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karatcka · 8 years ago
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「    The words don’t register immediately, but when they do, his head turns to take a quick glance at the calendar hanging on the wall, indeed confirming that today is 4th of May –– the day of Sherlock Holmes’s confrontation with Professor James Moriarty at Reichenbach Falls, and which also happens to be his birthday.
Already now, Shinichi can feel his heart beginning to flutter by just seeing her, and it grows at the knowledge of her coming all the way here, just to greet him happy birthday ( he can’t stay in his family’s house anymore, but living here isn’t bad, despite it being a bit farther from the central ).
“ Oh, I – thanks, Ran. I guess, I must have forgotten again. ” He swears that he doesn’t know why he can’t seem to remember, but for some reason he just can’t. For a second Shinichi almost forgets about letting her inside his apartment, until he steps aside and holds the door open for her. “ No, I haven’t yet, though I was about to start…- ”      」
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    she giggles upon shinichi informing her that he had forgotten again, and she says, ‘ i assumed as much; you usually do. i remember when we used to throw you surprise parties, and you knew that a party was going to happen, but you could never figure out who they were for. those were the only times we could really fool you. ’ 
    her voice takes a nostalgic tone as she thinks about their childhood, a gentle smile on her face, but when shinichi moves aside to let her through, her smile turns brighter. murmuring the habitual statements upon entering someone’s house. she takes off her shoes -- with her hands full, she just nudges her shoes off with her feet and neatens them with her toes -- and breezes through the main area to enter the kitchen, calling over her shoulder, ‘ i’ll help, then ! ’
    she sets the dessert on an area of the countertop, before turning around and grabbing her apron ( still hanging where she had left it last time ). she manages to tie it around herself easily enough, and she looks over to shinichi with a smile. ‘ what did you want to cook ? ’
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karatcka · 8 years ago
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          ‘ you know, sometimes i feel like i should be surprised about what you get yourself into. you and shinichi are the same; always getting into trouble ! ’
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karatcka · 8 years ago
Send a symbol for my muse’s reaction to yours…
∞ - Pinning their hands by their head.
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“What are you– OOF!”
Okay, that had been unexpected. Shinichi had shown up after Ran’s karate class in an attempt to impart the news that he couldn’t make it to their not-a-date after school the next day, but no sooner had the words ‘About tomorrow, a case came up–’ left his lips than he had been seized by the arm and thrown right over Ran’s shoulder, slammed against the mats and pinned there by his childhood friend, both wrists anchored up by his head in an iron grip.
Oh, Ran was pissed. Scary, scary, scary pissed.
“–And I’m not taking it. Obviously.” Shinichi managed, the wind knocked out of him, and very aware of one of Ran’s knees dangerously close to lodging itself where a knee should never go. Accustomed to hostage situations, he flexed his wrists experimentally - no give. Was it only his self-preservation instincts telling him she was gorgeous right now?
“D-Dinner and that movie you liked, right? I’m totally there. I’ll pick you up at seven?” If I live that long.
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     normally, after karate class, ran is in an ENORMOUSLY good mood. she knows the chemistry behind it ( endorphins from exercise ), but despite the “magic” behind it being solved, it still works. so, normally, one would assume that bad news would be better told to her after a karate class. 
     however, tonight, irritation cuts through the happiness upon another statement of shinichi wanting to give up on their date ( she doesn’t even need to hear the rest of the words to know what comes next ), and she just -- uses a judo flip to throw shinichi to the ( thankfully padded ) mats, pinning him down and making sure his wrists are trapped in her grip. perhaps on instinct, she puts her knees in-between his legs, and waits for the reaction ( there is no give in her grip, not much of a give in her pin either; not unless he wants a certain area to hurt ). 
     upon hearing his verbal retraction, she { s m i l e s } at him ( deviousness, smugness, and perhaps just a tiny bit of sexiness are imbedded into that smile ) and leans down to peck him on the nose. her long hair, despite being in a ponytail, brushes against his cheek.
