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KLAP Translation Part 6
Beginning of the Sports Festival
Koyomi: "..."
Koyomi: "......"
Koyomi: "....Ugh."
Koyomi: "...Alright...!"
Staring up at my now familiar ceiling, I gradually woke up.
Koyomi: "Urrrgh... *yawn*...Nnn...."
The sky was clear blue. The birds chirped a pretty tune. ――Then appeared an Ittan momen*, flowing in the air with the wind.
Ittan momen: "Ahh?! I-I'm being blown away~?!"
Koyomi: "......"
Koyomi: "Ahh... What a nice morning."
Mother, Father…
It seems that I have grown accustomed to life in the supernatural world of Aima, living among UMA.
Koyomi: (That being said... I'm particularly worried about returning to regular society...)
Though I felt uneasy, I can't help being used to my current state, so there's no point in worrying about that now.
(Yeah. I'll postpone that problem for as long as I can...)
Ignoring the problem staring me in the face, I readied myself for my day as a trainer.
Koyomi: "Let's see... Got my attendance book. I made copies of the print outs to hand out to everyone, and I have my training whip with me today...!"
Koyomi: "Yeah, all set!"
Nurarihyon: "Hahaha! Aren't you looking like a full-fledged trainer?"
Koyomi: "Principal...! No, I..."
Koyomi: "I'm still far from it. Even in class I feel like I'm being saved more than the other way around..."
Koyomi: "Plus, there's still so much I don't know about UMA."
Nurarihyon: "Hehe, no one is perfect from the beginning. The seeds of success can only bloom with perseverance and a strong will to see it through."
Nurarihyon: "It's essential to continue your efforts to support your own volitions."
From the way he was speaking, it seemed to hint that hard times were ahead... But even so, somehow his words felt kind and warm.
Nurarihyon: "But's a shame."
Nurarihyon: "I'm sure you'll become a good trainer. At this rate, next year I'll have to refer you to a high school in the metro area..."
Koyomi: "In the metro area――"
Koyomi: (Ohh, that's right. When I started my job here, the principal had made that promise to me.)
Nurarihyon: "...One year. If you can sufficiently fulfill your role as a trainer in that time, I will secure you a job at a Tokyo metro-area high school."
Koyomi: "Eh... Are you serious?!"
Nurarihyon: "That much I can."
Nurarihyon: "The terms are that you need to work here a full year but… On that matter, as long as we have an established understanding, I don't mind."
Koyomi: (Of course when that time comes, I'll be leaving this place...)
Koyomi: "......"
Nurarihyon: "Hm? Why the displeased face?"
Koyomi: "N-No! It's nothing...!"
Koyomi: "Um... I'll think about it when I really have to."
Koyomi: "For now, I'll try to concentrate just on making my class graduate, and not dwell on the details...!"
Nurarihyon: "Hehe. I see. Indeed, it may be best to proceed steadily, and take it all at your own pace.”
Yeah, at my own pace, one step at a time. I'll take the path that is before me. What my future has in store… Will be determined with my efforts here.
Koyomi: "Alright, everyone! It's time for homeroom!"
The classroom was bustling and noisy as normal… Today, the students seemed somehow restless. Like there was something going on in them that they're unsure about...
Ryou: "1,027...! 1,028...!!"
Right in front of the desk, for some reason Ryou-kun was doing push-ups with a very serious face. Beside him was...
Camil: "10,056 times, 10,05… Wait? How many times was it...?"
I'm not sure where in the world his strength was coming from, was easily doing push-ups with just one finger. It was a more abnormal scene than usual.
Koyomi: "What's going on today, everyone? It seems more lively than usual..."
When I asked that question, Ryou-kun took a break from his pushups and answered.
Ryou: "Isn't it obvious! We have a Sports Festival at the end of the month, you know?!"
――Sports Festival.
Hearing that phrase, I somehow completely understood the situation.
Koyomi: "Ohh... That's right. Now that you mention it, that was brought up in the staff meeting the other day."
Ryou: "No no! Sensei! You gotta get more hyped up about it! When the time comes ya gotta give it your all you know?!"
Ryou: "Our class always takes home the victory! Right, everyone?!"
Agreement from across the entire classroom echoed in Reply to Ryou-kun's statement.
Sousuke: "Urgh... I really hate hot, humid weather..."
Akito: "Well, there will be plenty of chances to appeal to the ladies. I guess I'll at least put in some effort for them."
There were a few exceptions but… Apparently the whole class is getting pumped and really looking forward to the Sports Festival. Then, I realized something.
Koyomi: "Yomi School's Sports Festival, so like a UMA haunted Sports Festival? Then...would it take place in a graveyard at night?"
I was only speaking to myself but...
Sousuke-kun had heard me from a distance, and looked towards me with a snicker.
Sousuke: "Haaah? Why would we do a Sports Festival at night? Besides, doing it in a graveyard is ridiculous! Are you an idiot? A hag? A fat pig?"
Koyomi: "E-Excuse you...! We have weird expectations in the human realm, okay? It's an unspoken rule!"
Koyomi: "And that later-half you just said! That has nothing to do with what I said!"
Kanade: "Nyah nya. Now now, Sousuke. You must hold more respect for our Madam, you know?"
Koyomi: "Yeah! Just as Kanade-kun said!"
I puffed out my chest, and was met by a cold look from Sousuke-kun.
Sousuke: "If you need a student to defend you, you're no teacher that deserves respect."
Koyomi: "Urrrrggghhhh...!"
As that went on, I thought about how humans and UMA alike look forward to events like Sports Festival.
Seeing them all get pumped up and excited made it seem like any other school out there.
But what was most surprising… The one who seemed most motivated of all was Touma-kun.
Touma: "It's class vs. class during the sports festival. Of course, teach's one of our artillery too. You better get psyched up too!"
Koyomi: "Ehh?! M-Me too?!"
He said that to me so nonchalantly but, I'm not a UMA; I'm just a regular human. With the Sports Festival, if I end up colliding with anyone or anything, I don't think I'll get out unscathed...
Touma: "We ain't losing to any other class, or any other opponent for that matter...!"
The moment Touma-kun spat out that statement… The door to the classroom was forcefully opened, and a blinding spotlight shined through.
Koyomi: "Ehh?! W-What's going on?!"
From his feet emitted a thick fog.
???: "Huuuuuuuuuh?! And whoooo has a limber nose?!"
Uten & Saten: "Why, Haruka of course!"
Haruka: "AH HA HA HA! Why of course! My nose is the most limber and beautiful of them all!"
Touma: "Tsk... There he is! That damn Haruka...!"
Akito: "Ahhh, here comes trouble..."
Shaking off the rising smoke, Haruka-kun brazenly made his way toward us. Wait...
Koyomi: "H-Haruka-kun...?! It's already time for homeroom. You have to get back to your own class...!"
Haruka: "Hehe, what's wrong, lady? You rushed over to me so impatiently. Don't tell wish to touch my nose?"
...Amazing! He didn't hear a single word I said!
Kanade: "It's no use, Madam. It's best to leave him be, without encouraging him."
Touma: "Hey, you. Why you walking here like you own the place?"
Haruka: "Hehe. Our classes will battle at this month's Sports Festival… Let's settle our little dispute once and for all! I've come to make a pledge."
Touma: "...Huh? Dispute? Make a pledge?"
Haruka: "Why yes, exactly! Between the distinguished Nagato Tengu Clan, and your collapsed Mimasaka Clan..."
Haruka: "Originally, I believed anyone could understand who was the most refined of the two by far..."
Haruka: "It sounds most unfortunate. Many poor souls do not understand who is the most refined."
Haruka: "Therefore! We will set the stage at the Sports Festival, and truly decide who is the superior between us!"
Haruka: "Though, of course it will be my class who will be victorious!"
Haruka: "Bwaaah ha ha ha ha!!"
Uten & Saten: "As expected of Haruka-sama! He's so cool!"
Touma: "Gr...! Bring it on...! All will be settled when we're victorious at the festival...! Don't complain when that almighty nose of yours gets blown off...!"
Haruka: "Hehe...! That is the spirit, my long standing foe, Mimasaka Touma...! Try not to make an utter fool of yourself, if you can!"
Haruka: "Bwaaah ha ha ha ha!!"
Haruka & Uten & Saten: "Bwaaah ha ha ha ha!!"
Akito: "He came in to say what he wanted and just left right after… Day in and day out, he just does as he pleases."
Kanade: "Those in the Tengu Clan come in almost like a storm."
Touma: "Huh... What do you mean a storm, with that small-fry Tengu...!"
Touma-kun looked around him and raised his voice.
Touma: "Alright you bunch! For this year's Sports Festival, no matter what our class has gotta wipe the floor to smash in Haruka's nose, and take the championship...!"
Everyone's reaction to Touma-kun's fierce statement varied.
Sousuke: "Ahhh… He lets the taunts go straight to his head. He's a really simple idiot~"
Kanade: "Aye. Let us fight for triumph!"
Akito: "I'll try to put in some effort. Just enough to not look uncool."
Camil: "13,746. 13,747. 13,74...6?"
Koyomi: "......"
Koyomi: (I...don't see any sort of unity among them...)
He said that it's class on class but, will we really be okay like this...? Since that day and until the day of the Sports Festival...
Our class has been engaging in "special training".
――The relay race
Koyomi: "W-Wow...! You're extremely fast, Touma-kun!"
But isn't it against the rules to fly through the relay race...?!
――The ball toss
Camil: "...Yeah, bull's eye."
Koyomi: "Um... Camil-kun. What are you doing...?"
Camil: "...? The ball toss..."
That's not the ball toss though, Camil-kun...!
――Giant ball Roll
Kanade: "Meow meow! Let's go, everyone! Roll it around magnificently~!"
Koyomi: "In the hallway?! You're practicing ball rolling in the hallway?! Wait, if you do that...!"
Shion: "......"
Koyomi: "AH?! Sheesh, I told you, didn't I?!"
Kanade: "Urgh meow?! Re-Retreeeeat! Withdraw, withdraw!!"
And with that… For a few more days, we repeatedly trained extra hard… We couldn't wait for the day of the Sports Festival, the day of our showdown.
Koyomi: (Everyone has worked very hard, so we'll definitely take home the win...!)
Finally, the day of the Sports Festival arrived. Usually the staff members would work quietly in the staff room, but today there was a sort of restlessness permeating.
Koyomi: "Urgh... For some reason, there’s a lot of tension going on...!"
Similarly, I've been restless since this morning.
Shion: "Good morning."
Koyomi: "Oh, Shion-sensei. Good morning."
Even at times like these, Shion-sensei is the same as usual.
Koyomi: (I haven't seen him today, but Hyuga-sensei is probably the same as always. He doesn't look the type who'd like sports festivals...)
Koyomi: "Today is finally the Sports Festival."
Shion: "Yes. The weather should be perfect for the Sports Festival today.
Koyomi: "......"
Shion: "What's wrong?"
Koyomi: "Oh... I-It's nothing. Just hearing you say so calmly that the weather today was perfect."
Koyomi: "I thought you disliked noisy events..."
Shion: "Hehe... Far from it. Today has been a long, anticipated day for the students. We're here to cheer on the students; I can't hate it."
Koyomi: "Y-Yeah you're right!"
Koyomi: "For them all to work together with their peers and to give it their all..."
Koyomi: "Seeing the students like that kinda gives you a pleasant feeling, I think."
Shion-sensei smiled and nodded towards my words.
Koyomi: (Somehow or another, it really does seem that Shion-sensei cares deeply for the students...)
Shion: "Yes, certainly. In spite of their best efforts there will be many faces of sorrow and regret after a great defeat."
Shion: "Seeing all those faces will be pleasant for sure."
Ah, to say something so absurd with a bright smile on his face...!
Koyomi: "Well...anyway! Let's each of us do our best as well!"
The usually quiet classroom was more lively than usual. It was the day of the Sports Festival, and everyone was brimming with determination.
Sousuke: "Fwah~ ...Everyone is too excited~"
...Well, with the exception of Sousuke-kun… Incidentally, there are Physical Education classes, but they don't seem to follow the notion of changing into track suits.
Koyomi: (It was strange, considering they would change into casual clothes.)
Well, I know the cultural background is different, but I can't draw the line to see the difference between them. Later, we explained the rules and regulations on the pamphlet of rules we handed out beforehand.
Koyomi: "So, that's about the gist of it? Does anyone have any questions?"
There was little reaction towards the question. Everyone seems to be antsy to start competing against one another.
Koyomi: "Then... the meeting adjourned! Everyone, when it is time to start please gather at the meet grounds."
Students: "Okaaaaay."
After the students' responses...
Touma: "Alright, we have some time before it starts… Why don't we do some warm-ups?"
Akito: "I'll just do whatever, I guess. If I'm with the ladies, I'd be exhausted before I even start doing sports..."
As he said that, everyone else split up to head to wherever they pleased.
Before it's time to start the Sports Festival… Where should I spend my time?
> At the gymnasium
> At the cafeteria
> At the grounds
Option: At the gymnasium
When I arrived at the gymnasium, there was Touma-kun, filled with unimaginable fighting spirit and putting in great effort into his warm-ups.
Touma: "Alright! Perfect form!"
Koyomi: "Wow...! You're a lot more motivated than usual, Touma-kun. Usually you'd be indifferent though."
Touma: "Well you know...! Sometimes, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!"
Koyomi: "Though, just the other day it looked like you were sound asleep during the last quiz... Was I mistaken?"
Touma: "Well, that was...! It... That's not important!"
Koyomi: (Not important huh...)
Sousuke: "He's been so annoying this whole time, hmph. Sensei, go take care of this fired-up garbage and throw him out somewhere~"
As a free spirit as always, Sousuke-kun seemed to be using a gym mat in place of a bed.
Sousuke: "But really... If you're this fired-up already, will you really last the entire time?"
Sousuke: "You're getting muggy and irritating so… Lemme cool your head a bit."
Sousuke-kun lightly waved his arm, and Touma-kun's hair crackled frozen stiff.
Touma: "Wha?! So cold?! What did you do?!"
Sousuke: "What do you mean, I just cooled off your head? If you hate is so, you should just leave the gym. Touma's being too annoying~"
Touma: "Huuuuuh?! If it's that much of a pain, why don't YOU go somewhere else instead?!"
Koyomi: "Alright alright, no fighting you two. But..."
> Side with Touma
> Side with Sousuke
Option: Side with Touma
Koyomi: "Sousuke-kun? Touma-kun is really eager for today, so you shouldn't bother him, okay?"
Sousuke: "Huh~? Why do I have to be scolded? I don't understand the meaning behind it..."
Koyomi: "Because today is the long-awaited Sports Festival. Sousuke-kun, instead of something like taking a nap, why not try warming-up together?"
Koyomi: "I think it's pretty fun to earnestly challenge something."
Touma: "...Huh! Wow man, that was a pretty good line there?"
Koyomi: "...I'm not 'man', I'm 'Sensei'."
While rebuking Touma-kun, Sousuke-kun pouted and turned away.
Sousuke: "I don't really like that kind of passionate view on things..."
Sousuke: "...Well, Tengu like Haruka kinda rubbed me the wrong way, I'll put in the minimum effort needed to beat him. That's fine, right?"
Koyomi: "Yeah. Whatever the reason, I'm happy as long as you're having fun, Sousuke-kun."
Option: Side with Touma-kun
Koyomi: "Touma-kun, it's fine to be eager and motivated but you can't be forceful to others, okay?"
Koyomi: "You're usually adverse towards things you think of as bothersome, don't forget."
Touma: "Well... Sure."
He quickly understood my point, and meekly nodded in agreement.
Koyomi: "...However. Sousuke-kun, this is your Sports Festival as well, so why not approach this a bit more seriously?"
Koyomi: "Plus... Oh, I know. I'll treat you to some victory juice! Well? How about that? Does that bring the fighting spirit?"
Sousuke: "......"
Sousuke: "Ahahahaha! Sensei, you're so amusing...! Did you really think you could motivate a high school student with juice in this day and age?!"
Sousuke: "Ahahahahaha...!"
Touma: "Are you really trying to bribe him...? Haha, funny."
Koyomi: (Urgh... I didn't predict they would laugh at me… When I was in high school I'd be plenty happy about it though...)
Sousuke: "...Ahh, it's strange. Pfff, hehe. Sensei, you're too dumb...!"
Koyomi: "D-Don't call me dumb...! I worked very hard to think of that...!"
Sousuke: "Hehe, but... That was interesting itself just now? I guess I'll think about it more, about the Sports Festival."
We spent our time together until it was time for the Sports Festival to start. Then…
Option: At the cafeteria
In a loss of where to go, I headed for the cafeteria. With so many different facilities at the school, why did I choose the cafeteria?
That was...
I'm a bit famished so I thought I'd pick up a little something before the Sports Festival...? That was absolutely not what I was thinking though.
Koyomi: "...oh, huh?"
I saw others I knew there who had come before I did. Akito-kun and Camil-kun were there. Akito-kun was fumbling with his phone, and Camil-kun was stretched out, slumped over a desk. They both weren't very motivated.
Akito: "Oh, Sensei. Good timing. Hey, I have something I wanted to ask..."
Akito: "The Sports Festival is a pain for me… Could I discontinue it by making it rain?"
Koyomi: "O-Of course you can't...?! I can't just let you stop it as you please..."
Koyomi: "Hey, Camil-kun, wouldn't you agree?"
Camil: "...If anything is gonna fall from the sky, make it candy."
He sluggishly raised his head, and looked like he could care less about it all.
Koyomi: "Geez... What's with you two? You two seem to have just lost all your motivation..."
Akito: "A Kappa's heart and the autumn sky, they are quick to change at a moment's notice."
Camil: "Camil's heart and the autumn sky, they are quick to change at a moment's notice."
Koyomi: "...No, Camil-kun, yours definitely sounds odd."
Koyomi: "Besides...Camil-kun. You were in such high spirits before. You were able to do so many push-ups before..."
Camil: "Yeah. I feel so sore now, I can't move anymore."
Koyomi: "Did you do that on purpose?!"
At any rate, there's no signs of recovering their motivation...
Koyomi: (Then I, as the adult, should give these youngins a pep talk...! ...Even though they're both significantly older than me!)
> Pep talk Akito
> Pep talk Camil
Option: Pep talk Akito
Koyomi: "Akito-kun, instead of saying that, why not work together with everyone and aim for victory!?"
Akito: "Hmmm... Victory huh. I'd consider it if there were some sort of reward for it."
Koyomi: "R-Reward huh? Uhh… Then, if you win, I can treat you to some juice?"
Akito: "I don't need that. I can buy a whole vending machine anyways."
Koyomi: "Oh... Y-Yeah, that's true."
Akito: "If you really wanna motivate me… I know. If we get the championship, you have to agree to go on a date with me, for example."
Koyomi: "Ehh?! W-What?!"
I unconsciously stepped back from him, as he looked at me with a sweet, bright smile...
Akito-kun did not overlook my hesitation. Without a moment's delay, he quickly took a step to press more.
Akito: "I'm not saying you need to follow me to my bed or anything… Oh, but I'd be more than happy if you did?"
Koyomi: "Um, uhhh... well...!"
While I was in a flustered state, Akito-kun gently wrapped his pinky around mine.
Akito: "Alright, it's a promise. If you break it... I'll make you drink 'that', okay?"
Koyomi: "Eh! Eh? Wait... 'that'? What is 'that'?!"
Akito: "Hehe... That's a secret. Alright Sensei, don't forget our promise okay?"
Koyomi: "......"
Koyomi: "He didn't even let me reply… Are we really going to go on a date...?"
One way or another, I did see Akito-kun leaving the room.
Camil: "...Skipping school for a date?"
Koyomi: (Oh! I forgot about Camil-kun being here!)
I quickly turned toward him, and still he was lazily flopped over the top of the desk, with his cheek glued to the desk.
Camil: "You can't do that~ I'm telling the teacher."
Koyomi: "N-No you can't...!"
Koyomi: "Wait no, I'm a teacher!"
Camil: "Ohhh... That's right..."
Option: Pep talk Camil-kun
Some time had passed, and then…
Koyomi: "Camil-kun, don't say that. Why not put in the effort?"
Camil: "Nn..."
Koyomi: "C'mon, even if you're sore, you can still jump and run...!"
Camil: "Hmm...Mmm..."
Koyomi: "If you put in your best effort, Camil-kun, you could be the class's savior!"
Camil: "Savior?"
Koyomi: (Oh, that's right. That'll give me a reaction...)
Understanding what made my students happy and using it to "guide" them along is what a good teacher does! (probably)
Koyomi: "Yeah, that's right! When the class is in a predicament, Camil-kun, you can swoop in and save the day...!"
Camil: "That's...fascinating. But I possess nothing like a Legendary Sword. Or even an Orichalcum shield..."**
Koyomi: "Yeah. You don't need that for the Sports Festival. It's fine."
I think there's a few dots that aren't connecting but… At any rate, it seems I succeeded in trying to motivate him.
Camil: "Alright. I' to save the world."
Koyomi: "Yeah...! Well, not the world, but the Sports Festival...! We're relying on you, Camil-kun...!"
Akito: "Sensei, you're really good with Camil~..."
We spent our time together until it was time for the Sports Festival to start. Then…
Option: At the grounds
When I arrived at the grounds, I saw Shion-sensei and Kanade-kun.
Koyomi: "Good work, Shion-sensei. Are you checking the setup?"
Shion: "Yes, I am in the process."
Kanade: "Hehehe. You have to worry hard on keeping it maintained until the end!"
Koyomi: "Also... I can understand Shion-sensei being here, but why are you here, Kanade-kun...?"
Kanade: "This is the elder's responsibility. Besides, there's a lot of fun things you can find during the ground's maintenance!"
Smiling happily, he looked at his feet. At his feet was a piece of rope, and an old-looking ball. Then I saw what looked like a dried up lizard, but I hope that's something else… All these things were lying around his feet.
Koyomi: (I'd rather not just mosey around… Maybe I can offer to help one of them?)
> Offer help to Kanade-kun
> Offer help to Shion-sensei
Option: Offer help to Kanade-kun
Koyomi: "I'd like to offer a helping hand, Kanade-kun, would that be okay?"
Kanade: "Ohh! I'd be grateful! Then, may I ask for your help in transporting this long table?"
Koyomi: "Sure. Then, should I grab it like this?"
After asking him, I grabbed the end of the table and realized.
Koyomi: "Huh...? Kanade-kun, are you able to move this long table by yourself too, perhaps?"
Generally, UMA have an absurd amount of power, even if it's misrepresented by their outward appearances. So, even though Kanade-kun has a small build, he probably possesses an inhuman amount of strength… Realizing that may be the case, me trying to help him out may be just getting in his way.
Kanade: "Nya? Well I can move it myself but… It's fun to prepare for the Sports Festival in this way. Then we can make memories together."
Koyomi: "I see... Yeah, okay. If so, then leave it to me!"
We spent our time together until it was time for the Sports Festival to start. Then…
Option: Offer help to Shion-sensei
Koyomi: "Shion-sensei. Could I offer you a helping hand?"
Shion: "Helping say?"
Shion: "Hm. In that case, why don't you check the broadcasting equipment?"
Koyomi: "Understood. Leave it to... Huh?!"
Koyomi: (Wait, this is an abnormal school for UMA...!)
Koyomi: (Could the broadcasting equipment just be some figure of speech, but really be referring to a UMA making announcements with a booming voice...?!)
Shion: "...? What are you nervous about? Is it perchance you are not good with machines?"
But...I was worried for nothing. What Shion-sensei pointed to were familiar, rectangular black boxes that are seen in any typical broadcast room.
Koyomi: (G-Good... It's just regular equipment...)
I put my hand on my chest as I sighed in relief, and reconfigured the equipment for use with Shion-sensei.
Shion: "We only use this broadcasting equipment from time-to-time, so we need to tune it up each and every time… It's quite the nuisance."
Shion: "That being said, if we left it to the students, they won't take it seriously and tamper with it in all kinds of ways, breaking in the end..."
Shion-sensei seemed somewhat tired but… he said that with such an affectionate voice.
Koyomi: "Hehe... A teacher's job really is hard."
Koyomi: "Whether it's the UMA world or the human realm, I think they're very similar..."
Koyomi: "But if you do it so the students may enjoy themselves then any hardships just fade away… Don't you think?"
Shion: "......"
Shion: "Miss, you are really suited for a teacher."
Koyomi: "Eh... Y-You think so?"
Shion: "I can't even fathom putting the students above myself, enduring hardships for their sake..."
Koyomi: "But even you, Shion-sensei, would have thoughts where you'd hope the students are having fun...right?"
Shion: "Well... Not quite. Rather than fun, I always hope that they will give their best effort at everything."
Koyomi: "See? Then that itself means your a good teach――"
Shion: "The sight of their distorted faces after being defeated despite their best efforts... Just the thought of it is exhilarating. Hehehe..."
Koyomi: (Oh yeah...! He's that type of person...!)
We spent our time together until it was time for the Sports Festival to start. Then...
Nurarihyon: "Ahh... Test, test."
Nurarihyon: "Ahem...! Without further ado, the UMA Yomi Abyss Vocational High School Sports Festival will now begin!!"
Under this clear sky, the Yomi School's Sport Festival begins. It was my first large event of this kind as a teacher, and I found myself getting excited by it all.
Broadcast Club: "First, we start with the student representatives' fair play oath."
Koyomi: (Oh... Speaking of, who's gonna do the fair play oaths...?)
I tilted my head as I pondered the thought...
Ryou: "Werewolf's!"
Kaede: "Mermaid's!
Werewolf&Mermaid: "Fair play oath!!"
Koyomi: "Ehh...?"
Those two are doing the fair play oaths...?! I...have a bad feeling about this...
Ryou: "Urgh...! My back...!!"
Kaede: "Are you okay? Are you still hurt from falling down?"
Ryou: "It seems so... Urgh… But the pain again is...!"
Kaede: "You need to rest! Injuries on backs can be worse than they look!"
Kaede: "If you're unlucky, you might be unable to do any sports for the rest of your life!"
Ryou: "But...But! Today's the Sports Festival. Even if I'm in pain, I have to go!"
Kaede: "You're going that far for the play oaths?!"
Ryou: "Ahh... Even if I have to hold it all in for the fair play oaths...!"
Kaede: "Ryou...!"
Kaede: "...Wait, it's not your oath that will end mid-way, it's your sporting career!"
Werewolf&Mermaid: "Alright, Werewolf&Mermaid's~♪"
Kaede: "...That's weird. Why isn't everyone laughing?"
Ryou: "I know! Our sense of humor is so great that UMA can't keep up!"
Kaede: "Ahh...! I see! That must be it! But I'm sure if we went to the Human City of Osaka, there'd be many who'd laugh and understand our humor...!"
Ryou: "Yeah! We're the best comic duo there is, Kaede!"
Koyomi: (Th-There's no way that would happen! If people heard you there in Osaka, they'd cuck you into the river as fish food! It's that bad!)
Shion: "Then... Here is a question for you two."
Shion: "Regarding the opening performance of this Sports Festival, will we start with a public session of training, or will we start with an earnest athlete fair play oath..."
Shion: "Now, which is it?"
Werewolf&Mermaid: "!!"
Ryou: "T-The fair play oath!~"
Kaede: "W-We, all the players present...!"
Koyomi: (They're just a comedy trio including Shion-sensei...)
That being said...
The Yomi School's Sports festival was finally underway. Following the disorganized fair play oaths was the first sport event, the bread-eating race.
Koyomi: "Ohhh, so nostalgic~!"
Kaede: "Did you do it before, Sensei?"
Koyomi: "I did, I did. The bread-eating――"
As I spoke, I unconsciously looked towards the grounds and was left speechless.
Koyomi: "W-What?! Wait, what are they eating?!"
Potluck Eating Race***
Ryou: "Eh? Well it's the Potluck Eating Race so of course we're eating pots."
Hanging from a string were pots (estimated 20cm) participants bit a chunk out from them, one by one.
Ryou: "The Yomi School's Sports Festival competitions Whether it's the UMA realm or the human realm!"
Koyomi: "Oh... I-I see... That's...something..."
Koyomi: (I wonder what got lost in translation there...)
As I stood there baffled, the students hungrily munched bites out of the pots, and bursted towards the goal.
Koyomi: "As expected of a UMA school...It's not just a little different, it's completely alien to me..."
Just how many surprising spectacles will I observe just today?
Koyomi: "Haha. In a somewhat wrong way, I'm kinda looking forward to it..."
*Ittan momen:
** Orichalcum:
*** Originally it was a ぱん (pronounced ‘pahn’) or bread eating competition. They use fry-PANS in the competition but this is hard to translate so for now I have potluck.
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KLAP Translation Part 5 (Kanade)
A few days after that――
Home visits have finally begun.
It was a first for all the families I visited, and they all seemed perplexed by it all, but we were able to have meaningful conversations. All that's left is...
Koyomi: "Oh, Kanade-kun! Do you have a minute?"
Kanade: "Oh, well if it isn't Madam. Today's lesson was most insightful. It was so splendid, I must thank you."
Koyomi: "Eh! Oh, not at all. There's no need to be so courteous..."
Koyomi: "Wait, that's great and all but… Today's your home visit, right, Kanade-kun? Should we go to your place together?"
Kanade: "What?! T-Together you say?"
Koyomi: "Y-Yeah...? Did...Did I say something bad...?"
Kanade: "It's not bad but, for a man and woman who aren't in a relationship to walk home together isn't that...a bit...immoral?"
