Hello! Are your requests for headcanons open? :0
They are! 
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Hello there! Are marchups still open? :3
They're not actually, thank you so much for asking tho! Sorry!
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aaaaa do you have any headcanons for sora with an s/o who has a hard time sleeping at night? thanks!
All of the cuddles, this boy will take any excuse to cuddle. He’d run his fingers through their hair, and hum quietly.Blanket nest, all of the blankets, get in this blanket nest and let me hold you. He’d stay up late talking with them on nights they just can’t sleep just talking about anything and everything.If they can’t sleep because their thoughts are all over the place he’ll put music on volume set low to give their mind something to focus on. Maybe an ocean sound playlist or other soothing sounds.Sora would definitely get them to count sheep, or if they have glow stars on the ceiling he’d suggest counting those, he’d even count with them. Sora no don’t go to sleep you’re suppose to be helping- He tried. 
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May I request a matchup? 25, pansexual female, 5'7". I'm outgoing, feisty, and kind, but I also have a fiery temper and can be prone to snide remarks and brutal honesty. I'm adventurous by nature and love being a thrill-seeker/daredevil, even if it gets me into trouble- I tend to have a lot of energy. I'm a little quieter around those I have romantic affection for; there’s always a small part of me that wants to impress them. I have a huge soft spot for music/reading/writing as well. Thanks!
I’m thinking Terra honestly. 
Terra would love to take you on adventures, “hey want to go to this world with me?” “Let’s go explore this new world I found.” You two would probably get yourselves into trouble more often than not, but at least you have each other. He’d probably tease you a little bit when you start getting quiet around him “you have a crush on me don’t you? That’s so cute. I’ll let you in on a secret, I like you too.” 
Terra would want to impress you as much as you want to impress him. He’d love to just relax with you, listen to music together, or listen to you read to him(a book or your own writing). Terra would just love listening to you in general, and he’d love that you have his back and he has yours. 
I hope you liked it!! 💜💙💖
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Hello!How are you?can i ask for a match up?I am a young Italian girl,i am straight and i am 5'5".I am very stubborn and i quiet at the same time.I love reading comics and learn new things i also love studying psychology.I always try to be fashionable because i really care about the opinions about myself!Have a nice day~
I’m thinking Sora.
You first met because he was interested in the comic you were reading. Sora asked you to tell him about it, you ended up talking for hours. He probably wouldn’t understand much about psychology but he’d love listening to you talk about it, he’d ask you a lot of questions about it. You might butt heads a few times because you’re both stubborn, but in the end he’d make a silly face or two to try to make you laugh. He’d think you always look amazing, and would tell you as much. You and Sora might take days off just to lay together and read comics, or talk about this and that, and just be together. 
I hope this was ok! 💜💙💖
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Hi! Can I get a matchup please? I am an 18 year old girl and I lean more towards guys. I love summer and I hate being cold. I also love the beach and movies, and I have a really big sweet tooth. I am a competitive dancer and I recently made the decision to not retire while I’m at college. I love to go on little adventures with my friends and family is the most important thing to me. Thank you so much! ❤️
So I wrote a whole thing then my computer crashed yay, so here’s hoping this is as good as what I originally wrote. Anyway I’m thinking Axel/Lea.
Like you Lea would enjoy the summer and he’d be less enthusiastic about the colder months. He’d cuddle up close to you and complain about the cold during the winter. Lea would take you on trips to the beach, playing in the sand, and in the water? Count him in. You’d end your days on the trip walking down the beach hand in hand, eating Sea Salt Ice cream, and watching the sun set. 
Lea would be in the crowd at every one of your competitions cheering you on, and a bouquet of roses waiting, he’d take you out to celebrate after. He’s super supportive, and loves watching you dance. Lea would even help you practice, he may not know what he’s doing, his rhythm’s off, but he’d do anything to make you smile. 
He’d know how important your friends and family are to you and want to meet them. Lea would be excited but completely terrified “what if they hate me?” “Calm down, how could anyone hate you?” But his fears would honestly be for nothing, he’d accidentally charm them. “Wait I had a plan!” “Give it up, they already love you.”
I hope you liked it!! 💜💙💖
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I’m so glad you like it!~ 💜
Hi, friend! Can you do match-up for me? I'm pansexual female, 16 years old. I'm 170 cm, chubby, with black short wavy hair and grey-blue eyes. Always wear my glasses. Most of the time I'm calm and collected, but I have some temper issues. I think I'm more introverted person and don't talk much, but if someone needs my help, I will help. With my close friends I'm goofy and sarcastic. Hope it's okay, have a nice day/night!
Sure thing!Hmm I could see Riku, Naminé, or Kairi as a good match for you!
You and Riku could sit in comfortable silence and watch the sunset on Destiny Island together. Neither of you would feel the need to force conversation, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have deep or even silly talks sitting out on the beach looking up at the stars. If you ever feel insecure about you chub he’d hold you close and tell you you’re perfect. You two would often share witty banter and sarcastic quips, and probably giggle the whole time.You and Naminé would have light conversations as she draws. You’d be her favorite thing to draw, she’d gift you with many beautiful drawings of yourself and drawings of the two of you. She’d love to cuddle with you, probably humming in content and whispering how beautiful she thinks you are. 
