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thefunkgoeson: Daigo watched in what was a mix of amazement and horror. Could’ve sworn he was the one that was hungry and starving…not the other way around Not that he was much of a fast eater anyways. He held his half finished burger in his hands while he continued to eat, before she had propped up her question. She still wanted to hang out with him? What a weird person.
Even if he wasn’t burdened with his reputation back at Castelia City, it wasn’t like he looked like the most sociable guy. Well whatever…he had a day till the return trip to Unova would take place. Might as well do…something. “After this? I’m not really sure…never been before and I don’t know anything interesting about it. As far as I know this place is a gathering hub for battle aficionados, and as you can see I’m not really that good at it.” “It’s up to you.”
Katlyn took a solid look at Daigo. “You know what? Let’s go back to my cabin. I’ve got a spare bed you can sleep in. Its not too far away i’d like to think. Only the nearby route. I will say, it was the best sleep I ever had. I made me feel like yesterday was a dream good.” Katlyn’s Lucario finished his burger with no mess and nodded in agreement. “Come on, its only this way.” Calls Katlyn as she tries to drag Daigo with her all the while stuffing a 2nd burger into his off hand. “And that one is to make your grumpy face be a smile.”
Deja Vu I Katlyn & Diago
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Ruin-ed Drabble
Something fishy was about to unfold. It was a clear day, just as clear as the day before and most likely the same for tomorrow. The chatots were chirping outside, and the day care was as bustling as ever. Cody was just waking up. Tired as ever.
"Hey honey, we need you downstairs, your dad is coming home today!" Cried his mom. He knew today was a forbidden day. He hated his dad, and rightfully so. Nothing could prepare him for what was about to become.
"I made some fresh bacon and eggs. I hope you don't mind sunny side up, i wasn't sure if you wanted them or scrambled today since you were asleep…"
"Its okay mom. I enjoy your cooking regardless. Yours would win any pokemon's heart then and there." He replied biting down on some chewy bacon still dripping of fresh grease.
"You work today?"
He was sure she was referring to his job helping the daycare couple with monitoring pokemon and gathering found eggs for them. It was his one day a week off, and she knew that. But she also knew sometimes went in regardless to help out. It was almost, no. It was a second home to him.
"Yes mom. Today's the day that Cynthia is coming in to check up on us! I can't wait to meet the champion of Sinnoh herself!" He proclaimed with a mouth full of food.
"Well, you better hurry if you want to get there in time."
Cody quickly finished eating and ran to the daycare to meet Cynthia. He was in shock for what was about to unfold.
13 years later
"Well, its a bright and beautiful day, isn't it Lucario?” He responded with a simple nod. They were traveling back to their hometown to see what has transpired since they were last there. Katlyn had a while to go. Not that much farther for the new musician. She was only 19 at the time, almost 20. All her other pokemon she left in the care of the couple she loved so truly.
"It's about time that we meet up with my past Lucar. We both need each other for this. This, place, I hate it. But you evolved here. As did that feebas. We need to figure it out."
The trees started to make a clearing to form a small path ahead, to their destination.
"Well, were almost there. Lets settle this once and for all."
The day care was bustling full of people and their pokemon, picking up and dropping off. In the distance he heard a voice, "Cody! Glad you came in. I need you to go fetch a few pokemon for me. Their trainers are here for them. Here’s their balls with their names on them. Be safe and quick please!" Said the old Lady. He was never rude to ask them their names, as he didnt think that it mattered too much. They always treated him like one of their own and he loved that. But now that list, it was a big one that day.
"Well, we have 2 in the ice pen, 4 in the rock pen, blah blah blah, and 1 from the dragon pen?" He spoke in shock. When did a dragon pokemon get dropped off? He always knew that dragon types were rare. Hell, he found more fairy types than dragons daily.
"Name is, Gabite. And the species is Gabite. Not very original…. And no special markings. No problem since there seems to only be him. I hope he's not too lonely all this time alone."
