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「 The words don’t register immediately, but when they do, his head turns to take a quick glance at the calendar hanging on the wall, indeed confirming that today is 4th of May –– the day of Sherlock Holmes’s confrontation with Professor James Moriarty at Reichenbach Falls, and which also happens to be his birthday.
Already now, Shinichi can feel his heart beginning to flutter by just seeing her, and it grows at the knowledge of her coming all the way here, just to greet him happy birthday ( he can’t stay in his family’s house anymore, but living here isn’t bad, despite it being a bit farther from the central ).
“ Oh, I – thanks, Ran. I guess, I must have forgotten again. ” He swears that he doesn’t know why he can’t seem to remember, but for some reason he just can’t. For a second Shinichi almost forgets about letting her inside his apartment, until he steps aside and holds the door open for her. “ No, I haven’t yet, though I was about to start…- ” 」

she giggles upon shinichi informing her that he had forgotten again, and she says, ‘ i assumed as much; you usually do. i remember when we used to throw you surprise parties, and you knew that a party was going to happen, but you could never figure out who they were for. those were the only times we could really fool you. ’
her voice takes a nostalgic tone as she thinks about their childhood, a gentle smile on her face, but when shinichi moves aside to let her through, her smile turns brighter. murmuring the habitual statements upon entering someone’s house. she takes off her shoes -- with her hands full, she just nudges her shoes off with her feet and neatens them with her toes -- and breezes through the main area to enter the kitchen, calling over her shoulder, ‘ i’ll help, then ! ’
she sets the dessert on an area of the countertop, before turning around and grabbing her apron ( still hanging where she had left it last time ). she manages to tie it around herself easily enough, and she looks over to shinichi with a smile. ‘ what did you want to cook ? ’
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alternatively, send ‘Did you just lick me?’ for my muse to lick yours and say that.
Send ‘I licked it, so it’s mine’ for my muse’s response to yours licking them and saying that.
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I kind of want to write an AU where Ran is a keiji.
#She'd be the next Satō TBH#tbd.#also gtg wash my hair#...okay but lowkey now I want to write either a Shinran fic in that AU or a Rankai fic in that AU
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"I think it burned me." Kaito's voice sounds utterly betrayed as he stares wistfully at the mug of hot chocolate in front of him, his gaze occasionally straying towards the hand he'd been waving about in the air ( in an attempt to cool it down ) just a few moments earlier. "The /handle/, I mean." Which really isn't all that hot.

furrowed eyebrows express her concern, but her expression brightens as an epiphany hits. she raises a hand as a motion for kaito to wait a moment before she stands up to walk to the kitchen. digging through the drawers, she finds what she’s looking for after a few moments and then walks back to where kaito is, a bendable straw in her hand. a wry smile in place, she puts the straw inside of the hot chocolate, and states, ‘ i know that drinking hot chocolate out of the straw might be strange, but it’s better than wasting it, right ? ’
#STRAWS SHOULDN'T GET HOT#whiteliesredeyes#❝ ღ the queen's speech | answered.#❝ ღ they are the suns and you are their queen | ot3 verse.
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me: I will do replies after I wash the hair dye out of my hair me: [pause] me: do I even have any replies to do on this blog
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"Don't die... Don't die on me. Please..." hAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY
Dying rp Starters
「 One of these days, he was going to get himself killed.
Shinichi can faintly hear shouting around him –– the inspector ( ? ) barking orders to quickly catch the shooter and call the ambulance –– though he’s not quite able to determine the exact distance or where it really comes from. The one he can discern is close enough, above him to be precise, a familiar voice he couldn’t ever forget, even if he tries.
( The piercing noise of a shot rung loudly in his ears, his own fearful, desperate cry tearing out as he breaks out into a run –– )
He finds comfort in the arms that cradle his weary form, warmth he’s slowly starting to feel less of as time stretches on, and something suspiciously like drops of water fall on his cheek.
She’s crying.