Koyomi: "No―― I don't think it's immoral at all..."
Kanade: "Sure but... They also say to not let boys and girls over seven sit together."
Koyomi: "Even if you say that, then you wouldn't be able to take classes at school though?"
Kanade: "Nya.. H-Hmm.... You have a point there..."
Koyomi: (Kanade-kun is generally a good student but, I think his way of thinking could be a bit extreme...)
Koyomi: "Don't worry! There's no problem!"
Koyomi: "Today a lot of men and women will walk together, so no one will really think wrongly about it, you know?"
Kanade: "Hmm... Would that really be the case?"
Koyomi: "Yes. I'm sure of it!"
To convince him, I spoke with conviction and Kanade-kun let out a small groan.
Kanade: "...Certainly, it may just be as you say, Madam. I understand. Shall we embark now then?"
"Hmm... I don't think there's an issue with it but, if you insist, we could do something different."
Koyomi: "I more or less have a map to get to your house… and I believe I could find my way there by myself."
Since Kanade-kun wasn't fond of the idea, it couldn't be helped, so I didn't mind that idea...
Kanade: "Urgh... N-No, please wait a minute. Thinking it over, I think it'd be pathetic for a man to have a girl walk alone..."
Koyomi: "Eh. N-No it's fine...! It's not like it's late at night. Isn't it normal to walk alone in the evening?"
Kanade: "Aye... Although..."
Kanade-kun seemed to be having some sort of internal dilemma. After a few minutes of turmoil...
Kanade: "Alright, I've decided, Madam! It's best if we go to my place together."
Kanade: "If I let you, who relied on me to go alone, I can't call myself a man...!"
Kanade-kun led me to a corner shopping district that was packed with other UMA.
Kanade: "Nya nya, we're almost there. It's not too far from this Veritable Pandemonium'."
Koyomi: "Wow... It must be convenient to be this close to a shopping district."
Kanade-kun chuckled and turned over his shoulder in response to my nonchalant comment.
Kanade: "Hehe, Madam, it seems you've become a full-fledged inhabitant of Aima."
Hearing him say that with a smile made me feel somewhat delighted…
I wonder if it's just that I have a strong feeling that I want to be accepted by everyone.
Kanade: "Right here, here. Now, make yourself at home."
Later, where he led me into the house was...
Koyomi: (It seems just about as I expected.)
It was a genuine, Japanese-style room. Hanging scrolls, floor cushions, Japanese swords… There were things like uncommonly seen sliding paper doors to invite natural lighting. The scenes seemed like the ultimate Japanese room taken straight out of magazines or TV.
Koyomi: "Oh, wow. It even has that nice tatami mat smell… This room feels really serene."
Kanade: "Hehe. That's a happy thought to hear. Please make yourself at home in this empty room. I'll come back with some tea."
Koyomi: "Oh, you don't need to..."
Before I could stop him, Kanade-kun had left the room, and after I spoke, I was left stunned in that room. Because there was nothing in particular to do, I looked outside the room to take a peek at the garden.
Koyomi: "...It's spacious and lovely..."
It was a well-kept, beautiful and spacious Japanese-style garden with no weeds in sight.
Koyomi: (But growing such a large garden takes a good amount of time...)
From here, I can see a large Japanese Maple tree. I'm sure when the seasons change, the garden will be buried by the fallen leaves.
Kanade: "Isn't it a beautiful garden?"
While I was lost in thought admiring the scenery, I heard the sound of a gentle voice.
Koyomi: "Kanade-kun... Yes, it is. As I gaze towards it, it makes my heart feel full somehow."
Kanade: "Hehe, is that so? Hearing you say that, means all my effort in caring for it was worth it."
Kanade: "Now, Madam. First, I hope you will take a breather and have some tea."
Afterward, we returned to the short table in the middle of the room, and took our first sips of the tea. It was a green tea with a refined taste, slightly on the bitter side.
Kanade: "Now then, Madam. I've heard today is a home visit, however… What specifically does that entail?"
Koyomi: "Well, specifically… I guess you could say I'd like to learn more about you and talk about numerous topics."
Kanade: "Talk... Aye, I see."
Koyomi: "I can't find any time to settle in and talk with you at school."
Kanade: "I see… That seems not as troublesome as I had first guessed. Very well, bash me with all the questions you may have."
The way he puffed out his chest and smacked it was charming in its own way.
Koyomi: "Hehe, thanks. Umm... Then..."
Koyomi: "I've been curious for a while but, why did you enroll in Yomi school, Kanade-kun?"
Koyomi: "When living for over 600 years… For UMA I would think that's rather up there in age but, it made me wonder why you would enroll at that age..."
Kanade: "Mm-hm. I am definitely of the oldest category in class… From what you're saying, Madam, it seems you are treating me like a senior citizen."
Koyomi: "Eh?! I-I didn't mean for it to seem that way though. If it came off that way to you, I'm sorry."
Kanade: "Hmm... Maybe I was looking too deep into it. Oh well."
Kanade: "So reason for enrolling? That's simple. It's so I may return again to the human realm."
Koyomi: "Again...? Have you spent time there before?"
Kanade-kun gently nodded at my answer.
Kanade: "About 600 years ago. At that time, I was not a UMA like now――not a Nekomata, but as a regular cat."
Kanade: "You may not know this, Madam, but fundamentally Nekomata were once pet cats that transformed."
Koyomi: "Oh, I've actually read about that. So you had an owner in the past, Kanade-kun?"
Kanade: "Ahh, is that so? Well... in the middle of a battle, in the fray I was separated from my master."
Kanade: "Eventually, I died not too long after but… Look, I was lucky enough to be reincarnated as a Nekomata."
Kanade: "Afterwards, I looked everywhere for my master...but I could never find a trace of him anywhere."
Kanade: "After I had searched for nearly 100 years, I was starting to give up trying to find my master. Of course... I didn't expect him to be alive then."
Hundreds of years later...
A world of wars continued…
It seems Kanade-kun's days were empty and spent with thoughts of nothing but his master. But then it became the Edo period.
Kanade: "Madam, do you... have any experience with reincarnation?"
Koyomi: "I haven't...experienced it no, but I can imagine. Why do you ask?"
Kanade: "...At some point, I sensed it.
I sensed that my master was reborn into this world."
Koyomi: "Ehh...?! Wow..."
Kanade: "I don't know how to explain it but… There's no mistake."
Kanade: "Even with a slim sign, I searched for them, even if there is no end in sight in this journey."
Yet, he never found that person. A great amount of time passed again. Along with the passage of time, his abilities as a UMA weakened, and he had faced many perils where he almost disappeared.
Kanade: "That was within the last 100 years...In a weak state, Principal Nurarihyon called out to me. ‘Why not come to Aima?' he said."
In his weakened state, to him, he was a lifesaver. Relying on his words, from within Aima, he again searched for a sign of reincarnation...he searched all over the country. But...
Kanade: "It was about 20 years ago. Once again, I sensed my master's reborn presence, and my power strangely became increasingly unstable."
Kanade: "Then...not too long afterward, I experienced my first 'Rampage'."
Koyomi: "Kanade-kun, you had...?"
Kanade: "Ahh, it's something completely new to me..."
Kanade: "From Aima' perspective though, I was perceived as a dangerous UMA with the possibility of going into Rampage."
Kanade: "From that point forward, I couldn't find his reborn soul, and meet them. So now I spend my time in Aima."
Kanade: "During that time, I was very frustrated… In recent years, my instability calmed down considerably. I was thinking it was almost time to return to the human realm."
Kanade: "In order to earn my license, and again keep my Rampage at bay..."
Kanade: "I decided to enroll into Yomi School for those reasons."
Kanade-kun's eyes were genuine. Though I have only known him for a short time, I could tell he held a strong determination for something.
Koyomi: "So that's why..."
Koyomi: "I hope you can meet them, the person your master was reborn in."
Kanade: "Ahh. The reincarnated soul may no longer be the same person my master was… But I still want to give them my word of thanks."
Kanade: "To say, 'Thank you for picking me up, taking me in, and loving me'... No matter what, I want to tell them that."
Kanade: "...Just one more time, I wish to visit the human realm, search for his reborn soul, and meet them. That is my reason for living."
Afterwards, Kanade-kun continued to talk about memories of his master as well as other topics…
By the time I left his house, the sun had already completely set.
Koyomi: "Kanade-kun, thank you for today. I'm happy we were able to talk about so much."
Kanade: "Aye, I feel the same. For Madam to approach this in a way to better understand UMA one-by-one... that is worthy of respect."
Koyomi: "Ahaha. It's not that worthy of respect. There's not much else I can do..."
Kanade: "You cannot help that. Your life here has only just begun, Madam. There's a lot more to come in the future."
Koyomi: "...Yeah, you're right. To become an even greater teacher for everyone..."
Koyomi: "I, Yamashiro Koyomi:, will do my best from now on."
Kanade: "Hehe, that's the spirit, Madam. Then...let's say our farewell here. See you tomorrow, Madam."
Koyomi: "Good night, Kanade-kun."
We both waved goodbye and parted ways. Towards the end, I turned over my shoulder and ahead saw Kanade-kun's back… For some reason, it looked bigger than normal.
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KLAP Translation Part 5 (Camil)
A few days after that――Home visits have finally begun.
It was a first for all the families I visited, and they all seemed perplexed by it all, but we were able to have meaningful conversations. All that's left is...
Koyomi: "Camil-kun! Good timing. So about the agenda surrounding your home visit..."
Camil: "......?"
Koyomi: "Here, you wrote a mistake on it and I would like it if you could fix it..."
I pointed towards his submission hand out.
Koyomi:"It's good you have a lot of dates available, but here you said you wanted it after 2am right? So would you――"
Camil: "It's not a mistake. That's what I meant."
Koyomi: "Eh... R-Really?"
Camil-kun firmly nodded.
Camil: "Around that time is when we're most energetic. ...Does that not work?"
Koyomi: "W-Well...! For UMA like Camil-kun, that's probably not too unusual but..."
Koyomi: "Well 2am is a bit late..."
Camil: "Because it's bad for your skin if you don't get enough sleep?"
Koyomi: "Yeah that... Wait, not not that. For humans, generally we're asleep at that time..."
Camil: "Oh... Like culture shock?"
Koyomi: "In a sense..."
Koyomi: "Well, at any rate, everyone else is the class has finished theirs, so all that's left if you, Camil-kun, so..."
Koyomi: "Could I come visit now?"
Camil: "...Hmm...
That doth not present an issue."
Koyomi: "D-Doth? ...Well either way, I'm glad it's not an issue. Then, starting now we could get going."
Camil: "Certainlー"
Koyomi: "Hmm... What should I do? I could come visit at night but..."
I'm more worried about whether I can stay awake...
Camil: "......"
Camil: "What about coming over now?"
Koyomi: "...Eh, you sure? I could come in the evening?"
Camil: "It's okie. When I think about it, I'm always sleepy so the time doesn't really matter."
Koyomi: "...Is that so..."
Camil: "Over there. My home is at that apartment."
Koyomi: "Ohhh... That's surprisingly normal. I thought vampires would live in more scary, western-style buildings."
Camil: "Hmmm… There are buildings like that. Did you wanna go to Europe now?"
Koyomi: "N-No, I'm fine...!"
Afterwards, we went up the apartment elevator, and he guided me to his room but...
Camil: "...Here."
It was a dim room without any windows. There were ominous, shaking lit candlesticks.
There was a lamp that looked like it came from a prison. Along with that, were fruits unbefitting of the atmosphere. But...there was a computer and TV. And then a full-on...!
Koyomi: "C-Coooooffin...?!"
A coffin laid down in the room occupied over half of the space.
Camil: "Oh... That. It's my bed."
I was taken by surprise but Camil-kun gave a curt answer and quickly went towards the chair in front of his computer.
Camil: "So then, what do you do in a home visit?"
Within this dimly lit, eerie appearing room, Camil-kun is unmoved, which confirmed that he was too abnormal, albeit a little late. I straightened my posture and looked straight forward in his direction.
Koyomi: "Ahh, yeah. Generally we verify your living situation, and review if there's any problems or complaints...basically?"
Koyomi: "Well to put it more simply, I would like to take the opportunity and take my time talking with you."
Camil: "Hmmm...? Like some sort of chit-chat?"
Koyomi: "Chit-chat may be the wrong term..."
Camil-kun murmured "Ohhhh" in response and nodded. I don't know what would be going through his head but...
Camil: "Then I know what I have to do. Okay... Would you come here?"
He abruptly beckoned me to come to him.
Koyomi: "...? What is it?"
He stood up from the chair, and had me sit there in his place.
Koyomi: "Eh? Eh? W-What, Camil-kun? Why do I have to sit here?"
Camil: "...? You said you had to review my living situation...So I thought I'd show you. Here."
Camil-kun quickly did some things on his computer. Afterward...
"Vampire Eternal Story"
Koyomi: "...Eh?"
It was probably some sort of online game. That was what he booted up.
Camil: "I basically just play this. This just about makes up my everyday life..."
I felt pressured as he looked at me with such clear, brilliant eyes. I had no choice but to play along.
Camil-kun pushed that it'd be faster to explain by doing rather than telling――I ended up spending hours playing the game and caught little glimpse of him in his everyday life.
Camil: "Oh, there's a fire trap there, so you need to properly shield..."
Koyomi: "Wait what?! Wait! Time out! Time out!"
Even though he had warned me, the player I was playing, "King Camil", was suddenly attacked and engulfed in flames.
Koyomi: "Wahh! It got me..."
Camil: "But it was a good fight. If you can get a grasp of the terrain, then you can job change into a worthy messiah."
Koyomi: "That sounds like something someone unemployed would call themselves..."
Well, whatever.
...In the end, I was dragged into Camil-kun's antics, and of course, talking with him so carefreely while time marched on would only have on conclusion.
Suddenly, I saw the time was already 11:00PM. It was almost time for the next day.
Koyomi: "Wha... What? It's already this late?!"
Koyomi: "I-I'm sorry, Camil-kun. I didn't think we'd talk this late...or even play all this time...!"
I hurriedly flustered around to get ready to leave for home, to which Camil-kun just shook his head.
Koyomi: "Urgh, I'm such a failure of a teacher...!"
Camil: "...Are you going home already? The night has just begun."
Koyomi: "But it's already 11 o'clock at night, that's no time to do the home visit."
Koyomi: "Well, I can't really say anything since I didn't do anything to even label this a home visit..."
Camil: "I see... Then, I'm gonna jump into the world of 0s and 1s to go save the world.
Koyomi: "The world...? Ohh, the game world. Well it's fine to jump into it..."
Koyomi: "Wait, is the reason you're sleepy during the day not because you're a vampire but because you don't get enough sleep from gaming?"
Camil: "Vampires are weak against the sunlight, the time of day doesn't matter. Meaning...that's right."
Koyomi: "No no, don't say that so proudly! That's not good... You need to sleep properly."
Camil: "But only I can save the world..."
Koyomi: "Even if you say that with such an anguished face..."
Koyomi: "A-Anyway, make sure you don't oversleep before school. Then I'll be off. See you tomorrow."
Camil-kun waved his hand seemingly in response to my parting words but... It seemed he just wanted to return to his game ASAP. His back was turned to me and his heart wasn't in it at all.
Koyomi: "...Don't play your game and sleep properly, okay?"
Camil: "Mm... I'll try, but I can't make any promises."
Koyomi: "You don't need to be so forceful with that second half..."
After leaving Camil-kun's place, I made a stop to the convenience store on the way home.
Koyomi: "Oh, this is..."
By chance, there was a magazine talking about the game from earlier. I found myself somehow absorbed reading through it.
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KLAP Translation Part 5 (Akito)
A few days after that――Home visits have finally begun. It was a first for all the families I visited, and they all seemed perplexed by it all, but we were able to have meaningful conversations. All that's left is...
Koyomi: (Of course, there was a lot of trouble that arose from the home visits themselves).
Thus far, my idea for the home visits kicked off and have produced a string of good results. While I was nodding to myself at my accomplishment...
Akito: "...Ah, there she is. Sensei, my home visit is today right?"
Koyomi: "......!"
He actually remembered the day of his home visit?!
Koyomi: "Y...Yes it is! You really remembered it...! Akito-kun, you make your teacher so happy...!"
I was so pleased by the fact that he remembered the day of his home visit, that I reflexively, firmly grasped his hand.
Akito: "Ehh? What's with you? Isn't that normal? You're exaggerating."
Koyomi: (The 'normal' here has never been normal for me...!)
There was so much trouble with this home visit that I was about to state this with conviction.
A kid running away constantly.
A kid who evaded me like the wind.
A kid who said that the world beyond the monitor was dangerous.
A majority of them were like that, so those like Akito-kun were very rare.
Koyomi: "At any rate, today I'll be paying a visit to your home, Akito-kun. I'll meet with you after school, okay?"
I then tried to let go of him but――
Akito: "Wait."
He wrapped his hands around mine to hold me there.
Akito: "If you're doing the home visit either way, why don't we skip and go on a date until school ends?"
Koyomi: "Ehh?! W-We can't… There's still afternoon classes too..."
Akito: "Don't give me that. Don't you think it'd be fun?"
Koyomi: "No. We can't. We're only going to your home after school."
Akito: "Awwww, that's a shame. I even worked out the perfect date plan to fill you with delight."
Koyomi: "W-We're just talking about the home visit right now. A date would be... hmmm..."
Koyomi: "W-Well, you know! We can do that anytime, right?"
I saw Akito-kun's eyes sparkle and twinkle in response.
Akito: "...R-Really? You said it right? That we can do that anytime? I'll wait for you with bated breath, okay?"
Koyomi: "...Y-Yes, of course."
Akito-kun pressed hard for a confirmation. I felt pressed against the wall, and weakly nodded.
Koyomi: "Hmmm… I'm glad you invited me out but..."
How can I refuse the invitation? Trying to find the words, I looked back to him.
Koyomi: "I have to take this seriously."
Koyomi: "After all, I am here because I want to become an earnest teacher for you all."
Akito: "......"
After considering the thought for a moment...
Akito: "I don't really want to cause any trouble for you, Sensei… Mm, okay. I'll calmly let it go for today."
Akito: "I'll see you after school."
He gave me a gentle smile.
Koyomi: "Yes, I will see you after school."
Later, after the classes and everything else…
Koyomi: "That should finish preparations for tomorrow..."
While running around preparing for the next day, I double checked the way to Akito-kun's home.
Koyomi: "Let's see… It's about 30 minutes away from the school..."
As far as I can see on the map, it's quite a ways away. If that's true, I'd want to take a break before going but…
Koyomi: "If I get there too late, it'll be troublesome for both of us. Alright...! Let's go!"
After a long voyage, I finally arrived. What was waiting for me there was...
Koyomi: "......"
Koyomi: "I-Is this Akito-kun's home...?"
A mansion... No, more like a palace. But honestly, the grounds are too spacious, I can't find any building that'd be the main house.
Koyomi: "I-I knew that you were rich from your files about you, but I didn't realize it was this much..."
Wait, this isn't the time to be awed. I collected myself and went to the intercom.
???: "Who might you be?"
Koyomi: "Hello, I am Akito-kun's teacher,
Kamashiro Koyomi: I've come today for the home visit..."
???: "I heard from Master and the Young Master
as well. Please proceed."
"Master" and "Young Master"...?!
I froze in response to those words I didn't expect to hear.
Koyomi: (I-I wonder if the person just now… is one of those so-called butlers...)
From the house's atmosphere to the gentleman's voice. With the overwhelming feeling of this unusual atmosphere, I stepped forth beyond the gate.
After walking for about five minutes past the gate, a man who appeared to be a butler, guided me inside the mansion to a large living room. The table and chair seemed normal at first glance, but towards the back of the room, I saw a mysterious water fountain with a statue in the middle...
Butler of Suruga Household: "Please wait here for the time being."
I bowed slightly towards the butler as he left, and surveyed the area uncomfortably.
Suddenly, I noticed a large portrait on the wall. From a closer look...
Koyomi: "...Hm?"
Koyomi: "The hairstyle really resembles that of Kappa..."
Or is it simply that he doesn't have enough hair on the top of his head? I didn't know what to do, so I occupied myself with such meaningless thoughts.
???: "Ohh... Sensei! Welcome to the Suruga Household!"
I heard the door and a resounding voice. When I turned around, it was...
Akito: "Hey, Sensei. Welcome. I was waiting for you."
Akito-kun smiled. Next to him stood a well-built man.
Koyomi: "Akito-kun, and..."
Nobuhiko: "This is the first time meeting each other. I am Suruga Nobuhiko. Dear me, you are always looking after my son."
Koyomi: "Oh, thank you for your kind remarks… I am his teacher, Kamashiro Koyomi:."
In spite of my simple, brief introduction, Nobuhiko-san gave a satisfied nod.
Nobuhiko: "Now then, let's not stand and talk… First, please have a seat. We will begin our discussion then."
Akito: "Sensei, over here."
Koyomi: "Ah... Thank you."
Akito-kun took my hand and led me to a chair in the middle of the living room.
Koyomi: "Oh also... Where is your mother today?"
Akito: "Ahhh, mom is working in Paris."
Koyomi: "Paris?!"
Akito: "You know? Our company is Surugaya. Mom is the executive vice-president."
Koyomi: "She works in Paris...?"
Nobuhiko: "Yes. Our Surugaya group takes part in an extensive range of businesses."
Nobuhiko: "Recently, we've been in the management of hotels… Are you aware of them? The 5-star hotel――"
Akito-kun's father named of one of the world's most famous hotels.
Koyomi: "Ehhhh?! You own and manage that hotel?!"
Koyomi: (That famous hotel with top-notch prices and services… I couldn't have imagined a UMA would be the owner of such a hotel.)
Koyomi: "So then, your wife is in Paris for hotel-related work too?"
Nobuhiko: "No, she went down there for designer work. She's usually in Paris half of the time."
Koyomi: "Wow... A-Amazing..."
Nobuhiko: "Hehehe. No, not to that extent."
Nobuhiko: "In this upcoming era, our company has our vision set on spreading our UMA enterprises globally."
Nobuhiko: "My wife going to Paris is one of the first phases in order to achieve that."
Koyomi: "I-I see..."
Nobuhiko: "Then, the one to carry-on the Surugaya company in the future...will be Akito."
With a reassuring, confident smile, Nobuhiko-san glanced towards Akito-kun, sitting next to me.
Nobuhiko: "Sensei, in order to integrate Akito-kun into society without embarrassing himself as a UMA――"
Nobuhiko: "Please train him firmly. I would be grateful if you could."
He bowed his head very low towards me, and I hurriedly did the same.
Koyomi: "Y-Yes...! I'm still a bit inexperienced, therefore I can't do much..."
Koyomi: "To fulfill your expectations, and for Akito-kun's sake... I'll do whatever I can to the best of my ability!"
Nobuhiko: "Good! Then, let us bring out the wine we prepared for this occasion to deepen our relationship with you!"
Koyomi: "U-Um, I appreciate the kind gesture but, since today is a home visit, I cannot accept any alcohol...!"
Nobuhiko: "Now now, don't say that! There are few opportunities where we may meet with a teacher after all, so let's take advantage of the opportunity!"
However, my insistence was in vain, and Nobuhiko-san triumphantly left to go retrieve the wine.
Koyomi: "Ah... Wait..."
Akito: "H-Hehe..."
Sitting there stunned at my wit's end, I noticed Akito-kun chuckling and smiling.
Koyomi: "A-Akito-kun, I wish you'd stop laughing about it..."
Akito: "Haha. Don't worry about it, Sensei. If you just have a bit of the wine, Father will almost certainly be content."
Akito: "I figured this would happen anyway, so I had the chef prepare a meal… Just have dinner at my place, how about that?"
That dang carefree smile of his… In the end, I ended up having dinner with the Suruga family.
In the middle of the extravagant dinner, Akito-kun's father talked about how good the Suruga lineage was… How they amassed fortune.
About the economical situation in the world of humans and UMA, and more. He didn't eat much of his food, and he just continued on and on with his monologue.
Nobuhiko: "In other words, we let new hires at work decide priorities for themselves, thus they can think up more efficient business schemes..."
He continued to speak even after I finished my meal, and I started to worry about inquiring when I could leave.
Nobuhiko: "...Hm? Excuse me."
Nobuhiko: "It's me. ...Hmm... I see. Alright, I'll be there right away."
Akito: "Is it work?"
Nobuhiko: "Yes... Good grief. It's troubling if they can't manage on their own without me all the time."
Koyomi: (Even though he says that, he doesn't look displeased about that fact at all.)
Nobuhiko: "That being said, Sensei, pardon me for leaving first."
Nobuhiko: "Akito, it's already late in the night. Be sure to walk your teacher home safely."
Akito: "Yeah yeah. I understand, Father."
Nobuhiko: "Good... Then, Sensei, let's end today here."
With only those words for parting, Nobuhiko-san left in a hurry, leaving Akito-kun and me there.
Koyomi: "Well... I should be leaving for my place soon. I feel I've overstayed my welcome."
Akito: "I would not mind at all if you stayed forever, but I guess you have other needs to attend to, Sensei."
Akito: "Wait a bit, I'll get the limousine ready. Wouldn't it be more fun to ride home in a car, Sensei?"
Koyomi: "T-There's no need...! The dinner was wonderful by itself, but to accept a ride home would be..."
Koyomi: "You have been very kind and generous, but I couldn't accept anymore. I'll walk home today."
Akito: "...Are you sure? Isn't it a long journey from my place to yours, Sensei?"
Koyomi: "No, I'm fine. I'm fine. If I think of it as a post-meal workout, it won't be that big of a deal."
I stood up out of my chair.
Koyomi: "Thank you for today. I only came for the home visit but, I ended up having such a wonderful meal..."
Koyomi: "I wasn't able to properly say goodbye to Nobuhiko-san but...I would appreciate it if you could relay my thanks."
Afterward, I tried to make my departure――
Koyomi: "Akito-kun?"
Akito: "I can't leave a girl to walk home alone this late at night, can I?
Akito: "Even if we don't use the limousine, I'd like to at least walk you home."
Akito-kun thoughtfully smiled. There's not really any reason to reject his offer… The two of us then started heading to my home.
Akito: "So about today's dish, was it tasty for you?"
Koyomi: "Eh, I thought it was very good… From the way your asking that question, did you not like it, Akito-kun?"
Akito: "Hmm... I thought the Ittan-momen tofu was smelly. Well, as long as you enjoyed it, Sensei, I think that's fine..."
Koyomi: (W-What the heck? I'm really happy I didn't ask what was in it. But wait... That was a tofu dish?!)
Well from that point, we both discussed what foods we liked and disliked on the way to my home.
Akito: "Sensei, what kind of food do you normally eat?"
Koyomi: "What kind...? Even if you ask that, I think I only eat normal food?"
Akito: "By normal food... What kind of food, for example? What may be normal for you may not be normal to me, right?"
Koyomi: "Oh, you have a point there. Hmmm… What I normally eat... normally..."
Koyomi: "C-Curry...maybe?"
Akito: "Ahaha. Sensei, you do like curry. Didn't you only order curry in the dining hall the first day?"
Koyomi: "W-What's wrong with that? Curry is an inexpensive god-send for those living alone."
Akito: "Ohhhh...? Is that so."
Akito: "So, what do you like in your curry? There's different kinds right? Meat? Fish? Or maybe... something more lady-like like veggies?"
Akito: "Oh, also. I'd like to know what you don't like, food for example. Of course, it could be something not related to food..."
Akito-kun fired off one question after another. I was slightly taken aback, but I asked a question in return.
Koyomi: "W-Why is that, Akito-kun? Why do you need to know that? Is there some reason behind it...?"
I was confused why he had asked, and he just blinked back in surprise.
Akito: "Why? Well… Isn't that obvious?"
Akito: "For the woman I love, isn't it normal for a man to want to know more about her?"
Koyomi: "Wha...?! L-Love...?!"
While I stood there shocked, Akito-kun came so close I could almost feel his breath on my face, and I pushed him away by his shoulder."
Koyomi: "A-Akito-kun... I don't think it's a good idea to say that to everyone you meet...?"
Akito: "Even if you say that, I just love who I love."
Koyomi: "...You're pretty set on that thought, huh..."
Akito: "And...also. Sensei, what area is your apartment at?"
As if to play it off, Akito-kun put his hand over his forehead and surveyed his surroundings.
Koyomi: "It's pretty close to here..."
Koyomi: "Unfortunately, I can't just tell an irresponsible person like you where it is."
Akito: "Ehhhh~? Don't be a spoilsport, let me see you off at the entrance of your room. ...No, while we're at it let me take you to your bed."
Koyomi: "Just here is fine...!"
Akito: "...Okay. Then, I should head home now then. See you tomorrow at school."
Koyomi: "Yes yes. Akito-kun, be careful on your way home."
Akito: "Hehe. if you're worried about me, you could follow me home, you know?"
Akito-kun gave a small joke, and turned back towards the road.
From under the streetlights over the main road, I watched him walk away until I could no longer see him.
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KLAP Translation Part 5 (Sousuke)
A few days after that――Home visits have finally begun.
It was the first time for every family, and although they seemed to be at a loss for anything, we had meaningful conversations. All that's left is…
Koyomi: "Ah, Sousuke-kun!"
I spotted a familiar figure wandering around aimlessly, and hurriedly called out to him.
Sousuke: "Huh, if it isn't Sensei. What is it? Can I help you?"