Cody quickly grabs all the ones he can accept the Gabite in little to no effort. He call forth a few starly to drop these off up front to make it a little easier on him. He knew the starly on the daycare were always helpful and glad to be of service. But now it was time to tackle the dragon pen.
Cody has only once ever been in there, and that was to chase a bratty bidoof. Funny was the trainer treated him like he was arceus reincarnate. Must have been nice to have. But now he stood before the overgrown brush that covered the wooden fence. He carefully climbed through and found what appeared to be an oasis. Just beauty of nature, undisturbed for who knows how long. He dusted off the loose leaves and began the search. First looking for any signs of life. Nothing anywhere. He then began looking for where it last was. He found a old automatic feeder busted open and a trail of crumbs leading to a cave. He gulped.
"Well, this is now or never. I promised to get you back, and by Dialga I will." And thus marched forth into the cave.
Katlyn has entered an old cave filled with ancient writing on it. She could read that writing, it came natural from her time trapped in here. But still she went to the end of the hall where a plaque stood. It said not to touch anything and please leave. She kicked it in half.
"Parents being parents. Lets their kids explore more." She walked past to the writing on the wall. She could recite it perfectly if she wanted to. But she said it aloud anyways.
"Top right Lower left Top right Top left Top left. Lower left"
She knew that path would be the only one that lead to the room at the bottom. A secret room where she first had riolu evolve. Also same room that feebas evolved in as well. She understood something was not natural about that room at all. And she decided to test something. She pulled out an everstone and gave it to Lucario to hang on to.
"Don't let go of it. We need to test something." And with those words she descended deeper into those ruins.
The cave was deep and dark. But the trail continued onward. Suddenly, a ledge appeared and down tumbled Cody. He awoke to the breathing above him. It appeared to be a pack of sableye. Tuey suddenly picked him up and carried him quickly down the cavern farther and farther away from what he once knew. A light appeared blinding him and he was outside. But he knew the terrain he was somehow at lake Variety! Suddenly, they threw him into the lake and fled. Cody had no time to react when a squad of tentacruel with a dew octillery swam him to the cavern that was under water. They threw him inside and a psyduck appeared. It used cloud nine to clear the cavern and reveal what it truly was. The resting place of a legendary.
Were almost there, i know it. That crazy ruin guy would leap joys and bounds to know past the 2nd level. They arrived that the entrance to the last room. But it appeared to be sealed off. Katlyn tapped the wall and spoke, "May the doors of future open to past".
Suddenly, the rubble slowly dissipated in front of them and into they went. The room was as she knew it. 4 stone pokeball statues in a square towards the center of the room. The room stood as still as death. The air dry and dusty. She stood there. Nothing happening. Just stood there. Then, a slight breeze grazed her.
"Young one. The door is opened for now. You just deliver this to them you know the path. Do so again!" And with a whisk of light, Cody was in the ruins, before a girl and her Lucario. He waved but they don't seem to notice him. He quickly swapped the stones with the one Lucario is holding and before he could speak, he was back in the oasis he was before. Unscathee and as if time never passed. Man, I hate these dragons. He checked the list and there was gabite still but before him was a sleeping Gabite. He picked him up and ran back to the daycare. Before he made it all the way, a grown woman walked to him and gave him a hug. She grabbed the gabite, and in return gave him and egg. "Take care of the egg please, it was one of my cherished pokemon's.” And with that, she was gone. All he remembers is spending the night at the daycare with his new friend. Little did he know that one day, the egg would make the world change for her.
