Two Oni and a Horse
381 posts
A blog dedicated to Kazama Chikage and Yukimura Chizuru. Title came from the movie, because they were riding on a horse.
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kazamaxchizuru · 6 years ago
"Why did I marry you?"/"It took a lot of convincing" for KazaChi 😚😚
Happy Birthday, Eevee! I know this ask was from a long time ago, butI hope you enjoy this for your birthday, anyway! Love you!
Chizuru stared out her window, watching the pink and white petals getcaught in the wind. Feeling the breeze whisper inside her bedroom,she tugged at her sleeves to lengthen them, but her eyes were drawnin by the gold and black patterned trim of her kimono. She only knewone other person that had the same exact pattern.
It had been more than six months now since she became Lady Kazama ofthe West. The village rejoiced when their lord had finally settleddown, marrying a pure-blooded Oni as well. She still couldn��tbelieve her wheel of fortune—the once page to the greatShinsengumi, and while it took a lot of convincing at his end, shewas now the wife of a noble lord.
“Yukimura of the East? I thought there were no survivors?” Theelderly woman turned to Kazama, slipping a red and white envelope inhis hand as she bowed. Her words made Chizuru’s stomach drop,reminding her of the fire that burned through her village, killingeveryone except her, her brother and Uncle Kodo.
Kazama bowed at the woman, accepting the wedding gift. He turned tohis wife, and Chizuru offered him a small smile, her lips barelymoving from a thin line.
“The reports were misinformed. There were a few survivors and luckyfor me, one of them was my dear Chizuru.” He wrapped an arm aroundChizuru’s shoulders, pulling her closer to him. “I am very, verylucky.”
The woman squealed with delight, then left the newlyweds to receivethe other guests waiting to congratulate them. It was a long processand the two barely spoke to each other as they shook hands and bowedat all the people.
She had never seen Kazama so happy—smiling and laughing—andclearly out of character for him. But every time she caught a glimpseof him, it made her heart flutter. He was a lot more handsome whenhis eyes squinted and the apple of his cheeks protruding from hisface.
They held hands as they entered their bedchamber together for thefirst time. Chizuru felt his hands shake as they reached for her obibehind her.
“Why did you marry me?” he asked, gently kissing her forehead,while untying the knot.
Chizuru took a deep breath, went on her tiptoes and kissed him. Theirclothes were off before she could answer him, and the only otherwords spoken that night were each other’s first names.
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kazamaxchizuru · 6 years ago
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Hakuoki, specifically Chizuru x Chikage, is finally out of my system 🙌🏻
The KH foretellers and dandelions are demanding my attention now
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kazamaxchizuru · 6 years ago
Hey! I was wondering if this KazaChi blog was closed... because if it is like this I would be very sad! It's a stunning and amazing blog, the best one about Kazama and Chizuru. If you could give me an answer I would be very happy :) anyway thanks for all the efforts you've made to create such a beautiful place for all the fans of Hakuouki ;)
Nah it’s not closed! The mods have just been busy lately, thank you for liking this blog! I hope to post more in the future, once life settles down.
In the meantime you can scream about kazachi to me on my personal @msbeastlyeevee or even just check out my KazaChi family blog @courageous-dreamers
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kazamaxchizuru · 6 years ago
Forgiveness in a Flask
KazaChi 2018: Day 1, Forgiveness
Words: 900
Rated T for Teens and Up
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After hours of riding on horseback, Kazama slowed down, pulling the reins tight, and halting in front of a heavily wooded area. He pulled back some branches, clearing a way for him and Chizuru and revealing a set of familiar stairs that led to an entrance.
Chizuru’s heart pinched with each step and a breeze of nostalgia blew against her cheek like a kiss from a past she wanted to remember.
“These are the remains of Yukimura Village, Chizuru—the once thriving and beautiful land burned by greedy humans who wanted our Oni powers,” Kazama stated, pouring his flask of sake over an ash-covered area.
Kazama continued the story, his tone changing from remorse to indignant while Chizuru listened and wept, shedding a tear for each person involved—for her parents who died with peace in their hearts, for her twin brother who was now lost in rage, for her adoptive father consumed with so much hate and vengeance, and for the humans caught in this endless war where the winning side will have the most headstones in their graveyard.