Koyomi: "Help me? No it's not that... It's about the home visit."
Koyomi: "When would it be convenient for you, Sousuke-kun?"
Sousuke: "I wrote down 'anytime' right?"
Koyomi: "T-That was written down, yes. And yet you keep on saying 'doesn't work' to me over and over when I suggest a date.
Sousuke: "That's because I didn't feel like it~"
Koyomi: "At any rate… We need to get a move on with it already."
Koyomi: "While I was waiting for a day to work out for you, I already finished for everyone else."
Sousuke: "I'm the only one left?"
I nodded in response.
Koyomi: "Also... Do you have plans today? I can clear my schedule and do it today, I guess that would be an option, right?"
Sousuke: "Hm... I don't really have any plans today..."
Koyomi: "Then let's do it today? You must be bothered by me asking you over and over again about your plans, right?"
Sousuke: "Ehhh? ...Well, I guess I can't deny that. But I'm really not in the mood for that..."
Koyomi: "No way. Your selfishness is affecting not just my schedule in many ways."
Koyomi: "This time, you have to listen to me."
Sousuke: "Urgh... Fine, let's get it over with..."
Koyomi: "...*sigh*. Alright then, I'm gonna ask you again. Sousuke-kun, when would be a good time for the home visit?"
I heaved out a drained sigh, when Sousuke made a gesture as if he was thinking about something.
Sousuke: "......"
Sousuke: "Then... I don't mind if we do the house visit today, as long as Sensei is willing to ask me nicely?"
Koyomi: "A-Ask you...?"
Although I was a little baffled by this unexpected reply――Well, if that's how I can conduct a home visit, It's probably not that big of a deal. Swiftly reassuring myself, I breathed out slowly.
Koyomi: "Ahem... Suou Sousuke-kun. Would you please do me the favor of allowing me to do the home visit today? I would appreciate it."
Sousuke: "...Hm, okay. Since your went that far, it can't be helped. I'll go along with the home visit."
For whatever reason, Sousuke-kun's face lit up and he smiled.
We arrived in a quiet residential area in the outskirts of Tokoyo.
Sousuke: "... Ah, we're almost there. It's a little cramped, so don't barrel in."
Koyomi: "Ba...! I won't barrel in.
Sousuke-kun, what do you think of me?"
Sousuke: "Maybe that you are like... a bull in a china shop?"
Koyomi: "......"
...I shouldn't have asked. He led me inside to a regular studio apartment. The room was painted blue and had a somewhat clean and tidy appearance.
Sousuke: "Even so, why do you need to see my room? There's nothing really fun about it."
Koyomi: "It's not about...what to do. I believe it's a teacher's duty to understand what sort of life their students live."
Sousuke: "Hmmm? So that's what it's about."
Judging by the appearance, the room looks thoroughly clean. It also doesn't seem like he's living any sort of rough life.
Koyomi: "Do you ever feel uneasy or anxious about living alone?"
Sousuke: "Hmm... Not really?"
Sousuke: "The facility I used to live in didn't have any private rooms... I think it's more enjoyable now that I can live my life the way I want to."
Sousuke: "The living expenses are limited since the facility provides financial support, so I really can't waste it... But it's enough for me."
Koyomi: "...I see. You were brought up by a facility, huh, Sousuke-kun."
Sousuke: "Pretty much. It was a bit suffocating living together with everyone else... Maybe that wasn't my cup of tea."
Sousuke-kun swung around his legs as he recalled his childhood.
Koyomi: "......"
Koyomi: "So...about your parents."
Sousuke: "Hm? Oh... Huh? I figured if you knew about the facility, I thought you'd understand that part too."
Koyomi: "I-I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't have asked."
Sousuke: "Hmmm, don't think so. But that said, I don't think it's a fun story to hear."
Sousuke-kun stopped his legs, and the room grew quiet. His words slowly spilled out into the air.
Sousuke: "My mother was a Snow Woman, but my father was a normal human. I'm probably one of those, what you call, half-demons."
Sousuke: "Moreover, naturally Snow Women should only give birth to females but, I'm a boy, right? My existence is quite unusual."
Koyomi: "So... Male Snow Women are rare?"
Sousuke: "Of course they are. Well, it's a contradiction in terms. I'm male, but a Snow Woman."
While twirling his hair with his fingers, Sousuke-kun continued to speak.
Sousuke: "But because I was born from a Snow Woman, I'm technically a Snow Woman too. There's no other way to call me."
Koyomi: "...Can't we call you a Snow Man?"
Sousuke: "Sensei... Snow Men are of a different species of Snow Woman you know?"
Koyomi: "Eh? R-Really?"
Koyomi: (I never knew...)
Sousuke: "So, uhh... yeah, so much for my parents. Now they are living in the human world――in Tokyo."
Sousuke: "A marriage between a human and a UMA is a pretty naive and challenging matter here."
Sousuke: "On top of that, their kids ended up being an SSR in terms of UMA as you can see. They had a lot of issues with living around here."
Koyomi: "So then... You were left at the Asomatous Facility?"
Sousuke: "Pretty much. But you know, even kids can be sensitive to foreign elements and outsiders..."
Sousuke: "If you drew up a Snow Woman, half-demon male, then of course you'd have no choice but to bully him! ...Pretty much?"
Sousuke: "I'm pretty delicate too. In the beginning I was pretty worried, but after some time I decided to move on and stopped caring about them."
Sousuke: "If I'm gonna be hated no matter what I do, I might as well say what I think. Otherwise it would be a waste.
Even though he smiled so nonchalantly, I could tell that he had a complicated upbringing just by listening to his story now.
Koyomi: "I see... You'd like to meet your parents..."
Sousuke: "Of course I do. I'm their child after all. Once I can graduate school and can go to the human realm, I can go to Tokyo and live with them――"
Sousuke: "That's why I enrolled in Yomi School as soon as I was old enough to be admitted."
Sousuke: "I'm probably the one who's looking forward to graduation the most."
As he spoke, he gave a somewhat bashful smile.
His upbringing made him the man he is today. For Sousuke-kun, the presence of his parents is very important to him...
Somehow or another, I had already guessed that. In the end, we both shared about ourselves. It wasn't exactly what you would call a home visit, but time passed by as we talked with each other.
Koyomi: "Wow, it's already this late..."
Koyomi: "I'd better get going. I am glad I was able to learn so much about you, Sousuke-kun."
Sousuke: "Sure. Ahh... I'm worn out from talking so much with Sensei..."
Koyomi: "......"
What a foul mouth. Sousuke-kun is just a bit too frank. ...Let's just go with that.
Koyomi: (I-It's not like he hates me or anything, it's just because the conversation dragged on for so long, right?
Sousuke: "...? What is it, Sensei? Does your stomach hurt? No scavenging for food okay?"
Koyomi: "I-It's nothing! And I won't go scavenging for any food...!"
As I spoke, I quickly prepared to leave.
Koyomi: "Well then, see you tomorrow."
Sousuke: "Yeah. Bye bye."
Shortly after, I bid him farewell.
Koyomi: "......?"
As soon as I went down the stairs of his apartment,I heard the sound of a door coming from his place. Subsequently, I heard what sounded like eager footsteps.
Sousuke: "Yahoo~ Sensei, we will meet again."
Koyomi: "Sousuke-kun. Uh... What happened?"
Sousuke: " "Nothing really? I was just thinking I'd go out to shop for tonight's dinner."
Saying so, he started to walk down the tinted city street――then stopped a few steps ahead of me.
Sousuke: " "...Sensei, aren't you going home?"
Koyomi: "...! Ah, I-I'm going!"
Then we again found ourselves walking together on this night road, sharing trifling stories with each other.
About class.
About UMA.
Well, as usual he did occasionally poke fun at me here and there...
But still, it felt refreshing to walk together on this night road. It was only then that I realized…he had gone out of his way just to send me home.
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KLAP Translation Part 5 (Touma)
A few days after that――Home visits have finally begun. It was a first for all the families I visited, and they all seemed perplexed by it all, but we were able to have meaningful conversations. All that's left is…
Koyomi: "Oh, Touma-kun. Have you submitted your home visit agenda yet?"
Touma: "Hm? Oh... There was something like that, huh. My bad, I forgot it.”
Koyomi: "Geez, you can't keep this up. I've already finished with everyone else, so I only have your house left, you know?"
Touma: "Even if you tell can't be helped. At home, my mother does a lot of part-time work, so there's a lot of days she isn't home."
Koyomi: "Oh, I see. Of course I can't really ask if it's unreasonable..."
Koyomi: "Would you know if your mother is home next week for example? I'll try to meet her when she's free."
Touma: "Hmmm... I'm not entirely sure but I think she's home today?"
Judging from Touma-kun's pondering expression, it seems there's not many days his mother is home. If that's the case...
Koyomi: "Good... Today works perfectly!"
Touma: "Huh... Huuuuuh?! You're coming to my house today?!"
Koyomi: "Naturally!"
Koyomi: "You said your mother is home today yourself, right?"
Koyomi: "It'd be better to explain everything to her today, plus it'd be less trouble on your part, Touma-kun, don't you think?"
Touma: "...Urgh, well... I guess it's also my fault for not coming up with an agenda..."
Koyomi: "C-Can I not visit...?"
Touma: "I'm not saying you can't..."
Touma: "*sigh*... I didn't mention anything to her so my mother will probably get angry..."
Koyomi: "S-Sorry, I didn't quite hear you. Would it be...inconvenient after all?"
Touma: "Hm, oh, it's nothing. Fine. Can't be helped."
Later, Touma-kun and I left the school together, and we both headed for his home.
We didn't have too much to say to each other but, whenever I tried to speak to with Touma-kun, he would always answer something.
After following him for a while longer…
Koyomi: (Ah... this place. I passed by it the first day I came to Asomatous.)
At that time―― Ohh, that's right. When I was here facing a shakedown at that time, Touma-kun had come and helped me.
Koyomi: "Touma-kun, your home is actually in this area?"
Touma: "Is actually? ...Ohh. You did get mixed up with something before here, huh."
Koyomi: "Ahaha. Thanks for that time..."
Touma: "......"
Touma: "...Hehe."
Koyomi: "Eh! W-What is it, Touma-kun?"
Touma: "No, it's just... I just remembered how you were bout ready to cry that day… Ah, I can't stop laughing. Pff, hehe... Haha!"
Koyomi: "Ehhh?! D-Did it really seem that way?!"
While we were having that childish exchange...
Touma: "...Alright. We're here."
Touma: "Our house is just as poverty-stricken as it looks. I might not be even able to serve you tea but… No complainin' ya hear?"
Koyomi: "Y-You don't need to go out of your way."
Touma: "I'm home."
Koyomi: (Whoa. This house is up there in age...)
The building and furniture are equally old, the rooms are cramped too but...strangely comfortable.
???: "Welcome home~!"
???: "Welcome home. You're home early."
From inside a rambunctious young boy and woman, with a resemblance to Touma-kun, came out.
Koyomi: (Touma-kun's little brother and...his mother, maybe? She seems like a very young and beautiful woman...)
???: "Oh, who is this?"
Koyomi: "Ah, n-nice to meet you! I'm in charge of Touma-kun at Yomi School. I'm Kamashiro Koyomi."
Youko: "Ohh, you… I am his mother, Youko. Thank you for looking after my son."
She politely bowed her head towards me, then gently touched the head of the boy beside her, watching our exchange.
Youko: "Come now, greet her as well."
Mimasaka Natsuki: Natsuki: "I'm...I'm Mimasaka Natsuki."
Koyomi: "Hello, Natsuki-kun."
Natsuki: "Yeah..."
The personality of his little brother was different than Touma-kun's. With a flushed face, he hid behind Youko-san.
Youko: "My apologizes, he's a bit shy. ――Anyway, why have you come to visit today? Did Touma...cause some sort of trouble?"
Touma: "Huh?! N-No I didn't! Why would you think that?!"
Youko: "For how many years have I been your mother? Seeing Touma bring his teacher home… That's the only reason that comes to mind."
Natsuki: "Nii-chan, did you get in a fight again?"
Koyomi: "N-No, that's not it… I came for a home visit today. I wanted to speak with Touma-kun's guardian..."
Youko: "A...home visit?"
Koyomi: "Well, that is— It hasn't been too long since I've arrived to Asomatous and I've been visiting all my students' households in order to learn more——"
Youko: "Ohh... That was your intention. Although, due to the short notice I can't provide hospitality..."
Touma: "I-It's fine. You can just skip the hospitalities when it comes to home visits! ...C'mon, come in already!"
Youko: "Touma-! How can you use such a sharp tongue when talking with your teacher...!"
While the two spoke, Touma-kun and Youko-san went towards the back of the house.
...Seriously, Touma-kun.
Acting like he wasn't the one who chose not to tell his mom about this visit...!
Natsuki: "Umm... Please come inside."
...S-So cute...
After that, I stayed in the living room, restless and fidgety, while Youko-san served me tea.
Youko: "My apologies. This place is so old..."
Koyomi: "No, not at all...! It's a well-taken care of place… Your home feels very cozy and comfortable."
Youko: "Hehe. Not only is it old, but also dirty. It's pretty terrible, isn't it?"
Younger Sister: "Onii-chan, did you get into another fight?"
Younger Sister: "You shouldn't get into fights."
Younger Sister 3: "Nii-chan's a bad kid~"
Touma: "Ah—— Hey hey. You're making too much noise."
Looking towards the source of the voices, there were three little girls around Touma-kun. All of them were his little sisters.
Koyomi: (Including Natsuki-kun, there's five siblings alone. ...What a big family.)
Youko: "Since we are living with our children, we used to live in a more decent place but..."
Youko: "My husband had passed away, and we had to give it up..."
Koyomi: "...That must have been very difficult."
Youko: "Ahh, I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention to bring
up such a heavy topic, Sensei..."
Koyomi: "Oh no, please don't worry about it."
Touma-kun had lost his father. Coming to terms with that fact, my chest felt a small sting. I naturally glanced towards Touma-kun's direction.
Natsuki: "Nii-chan, let's play with this."
Touma: "Oh... Wait, is this a boomerang? We can't play with this in the house."
He had a pure, gentle smile. When he's in school, he always has such a prickly atmosphere around him, but now he doesn't seem that way in the slightest… I wonder if that's his genuine smile.
Koyomi: "By the way... What kind of person was Touma-kun's father?"
Youko: "He was the chief of the Tengu clan. He was a bit headstrong at times… but he was always fair and kind to the weak."
Koyomi: (Then maybe Touma-kun takes after his father in that way.)
Youko: "But, after his passing, the Mimasaka Lineage has all but collapsed. It's been a hardship for Touma as well..."
Youko: "Because I'm so busy with my part-time work, he's always taking care of preparing meals."
Koyomi: "Touma-kun cooks meals for the family..."
Touma: "...Oh, hey, what's with that response?"
Youko: "Oh right, Touma. Since your teacher is here, why don't we invite her for dinner?"
Koyomi: "Oh no, I couldn't possibly intrude… In addition, I did suddenly invite myself here."
Touma: "It's fine... You don't need to pass it up. Making enough food from six to seven people isn't that big of a deal."
Before I had the opportunity to respond, he stood up and promptly left the room.
Natsuki: "...Onee-chan, do you like omelet rice?"
After Touma-kun had left, Natsuki-kun stood beside me and asked me that question.
Koyomi: "...Omelet rice? Yeah, I like it..."
Just when I was pondering why he was asking me that――
Koyomi: "That was delicious!"
Natsuki & Younger Sisters: "It was delicious!"
Touma: "Yep. Glad you all liked it."
Koyomi: "This is better than anything I've ever made… It was the perfect omelet rice!"
Touma: "Hah, what you mean perfect? I don't get you."
Koyomi: "Ah... It's already this late?!"
I stood up in a panic after looking at the clock.
Koyomi: "Excuse me for staying over for so long! Ah, um, I'll help with the cleaning...!"
Youko: "Hehe, it is fine, Sensei. Please do not worry about the cleaning."
Youko: "More importantly, Sensei, it's already dark out, so I'll have Touma send you back home."
Koyomi: "Eh?! I've already eaten your food here for dinner, I couldn't possibly...!!"
Touma: "I mean, in the first place, do I not have any say in this? *sigh*... What a pain."
Touma: "Natsuki, at least take the dishes to the sink. I'll wash them later."
Natsuki: "Okay."
During the exchange, Touma-kun rapidly made his way to the entrance and quickly put on his shoes.
Koyomi: "Touma-kun?"
Touma: "...I'll walk you home, so hurry it up."
He grumbled out those words, then disappeared behind the sliding door.
Koyomi: "Uhh..."
Youko: "Hehe, despite his appearance, Touma is a shy person."
Youko: "Please feel free to visit again, Sensei. He's an awkward kid but... I look forward to our relationship from here on out."
I walked behind Touma-kun as we followed along the main street at night.
There wasn't really any conversation going on…
But even in that silence, it did not feel strange or awkward.
Touma: "......"
Koyomi: "......"
Touma: "......"
Koyomi: "...Touma-kun, thank you for today. On top of the appetizing dinner, and for walking me home."
Touma: "Huh, I totally didn't expect that. Is this typical for home visits?"
Koyomi: "Hmmm... This time was kinda a rare case? ...I-I wouldn't say it's typical though."
Touma: "I guessed as much. Judging from your appearance, that's how it came off to me."
As he responded to my answer, at the same time his pace started to slow down.
Koyomi: "...Your mother, Youko-san, is very nice."
Touma: "Hm... Well... yeah. She's not only nice though. She was just, ya know, putting on her best appearance."
Koyomi: "Huh? Then is she scary?"
Touma: "Of course she is. She's a demon. Mother is a member of the Tengu clan, but she's also a demon inside."
Touma-kun had shrugged his shoulders, and I found myself smiling at this reaction.
Koyomi: "Hehe, she really is a good mother."
Touma: "Why is that so... Is it popular to have demon-like mothers in the human realm?"
Koyomi: "Hehe, no. It's not that..."
Koyomi: "It's because she treasures you, Touma-kun. You're sisters and brother...she really cherishes her family. I only just met them today but..."
Koyomi: "I thought, 'Youko-san is very nice but very strong...'."
Touma: "......"
While I was talking, I incidentally looked up and saw Touma-kun uncomfortably looking away.
Touma: "...Well, yeah. She's had her hardships."
Touma: "I'd like to help my mother in some way… Since I'm not the chief of anything, I'm limited in what all I can do..."
The look in his eyes as he muttered those words were different, and they wavered, looking doubtful about himself.
At times like these―― What should I say to him? I was worried about what I could say…
In the end, I couldn't find the right words.
Koyomi: "...Thanks for everything today."
Touma: "Mm, don't worry about it. My younger siblings had fun with it somehow. ...I guess maybe you being there was a good thing."
Koyomi: "Haha, it was a really sudden visit but… I'm glad to hear that."
Touma: "Well then, I'll see you at school tomorrow."
Koyomi: "Yeah. I'll see you later, Touma-kun."
While turned away from me, Touma-kun curtly waved his hand goodbye. Until I could no longer see his back, I wondered why I kept staring towards him.
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KLAP Translation: Part 4
Getting settled in
Koyomi: "Alright everyone, this is the current pension problem facing Japan."
Koyomi: "The discussion is a bit difficult but, did everyone listen to it properly?"
Kanade: "Aye. I even left notes in my notebook."
Koyomi: "As expected, Kanade-kun, such a good student. Then… the one falling asleep a while ago, Touma-kun!"
Touma: "...Wha?"
Koyomi: "From what age can Japanese accept pension payments? What's the answer?"
Touma: "Huh? Ohh... What? Like 300 years?
Koyomi: "Y-You weren't listening at all..."
Koyomi: "Besides! In the first place, humans can't live to be 300 years old!"
Koyomi: "Then...Camil-kun?"
Camil: "Hm... I heard perfectly. They can start accepting it
about 23,800 days after birth."
Koyomi: "Yes, that's ri... Eh? Is that right?"
Camil-kun gave a big thumbs up.
...Alright. I don't really get it but let's go with that. After I again started to explain the pension system...
Touma: "What the heck? After turning 65 they can accept this 'pension' right? Then what about us then?"
Touma: "If we go to the human realm, can we just get free money?"
Koyomi: "Oh... I see. Your age range is completely different from humans."
Sousuke: "I'm the complete definition of youth though~"
Akito: "Hmmm...? In short the money is just being scattered around? The human realm is surprisingly disordered."
Koyomi: "I-I don't think that's how it is. Well, since you're all UMA, and not human you probably can't accept any pensions...?"
Ryou: "Hmm... But we're usually in our human forms, so there might be those secretly getting it~"
Kaede: "Wow, that's low. Ryou, if you do something like that I’ll have nothing to do with you."
Ryou: "N-Not me! Don't say weird stuff like that!"
Kanade: "Hm, money huh. Money has long driven people mad since ancient times. We have to be careful too."
Camil: "Dirty money... Incident of corruption… ...Hah?! Like poisoning your food...?!"
Camil: "...Touma-kun, I might be hungry."
Touma: "Dahh! Just because we sit close together don't think you can just pretend to be all ignorant in front of meeee!"
――A month as passed since I came to Aima Prefecture.
It's only been one month but… My time here has been jam-packed, and my days have flown hecticly.
Rampage and training, ever since that day, I've encountered them countless times. I no longer felt the shock and terror than I did before.
Nowadays, I'm still a bit shoddy, but have been gradually coming to terms in my position as a least trying. Well, the only times I trained by myself was in the training room, but…
But either way, I, Yamashiro Koyomi, have been flourishing and growing well.
Koyomi: (...P-Probably...!)
Rampage and training, ever since that day, I've encountered them countless times. I no longer felt the shock and terror than I did before.
Nowadays, I'm still a bit shoddy, but have been gradually coming to terms in my position as a least trying. Well, the only times I trained by myself was in the training room, but...
But either way, I, Yamashiro Koyomi have been flourishing and growing well.
Koyomi: (...P-Probably...!)
Looking at the clock, it was a little past 1 o'clock. Meaning it was lunch time.
Koyomi: "Hm~♪ Time for food~♪"
Today I prepared my own lunch. Though being an adult, a newbie teacher like me doesn't have that much money in the first place.
Koyomi: (I better be sure I start saving up.)
Koyomi: "Okay, thank you for the mea――"
???: "...Oh? That looks good, lemme help myself."
Before I could take my first bite, one of my two fried chicken pieces was relentlessly snatched away.
Koyomi: "No! My fried chicken! Hyuuga-sensei, you're terrible!"
Shinobu: "Huh? That's what happens when a starving, low paid man sees perfectly good fried chicken in front of him. Don't flaunt it around."
Koyomi: "I wasn't trying to flaunt it around! All you're doing is stealing my food, Hyuuga-sensei!"
Shinobu: "Tch... Sheesh. Fine then. Here, how about a piece of mint gum in exchange?"
Koyomi: "I'm not looking for any trades! Ah, hey...! Stop that! Don't touch my fried eggs...!"
Nurarihyon: "Hahaha. Well, aren't you having fun."
Koyomi: "Oh! N-Nurarihyon-sensei. I'm sorry we were being loud..."
Nurarihyon: "It's fine… Well? Have you gotten used to Yomi School, for the most part?"
I pondered over Nurarihyon-sensei's question a bit… Then nodded with a smile.
Koyomi: "Yes! I still have a ways to go with my skills but… I want to do my best while I'm here."
Nurarihyon: "...I see. Koyomi-sensei, I have great hopes for you."
Koyomi: "Yes!"
Shinobu: "Ohhh-ohhh~ Overflowing with youth I see."
Shinobu: "Well, if the training gets difficult, you can come to me for advice, okay?"
Shinobu: "You're still fresh meat after all. There's no shame in asking your senpai for a helping hand. You can depend on me too, ya know?"
Koyomi: "...Hyuuga-sensei...!"
Shinobu: "Like this, cleanly in two! If anyone's annoying ya I'll dissect them, no――dismember... I'll take care of them either way!"
Koyomi: "......"
...I've decided.
I won't ask for any help from Hyuuga-sensei. It's not about me, it's about a student possibly in danger. I quickly heard the sound of the door.
???: "Ah sheesh...! Sensei...?! Are you in there?!"
Koyomi: "Huh... Kaede-san? What is it?"
Kaede: "Oh, good...! Sorry, that idiot Ryou-kun is in Rampage again...! Would you come to the cafeteria?!"
Nurarihyon: "That so. Is it that punk Oumi? He's the same as always..."
Shinobu: "Even though he's a werewolf, he's got a brain like a goldfish. Well, we got a newbie willing to do her best right here."
Ignoring such thoughtless words, I ran off towards the cafeteria.
Koyomi: "...Ryou-kun, just wait a bit...!"
I ran to the cafeteria.
There, Ryou-kun's eyes were red, and he had violently mowed down the tables and chairs in the room. The other students looked upon the scene from a distance.
Koyomi: (I have to stop him soon...!)
Ryou: "Gurgh... Gwahh!!"
Koyomi: "Everyone move back...! I'll take over from here!"
I took the training whip into my hand, and slowly approached Ryou-kun.
Koyomi: "......?!"
I quickly moved to avoid a chair thrown towards me.
Koyomi: (It's unmanageable to control him in such a huge space...!)
Koyomi: (One way or another, I have to use this whip to calm down Ryou-kun...!)
I gripped my trembling hand onto the whip and stepped forward to swing it.
Ryou: "Gwah?!"
The whip hit directly at his side. It clearly caused him to stagger. I used little strength when I swung it but...
Koyomi: (Like it was explained, for UMA going through Rampage, this whip seems to have a tremendous effect...!)
Without missing a beat, I quickly went to lash again.
Koyomi: "I-If I hit him with this, he should calm down a bit..."
Ryou: "Gwaaaaaahhhh!!"
Koyomi: "H-Huh...?! Wait, does it not have any effect?!"
Annoyed at the whip I lashed at him, Ryou-kun headed towards me at full speed!
???: "Sheesh... It's seems you're not quite ready to do this alone."
A solid, sharp sound of a whip. I turned around, and saw Shion-sensei shrug his shoulders.
Koyomi: "Shion-sensei...!"
Shion: "That being said, first let's handle Oumi-kun's training. I'll show you the ropes, Miss."
Shion-sensei walked briskly and stepped forward, and lashed his whip with conviction.
Shion: "Oumi-kun, prepare yourself accordingly. I'm different from her..."
Shion: "――I won't be nice about it."
A second later, Shion-sensei's whip swung from all directions, striking at Ryou-kun's body.
Ryou: "Gwaaaaaaahhhhh?!"
Shion: "Hahaha...! What a good cry you make...! However... There's still a lot where that came from!"
Shion-sensei usually seems kind but the expression on his face felt a lot more wicked than usual.
Shion: "There! There, there there there!"
Koyomi: (I-It's almost like he's having fun...)
As I stood there dumbstruck, Shion-sensei continued the training――
Shion: "Now...this will be the end! Cry to your heart's content!"
With one last swing――
Ryou: "Eeeh?! Ahhhhhhhhh!!"
His cry reverberated throughout the room.
After clearing up the disordered cafeteria… As for me, I was critisized by Shion-sensei on the spot regarding my incompetency as a trainer.
Shion: "Honestly... Struggling so much from Oumi-kun's Rampage. I had believed you had improved a bit over this past month, Miss."
Koyomi: "Urgh...! I was under the same impression though..."
Shion: "Either way... You don't have enough conviction towards training, and on top of that, you seem to be very hesitant."
Shion: "These UMA require more than just a kind and sincere teacher."
Shion: "Miss, you are a trainer. To increase your skills as a trainer, please work hard and improve yourself."
Koyomi: "Yes..."
Incidentally――The cause of Ryou-kun's Rampage seemed to have been the egg yolk in his soba resembled the moon.
According to the person in question, he got so aroused he couldn't resist...apparently. It appears the reason behind the first Rampage I witnessed was because of a tennis ball… What an easily triggered condition.
Shion: "Although… It's a problem for Oumi-kun if thats all it takes. To Rampage because he saw the moon in his soba..."
Shion: "*sigh*... He won't be able to go out to the human realm if he can Rampage so easily. Sheesh, he's quite a troublesome one, isn't he?"
――You too, Miss. It felt like that was what he was implying, and all I could do was strain a smile.
Koyomi: "Alright, that concludes this morning's homeroom. Kaede-san."
Kaede: "Stand. Bow."
Students: "Thank you very much."
Once I returned to the staff room, I unexpectedly saw Kanade-kun had stopped by.
Koyomi: "...Kanade-kun? You've been rubbing your eyes for a while now, do you have something in them?"
Kanade: "Urnya... That's not it."
He made a soft fist and softly rubbed around his eyes.
Kanade: "Urnya...Well. I couldn't calm down this morning. Washing my face like this calms me."
Akito: "Huh? Then that means――?"
I heard the sound of thunder rumbling in the distance, and it started to sprinkle outside.
Koyomi: "Ohh... I see now. When a cat washes their face, it means it'll rain."
Akito: "I get in a good mood when the air gets damp myself… I wouldn't mind if it rained everyday, though."
Koyomi: "Wait? But Akito-kun, aren't you able to use your powers to make it rain?"
Koyomi: "If you're that into rain then you could whenever..."
Akito: "Hmm... Well I'd like to be able to do that. It makes me considerably exhausted though. So I only want to use it during significant times."
Koyomi: "Whaaaat~? But you used it to smoothly talk to me when we first met."