#drabble#katlynplayspkmn#natpark#pokemon#sinnoh#mega stone#lucario#solaceon town#solaceon ruins#solaceon#gibble#gabite#daycare#cynthia#too many tags#too many cooks#tgirlnxtdoor#zinniahistoryclass
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Katlyn was enjoying a peaceful day in Amnity Garden. Hearthome City is one of her favorite places to visit when shes back home. And it’s not to far from her house to begin with. She remembers her first day visiting here. This was where she first took Lucario as a just hatched Riolu. This place has so many memeries for her and her team. Well, all except her Gardevoir. She has never been to Sinnoh, and wanted to show her that she can do as she wishes. Being a shiny variant as well, only adds to her beauty overall. “Its a peaceful day today, isn’t it Gard?” Gard nodded her head in response, still trying to hide herself. Katlyn knows she struggles with social anxiety, and tries her best to help break that shell for her. “Well, its just you and me today. The couple were happy enough to watch the rest of the team today for me and just glad I came to visit.” Katlyn walks over to one of the ruins and begins to set up inside to begin the practice session. Gardevoir wanted to practice her solo for a contest coming up in a few days. Almost finished unpacking everything, a pokemon comes charging at Katlyn. “What the..” When she was tackled by a stuffle. She quickly gathered herself and picked up the pokemon. “Now, whos trainer are you running from?” when in the distance, she heard someone speaking to her. Katlyn just cant make out what she said. “Huh?”
everstone || open
she stands in a local park, the spot thankfully a little on the empty side, though alice has her sunglasses and a large sunhat on– just to be safe. her ever-present companion stands leans against the tree she currently sat beneath, though instead of just the incineroar, there’s a second pokemon out. a rarity with her, and even more rare it wasn’t her precious mawile, the usual choice for when she wished to have an extra ‘mon out that wasn’t her escort. it’s her stufful. one that alice usually keeps tucked away in a pokeball. and for good reason. the little toy-like creature has a bratty attitude, and it’s well-known amongst those who considers themselves to be fans of hers. nazook, the flailing pokemon, had made a name for himself within the ‘ cute ‘ contest scene, as he was small and very much adorable-looking… but he had the personality of an equally darling child, so long as he got what he wanted. it’s rare that he doesn’t win first place, but the last time alice had competed in a contest with him and gotten third, he’d thrown an absolute fit and it took everything within her power to not have him be banned from the contest scene in general. ❝ i know you miss competing, but after what happened last time, we need to get you to control yourself better. winning isn’t everything, my dear. ❞ petite fingers brush through fuzzy fur, the idol’s tone just as soft as the coat nazook was covered with. a reminder from her father echoes in the back of her head as well– a warning on the stufful and the pokemon it could evolve into. evolution. the last pokemon she’d had evolve had been baklava, her alolan ninetails. the event had been spectacular– and all her fans had been ecstatic when the pop star posted about it on social media.
bewear was as dangerous as it was adorable. could alice really… handle that ? the everstone in her back weighs heavily from where it rests against her thigh. and the pokemon in question was gazing up at her lovingly from his spot upon her lap. or at least he had been, till he decided to jump up and go bolting off in a random direction… only to be stopped by a sudden passerby. ❝ ah ! i’m so sorry about that ! please forgive him, he’s still fond of acting as though he’s just recently hatched from an egg. ❞
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thefunkgoeson: “Ha my company isn’t worth that much, but sure whatever.” Daigo shrugged as he pocketed Queen’s pokeball into his bag before following Katlyn. He could feel some of the disappointment coming from the others at the lackluster end to the pokemon battle. Maybe he should start training more to get some stronger pokemon… “Really now? Sounds hella fancy. I’m just a simple burger kinda guy…”
Some time passed and Katlyn’s face was covered in a liquid cheddar cheese. Even so far as to drip down into the napkin on her lap. Her pokemon are chowing down on cheese filled poffins as well, all making the same gooey mess. “Soommmmm youummmmmm wanmmmmaaa gooo ummm sommmplammmee afffftttermmmm thimsmssmsmmmm????” She spoke with her mouth full. She then swallowed all that was in her mouth in one solid gulp and said, “Where are my manners, the battle frontier is a huge place, is there anywhere you want to go by chance? There's supposed to be an unveiling of a new statue beside the arcade building later today. Maybe we can go and see what it is? I hope its a music themed one, since I love music and all...” Katlyn trails and eating and talking the same time until her plate is just empty.
