Kingston Expressions
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Kingston Jael (JL) Michaels is an alias I am writing under. Kingston=my birth place of Kingston, Jamaica, Jael=my adopted niece's name...representing the next generation of Jamaican Americans, and Michaels=my father's name. If you know my real name, I ask that you NEVER use it on this page.  Kingston Jael is a single, educated, and professional woman who graduated from the GREAT Pennsylvania State University! WE ARE!  There is so much more to me but in order to separate my day job from this hobby, I am very careful not to reveal too much. *Disclaimer: Everything on this page is for entertainment purposes only.  You will not receive legal nor financial advice here.*  Now let's start this journey!  ***In Loving Memory of Alice, Gloria, and my most recent angel, Michele Monique Johnson.
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kingstonjael · 7 months ago
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It's my 9 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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kingstonjael · 1 year ago
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St. Paddy's 🍀🍀🍀
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kingstonjael · 1 year ago
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White Blonde Hair🩶
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kingstonjael · 1 year ago
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Happy New Year!
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kingstonjael · 1 year ago
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kingstonjael · 1 year ago
Are you in the Christmas spirit?
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kingstonjael · 1 year ago
Where are you, Christmas? Review!
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kingstonjael · 1 year ago
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kingstonjael · 2 years ago
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It's my 8 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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kingstonjael · 2 years ago
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kingstonjael · 2 years ago
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kingstonjael · 2 years ago
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If Nothing Is Sacred...
It is almost 3 years to the day since you told me you wanted her. HER...not me. You said she was closer to your age AND it (being you and her) can go somewhere. Where? I don't know the destination but you strongly implied that you and I are living at destination nowhere. I HEARD you loud and clear. You desired her and I wanted you to be happy...despite the misery you had been causing me. My mama always told me...if they want to leave...OPEN the door for them...even wish them well. I couldn't do that last part...wish y'all well but I did let you go...physically and emotionally.
That day in let me know that nothing was sacred between you and I. The ten years I spent loving you the best I could...meant nothing. Ashes to ashes...dust to dust...was my love, loyalty, and trust along with my hopes and dreams for us. I really never thought I would hear from you ever again. You found HER and nothing would be sacred between us again.
Before the year (2020) ended, I heard from you. What happened? Did she think you would be more open and honest with her than you were with me? Did she expect holidays with your matching pajamas like a wife should be. Silly rabbit. Tricks have always been for kids. What did you think would happen when you switched out my womb for hers? Of course she would want the white picket fence and all the emotional love you had not been capable of giving. Of course she would want MORE and be IMPATIENT about it. That's youth for you. She bedded you so quickly that she probably never got a chance to read the instruction manual that came with you. I loved you despite of all your flaws. I have them too. We were two of a kind until you gave away what was so sacred between us.
Now you are back and trust is forever broken. I think of you climaxing in her raw...sometimes. I think of you lying and telling her that she was the Sun to your Moon. Let it be clear that for 13 years...I have been the Dawn that brought out the Sun. I have been the dusk to your Moon. I am the light in every form. I am the fucking Sun and Moon. I have been all things to you and you never quite appreciated it. That was apparent when you showed me that nothing was ever going to be sacred between us again.
If nothing is sacred between us...let him sample me. Let him sing about my tightness...that tightness that I haven't shared with anyone else in the last 8 years whether we were together or apart. If nothing is sacred between us...let him climax within me...the way you did with her...ever so easily. Let him taste me. Let him chase me. Let him crave me. Let him devour me. ME....YES ME. Let his manhood curve into and match my womanhood. Allow me to be his appetizer, main course, and dessert....let me top him off as his night cap. I am asking you because I don't want you to feel betrayed the way I did...every time you were with her behind my back. If nothing is sacred between us...allow me to be sacred with him. Maybe between my inner walls and each of his thrusts...there lies love, trust, and loyalty. All the things, I did not receive from you.
If nothing is sacred between us...let me explore. Explore all of him. Tell him my secrets and my deepest desires. Wait for me if you dare. You are confident enough to watch him taste my narrow walls. You are confident enough to watch him break through me....over and over again. You are confident enough to hear me call out his name during our throes of passion. I shall write love notes on his body...the way I use to do to yours when things were sacred between us.
Let me be crystal clear. This battle is between YOU AND I. She was always inconsequential. A mere symptom of what I was wrong between us. Betrayal can only come from those closest to us. Somehow this tightness of my womanhood that only desired you and only you for so long...has wandering eyes. I SPY HIM and I am ripe for a new lover affair. Wonder what it is like to kiss someone that isn't you. Tell him my deepest and darkest fears. I wonder what it is like to have trust in my life again. I wonder what it is like to have his climax live only for mine. I wonder what it is like to be sacred with HIM in any time and space we choose. Will it be love? Will it be lust? It can be all of it with an endless possibility of trust. I wonder what it is like to be HIS SUN and be certain HE IS MY MOON? If nothing is sacred between us...I just may find out. ~KJM on Serenity Saturday. I don't write often anymore but when I do...I hope you feel me pouring into you...each of my readers...with every word.
