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kckuhaku · 3 hours ago
OUCH OUCH OUCH ! madeleine didn't think she was that clumsy, but she couldn't stop herself from tripping over her own legs - falling forward and not only skidding her knees but managing to also skin the heels of her palms in the process. it all happened in slow motion - and with no such thing as grace, she topples over - in public, nonetheless!
she's absolutely mortified, her knees and hands aching. she's not sure where to check first, her hands or her legs, in utter embarrassment that this happened to her, when a voice from above chimes;
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« i'd love to try, but i'm sort of - injured ? » while she does appreciate this passerby's concern - madeleine is still unfortunately on the ground. she glances up at them again, offering them a frown, a bit frustrated - mostly with herself.
« could you pull me up ? at least to that nearby bench, i can't really check my wounds like this... » oh god - she hopes she had a first aid kit or something.
@kckuhaku  /  sc.
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            ❝  you should get that checked out  ,  ❞  soojin kneels down beside madeleine  ,  inspecting the injury  ,  ❝  it looks fine now . . . guarantee  ,  you'll ache like you wanna die tomorrow  ,  ❞  they say  ,  speaking much from experience  .
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kckuhaku · 4 hours ago
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further expanding on madeleine's non-mc verse✧˖°. will be edited continuously. last edit 03.03.2025
the biggest change from madeleine's overall lore is she does not get kidnapped as a teenager by ever, never getting the aethercore transplanted into her heart. madeleine overall stays the same - her original evol dissection as her primary focus. madeleine isn't as active / athletically strong - she's more of a homebody who'd prefer reading - anything to dig more into her research.
instead of wanting to become a hunter to investigate the perpetrators behind her kidnapping, madeleine focuses her purpose on her interest of wanderers - along with trying to increase the capacity of her evol. she wants to use her evol to dissect directly into wanderers and study them inside out. she pursued post-secondary education in biology - and would be currently trying to write a thesis on wanderers.
unfortunately for madeleine, wanderers seem to dissipate as soon as they are defeated, leaving only their protocores. while she's not fully against the study of protocores (which tends to be most of her work), she wants to study the wanderers themselves.
madeleine would still be employed at the association in the lower depths of the research department. maybe there'd be more opportunities for madeleine to get out on the field and use her evol on a wanderer near defeat - dissect them in place - ?! the permission for such request remains pending ...
her dissection evol can only be triggered for an hour and can also only be activated twice daily. any overuse of her evol (surpassing the time frame, activating more than twice) will result in increased pressure in her brain and will cause nosebleeds and further internal bleeding. it's recommended she not use it at all, but she's gotten better at timing herself diligently to avoid any potential dangers.
misc. details:
her hair will remain long and unruly ! she never had a reason to in this verse
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kckuhaku · 7 hours ago
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madeleine kept her hair long and unruly for years. she only cut it recently due to an accident that happened on the field - she never liked having it tied it up, and it got caught on some branches embarrassingly enough.
out of frustration and anger that she got stuck in such a predicament during her important hunter training, madeleine sliced off her hair with a dagger she had on hand.
now she's a firm believer in short hair LOL.
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kckuhaku · 8 hours ago
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when stacia takes too long talking to caleb that maddie falls asleep waiting for her 💤
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kckuhaku · 9 hours ago
[ wounded + ]
→ non-verbal angst prompts ; // @seaturtlesclimbtrees[ wounded + ] madeleine patches up stacia's wounds
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THE SILENCE IS heavy as they sit in front of each other in the nursing room. madeleine is focused on cleaning the last of stacia's wounds, her grip is tight around the other girl's arm, firm but not clenched enough to cause discomfort. madeleine is, however, holding herself back. she is upset with stacia, but before she could grieve out her grievances, she needed to make sure stacia's wounds were properly tended to.
she rips one last piece of medical tape and flattens it against stacia's skin, a bruise already colouring on her pale skin. the sight causes madeleine to frown, finally looking up at her friend. she's been... so far away. she's here, but she's not. her mind is constantly elsewhere - and madeleine knows why. she doesn't expect stacia to pick herself back up from world shattering grief so easily, but not at the expense of her own safety.
madeleine gently cradles stacia's hand, her thumb grazing over stacia's bandaged palm before moving to give her wrist a pinch. although the action seemed teasing, madeleine is serious, a frown upon her features.
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« just because i helped patch you up, doesn't mean i'm not mad at you. what you did today was uncalled for, and reckless. » ever since... the explosion, stacia had been running headfirst into every kind of danger. it was as if... she was running after him to the afterlife. although madeleine may not know what she's going through nor does she wish anyone to ever experience such grief , she wanted to be sensitive to stacia's emotions, but this was a time where she needed to step her foot down.