Deja Vu I Katlyn & Diago
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themagicalhex: She was busy siphoning some honey, when she heard a loud noise coming from behind her new friend. She didn’t recognize the noise as a Pokemon, but she also wasn’t very familiar with the territory. As she ran towards Katlyn, she saw a large Combee, who didn’t seem very pleased with them entering the meadow.
“Chroma, we have a problem.” The combee has came around and it seems to be way bigger than normal, and behind emerged sever other smaller combees. “This can’t be very good, so lets start the fight! Come on out Infernape and Staraptor!” Both of the pokemon flew out of the pokeballs and stood by her side, poised to attack. “We need to finish them off quickly, I am not in the mood to fight right now.”
A Taste of Honey
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themagicalhex “I have an RV, yes, but I also enjoy being in nature. Plus, you can’t always travel in an RV, depending on where you’re going.” Chroma wasn’t going to ruin nature while driving in the RV. She stuck to paths that allowed for her access when driving. The two girls followed the river, and soon they saw a massive meadow. “I guess we’re here!” Chroma ran off into the meadow, in search of the honey.
“We finally arrived. Here's the meadow.” Katlyn says as Chroma ran off like a child in Pokeland. It almost reminded her of being young and livid again. The good old days. “We should be careful though, the map warns of stong pokemon being protective of the honey...” Katlyn’s voice is drowned out by the sound of a angry roar from behind her.
A Taste of Honey
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❄ Hours passed since Red put up the posters. They hadn’t gotten any leads at all, though trying to spot such a tiny Pokémon in a big city would undoubtedly be difficult. And it was then Red realized that they’d probably have to do this search themselves. Green wanted absolutely nothing to do with Prince or Goomys in general. So asking him for help was not an option.❄ Pikachu hopped off of Red’s shoulder, offering to help. He had a strong sense of smell, and was much better equipped to find Prince’s trail than Red was. ‘I’ll be your little detective,’ Pikachu joked. Red couldn’t help but chuckle at Pikachu’s sense of humor. It was exactly what they needed in this trying time, after all. Pikachu began sniffing the ground and the air as they walked together, trying to find any trace of a Goomy’s scent. Red followed their partner closely, keeping an eye on him to see if he picked up anything.❄ Eventually, Pikachu found something, perking up immediately. It was a lone black feather on the ground, and it seemed rather innocuous to Red. “Hmm- what does it mean, Pikachu…?”Red asked their ‘detective’.❄ ‘There’s a bit of slime on it!’ Pikachu exclaimed. ‘And it’s definitely from Prince. He must’ve gotten picked up by a bird Pokémon!’❄ Red quickly checked the Pokédex to look up bird Pokémon native to Alola, hoping to determine which Pokémon the feather could belong to. After a quick search, Red found a match- the Cannon Pokémon, Toucannon. A lot of flying Pokémon tended to gather on Route 3, Red remembered- perhaps the Toucannon’s nest would be there.❄ “Let’s head to Route 3, then,” Red replied, determined. Pikachu hopped right back on Red’s shoulder as they called Charizard out of her Poké Ball. Red and Pikachu hopped on the Fire-type’s back as the three of them took off for Route 3. Within a short while, Red could see the cliffs of Route 3 below them. Red hoped that they weren’t drawing too much attention, though one couldn’t ignore a Charizard flying overhead…
“Man, the walk has been fun, hasn’t it. “ proclaimed Katlyn sarcastically. She was getting tired of walking, and has just reached the outskirts of Hal’ouli City by sunset.
“Man, We need to sleep for the night. I am getting wayyy to tired for this.” she sets princess down and begins to set up camp outside the city. “We shall all awake at dawn and begin our exploration of this garden. “Here, have some poffins and get a good night sleep. We’ll need it.” And with that, they fell asleep only to wake to the sound of a pokemon battle.