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kingstonjael · 2 years ago
THE ART OF MAKING LOVE: Many people are under the assumption that lovemaking entails a certain bit of romance and is at some slow romance movie-like pace. Since everyone’s definition of romance is different…I challenge the idea that lovemaking is slow and very romantic. For me, lovemaking is simply about the feelings the two people have for each other as they sexually share themselves. That’s right…even doggy style done with the one you love…is lovemaking…to me. With that being said, there is something very erotic about a slow intimate pace of lovemaking where each stroke is so tantalizing that both of you feel like if you move in any direction too quickly you both will climax…when all you want to do in this moment is savor each kiss, each stroke, and each moan. One of the best types of sex I have ever experienced was the makeup sex…especially if the two of us were separated for a long while. Make up sex is the BEST and most INTENSE with the Ex Factor. Typically I am nervous…yes even after 8 years of knowing him. My heart is beating loudly in my chest as he is about to enter. My nails are long and pointy…so I am very careful to position them in his back in a way that won’t hurt him. That’s how deep he goes. It’s like I’m holding on for dear life while bracing myself for that break through of his penis thrusting into my temple. A temple that most likely waited on him and only him to enter. The nervousness starts to fade as the feeling of the familiar takes over. My most desired lover is here…in the flesh…devouring me. Relaxing me. Reassuring me. Tasting me. Fucking me. And when I can find the strength to utter words…I start to dig my nails into his skin while whispering my deepest confessions to him and only him. Our rhythm becomes more traumatic. Not for us but for the neighbors. Still in slow motion but he’s goes deeper and the headboard is starting to bang on the walls. I…am…moaning. In each movement of ecstasy, every part of me becomes moist…even my eyes. Though I’m holding back. I will not tear up in this moment. I want…no fuck it…I need to be present in this moment. Legs shaking. My baby is home! And my entire body is welcoming him. I can feel how hard he is trying to please me…it’s now my turn to show him how much I miss him. Stay tuned ~KJM Original blog is on
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kingstonjael · 2 years ago
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kingstonjael · 2 years ago
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kingstonjael · 2 years ago
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Gray Day🤍🖤
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kingstonjael · 2 years ago
The Effects Of Lack Of True Intimacy (Serenity Is Acceptance Edition)
I told him…I felt like I was floating away from him but he thought he knew better. A man only knows a man. Man has no clue what dwells in the heart and soul of a woman. But he still thought he knew better. We began spending less and less time together. Things actually got worse once I got my own apartment. You see before…we use to have a get away spot where we would laugh, talk, cuddle, and make love. In some rare but very much needed moments….we would stay locked up together for two days and it was great! I could hang on through the bad as long as the good out weighed it. But in the last year, he had no time for me. Days of love making was reduced to a few minutes a month. It felt strange laying in his arms and most of the time, I was relieved when he left. No longer wanting him to stay with me. I felt myself floating away but he still thought he knew best. Something was pulling him away from me and after a while…I no longer cared where he went. I just wanted my inner peace. For most men, touch is so important but for many of us women, touch without true intimacy (from a man we care for) is a betrayal of our bodies. ?? So while my mind and heart battled out whether to stick things through…my body was going through a war. His touch was foreign and unwanted but me still trying to please him….allowed him to touch me. Most of the time he selfishly ignored the fact that I was not even moist in my sensational temple. I was DRY and had been that way for two years! But he thought he knew better. He says he’s been keeping his dick to himself and I believe him. But what his dick does was the least of my concern. The condition of his heart was the deepest way he could betray me. I feel numbness. Emptiness…when I lay next to him. Yet I am full of life, when he leaves. While I have no desire for another man, I also have no desire for the man that lays next to me. I’m just waiting for this stranger to get up and leave. We aren’t married and aren’t even seriously dating (after 7 years) that’s why I’m being so open with you all. I have no foundation to protect. The effects of lack of true intimacy while sexual intercourse occurs only leads to a woman desiring something else. Maybe someone else. For man’s touch alone without love, trust, security, and quality time cannot sustain the heart of a woman. She is but an empty vessel…awaiting something deeper, lasting, mind blowing, and earth shattering. And I finally accepted the fact that there is nothing the flesh can do to save us. For he is just a man and man by creation…is limited. Thus my serenity is found in accepting that I’m in waiting. My body triumphed my mind and my heart. It could no longer continue to be betrayed for it was created to nourish and to build….not to be an empty vessel. ~KJM on Serenity Saturday. 
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