Akito: "Of course I would. When I see a beautiful woman like you, Sensei, I can't waste the opportunity. At that time, I had to use all my power to appeal to you, you know?"
Touma: "Tch. The idiot's saying some idiotic stuff."
Akito: "Yeah yeah. Don't be jealous 'cause you aren't popular."
Touma: "What was that?!"
They argued loudly with each other as usual. Facing away from them, I looked outside the classroom and...
Koyomi: "Oh..."
What started as a soft pitter-patter sound at the window changed into a heavy rain.
Camil: "Oh... It's quite a downpour."
Sousuke: "Whoa, but I didn't bring my umbrella~ Give me a break."
Kanade: "Urnya… I'm weak against the rain. I have no motivation and just want to sleep."
Koyomi: "Hmmm... I see… Kappas enjoy the rain, but Nekomata do not."
Touma: "UMA all have different traits and characteristics. Of course we'll have different views on our surroundings."
Camil: "I'm poor against sunlight. So I always lather myself with sunscreen."
Koyomi: "Huh, kinda similar to girls?"
Sousuke: "I'm a cool Snow Woman type… Therefore, I hate being somewhere not nice and cool. It'd be unthinkable to sweat with such beautiful skin, right?"
Koyomi: "H-Huh, kinda similar to girls..."
Camil-kun is like the quiet girl type. Sousuke-kun is like the bossy type of girl. I'm surprised I classified them like that in an instant.
Koyomi: (Your outlook on life really varies depending on your attitude...)
While we were chatting about such things...
???: "Everybody! You've been excused!"
At the loud voice, the classroom door burst open.
???: "*sigh...* This is a low-level classroom as usual it seems? Looking at this poor place is unbearable!"
With a walk that resembled a wriggly earthworm or a snake, the speaker walked toward us.
Koyomi: "Oh...umm...? W-Who might you me...?"
???: "Hehehe...! Pleased to make your acquaintance, new teacher."
Nagato Haruka:Haruka: "My name is Nagato Haruka! From the esteemed, renowned, and heir to the great Nagato Tengu Clan!!"
Koyomi: "T-Tengu clan...?"
Curious about the meaning of that, I glanced towards Touma-kun for answers, but he looked away as if he didn't want to be involved.
???: "As expected of the très bien, Haruka-sama!"
Haruka: "Then! These are Uten and Saten! They are my loyal servants...!"
Uten: Uten: "Uten here!"
Saten: Saten: "Saten here!"
Haruka: "From hereafter, be sure to recognize――"
Koyomi: "...*sigh*..."
I couldn't wrap my head around how to even deal with this guy who appeared so suddenly, and just vacantly nodded.
Koyomi: (H-He's quite a character...)
I unconsciously just stared at him as he stood in front of me. Just from his long, big nose I could understand he was a member of a Tengu Clan.
His followers, Uten and Saten also at first glance had noses large enough to be considered typical for an adult. If that's the norm for them...
Touma: "...W-What do you want? Why ya lookin' at me?"
Koyomi: (...Mm-hmm. Then it would be the case that Touma-kun's nose is short.)
Though, for a human like me, I really can't understand how they could be so picky about someone with such beautiful facial features...!
Haruka: "Hmmmmm?! Are you perhaps..."
Before I realized, Haruka-kun had got into my personal bubble.
Koyomi: "W-W-W-W-W-W-What is it?!"
Haruka: "...You were enchanted by me, were you not?!"
Nope, not at all.
I was about to deny his remark, bit at a speed to disallow any input from me, he theatrically gestured toward his nose.
Haruka: "No! It's alright! You don't have to say it...! I understand you completely."
Haruka: "My great, elegant nose...! It's only natural for a lady as beautiful as you to be captivated by such a sight...!"
Akito: "Unfortunately, we don't have a lady with such fetishes in this class."
Akito: "You should leave at once."
Haruka: "Hmph, how foolish. The average size of a Tengu's nose is 13cm, but my nose is 20.41cm! There exists no woman who wouldn't be captivated by this nose!"
Koyomi: "Ah, um... I'm not especially interested..."
Haruka: "Urgh... Yes. Yes I understand, lady. It's something you cannot admit in front of others!
Haruka: "But I know the truth. Every lady in the world likes them larger of course...!"
Uten: "The best nose in all of Aima! It's simply magnificent!"
Saten: "No no, not just in Aima, but in all of Japan! All share fierces fall to his charm!"
Haruka-kun looked up towards the sky, and Kanade-kun heaved out a huge sigh.
Kanade: "*sigh*... Sheesh. Haruka is as arrogant as ever."
Sousuke: "Ahaha! It's so funny how he's so riled up about himself. As expected of the No. 1 guy who doesn't listen to anyone but himself."
Camil: "Also known as Freedom Haruka."
Haruka: "...Hm? Well well well? Mayhaps that person over there is...?"
Touma: "......"
Haruka: "A member of the Tengu Clan but with a short nose, Mimasaka Touma-kun! Well! Long time no see!"
Touma: "What you mean 'long time no see', idiot. You're in the class next door, it ain't none of that."
Haruka: "Besides... Huh...? Maybe I'm just imagining it but, did your nose get shorter?"
Touma: "S-Shut it! It hasn't changed!"
Haruka: "Haha, how rude of me! With a short nose like yours, I was worried you'd bump into something and break it off!"
After saying that, Haruka-kun flicked his finger at Touma-kun's nose.
Koyomi: (Wait... I feel like I've seen this scene before...)
Koyomi: (...Oh! Like the old man always picking on others at the bar!)
Koyomi: (Getting picked on is pretty bitter… I understand. I understand you, Touma-kun!)
While I tried to remember something so trivial from the bottom of my heart...
Touma: "Hey, shut up already! Really, why'd you come here in the first place?! Hurry and get back to your own classroom!"
Haruka: "Hahaha! I just came along to say hello to a dear friend. You're such a spoilsport! Well then, adieu!"
Touma: "Just who is your friend?! You scumbag!!"
A person, no, Tengu that appeared like a storm. Nagato Haruka-kun...that’s the image I had of him.
Koyomi: "Maybe it's just that he's eccentric… Or is everyone like that in the Tengu Clan...?"
Touma: "Everyone... What do you mean by that? You make it to seem we're a part of the same clan."
Sousuke: "Ahaha! Since he's a part of the Tengu Clan, of course you'd be a part of the same clan as him, Touma! Touma-kun, you really are thick-skullled huh~"
Touma: "Grgh... Ahー Shut up, shut up! That trash Haruka is the exception, a rarity, and a problem child! Don't lump me with that idiot!"
Well, if you look at those two's exchanges, anyone is bound to notice… Unsurprisingly, Touma-kun and Haruka-kun seem to be completely incompatible.
Koyomi: "But... From his appearance, he really did look Tengu-ish? His nose was really long..."
Touma: "...Huh. Guess I'm just a small-nosed Tengu..."
Koyomi: "Eh? W-What's with the dark mood, Touma-kun? That wasn't a snide comment, just my first impression?!"
Kanade: "In the world of Tengu, having a high nose is recognized as a manly feature."
Koyomi: "Ah... Ohh, I get it. It's similar to height in the human realm..."
That being said, I think that's a matter of personal preference.
Touma: "I don't wanna admit it, but even from my point of view Haruka has a worthy nose. Any woman who saw that nose would fall head over heels for him..."
Koyomi: "I-I don't think that's true..."
Koyomi: (So not only do their habits and features vary by race, their standards of beauty are different too...)
I thought I understood my students' lives and their attitudes well but… It then sunk in that there was still much I didn't know about different species of UMA.
Koyomi: (I better study up more, for their sake too!)
Koyomi: "...That being said, I'd like to know more about my students so if you have any materials I could borrow..."
I thought it was a good idea. I consulted with Nurarihyon-sensei to see if there were any written materials available for me to gain a deeper understanding of each race of my students.
Nurarihyon: "Ohhh, I see. You want to know more about your students? In that case...then let me offer to lend you this file."
From a rack jammed with files, he pulled one out and handed it to me.
Nurarihyon: "When they enroll, we collect personal details over the students."
Nurarihyon: "If you read through this thoroughly, as they say, you'll gain a deeper understanding of them."
Koyomi: "Thank you so much!"
After returning home from school that day. After a short break, I started to read carefully through the materials that were lent to me.
Koyomi: "Then... In order for me to better understand my students, I have to read these materials thoroughly."
I opened the file.
Koyomi: "...First off, who should I start with?"
>>Turn over to a suitable page
> Check Touma's page
> Check Sousuke's page
> Check Akito's page
> Check Camil's page
> Check Kanade's page
Koyomi: "Let's check Touma-kun's page..."
I quickly found his page.
Mimasaka Touma
Born January 1st. 73-years-old.
Eldest son of the Mimasaka Tengu Clan
Abilities include summoning wind and flying. Family consists of his mother, younger brother, and three very young sisters. His father is deceased...
Koyomi: "...He's from a single-mother household."
However, the timing and reasons behind his father's death aren't written. I'm not sure if I'll ever get the opportunity… In order to understand the circumstances behind it, I'll have to ask him himself.
Koyomi: "Oh, there's also an exposition on the Tengu Clan."
Originally, the Tengu Clan dressed in Yamabushi clothing, in their hands they held a Hauchiwa, a fan of mighty power.
On their backs were bird-like wings. The one with the high nose was Nakataka Tengu. The one with a bird-like beak is Karasu Tengu――etc. Even though they are both of the Tengu race, these two are treated differently so beware.
Koyomi: "Huh... I didn't know that. There's different types among Tengu..."
Koyomi: "Like I thought there's still so much I don't understand. Keeping that in mind, I need to look into the others as well."
Koyomi: "Let's check Sousuke-kun's page..."
I quickly found his page.
Suou Sousuke
Born March 3rd. 18-years-old.
A very rare male snow woman.
Abilities include causing snow to fall and freezing any object regardless of the weather. Parents are absent. Raised in the orphanage "Mahoroba Garden'' located in Aima's Tokoyo town.
Koyomi: "Sousuke-kun grew up in a home..."
Did he not bring any of that up himself because he didn't want to or because he couldn't?
I'm worried about it but there was another thing I was concerned about.
Koyomi: "His parents are absent but that means they're not dead...right?"
I'm not familiar with the details but, it seems there's different circumstances in the human realm where parents will send their children to a home.
What on earth led him to be left at the orphanage, and how does Sousuke-kun feel about that himself...?
Koyomi: (Would there be any opportunity to ask Sousuke-kun about that...?)
Koyomi: "Let's check Akito-kun's page..."
I quickly found his page.
Suruga Akito
Born May 5th. 168-years-old.
Eldest Kappa son to the large UMA-owned company, Surugaya, with many channels in the human realm.
Abilities include being able to produce rain at will.
Koyomi: "Wow...! Akito-kun comes from a rich family."
Koyomi: "UMA-owned company… Wait, just what sort of business is it?"
Since Kappa can probably make it rain, I wonder if it has to do with water...though that's a simple way of thinking."
Koyomi: "Let's see, what's left...? Oh, about Kappa themselves..."
They have been sighted throughout Japan since ancient times, with differing names and appearances from region to region.
From Western Japan, it is said they came from Mainland China, but in contrast to Eastern Japan, it is theorized they were familiars to the Onmyouji and Yamabushi. Various theories have been proposed, but the truth remains to be unknown.
They like cucumbers and sumo wrestling, but use caution to not pull their arm from one side, as they are connected as one within the body, and if pulled they will fall out.
Koyomi: "Ehh?! T-That's quite the secret… I'll have to be careful."
Koyomi: "That's all there is written about Akito-kun. Keeping that in mind, I need to look into the others as well."
Koyomi: "Let's check Camil-kun's page..."
I quickly found his page.
Camil Settselin
Born July 7th. 333-years-old. A vampire originally from Eastern Europe. Came to Japan during the start of the Meiji era.
Koyomi: "So Camil-kun wasn't born in Japan..."
Koyomi: "And during the Meiji era? Wow."**
As expected of UMA, their perception of time is very different from humans.
Koyomi: "Let's see, this is...? Ohh, this must be information surrounding vampires?"
For their source of life, they prefer living-human blood. When sucking blood, they stab their fangs into the flesh of their prey.
When doing so, it is said they may feels a sense of sexual pleasure, but whoever is sucked by a vampire will too become a vampire.
They can transform their bodies into a bat, wolf, or fog. They can enter any kind of area, but cannot cross flowing water such as rivers.
They may not enter a building they have not entered before unless someone invites them in from inside. Their appearances cannot be reflected in mirrors or glass, when sleeping, they sleep within a coffin in the ground.
Many possess a strong force to live a long life, but they are weak to silver weapons and garlic. They burn to ash when exposed to the sunlight.
They take pride in the fact they're so resilient they're nearly immortal. but if a wooden stake is driven into their heart they truly meet death.
Koyomi: "I knew a bit about vampires but, there are a lot of different findings and weaknesses..."
Though... I've never seen Camil express interest in blood before. I wonder why that is?
Koyomi: "...Well anyway, that's about it for Camil-kun's page. I still have time, so I'll read another one of their pages."
Koyomi: "Let's check Kanade-kun's page..."
I quickly found his page.
Harima KanadeBorn September 9th. 602-years-old. Currently living alone in [Tokoyo Town], in Aima Prefecture.
Nekomata UMA
Koyomi: "Really, 602-years-old… It's really unbelievable now that I think about it."
Koyomi: "Hmmm… Oh, he was born around the Sengoku period."
Koyomi: "......"
Koyomi: "...Sengoku period?!"**
That's somehow so unbelievable it was causing a headache, so I decided to keep reading through the file.
When a cat is kept by a person and dies of old age, it is said if they hold any regrets from life, they will transform into a Nekomata.
When turning into a Nekomata, the cat's tail will split into two, and occasionally walk on two legs. Not only will they understand human speech, but they may speak themselves.
Koyomi: "For any cat lover, the UMA must feel like a dream."
In my home growing up, we had a dog but if they could understand our language, by all means I'd want that.
Koyomi: "But then that means… A long time ago, Kanade-kun had an owner. I wonder what kind of person they were?"
He must've been a cute cat before.
Koyomi: "Hm... That's it for Kanade-kun's page. Then let's continue a bit more to read about the others."
Koyomi: "Huh? Wait, this is..."
The suitable page I had flipped over to… it looks like it has information on Shion-sensei.
This file was just supposed to have details about the students... Did someone make a mistake when organizing the materials? That being said...
Koyomi: "......"
Koyomi: "I-I'm really curious...!"
A man who normally has a beaming smile, but can occasionally spit out harsh words. Besides that impression of him, I really don't know much else about Shion-sensei.
Koyomi: "...I'll...I'll just read a tiny bit..."
Since he wasn't a student but a co-worker, I felt a little awkward reading his profile...
In the end, I decided to read it.
Izumo Shion: Age: Unknown. Origin: Unknown.
Koyomi: "Eh...?"
Koyomi: "His age and origin is unknown...?"
While currently living alone in Tokoyo Town, of Aima Prefecture, he works as a trainer at The UMA Yomi Abyss Vocational High School. He is in charge of the subject World History.
Koyomi: "...That's it...?"
There's only a few lines about it. That was all the information that was written down, and the rest of it was blank.
...For some reason, something felt off with this information.
Koyomi: "It doesn't even say when he started working at the school… I don't think this information makes any sense..."
I was reading the materials about Shion-sensei to know a bit more about him but, on the contrary I just have this odd feeling that there must be a bigger mystery.
Koyomi: "That Shion-sensei...really is a mystery."
Despite worrying about it for a while, I couldn't help what I didn't know.
Koyomi: "In the meantime... My first priority should be learning more about my students."
I nodded, and began to read through other information.
I couldn't stop reading partway through, and ended up reading it in its entirety. By the time I had finished, it was already around 3:00am. I hurried to prepare for tomorrow, and cheerfully crawled into bed.
Koyomi: "Again, there was just so much I didn't know."
The fact that Touma-kun comes from a single-mother household, and finding out Sousuke-kun grew up in a home.
I was surprised to learn about Akito-kun's family business, and on top of that they even trade in the human realm. Camil-kun had come to Japan during the Meiji era. Kanade-kun was born again before the Sengoku period.
Koyomi: "You can tell the difference between them and humans just from looking at them, but… UMA are really special beings."
They seem the same as humans, but are totally different from humans. There are many things they didn't understand just from theory class...
Similarly, there must be a lot of things I'm still ignorant about even after reading this document.
Koyomi: "I want to try to get to know everyone better but, how can I do that...?"
Koyomi: "Oh! I know just the way!"
The next day after school...
The school bell echoed, and I quickly called out to the students as they started getting ready to leave.
Koyomi: "Oh, please wait, everyone! I have something I'd like you all to hear!"
Kanade: "Hm? What is it, Madam?"
Koyomi: "Well... In order for me to better get to know everyone, I was thinking of doing home visits."
Sousuke: "Home...visits? What's that? I've never heard of some event like 'home visit' here at Yomi school."
Koyomi: "Home visits are where I, your teacher, visit everyone's home and talk with your family and such..."
Akito: "Eh? Like a marriage discussion? I'm happy you're being assertive but...I still wanted to enjoy my free time."
Koyomi: "I-It's not that at all! It's not like that..."
Touma: "Then... Are you here to challenge the top of my house and test your skills?"
Koyomi: "Just where did you get that idea?!"
Kanade: "Yes, first we must hear Madam out."
The noise and commotion died down after Kanade-kun spoke. I just continued.
Koyomi: "I've reported to the school about visiting everyone's home..."
Koyomi: "If any of your parents have questions or concerns, please have them ask."
Koyomi: "This way, your teacher will be able to learn more about you all, right?"
Touma: "Uuuurgh... I don't really care either way."
Sousuke: "I mean, it sounds like a huge pain~"
Camil: "I see, I see. So you're there to see what's cookin'?"***
Akito: "Huh...? I think it's fine. If Sensei has interest in me, then I'll have to do my best to give her a warm welcome."
Kanade: "Hm... Madam visiting my home... Alright! I'll be sure to prepare a delicious batch of tea."
There was a noisy uproar about it all but, it seems they're all fine with the idea.
Koyomi: "Then it's decided."
Koyomi: "Starting with next week, I'll be visiting everyone's homes, so please be sure to inform your families."
* This is actually the same spelling for Surugaya, the retailer.
**Meiji period lasted between 1868 – 1912
***Sengoku period lasted between 1467–1615
****This is a reference to a JP TV show that goes to random neighborhoods to ask them what is for dinner
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KLAP Translation: Part 3 (Kanade)
Kanade Rampage
???: "Oh...? Well if it isn't Madam. What brings you here?"
Koyomi: "Kanade-kun..."
Koyomi: "It...It's a bit late, huh. Are you leaving now?"
Kanade: "Aye. I had something to research at the library earlier. Madam, what brings you here?"
Koyomi: "Ah. W-Well… For a change of pace you could say..."
Kanade: "Change of pace...? Ho-ho, has something been weighing on your mind?"
Koyomi: "Weighing on... Well... Yes. Something has kinda been weighing on my mind."
Kanade: "...Hehehe. Madam, you are fortunate."
Koyomi: "Eh. W-What do you mean?"
Kanade: "The destiny that made us meet here. For your troubles... I will use my 600 years' of experience to immediately answer all your questions!"
Kanade: "Now now. No need to refrain and try discussing it with me."
Is he willing to lend me an ear? What should I do...?
> You're surprisingly grown-up
> You're kind.
> I shouldn't be consoled by a student.
OPTION: You're surprisingly grown-up
Koyomi: "You're surprisingly grown-up."
Kanade: "I-It's not surprising in the slightest! From my body to my mind, I am an earnest adult!"
His mind aside, am I the only one who thinks his doesn't doesn't match that image...?
Kanade: "Seriously...! Usually I'd start preaching to you right now, but..."
Kanade: "It's unmanly to take my anger out on a distressed lady. Hehe... I will ignore that statement on behalf of my generous heart."
OPTION: You're kind.
Koyomi: "You're kind, Kanade-kun."
Kanade: "But of course! It is only proper etiquette for gentlemen to be kind to ladies!"
Confident and proud, Kanade puffed out his chest. As he presented himself, it almost looked like he was on his tip-toes... It was unexpectedly cute.
Kanade: "Now now, no need to refrain yourself. Talk to your heart's content!"
OPTION: I shouldn't be consoled by a student.
Koyomi: "I...really am pathetic. I'm supposed to be a teacher, but being consoled by my student."
Kanade: "No no, that is not the case here. Many teachers encounter their own troubles."
Kanade: "Throwing them under the bus would be immoral as a man and UMA. Thou shalt love my neighbor as thyself. People should always help each other in times of need."
Kanade: "Then? What is it that is weighing on you, Madam?"
Koyomi: "Actually, today I witnessed my first Rampage..."
Kanade: "Ahh, there did seem to be some commotion this afternoon."
Kanade: "...I see, you have not seen a Rampage before this, Madam?"
Kanade: "Thus, today was the first time you have witnessed the measures to deal with it?"
Koyomi: "Yeah..."
Kanade: "I see now. That is the cause of your troubles, huh..."
Koyomi: "...I thought it was very frightening. I also think I couldn't possibly do something like that..."
Kanade: "Hm. Well that should be normal."
Kanade: "If someone saw that scene out of the blue and reacted with pleasure or delight, I'd question their character."
Kanade: However, Madam.To us UMA, taking such action is an absolute necessity."
Kanade: "For humans in their daily lives, they use medicine to try to cure their injuries or illnesses, do they not?"
Koyomi: "Yeah."
Kanade: "The only difference between that and oral medication or ointments, is the fact that it looks more extreme."
Koyomi: "Trainers are like medicine to UMA..."
Kanade: "That's it. Once we have the ability to control our impulses, we will no longer need it..."
Kanade: "It's the same as when you stop taking medicine once the human has recovered."
Koyomi: "That makes sense..."
Koyomi: "But... I still hold resistance to the idea of hitting someone..."
Kanade: "Madam, you are quite kind."
Koyomi: "Eh? W-Why all of a sudden?"
Kanade: "To me, the proof is your distress over different species than yourself. I'm certain you will become a great instructor, I guarantee it."
Kanade-kun smiled happily, and reached out to pat my head.
Kanade: "Aye, good good."
Koyomi: "T-That's kinda embarrassing, Kanade-kun."
Kanade: "There is no need to be embarrassed. My own owner will often――"
Kanade: "Hm...?"
Koyomi: "Kanade-kun...? What's wrong?"
Without responding to me, Kanade-kun abruptly dropped to his knees like a puppet with their threads cut.
Kanade: "Ah... Urgh, Grgh...! No way... This sensation...?!"
He suddenly appeared to be in pain, and in a panic I peered toward his face――It was then I realized.
Koyomi: (Wah?! Kanade-kun's eyes turned red...?! It's the same as Ryou-kun's Rampage...!)
Kanade: "I-I am... in a Rampage...?! Urgh...?!"
Kanade: "Grgh... Ahhhh...!!"
Koyomi: "Kanade-kun...?!"
A strong wind surged around him. Just like Ryou-kun's Rampage, it was a strange wind which held a force I couldn't see.
Koyomi: "......!"
Even though I was in a state of shock, I instinctively grabbed my training whip. But...!
Koyomi: "I can't do this by myself...!"
Koyomi: "That's right, the training room...! If I can go there...!"
Kanade: "Gah...! Urg... Ahhhh...!!"
During that time, Kanade-kun's groans grew more intense, and I held him up in a panic.
Koyomi: "This isn't the place or time to be worried...! I have to save Kanade-kun...!"
Let's hurry to the training room, then――
Koyomi: "Kanade-kun, I'm sorry...!"
Still in his suffering state, I gently laid him down, firmly shackle both his arms to suppress him.
Kanade: "Haaah... Haahhh....! W-What is this strange feeling...! The inside of my body feels like its scorching...!!"
He seems to be in pain, but he has some captivated look on him.
Koyomi: (I'm the only one here who can save him!)
If I can't help him, what'll be waiting for him is a future of decades in that underground dungeon. If I don't save him...!
Koyomi: "Just wait, Kanade-kun...! I'll save you――!"
[Excluded mini whip game]
[Good whip score]
Somehow, after completing my first training, we were both left heavily panting.
Koyomi: "*pant*...*pant*...S-Somehow it seems the Rampage subsided..."
Kanade: "Unyah, it subsided somehow..."
Koyomi: "Are you perfectly okay now?"
Kanade: "Aye. I really worried about you there… I feel fine now. For saving me there, Madam, you have my gratitude."
Koyomi: "Eh...! Y-You don't have to thank me, it wasn't that much... I was just doing all I could to help."
Kanade: "Nyat at all. Don't say that; come along with me. Being saved without repayment makes me uncomfortable."
Kanade: "Do me a favor and join me for a cup of tea, it would make me really happy."
Kanade-kun smiled and brought me to――
Koyomi: (I didn't think I'd be served 'this' tea...)
Kanade-kun's fatigue seems to have faded since the training, and he's energetic again.
For my sake, he was performing the tea ceremony. This is my first time in the tea ceremony room of the school but, I never expected it to be so authentic.
Koyomi: (It's probably from the skylight but it's bright...)
As I was admiring the rare view around me――
Kanade: "...Here, please help yourself."
Before I had realized he had finished, Kanade-kun offered me a cup of tea.
Koyomi: "Um, so... I'm not familiar with tea ceremonies in the slightest… How should I drink this?"
Kanade: "Nyahaha. You don't need to concern yourself with that. You can drink it however you like."
Kanade: "Isn't it painful to sit on your knees like that? You are fine to just relax."
Koyomi: "Eh... B-But, wouldn't it be rude to ignore proper manners in a tea ceremony room?"
Kanade: "Hehe, it's not an official ceremony now. It's just you and me, Madam, so no need to be so formal."
He said that with a soft smile on his face.
Until not too long ago, he was afflicted with a torturous Rampage… In a state where he narrowly lost his sense of self.
Koyomi: "......"
Kanade: "...? Madam, what is it?"
Koyomi: (If he were to go into a Rampage and no one was around to stop it, he wouldn't be able to perform this tea ceremony like now...)
The thought of it was simply and utterly dreadful.
Koyomi: "...No, it's nothing. The tea is very good. Thank you."
Even if I didn't come here of my own accord, I want to protect those like him, who trust me with their lives...
Koyomi: (I am still an inexperienced teacher but I hope to grow with Kanade-kun and everyone else at this school.)
Until I can become a truly admirable teacher...
The Next Day.
I reported back to work to the school, and met with Nurarihyon-sensei in the staff room.
Nurarihyon: "Oh, it's you. What is it?"
Koyomi: "Until yesterday, I was asking myself if I could really continue being a teacher at this school but――"
Nurarihyon: "Ah yes, I remember. From your expression...did you find your answer?"
Koyomi: "Yes. I will try my best at this school...!"
It was a small resolution, but a big first step. I had decided to step forward.
[Bad whip score]
Somehow, after completing my first training, we were both left heavily panting.
Koyomi: "Did...the Rampage somehow calm down?"
Kanade: "Fuuuu.... That was startling..."
I finally released Kanade-kun from his chains, and he seemed very tired.
Koyomi: "I'm sorry... I couldn't do it that well..."
Kanade: "No such thing! Madam, you put your life on the line and saved me...! There is no reason for you to apologize!"
Koyomi: "Kanade-kun..."
What I wanted to be was a teacher, not a trainer...
This encounter in an unknown world to humans, known as Aima Prefecture.
Principal Nurariyon.
Everyone in class.
There was still much I did not understand, and some things I may NEVER understand. However——
Koyomi: (I will try to do all I can here...)
I thought about that as I saw him standing in front of me.
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KLAP Translation: Part 3 (Camil)
Camil Rampage
While walking and in a state of anguish…
Koyomi: "Kyaa!"
I bumped and slipped on my toe on a step, and completely fell down.
Koyomi: "Ow ow ow ow..."
Luckily I wasn't injured but, the fall only caused me to fall into a more depressive state.
Koyomi: (*sigh*. This is the worst...)
I heaved a sigh as I sat there.
Camil: "...? Did you drop money?"
Koyomi: "Wah?!"
Without a sound, Camil-kun had suddenly appeared beside me.
In contrast to me, Camil-kun looked around in his usual, indifferent manner.
Camil: "I can't find any money."
Koyomi: "Oh. Don't worry about it? It's not that I dropped any money..."
Camil: "Not money? Then… Was it some smuggled goods you dropped...?"
Koyomi: "No no! Not at all! I've never done anything bad like that?!"
Camil: "Really? I was about to call the Hunter's Association."
Koyomi: "Just how do you see me, Camil-kun?!"
After that exchange, I couldn't sit there forever, so I stood up and brushed off my knees.
Koyomi: "But anyway, why are you here...?"
Camil: "...? I've been here from the beginning. You're the one who came along."
Koyomi: "O-Oh? Is that so..."
Camil: "Your aura seems to be faltering. Are you...worried about something?"
> It's about something with school…
> What do you think of UMA?
> No, nevermind.
OPTION: It's about something with school…
Koyomi: "I'm a bit distressed about something with school..."
Camil: "Oh... That time of youth with many troubles of the heart?"
Koyomi: "...No, it's not really that..."
OPTION: What do you think of UMA?
Koyomi: "Camil-kun, what do you think about UMA?"
Camil: "What...? What do you mean by that?"
Koyomi: "Well more specifically about Rampage――"
Camil: "Rampage? That usually starts around fifteen...The pinnacle behavior of youth?"
Camil: "Or do you mean Rampage in terms of UMA?"
