knb-badboys · 5 years
ask box open?
No, I'm no longer active on knb-badboys.
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knb-badboys · 6 years
An Open Letter to Tumblr about the Adult Content Ban and How it is Hurting Your Users:
Recently, Tumblr was removed from the Apple app store due to an incident involving child pornography. This incident is incredibly unfortunate, but it doesn’t stand alone. Tumblr was also removed from the app store due to the large influx of porn bots and pornographic spam, users claiming to be proud to be pedophiles, blatant Nazism, racists who are not deleted for sending hate and harassing users, and more. I myself reported someone for harassing me, but because I had blocked the person and couldn’t access the messages where they harassed me, they were still able to send me anonymous asks. Your support staff, with back doors to the website (presumably), claimed they could not access the messages, and I was left SOL. Many features on this website do nothing to actually protect your users from harassment, racism, homophobia, transphobia, Nazis, pedophiles, predators, porn bots, and more. 
You claim in your statement to us that you “have been working on these problems for a long time”. This is blatantly untrue. Please do not lie to us and patronize us. We’ve been here. We’ve seen you do nothing over, and over, and over again. 
We complained to you for months and months about the rampant porn bots, and you did nothing except add a report button on mobile which only reported sensitive content or spam at best. You could have addressed this problem with an effective algorithm, but you did not. We complained to you about being harassed and sent hate speech for being LGBT+, and you did nothing. We complained to you about blogs being randomly deleted, and sometimes you’ve restored them, other times you have not. We complained to you that there were people proudly claiming to be “Minor Attracted Persons”, or pedophiles, and you did nothing. We complained to you about people proudly claiming to be white supremacists, and you did nothing. All of these things are “against the community guidelines”, and yet over and over, you have not found effective ways to handle these problems or suppress the feeling of welcome that these users claim to get here. You have had a long time to work on these problems, but you haven’t addressed them. To say you have is untrue. 
 Multiple other social networking websites, such as Wordpress, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and others have effectively dealt with rampant pornography, racism, pedophilia, and other problems without causing massive issues for their users who are not misusing the platform. They are continuing to find new, effective ways to deal with these issues without causing problems for their userbase as a whole.  There is no reason that you are unable to do this effectively other than that you wanted to do it quickly. You have once again chosen your stock holders over your users. And we have had enough. 
You have already started to ban “Adult” content with a new algorithm. Here are screenshots of just a fraction of the posts you have flagged as containing adult content:
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Your new system of simply tackling everything at once is not working. At all. And each of these screenshots is proof of your utter incompetence. None of these posts contain pornographic acts, “female nipples”, or any community violation of any kind. 
We, the users, have been asking you for months to deal with these problems - particularly, the porn bots and bots that spam. In order to block a bot from a side blog, I have to do it manually, even though they are in my side blog’s feed. This is a huge issue for mobile - only users. They keep cropping up in droves, taking over our posts and tricking google into making it look like a legitimate blog linked to a pornographic website. We have complained to you for months and months now, and your solution to simply “ban all adult content” is ineffective. I agree that children should not be able to access pornography - but this is not how you tackle a porn bot problem. Your system is utterly useless, allows for racists, pedophiles, porn bots, and Nazis to remain untouched. It also harms sex workers and real people who may use this website for some forms of adult content responsibly. Moreover, as seen above, it harms plenty of users who have in no way violated your terms of service.
 If you keep this up, you threaten your website and company as a whole. Many of us are backing up our blogs and planning places to go to. 
You already have a content filter for “sensitive” content (content inappropriate for younger viewers). You could have improved this, instead of attacking your entire user base. It seems to be a very lazy “solution”, if you could call it one at all, and one that harms your entire userbase.
If you are going to keep this filter in place and make Tumblr, a website that has never been known for being family friendly and has never claimed to be, you are going to lose millions of your users. We are already planning our exodus. It isn’t hard to follow. Censor us, and we will go somewhere else. That is not a threat. It is a promise. 
The users of your website. 
@staff @support
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knb-badboys · 6 years
gf.me/u/nu2cnh and please share their campaign to help further!
If you’re European, in a couple of weeks you will be denied any and all access to fandom contents on Tumblr and everywhere else on the internet. Here’s why.
On June, 20th the JURI of European Parliament approved of the articles 11 and 13 of the new Copyright Law. These articles are also known as the “Link Tax” and the “Censorship Machines” articles.
Articles 13 in particular forces every internet platform to filter all the contents we upload online, ending once and for all the fandom culture. Which means you won’t be able to upload any type of fandom works like fan arts, fan fictions, gif sets from your favourite films and series, edits, because it’s all copyrighted material. And you won’t also be able to share, enjoy or download other’s contents, because the use of links will be completely restricted.
But not everything’s lost yet. There’s another round of voting scheduled for the early days of July.
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What you can do now to save our internet, is to share these informations with all of your family members and friends, and to ask to your MEP (the members of the European Parliament from your country) to vote NO at the next round, to vote against articles 11 and 13.
Here you can find more news and all the details to contact your MEP:
Also, sign and share this petition:
We have just a couple of weeks to stop this complete madness, don’t let them dictating the way we enjoy our internet.
#SaveYourInternet now!
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knb-badboys · 6 years
I hope that you do okay! Good luck !
Thank you😊
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knb-badboys · 6 years
Is this blog still alive?
