Blind Chronicles
(I am a blind person and here is my story of going to my local walmart to pick up some shampoo, please enjoy and I'm open to any tips)
I get out of the Uber, clutching my reusable grocery bag, and put my white cane in front of me to guide me into the store on the grocery side. Today, I have only one goal: to get Native shampoo with the cucumber and mint scent. With a sense of determination, I navigate to the end of the first piece of shelving and turn left, walking behind the register. The familiar sound of the automatic doors opening and closing reassures me that I’m on the right path. Now, the challenge is finding the shampoo aisle. There are two possible aisles, and currently, I’m in the pharmacy section. The prominent smell of foot powder confirms my location.I turn down aisle after aisle, trying to figure out where the shampoo could be, but the maze of thin aisles becomes frustrating. Needing a break, I turn onto the main aisles, which are much wider. I decide to take a walk to clear my mind and remove myself from the frustration. As I wander through the store, I explore various sections: auto parts, grocery and produce, clothing, and miscellaneous kitchen gadgets. The main aisle near the toy section catches my attention when I hear a young boy exclaim to his mother, “You gotta get out the way, she can’t see where she goin’!” I chuckle to myself but keep moving forward. My cane hits the edge of a shoe, and I say, “Sorry there.” The boy chimes in again, “See, mama, she hit me with her stick. I told you, she can’t see where she goin’.” The mom picks up the boy and apologizes, “I am so sorry, I had no idea what Julius was fussin’ about.” “It’s perfectly fine, kids will be kids,” I reply with a smile. After finishing my final lap around the store, I make my way to the garden section. The scent of mulch, dirt, and earthy flowers fills the air, creating a pleasant atmosphere. Approaching the counter, I hear two people talking and ask, “Do you guys work here?” “Yes, I do. How can I help you, miss?” a lady responds. “I just need to buy some Native shampoo with the cucumber and mint scent. Can you help me find it?” I ask. “Sure thing, darlin’,” she replies warmly. She gently grabs my upper arm and guides me to the section, calling for another girl who I assume works there. She tells the girl, “Can you help her find the Native shampoo with the cucumber and mint?” then whispers, “She’s blind.” The second girl grabs my non-dominant hand awkwardly, trying to guide me. “You can switch hands if it’s easier for you. I can tell you’re a little uncomfortable,” I suggest. She remains silent for a moment, then asks, “Why do you like this shampoo?” “I just like the scent, and the mint feels good on my scalp,” I reply jokingly. She guides me back to the register, where I check out and receive directions to the produce section to wait for my Uber. Once home, I place the shampoo in the shower beside the almost finished bottle.
All in all, it was a good trip.
TLDR: I went to the grocery store and a kid did something funny.
0 notes
The walmart adventure
(I am a blind person and here is my story of going to my local walmart to pick up some shampoo, please enjoy and I'm open to any tips)
I get out of the Uber, clutching my reusable grocery bag, and put my white cane in front of me to guide me into the store on the grocery side. Today, I have only one goal: to get Native shampoo with the cucumber and mint scent. With a sense of determination, I navigate to the end of the first piece of shelving and turn left, walking behind the register. The familiar sound of the automatic doors opening and closing reassures me that I’m on the right path. Now, the challenge is finding the shampoo aisle. There are two possible aisles, and currently, I’m in the pharmacy section. The prominent smell of foot powder confirms my location.I turn down aisle after aisle, trying to figure out where the shampoo could be, but the maze of thin aisles becomes frustrating. Needing a break, I turn onto the main aisles, which are much wider. I decide to take a walk to clear my mind and remove myself from the frustration. As I wander through the store, I explore various sections: auto parts, grocery and produce, clothing, and miscellaneous kitchen gadgets. The main aisle near the toy section catches my attention when I hear a young boy exclaim to his mother, “You gotta get out the way, she can’t see where she goin’!” I chuckle to myself but keep moving forward. My cane hits the edge of a shoe, and I say, “Sorry there.” The boy chimes in again, “See, mama, she hit me with her stick. I told you, she can’t see