Koyomi: "T-That's usually what I mean by Rampage..."
OPTION: No, nevermind.
Koyomi: "Urgh... No, nevermind. Thanks for worrying about――"
Camil placed his finger over my lips.His fingertip was cool and resembled that of porcelain.
Koyomi: "――!"
Camil: "That face doesn't suggest it's nothing. ...I can tell when you're lying."
Koyomi: "......"
Koyomi: "Actually, today a Rampage happened in front of me――"
Camil: "Ohh. Was seeing that a guilty pleasure to you?"
Koyomi: "N-No, it wasn't that. It was not a guilty pleasure..."
Koyomi: "I was just...really, really surprised. I wasn't able to do anything in the end. I'm worried about what I should do from here on out..."
Camil: "......"
Koyomi: "So that's why..."
Camil: "......"
Koyomi: "Um......"
Camil: "......"
Koyomi: "...C-Camil-kun...! Can you at least blink...!? Just staring at your blank expression is a bit eerie, you know?!"
Camil: "Eh? ...Oh, sorry. It was such a serious story, so I felt I shouldn't ruin it."
Koyomi: "...Y-You were completely frozen..."
Camil: "...Hmmmm..."
Camil: "Anyway, as for my thoughts after hearing your story――I'm not sure what you're so worried about?"
Koyomi: "Eh...?"
Camil: "It seems natural that there's things you don't understand or see for the first time when you're living in a new place."
Camil: "In this case, for you, Sensei, it's with UMA and Rampages..."
Camil: "This may be a harsh way to put it, but of course you'll worry about it. Plus, there's nothing much you can do about it anyway."
Koyomi: "...That, well...might be true I guess."
Camil: "In that case, you don't shouldn't have to worry or be scared about things that have yet to come. Just do what you have been doing, Sensei."
Koyomi: "......"
Camil: "It may sound irresponsible but, I have my faith if you, Sensei. That's I feel."
Koyomi: "Camil-kun..."
Camil: "――Either way, that's just my thoughts. I have no idea what the right thing to do is."
Koyomi: "...No. What you said really made me happy, Camil-kun. I can't let myself stay discouraged like this.
Koyomi: "As a teacher or as a trainer...I still have a long way to go from here!"
Camil: "...Mm. That's the spirit."
Camil spoke with a smile.
Camil: "Huh...?"
Koyomi: "Camil-kun...? What's wrong?"
Without responding to me, Camil-kun abruptly dropped to his knees like a puppet with their threads cut.
Camil: "Ah...Urgh,!"
He suddenly appeared to be in pain, and in a panic I peered toward his face――It was then I realized.
Koyomi: (Wah?! Camil-kun's eyes turned red...?! It's the same as Ryou-kun's Rampage...!)
A strong wind surged around him. Just like Ryou-kun's Rampage, it was a strange wind which held a force I couldn't see.
Koyomi: "......!"
Even though I was in a state of shock, I instinctively grabbed my training whip. But...!
Koyomi: "I can't do this by myself...!"
Koyomi: "That's right, the training room...! If I can go there...!"
Camil: "Ah...Urgh...Aaaaaaahh..!!"
During that time, Camil-kun's groans grew more intense, and I held him up in a panic.
Koyomi: "This isn't the place or time to hesitate...!"
I have to save Camil-kun...!
Let's hurry to the training room, then――
Koyomi: "Camil-kun, I'm sorry...!"
Still in his suffering state, I gently laid him down, firmly shackling both his arms to suppress him.
Camil: "Ahh...! M-My body feels like it's squirming...! It feels weird... Urgh...!"
He seems to be in pain, but he has some captivated look on him.
Koyomi: (I'm the only one here who can save him!)
If I can't help him, what'll be waiting for him is a future of decades in that underground dungeon. If I don't save him...!
Koyomi: "Just wait, Camil-kun...! I'll save you――!"
[Excluded mini whip game]
[Good whip score]
I somehow managed to complete my first training, in my exhaustive state, I hurried to remove his chains.
Koyomi: "C-Camil-kun, hang in there! Camil-kun...!!"
I tried to shake him awake as his eyes wearily shut. His pale eyelids were trembling, but slowly opened.
Camil: "Did I narrowly escape deaf...?”
Koyomi: "'Escape death' you mean...?! Either way, I'm glad you're safe..."
Camil: "...Mm. You're right, thank you."
Koyomi "I was so worried about you staying in a Rampage, I wasn't sure what to do――"
I spoke, and cut off with a sigh. Camil-kun appeared to be lost in thought about something.
Camil: "......"
When he finished his thought, he suddenly started to unbutton his jacket one button at a time.
Koyomi: "...Eh? U-Um, Camil-kun?"
Camil: "If you are to continue your work at this school, you should know more about men. Therefore...I'll teach you."
Still maintaining his usual dry expression, he undid his last button――! His porcelain skin glazed in my eyes.
Koyomi: "D-Don't! You can't, Camil-kun...!"
I turned my face away and was about to shout at him, but he pulled something out from his bosom to display.
I timidly glanced over towards it…
Camil: "Here."
Koyomi: "...Eh? A game...? Camil-kun, you were talking about getting to know men better so..."
Camil: "Yes. Here, I would recommend this game. A female teacher catches her male student she has feelings for, and then trains him――"
Koyomi: "No! I'm only doing this for work you know?!"
After that, I wrestled with Camil's inappropriate comments for a while and sent him out from the basement to return home.
Koyomi: (But anyway...)
I can't deny I caused him unnecessary danger due to my lack of skill and experience.
Even if I didn't come here of my own accord, I want to protect those like him, who trust me with their lives...
Koyomi: (I am still an inexperienced teacher but I hope to grow with Camil-kun and everyone else at this school.)
Until I can become a truly admirable teacher...
The Next Day.
I reported back to work to the school, and met with Nurarihyon-sensei in the staff room.
Nurarihyon: "Oh, it's you. What is it?"
Koyomi: "Until yesterday, I was asking myself if I could really continue being a trainer at this school but――"
Nurarihyon: "Ah yes, I remember. From your expression...did you find your answer?"
Koyomi: "Yes. I will try my best at this school...!"
It was a small resolution, but a big first step. I had decided to step forward.
[Bad whip score]
Somehow, after completing my first training, we were both left heavily panting.
Koyomi: "Did...the Rampage somehow calm down?"
Camil: "Truly a closed call... No, an international call...?"
I finally released Camil-kun from his chains, and he seemed very tired. He didn't look too different, but he seemed a bit fidgety.
Koyomi: "I-I think you mean, a 'close call'...? I'm sorry to take such a long time with the training. I couldn't do it that well..."
Camil: "Don't sweat it. I was more sturdy than expected… Either way, I'm happy you put in all you could, Sensei. Thank you."
Koyomi: "Camil-kun..."
What I wanted to be was a teacher, not a trainer...
This encounter in an unknown world to humans, known as Aima Prefecture.
Principal Nurariyon.
Everyone in class.
There was still much I did not understand, and some things I may NEVER understand. However——
Koyomi: (I will try to do all I can here...)
I thought about that as I saw him standing in front of me.
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KLAP Translation: Part 3 (Akito)
Akito Rampage
No matter how worried I was, I couldn't find any answers... I stopped in my tracks and stood in a stock still.
???: "Why hello there, sad but beautiful. If you're available, why not join me in some passionate playtime?"
Koyomi: "――?"
When I looked over my shoulder, I saw...
Koyomi: "Akito-kun."
Akito: "Hi, fancy meeting you here?"
Akito: "Or rather, this could be the act of destiny trying to connect us together?"
Koyomi: "...It's just a coincidence."
Akito: "Huh, in a bad mood――or rather looking depressed. Sensei, any expression you present is always charming, though I'd much prefer one that includes you smiling."
Akito: "That being said, would you like to go do something? I'll wash away all your troubles."
> Yeah... Okay.
> I'm not in the mood right now.
> Where are you taking me?
OPTION: Yeah... Okay.
Koyomi: "Yeah... Okay."
Akito: "*sigh*... Is that a serious answer? You can't enjoy a date with an attitude like that."
Akito: "What is it you're so troubled about?If you're fine with me, I'll hear you out."
It might be good to ask Akito-kun for his input since he's concerned about it...
> OPTION: I'm not in the mood right now.
Koyomi: "I don’t think I’m in the mood right now."
Akito: "Really? That's a shame. ...Then let's go on a date another day, promise?"
Koyomi: "Hehe... You're never discouraged, Akito-kun."
Akito: "Haha. For a lady, I'll face any hardship or give up my time without while you're in this state, I'll do anything in my power to resolve it, you know?"
It might be good to ask Akito-kun for his input since he's concerned about it…
OPTION: Where are you taking me?
Koyomi: "Where are you taking me?"
Akito: "Hehe, wherever your heart desires."
Akito: "――But before that, I want to ask what is troubling you. I want to help you smile during this date."
It might be good to ask Akito-kun for his input since he's concerned about it...
Koyomi: "Actually this afternoon, I witnessed my first Rampage..."
Akito: "Rampage? Ohh... That's right, I heard Ryou went into one. Is it about that?"
I nodded as a reply.
Koyomi: "Afterward, Nurarihyon-sensei taught me about various things."
Koyomi: "Like, how to calm down a rampage and, what happens if I can't do it..."
Akito: "Hmmm... I see. Then? Are you now scared of us UMA?"
Koyomi: "N-No...! That's not it! That's not it, but...
Akito: "Ahh, it's alright, it's alright. I'm not trying to criticize you."
Akito: "I can understand how it must've been shocking. There's no such thing as Rampage for humans. It had to be unexpected and surprising, right?"
Koyomi: "Y-Yeah..."
Akito: "But for us, Rampage is inevitable."
Akito: "You never know when it will happen, and you have some lucky ones who never Rampage."
Akito: "Thus, I don't really think you should blame yourself, Sensei."
He dropped his gaze and gently wrapped both his hands around one of mine.
Akito: "You just have to do what you can."
Koyomi: "What I can do...?"
Akito: "Yes. Even if you're clumsy or awkward… Just do the best you can do."
Akito: "If you believe you want to help someone, then what can you do in order to accomplish that? ...Why not ponder over that thought?"
Koyomi: "What I can do..."
Akito: "You can take your time thinking about it. At any rate, you're still a new trainer."
Akito: "I could hold your hand every step of the way...if you'"
Akito: "――Gwah?!"
Koyomi: "Akito-kun? What's wrong...?"
Without responding to me, Akito-kun abruptly dropped to his knees like a puppet with their threads cut.
Akito: "Ah...Guh! This is...!"
He suddenly appeared to be in pain, and in a panic I peered toward his face―― It was then I realized.
Koyomi: (Wah?! Akito-kun's eyes turned red...?! It's the same as Ryou-kun's Rampage...!)
A strong wind surged around him. Just like Ryou-kun's Rampage, it was a strange wind which held a force I couldn't see.
Koyomi: "......!"
Even though I was in a state of shock, I instinctively grabbed my training whip. But...!
Koyomi: "I can't do this by myself...!"
Koyomi: "That's right, the training room...! If I can go there...!"
Akito: "Gwah...Ah...Gaaaaaahh..!!"
During that time, Akito-kun's groans grew more intense, and I held him up in a panic.
Koyomi: "I'm the only one who can help...! Akito-kun, just hang in there a bit longer...!!"
Let's hurry to the training room, then――
Koyomi: "Akito-kun, I'm sorry...!"
Still in his suffering state, I gently laid him down, firmly shackling both his arms to suppress him.
Akito: "*pant*...*pant*...! Damn, my insides are so hot...! Sensei...! I...!"
He seems to be in pain, but he has some captivated look on him.
Koyomi: (I'm the only one here who can save him!)
If I can't help him, what'll be waiting for him is a future of decades in that underground dungeon. If I don't save him...!
Koyomi: "Just wait, Akito-kun...! I'll save you――!"
[Excluded mini whip game]
[Good whip score]
Somehow, after completing my first training, we were both left heavily panting.
Koyomi: "*pant*...*pant*... S-Somehow it seems the Rampage subsided..."
Akito: "Yeah, you saved me there… But sensei, your 'training'... It was so stimulating; I might get addicted.”
Koyomi: "C'mon, I was getting frantic, don't poke fun at me."
Akito: "Haha, sorry sorry. But, sensei, when you're frantically swinging your whip at me for my sake, you're pretty charming, you know?"
Akito-kun approached me as he spoke――
Koyomi: "...Hwah...?!"
When he stopped, he lightly pressed his lips to my forehead.
Akito: "Thank you. I'm counting on you from now on, okay, sensei?"
Koyomi: "......"
I froze in a state of shock, and Akito left me in that state as he left the dungeon.
After coming to my senses, I felt embarrassed and internally struggled with education morals, and repeatedly had internal identity crisis after crisis… But, there was at least one thing I felt happy about.
That was, that I could be helpful to my students. That I could be supportive of someone. By training Akito-kun, I was able to understand it.
Koyomi: (...I hope to become a better teacher. One who can save my students in need, a reliable teacher.)
The Next Day.
I reported back to work to the school, and met with Nurarihyon-sensei in the staff room.
Nurarihyon: "Oh, it's you. What is it?"
Koyomi: "Until yesterday, I was asking myself if I could really continue being a trainer at this school but――"
Nurarihyon: "Ah yes, I remember. From your expression...did you find your answer?"
Koyomi: "Yes. I will try my best at this school...!"
It was a small resolution, but a big first step. I had decided to step forward.
[Bad whip score]
Somehow, after completing my first training, we were both left heavily panting.
Koyomi: "Did...the Rampage somehow calm down?"
Akito: " was actually thrilling for a while..."
I finally released Akito-kun from his chains, and I tried to fix my disheveled hair.
Koyomi: "I'm sorry... I couldn't do it that well..."
Akito: "Ahh, don't make that face. You were able to save me in the end. That's nothing to be ashamed of."
Koyomi: "Akito-kun..."
What I wanted to be was a teacher, not a trainer...
This encounter in an unknown world to humans, known as Aima Prefecture.
Principal Nurariyon.
Everyone in class.
There was still much I did not understand, and some things I may NEVER understand. However——
Koyomi: (I will try to do all I can here...)
I thought about that as I saw him standing in front of me.
#klap#klap translation#translation#japanese translation#otome#otoge#otome translations#otome translation#kindess love and punishment
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KLAP Translation: Part 3 (Sousuke)
Sousuke Rampage
Koyomi: "*sigh*..."
???: "Huuuh~? What a gloomy-looking face~..."
Koyomi: "Oh, Sousuke-kun..."
Sousuke: " You really seem dreary. What's with that face?"
Koyomi: "Eh. Does my face really look that way...?"
Sousuke: "......"
Sousuke: "...Hey. You know, being depressed makes you look even uglier, so you should go back to your normal, air-headed self."
> I-I'm not ugly...!
> ...Yeah probably.
> Sorry, right now I――
OPTION: I-I'm not ugly...!
Koyomi: "I'm not ugly...! And I'm not an airhead either...!"
Sousuke: "Ahaha. Still, you've got enough energy to get mad."
Sousuke: "...Sheesh. Guess I didn't need to worry after all."
Koyomi: "W-What...? What'd you say?"
Sousuke: "Nothing in particular~?"
> ...Yeah probably.
Koyomi: "...Yeah, probably."
Sousuke: "Wow... It’s a lot more serious than I thought."
Koyomi: "......"
Sousuke: "So why are you so gloomy? I'm a nice guy, you know. Do you want me to lend you an ear?"
Koyomi: "Eh..."
Sousuke: "Oh, but I do want you to buy me some juice and snacks afterwards. Okay?"
Koyomi: "Urgh..."
Sousuke: "Ahaha! Sensei, you really can't take a joke, huh?"
OPTION: Sorry, right now I――
Koyomi: "I'm sorry, Sousuke-kun. I may not be able to talk about it right now, but maybe tomorrow I can――"
With that, I was about to leave, but Sousuke-kun skillfully made his way around in front of me.
Sousuke: "...Hmmm? So, you'd rather not share anything with someone like me? Is that what it is?"
Koyomi: "Eh..."
Sousuke: "Sensei, don't take me for an idiot. With that end-of-the-world look on your face, anyone could tell something's wrong."
Sousuke: "So? Actually, something happened, right?”
Sousuke: "I'm quite an admirable student. I'll listen to all your troubles, Sensei."
As Sousuke-kun stood in front of me, it didn't feel like he was doing it out of sympathy or pity――
I'm sure he asked out of pure curiosity. Maybe that was why. I didn't have much trouble telling him what I was feeling on the inside.
Koyomi: "Actually, earlier, I saw Ryou-kun's Rampage for the first time."
Koyomi: "I experienced what the training entailed but, I don't know if I have the confidence to do that..."
Sousuke: "......"
Koyomi: "Then after the Rampage, I thought, 'What will happen to everyone else?' and such. Since then, I've been thinking and worrying about what's ahead..."
Sousuke: "...Huuuh~? That's what's got you all gloomy? Sensei...are you really an idiot?"
Koyomi: "N-No I'm not! Besides, how can you just brush it off like that――"
Sousuke: "What's the big deal? That's how it is for me."
Sousuke: "I mean, aren't human children supposed to be disciplined too? Just to prevent them from becoming bad adults?"
Sousuke: "And if you need to, you punish them. It's the same thing."
Sousuke: "Even if their appearances or habits are different, that doesn't change what you have to do. What I am saying is, you don't need to be worried or depressed over it.
Koyomi: "C-Can I really think of it that plainly...?"
Sousuke: "Of course you can. In the first place, even if you have racked your brains over it, you couldn't come up with better alternatives, right?"
After making that statement, Sousuke-kun gave me a slap on the back.
Sousuke: "――Grgh?!
Koyomi: "Sousuke-kun? What's wrong...?"
Before he could respond to my words, Sousuke abruptly fell to his knees like a puppet whose strings had been cut.
Sousuke: "Urg...Uuuurg...!"
He suddenly appeared to be in pain, and in a panic I peered my eyes towards his face―― It was then I realized.
Koyomi: (Wah?! Sousuke-kun's eyes turned red...?! It's the same as Ryou-kun's Rampage...!)
A strong wind surged around him. Just like Ryou-kun's Rampage, it was a strange wind which held a force I couldn't see.
Koyomi: "......!"
Even though I was in a state of shock, I instinctively grabbed my training whip.
Koyomi: "There's no way I can do this by myself..."
Koyomi: "That's right, the training room...! If I can go there...!"
Sousuke: "Gwah...Ah...Gaaaaaahh..!!"
Meanwhile Sousuke's groans intensified, which made me pick him up hastily.
Koyomi: "S-Sousuke-kun...! Just a bit more...! Just hold on a bit more...!"
Let's hurry to the training room, then――
Koyomi: "Sousuke-kun, I'm sorry!"
Still in his suffering state, I gently laid him down, firmly shackling both his arms to suppress him.
Sousuke: "Gwah...Ahh...! Sensei...! My body...feels strange...!"
He seemed to be in pain, but looked bittersweet, somewhat charming.
Koyomi: (I'm the only one here who can save him!)
Otherwise, what awaits him is a future of decades of imprisonment in that dungeon. He needs my help...!
Koyomi: "Just wait, Sousuke-kun...! I'll save you now――!"
[Excluded is mini-whip game]
[Good whip score]
Somehow, after completing my first training, we were both left heavily panting.
Koyomi: "*pant*...*pant*... S-Somehow it seems the Rampage subsided..."
Sousuke: "It felt like it was getting close there at the end… If you can't improve your training skills, I'll really be in trouble..."
Koyomi: "Urgh. Y-Yeah that's true――I'll work hard to do better next time."
Sousuke: ...Well, anyway, the Rampage already subsided, shall we go home now?"
Sousuke: "Haaah...! I'm beat~..."
Koyomi: "Wah, W-Wait, Sousuke-kun...!"
I called out to him as he started walking away, and hurriedly chased after him. Then, as we were both walking home...
Sousuke: "...Ah, hold on. My throats gettin' dry so I wanna drink some tea."
He said, and stopped in front of a vending machine.
Sousuke: "Let's see..."
Sousuke: "Huh~? I thought I entered in for the green tea but mistakenly bought the wrong one~"
Sousuke: "Here, I'll give this, sensei. I don't need this, so you can drink this instead."
Koyomi: "Eh? Oh, okay."
Sousuke: "Then, shall we go?"
Koyomi: "Eh, but what about your tea, Sousuke-kun? Are you not going to buy the one you wanted...?"
Sousuke: "It'd be a pain so I don't want to."
Koyomi: "......"
Koyomi: (Is he somehow doing this as thanks from earlier?)
Koyomi: "...Hehe. Thanks, Sousuke-kun."
Sousuke: "Huh~? You're all elated about me pushing all these things onto you? You're so weird, sensei."
He said that to me without turning around but, I couldn't see the expression on his face, but I could tell. I'm sure he was chuckling with a smile.
Koyomi: (I'm glad... I can properly fulfill my role as a trainer, and be helpful to my students...)
There's still places I can improve in… But, I want to try my best at this school. I pondered that thought as I followed behind Sousuke-kun.
The Next Day.
I reported back to work to the school, and met with Nurarihyon-sensei in the staff room.
Nurarihyon: "Oh, it's you. What is it?"
Koyomi: "Until yesterday, I was asking myself if I could really continue being a trainer at this school but――"
Nurarihyon: "Ah yes, I remember. From your expression...did you find your answer?"
Koyomi: "Yes. I will try my best at this school...!"
It was a small resolution,
but a big first step.
I had decided to step forward.
[Bad whip score]
Somehow, after completing my first training, we were both left heavily panting.
Koyomi: "Did...the Rampage somehow calm down?"
Sousuke: "It feels like just barely..."
I finally released Sousuke-kun from his chains, and he seemed very tired.
Koyomi: "I'm sorry... I couldn't do it that well..."
Sousuke: "It's fine... You saved me either way. Isn't this okay for your first time, sensei?"
Koyomi: "Sousuke-kun..."
What I wanted to be was a teacher, not a trainer...
This encounters an unknown world to humans, known as Aima Prefecture.
Principal Nurariyon.
Everyone in class. There was still much I did not understand, and some things I may NEVER understand. However——
Koyomi: (I will try to do all I can here...)
I thought about that as I saw him standing in front of me.
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KLAP Translation: Part 3 (Touma)
Touma Rampage
Koyomi: "*sigh*..."
(Staring at the ground while walking isn't gonna help me find the answer though...)
Koyomi: "――Oof."
Hoodlum Student A: "Ouch!"
At the loud voice, I looked up to a student who just radiated "I'm trouble".
Koyomi: "Sorry I wasn't paying attention――"
Hoodlum Student A: “...Tch! You lousy human, what are you doing strutting in the middle of the street! Why don't you go cry in a corner or something?!"
Hoodlum Student B: "Humans sure are an eyesore..."
Koyomi: "......"
Koyomi: (...If these kids were to go into a Rampage――)
Suddenly, the image of that underground dungeon came to mind.
Hoodlum Student C: "...Huh? This thing looks like they're thinking about something?"
Hoodlum Student A: "Huuuuh? You got some nerve thinking of something before me."
Koyomi: "Wah...?! H-Hey! Let go of me!"
Hoodlum Student A: "You bump into me then order me around without even apologizing, huh."
Hoodlum Student A: "But, I'll be generous. If you calmly give me what I ask for, I just might forgive ya."
???: "Let her go, bonehead."
Hoodlum Student A: "Agaaahhhh?!"
Koyomi: "Touma-kun...?!"
The person that held a grasp of me was blown away flying, and the other hoodlums recoiled.
Hoodlum Student B: "Wha... What was that for?!"
Touma: "...ut up.
Next time I see you guys pick a fight with her, your days will be numbered."
Hoodlum Student A: "Mimasaka of the Tengu clan...?! Despite being a UMA, he's watching a human's back...!"
Touma: "Shut your yap, underdog-kun. Or what else?
Do ya want me to put you in a more miserable state?"
Hoodlum Student A: "D...Dammit! I'll get you for this...!!"
After the exchange, the group of UMA hoodlums quickly scattered.
Koyomi: "......"
Touma: "......"
Koyomi: "Uh, Touma-kun. ...Thanks."
Touma: "...Wasn't any big deal. But, you tooー I don't know what you keep dawdling about, but watch where you're walking."
Koyomi: "Yeah..."
Touma: "......"
Touma: "You seem awfully gloomy. Did...something happen?"
> The lives of UMA must be difficult.
> I can't muster any confidence.
> This world is just too different...
OPTION: The lives of UMA must be difficult.
Koyomi: "For UMA their... lives must be difficult."
Touma: "Huuhhh? What are you talking about?"
Touma: "Also, don't go around and decide how others' lives are. That's just terrible manners."
Koyomi: "S-Sorry...! I wasn't trying to say it like that..."
> OPTION: I can't muster any confidence.
Koyomi: "Yeah… I just kinda lost my confidence there."
Koyomi: "I was just wondering if I am really cut out to be a trainer here at Yomi all."
Touma: "......"
Touma: "...Does that really matter if you aren't confident?"
Touma: "In the first place, aren't you still new? Anyone just brimming with confidence is annoying."
Koyomi: "Touma-kun..."
> OPTION: This world is just too different...
Koyomi: "What may be commonplace in Aima does not apply to the world I am from… Moving forward, I just feel a bit anxious."
Touma: "Huuuuh...? That's what it's about?"
Touma: "But you don't need to be so flustered about it. Everyone here knows you're from the human realm..."
Touma: "You don't have to be so worried about all that."
Koyomi: "You...sure?"
Touma: "*sigh* I don't wanna pry into it but… Can I guess why you're so bummed out?"
Koyomi: "Huh...?"
Touma: "It's 'cause you saw Ryou's Rampage right? Then you got freaked out. 'I can't do this. I'm no good'... You were thinking that right?"
Touma-kun looked straight at me for an answer, and I slowly replied with a nod.
Koyomi: "...Yeah, you're right."
Touma: "Wah! So stupidーYou don't need to be so hung up about it."
Koyomi: "...! B-But I..."
Touma: "No, it's stupid."
Touma: "Just like how humans can't fly or live for hundreds of years, we have our own conditions, when met, that causes Rampage..."
Touma: "That's all it is, isn't it?"
Touma: "You may not like this reality, but our abilities have nothing to do with what's impossible and what isn't. That's just what we are as 'UMA'."
Koyomi: "......"
Touma: "...A-Ahhh... So what I'm saying is, it's not worth your time overthinking it all, you just gotta do what you can sometimes."
Koyomi: "...Touma-kun are you――"
Touma: "...Huh?"
Koyomi: "Touma-kun, are you not scared? If you were to go into a Rampage yourself."
Touma: "......"
Touma: "...When that time comes, I'm prepared for the worst. I'm a full-fledged member of the Tengu clan."
Touma: "But, it won't change anything if I get freaked out. Because, even if that time comes, I'll fight until the end to maintain myself."
Touma: "If I end up being taken care of by someone else while in Rampage, I'd rather just die."
Touma: "...Besides, you still haven't done any 'training' yourself, right? Then you shouldn't have anything to worry about."
Touma: "By some chance, you might be able to do it well, right?"
Koyomi: "...Yeah, that might be the case."
Touma: "To begin with, there's something I still need to do. If I ever Rampage, I'll beat it with my fighting spirit!"
Koyomi: "F-Fighting spirit..."
I thought that might be a bit of a stretch...
As I saw Touma-kun stick out his chest with dignity, he brimmed with confidence and appeared to be beaming――
If he were to erupt into a Rampage, his fighting spirit is so strong he might actually succeed.
Touma: "*sigh*... I went off and rambled there."
Touma: "Anyway, start acting more like an actual teacher and put on an air like one!"
Koyomi: "Ow ow ow!"
He patted my back hard, and I nearly lost my balance.
Touma: "Haha. I wasn't even hitting you that hard, don't make it such a big"
Koyomi: "...Touma-kun?"
Touma: "Huuuh...?! this...?! My body's...!"
Touma-kun, who was lively just a moment before, suddenly crouched down and started to breathe heavily.
Koyomi: "Wha...What's wrong?! Is it an injury from the quarrel earlier or――!"
While I asked, I peeked towards his face and noticed them.
Koyomi: (His eyes are red――!Don't tell me, Rampage...?!)
Touma: "Guh...Gah...! Damn, what is...this...?!"
A strong wind surged around him. Just like Ryou-kun's Rampage, it was a strange wind which held a force I couldn't see.
Koyomi: "......!"
Even though I was in a state of shock, I instinctively grabbed my training whip. But...!
Koyomi: "I can't do this by myself...!"
Koyomi: "That's right, the training room...! If I can go there...!"
Touma: "Gwah...Ah...Gaaaaaahh..!!"
During that time, Touma-kun's groans grew more intense, and I held him up in a panic.
Koyomi: "T-Touma-kun...! Just a bit more...! Just hold on a bit more...!"
Let's hurry to the training room, then――
Koyomi: "Touma-kun, I'm sorry...!"
Somehow I was able to prop him up and firmly shackle both his arms to suppress him.
Touma: "Haaa... Haaaa...! This might be turning pretty serious...!"
He seems to be in pain, but he has a sort of captivated look on him.
Koyomi: (I'm the only one here who can save him!)
If I can't help him, what'll be waiting for him is a future of decades in that underground dungeon.
If I don't save him...!
Koyomi: "Just wait, Touma-kun...! I'll save you――!"
[Excluded is mini-whip game]
[Good whip score]
Somehow, after completing my first training, we were both left heavily panting.
