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kalilikeskpop · 3 years ago
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kalilikeskpop · 3 years ago
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kalilikeskpop · 3 years ago
[Special Video] Up10tion "Crazy About You" Choreography Video (Part Change Version) 
((Hello! This is the other Up10tion video I finished (very roughly >.>) translating! A fun one! Like always, I Am Not A Native Korean Speaker! But I do my best with the help of Google Translate and Naver among other things, so hopefully this is mostly accurate! ;;>.<))
After they introduce themselves, Kuhn ((...approximately. >.>)) says, "Our (Up10tion's) "Crazy About You" music video view count milestone event has been unlocked! (0:22) White text: "(Thank you Honey10)." (0:25) Kuhn: “First of all, at the front are pieces of paper have been prepare for us to look at, that have some sort of mission written on them." ((I think.)) (0:30) Colorful text: "The mission of this dance practice is to change parts!"
(0:32) Hwanhee: "Thank you very, very much for watching the music video Honey10!" Xiao: "Thank you!" (0:34) White text: "(Oodangtang)" ((the sound effect for something falling loudly onto the floor)). (0:35) The white text tells us Kogyeol asks, "what happens if you pick yourself?" Meanwhile Xiao says, "what is this... where'd they go?" Gyujin replies, "here they are, let me stand up first..."
(0:40) On the paper is Gyujin's own name; the white text says, "(it's this exciting when you choose your own name)." (0:45) ((I THINK)) Hwanhee suggests everyone should go in order and  say whose part they'll be dancing. So Kuhn says he'll be Xiao, Kogyeol will be Bitto, Bitto will be Sunyoul, Xiao will be Hwanhee, Hwanhee will be Kuhn, and Sunyoul will be Kogyeol. (0:55) The white text above Gyujin is just quoting him, "I am Gyujin~" ((>.<)) Kuhn (and the white text) ask, "Gyujin is Gyujin?"
(0:59) Black text: "Part change preparation." (1:01) Gyujin (and white text): "Ah what is this, so difficult..." ((>.>)) (1:02) White text at bottom: "that’s a pretty delighted looking back ((as in you can tell Gyujin is happy even without seeing his face))." (1:05) Green text: "before the part change dance." Big text: "to finish up, the members run through the choreography." (1:13) Text: "Is this really the part change version of <I Was Crazy About You>?"
(1:17) Hwanhee asks... something, and then says, "yes..." ((Maybe that they're ready?)) The upper white text tells us Kogyeol is asking, "Xiao where are you? Come here quickly!" Bottom text: "Xiao (played by Kuhn) is anxious from the start."
(1:21) Text: "Up10tion <I Was Crazy About You> part change version." (1:25) White text: "(Awkward walk)." (1:29) Sunyoul: "Aigoo, aigoo, aigoo!" ((A word used to show gentle surprise or complaint, similar to "oh my" in English. ...Generally I only hear it used by older Koreans, particularly elderly women so do with that what you will...)) White text: "(Oh my, this is so hard)" I think Kogyeol says something about "go here," Gyujin says, "it's ok, it's ok, it's ok." (( (ˊ•-•ˋ) )), and then Kuhn says... something... maybe confirming, "right here." ((?))
(1:37) Text: "The start is pretty stable." ((Sorry I can't make out what Sunyoul complains about next... ;;;>.<)) (1:54) Text: "(100 points for emotional acting)." (1:58) Kogyeol says, "here!" Text: "Magic that makes you forget what you know."
(2:07) Text: "(The part of the dance where Kuhn and Xiao weave in and out...)" ((I THINK. ;;>.>)) (2:13) Black text: "A serious mess." White text: "(What are you two doing?)" ((I can't quite hear what Sunyoul and Hwanhee say after that, the music is so loud it even drowns out Hwanhee... >.<)) (2:39) White text: "(Eh... I have no idea.)" ((>.<)) (2:40) White text: "(crash)." (2:43) White text (and Hwanhee): "Over here!"
