kaminohansha · 6 years
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“Oh come now, i don’t think you’ve EVER taken a vacation. I promise not to burn down the division while you were gone. Besides i’m pretty sure i did enough work in advance to maintain some peace.”
“Taichou, please, this is hardly the time to be taking vacations.”
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“Besides, where would I even go...?”
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kaminohansha · 6 years
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“Lo and behold, i’ve already done two weeks in advance. I know you can’t resist adding in to my self deprecating humor.”
“Lucky for me, I only said that I could afford to.”
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“-- not that I would.”
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kaminohansha · 6 years
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“I could afford more vacations if you stayed on top of your paperwork.”
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kaminohansha · 6 years
Sometimes I forget that unsaid sentences do not mean unfelt emotions.
Tyler Knott Gregson (via thelovejournals)
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kaminohansha · 6 years
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I’m really attached to my icons (mostly bc they took me so long to make and they look so nice) but I have so few of them and the expressions are so limited and I would make more I don’t remember my process for them anymore and what extra effects I did on them so I think I made just remake them in the style I have for Nel or Shu......
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kaminohansha · 6 years
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…thinks Nanao needs to be introduced to this.  For reasons.
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kaminohansha · 6 years
❝ STOOOOP. I could have dropped my croissant! ❞
Nanao blinked, clutching her paperwork to her chest. She stopped just short of stepping out of the office – that is to say, just short of stepping into him.
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“…Why are you eating breakfast at two o’ clock in the afternoon.”
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kaminohansha · 6 years
❝ Road work ahead? Uh, YEAH, I sure hope it does! ❞
Nanao smiled despite the inevitable delays that awaited them.
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“I suppose we should have considered that short cut...”
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kaminohansha · 6 years
❝ How do you know what’s good for me? ❞
“Because it’s standard regulation. It’s good for all of us.”
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Exasperated, she went on, “It’s just a vitamin, Madarame.”
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kaminohansha · 6 years
❝ Can I get a waffle? Can I PLEASE get a waffle? ❞
“Hirako-taichou please--”
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“We’re here on business. I don’t doubt you could return on your own time if you simply must have one of....those.”
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kaminohansha · 6 years
❝ Ah, fuck– I can’t believe you’ve done this. ❞
“I gave you all ample warning.” Nanao adjusted her glasses, turning her back to him.
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“It’s not my fault Iba-fukutaichou neglected to read the fine print.”
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kaminohansha · 6 years
❝ Well now, calm down, we don’t wanna panic at the disco. ❞
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“Why does everyone keep bringing up discos?” 
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kaminohansha · 6 years
[sobbing] ❝ I don’t have enough money for chicken nuggets. ❞
“Whose fault is that?”
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“I suggest you follow your budget more carefully next week.”
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kaminohansha · 6 years
❝ Well now, calm down, we don’t wanna panic at the disco. ❞
She felt she was missing some sort of reference, there, but the gist of it still managed to reach her. Nanao inhaled a deep breath, calmed both by the presence of a royal guard and her words. Some impression she was making.
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“Forgive me, Hikifune-sama. You’re right.”
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kaminohansha · 6 years
most handsome captain?
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“Is that really the metric you should be most concerned about?”
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kaminohansha · 6 years
MY FAVORITE VINES a sentence starter - 1/???