My blog isn't active at the moment. I can't really say whether I start writing again in the next few weeks or months or stop completely.
Because of my mental health problems (high functional depression and so on) I'm not able to answer your requests right now.
Tomorrow I will have an appointment with a psychologist (finally!). I hope the therapy is going to help me so I will enjoy writing again. But I want to thank all of you for your support.
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knb-badboys · 6 years
Please help! Sign and share this petition☝🏻
If you’re European, in a couple of weeks you will be denied any and all access to fandom contents on Tumblr and everywhere else on the internet. Here’s why.
On June, 20th the JURI of European Parliament approved of the articles 11 and 13 of the new Copyright Law. These articles are also known as the “Link Tax” and the “Censorship Machines” articles.
Articles 13 in particular forces every internet platform to filter all the contents we upload online, ending once and for all the fandom culture. Which means you won’t be able to upload any type of fandom works like fan arts, fan fictions, gif sets from your favourite films and series, edits, because it’s all copyrighted material. And you won’t also be able to share, enjoy or download other’s contents, because the use of links will be completely restricted.
But not everything’s lost yet. There’s another round of voting scheduled for the early days of July.
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What you can do now to save our internet, is to share these informations with all of your family members and friends, and to ask to your MEP (the members of the European Parliament from your country) to vote NO at the next round, to vote against articles 11 and 13.
Here you can find more news and all the details to contact your MEP:
Also, sign and share this petition:
We have just a couple of weeks to stop this complete madness, don’t let them dictating the way we enjoy our internet.
#SaveYourInternet now!
289K notes · View notes
knb-badboys · 6 years
Request: Akashi Seijūrō Aesthetic
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Akashi Seijūrō relationship aesthetic
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knb-badboys · 6 years
Request: Kise Ryōta aesthetic
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Kise Ryōta relationship aesthetic
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knb-badboys · 6 years
Request: Kagami Taiga Aesthetic
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Kagami Taiga relationship aesthetic
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knb-badboys · 6 years
Request: Redemption feat. Aomine Daiki Aesthetic
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Aomine Daiki redemption aesthetic 
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knb-badboys · 6 years
Request: Haizaki Shougo Aesthetic
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Haizaki relationship aesthetic
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knb-badboys · 6 years
Hi! Could you please do relationship aesthetic with haizaki shogo, pls? Thank you!
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knb-badboys · 6 years
Nash Aesthetic
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Nash Relationship aesthetic
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knb-badboys · 6 years
Seto Kentaro Aesthetic
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Seto relationship aesthetic
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knb-badboys · 6 years
Aomine Daiki Aesthetic
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Aomine relationship aesthetic
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knb-badboys · 6 years
400 followers special
I just reached 400 followers and I want to thank you so much for all your love and support in the last months.
As a little special I'm planning to post a few Aesthetics about the knb-boys.
I have so many requests, so I can't take more right now. I will take my time to write them soon. But feel free to send Aesthetic requests with a character/theme.
I really hope you will enjoy them,
love you all!
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knb-badboys · 6 years
Hey idk if you’re accepting any requests so ignore this is you aren’t but if you are can I have have headcannons for what a make out session with hanamiya and haizaki would be like pretty pretty please 💗💗
Haizaki Shougo:
I also did NSFW Haizaki Headcanons buthere you go, dear.
- Obviously, Haizaki is the one whokisses you first. You turn him on without even trying and it makes him crazy.So sometimes, no matter where you are, he can’t help himself and start to kissyou.
- Most of the time, his hands findtheir way to your ass, grabbing it firmly which make you moan quietly. He useshis chance to put his tongue in your mouth. It makes you melt every time andyou feel your knees going weak.
- It’s not necessary to say that hetakes control during making out and is definitely the dominant one of you two.  Even if you try to take control you don’t havea chance against his strength. And of course, Haizaki doesn’t miss a chance toshow you this.
- He isn’t known to be a gentle one.To ‘mark his poverty’ like he calls it, Haizaki leaves a lots of hickeys andbite marks on your neck and collarbone. You desperately try to cover them withmake-up or a scarf but because he steals your scarf every time a guy looks atyou a second to long it isn’t very helpful.
- Especially when you’re still inexperiencedhe takes his time with you because he doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.With his past affairs he never waste a thought about something like that butwith you somethings different.
- He wants you to enjoy what he’sdoing to your body, so he spends his time with finding your sweet spot on yourneck and pleasing you in every way he can think of.
Hanamiya Makoto:
- Like always he loves to tease youwhich drives you mad like nothing else. He never stopps it because Hanamiya can’tget enough from you reaction. Your blushing face, your widen eyes filled withpleasure as well as anger because he teases you like this, turns him on immensely.
- His kisses are wild andpassionate, leaving you breathless every time. Another thing he loves to do isbiting your lip during kissing. Most of the time he isn’t very tender whiledoing so but you find it hot nevertheless. Sometimes you do the same to him butmore gentle and while giggling. Actually he kind of finds it annoying but whenhearing your adorable laugh he can’t forbid you to do like you wish.
- You usually sit on his lap whilemaking out. Your one hand always grabs his silk hair while his hands tries tofeel every single inch of your body. Sometimes, his hands grab your throatlightly, making sure you’re not getting seriously hurt. Hanamiya just needs tobe in control and your throat around his hand makes him feel like he can doanything he wants to you.
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