« i don't know if i'll be there to rein in next time from such danger, i don't know if i'lll be there to patch you up like this. » as much as madeleine didn't want to acknowledge it - the past guilt gnaws at her. as easy it would be to say that she'd always be there for her best friend - it wouldn't be the truth. just as she was gone when stacia needed her the most, there was no guarantee that madeleine would be there when she was in danger in the future either. it came with their line of work, unfortunately.
never the best with physical actions - madeleine tries, gently holding stacia's hand in her own and giving it a tender squeeze, minding the other's wounds of course. with every day as dangerous as the previous, who knows what tomorrow holds for them. with how stacia is right now- madeleine worries she might truly follow newton to his grave. even if that's the last thing he would've wanted.
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« you can't give up, anastacia. please. » she pleads, her words coming out as a soft wheeze. it's a selfish plea - to someone who has lost their all, asking them to hang out and stay. but she tries, holding her frail hand - tears threatening to overflow.
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kckuhaku · 10 hours ago
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as expected from the unicorns - of course their recon team would be as impressive and able to keep up well with the alpha team. madeleine didn't start this spar underestimating oliver, and now with his smooth dodge and the glint in his eyes - he wasn't one to be taken lightly.
when madeleine is trying to swing her sword back around, she sees he's taken the few seconds of her recovery to ambush her - madeleine clicks her tongue as she tries to deflect -
to which she's been taken off guard, her broadsword clattering against the tarped floor of the training ground sliding a distance away.
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« impressive, but just because you've disarmed doesn't mean i don't have other means of attack. » there wasn't time to fully appreciate how fast and reactive he was - without the heavy weight weighing her down, madeleine is quick on her feet once more as she lunges straight for oliver, aiming to pin him down with her own weight instead.
→ @deepspacepunk ⋆˙⟡
The heat was on as the sparring session picked up!
The deflection of his first hit was perfect, he couldn't help but smile as his claymore came back. He readjusted to allow his weapon to return to a defensive position as he could see Madeleine getting ready for her counter-attack.
He blocked her next move, but opted to dodge the rest to conserve energy. "Hey, that recovery is pretty quick! We're going to have to swap tricks after this!" Something like that in his back pocket would be helpful out on the field. The way she sprung right back into battle was beyond admirable!
"Aww, thanks! You're not too bad yourself!" He got the information he needed for his own next attack. Madeleine recovered fast and she hit hard, this made her a very formidable foe with her claymore - no wonder she was a member of the Alpha team! However, Oliver knew his strength was in his observation. After a series of attacks like that, he would expect her to be worn out and in need of a moment to recover before she lunged again, so he took this chance to spring forward. This time he went for a proper swing to attempt to disarm her.
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kckuhaku · 11 hours ago
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⊰ diary entries ⊱ // @seaturtlesclimbtrees 14. entry made featuring mention of their parents.
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2XXX.09.23 : est. one year ago
today was the first time i had my parents come over to my new apartment - officially since i've properly moved in, that is. sure they helped me move in but it was different as it was still a new place for me. now that i've settled in and can consider this place my new home i thought it'd be nice to invite them back for dinner. it was a nice change of pace from my own attempt of cooking - nothing really beats mom's.
i thought it'd... be more tense? i always unintentionally butt heads with dad but he was kind of quiet today. i did make sure to choose a wine he'd like - it seemed he really liked it as well.
pasted on the adjacent page is the cropped label of the wine, and a printed polaroid of madeleine's parents sat at her small dining table signed with today's date. her father has a glass of wine in one hand with his arm around her mother as she leans into him - they pose happily for the picture.
mom already made dinner, brought extra food for me to have for the next few weeks, and brought another gift. she gave me a frame with our recent family portrait - already in a frame. i've put it on the table by my door, they'd be the last thing i see on my way out, and the first when i come back in. it's like they'd never left - or, i never left, i guess.
i remember being so excited to get out of the house - not that i ever hated them (although overprotectiveness from dad is annoying - i catch glimpses of him at work which is more than enough), but being able to have my own autonomy and own place was a phase of life i was looking forward to. i've clearly made this new place my own home now, am doing well at my job, every day is a new challenge that i enjoy - but.
while i helped get the dinner table ready last night, mom finishing heating the food while dad went on and on about how great the wine choice was - there was a sense of nostalgia, i guess. i didn't think i'd miss them that much - nor realize, that they've also gotten so much older. there's more visible creases in their skin, white peppering their hairs respectively, mom not being able to carry some heavier casseroles - i don't know.