(2:50) Text: "Gyujin, as played by Gyujin, is also going crazy." (2:58) Text: "(The part your mouth remembers)." ((?_? As in... you remember the lyrics but not the dance perhaps?)) (3:09) ((I think...)) Sunyoul: "not me?" Text: "(NO!)" (3:12) "(gait full of emotion, 100 points)." ((>.<)) (3:23) Green text: "This moment..." Bigger text: "the busiest Up10tion in the world." ((I wish I could figure out a way to make that flow better in English. ;;>.>))
(3:25) "(sit sit)" ((I think Sunyoul asks who's supposed to do the part in front of him?)) (3:32) Text: "Let's all run in circles around the practice room." (( ᗒ ᗨᗕ )) (3:36) Text: "Bitto looks more relaxed than Gyujin (who is playing Gyujin)." ((>.<)) (3:46) Text: "(Where are you going?)" ((;;>.<)) (3:53) Text: "(passing by...)" (4:11) Text: "Attention- grabbing Xiao (played by Kuhn)."
(4:19) Text: "(not burned out)." ((???)) (4:24) Text: "Xiao, who has fully absorbed his part for the first time today." (4:31) Text: " The watch is... slightly broken." (4:44) Text: "(The airplane flies away.)" ((;;;>.< )) (4:50) Text that briefly appears over Kuhn: "(What's falling from the ceiling?)" (4:59) Text: "(Escape attempt.)" ((ᗒ ᗨᗕ))
(5:15) Text on left: "(Main vocal number 1 who is faithfully acting his part.)" Text on the right: "(Main vocal number 2)." ((... Sunyoul's little dance of agitation... ;;ᗒ ᗨᗕ)) (5:28) ((I think Sunyoul says "set" or "center"...)) (5:29) ((And I'm pretty sure)) Gyujin asks, "isn't there supposed to be somebody over here?" (5:31) Text: "The center is long gone." (5:35) Text: "Waaa~" (5:38) Text and Kuhn: "Our song... is this really it?"
(5:41) Sunyoul: "Up10tion's Part Change is successful!" (5:47) Hwanhee: "I accidentally became Kuhn hyung... you have to work harder than I thought!" (5:52) Kuhn: "I became Dongyeol... I mean Xiao! ((Dongyeol is his real name.)) Xiao's... movements are not as large." (5:59) Hwanhee and the text: "How would you even know that!" (6:01) Kuhn and the text: "I can't remember!" ((Sorry, I can't hear Hwanhee well enough to figure out his response besides "...it's ok."))
(6:10) Kuhn: "Well I'm a bit confused so..." Xiao: "Yes..." ((>.<)) (6:13) Kuhn: "Anyway, I'm not sure if this all came out right, but I hope Honey10 will enjoy it." (6:19) "Thank you for watching the music video a lot, and we hope you will support the rest of our activities in the future. Well, this has been... ((the text just mirrors their greeting)) Tension up! We are Up10tion! Thank you!"
 (6:28) Xiao and Hwanhee both thank Honey10 more informally. Text: "Please support us a lot for the rest of our activities as well ♡." (6:38) ((I'm not sure what Sunyoul says right before this...)) Hwanhee: "I'm burning up! Please look forward to much more!" ((I THINK. >.>)) Gyujin: "That was so hard! Ah..." ((<.<))
((Alright! A fun, quick video... completed! Too bad the next one is twice as long with at least twice the amount of talking... ;;;¬_¬ ...It’s not going to be finished soon is all I’m saying. Unfortunately. I’m only about 2:30 in. So I’ll post that to a comment and continue to slowly chip away at it. ;;>.< Hope you all are doing well! Up10tion hwaiting!!!))
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kalilikeskpop · 3 years ago
Once again, obligatory disclaimer: I Am Not A Native Korean Speaker! I’m still learning, so this is my best efforts+ Google Translate+ Naver+ HiNative; it’s not perfect, but it’s hopefully somewhat accurate. ;;;>.< Also! Now with new (very slight) formatting! Hopefully this is easier to read! >.>
Episode title: "Keyword Interview! 'Sequence'-'Still' Up10tion's Candid Talk"
(0:10) "Sequence Keyword Interview: A keyword that recalls the past?" ((They're being given the #keyword and asked to recall a memory related to it.))
(0:12) "#Danger" Sunyoul: "For me, <Danger> ((the title of their first single, English title: “So, Dangerous”))... I think everything was interesting and fun. It was like: this is the kind of broadcasting station I've been dreaming of since I was a kid!... sort of thing. (0:21) going to morning pre-recordings and dry rehearsals, that stuff. I actually met my favorite idols! (0:31) So I think it was such a strange and fun experience."
