{Thank you for follow! ^^}
Mun: No Problem~~
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M!A: Amnesia For 1 Week || Open Roleplay
Kaze got up slowly, a hand on his head as he shook his head. Why did he remember nothing? Why did his head hurt so much? Where was he? Who was he? Kazes head was full of questions as he stumbled around, a little dazed. The wind he controled swirling around him, though Kaze didn't know it at first. But when it whipped against his face, he wished it to stop, and stop it did.
Blinking, Kaze thought of the wind blowing through the trees, and watched as the wind blew through the trees, watching it with a look of awe. He could control the wind. The wind was at his command. Kaze looked at his hands in awe, thinking about how awesome this was. He became giddy and excited, and started jumping up and down, when the wind pushed him down. Kaze laughed it off though, getting up.
Then, looking around, Kaze took in his surroundings. The leaves were at their greenest and flowers bloomed on some trees, grass that was green and wonderful. In the distance, Kaze could hear noise. Talking. Kaze looked in that direction before he froze. He heard something break behind him. A stick. Kaze turned around slowly and looked at the stranger in front of him.
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M!A: Has Amnesia for a week
Mun: ...The anons have gotten to me... Run my followers... Escape while you can...
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Anonymously tell me how you feel about me. I can't reply, I just have to read it and post it.
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Cosplay Giveaway! I am so thankful for all of my followers that I decided to do a cosplay giveaway.
Rules: -You don’t have to follow me, but you can if you would like -You can reblog as many times as you want, likes DO count -Must be comfortable giving away address -Only in the U.S or U.K (Sorry /:) -There will be three winners.
1st Winner: Up to $200 for use of cosplay items 2nd Winner: Up to $100 for use of cosplay items 3rd Winner: Up to $50 for use of cosplay items
This all ends on April 14th Good luck!
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11 People Are Riding Your Winds
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Kaze smiled and laughed as he pushed people here and there with his wind, lifting a few of them into the air and letting them fly with his wind, laughing as he twirled around them in large circles, laughing still.
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//thanks for the follow :D//
Mun: No problem~~ :D
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I love you too
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But on the serious side.
I love you. <3
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But on the serious side.
I love you. <3
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Reblog if you pretty much want to rp with everyone on your dash at some point.
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1 Person Is Riding Your Winds
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Kaze stopped for a moment, watching the other. Jack seemed... different. More dark. Kaze wondered what happened, but he wouldn't push it. He just wanted to play. So, with a smile now covering his face, Kaze came forward and nudged at Jack, laughing as he glided around him in circles.
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Send me ♣ if you actually like the way I portray my muse.
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1 Person Is Riding Your Winds
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Kaze tilted his head. He had seen the other many times before, mostly when he was with Jack, but he had never been around her alone before. He watched her a moment, pushing her slightly with his winds and gliding to be in front of her, watching her with a tilted head.
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1 Person Is Riding Your Winds
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Kaze smiled cheerfully as he glided in front of the other, watching him. He had seen him riding a creature he knew to be a dragon a few times, and had wondered if the other ever thought of flying. So, Kaze decided to show him, and it led to where they were now. Kaze watching the other and smiling as they went through the sky. It was night, so Kaze knew that he had until morning to play with the boy. He had before, hitting his face with his wind and things like that, but never up close like this.
Smiling wider, Kaze laughed and circled him. He loved playing with new friends and old friends. He just loved playing with them, pushing them, messing with their hair, and making it hard for them. Some of them were funny, trying to bat him away, but he always came back. And he always played.
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10 People Are Riding Your Winds
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Kaze laughed, whirling around the others, going in many circles. He loved playing with others on his winds, they were all different. Different feels, different weights and ages and spirits, but he loved playing with them all. They were his friends, at least, he thought of them that way, and he didn't care if they didn't see him. As long as his friends were happy, he was happy.
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guardian of the wind... thank you for following me~
Mun: Your welcome >w
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Mun: *is too shy too ask for a starter so just crawls away*
( 25 of you already…. My you are all so precious!
Please message me if I didn’t get to your starter because chances are I missed it while sleeping and just… yea! )
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