it's a weird feeling i'm trying to get out while writing this entry.
i know they're on their own now too with dijon out for college - maybe they're a bit lonely too. they should be retiring soon as well, maybe i should visit more often, or just have them over more. it's a weird feeling, realizing your parents are getting older. they've never nagged about... future partners of mine - which i appreciate. the idea of romance gets me exhausted - but i know a part of them wishes they'd have more extended family - and sometimes i wish i could be able to offer that to them as well.
i've butt heads with them a lot - but the more i write, and the longer i look at this picture of them, maybe i should reach out to them more. maybe i'll ask mom if we can make family dinners a repetitive thing.
i'll probably regret this entry the next time i run into dad at work.
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kckuhaku · 16 hours ago
[ nightmare ]
[ nightmare ] sender wakes receiver up from a nightmare || following the events of this prompt
the nightmares of caleb she's... grown accustomed to, that when she dreams of them they just make her feel numb now. time heals all wounds... right? the themes are always the same—inevitably ending with his death. they deceivingly begin as her happiest memories with him, ones that made her heart flutter in his presence the most. in a short amount of time they quickly eradicate, and each and every one ends with either his heavily burnt corpse (imagined, always imagined since she never saw it herself) (ASHES—) greeting her, or her facing his grave alone with only the rain to keep her company.
no, the reoccurring nightmares involving him are not what plagues her this night.
this nightmare is... new, foreign, a new fear lodged deep in her heart that stacia is trying (and failing) to process, still shaken from the ordeal that happened. the memory played vividly in her mind ---
the mission. the stupid mission. it was far, far more dangerous than they expected, and as a ranged fighter, stacia was fortunate her injuries were minimal compared to her teammates (MADDIE TOOK SO MANY BLOWS AND NO MATTER HOW MANY WANDERERS STACIA TOOK OFF HER BACK MORE KEPT COMING AND SHE COULDN'T--). she felt so USELESS that she was unable to stop the very last wanderer from hitting maddie in time. her shot came a second too late. seeing her best friend crumble right before her eyes was a sight stacia never wanted to see again. she already lost caleb and her grandma. maddie was all she had left---
later when maddie was conscious enough for visitors, she saw firsthand that she was okay, even if her injuries were still affecting her. she reassured stacia in her moment of vulnerability, and at the moment, she thought it might be enough.
foolish, foolish stacia. her mind was still far too broken, still in the process of healing, for it to be.
her nightmare this time was of her best friend. her only person left in this world. of maddie. instead of the more happy, pleasant dreams she had of her, this was her worst fears realized ---
maddie has EVERYTHING in her life going for her—her parents, her brother, and other bonds. STACIA HAS NOTHING LEFT. WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN HER? IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN HER. WHY WAS SHE NOT FAST ENOUGH? --- stacia foolishly dropped to her knees in front of the bleeding corpse, tears rapidly blurring her vision, frantically shaking and grabbing her body as if she maybe put it back together MADDIE WOULD COME BACK TO HER PLEASE I CAN'T LOSE YOU TOO --- screaming at her incapability TO DO ANYTHING TO SAVE HER ---
the vision suddenly escapes her as her eyes open, burning with the sudden rays of light in the hospital room, shoulders shook gently by the touch of... oh, that's right, she's visiting maddie in the hospital. she must have fallen asleep. she hazily gathers her bearings as she looks up to meet the... very concerned expression of her best friend staring at her.
'stacia, are you ok? you were screaming in your sleep.' maddie asks gently, and she doesn't answer her friend's inquiry—just so RELIEVED to see she's alright (healing injuries notwithstanding). she lets out a shaky breath and just wraps her arms around maddie as tightly as she can without hurting her, tears freely staining her friend's hospital gown.
she's here. she's okay. it was just a really bad nightmare. she's not... gone like caleb.
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kckuhaku · 1 day ago
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kckuhaku · 1 day ago
❛  please don't go, i can't handle losing you too.  ❜
→ emotionally charged sentences // @seaturtlesclimbtrees
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THE MISSION SHOULD have been labelled at a higher danger risk. it wasn't anything the alpha team wasn't capable of defeating, but after one member had gotten blindsided it was an unfortunate domino effect. madeleine had been at a disadvantage, although a heavy hitter with her claymore, she was slower and often got snagged with the remnant attacks of wanderers. one or two hits was fine, she could handle it - but when had she gotten so battered and beaten?
they had been so close to defeating the last wanderer - she had only need to push a little more. she remembers adrenaline coursing through her veins, the blood pumping throughout her body - her lungs working overtime as she ignores the warm wet sensation of blood against her skin. they were so close - just one more hit - one more hit -
madeleine wakes up, her whole body aching. the room is too bright, the sounds of beeping and faint drips are enough for her to realize she's been hospitalized. how were the others ? was the mission completed ? she can't remember a thing - but she's trying to refocus herself on her sensations across her body. she tries to flex her hand, when she realizes it's being held by another.