❝ What the FUCK is up ___? No– what did you SAY, what the FUCK dude? Step the FUCK up ____. ❞
❝ You have been stopped! ❞
❝ You better watch out, you better watch oUT, YOU BETTER WATCH OUT, YOU BETTER WATCH–. ❞
❝ Today my brother pushed me so I’m starting a kickstarter to put him down. Benefits of killing him would be I’d get pushed way less. ❞
❝ Well now, calm down, we don’t wanna panic at the disco. ❞
❝ Can I get a waffle? Can I PLEASE get a waffle? ❞
❝ Oh my god, why can’t you just take the freakin’ complimEEEENT? ❞
❝ What the FUCK _____? ❞
❝ That’s is NOT correct. Because according to the encyclopedia of _____. ❞
❝ STOOOOP. I could have dropped my croissant! ❞
❝ Okay you know what, you’re on time out! Get on top of the fridge! Get up there! ❞
❝ This house is a fucking NIGHTMARE” ❞
❝ Honey that’s a flyer for a lawn service . ❞
❝ Hey hey hey, kids, kids! … [MUSE’S NAME IN ALL CAPS]!!! … Honey can you be quiet, I’m just trying to do something. ❞
❝ On all levels except physical, I am a wolf. ❞
❝ I won’t hesitate, bitch. ❞
❝ Road work ahead? Uh, YEAH, I sure hope it does! ❞
❝ I love you, bitch! I ain’t gonna ever stop loving you– BITCH! ❞
❝ Waddup, I’m ____ I’m [age] and I never fucking learned how to read. ❞
❝ Miss me with that gay shit. ❞
❝ Go back to sleep, and STARVE. ❞
❝ This is why mom doesn’t FUCKING love you! ❞
❝ ___ stop. Stop. ___ stop, you’re going to get in trouble. ❞
❝ I’m a bad bitch, you can’t kill me! ❞ 
❝ Waaait a minute. Who are you? ❞
❝ I’ve never been to oovoo javer. ❞
❝ How do you know what’s good for me? ❞
❝ That’s my opINIOOOOOOON! ❞
❝ Ah, fuck– I can’t believe you’ve done this. ❞
[sobbing] ❝ I don’t have enough money for chicken nuggets. ❞
❝ Uuh, I’m not finished. ❞
❝ First off, let’s— oh my God, can you let me do what I need to do? ❞
❝ Hey, turn off the flash you fucking moron! ❞ 
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kaminohansha · 6 years
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name : Nanao Ise
nickname : Sweet, sweet, Nanao-chan
gender: Female
romantic orientation : biromantic
sexual orientation : bisexual
preferred pet names : none
relationship status : single
opinion on true love : True love, to her, is much more based on choice and commitment than infatuation and passion. Sure, it involves those things -- and some part of her longs for those -- but she also knows it’s pointless and temporary without a stable foundation. 
opinion on love at first sight:  She doesn’t put much stock in it. There is no possible way to gauge your compatibility with another person from a simple glance. Doesn’t mean she won’t read about it in books, though.
how ‘romantic’ are they? : Not very. Nanao knows how to be romantic in theory. Romance novels are a guilty pleasure of hers. But implementing the gestures in practice makes her feel embarrassed and flustered. It would take her some time to grow comfortable with sweeping, romantic gestures. She’s more likely to show her affection in small ways.
ideal physical traits : Tall, broad shoulders.Very traditionally masculine looking men, so facial hair isn’t a deal breaker (though it depends on how its styled). Muted colors for hair, nothing crazy. As for eyes, she finds lighter colors especially nice. // For ladies, its women with more full-figures. She has no preference for hair, long or short, or any color, really. Same with eyes. She’s much more open with what she finds attractive for women. 
ideal personality traits: Someone who is resourceful and dependent. If she doesn’t feel like she can rely on someone, or trust them, she will end up carrying everything on her shoulders and a relationship will end up falling apart. She finds cleverness attractive, and wit -- it shows they can keep up with her intellectually while also making her smile. 
unattractive physical traits: Being disheveled. They are a military organization, after all, so images DO matter. If you can’t even put in the effort for your appearance, why should she expect you to put in the effort elsewhere?  She’s also not a fan of piercings. Tattoos she’s mostly neutral on, but an excess of them leans toward a turn off. Mustaches with no beard she isn’t a fan of.
unattractive personality traits: Tardiness, selfishness, irresponsibility. Basically if you have a poor work ethic, you probably get on her nerves a bit. It’s more so that she considers it very inconsiderate of the people around you, who are then forced to pick up your slack. It’s not something she wants to associate with. 
ideal date : Something quiet, semi-private. Dinner, flower-viewing, theater? (Seireitei has that right?)
do they have a type? : I would say her type is maybe just....your typically masculine men and your typically feminine women. Although she generally takes a while for her to acknowledge any attraction she might feel bc it’s buried under 70 walls. 
average relationship length : Sitting on a solid 0 
commitment level : She’d take it very seriously, very committed 
opinion of public affection : Not a huge fan of it. Hand holding is okay. MAYBE cheek kisses. 
past relationships?: none
favorite canon ship : none u_u
favorite non-canon ship  mm I dunno? I kinda like rannao. But I’m open to other stuff. 
Tagged by: STOLE IT Tagging: I feel like everyone’s done it so if you want to and haven’t been tagged say I tagged you
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