Kairi would absolutely love your glasses and think they’re cute on you. She’d also really love to run her fingers through your wavy hair. You two would send each other teasing comments, and roll your eyes while laughing when the other makes a sarcastic remark. She has a bit of a temper herself so if someone sets you off she’s probably right there beside you. 
I hope you liked it, and have a nice day/night too dear!!
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Hi, friend! Can you do match-up for me? I'm pansexual female, 16 years old. I'm 170 cm, chubby, with black short wavy hair and grey-blue eyes. Always wear my glasses. Most of the time I'm calm and collected, but I have some temper issues. I think I'm more introverted person and don't talk much, but if someone needs my help, I will help. With my close friends I'm goofy and sarcastic. Hope it's okay, have a nice day/night!
Sure thing!Hmm I could see Riku, Naminé, or Kairi as a good match for you!
You and Riku could sit in comfortable silence and watch the sunset on Destiny Island together. Neither of you would feel the need to force conversation, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have deep or even silly talks sitting out on the beach looking up at the stars. If you ever feel insecure about you chub he’d hold you close and tell you you’re perfect. You two would often share witty banter and sarcastic quips, and probably giggle the whole time.You and Naminé would have light conversations as she draws. You’d be her favorite thing to draw, she’d gift you with many beautiful drawings of yourself and drawings of the two of you. She’d love to cuddle with you, probably humming in content and whispering how beautiful she thinks you are. 
Kairi would absolutely love your glasses and think they’re cute on you. She’d also really love to run her fingers through your wavy hair. You two would send each other teasing comments, and roll your eyes while laughing when the other makes a sarcastic remark. She has a bit of a temper herself so if someone sets you off she’s probably right there beside you. 
I hope you liked it, and have a nice day/night too dear!!
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can i get a match up please? im a tallish trans guy (5”7’) who has just about giving up on trying to live not very optimistic but is still surviving somehow. very low self esteem but really likes video games, drawing, people who actually care (family pretty much doesn’t), astronomy, the paranormal and murder mystery shows. rarely is seen without sweatshirts or shorts to cover scars. thank you
I think Sora or Roxas! Sora’s a very supportive and open person who cares deeply for others. He’d complement you often, and on bad days he’d go out of his way to make you smile. He’d play video games with you and compliment your art. When everything feels like to much he’d wrap you up into a big hug and just tell you that everythings going to be ok, and that you’re so strong and handsome. Roxas is a laid back and caring person. He’d spend an entire day doing nothing but playing video games with you if you wanted. He’d probably drag you outside to watch the sunset and just talk. When you’re down he’d wrap you up in a blanket burrito and hold you, and marathon whatever you want on Netflix. Probably supplies you hoodies from his own stash, and might steal some of yours in return. He’d love to see your art, and tell you what a talented guy you are. I’m so sorry I took so long to reply! I had a family emergencies(one right after another) and things just settled. Once again so sorry, I hope you liked this. 
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How would the KH character react if they had to be camp counselors at a summer camp ???
If there was anyone you wanted that I didn’t do please let me know! Thank you so much for sending in a request! Sora
Would be excited.
Would panic if a kid got even the tiniest scratch.
Probably sword fight with the kids, and show off.
The exact opposite of excited, but he’d do anything for Sora and Kairi.
 He’d start a lot of unnecessary competitions.
 Total show off.
  Sword fight with Sora.
 Probably get scolded by Kairi a lot.
 Just like Sora she’s excited.
  Doesn’t take any shit.
  You lie to her and she knows.
   She’d teach the kids how to make charms. 
   Not about that.
   That doesn’t mean he’s bad with kids though.
    He and Goofy would be the ones to always cheer the kids up if they were crying.
    He’d probably have a lot of fun as a camp counselor to be honest?
    He’d be super excited to tell stories for the kids (he’d even act them out.)
    Goofy would definitely cry when the kids had to go home.
The King
     He’d probably probably disappear at some point because he’s does that.(Dude go visit your wife)
     Though I could really see him enjoying spending time with kids.
     Now this spicy boy might be a little nervous about being a camp counselor.
     I think he’d enjoy it at least a little though.
     He’d probably enjoy seeing all the different activities. And if there’s a lake you know he’s all over that shit.
     Roxas my man would totally join in on Riku and Sora’s sword fights.       
  When the idea’s first proposed to him he might be a little iffy, but he’d totally enjoy being a camp counselor.
   He’d probably get himself and a few of the kids in trouble though.
  Would be a total ball of nerves, but would want to do it.
  She’d be in charge of arts and crafts.
   Surprisingly stern??
     Not prepared.
     Huge ball of nerves.
     She’d probably find a couple kids she really bonds with and she’d be so sad when the kids finally have to go home. .
     Drags Roxas and Lea to the lake at sunset to eat Sea Salt ice cream.
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New imagines blog
Hey guys! I’ve noticed that there aren’t many Kingdom Hearts imagines, well actually I haven’t found any. Anyway I thought I’d make this blog since I couldn’t find any. Please send in requests! I do match-ups and scenarios! 
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