« stacia, i'm glad youre okay. » foolish madeleine, sighing of relief seeing her friend sitting beside her bed. seeing her body language and her downturned head, her expression unreadable, madeleine worries more. was that the wrong thing to say ? it was the truth, she hadn't seen stacia during the last few blows to the wanderer - but she knew she'd be ok, that's why she had ran to deal the last blow - or so she thought. while she worries, she holds onto stacia's hand a bit tighter. she tries to find the words to console her friend, when she beats her to it.
❛  please don't go, i can't handle losing you too.  ❜
it's as if she's been stabbed through the chest - the pain surging through her body as guilt wracks through her. of course, of course, how foolish could she be. stacia had just recently lost her whole world - her other half, and yet she had ran herself head first right into more danger ? madeleine grimaces as she pushes herself up, pulling her friend into a hug, although weak, madeleine tucks her face in her friend's neck.
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« hey, i'm right here. i'm not going anywhere. » words could not fully address the hurt, but she tries to hold onto her closer, her hand bound with intravenous tubes weakly rubbing the other girl's back. she had to remind stacia that she was here, right now. she is here, and is here to stay.
« i'm sorry for scaring you. i won't leave you. i'm here, stacia. » where would she go without her, anyways? although they constantly face death with every dangerous mission, it just means she needs to be stronger - she can't worry stacia like this. she needs to be stronger to be able to stand tall, and not have her friend worry of being left behind - no one should have to feel that way, especially stacia who has already lost so much.
madeleine leans her head against her friend's shoulder, taking in a shaky breath. it was foolish, but it was part of their work. perhaps one day she'd be stronger to not have stacia need to worry about her -
« i'm not going anywhere. » she reiterates firmly, tightening her hold on her friend and closes her eyes - the sterile silence of the hospital room enveloping them.
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kckuhaku · 2 days ago
⊰ introspective questions ⊱ // @seaturtlesclimbtrees 🤜- is your muse overprotective? in-between? or not protective/concerned enough?
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madeleine would be somewhere in between! i don't think she's conscious of the feeling, tbh. madeleine doesn't have too many in her inner circle so whoever she's blessed to call friend ends up becoming someone she wants to protect/worries for constantly. they're emotions she's not too familiar with.
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she tends to teeter more towards not wanting to be a burden/she fears her worries will be inconvenient which leads her to not want to action her feelings. overall, she's definitely a worrywart for those she loves but she still has trouble expressing these concerns. she's an action over words kind of person, and will definitely take a hit for her beloveds.
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kckuhaku · 3 days ago
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⊰ under the same star, open this map ; starry skies scattered like a dream. same destination → overlapping imaginations ; ⊹ ࣪ ˖͙͘͡★
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an independent protagonist / oc blog for love & deepspace ˖ ࣪⭑ established jan 2025. loved by luke ⊰ 25 +・she/her・est ⊱ under continuous construction, open for interactions ✩₊˚.⋆
please read rules before interacting « rules »・« dossier »・« tag list »・« send a prompt »
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kckuhaku · 4 days ago
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"And you too have come into the world to do this, to go easy, to be filled with light, and to shine."
Mary oliver, from Evidence :poems, "when i am among the trees"
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kckuhaku · 4 days ago
Questions For My Muse(s)
👁‍🗨 - what is a secret that your muse hasn’t told or is hiding
💬 - for my muse to directly say a secret or confession
⚪ - what are small things that mean something to your muse
🔴 - what are bigger gestures that are important to your muse
👌 - what are some of your muses quirks?
💦 - mannerisms that your muse has when they’re shy or nervous
💢 - mannerisms that your muse has when they’re angry or sad
🙌 - mannerisms that your muse has when they’re extremely happy
🤞 - what’s the most impulsive thing you can picture your muse doing
☠️ - does your muse fear death?
👻 - recall one or more times your muse has been the most scared or fearful
😠 - what is something or someone your muse has ever hated or hates
🏹 - would your muse ever kill and why
💢 - what would cause your muse to be annoyed
👍 - what are your muse’s good traits?
👀 - is your muse prone to jealousy?
🖤 - can your muse be selfish?
❓ - can your muse be indecisive?