Trying his best to withhold his groans, suppressing them, Shinichi pulls on a smile he hopes is at least ‘reassuring’ –– it’s a little too weak, unfortunately, but he always tries to be brave for Ran, the detective not going to stop now, nor ever. “ B-barou… I won’t, die…- ” his teeth grit together when the bullet wound in his abdomen twinges, cutting him off mid-sentence for a moment. “ I… still got something… to tell you. ”
By now, the recognized sound of siren grows larger, his hand reaching up, though struggling, and frames one side of her face, drawing pearls of her tears away with his thumb.
“ Please… don’t cry, Ran… ”
‘ I still need to tell you how much you mean to me. ’ 」
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@karatcka replied to your post: — ☾ — “ I should have a Valentine’s…
— ☾ — except you, you’d be getting more chocolate
pats his cheek. ‘ good boy. ’
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‘ RAN ? Why are you laughing ? This is an emergency ! When Sonoko uses such weird words, something evil will happen. It’s a rule She’s a chaos magnet, just like Kaitou. I’m going to google it I wanna know what she meant as she said that I am clearly the Uke while Kaitou’s the Seme.. ’
her laughter had started to transform into snickers, but it started up again upon shinichi commenting that sonoko had called him the uke and kaitō the seme. this time, however, she did manage words, waving her hands as if to stop shinichi from grabbing his phone. ‘ no, no, please don’t look that up. ’ still laughing, she covers her mouth and tries to calm herself down, and while she manages to stop the laughter, the grin still stretches WIDE on her face. ‘ ahem, i’ll just be as blunt as possible because it’s you, shinichi. seme and uke refer to sexual positions where the seme, as you can guess by the name, is the one who is on the top and is the one who, uh, sticks his dick in the uke’s, the one who is on the bottom, asshole. ...PFFT. ’ and she’s off laughing again.
#shinido#❝ ღ watch the queen conquer | threads.#nsfw text /#I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE TO TAG THIS#Ran; am I giving the Talk to Conankun now
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❝It’s a uh..❞ damn. How was she supposed to explain that it was a material from outer space? Not exactly smart there, Gwen. ❝It’s kind of like a crystal and it’s very hard.❞ she had witnessed Kevin absorb it many times, saw how durable and how much damage it caused; whatever the case her answer should suffice and hold off any other questions about it, for now. ❝So what are you doing out here by yourself fighting off the Forever Knights?❞

she shakes her head with a small laugh at the explanation. ‘ no, no, my legs aren’t made up of that ! i’m just...very strong. ’ understatement, definitely. the smile on her face gets lost underneath the expression of confusion at the stranger’s question. ‘ forever knights ? i don’t know who they are, but i saw him push down a woman over there, and i just... reacted. oh, my name is ran ! nice to meet you ! ’ ran is not exactly sure whether or not she should offer her hand for a shake or to bow, so she awkwardly waves at the other girl with a bright smile on her face.
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‘ WHAT IN THE name of coffee is a Seme and Uke, Ran ? Sonoko just said something about it but I couldn’t hear more than Kaitou and my name. Her giggling afterwards is worrying me though… ’ @karatcka LIKED FOR A STARTER.
‘ --------- pffft, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. ’ loud, perhaps to the point of obnoxious, laughter escapes from ran’s lips, uncharacteristic of her. ran tends to giggle quietly to herself, or cover up her mouth while she laughs, but this time, her laughter is open, clutching to shinichi’s shoulder with one hand as she doubles over, using shinichi as a stand so she doesn’t fall.
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"Would you kindly keep up that mess you made." It's not a question.
Send ‘Would you kindly’ and a command and my muse has to obey.
— ☾ — “ YES MA’AM. ” Kaito quickly hurries along to do just as he’s told — there’s no protesting that from this corner, nope.
#have I tagged this before#Ran leading her two boys by the power of her vagina#and the vice grip she has on their dicks#; D#nsfw text /#*in the tags#bc this is my life#whiteliesredeyes#❝ ღ they are the suns and you are their queen | ot3 verse.