❄ open: slime and seek
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“So it’s till going to be like that?” Queen cracked an eye at Daigo before closing it again with a small hrmph. Ugh…unreadable as her previous owner. Whatever. He didn’t expect anything less. Daigo recalled Queen back into her pokeball and turned towards Katlyn. There was a smile on her face…hmph he shouldn’t look too upset. No point in being a sore loser anyways.“Sure. What do I owe ya.” “Owe me? Katlyn was confused. She meant the payment of BP as a joke but still, was he taking it seriously? “Well, why don't we just go and visit the burger joint ‘round the corner. They have burgers filled with melted cheese inside the meat. My fav is the one filled with white chedder with pinapple and cherri berries.Let’s go.” Katlyn says as she drags Daigo with her down the road.
Deja Vu I Katlyn & Diago
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I take offense to that. Have you heard of Lindsey Stirling? Pia Mia? Waterparks? My Chemical Romance? Kids these days…..
Hey, Hey You! Yeah, You! No no, not you, the person behind you to the left! THE OTHER LEFT. i've got some news for you, cause. SOME BODY ONCE TOLD ME.....
“Are you people seriously recommending stuff like Smash Mouth and Creed? What is wrong with you all? Am I the only one with a good taste in music?”
“Everyone knows Limp Bizkit is the greatest band of all time.”
#can we agree to disagree?#or will we fight to the theme of some fighting music or idk something like that?
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Your asking a MUSICIAN if they know something they know, it’s Walkin’ on the Sun from the album, Fush yu mang. Now, play me wonderwall.
Hey, Hey You! Yeah, You! No no, not you, the person behind you to the left! THE OTHER LEFT. i've got some news for you, cause. SOME BODY ONCE TOLD ME.....

“I’ll bet you’re not even a REAL Smash Mouth fan. Name their debut single.”
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Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune: What would my muse consider to be a good change? How lucky do they consider themselves? How often do they take responsibility for their actions?
Well, any chance of me getting a record deal, that would be a nice change. though when it comes to luck, I am out sadly. I am the most unlucky person on the planet. And responsibility, whats that?
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The High Priestess: How does my muses inner voice effect them? How does this manifest? Do they trust their instincts?
Voices in my head, you mean the ones that tell me to ignore others and just let myself go into the darknes.... I’m joking. We all have voices. Mine tend to be more critical as I am harsh on myself when it comes to music. Though when instincts are in play they are all I trust.
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Judgment: How easily do they forgive others? Themselves? How easily do they move forward in life? Are they harsh on themselves with self-criticism? Why?
Personally, I try to forgive everyone when I can, I understand were not always ourselves. It can be hard to move forward at times, but I try my best! Self critisism, I a Musician for crying out louD!
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Tarot Card Based Asks
The Fool: Does my muse like embarking on new adventures? Who does my muse aspire to be? What is my muse unwilling to do?
The Magician: What does my muse consider to be an achievement? What sort of things blocks them from getting what they want? Do they consider themselves a good teacher?
The High Priestess: How does my muses inner voice effect them? How does this manifest? Do they trust their instincts?
The Empress: Is my patient? How does my muse express creativity? How do the overcome a creative block?
The Emperor: Is my muse disciplined? What makes them feel powerful? Powerless? How do they handle new authority?
The Hierophant: What does it take for my muse to trust others? Are they religious and if yes how so? How do they try and make people understand them?
The Lovers: When faced with a choice will my muse go for what they know or what is new? What is my muse passionate about? Is my muse good about communicating how they feel?
The Chariot: What does my muse equate with success? Does my muse consider themselves confident? What makes my muse feel like they’ve lost control?
Strength: What makes my muse feel in control? What do they equate having courage with? What brings up the most doubt for them?
The Hermit: How often do they have introspective thoughts? How often do they focus on themselves and their own needs? How much time alone is too much time alone?
Wheel of Fortune: What would my muse consider to be a good change? How lucky do they consider themselves? How often do they take responsibility for their actions?