Koyomi: "*pant*...*pant*... S-Somehow we were able to suppress the rampage..."
Touma: "*pant*...*pant*... Yeah, somehow..."
I wonder if he feels numb from the restraints? Touma-kun rubbed at his wrists and quietly stood up.
For a while he watched my reaction and looked a bit guilty, then…
Finally he made up his mind, and turned towards me.
Touma: "At any rate, you saved me. Do you...have time after this? I'd like to thank you somehow."
Koyomi: "Eh, I don't need any sort of thanks...! I just did what I could do to help, it's not something you need to worry about..."
Touma: "That applies to me too. I want to help you out for my own sake. So there isn't anything you should worry about."
Touma: "...Again, do you have time?"
He spoke with conviction, and I nodded back, slightly taken aback.
Koyomi: "Y-Yeah... I have time."
Touma: "Then it's decided."
We headed towards a family restaurant located on the main street of Tokoyo Town. I knew it was here, but today is the first time I've been inside.
Koyomi: (It seems like a typical family restaurant...?)
While restlessly looking around, Touma-kun returned from grabbing drinks.
Touma: "Here, Iced tea."
Koyomi: "Thank you. ...So they have family restaurants here too."
Touma: "I hear they serve a variety of food in the human realm here. Are the menus similar too?"
Koyomi: "N-No... I think the menus really different..."
This month's recommendations!
A full course of Panaeolous, Japanese-style pasta:
Fall down holding your stomach, breathing trouble guaranteed! I stared at the words on the poster as I gave my answer. Would I really be okay if I drank this iced tea...?
As I was feeling a bit shaken over it, Touma-kun shyly grumpled out his words.
Touma: "...So, ya know. You really helped me out earlier...thanks."
Touma: "If I had stayed in that Rampage long enough to wipe out my consciousness, I would've been sent to that underground dungeon――that's no joke."
Touma: "So this is to convey my gratitude. Drink as much as you want!"
Koyomi: (Even if he says to drink as much as I like, the restaurant is drink-bar style so it's a free for all either way...)
Well, although I had my doubts, I thanked him for his kindness for the time being.
That day, Touma-kun's impression seemed different than before, like he's become more comfortable――
It wasn't long until we both went to head home, but in that short time, it felt like the distance we had between each other had narrowed.
Koyomi: (Even though I'm unskilled as a teacher and as a trainer… There's still something I can do for these kids...)
I was glad to discover that fact, and smiled to myself as I returned to the streets, dyed sepia in the sunset.
The Next Day.
I reported back to work to the school, and met with Nurarihyon-sensei in the staff room.
Nurarihyon: "Oh, it's you. What is it?"
Koyomi: "Until yesterday, I was asking myself if I could really continue being a trainer at this school but――"
Nurarihyon: "Ah yes, I remember. From your expression...did you find your answer?"
Koyomi: "Yes. I will try my best at this school...!"
It was a small resolution, but a big first step. I have made my first steps forward.
[Bad whip score]
Somehow, after completing my first training, we were both left heavily panting.
Koyomi: "Did...the Rampage somehow calm down?"
Touma: "In exchange, my body's all messed up though."
I finally released Touma-kun from his chains, and was met with a face of complete displeasure.
Koyomi: "I'm sorry... I couldn't do it that well..."
Touma: "Hm... Well, the Rampage subsided at the end... So I guess I should be more or less grateful, thanks."
Koyomi: "Touma-kun..."
What I wanted to be was a teacher, not a trainer...
These encounters are in an unknown world to humans, known as Aima Prefecture.
Principal Nurariyon.
Everyone in class. There was still much I did not understand, and some things I may NEVER understand. However——
Koyomi: (I will try to do all I can here...)
I thought about that as I saw him standing in front of me.
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KLAP Translation: Part 2
Koyomi experiences her first Rampage
Aima Prefecture, Japan's, no-really-it-exists, 48th prefecture.
Within the prefecture is the UMA Yomi Abyss Vocational High School.―Yomi School, for short.
A few weeks ago, I moved here to work at this school
for those, who are not people, but UMA.
Koyomi: "...Okay! Let's review the traffic rules of the human realm again."
Of course, since I am only a regular human there's no way everything will go well from the get-go when coming to a place like this.
Koyomi: "Touma-kun. When you want to cross a pedestrian crossing at a red light, the light doesn't easily change."
Koyomi: "Of course, at that time cars are driving fast in both directions. What do you do in this scenario?"
Touma: "Well... then I'd just cross while avoiding the cars?"
Koyomi: "T-That's incorrect. What would you do if you got hit by a car?"
Touma: "Huh? I'll be fine. If it looks like I'll get hit, I'll just blow it away with my wind, obviously."
Sousuke: "Ahaha! Isn't it just, ‘you wait until the light changes green'? Geez Touma, you're too stupid~"
Touma: "Huuuuuh?! Just who you calling stupid?!"
Ryou: "Haha, really Touma, you've such a short temper."
Touma: "I'm telling you it's NOT SHORT!!"
Ryou: "Gwahー?!"
Kaede: "Ryou just never learns..."
Kanade: "Mm, it's just as Kaede-dono says. He's a wolf, but has the memory of a goldfish."
Koyomi: "......"
Akito: "Ahh, Sensei. We don't need to fret over these things. You don't have to worry about us getting any injuries. We UMA are a lot more durable than we look."
Akito: "But more importantly, I'd like to listen to your voice some more, Sensei. ...Now, may we continue the lesson?"
Is it really fine to?
Koyomi: "...Uhh. T-Then, Akito-kun."
Akito: "Oh, you called on me? How pleasant. I'd be happy to give you an answer, Sensei."
His smile was so graceful and bright that I could almost hear twinkling sound effects in the background.
Mildly brushing off his words and expression, I continued with my question.
Koyomi: "You board a crowded train and only see silver seats available. In this situation, Akito-kun, what do you do?"
Akito: "Silver seats...? Weren't they priority seating for the elderly?"
Akito: "Umm..."
Akito: "...Ah! I see. Sensei, are you saying you want us to spend our lives snuggled close together? Hehe, you caught me off-guard. That's pretty bold of you."
Koyomi: "I'm more surprised about your state of mind, Akito-kun..."
Camil: "...Excuse me. Question."
I noticed Camil-kun, elegantly sitting upright with his hand raised.
Camil: "For those like me―who have been living for hundreds of years, what would we do? Compared to humans, I'd probably seem like an ultra old man."
Koyomi: "Uh, weeeell...? They're priority seating for the elderly and disabled.”
Koyomi: "Because you don't come off that way, Camil-kun, you should probably refrain from sitting there."
Koyomi: "Ah... Though, if you're injured or sick, I think it should be fine to sit there? Whether for people or UMA, they're used to assist anyone in a difficult situation."
Camil: "...I see."
The class progressed afterward―
Koyomi: "Okay, that should be it for today. The traffic rules will be on the next test, so please review them."
Koyomi: "Then, Kaede-san. Please handle the dismissal."
Kaede: "Okayyy."
Kaede: "Stand. Bow."
Students: "Thank you for the lesson."
Koyomi: (Now then. When I get back to the staff room, I need to prepare for next week's quiz.)
Male Student 1: "Boo hoo... Boo hoo..."
Koyomi: "Hm...?"
After finishing class, just as I was about to leave the classroom, I saw a student crouched in the corner of the room.
Koyomi: "A-Are you okay? Do you feel sick...? Do you need someone to take you to the infirm――"
Touma: "Mm, I’m free. I can take ‘em there."
Kaede: "Nuh-uh, you're on cleaning duty. I'm not about to let you skip it."
Touma: "That's not it... I wasn't planning on ditching it, instead of barricading herself in the bathroom, Hanako's in the locker and I can't get the equipment out."*
Koyomi: "Then I'll try to persuade Hanako-san to open the locker, and Kaede-san can take this student to the infirmary."
Koyomi: "Touma-kun, you can still be on cleaning duty that way?"
Kaede: "Okay."
Touma: "...Fine."
Koyomi: (So far it's been different than I imagined, but it feels like I've really become a teacher. I've even grown more accustomed to the UMA.)
Koyomi: (Humans sure are adaptable, huh.)
Shion: "Oh, good work."
Shinobu: "Yo, keep up the good work. So, you gettin' a bit more used to the school?"
Koyomi: "Yes. There's still a little I'm confused about… but I'm getting the hang of it!"
Shion: "You've also been well-received by students, Sensei. Your classes are said to be easy to understand and interesting."
Koyomi: "Really? That's good to hear."
Shinobu: "...But ya know, you still haven't done the most important part of your job, right?"
Koyomi: "The most important part of my job...? Is that not teaching?"
Shinobu: "That would be if you were a normal teacher… but you're a trainer, not a teacher, right?"
Shinobu: "That should dictate the most important part of your job, right? Training."
Koyomi: "Ahh... now that you mention it..."
Shinobu: "Haaah, newbie, you're really easy-going. Or maybe you just have nerves of steel… Is it fine to leave it like this, Shion?"
Shion: "Well... isn't it fine either way?Whether she likes it or not, she'll remember eventually."
Shinobu: "I guess that's how it works?"
Koyomi: (I've only been working as a teacher everyday so I forgot about it...)
Koyomi: (But, what is a trainer anyway...?)
Koyomi: "Um―" At that moment, the door to the staff room was vigorously opened.
Kaede: "A-Are there any teachers for―?!"
A flustered voice. It caught our attention, and we made our way toward her―
Shion: "Ishimi-san? What happened?"
Shion-sensei was the first to respond.
Kaede: "Ah... Thank goodness! Ryou is――!"
Kaede: "Ryou's...'Rampage'...!!"
Shinobu: "So it came."
Koyomi: "Rampage? Shion-sensei is that―"
Shion: "I'll explain later. We have to hurry to the scene."
Koyomi: "Y...Yes!"
――It wasn't Ryou-kun in the hallway. It was something else.
Ryou: "Gwah... Gwaaaaaaah!!"
Body hair that pulsed like strong waves. Sharp fangs and claws like a blade.
Ryou: "Ah, ahhh... Ahhh...!!"
His wide opened eyes were red like blood.
A low roar bellowed from the open gaps between his teeth.
―A “werewolf."
Suddenly, I remembered when we did our introductions, and what Ryou-kun had said at that time. Is this― his true UMA form...?!
Kaede: "Ryou?! I brought a teacher...! C'mon, get a hold of yourself!!"
Koyomi: "This is Ryou-kun...?! J-Just― What's going on?!"
Ryou: "Urgh... Damn...! My body...won't listen to me...!!"
Ryou: "――GAAAAAAAAA!!"
Koyomi: "Ahhh?!"
An invisible force violently blew, and the impact caused the windows in the hallway to shatter, one by one.
Koyomi: "Shi-Shion-sensei, is this...?!"
Shion: "This is a characteristic of UMA――Rampage. The most important part of our jobs is to suppress it."
Koyomi: (THIS is what Hyuuga-sensei was talking about earlier!)
Shion: "Rampage is an irregular phenomenon where their powers are out of control and forces them into their UMA form."
Shion: "As a repercussion for those to fall into Rampage, it becomes difficult to maintain reason."
Koyomi: "...T-Then――what do we do?!"
Shion: "In these situations, we use this."
He removed a whip from his waist and handed it to me.
Shion: "This is a special whip woven with spiritual power. This is what we use to train UMA in Rampage."
Koyomi: "To train..."
Shion: "Don't dwell on the details for now. You just have to head towards him, and lash at him with the whip."
Koyomi: "What― But I..."
As I stood there in a daze holding the whip, Ryou-kun came towards us to attack.
Ryou: "Uuuuuuuurgh... Ahhhhhhhhh!!"
Koyomi: "――!!"
A near hit.
Thanks to Shion-sensei pulling me out of the way, I was able to avoid his fist.
In the spot where my head was earlier was now a huge, gaping wide hole.
Shion: "What are you doing spacing out?"
Koyomi: "B-But I… I can't TRAIN him...!!"
Shion: "――Give it to me."
As he said that, he grabbed the whip from out of my hands, and quietly approached Ryou-kun.
Shion: "Omi-kun, how long do you plan on continuing this Rampage? School repairs don't come cheap."
Ryou: "..! Gaaaaa?!"
It didn't seem like he used too much force, but maybe it's from the spiritual power in the whip that's causing Ryou-kun's intense pain? As Ryou-kun's body twisted and convulsed, he tried to resist Shion-sensei, but his struggle gradually weakened.
Shion: "Yes...that's a good boy. Accept my whip, just like that."
Ryou: "Gah! Gwah! Daaaah!!"
Shion: "Please observe, Sensei. When you lash at them with this whip of spiritual power, it absorbs the magical power that's accumulated in their bodies."
Shion: "So then you just――"
Ryou: "Urgh... Ahh...!"
Shion: "Their Rampage will subside, and their sense of reasoning will return――you see?"
Ryou: "Owww!!??"
Koyomi: "......"
Koyomi: (The most important part of a trainer's job is to take on UMA like this...)
Never before have I seen this unrealistic spectacle in my daily life. What I felt in that moment was not horror or dismay, but just...astonishment.
This was a world where these sort of things just happen. When I came to the realization, I was in a state of shock.
Male Student: "Ahhhh... Sheesh. Hey, Ryou~ Think about those who gotta clean this up."
Ryou: "Ah, hahaha. Sorry about that..."
Ryou: "Sensei too. I'm sorry. You kinda got dragged into it..."
Before I had a chance to respond to his apology――"
Female Student: "But in the first place, you went into a Rampage because you thought the tennis ball was a full moon...? Really, just how dumb are you?"
Ryou: "Ugh, hmm... I can't think of a good comeback."
Numerous students gathered around the area. Are they all just used to these scenes? They only watched from a distance while the training was going on. When he turned back to normal, they started to pick up the shattered pieces of glass.
Koyomi: "......"
Kaede: "Sensei? Are you okay?"
Koyomi: "...Y-Yeah...for the most part..." I had fallen to the floor, and Kaede-san was kind enough to help me stand back up.
Shinobu: "...Oh? Over already?"
Koyomi: "Hyuuga-sensei..."
Shinobu: "What's this? What an insecure sounding voice. Well then, this experience should give you an idea of what your job is from now on, right?"
Shion: "I'm not the one you should be asking. I don't know how she feels deep down."
One way or another―― I was again struck by another reminder that I was in an environment different from my old daily life.
Shinobu: "At any rate, as trainers of this school, our work doesn't just involve that of teachers."
Shinobu: "Just as you saw earlier, we also have to deal with those kinds of wild cases."
Koyomi: "...I―...could see that.”
Kaede: "W-Well, you did just come from the human realm, right, Sensei? This is your first time witnessing a 'Rampage' right? Of course... It'd cause you quite the shock. Yeah."
Kaede: "You'll get used to this soon, I'm sure! You'll be just fine!"
Maybe she noticed my complexion just now, and gave me those words of encouragement――
Shinobu: "...Here, can you stand, Omi? I'll look after you, so go rest in the infirmary for a bit then head home."
Ryou: "Eh...? I'd prefer a beautiful lady nurse instead...?"
Shinobu: "Ohhhh. If you don't want me to sew that mouth of yours shut, you better start walking. Got it goldfish?"
Ryou: "...G-Got it..."
With a feeble smile, Ryou-kun and Hyuuga-sensei left for the infirmary. The once uproarious hallway had now returned to its normal, calm state.
Koyomi: "......"
But I――
Shion: "...Sensei? Is everything alright?"
Koyomi: (Having to train students who are in Rampage...)
Is that even something I'm capable of? That evening in the staff room――
Koyomi: "...*sigh*..."
Shion-sensei gave me my own 'whip', but all I've done is look at it. He told me it's something I have to have, and he was quite adamant about it, but...
Koyomi: "......"
The scene from earlier was still on my mind.
That was what the incident from before was referred to as.
Narrowly did Ryou-kun's fist brush my cheek. If I wasn't moved and was struck at that time...
Koyomi: "...*sigh*~...”
I shouldn't think too hard about it. Somehow or another, maybe I can live with being in Aima! Just kidding…
I keep thinking and thinking about it but, the more I think about it, the more I feel like my world is getting turned upside down.
???: "――All happiness escaping your body?"
Koyomi: "Oh, Nurarihyon-sensei...?"
Nurarihyon: "Ha Ha. What's with the spaced out look? More importantly, are you sure you don't want to head home right away?"
Koyomi: "Huh?! It got so late. I didn't even notice..."
I was surprised so much more time had passed than I realized.
Koyomi: "I-I'm sorry. I guess I was just too lost in thought―"
Nurarihyon: "......"
Nurarihyon: "...I heard a 'Rampage' happened in class. What were your thoughts when you first saw it?"
Koyomi: "――!"
I took in a breath and for a moment looked up in thought.
Koyomi: "...How do I describe it...?"
Koyomi: It was rather surreal, and shocking? Even now, it almost feels like I dreamt the whole thing..."
Nurarihyon: "Ha Ha Ha! If anyone else from the human realm came and saw that, they'd think that too. Hehehe... It's good to be honest."
Nurarihyon-sensei seemed to not mind the gloomy air around me, and pointed a smile towards me.
Nurarihyon: "As for the experienced it, right?"
Koyomi: "...More or less."
I mumbled as I spoke, and in response, Nurarihyon-senei kindly addressed me.
Nurarihyon: "Judging by that response, the training didn't exactly give a good, lasting impression?"
Koyomi: "Whether it was good or not, the method itself left me stunned..."
Koyomi: "Is there no other way to stop a Rampage without training them?"
Nurarihyon: "Hm... For trainers like you, that is the only and best method to use."
Nurarihyon: "You don't want to train them, is that it?"
Koyomi: "...If I have to for my job..."
Koyomi: "However, truth be told, I'd like to avoid it. To have to punish my students like that——"
Nurarihyon: "——I see now. As a compassionate educator, that is the most respectable opinion to have."
Nurarihyon: "...Be that as it may, whenever immature UMA are concerned, training them is necessary."
Koyomi: "Necessary… There has to be a reason behind that, right?"
Koyomi: "A reason why this training is necessary..."
Nurarihyon-sensei looked straight into my eyes, and solemnly nodded at my question.
Nurarihyon: "'d be fine to stay back for just a bit longer."
...The sound of footsteps echoed. A slight musty, moldy smell caught my nose's attention.
Koyomi: "Why does this school have an underground facility...?"
Nurarihyon: "Be careful to not lose your footing. The lighting here is very dim."
I relied on Nurarihyon-sensei as he walked in front of me, and continued onward one step at a time. I tried to focus on adjusting my eyes in the poor lighting.
Koyomi: (It seems like there's a room here...?)
However, what was there was not a typical space――
Koyomi: "...Eh? Is this..."
A dungeon? A horrified smile formed in response to the thought.
Koyomi: "W-Why is this under the school!?"
After seeing my response, Nurarihyon-sensei kept his composure and calmly spoke.
Nurarihyon: "It seems I've caused you quite the stir. ...My apologies. Rather than explain in words, I thought it would be easier to show you."
Nurarihyon: "The reason we have this jail―― it is here for their sake."
Koyomi: "Their...?"
A jail that seems engulfed in darkness. In the back… I noticed through the thick darkness several figures crouching in the space.
Koyomi: "――!!"
Possibly due to my sudden gasp, one of the figures noticed me and absentmindedly lifted their head. Eyes red as blood.
Koyomi: (The same red eyes during Ryou-kun's Rampage...?)
As I stared at the figure in a dumbfounded daze, they stood up and I noticed something else about them.
Their limbs were shackled to chains that were deeply entrenched into the walls. What stood out beyond the rust-ridden chains were what appeared to be seals pasted onto them.
Nurarihyon: "...Does this clear it up?"
Koyomi: "Eh?"
Nurarihyon: "Between them and the students in Rampage, they both have a point in common."
Koyomi: "......"
Within the depths of the cell… I couldn't avert my eyes from these strangers, bound in chains, and nodded in response.
Nurarihyon: "...For immature UMA, there are a variety of causes that can occasionally cause Rampage."
Nurarihyon: "If that Rampage is not suppressed, their sense of self and reason is lost...vanished."
Sense of self, and reason... Gone.
Nurarihyon: "To explain it more simply, a person's 'essence' disappears."
Nurarihyon: "The symptom when this happens is called an erasure of being."
Koyomi: "...Erasure of being."
Nurarihyon-sensei answered my response with a small nod.
Nurarihyon: "Ohh, a special characteristic within that state is that they become aggressive to their surroundings..."
Nurarihyon: "It takes a lot to protect both parties within their surroundings."
Nurarihyon: "That being said, it won't last their entire lifetime. Once the Rampage completely sets in, it may take a few decades to settle down, but..."
Nurarihyon: "No matter how long it takes, it will come back."
Nurarihyon: "Us UMA live very long, long lives, so long that we become bored with living. The time spent waiting might seem like a short time, but-"
Nurarihyon: "Even so, to the young, immature UMA, that lost time is priceless."
Nurarihyon: "Not to mention as time passes, the humans of this world multiply. Therefore, we are striving to co-exist with humans."
Nurarihyon: "In order to go out into the human realm, Rampage must never happen."
Koyomi: "......"
Nurarihyon: "This Rampage specific to suppress it and open the future for young UMA."
Nurarihyon: "That... is where the trainer's job comes in."
Afterward… We turned around and went back the way we came. We walked past the entrance back above ground and continued――
We treaded on and on, deeper and deeper into the tunnels. What awaited us there was…
Koyomi: "This is...?"
Nurarihyon: "This 'Training Room' as the name would suggest, is a room where students in Rampage would come to… but it hasn't been used for a while now."
Koyomi: "Why is that?"
Nurarihyon: "It's primarily used for newcomers' equipment. It's where trainers can suppress students in Rampage, you could say."
Nurarihyon: "Once you become as skilled as Izumo, without the assistance of restraints, you can train them with your ability alone."
Nurarihyon: "You are still just a hatchling. If in the future an opportunity to train arises… Please keep in mind that you can come here."
After surfacing from underground, my steps were heavy, and I kept thinking about the concept of "Rampage".
Koyomi: "......"
Immature UMA―― those UMA that go to this Yomi school, I can comprehend why the training is essential but…
Koyomi: "I've never even fought anyone before, and to suddenly be told I have to do something like that."
Besides, I've never even used a whip before… But, if there is ever a time a student is in Rampage, and I'm the only one around...?
Koyomi: "......"
If I can't deal with that, then that student will have to spend decades of their life in that dungeon. I know that to be true, and I hold a strong sense of responsibility to want to help out my students.I know I have to do that for them.But――
Koyomi: "Can I really do that...?"
* Hanako-san refers to “Hanako-san of the toilet”. It’s a popular Japanese urban legend about a young spirit of a girl named Hanako-san who haunts school bathrooms. The anime “Toilet-bound Hanako-kun” is surely inspired by this urban myth.
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KLAP Translation: Part 1
Koyomi: (Today we finally start lessons...)
That being said…
Koyomi: "I have zero idea how I'm supposed to teach class to anyone besides other humans...!"
The teacher-- or more accurately, the trainer uniform was imposing. It piled further anxiety onto my nerves.
Koyomi: (A-At times like these, all I can do is just write "person" on my hand three times and swallow.)*
Koyomi: (Person, person, person...!)
Koyomi: "...Hm. Oh… Wait, since I'm dealing with UMA not people, should I be writing 'UMA' instead?!"
Shion: "Apologies for disturbing you during such a busy time, as you are pacing around nervously and staring at your palm, but..."
Koyomi: "Ahhhh!"
Shion: "The morning bell will go off soon so you should head to the classroom soon. Are you mentally ready yet?”
Koyomi: "I-I'm not okay but I will be!”
Shion: "...I see. You don't look fine in the slightest but it'd be unprofessional to be tardy on your first day."
I followed Shion-sensei as he walked off. As I stepped closer and closer to the classroom, I could feel my breathing grow heavier with each step.
Koyomi: (I-I have to calm down...!)
Shion: "...Having trouble calming yourself?"
Shion-sensei spoke to me as he walked ahead.
Koyomi: "Is... Is it that obvious?"
Shion: "Yes, you have the look of unease written all over your face. Every move you make has been stiff as well."
Koyomi: (If I'm like this even before class begins, what will happen after this...?)
I reflexively cast my eyes down. Shion-sensei stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder.
Shion: "Your nervousness spreads to those around you. If you act like that, your students will grow nervous too, you know?"
Koyomi: "Y-You're right... I'm sorry."
Shion: "There is no need to apologize. Everyone is nervous about their first class after they are assigned to their post."
Koyomi: "Oh... You feel the same way?"
Shion: "No? Not in the slightest. Nervousness has never been a part of my life."
Koyomi: "...I see."
Shion: "Besides, the students won't have too high expectations of you."
Shion: "What they'll be more interested in is the fact that a human entered the UMA world. That's all there is."
Koyomi: "...Uh-huh..."
Shion: "That's right… How about thinking of yourself as a panda at a zoo, an attraction to lure in more customers?”
Shion: "Right now, people aren't looking for substance in your teaching, rather, what you look like and how you behave. Success doesn't matter right now."
Koyomi: "......"
He...He's the type to just speak his mind isn't he? Though he didn't need to put it like that…
Shion: "Hehe... What I'm saying is, there's no need to feel anxious."
Shion: "Just do what you would normally do. It does not matter who you're dealing with."
Shion: "Use the knowledge and experience you've accumulated up until now in whatever way you can. That's all. ...It's alright. Have some faith in yourself."
Koyomi: "Oh..."
He cut off the conversation there, and started walking again.
Koyomi: (Wait, was he… trying to be encouraging?)
It was hard to decipher the real meaning behind his words,
but his last words lifted some weight from my shoulders.
Koyomi: (Alright...! This ain't no time to get jittery! Just gotta do what I can!)
Shion: "...Oh, that's right. I forgot to mention something."
Koyomi: "Oh, yes! What would that be?"
Shion: "Among UMA, there are those who despise humans. Well, we are two beings from different species. Sometimes, such emotions would appear due to that."
Koyomi: "Hahhh... That's unfortunate to hear, but why bring that up?"
Shion: "It's highly unlikely but… Should any accident occur in the classroom, I'll take care of your funeral, so rest assured."
Koyomi: "...I'm sorry?"
Shion: "Well, in other words, I can only help with taking care of your afterlife, so your own safety is your responsibility. That's what I mean."
Koyomi: "I'm sorry?!"
Shion: "Everyone, class is about to begin. Take your seats."
???: "Yeah yeah."
The students cut off their idle chit chat and sat at their respective desks.
Koyomi: (Huh...? Might be more normal than I thought...)
As I glanced over the classroom, they all seemed like a typical class of highschool students.
Koyomi: (This might be more manageable than I thought!)
Internally, I made a secret, triumphant pose. Beside me, Shion-sensei went to the black, er, white board? And he carefully wrote something on it.
Shion: "From now on, this woman will be your homeroom teacher."
Shion: "She went to great lengths to come here from the human world, so please be respectful. Should anything unacceptable occur..."
Shion: "I would hate to be put in a position where I'd have to discipline my dear students."
Koyomi: (H-He's kidding... He absolutely looks like he wants to...!)
Shion: "Now, Sensei, please introduce yourself."
Koyomi: "Oh, yes! Um… My name is Yamashiro Koyomi. Starting today, you'll be in my hands."
Koyomi: "I'm a bit inexperienced as both a trainer and of course as a teacher, but I look forward to spending this year with you all...!"
I quickly blurted that out, stammering half-way, bowed. Then–
???: "...Huh? Hey, Kanade.
Isn't that the one from the other day...?"
???: "Hm?...Oh! It's you, Madam!Twas not expecting to be actually under your care!"
...I heard that voice before somewhere. When I looked up I saw–
Koyomi: "Ah...! Uhh… Akito-kun and Kanade-kun?!"
Akito: "Wow. Kanade told me, but you really are a teacher. ...Perhaps this is fate bringing us together once again?"
Kanade: "Aye, quite a coincidence indeed. I'll be in your care from now on, Madam!"
Shion: "...You met these two before?"
Koyomi: "Uh, well... Yes. Right after I arrived to Aima--"
Probably due to the unexpected connection it piqued the students' interest. The classroom gradually grew with murmurs.
Touma: "Huh...? You were that chick gettin' extorted for money?"
???: "Ahahaha! What? Sensei got lost then mugged? Amazing. Delectably misfortunate!"
???: "Mugged... Delectable… Hey, Sensei, what kind of hot chocolate do you like? Milk? Dark?"
Once again, I saw more familiar faces.
Koyomi: "W-Wait! You guys too?! You all are in the same class...?!"
I couldn't imagine that almost all the individuals I'd first met since coming to Aima would be students in my class…
Shion: "...Well well, you're already familiar with so many of them. I'm surprised so many know your face already, Sensei."
Koyomi: "Oh, haha... It's all just a coincidence though..."
???: "Hi, Izumo-sensei. I think that's because her head is so big."
Grr...! Rude no matter where he's at…!
Shion: "Suou Sousuke. He's half Snow Woman and half human. He's very young for a UMA at 18 years of age. He has a rather sharp tongue but... Pay him no mind."
Sousuke: "Nice to meet you~♪"
Koyomi: "...Young at 18...? What do you mean...? Since this is a school I expected everyone around that range..."
Shion: "Here at The UMA Yomi Abyss Vocational High School, various UMA of all walks of life enroll here for a number of reasons."
Shion: "For that reason, we set a minimum age of 18 years to register. We don't have a set maximum age."