          ‘ very good, shinichi, ’ she states in an almost purr before letting shinichi’s wrists go and standing up ( making sure not to hurt him while breaking the pin ). she tightens her belt around her waist and fixes her uniform ( a small part of her uniform had dislodged when she threw shinichi, probably giving shinichi a perfect view of her chest while she was pinning him down, but that happens ). upon fixing her uniform, her smile seems more innocent and she asks, ‘ do you want me to walk you home ? if you do, you’ll need to wait for me to change first. ’
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karatcka · 8 years ago
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          a beautiful sidekick -- done almost entirely on instinct upon seeing a woman shoved out of the way -- hits the man in armour ( medieval ? british ? ) right on his helmeted head, and it causes the man to fall down. considering the lack of stirring, he had probably been knocked unconscious ( no wonder, considering his metal helmet was dented from the force of the kick ). calm and steady eyes notice the american ( probably ) running towards the two of them, and ran smiles when she comes closer; although, she’s still ready for an attack. ‘ i think i might have found something of yours. ’
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karatcka · 8 years ago
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           ‘ satō-keiji ! is everything alright ? i hope conan-kun hasn’t gotten into trouble again. ’
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karatcka · 8 years ago
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「    “ … Ran… ” is all he manages to say as he’s left stunted by the sincerity in her words, unable to give voice to anything else other than her name. For a short moment, he doesn’t understand, but he soon realizes the explanation is already right in front of him.
This is Ran. Of course she would. Even after everything, she still forgives him.
“ Ran, I-… ” head lowering, he thinks that this ‘waiting’ has been going on far too long, and he can’t shake the guilt weighting down on his conscious anymore, no matter what he does. ( And despite that he hears everyone’s warning, that he would only put her into danger, it feels even more wrong to waste her kindness. )
“ There’s something I need to tell you… ”    」
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     in all honesty, she hadn’t really meant for the words to slip from her lips. it’s not that she didn’t mean them; she did ! she just... didn’t want to push shinichi into telling her the truth before he was ready. 
     ( even though she was SO TIRED of pretending to be ignorant, pretending to not know the truth that shinichi so painstakingly hid from her; layered lies upon lies just to fool her until she let the truth slip from her fingers, too weary to chase after the truth as shinichi does. all she could do was wait for him, and she was still waiting -- except. maybe. now. finally. she might not have to wait any longer. ) 
     she nods, smile gentle, as she states, ‘ okay, shinichi. tell me. ’
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karatcka · 8 years ago
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           ‘ did you just put nutmeg in that ? ’ she couldn’t help but voice her thought, and, when she realises what she did, she flinches slightly, looking down with flushed cheeks. good going, ran. if he hadn’t noticed you before, he certainly did now. ‘ sorry, i saw that you were cooking, and your techniques and recipe just looked really good ! ’
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karatcka · 9 years ago
@osakansax ♡’d for a starter !
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          ‘ hattori-kun ! what are you doing here ? shouldn’t you be in ōsaka ? ’
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karatcka · 9 years ago
@phantasmicmarauder { continued from here }. 
     she lets out a breath she doesn’t know she was holding because ( shinichi didn’t tell him, it still remained their little secret ). or, at least, kept between those they trusted because shinichi, most likely, had to be telling that story for kid to be able to overhear. 
     still, her fists remain clenched because he knows. kid knows where shinichi is, knows more than she does because, if he doesn’t, then he wouldn’t say such cryptic things, wouldn’t dance around the answer to the question he cannot lie to. he knows he knows he knows. 
     so, what was she going to do ? beat him up ? try to drag the answer out of him ? no, she’s starting to realise that this was unfair of her, somehow, to ask questions of truth from kaitō kid, who so loves his pretty words and pretty lies, about shinichi. they’re not...they’re not his lies and they’re not her truths to find out, not without consulting the source himself. 
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     she stands there, a moment or two, with her fists still clenched and her head lowered. and then she speaks, her voice low. ‘ you owe me nothing, but...could you please make sure he at least stays alive when you can ? shinichi won’t tell me anything, thinks whatever case he’s on is too dangerous for me, which means it’s definitely too dangerous for him, so just, when you can, please protect him. not at the cost of your life, not in any inconvenience to you, just if you can. please. ’
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