Justice: How does my muse determine what is best for them or others? How do they react to change? How often does emotion cloud their judgment?
The Hanged Man: What makes my muse feel vulnerable? Do they take things too seriously? How does my muse take criticism?
Death: How does my muse mourn the end of things? How do they deal with transitions in their life? Are there any bad habits they seem to be stuck in?
Temperance: How willing are they to let other peoples ideas work? How does my muse handle moderation? Is their an aspect of their life that they live in excess of?
The Devil: Is there something my muse is addicted to, is so what? Are they prone to overindulging? What things overwhelm my muse?
The Tower: What would send my muse crashing down? How does my muse deal with things getting shaken up? What do they refuse to let go of?
The Star: What are their hopes and dreams? What makes them feel uplifted? What do they become defensive about? Why?
The Moon: Can they find beauty in hurtful situations? Do they push to follow their dreams or do they wait idly by? What paralyzes my muse emotionally?
The Sun: What brings out my muses child-like side? How does my muse celebrate achievements? What helps when they feel hopeless?
Judgment: How easily do they forgive others? Themselves? How easily do they move forward in life? Are they harsh on themselves with self-criticism? Why?
The World: What makes them feel complete? How do they honor achievements? What are their irrational fears?
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Sinnoh was an extremely beautiful region, full of extremely beautiful Pokemon and towns, and Touko was a stranger to it all. Everywhere she went, she found something, or someone new. Tepig, was just as explorative, and often found himself getting into repetitive trouble. The time eventually came where Tepig got into a position that Touko simply couldn’t help him out of. The situation in question, was that her Pokemon was now stuck in a tree, after getting into a fight with a flying type Pokemon.
Her options were few, mainly because she could get Braivary’s help, but Braviary was a big Pokemon, and could also knock Tepig out of the tree. Looking around, she soon spotted a blonde haired trainer, and hurriedly she headed over.
“Excuse me?”
“Can I ask for your help? My Pokemon is stuck in a tree…”
Katlyn was minding her own business, out in her hometown of Solaceon. She was just visiting the day care couple, where she spend most of her younger days. All the nice pokemon left there from different trainers and homes and... Katlyn was interrupted by a woman.
“Stuck in a tree you say? Which one?” She looks around for a pokemon that is out of place. After a few seconds, she sees a tepig stuck in the second highest tree she climbed and close to the top.
“Now, how in Arceus did he get up there? Assuming the tepig is yours and not one who fought the resident Golbat. He can be a weedle, if you know what I mean.”
Touko & Katlyn - Where the skies are blue
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That caught her attention. What was this person looking into? If they were from another region then they must know something she didn’t. Mimi found her curiosity peaking as she turned towards the direction of the library where she worked.
“Well of course there is. I happen to work in it, lucky for you. If you’d like then I can help you get there.”
Of all people Katlyn expected to be working at a library, she ones one who clearly didn’t fit the bill.
“Um. Well, you see, I am searching for some Record Labels in Unova. I got wind that one of them is offering some recording deals and I seem to have lost my memory of which one it is.”
Katlyn takes a look around and see that the streets seems to be lightening up a tad and was relieved they may have some quiet time.
There once was a lass named...| Mimi & Katlyn
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“Not really, but I do love travel in general.” She paused as she ate. “But I do need to hurry and find the pink honey. I have to travel to the next town to make it to the festival.”
Chroma had a booth she was going to set up. She also really wanted to sell her other services, but wasn’t sure how accepting the town would be. She always had to gauge the town and see.
“I hope to find the honey today, and start making way back to my RV.”
“Well, the meadow should be this way.” Katlyn stands up and begins to walk. “I don’t think much farther but we should be fine.....” She pauses for a moment but keep walking in silence. “You said you have an RV? Why didn’t we just take that instead?” Katlyn now walks beside Chroma awaiting the answer. They soon approach a river with a school of finneon swimming down
A Taste of Honey
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