Shion: "The Nekomata, Harima Kanade for example, is over 600 years old, if I recall correctly."
Koyomi: (600 years...?!)
Well, I mean, they aren't humans but UMA so I guess that makes sense? Sure, there's long lives humans can live, but this is on a completely different level.
???: "Huh...?! What should I do?
Did I lock the door on the way out? Did I?"
???: "...Touma-kun, did I lock the door to my house?"
Touma: "Huh?! W-Why you askin' me? How would I know anythin' 'bout that..."
Shion: "The simpleton who just spoke is Camil Settselin. He comes from a famous vampire family."
Koyomi: "...A v-vampire...?!"
Without realizing, I glanced over to him in shock, and our eyes met. I guess he heard me, since he nodded at me.
Camil: "Yes. Vampire I am. However, fan of blood I am not."
Akito: "...Why the broken language?"
Camil: "I thought it'd be fitting to make me seem Western. Foreign characters talk in broken language."
Touma: "N-No, that doesn't make you seem Western at all. We can't understand you so just drop it."
Camil: "...Roger."
He's...a bit of a spectacle but the class seems accustomed to him.
Shion: "...And last but not least, the one that looks like a dunce from a glance-- His name is Mimasaka Touma. He's a young man from the Tengu Clan."
Touma: "The hell you mean by looks like a dunce from a glance', huh?!"
Shion: "......"
Touma: "Wh... Wh-What did you mean by that, huh?!"
Koyomi: (H-He intimidated Touma-kun...?! Shion-sensei really is frightening...)
Shion: "Well, he's hot headed and rough around the edges but… Inside he's not a bad kid. Please be patient with him."
Koyomi: "O-Okay."
Shion: "While we're here... Why don't we have the rest of the class introduce themselves?"
...From there we did more class introductions. Besides the five I already met, there were two other students that stood out.
Ryou: "The name's Oumi Ryou! As you can see, I'm a werewolf! My dream is to go to the Human Realm and become a comedian!"
Kaede: "I'm Ishimi Kaede! As you can see, I'm a mermaid! My dream is to go to the Human Realm and become a comedian!"
...Yeah. I can't exactly tell if they're a werewolf or mermaid just by looking at all…
Koyomi: "Um... So are you two like... a comedy duo?"
Ryou: "Exactly! Our great sense of humor will send the Human Realm in a whirlwind of laughter!"
Kaede: "That's right, Sensei! How about being our human ambassador and listening to our material...?!"
Shion: "Hahhh... Hey now, you two, I don't believe this is the time nor place to present your material?"
Koyomi: "Oh, a skit? Hmmm… I'm not really an expert or anything but if you want to anyway..."
Ryou: "Ohh?! Really?! Alright, let's start off with something simple!"
Shion: "...Oumi-kun, Kaede-san, did you hear a word I said?"
Ryou: "Kaede! You know what to do?"
Kaede: "Of course! Our guaranteed-to-make-you laugh skit...!"
Ryou&Kaede: "Ready and--"
Shion: "......"
Ryou: "We...We were just pulling your leg. Now, go ahead! Continue what you were saying!"
Kaede: "L-Let's get back to our seats!"
Koyomi: "......"
Koyomi: (O-Okay, should I assume the bits until they were scolded
back to their seats was all part of the joke?)
The rest of the introductions went along fine. I finally started my very first class. I somehow managed to get through morning classes, and made my way to the school cafeteria. My student from class, Kaede-san, took the initiative to invite me there.
Kaede: "This is Yomi School's oasis! A dining hall where you can eat lots of great food!"
Koyomi: "It's...quite spacious, huh."
Kaede: "Well, you only have the choice of cafeteria or packing your own lunch at this school, so yeah."
Kaede: "But if it wasn't this spacious, we'd all be jam packed inside."
True to her word, the cafeteria was brimming with students left and right. All of them were UMA, however, at just a glance they looked just like humans. I couldn't tell the difference… If you saw this place not knowing any better, you'd think it was no different than any other school…
Koyomi: "...Yeah right."
Why does the cafeteria need gold-colored sliding doors...?
Kaede: "Oh, that spot's free! Sensei, I'll go grab it~"
Koyomi: "Oh, I-I'll come too...!"
Kaede: "...Alright, this would be girls' only meal time! At least, I was planning it to be but..."
Kaede: "But why are you guys here..."
Touma: "Huh? Not like I need any special reason. I'm here to eat lunch. That's all it is."
Akito: "I was following my string of fate and was led here."
Camil: "I'm here cause... Huh? Wait why did I come here..."
Sousuke: "I came here 'cause I wanted to tease Sensei of course."
Kanade: "Yes, I'm here! I wanted to ask Madam questions I have for the Human Realm!"
Ryou: "I... Wait, huh?! Why am I sitting here?! I wanna sit over there!"
Kaede: "Come on now...! Just stay where you're at!"
W-Well this escalated quickly… It's only my first day on the new job, yet I'm already surrounded by my students. It's only natural that my nervousness crept up.
Koyomi: "S-So... Uhh… Did you all have something you needed from me?"
I faced everyone in front of me and stated this. I didn't touch the curry I had ordered at all.
Akito: "Don't be so stiff. As a teacher, there were a few things I'd like for you to teach me, that's all."
Koyomi: "T-To teach you?"
Akito: "Yes, things to share with me. Like true love...for example."
Akito: "More specifically, in bed."
Koyomi: "In bed?!"
Sousuke: "Aha! What in where? Hehe, you know what I'm talking about. That's a hilarious play on words you've got there!"
...Ah, what's with this? I feel like my innocence is being played with…
Kanade: "Bed... You imply the mattress, yes? Why do you need her to teach you on the mattress? Pray tell, must it not be in the classroom?"
Akito: "Classroom… A passionate scene indeed. Kanade, good idea. I'll use that."
Touma: "...Ugh, the dumb perverted kappa's going off again."
Koyomi: "Touma-kun, did you need anything from me?"
Touma: "H-Huh? N-No, I don't really need nothin'..."
Koyomi: "Really? It seems like you were staring at me for a while now looking like you had something to say..."
Camil: "Touma-kun wants to be remodeled in the human realm. He wants to shoot missiles from his mouth."
Touma: "I don't! And why the mecha idea?!"
Akito: "This guy's curious about cosmetic procedures in the human realm. As for why, well, you can probably tell by just looking at him."
Koyomi: "Plastic surgery...?"
Reflexively, I looked closely toward Touma-kun.
Touma: "...W-What...?"
His skin looked smooth from every angle. Actually, I'd say it was better than my own, but what exactly would he need...?
Koyomi: "You don't look like you need that anywhere, though."
Ryou: "Touma wants to make his nose longer. He's a Tengu but his nose is so short. Touma's always been self-conscious of it."
Touma: "Who says it's sunken in?! Huhh?!"
Ryou: "Gahh!? I didn't say that though!"
Kanade: "Now now! Madam, I'd like to ask my questions now!"
Kanade-kun was full of energy as he raised his hand. It was a pleasant sight to see.
Kanade: "In the past years, I feel warriors and shinobi have slowly declined… Are they still carrying the pride of Japan on their back?"
Koyomi: "W-Warriors"
Kanade: "Aye aye. They're nostalgic… Back when I listened to the ideals of people like Nobu-chan and Micchan--"
Koyomi: "Uh... I think samurai and shinobi are only around Kyoto nowadays."
Kanade: "Meo- What?! Did they decline that quickly?!"
Kanade: "I see, this must be due to Japan's Western movement. All things come to an end, they say..."
Koyomi: "Also, Kanade-kun, you said in the past years but, it's more accurate to say over the past century, if we're talking warriors and shinobi..."
Sousuke: "Kanade's pretty ancient after all~ He's a bag of bones who's been alive for over 600 years."
Kanade: "Mya?~ I-I am not a bag of bones! And who are you calling old? That's quite rude!"
Camil: "...Question. I wanna know about trends in the human world."
Koyomi: "Trends... Trends, huh? Hmm, let's see... Recently, mountain biking has been popular."
Camil: "Mountain pike...? I don't know that. What is it?"
Koyomi: "Mountain biking. It's where you use a bicycle to ride around. You have those here too, don't you?"
Ryou: "I've seen 'em but never rode on one."
Kaede: "Saaaame."
Kanade: "Aye. It'd be faster for me to run with my own two legs than ride one of those."
Touma: "Besides, wouldn't flying be way faster?"
Koyomi: "Haha..."
Just listening to this conversation, you could tell they've lived in a different world… I was experiencing what they call culture shock.
Akito: "Sheesh… You're all so boring, asking about stuff like the number of humans or trends."
Koyomi: "Akito-kun, does that not interest you?"
Akito: "Not really. More importantly, I'd like to know what kind of guys are popular with the ladies in the human realm."
Akito: "Someone like me with my physique, pedigree, and wealth all in one would make me popular, right?"
Touma: "Ugh... That again. You really think about nothing but chicks. Lettin' your instincts take over huh, pervy kappa."
Akito: "Yeah yeah. You're just jealous because you're unpopular, flat-faced Tengu-kun."
Touma: "What was that...?! Don't bring up my nose when you're the one hiding a bald spot!"
Akito: "Huh...?! A-Are you a moron? That's just a plate all kappa have!"
The two were at each other's throats, furiously glaring at one another.
From what I gathered, Akito-kun's a kappa… But what about a plate? I pondered that thought for a moment.
Touma: "Huuuh? Then why you eatin' that wakame seaweed everyday that you hate so much? You're scared of going bald, aren't you?"
Akito: "Like you have room to talk. You hide from everyone how you use clothespins to pinch to elongate your nose! All that effort for nothing, I may add...!"
Sousuke: "Sensei? C'mon, they're fighting. Isn't it your job as a teacher to stop them?"
Sousuke-kun helped me quickly come to my senses. H-He's right! I'm a teacher now. I can't be letting two students fight each other...! I stood up to get between them.
Koyomi: "......"
Koyomi: "...What are you doing, Camil-kun?"
Camil: "......?"
Unsure where he pulled it from, I saw Camil-kun pull out and lightly beat a wooden fish drum.*
Camil: "It's bad to fight so, I thought this would help simmer things down..."
Koyomi: "...I don't..."
Koyomi: "...Think this will simmer anything down..."
Touma: "Alrighty, prepare to die you pervert kappa! I'll launch you into next week!"
Akito: "Same at you. I'll drown you in the deepest part of the river, so be ready...!"
Yamashiro Koyomi. Thus, my school life with UMA began. I was filled with both worries and anticipation for the future. I was blessed with many pleasant and fun students. ...On top of that, I didn't get to eat my curry at lunch. My first day was lively the whole day until the very end.
Koyomi: "...Camil-kun, I think that's good."
Camil: "...'Kay."
Shion: "...Good work, Sensei. You did pretty well on your first day."
Koyomi: "Y-You think so? I'm glad to hear it..."
As pent up tension quickly melted from me, my body felt as heavy as lead.
Shion: "Oh my... Are you alright? You seem unwell."
Koyomi: "Sorry I just have a bit of a headache..."
Shion: "Haha, well even if they seem human on the surface, they lack common sense of humankind."
Shion: "I'm sure it's due to simple mental strain. Just in case, would you like medicine at the infirmary?"
Koyomi: (Medicine...)
Koyomi: (Would it be human medicine or...?)
Shion: "You need not worry. It's indeed medicine for humans."
Koyomi: (He saw right through me again?!)
Shion: "I still have some business to attend to so I'm unable to escort you… Will you be fine by yourself?"
Koyomi: "Ah... Y-Yes. Thank you for your concern."
Shion: "Well then, see you tomorrow."
After Shion-sensei took his leave, I finished up the attendance sheet before getting ready to leave.
Koyomi: (...What kind of infirmary would that have here...?)
My nerves were a bit on edge but I was curious… Keeping that in mind, I made my way out of the staff room.
Koyomi: "Excuse me."
I spoke up as I opened the door for the infirmary. The inside felt clean with the smell of rubbing alcohol--actually no, it smelled like cigarette smoke.
Koyomi: (Not just in school, but even in the infirmary someone was smoking?!)
???: "Ahh? What? Haven't seen your face."
Koyomi: "Oh... Um, I'm looking for the school nurse...?"
???: "What you talkin' about? You're lookin' at him. Besides... Who're you?"
I-I think I'm the one who should be asking what the other party is "talkin" about...!
Koyomi: (And he's smoking without a care in the world...!)
???: "...Hey? I asked who you were."
Koyomi: "Ah, uh, sorry for not introducing myself yet! I'm a new trainer who just started today at the school--!"
Shinobu: "Ohh, you're that rumored fresh meat of a trainer. I'm the school nurse, Hyuuga Shinobu. Lookin' forward to working with you I guess."
Shinobu: "...Well? Why did little fresh meat need from my castle?"
Koyomi: "Uh, you see… My head hurts due to fatigue."
Shinobu: "Hmm... Headache, headache. It should be around here somewhere..."
Shinobu: "Ah, here it is. It's in here."
Near a magazine, ashtray, and canned beer, he found a small box and carefully opened it. What its contents held… looked like broken charcoal.
Koyomi: "Um... What is this?"
Shinobu: "For headaches, it's a gecko's tail of course. It's pretty effective, you know? For UMA."
Koyomi: "Uh... I'm a human though..."
Shinobu: "Ah? I know that. I just wanted to see if it was just as effective for humans."
Koyomi: "I respectfully ask that you don't use the person you just met for experimentation!"
Shinobu: "Haha, just kidding, just kidding. Don't be such a scaredy cat."
Shinobu: "Here, headache medicine for humans. So then… Take this while you're at it. Since you're a co-worker more or less. Call it a congratulatory gift."
He handed me a mint green candy along with the headache medicine.
Shinobu: "It's kinda a hassle until you get used to living 'round here… but, do your best."
Koyomi: "...Oh, uh, thank you very much!"
Shinobu: "Yup. Take care."
On the way home, I gazed over Aima' townscape, and returned to the instructor-provided dorms. Caving into the fatigue, I flopped onto my bed.
Koyomi: "Ugh... I'm tired..."
Idly, I kicked my legs in the air, and remembered the events of today one by one.
Koyomi: "I can't believe everyone I met on my first day would all be in my class..."
Koyomi: "They're all pretty unique but almost too free-spirited..."
Koyomi: "*sigh*... I wonder if I can do it all and stay in one piece."
Koyomi: "......"
Koyomi: "...Huh?!
That's right, I couldn't finish my curry...!"
Thinking it over, the day was condensed. ...Meeting them again in the classroom. ...All the uproar in the cafeteria. ...Then meeting a new co-worker besides Shion-sensei, Hyuuga-sensei. It's probably way better than jutting out like a sore thumb in this place but… Still, I felt uneasy about it all.
Koyomi: (I'm not sure if I'll ever get accustomed to everything here...)
Koyomi: "......"
Koyomi: (But still...)
Koyomi: "I've already made up my mind to do my best here...!"
I cheered myself on, and For now...! For now…
Koyomi: "......"
To make up for the curry I didn't get to eat, I headed out to shop for groceries for dinner.
* In Japan, it’s a belief that writing the kanji for “person” (人) three times in your palm and “swallowing” it will help relieve anxiety and nervousness.
* Camil pulls out a Mokugyo (木魚). It’s like a wooden fish drum. It relates to Buddhism.
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KLAP Prologue Translation: Part 2
Prologue Part 2

A bizarre town with more bizarre people. I picked up speed as I walked, thinking about the strange people I met so far.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "He said to just follow the path..."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "It feels like the surrounding buildings are just getting more and more deserted-looking..."
Am I really going the right way? In the first place, it took me a long time just to get here. Probably because of that, I was already really fatigued.
Yamashiro Koyomi: (*sigh*... Even if this is all for my dream, This is a bit too exhausting...)
Yamashiro Koyomi: "......" ...Ugh, I can't think that way! I've come all this way. I should show up to my new workplace with a bright smile to make a good first impression! Something like, a sweet angelic smile!
???: "Hey, miss, you over there~?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Yes! What is it?"
Hoodlum A: "...Urk..."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "......"
Oh, crap...?! I was too preoccupied about smiling, I had a dumb grin spread over my face...!!
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...How embarrassing..."
Hoodlum A; "...Not sure what's with you but..."
Hoodlum B; "Well anyway, Missy... Why don't you calmly hand over that luggage you got there?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Eh...?"
Hoodlum C; "Are you deaf? Hand over your stuff and get lost."
Hoodlum D; "C'mon, we don't got all day."
I found myself confronted by four malicious-looking men. Don't tell me this is a…
Yamashiro Koyomi: (Extortion...?! In all my time in Tokyo, I've never once had this sort of experience...!!)
Yamashiro Koyomi: (Just why today of all days...?!)
Yamashiro Koyomi: "B-But..."
Hoodlum B; "C'mon now, Missy. Or do you want us to put you through a tough time?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "U-Ughhh..."
???: "Just what are you dumbasses doing?"
Hoodlum C; "M-Mimasaka..."
Mimasaka?: "Doin' whatever you want in front of someone's house..."
Hoodlum D: "N-No that's not it, Mimasaka. We're just..."
Mimasaka?: Mimasaka? You mean Mimasaka-san, don't you?"
Hoodlum D: "Ergh... Mi-Mimasaka-san."
Mimasaka?: "...Well, what are you doin'?"
Hoodlum A: "Uh, we're just... We're just teaching this woman about the cruel realities of the world...!"
Mimasaka?: "Hmmmmmm..."
Yamashiro Koyomi: (Huh... The hoodlums seem to be scared...? Did he come here to help me...?!)
Yamashiro Koyomi: "U-Um! Are you here to help--"
Mimasaka?: "Well don't go too rough on her, okay? Later."
Yamashiro Koyomi: (Uh, WHAT?!)
Is it not common sense to help the person in distress in these sort of situations?!
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Ah, uh... Please wait! A-Are you not going to help me?!"
Mimasaka?: "...Huh? What you want. Are you someone I know?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "W-Well, no but..."
Mimasaka?: "Then I have no obligation to help you. I'm off to do some shopping now. Later."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "N-No way..."
Hoodlum A: "Heh... Heheheh, looks like you're out of luck. Now then, hand over your stuff!"
Hoodlum B: "You don't wanna get hurt now do you?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Ugh... Okay..."
Hoodlum C: "There ya go. You should've been like this from the start."
Hoodlum D: "If you hadn't been short with us from the beginning, we wouldn't have to get rough with ya--"
Mimasaka?: "...Short? What'd you say about short...?"
Hoodlum C: "I-Idiot! You can't say 'short' in front of Mimasaka...!!"
Mimasaka?: "I asked what you said about bein' short!"
Hoodlum B: "N-No, it's not what you think, Mimasaka-san. We weren't talking about your nose..."
Mimasaka?: "Just who ya think you are callin' my nose short!"
Hoodlum B: "Gaaaaaah?!"
Hoodlum C: "No, just hear us out. We're well-aware of your severe short nose complex, but we weren't talking about your short nose!!"
Mimasaka?: "Just whose nose is short!?!?"
Hoodlum C: "Urgh...!"
Mimasaka?: "Just who do you idiots think you are callin' my nose short... If you haven't learned your lesson, I'll have to beat it into you!"
Hoodlum D: "B-But you already did... Gwah."
Mimasaka?: "You'll leave me hurt if you talk too much about my flat nose, you bloody assholes!!"
Hoodlum A: "Gwah... We weren't trying to..."
Less than a minute later...
Yamashiro Koyomi: "W-Wow..."
To be able to sweep the floor with these four... This guy is really good in a fight.
Mimasaka?: "Haahh, haaahh....hah! Ahh, damn. I did it again..."
Looking over his surroundings, he heaved a sigh in frustration. His eyes met mine.
Mimasaka?: "...What, got a problem?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "N-Not a problem...! More like, you kinda just helped me out there..."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Um, thank you very much."
Mimasaka?: "Huuuh... It wasn't my intention to help you or anything. You know this is your fault, right?!"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Eh?"
Mimasaka?: "This is your fault for getting caught up in this! Makin' me waste my energy on this...!"
Mimasaka?: "In the first place, instead of dealing with these idiots, you should've just run away. Stupid woman."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Uuugh.... S-Sorry..."
Mimasaka?: "*sigh*... Well whatever. Next time, try not to get into trouble? ...Later."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...Wait!"
Mimasaka?: "...What. Do you need something else?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "I-If you would give me your name and contact info... Then some time I could thank you for--"
Touma: "...Touma. Mimasaka Touma. I don't need any thanks, so just get lost."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Mimasaka Touma..."
He seems really troublesome, but he did technically help me out earlier... ...Yeah, he doesn't seem like a bad guy.
Yamashiro Koyomi: (Though to me, his nose didn't really seem that short...?)
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...Oh, it's already this late?! I have to hurry to the school...!"
Afterward... I managed to get lost.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "I was walking and following the path, but just how did I get lost? I'm even amazed with myself...sheesh..."
Well, probably when I got mixed up with those hoodlums, I got really shaken up. Yeah. That has to be the reason why.
Yamashiro Koyomi: (It's not due to my lack of a sense of direction...!)
That's what I was trying to tell myself–
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...But really, where am I right now...?"
That doesn't change the fact that I'm lost. I walked along the embankment for a while, but could not find another single soul to ask how to get back to the path.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "My phone is almost dead too... *sigh*..."
I stopped walking around, and took a short break, sitting at the side of the road. Halfway ready to just give up, I started to admire the nature around me... Idly, I looked around…
Yamashiro Koyomi: "......"
What was that? While lost in thought, I looked by my hand and–
Yamashiro Koyomi: "What?! Where's my bags...?!"
I was sure I left it there but my bags were gone…
???: "Huuuuh? ...Onee-san, you're from Tokyo? What are you doing out here in the countryside?"
An unfamiliar young man was shamelessly fishing through my luggage.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Hey...?! Ju-Just what are you doing?!"
???: "Hmm, what this...? Your name--"
My voice fell to deaf ears, and the man beside me continued to do as he pleased.
???: "Hmm... Oh I see. Now then, what will I find next..."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Wah?! S-Stop that!"
???: "Hm...? Huh, is this..."
With a curious, fixed gaze, the man pulled out my job offer notice from my bag. He twirled around with the paper in his hand, and again looked towards me with a grin on his face.
???: "Now I get it. You're a teacher right?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Y-Yes I am. What does that matter to you?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "I-It's rude to go through people's stuff."
???: "Ahahahahahahaha!"
Yamashiro Koyomi: (Eh, what?! Why is he laughing...?!)
???: "Hehe. Doesn't that 'rudeness' mostly pertain to humans? Haha, got nothing to do with me."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...???"
T-To humans...?
???: So then...just what is an ugly face like you doing here such deep in thought?"
???: "Are you in misery 'cause you can't find a date? Or is your weight scale number is too high?"
???: "If you would like... I could introduce you to a good plastic surgeon?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Wha...?! D-Don't you think you're being too rude to someone you just met?!"
???: "Ahahahaha! You're even uglier when mad!"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "......"
It was then I truly understood the urge to kill.
...I'd really like to rip this guy a new one!
???: "Haha. Well, teasing you to the point of crying would be a pain to deal with..."
???: "Now then, did you have a question for me? Feel free to ask."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "H-Huuuh? There is not one micrometer of me that would want to ask you any sort of question."
???: "Ohhhh? You sure? I was under the impression that you were in a sort of predicament. I was even gonna hear you out."
???: "'I was just trying to get to the school and now I'm lost. Maybe I should just give up~ Wahh~' ...that was on your mind, right?"
...So frustrating! He's right, but it's so frustrating!
Yamashiro Koyomi: "......"
???: "I see... So vexing huh? You even though you found someone who could help too. Oh so vexing."
It's frustrating but...he's telling the truth. I have no choice but to ask him directions. This is the only means I have now to get myself out of this situation.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "......"
???: "......" Yamashiro Koyomi:
"...Do you know the way to the school..."
???: "Eh? What? Speak up, I can't hear you."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Do you know the way to the school...!!"
???: "Mm-hm, the way to the school?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Please tell me the way to the school!!"
???: "Don't wanna☆"
???: Ahahahahahahaha! I can tell I struck a nerve. Are you actually gonna hit me?"
???: "Fu, hehe...! This is bad...! You're just too great! Ahahahaha!"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Grrr...!"
Never have I felt such a burning rage within my body like this before. After holding his sides in laughter...
???: "Haaaaah, that was fun."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "I'm not having the slightest bit of fun over here...!"
???: "Ahaha... Alright! Then shall we be going? Ahh, I'll give your bags back, so carry them yourself okay?”
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...G-Go? Go where?"
???: "You don't need to have your guard up. I was planning on going off on my way after teasing you a bit..."
???: "You were just too funny. I’ll take you to the school as thanks. Now then, don't fall behind."
He spoke, allowing no rebuttals, then walked ahead with a brisk pace.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Eh, W-Wait...!"
He didn't give me any time to think it over. I sulkily but abidingly walked behind him. From then on, I continued to walk behind him and followed. Finally we reached another strange-looking building.
???: "Here. You have arrived."
The UMA Yomi Abyss Vocational High School
???: "The UMA Yomi Abyss Vocational High School. Yomi School, for short."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "The UMA Yomi Abyss Vocational High School...?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Huh... Did I ever apply to such a school...?"
???: "Eh, you don't remember the name of the school you applied to? Got a few screws lose?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "No, I do not!"
???: "Haha, well whatever. Either way, it's good I got you here."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "W-Well I appreciate the sentiment..."
???: "Are you still upset...? Hehe, you know if you keep up that gloomy expression, you really will go ugly?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "That's none of your concern, thank you...!"
???: "Ahahaha! Well, do what you will. Bye byeee."
After spouting out as he pleased, he was gone in the blink of an eye.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Urgh...! Just-- What's with that guy...!"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "First the guy covered with pigeons, then flirty McFlirtface, getting threatened, then a storm of abusive language...!!!"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Gosh, just what is this? Am I being haunted by the God of Pestilence or God of Poverty or something today...?!"
In a fit of internal rage, I looked up towards the heavens and yelled aloud. The way I was reacting, I have to admit there was nothing lady-like about it.
???: "My my..."
???: "I came because I heard someone. Was it you young lady?"
???: "Or rather... Would it be better if I referred to you as Sensei?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "......"
I straightened my back, playing it off, and looked toward the man that suddenly appeared.
???: "That was a pretty amusing pose you were making there."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Urgh... Uhhh, and you are...?"
Shion: "I am Izumo Shion. I am a teacher here at The UMA Yomi Abyss Vocational High School."
Shion: "Well, frankly speaking, I am your future colleague. I look forward to working with you."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Ah. O-Oh, that's what you meant. Thank you for coming out of your way to meet me..."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Yamashiro Koyomi."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "I'm still ill-experienced, but I hope we work well together!"
Shion: "Hehe. Please don't bow so low. We'll be working along side from here on out after all."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Y-Yes...!"
Yamashiro Koyomi: (He's... He's so normal! Honestly, this is my first time today talking with someone who's actually NORMAL...!)
Yamashiro Koyomi: (T-Thank goodness... If I were to have such strange people at my workplace, I'd probably keel over from the mental exhaustion.)��
Shion: "Now then, shall we go and greet the principal? He's up to his head in anticipation waiting for us for a while now."
Yamashiro Koyomi: (His head...? Doesn't he mean his neck...?)
Following Izumo-san's lead, we walked through the school which again contained had some bizarre interior design.
Yamashiro Koyomi: (...Whoa, what's with the Large Kokeshi Dolls...?)
Shion: "Hehe, did something pique your interest?"
His words startled me and brought me back to reality. I saw Izumo-san smiling at me.
Shion: "Our craftsman has quite the unique tastes... If you compare it to those in the human realm, they must seem quite unusual."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...O-Oh..."
Human realm...? What does he mean by human realm...? Well I don't really know of any other meaning it'd have--
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...Ah! ...Um, Izumo-sensei. I'd like to formally apologize for arriving past the designated time."
Shion "--Shion."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Eh?"
Shion: "Call me that please. I'm fine being referred to as Shion. It's more of my nature to be referred to as such."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...Sh-Shion-sensei."
In response to the soft smile pointed towards me, I instinctively nodded back to him.
Shion: "Oh and... Arriving late is not an issue. We're plenty grateful as it is that you came at all."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "A-Are you sure...?"
Shion: "Yes, of course."
I wonder...maybe it's because they're short-staffed, and that's why they were unexpectedly loose on the matter...
Shion: "Ohhh, and also, young lady, this may not be of too much concern for you but... I'll give you a few tips and pointers."
Shion: "I believe before this point there should be a Checkpoint..."
Yamashiro Koyomi: (Checkpoint? ...Ahh, the place with the guardsman.)
Shion: “When leaving or entering the area, please go through there. If you try to climb over the walls to leave, the barrier will block you and result in serious injury..."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...B-Barrier...?! Result in a serious injury...?!"
Shion: "Well, it has something like a high-voltage current. Because it's dangerous, please don't ever try to enter or leave in any way other than the checkpoint, okay?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "S-Sure..."
What the heck? That was some disturbing news to me but... My instincts say not to think about it too much.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Oh... Oh yeah. What kind of person is the principal?"
I brought up the principal to shift the awkward conversation.
Shion: "What kind of person... Hm, let's see. Well, he's a big person. In a lot of ways."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "A b-big person...?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: ( his height?)
Yamashiro Koyomi: (...Oh, I get it! He has a good head on his shoulders, right?!)
Shion: "Hehe, well I'm sure you'll understand once you meet him."