(0:35) "#Just_Focus_On_Me" ((That's the Korean title of "Attention", the promoted track from their third mini-album "Spotlight.")) Bitto: "I was so fresh back then... I was just 21 years old! Back then they used a car for filming the music video, and they drove it around us during the group dance scene. I saw that and I wanted to try riding in the car once. ((I think he said he asked politely?? Or he asked with Hwanhee??? This sentence isn't in the hard Korean subs... ;;;>.>)) I got to try riding in it with one of the other members, and it was a really cool new feeling to be riding around in a car indoors."
(1:02) "#Today_Is_Perfect" ((The Korean title for their song "Tonight", the promoted track from their fourth mini-album, "Summer Go".)) Kogyeol: I usually have pretty light skin, and I don't think I've ever been as badly burnt as during ((the filming of)) <Tonight/Today Is Perfect>. (1:13) Orange? ((The color not the fruit... >.<)) I had kind of brownish hair, but I have to say that the hair didn't suit me. Yeah. So... I remember looking in the mirror and thinking, "ah... that's not good." ((;;o.o Poor Kogyeol.))
(1:25) "#I_Poured_My_Everything_Into_It" ((The Korean title is an idiom that literally translates to "burned white" (I'm assuming it refers to when something is burnt so completely that the ash is white). The English title is "White Night," the promoted track from their fifth mini-album "Burst.")) Kuhn: "When we were learning the choreography it was difficult because the choreo was so fast and strong. But when I put on my stage makeup and performed it for the fans, I would get something like a "runner's high" feeling if I just kept running. Bang! It was really nice to feel that enjoyable feeling as the choreography finished.” ((What about "Runner"???? Are we pretending that song didn't exist??? It's the first Up10tion song I ever bought! It's great! T_T))
(1:53) "#Going_Crazy" ((The promoted track from their "2017 Special Photo Edition" mini-album.)) Xiao: "Originally, I was going to have grey hair, not black hair, but somehow when my hair was dyed it ended up black. In order to make it grey... if you look at the sides, that's what had to be cut off. I really almost cried when it was cut."
(2:12) "#Candyland" ((The promoted track from their first full album, "Invitation.")) Gyujin: "I have ((the keyword)) #Candyland. Maybe it ((my related memory)) is of the hospital? There's a scene from the M/V that we filmed in a hospital. One part of the content for that (promotion) was a haunted house. It was a totally crazy 'I screamed' sort of place ((I think! ;;>.<))... so I really screamed a lot. I remember saying, 'my throat hurts a little.'" ((He's definitely talking about the U10TV episodes 186 and 188. >.<))
(2:33) "#Spin_Off" ((The promoted track from their "Light Up" mini-album.)) Hwanhee: "There was this interesting thing in <Spin Off>. When I got up from crouching, all the stones were floating in the air. ((2:32-2:36 of that M/V)) I didn't really see it when we were filming the music video, but I saw it afterward when watching it. It was cool."
(2:51) The ((barely legible ;;;>.>)) words on the screen: "'Still' keyword interview: What key words describe the present?" #I_Was_Crazy_About_You ((Again, that's the Korean title (more or less) of “Crazy About You.”)) Kogyeol: First of all, <I Was Crazy About You> is something Up10tion hasn't tried before, a ballad-style dance song. Personally, it's a song that all the members like, so we've gotten very attached as we've been preparing it. Because it's a concept that's really suitable for winter music, I think we'll be able to show our fans a very good performance, so I hope they are looking forward to it."
(3:14) #Housekeeper/Homemaker ((In the sense of taking care of one's own house, like a housewife or househusband.)) Gyujin: "Yes, I am a homemaker. That is... first of all... The advantage of being a homemaker is that it doesn't take a lot of mental energy. In any case, I enjoy living alone because we aren't bumping into each other; I can do what I want to and organize my own to-do list. Yeah... because I like it, ((you could say)) I am a homemaker."