where she goin’.” The mom picks up the boy and apologizes, “I am so sorry, I had no idea what Julius was fussin’ about.” “It’s perfectly fine, kids will be kids,” I reply with a smile. After finishing my final lap around the store, I make my way to the garden section. The scent of mulch, dirt, and earthy flowers fills the air, creating a pleasant atmosphere. Approaching the counter, I hear two people talking and ask, “Do you guys work here?” “Yes, I do. How can I help you, miss?” a lady responds. “I just need to buy some Native shampoo with the cucumber and mint scent. Can you help me find it?” I ask. “Sure thing, darlin’,” she replies warmly. She gently grabs my upper arm and guides me to the section, calling for another girl who I assume works there. She tells the girl, “Can you help her find the Native shampoo with the cucumber and mint?” then whispers, “She’s blind.” The second girl grabs my non-dominant hand awkwardly, trying to guide me. “You can switch hands if it’s easier for you. I can tell you’re a little uncomfortable,” I suggest. She remains silent for a moment, then asks, “Why do you like this shampoo?” “I just like the scent, and the mint feels good on my scalp,” I reply jokingly. She guides me back to the register, where I check out and receive directions to the produce section to wait for my Uber. Once home, I place the shampoo in the shower beside the almost finished bottle.
All in all, it was a good trip.
TLDR: I went to the grocery store and a kid did something funny.
0 notes
The Grocery Store Trip
(I am a blind person and here is my story of going to my local walmart to pick up some shampoo, please enjoy and I'm open to any tips)
I get out of the Uber, clutching my reusable grocery bag, and put my white cane in front of me to guide me into the store on the grocery side. Today, I have only one goal: to get Native shampoo with the cucumber and mint scent. With a sense of determination, I navigate to the end of the first piece of shelving and turn left, walking behind the register. The familiar sound of the automatic doors opening and closing reassures me that I’m on the right path. Now, the challenge is finding the shampoo aisle. There are two possible aisles, and currently, I’m in the pharmacy section. The prominent smell of foot powder confirms my location.I turn down aisle after aisle, trying to figure out where the shampoo could be, but the maze of thin aisles becomes frustrating. Needing a break, I turn onto the main aisles, which are much wider. I decide to take a walk to clear my mind and remove myself from the frustration. As I wander through the store, I explore various sections: auto parts, grocery and produce, clothing, and miscellaneous kitchen gadgets. The main aisle near the toy section catches my attention when I hear a young boy exclaim to his mother, “You gotta get out the way, she can’t see where she goin’!” I chuckle to myself but keep moving forward. My cane hits the edge of a shoe, and I say, “Sorry there.” The boy chimes in again, “See, mama, she hit me with her stick. I told you, she can’t see where she goin’.” The mom picks up the boy and apologizes, “I am so sorry, I had no idea what Julius was fussin’ about.” “It’s perfectly fine, kids will be kids,” I reply with a smile. After finishing my final lap around the store, I make my way to the garden section. The scent of mulch, dirt, and earthy flowers fills the air, creating a pleasant atmosphere. Approaching the counter, I hear two people talking and ask, “Do you guys work here?” “Yes, I do. How can I help you, miss?” a lady responds. “I just need to buy some Native shampoo with the cucumber and mint scent. Can you help me find it?” I ask. “Sure thing, darlin’,” she replies warmly. She gently grabs my upper arm and guides me to the section, calling for another girl who I assume works there. She tells the girl, “Can you help her find the Native shampoo with the cucumber and mint?” then whispers, “She’s blind.” The second girl grabs my non-dominant hand awkwardly, trying to guide me. “You can switch hands if it’s easier for you. I can tell you’re a little uncomfortable,” I suggest. She remains silent for a moment, then asks, “Why do you like this shampoo?” “I just like the scent, and the mint feels good on my scalp,” I reply jokingly. She guides me back to the register, where I check out and receive directions to the produce section to wait for my Uber. Once home, I place the shampoo in the shower beside the almost finished bottle.
All in all, it was a good trip.
TLDR: I went to the grocery store and a kid did something funny.
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