KH Visual Novels
2 posts
The official blog for some fanmade Kingdom Hearts visual novels. Under construction? Currently accepting applications!
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kingdom-sims · 5 years ago
One, I love the concept, two, I can't wait for it to devolve into a mess of alternate timelines and vague metaplot. You named it Friendsim, you're taking on that legacy.
abort mission, abort mission, they already figured out our game plan—
but seriously, thanks! i should note we really don’t plan on making it very much like friendsim at all, at least structurally speaking. it’s just that it’s Such a nice concise term for a platonic dating sim So. y’know. guess we gotta live with those connotations until we make an Actual Official Title.
- Mod Brush
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kingdom-sims · 5 years ago
Hello everyone! Welcome to Kingdom Sims.
So this is a brand new blog, as you can tell, and we are putting together a really exciting fanmade project for the Kingdom Hearts community!
Visual Novels!!
To be specific, we are in the process of creating three separate visual novels:
Kingdom Hearts Friendsim (Title TBD)
Have you always wanted to make friends with the characters? Now here’s your chance! Set post-KH3 in an AU where everybody lives (except Xehanort), things are finally starting to settle down. You, the protag, are a person living on Destiny Islands, and you’ve been wondering about those kids who keep disappearing…
Friendable Characters:
??? A cat?
Maybe more, depending on applicants
Land of Dep-Heart-ture
A Kingdom Hearts Dating Sim set in the Land of Departure! Potentially a sequel to friendsim, set even further in the future. 18+
Romanceable Characters:
Radiant Romance
After the events of KH3, a person with Amnesia is found in one of the cells in the basement of Radiant Garden. It seems that they were one of the victims of Ansem the “Wise”’s cruel experiments, and their heartless and nobody had been defeated, reforming them. You are this person. The castle’s residents take it upon themselves to take care of you, and you grow closer to one person in particular...
Romanceable Characters:
We are so incredibly excited for these and have already got a group of mods laying out the groundwork for it. What do we need now? Well we need YOU!
We need writers and artists that are interested in making these visual novels a realty!
People needed:
Background artists
Character writers (including those not listed)
Sprite artists for Yen Sid, Mickey, Donald and Goofy (toony styles)
People who can work the Renpy visual novel maker
While three full games is quite the feat and we are beyond ecstatic to get to them, we need to start (somewhat) small. So for now! We are ONLY taking applications for Kingdom Hearts Friendsim.
If you are interested, here’s where you can apply: 
-Sign up for ~Kingdom Hearts Friendsim~ here!
If you need some more information before signing up, no problem! Here are some questions we’re sure you’ll be wondering. And if you have more, please feel free to send in an ask!
Why a Visual Novel?
We noticed a distinct lack of Kingdom Hearts Dating Sims, and we wanted to remedy this. Then, from that idea, sprung the idea of making a friendsim for the kids as well, since we didn't feel comfortable with the idea of writing a dating sim about minors.
Do any of the mods have experience with creating Visual Novels?
Some have a little bit, but overall, not too much. If you have experience with creating visual novels, Renpy or Novelty and want to help, feel free to contact us!
Is this a for profit project?
In order to not draw Disney’s potential ire, we have decided to keep this project money-free for the time being.
Can I apply for more than one game?
Yes! However, we are only taking applications for Friendsim at this time, and we encourage people to not overwhelm themselves by taking on too much. Real life always comes first. If you ever need a lesser workload, just let us know.
What will be expected of me if I get into the project?
That depends on what you are applying for! Brainstorming in our discord is an important part of the process, though. There are no set deadlines as of yet, as this is a project done for fun, so there’s no rush. We’re only in the very beginning phases.
That’s about all we have for now! 
Again, if there are any questions, please feel free to send in an ask. And be on the lookout for more posts about our schedule and meeting the mod team!
We can’t wait to get the rest of this team together and bring this project to life!
-Mod Team
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