[Text]: When were you going to tell me that you're leaving town?!?!
[text; caroline] I wasn’t aware you were still on speaking terms with me, blondie.
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[Text]: Movie night? [Text]: I've got The Notebook!
[text] Cheeeesy.[text] But I do like cheese to go with my blood. 
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thegrillmatt · 9 years
ruinedforbes liked for a starter!
Matt let out a groan as he trudged through the woods, his patrols taking him off the roads knowing most of the actual was behind the scenes, away from the open.  He felt like he had been walking out here for hours, mostly because he had been, and eventually his stride slowed until he was barely moving and he leaned against a tree nearby.  Opening his water bottle he took a quick swig before popping the top, stiffening up when he heard a noise from behind him.  His alert rose, the stake he had been concealing in his sleeve slipping between his fingers as he turned sharply, hand coming out to attack whatever was behind him - though he stopped the second he had seen the blonde, the stake dropping to the ground as his breathing became rapid.  “Care, what are you doing all the way out here?”
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