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kazamaxchizuru · 6 years ago
KazaChi Week [November 30th - December 1st]
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We got a two day event planned, with prompts for both days! Like with every shipping event, the central pairing must be the characters of the event. Other pairings can be mentioned, but they cannot be the focus.
Day 1′s theme: Forgiveness
Day 2′s theme: Past
You can freely interpret the themes as you want.
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kazamaxchizuru · 6 years ago
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A Fresh Morning of Spring
Size: A4 Medium: For the main art: Copics, Fineliner 0,3 & 003, Copic Paper, Prisma Colours For the flowers: 200g drawing paper, Fineliner 001, prisma colours Series: Hakuouki Characters: Kazama Chikage, Yukimura Chizuru 
Don’t Repost, Trace, Recolor or change this drawing in any way without permission. Please also rate the drawing on Pixiv. Alternative on DeviantArt.
All Likes and Reblogs are welcome and very much appreciated ♡
Now that I have had the busiest start of a new year with both seeing a dentist, having 4 job interviews out of 6 applications, having to travel to another city in Mid-Norway to take another job interview, helping mom out and doing school I am like… okay now it’s enough, I have to do something to relax, so I went back to do some Hakuouki fanart. KazaChi, just to make it easy for myself. Copics and Prisma Colours are not my best friends yet, but it was fun to use them. It’s always fun to use them though. For this reason I didn’t really manage to do this art as I wanted - or rather it turned out quite differently than I wanted. I did the cherry blossoms (yes, it’s too early to draw spring art, but I need some flowers here) on seperate paper and cut them and glued them on the picture again. It’s just a little drawing and nothing special so… I hope you like it :)
Commissions Open
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kazamaxchizuru · 7 years ago
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instead of going back to playing i drew him agAIN
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kazamaxchizuru · 7 years ago
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takin a break from kazama’s route to draw… a kazama lol
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kazamaxchizuru · 7 years ago
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I snuck little Chizuru and Kazama into my messy storyboard assignment cover *whoops*
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kazamaxchizuru · 7 years ago
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Kazama Chikage x Yukimura Chizuru "Well, if you don't come to me, then I'll come and get you."
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kazamaxchizuru · 7 years ago
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Chizuru Appreciation Day is February 14th! Let’s so some love to our protagonist this Valentine’s Day! Remember, anything from art to gifs to fics is welcome, as long as it’s Chizuru-centric!
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!
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kazamaxchizuru · 7 years ago
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A Fresh Morning of Spring
Size: A4 Medium: For the main art: Copics, Fineliner 0,3 & 003, Copic Paper, Prisma Colours For the flowers: 200g drawing paper, Fineliner 001, prisma colours Series: Hakuouki Characters: Kazama Chikage, Yukimura Chizuru 
Don’t Repost, Trace, Recolor or change this drawing in any way without permission. Please also rate the drawing on Pixiv. Alternative on DeviantArt.
All Likes and Reblogs are welcome and very much appreciated ♡
Now that I have had the busiest start of a new year with both seeing a dentist, having 4 job interviews out of 6 applications, having to travel to another city in Mid-Norway to take another job interview, helping mom out and doing school I am like… okay now it’s enough, I have to do something to relax, so I went back to do some Hakuouki fanart. KazaChi, just to make it easy for myself. Copics and Prisma Colours are not my best friends yet, but it was fun to use them. It’s always fun to use them though. For this reason I didn’t really manage to do this art as I wanted - or rather it turned out quite differently than I wanted. I did the cherry blossoms (yes, it’s too early to draw spring art, but I need some flowers here) on seperate paper and cut them and glued them on the picture again. It’s just a little drawing and nothing special so… I hope you like it :)
Commissions Open
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kazamaxchizuru · 7 years ago
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Kazama Chikage
Background for Steam
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kazamaxchizuru · 7 years ago
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kazamaxchizuru · 7 years ago
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kazamaxchizuru · 7 years ago
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kazamaxchizuru · 7 years ago
Halloween Headcanons: Kazama and Chizuru
Thanks for the ask!! :D
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