the  one  who   turned   my brother   against    me  for  over  a  century,  you’ve  hurt  Elena    &  &      you turned Caroline.  Did I forget anything? ❜
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❝ Now that is not FAIR. I’ve had to FIGHT for everything,    while you’ve had life served to you on a silver platter.    —- I’ll give you that sleeping with Damon was a mistake,    but ‘ruined your life’ is a little  D R A M A T I C. ❞
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knowsguilt · 9 years
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❛&  you’d think that within your  five  and a half centuries  of life you’d have learned how to treat people. —  it’s hard to  L O V E  someone when they  ruin your life and sleep with your brother.❜
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❝ You’d THINK that with within your one and a    half centuries of life you’d have learned how to   CHARM a lady. I have to say, I’m DISAPPOINTED.❞
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knowsguilt · 9 years
"You can lay down in my bed if you need to."
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❛ oh,  — i was actually just gonna head  home,  thank  you  though.❜
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knowsguilt · 9 years
Illness themed RP starters!
"When is the last time you ate?"
"Let me get you a glass of water."
"You can lay down in my bed if you need to."
"Don't cry, you're going to be fine."
"You're safe, I've got you."
"You're fever's too high, you're delirious."
"Sleep it off."
"Can I get you anything?"
"Here, vomit in this."
"You've been out for days. I was worried you were dead."
"When is the last time you slept?"
"How bad does your stomach hurt?"
"How long have you had that cough?"
"Hold on. You're too sick to go anywhere."
"I'll get you a blanket, you're going to be here for a while."
"Let's go home, you're too sick."
"I can do that, just go back to bed."
"Maybe you should go to the doctor."
"Come on, at least sleep in a bed."
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knowsguilt · 9 years
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“Oh don’t give me that, Stefan. I can handle myself. I always have by many opinions. – And since when have you been so interested of who I’m running from? It’s none of your concern. You can still sleep at night, Stefan.”
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❛you’re  right,  but  lucky for you i’m feeling extra  generous today. so for just  one  moment  in  your  life stop being so secretive and tell me who you’re  running from. i  might  be  able  to  H E L P  you.❜
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knowsguilt · 9 years
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❛my love for you is EQUIVALENT  to my love for  bad  hair  days.  absolutely  nonexistent.❜
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❝ My LOVE for you only runs so DEEP,    Stefan. You’re really starting to test    my PATIENCE. ❞
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knowsguilt · 9 years
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i managed to snag my laptop, so i’ll get to a few replies. xoxo.
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