(3:35) #Show  Sunyoul: "For me, I think a "show" is something that is only complete when there are fans. Because of how things have been, even when we performed we couldn't always be with the fans. It felt like 50%, 60% was missing. I've been so thirsty to be with our fans. This time we will be able to be with Honey10 and I am so, so excited and nervous. I have missed you all so much more than anything else. I can't wait to see you again. ((x2))"
(4:07) #2022  Kuhn: "To be able to see Honey10 after so long... I think this year there will be that opportunity. When we can meet face to face I will be so happy. This time our title track is <I Was Crazy About You>. Because I love that song a lot, I hope Honey10 will like it too. Also, I think this will be a year where we will be able to finish our promotions with our head held high." ((Google translate said "so much pride" but I think "head held high" sounds better, so I went with that. ;;>.>))
(4:30) #Honey10  Bitto: "Honey10, I think I will be deeply moved when I get to see you in person. I kind of think I will remember a lot of nostalgic feelings. We met often in the past, so let's make 2022 the year we see each other more often!"
(4:47) #25_Years_Old  Hwanhee: "The 25 year old Lee Hwanhee. Hmmmm... Kind of really cool don't you think? I really like the way I've been growing year after year. Everyone... you all know me, right? You know me well?" ((>.<))
(5:01) #FALL  Xiao: "Honey10... Have you listened to the song I created, <FALL>? That song is one I created to feel like a song by a band. I made it because I wanted to try it out with them ((Up10tion)), and I believe that Honey10 will have enjoyed it. And in the future I will do my best to have many more songs for you. Please look forward to that Honey10! I love you!"
((Did you notice? I have learned a new trick! It’s very exciting. >.< Anyway, I’ve finished the Part Change Dance too, so I’ll upload that and then get back to very... slowly.... translating U10TV 304. ;;;;>.> Until then!))
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kalilikeskpop · 3 years ago
Obligatory, somewhat related addition care of Karolina Zebrowska: you aren’t ugly, you’re just poor.
i know this is rich coming from a kpop blog but its good to consume media in which people just look like people with crooked teeth and wrinkles and bags under their eyes. if you only consume popular media in which everyone looks sculpted and airbrushed it will at some point get to you. we all love to see beautiful celebs of course but if you go for a walk through any city you’ll very quickly realize that no one looks beautiful unless you engage them in conversation and they smile at you. the cashier at your supermarket does not care what you look like. you don’t need a nose job. you don’t need to lose weight. you don’t need to update your wardrobe and to elevate yourself to be liked. life isn’t about being perceived as beautiful. it’s only about being kind to yourself and to the people around you
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kalilikeskpop · 3 years ago
Once again... not a native Korean speaker!!! I'm still learning so please take all this with a grain of salt!!! >.< It’s now time for the Comeback Special Showcase! ...Or it was... back when the video was released... Anyway, feel free to watch it again! Multiple times! And everything else by Up10tion because they need all the views and popularity they can get... T_T
(0:09) Tiny text: "This is where the tension flows." Big text: "The scene of the showcase for Up10tion's 10th mini album <Novella>." (0:10) The fan signs say "It was really crazy" and "It was Up10tion." ((I think. They're using the same interesting ending used in the name of the title song. If I remember right PD-nim described it as unusually poetic.)) (0:12) These signs say, "laughter" "Congratulations on your comeback" "I missed you."
(0:16) Kuhn: "This is where Up10tion's <Novella> showcase is." (0:20) "It's been a long time since we've had a comeback, so Honey10 must really be looking forward to it." (0:24) "It's a title song with a slightly different vibe from <Spin Off>." (0:28) "We hope you really enjoy listening to it." (0:30) Black text (and Kuhn): "Showcase hwaiting!" (0:37) Big text: "Press Showcase rehearsal begins." (0:42) Question: "What stage will be presented at the showcase?" Kuhn: "The stage we'll show you at today's showcase will be the title track <I Was Crazy About You> and the sixth and last... right?" (0:50) "Yes," Gyujin says. Kuhn: "And we'll also show you the last track, <Sad Ending>."
(0:52) Kuhn: "Because <I Was Crazy About You> is the title track, the members are happy and we think Honey10 will enjoy it too. (1:00) As for <Sad Ending>, our genius composer Xiao..." (1:03) "Genius composer?" asks Gyujin. Kuhn continues, "...genius composer Xiao participated in composing it, so I think Honey10 will like it even more."
(1:33) White text: "Carefully checking the rehearsal monitor." (1:35) White text: "Found: Gyujin taking a break after sweating!" ((Just a little judicious translation happening to try to match the tone here... ;;>.>)) (1:39) Tiny text by Gyujin's head: "shy."