🙈 - can your muse be blindly loyal?
❌ - what would cause your muse to be petty or say something hurtful
🙊 - has your muse ever put their foot in their mouth?
💥 - is your muse reckless? or too cautious and paranoid?
🔷️ - is your muse good or bad at lying?
🤔 - is your muse cynical? naïve?
✋ - can your muse be rude or unfriendly?
🤝 - is your muse a people pleaser?
😔 - is your muse insecure?
🎭 - does your muse try really hard to compensate for something?
🤜 - is your muse overprotective? in-between? or not protective/concerned enough?
⬛ - what are some bad traits your muse might have?
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kckuhaku · 4 days ago
A  MOMENT  IN  TIME  THAT  THEY          .    .    .
[  *  ]      writing prompt      )         :           send a number  1 - 30  to take a closer look inside this characters life.        /        below you will find a series of various prompts offering a look inside a characters past and the important moments of it.        these are meant to invoke character development     &     can also be altered as seen fit to better suit the character in question.              bonus if you write a drabble of that specific moment.
01.     wish they could live again. 02.     wish they could do one thing differently in. 03.     wish they could do everything differently in.  04.     wish they could erase from time all together. 05.     wish they could take a loved one back to see them in.  06.     wish they knew then what they know now. 07.     wish they had taken more time to savor while they were in it. 08.     wish they could forget for the rest of their life. 09.     wish other people thought more about. 10.     believe negatively shaped them into the person they are today. 11.     believe positively shaped them into the person they are today. 12.     think about every night before falling asleep. 13.     think about whenever they’re having a bad day and need comfort. 14.     think about when they need to find the strength to carry on. 15.     think about when they want to laugh. 16.     think about when they want to smile. 17.     think about when they want to cry. 18.     think about when they want to be angry. 19.     tell others about when giving advice. 20.     tell others about when giving a warning. 21.     tell others about when they’re trying to make them laugh. 22.     plan to never tell others about for long as they can keep it a secret. 23.     really want to tell others about but for some reason haven’t. 24.     did not think was important at the time and later regretted it. 25.     thought was too important at the time and later regretted it. 26.     felt utterly alone even though they were surrounded by people. 27.     felt afraid even though they had no reason to be. 28.     felt at total peace with themselves and everything around them.  29.     felt a rage so strong that it scared them. 30.     felt a sense of complete happiness that they had never felt before.
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kckuhaku · 4 days ago
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Albert Camus, from a diary entry featured in Notebooks, 1935-1942
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kckuhaku · 4 days ago
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MADELEINE NODS IN agreeance - the programmed dummies the association had provided them were all fed by an algorithm, ones that were learnable and unfortunately did not prove to be as exciting and worth fighting against after a while. while madeleine did train alongside some other agents from the alpha team, they were mostly long ranged fighters which often led to her being at a disadvantage (not that that ever stopped her). there weren't that many claymore handlers - the nature of the weapon didn't allow for fast movements, lunges and swings needed to be decisive.
as oliver dashes forward, madeleine tilts her claymore to parry his initial swings. they were heavy - as expected, madeleine had to steel her heel into the ground at one slash to push off a hit. with a turn of her wrist, madeleine switches from defensive to offensive and twists her torso, swinging her whole body with her sword forward towards oliver.
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« heavy and fast. you're good. » she compliments briefly while contemplating her next moves - it's her turn for a barrage. body forward, madeleine takes off in a short sprint before swinging. her sword spins and acts as a counterweight that helps her launch into the air - lifting it above her head, she's swings the broadsword forward into a downwards hit without any hesitation. the sheer force of the landing shakes her body, but madeleine is quick to jump back to her feet, using her sword almost as an extension of herself to rebalance herself a few feet back.
with a flick of her wrists the hold on the sword changes as she swings upwards towards oliver again, a smirk forming on her lips.
« i'll have to be more serious - you're a high risk threat. »
→ @deepspacepunk ⋆˙⟡
"Exactly!" Oliver said in agreement. "Plus, there is only so much a dummy can do to test your fighting skills right? A thinking, moving target is way better to keep your skills sharp."
"Oh, so it's gonna be Alpha versus Recon, huh?" He could feel himself getting more fired up by the minute now. He had to win this little sparring much, there was pride on the line now!
He then lifted his claymore. "Set. Match!" He then darted forward, poised to immediately go for a slash down the front. It was meant to be an easy move to deflect. Did she do well in quick, time sensitive moments like this? He wanted to know.
Majority of his hits were light at the moment, he was more testing where her openings were before he wasted his time and energy with more serious hits. True to his role, he wanted information before he acted.
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