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ღ !
Send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse - - ღ - Coming home with an injury
#I'LL WRITE YOU A SERIOUS ONE BUT LMAO THIS IS LEGIT HER IMMEDIATE REACTION#whiteliesredeyes#( lore and legend | answered. )
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Send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse - add “+” to reverse the roles where possible
✮ - Showing up unexpectedly at their home ☆ -Showing up unexpectedly at their place of work ☞ - Wearing a piece of their clothing ♰ - Blackmailing them ⊗ - Telling them about their recently diagnosed terminal disease ☀ - Pulling a weapon on them ✂ - Injuring or maiming them の - Issuing a death threat ☎ - Getting a sext from them ☁ - Having a breakdown ☂ - During a fight with their significant other ♨ - Being bullied ☧ - Sleepwalking ℠ - Gently touching them ™ - Roughly touching them ◿ - Being found in an unexpected place ☍ - Calling them while drunk ☋ - Texting them while drunk ◩ - Writing them a letter ⌘ - Coming home late ◒ - Proposing marriage ✤ - Kissing them suddenly ⍙ - Starting a play fight ☾ - Lying to them ஐ - Asking for a place to stay ❉ - Offering a place to stay ღ - Coming home with an injury ♛ - Dying in their arms
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For every "♡" I get I'll give a tip on how to win my muse's heart.
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Shinichi’s heart was beating so hard in his chest he was certain Ran could hear it - an adrenaline rush not dissimilar to the thrill of hunting down a criminal after solving a case, except this time he was the one hunted: pinned on the ground, winded and terrified, praying his predator wouldn’t decide to take a bite right out of his throat–
–And then Ran kissed him, and he abruptly ceased all function. Data overload, system failure - Shinichi.exe has stopped working. It was only a light brush of lips to the tip of his nose, but combined with the stroke of Ran’s sweet-smelling hair against his cheek (lavender-scented, a observation filed for later along with another view she’d wring his neck for seeing), the heated look in her eyes, and the sultry tone of her voice as she purred that he’d been good to retract what he’d been attempting to say…
Well. It was fortunate she released him at that moment, or she would have felt something Shinichi would be mortified over for the next solid decade.
The teen detective continued to lie there on the practice mats even after Ran had dismounted and begun to fix herself up, breathless and scarlet in the face, staring up at the karate club’s ceiling as he tried to salvage anything remaining of his brain. He vaguely processed a question, caught the look Ran was giving him, as if she hadn’t just–
“Y-Yeah.” He squeaked. He definitely needed to be walked home after that - no way he’d be able to navigate Beika’s streets in this kind of shock.
as if ignorant to the shock shinichi is currently in ( oh, but she isn’t -- the red in his face is hint enough, but she also made sure to, ah, pile certain actions and tones to almost get a reaction ), her smile widens at shinichi’s direction and with a casual, ‘ i’ll be back, ’ she leaves to go to the locker room.
while she’s in the locker room, she chuckles to herself, cementing the image of shinichi blushing and breathing heavily on the mats in her mind. perhaps it was mean of her, to get revenge in such a way, but... it is funny, and she knows shinichi isn’t hurt ( emotionally or physically, even if he’s currently having a little trouble mentally ). if she had actually hurt him for just a joke, she would never be able to forgive herself.

dressed back into her street clothes, she walks back to where she had left shinichi, the bag with her karate uniform and sparring equipment slung on her shoulder. ‘ ready to go ? ’
#tanteiikun#❝ ღ watch the queen conquer | threads.#sorry this is shorter rip ip#but honestly rest in fucking pieces Shinichi
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Send 💗 if you are willing to ship our muses platonically. Send ❤ if you are willing to ship our muses romantically. Send ✖ if you are willing to hateship our muses.
If we’re currently already shipping (regardless of type of ship) our muses then send ∞ to let me know that you still enjoy it.
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