Yamashiro Koyomi: (I'm excited to meet him but I'm definitely nervous...)
Shion: "Right, here we are. The principal should be right in here. ...Are you fully prepared?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Y-Yes! Please go ahead...!"
Shion: "...Pardon the intrusion. I've brought the new hire."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Pardon the intrusion!"
Behind the door, there was a seemingly small staff room. From the back, a shadowy figure walked towards us.
???: "Ohhh, good job coming up the mountain...!!"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "I am Yamashiro Koyomi! Thank you for taking me under your wing."
???: "Ha Ha ha! I'm sure you are exhausted from the long trip. Please put yourself at ease."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Y-Yes!" My chest pounded as I quietly lifted my head.
Yamashiro Koyomi: (A kimono... It brings such an air of authority...)
Yamashiro Koyomi: (It also gives off something like, a strong presence--)
Yamashiro Koyomi: (This person-- The charm that oozed from him and his stern gaze. On top of that, he seems like a person of high caliber...)
???: "Now then...let me share my name as well."
Nurarihyon: "I am the school principal...! I am 'Nurarihyon'!!"*
Yamashiro Koyomi: (......)
Yamashiro Koyomi: (...On his shoulders...)
Yamashiro Koyomi: (By good head on his shoulders...)
Yamashiro Koyomi: "A just has a huge head?!"
Shion: "...Pff, hehehe. Now that was a splendid reaction. Yes, his cranium is rather large."
Shion: " put it bluntly, it's always getting in the way. It really makes me wanna crack it with one blow."
Nurarihyon: "I think your statement is a little more than just 'blunt'..."
Shion: "Oh dear... Pardon me. My honest thoughts just slipped from my tongue."
Nurarihyon: "Y-Your honest thoughts? I’ll put that aside."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Ah-Ahhh! I am so sorry I just blurted that out...!! I was being rude...!"
Nurarihyon: "Ahh, mind nothing of it. It's the truth after all."
Nurarihyon: "Besides, to a nurarihyon, saying my head is big is taken as a compliment. I was just surprised by the remark, but I was happy to hear it."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "I-I see..."
But I mean... He's...a nurarihyon?! By nurarihyon, does he mean the yokai?! There's no way that's his actual name, but there's also no way yokai actually exist...!!
Yamashiro Koyomi: (Oh, maybe it's just a nickname--)
Shion: "Ahh, it's not a nickname though?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Did you read my mind?!"
Shion: "Hehe. More or less. In addition to his name, he is indeed a full-fledged nurarihyon."
...A-An actual nurarihyon…
Yamashiro Koyomi: (At this point I'm sure I've seen all the principals of the schools I applied for, and yet...)
Yamashiro Koyomi: (I don't remember ever seeing a principal with this impactful impression. Wait, that means...)
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Ah, um... Excuse me. Would it be okay for me to ask a question?"
Nurarihyon: "Hmm, what is it? Hehe... Did you want to know my birthday?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Uh no... Um..."
Shion: "Pff...! Principal, don't tell me that's your aim? Of course this person wouldn't be interested in knowing when an old geezer like you was born"
Shion: "He...hehe. Sheesh... You should really come up with better jokes with the size of head you have."
Nurarihyon: "H...Hey, be quiet you damn youth! I'm over here trying to lighten up the mood here, and you're getting in the way! Make haste and be off!"
Shion: "Hehe, then it can't be helped. I suppose I have no choice but to leave, as ordered by my boss."
Shion: "Oh and one more thing... From now on, I think there'll be many challenges ahead... But please, do you best."
Shion: "I am...expecting great things from you, young lady."
Nurarihyon: "Sheesh...! He's always doing such absurd things with a smile on his face!"
Nurarihyon; "Deary... excuse me. Now then, what was the question you wanted to ask?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Ah, yes! Well, that's..."
As Nurarihyon-san pressed me for my question, I took out and presented the job offer letter from my bag.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "I am thankful for this and came here but..."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Could it be that this notice was sent to me by mistake...?"
As I spoke, Nurarihyon-san sat quietly for a moment–
Nurarihyon: "...No, there was no mistake. This is certainly something we sent to you."
He stared back at me with a serious demeanor.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "But..."
Nurarihyon: "Hmm. Your doubts are not without reason. Let me start from the beginning."
Nurarihyon” "Now then, where should I begin...?"
Nurarihyon: "...First of all, I mentioned this earlier, but I am a Nurarihyon."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Uhh... Well..."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "So that's...not a joke? You're a nurarihyon yokai?"
If out of nowhere someone were to tell me "I am a yokai", of course I can't just say "Oh, okay."
Yamashiro Koyomi: (Though still, I can't deny the large size of his head ...)
Any normal person with common sense and a normal upbringing would have the same response.
--"What on earth are they talking about?"
Of course, I'm no exception to that. To be honest, I would doubt the sanity of the person right in front of me. Although... This person right in front of me...
Nurarihyon: "Yes, that is correct."
Nurarihyon: "I am...not a human. I am a different being than you."
There was hesitation behind his words. He looked at me with direct, honest eyes as he spoke.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "......"
Nurarihyon: "Hmmm... Yokai, huh? It wouldn't be incorrect to say that but... the official name would be UMA."*
Yamashiro Koyomi: "UMA...?"
Nurarihyon: "Yes, that's correct."
Nurarihyon: "The barrier spans over this region, Aima Prefecture."*
Nurarihyon: "The 48th prefecture of Japan.... A small world in which the UMA reside."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...T-The 48th prefecture...?!"
Naturally, I've never heard of such a place. Even more so, the residents of this area would be UMA kind...
Nurarihyon: "Your disbelief is not without reason. Originally, this land was hidden away... Very few people knew of its existence."
Nurarihyon: "This area of land, the Aima Prefecture, was built for a certain goal in mind."
Good grief, so many new words... So many questions keep popping into my head but... For the time being, I sat quietly and listened to him.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "For a certain goal...?"
Nurarihyon: "Ahh, yes. The goal for Aima Prefecture-- its sole reason for existence, that is... to properly train immature UMA."
Train. Of course, I knew the meaning behind the word but... Within this world, could it hold some sort of other meaning?
Nurarihyon: "In the olden days, there was a surplus of UMA, but with time, there has been a depletion in numbers."
Nurarihyon: "Of those remaining, their territory has been displaced, and living in coexistence with humans has become unavoidable. But..."
Nurarihyon: "The abilities of these immature UMA are different, and if they were to engage with humans, those abilities could cause Rampage and chaos could ensue."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Rampage...?"
Nurarihyon: "Yes. If they let their emotions take over while in contact with humans, they could let their powers get out of control and endanger anyone in the surrounding area."
Nurarihyon: "If that were to happen, we would pose a threat to humans, and we UMA would be disposed of. In order to prevent that--"
Nurarihyon: "Here at the UMA Yomi Abyss Vocational High School, to prevent Rampage, we implement Training."
Nurarihyon: "Following completion of the curriculum, a 'license' will be gifted to grant them free access to the human realm."
Nurarihyon-san quietly sighed.
Nurarihyon: "...Young lady. I would like your assistance for this 'Training'."
Nurarihyon: "I believe you'd become a wonderful trainer."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...Eh? A trainer? Don't you mean a teacher?"*
Nurarihyon: "Hehehe. I understand how you may be confused but... I mean a trainer. Someone to properly train the immature UMA."
...A...trainer...? My job is to train UMA..?!
Yamashiro Koyomi: "E-Excuse me but hold on! Wasn't I hired to be a teacher...?!"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "I-In the first place, your story has tons of holes! If this place was only known to a few humans, how was I able to apply to this school in the first place?!"
Nurarihyon: "Oh...that. We have a means to do that. Well, I'd like to show you it."
Nurarihyon-san then pulled something out from his kimono.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Ah, that's..."
The color was different, but it was an envelope of the same design that held my job offer letter.
Nurarihyon: "Let me ask you this... You are able to see this, right?"
He pointed towards the envelope.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Able to see it...? O-Of course I can see it..."
Nurarihyon: "Mm-hmm. Then..."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Huh...?!"
Nurarihyon: "Well? Can you still see it?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "I...I can't see it."
At the snap of his fingers, as if by magic, the envelope disappeared from his hand. At a second snap, the envelope reappeared.
Nurarihyon: "Hmm, now then, why don't you try touching it?"
As he requested, I gingerly stretched my hand towards the envelope.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Wha... Why...?!"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "My hand just goes through it...?!"
Nurarihyon: "Hehe. Not quite the reaction I expected, but I'm happy you actually look surprised."
Nurarihyon: "...That was Magical Power. It is the power that we UMA possess... That might be the easiest explanation."
Nurarihyon: "What you just witnessed can only be experienced by those humans with certain capabilities--"
Yamashiro Koyomi: " mean...?"
Nurarihyon: "Yes. You fact that you were able to apply here is more than enough proof to show that you are one of the few suitable humans."
In a confused panic, I opened my bag to pull out my job offer letter to look at-- Before my eyes, the letter evaporated into a haze.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...What..."
Nurarihyon: "Do you believe me now? If you're still not convinced... Should I summon a more popular UMA?"
Nurarihyon: "Ittan-momen, Nurikabe, or Hitosume-kozou, which would you prefer?"*
Yamashiro Koyomi: "N-No no! There's no need for that!"
Nurarihyon-san smiled at the suggestion, and I unconsciously moved, adding more distance between us.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "But even so... I-If I were to take everything you've explained to me as fact--"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "I-I can't be a trainer..."
Nurarihyon: "Hmm... but you did yourself put on your resume that your home is a Shinto Shrine, right? You probably have some Onmyouji blood in you too.."
Nurarihyon: "...Yeah! I'm sure it'll work out somehow!"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...N-No it won't! How can you just decide something like that?!"
Nurarihyon: "Hahaha! Well, let's not fuss over the details!"
Nurarihyon: "You came here due to a chance encounter! Destiny! Thou's coming was prophesized by the Akashic Records!"*
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Please do not forcibly tie in my existence to this place dang it...!!"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "B-Besides...I have a dream. My dream is to work as a teacher in a NORMAL school! So...sorry but I can't help you..."
Nurarihyon: "But you already accepted the position here?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Urgh...! W-Well..."
Nurarihyon: "Hmmm. Well it doesn't really concern me but, do you really think there are schools lying around, looking for new staff this time of year...?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Gurrgghhh...!"
Nurarihyon: "A year of no work experience... Well hopefully it won't have an effect at your next workplace."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "......"
Nurarihyon: "Hahaha! Don't stare at me so coldly. Hehe, perhaps I was a bit too harsh. Well, please hear me out. We want your power. However, you want to work for a normal, human realm school."
Nurarihyon: "If that's the case, what about these terms?"
Nurarihyon: "...One year. If you can sufficiently fulfill your role as a trainer in that time, I will secure you a job at a Tokyo metro-area high school."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Eh... Are you serious?!"
Nurarihyon: "That much I can do."
Nurarihyon: "The terms are that you need to work here a full year but... On that matter, as long as we have an established understanding, it should work out."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "......"
Nurarihyon: "Well, what will you do? Of course we can't stop you from declining the offer. You can think over these terms."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...Hmmmm...!"
If I decline the offer, I'll be unemployed. Naturally, this would put a damper on my living situation. And...If I go back to job hunting…
Yamashiro Koyomi: "......"
But really-- This is not normal. A school not for people, but for UMA. The specifics are unclear...but I'd have to be a trainer, with no choice but to suppress the powers of UMA, it seems.
Yamashiro Koyomi: (It would take an entire day to list all my doubts...!)
Yamashiro Koyomi: (An entire day...!!)
If I refuse Nurarihyon-san's proposal, I'll probably have more depressing rejection letters waiting for me every day.
...Just the thought of that...
Yamashiro Koyomi: (I-I hate just the thought of that!)
If refusing means I have to go back to a maze with no exit, I just have to do what I can here!
Nurarihyon: "...What do you say?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "....!" Yamashiro Koyomi: "...I'll do my best...!"
Nurarihyon: "Ohh... I see I see! Great decision! I'm happy to hear it! Hahaha!"
Nurarihyon: "Now then, let's go through the various proceedings! Come come. Don't just stand there, come over here!"
--Dear mother and father, I, Yamashiro Koyomi have finished my job search and have been hired.
...But, well... It's not a job with other humans... But... more importantly!
From this day forward, I will make sure to work hard at my new workplace!
Yamashiro Koyomi: (And then, after a year's time--!)
Yamashiro Koyomi: "I'll achieve my wish of becoming a normal teacher!"
* Nurarihyon are a yokai typically depicted with a large head
* UMA is spelled as 幽魔. Literally ghosts and demons and the original term for yokai.
Aima Prefecture is spelled 逢魔県. This is likely a reference to Oumagatoki. You can read more here
When Koyomi asks about being a teacher, she says 超教師 ちょうきょうし (like ‘super’ teacher) which sounds similar to 調教師 ちょうきょうし or (animal) trainer in Japanese
Ittan-momen, Nurikabe, and Hitosume-kozou are classic yokai. They show up commonly in Gegege no Kitaro
Akashic Records as translated from the dictionary entry in the game: "A mystical database said to contain predetermined knowledge of the universe. Putting aside whether Nurarihyon has access to it or not, it seems it had a record of the heroine's fate of becoming a trainer."
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KLAP Prologue Translation: Part 1
Voice: “Even if the entire world turns against you, know your teacher will be your ally, okay?”
It was from those words that I decided my future.
Voice: “You can take your time. There is no need to compare yourself to others. All you can do is be yourself. Stay true to your feelings and follow the path you choose.”
When I was lost and didn’t know how to proceed, she was there at my side and showed me the way.
I hold a strong admiration for those who work as teachers.
…Ahh, someday I hope to become an irreplaceable part of someone’s life too.
As a child who knew nothing of the world before her,
I greatly valued the kindness she showed me.
And now, finally...
Today is the day I graduate from my university,
and realize my dream of becoming a teacher.
My role as a teacher.
My role of becoming an important part of someone's life.
With these thoughts in mind,
the dawn of this new teacher approaches...
Or at least...any day now…
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Ahh c'mon! Just tell me once and I'll get it! Writing pages and pages for me to sift through is just infuriating...!"
Yet another rejection letter in my hands.
Just how many times have I seen
the word "rejected" already...?
--Job scarcity.
I've heard the about it before,
but experiencing it firsthand was dreadful.
Yamashiro Koyomi: (G-Getting a job is also a matter of luck. I...I can't give up yet...!)
With weak attempts to reassure myself,
I opened another envelope…
Yamashiro Koyomi: “……”
This doesn’t look encouraging.
Yamashiro Koyomi: “……?”
Suddenly, a strange-colored envelope caught my eye.
An orange envelope with a Shinto archway logo...?
Yamashiro Koyomi: “Is this...another response letter? It has my address but no school name. It’s contents–”
Yamashiro Koyomi: “…”
Yamashiro Koyomi: “……”
Yamashiro Koyomi: “………”
Yamashiro Koyomi: “...Ahh, what a clear blue sky.
Maybe I should go back to the countryside…”
Yamashiro Koyomi: Sighs
Yamashiro Koyomi: “--Wait, I got the job?!”
Yamashiro Koyomi: “For real?”
There was no "rejected" anywhere on the letter.
So, wait, that means…
Yamashiro Koyomi: “I--I got the job! Now I can finally become a teacher! Yes!”
After a moment of excitement,
I ran my eyes over the document to confirm
the location of the school.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Uh, let's see...! It says to refer to the attached
map and go to this specified location at this
designated time on the last Sunday of this month...!"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Last Sunday of this month...?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Wait, that's tomorrow?! The letter just came in today,
talk about waiting until last minute..."
Grabbing the enclosed map, I quietly opened it.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "30 minutes from the city center, huh...
That's surprisingly close. But...
When did I apply to such a conveniently located school?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Well... Guess it's my fault for applying
to so many places without considering the location..."
Though no matter where I looked on the letter or envelope,
I couldn't find any school name written.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "There's still some details weighing on my mind but...
this will help me make the first steps toward my dream!"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Alright, I'll give it all I got!!"
The clouds under the clear blue sky drifted tranquilly.
Yesterday I gained more confidence in myself.
And starting now…
Yamashiro Koyomi: "......"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "This is pretty much the middle of nowhere..."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Well, I looked up the directions on how to get here,
but '30 minutes from the city center' was a complete lie..."
It was the next day.
I didn’t want to pass up the opportunity and made my way to the given address.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...One hour by train, then one hour by bus..."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Ugh, just what do they gain by lying
about the travel time..."
I carefully thread through the letter.
It looks like I still have a ways to walk yet.
Seriously, how remote can this place be…
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...Wait."
As my physical exhaustion continued to build and take
its toll on my mental state, I noticed something.
I looked closer at the text and found a "0"
between the initial "0" and "minutes"...
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Not 30 minutes...."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "300 minutes?!"
I don't know why it was written in such a
confusing way, but now I could read it clear as day.
It said, "300 minutes from city center".
After identifying that fact,
I made a further realization.
I'm deep in the mountains.
I'm sure the number of applications they received for
their position were very few and far between.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Well, it's not surprising. Not that many people would
want to come all the way out here..."
I haven't heard of the name of this station before either.
Either way, this was reeeeeally in the middle of nowhere...
This was all I could grasp from my current situation.
After so many rejection letters, I was finally accepted.
I was so over the moon about it,
I regretfully jumped in without much of any second thoughts.
Yamashiro Koyomi: (But either way… It shouldn't matter whether I regret it or not. I've kinda already accepted the position.)
Yamashiro Koyomi: (This is my chance! My chance to finally realize my dream!)
Yamashiro Koyomi: "That's right, this is just a test, a trial for my dream!
Walking down some country road isn't that hard!"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Here I come...! My exciting teaching career!"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...*pant*, *pant*, *pant*..."
Just how long have I been walking?
My legs feel like jelly.
I've walked and I've walked,
but all I see are trees and more trees.
Yamashiro Koyomi: (Is there really a school this far out...?)
The thought of retreat crossed my mind…
Yamashiro Koyomi: "......"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...I-I won't give up...!"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "F-For my dream...!"
I'll become a teacher...!
You can do it, (Name)...!
Then, after many hours passed--
Towards the other side of the trees...
I, finally, FINALLY, saw the silhouette of a building.
As if to lure me in,
my legs willingly continued forward…
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...*pant*, *pant*, *pant*...
Is this it...?"
Stood in front of me was a large gate.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "This is...?"
The "gate's" doors were like a massive vault.
Seeing how enormous they were felt intimidating.
It was quite an astonishing sight…
???: "Hm...? Hey...who are you?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Eh? Oh, um..."
???: "Ahh, I'm the guardsman 'round here.
This place is off-limits for those who aren't staff members."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Uh-huh..."
???: "Really though… How did you find out this place?"
???: "In this area, regular folk don't exactly have a means or reason to come here. Hmmm? I wonder why that is...?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Umm, well actually, I'm--"
???: "Whoa, stop right there Miss! If you come any closer, I'll have to dispose of you as a threat."
..."Dispose of"...?
???: "Well, long story short, it'll make you
disappear off the premises by way of force."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "D-Disappear...?!"
???: "Ahaha, well that's just my job.
Don't worry, it won't hurt a bit."
This man suddenly showed up and was intimidating me.
Startled, I unconsciously took a step back.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Uh, ummmm...! I'm not really someone you'd deem as suspicious, right?!"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "I just came here in response of a job offer. I’m just a new teacher!”
I quickly whipped out the document and presented it to him with shaky hands.
??? "...Hm? Teacher...? Oh, that envelope--"
The tense air around the man suddenly dissipated.
??? "Hmm..."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "......"
???: "Hmmmmmmmm..."
Yamashiro Koyomi:"......"
...W-What is it?
He's just lost in thought and not saying anything.
Did I do something to irritate him...?
Right when that thought crossed my mind–
???: "So that's it! You're the new teacher! You even have one of our high-quality made envelopes. It's no wonder you didn't get cleared out of the area!"
???: "C'mon now, Sensei. You should've said something earlier. Ahahahahaha!"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...Ah, ahaha..."
Of course I couldn't say anything earlier with that threatening tone of yours!
???: "But really, sorry for being so rude, Sensei! C'mon now, please make your way inside! You're heading for the school, right?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Uhh... That was the plan..."
???: "Ohh, bingo! So then how to get to the school~ From here you should find a large road. From there just follow along the path!"
???: "Weeeell~ You should be able to get there from the path? As long as your luck doesn't run out or you get easily lost, I think you'll get there just fine!"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...T-Thanks..."
???: "No no! No need to thank me! Still, you've quite the lion heart, Sensei… Coming to an unusual place like this."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...Eh?"
???: "Well then I'll be heading back to work! Make sure to give those students a good pounding~!"
The man smiled as he spoke, and gave a big wave as goodbye.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "J-Just what does he mean by unusual..?"
Well, I did just arrive to a checkpoint building,
and suddenly had some strange man threaten me…
Yamashiro Koyomi: "This is without a doubt, a strange place..."
That was the thought that crossed my mind.
I've never heard of a place this deep in the mountains,
so I expected it to be really desolate and barren, but…
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Somehow...this is a lot different than I imagined.
This place gives more of a ninja village vibe than anything...
There's cars on the street, and there's a shopping center–”
Yamashiro Koyomi: "--Honestly though, For a place this deep in the mountains and far from the city, this feels almost overdeveloped…”
Well… The more I look at it, this district is really strange. I mean, the design of this whole area is really unique…
Yamashiro Koyomi: (This place is so strange, it's like I wandered into a different world).
Lost in thought, I looked around the area and–
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Uwahh?!"
I just bumped into someone...!
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Mmm...? The sound of wings...?"
???: "Ah, my 'fried chicken' and 'yakitori'* got away..."
When I looked towards the person I bumped into--
Uhhhh what.
Why's this guy got so many pigeons perched on him?
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Um..."
???: "......?"
He was a handsome-looking man.
He looks like he might be half-Japanese but...
Seeing this so-called "ikemen" covered with
pigeons are kinda surreal.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "I-I'm sorry for bumping into you.
I wasn't looking where I was going..."
???: "It's fine..."
His response was brief, and with a brisk pace
the pigeon-man began to walk away.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "H-Hey, please wait...!"
???: "......?"
I realized I called out to him. Why did I just decide to speak up?
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...Uh, umm, so..." Yamashiro Koyomi: "...A-Are those pigeons pets of yours...?"
Not sure what to say, I just asked a trivial question.
???: "Hmm..." ???: "Before I realized, they just all appeared."
???: "I thought while I was at it, I'd give them names. This one is 'wing', this one is 'chicken'."
H-He's got poor tastes in names...!
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Wait so earlier, by 'fried chicken' and 'yakitori', those were the names of the pigeons that flew away...?!"
???: "And then, the one on my head is 'Chikuwa'**."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "That name doesn't relate to birds though?!"
???: "Hehe... Chikuwa is really delicious though."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Eh, ahh... Y-Yeah it is..."
W-What's with him? He's beaming with joy...!
???: "...Oh, they all left."
???: "Pigeons have such freedom... I envy them."
From my point of view you seem free enough...
And with that, he just walked off, leaving me in a state of confusion.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "......"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...Huh, what a strange person..."
I don't mean to sound prejudiced, and maybe it's because we're deep in the mountains, but is he like some sort of Tarzan...?
While not dwelling on the thought too much, I let it go and carried on.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "I wonder if this is the main road? Hmm, it's a lot more developed than I thought..."
The peculiar design of this place really stands out. I guess it's just how they do things around here?
Yamashiro Koyomi: (I continued walking through the unfamiliar town. It gives a fresh feeling but almost makes me feel a bit uneasy.)
Yamashiro Koyomi: (I haven't quite started my life as a teacher but... Urgh, am I really cut out for it?)
My mind ran wild and bad thoughts quickly swelled in my head. My chest began to feel heavy.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "*sigh*... I'm anxious."
???: "Haha, what a long sigh. Something on your mind?"
???: "If you desire, I'll listen to your woes. Why not take shelter from the rain and have some tea?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "......"
Yamashiro Koyomi: (Ah! ...Is this some womanizer?! I was surprised he suddenly called out to me...)
Yamashiro Koyomi: (But wait...take shelter? What is he talking about? It's not raining right now...)
???: "C'mon, why not join me? It's a huge privilege to be invited by me, you know? Let's put our wet bodies together and share some body heat."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "I am quite good, thank you. Now I have somewhere I need to be. Besides, it's not even raining."
???: "...Hm? Ahh, you're right. You were just so cute; I was too preoccupied trying to get your attention first."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Eh...?!"
???: "...What was that again? About it not raining?"
The man snapped his fingers. Immediately following, dark clouds suddenly appeared and enshrouded the sky, bringing rain down.
Yamashiro Koyomi: "But it was so clear earlier. How is it raining...? W-What is this? Magic?”
???: "Hehe, do you want me to tell you? If you accompany me... I'll reveal just about anything."
???: "Just for you, I could teach you all the pleasures of a woman's body, on the house... Something that'd feel extra good... I won't spare any details, okay?"
???: "Now, don't be shy. Why don't we start with a cup of tea?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Ah-- W-Wait..." When I was trying to shake him off my hand--
???: "Ouch...?!" Within the gap between us, a small figure squeezed himself in.
???: "...Sheesh, you're the same as always. As soon as you catch the sight of another woman, you're quick to draw near her."
???: "You think an elderly person like me would just turn the other cheek at such insolent behavior?"
???: "...Ahhh, yeah yeah. My bad."
???: "Before your poor excuse of an apology, stop this stupid rain. Honestly... Carelessly using this power to fulfill your own desires..."
???: "It's of my own decision how I want to use MY power. Geez.. Of all the times for Kanade to show up, why did it have to be now?"
???: "If you hadn't butt in, Kanade, I would've had her in my arms by now."
Kanade?: "You moron. Putting your hands on a girl who detests the idea is simply intolerable. If I were to allow a classmate to fall into such degeneracy..."
"Akito. I'll make you the reason I get Sword Rust."
Akito?: "Ahhhhh. Kanade, you're kinda, what would you call it? Strict? Old-fashioned...?"
Kanade?: "Ungh! What do you mean old-fashioned? You could afford to show more respect for those older than you!"
Akito?: "Ahahah! Oh, how scary. I'd rather not be cut to shreds... Oh well. Guess I'll leave it like this for now."
Akito?: "I'll see you around. Next time, let's share a cup of tea together, okay?"
Akito?: "I'll make sure to give you a great time by organizing the perfect date."
With that, the loose-lipped, womanizer of a man waved his hand from behind and went off on his way.
Kanade?: "*sigh*... good grief. Sounds like misfortune befell you too. He may not seem it, but he's not a bad guy..."
--Meanwhile, the other young man remained.
Kanade?: "......?"
He is a young man right...? His manner of speaking is rather-- His speech patterns remind me of an old man.
Kanade?: "...What is it? Do I have something on my face?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Ah no, that's not really...!"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "But um... Thank you for helping me back there."
Kanade?: "Oh no, think nothing of it. I was simply disciplining the ill acts of my classmate."
Kanade?: "By the way, I don't think I've seen you around here before...?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Oh, ah, yes. I only just arrived today."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "I'm heading for the school that should be just ahead of this main street."
Kanade?: "Just today? Heading to the school...?"
Kanade?: "Are you perhaps a new member of the teaching staff...?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Yes. Nice to meet you! I am [MC]."
Kanade: "Oooh...! So that's it. I should speak to you with more courtesy. My name is Harima Kanade. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
Kanade: "In addition, this may be irrelevant information but... the playboy from earlier is Suruga Akito. Simply knowing his name shouldn't bring misfortune."
Harima Kanade-san and Suruga Akito-san, huh…
Kanade: " a new teacher that would mean I will be in your hands from hence forth-- if I'm not mistaken."
Kanade: "Hmm I see... It is probably not by accident that I met you today then. I'll be in your care, Madam."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "In my care...?"
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Eh... W-Wait does that mean, Harima-san, you're a student?"
Kanade: "Hm? Is that not apparent? I have the dignified appearance of I not? Can't you see I resonate with the spirit of other students in pursuit of knowledge?"
Well he does have the small stature that'd fit most definitions of a student. He also looks the part... I wonder what it is. When I hear how he speaks and observe his mature demeanor, I can't very much see him as an actual student...
On that note, is that playboy really also a student...? If I have to be in charge of such a person, he'll probably be a difficult one to deal with...
Kanade: "...Fuuuuh. My shoulders have been killing me..."
Yamashiro Koyomi: (Y-Yeah, his gestures definitely remind me of an old man...)
Kanade: "...Ahh, you have no need to be tense. It is likely we may have a long relationship with one another. Hereafter, I'll be in your hands, Madam."
Yamashiro Koyomi: "Ah, yes. Thank you."
Kanade: "Aye! Now I must excuse myself for I have somewhere I need to be if you don't mind? Farewell!"
After seeing Harima-san off, I took a deep breath.
Yamashiro Koyomi: (First talking with a pigeon guy, then Harima-san and Suruga-kun... This place sure has a lot of strange people.)
Maybe it's just one of those days where I keep crossing paths with weirdos...?
Yamashiro Koyomi: "...I can't say I'm a fan though..."
(To be continued...)
*Yakitori is Japanese skewered chicken.
**Chikuwa is a Japanese fishcake product.
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Hi, I’m Skye.
Here to post translations from the Otome game KLAP ~Kindness, Love & Punishment.
Yes, I am the same Skye that’s been working on this from the beginning.
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