(1:40) Green text: "10th mini-album <Novella>." Gold text: "A Press Showcase full of excitement begins." (1:44) Question: "How have you been (since the last promotions)?" ((I think that's the implication anyway.)) Kogyeol: "I think ((since?)) I had a lot of time to prepare, I had many feelings of excitement while preparing this (album)."
(1:49) Question: "How would you introduce this album?" Sunyoul: "It's the type of album where you can feel the triumph of love. Personally, I think it might be a "happy ending" just like we and Honey10 will have." ((In our relationships... right? Not... end of group ending... right? ;;;;;>.>))
(1:58) Question: "Compared to <Spin Off>, how is the point different?" ((I think.)) Hwanhee: "We show a lazy(?) ((their ? not mine! ;>.<)) sexiness this time." (2:01) White text: "What Hwanhee thinks is lazy(?) sexy." (2:02) Neon pink: "hoo~♡" (2:03) White text: "<I Was Crazy About You>"
(2:27) Question: "When is the best time to listen to <I Was Crazy About You>?" Kuhn: "After a busy day at work... when you drag your exhausted body home ddak! And you come in and take a shower ddak! And as the water washes over you this song ddak! is the one to listen to." ((Ddak seems to be some sort of strengthening word (think 'so' from 'so good'), but it's also used to mean 'bang', like the noise when you hit something. I think Kuhn is playing on both meanings in order to paint this... emotional scenario. ;;>.>)) (2:35) "...It could cause your water bill to skyrocket!"
(2:39) Question: "What is <I Was Crazy About You>'s point dance?" Bitto: "You use your hands to do the 'shutter dance' point dance." (2:46) Question: "What results would you like to achieve in the new year?" Kogyeol: "I want to really show that Up10tion is 'a really talented team' and 'this team definitely has its own strengths.' "
(2:53) Question: "What parts should one focus on when listening to this song?" Xiao: "First of all, since the song I composed also has really pretty lyrics, I hope you will focus on and listen to the lyrics." (3:01) Question: "What is your wish for 2022?" Gyujin: "Since we are challenging a new concept, I hope this song will also be a hit." (3:06) ((Same question.)) Kuhn: "I hope you don't forget that you are the main character of your life." (3:10) ((o.O;; Due to the jump cut they quite literally jumped up. ;;>.>)) Kuhn: "We hope our reporters and Honey10 have a very happy new year."
(3:15) Large text: "Fan Showcase rehearsal begins." (3:26) Question: "How does it feel to perform in front of Honey10 after such a long time?" Sunyoul: "It's been a long time since we've met our fans like this. A really, really long time. It's been such a long time that on one hand I feel really happy, but on the other hand I feel like crying because I've missed (Honey10) so much. I hope things will get better in the future so there will be more opportunities to (meet together) like this."
(3:41) Gyujin: "And we could also do cool activities..." ((I think?)) Sunyoul: "no no..." Yellow words near Gyujin and Sunyoul ((I think mean something like)): "a pleasantly wistful feeling." Gyujin: "... that sort of feeling." (3:45) Kuhn: "It felt like that?" Gyujin: "I wonder how Honey10 will see it." ((I think.))
(3:50) ((same question still)) Kuhn: "I get very excited and shaky at the thought of Honey10 sitting in the seats in front of me. Since it's been a long time since I've been on stage, I need to show my cool side. (4:01) Hwaiting!!!" ((That's what the black text says too.)) (4:04) White text: "The script reading is also meticulously completed!"
(4:09) White text and voice-over: "Since it's been a long time since the last time we met, let's make happy memories Honey10~" (4:16) Black text above Hwanhee: "Hello~~~" Text at the bottom: "A fan showcase with the concept, "a crowded, busy reading group." ((As you may have noticed, both adjectives use the sound "book" in them. ;;^^))
(4:19) Question: "How are you feeling right now?" Hwanhee: "I'm extremely nervous! It's been a while since I've seen Honey10, and it's also a comeback after a long time..." (4:31) White subtitles (and host): "isn't it due to being attention-grabbing?" ((Maybe? ;;>.> I think it's some sort of play on words... ;;;>.>)) Hwanhee: "What? No, because it's (so) emotional." (4:39) White subs (and host): "what are you expressing Gyujin?" Gyujin: "a wall clock." (4:47) White words: <I Was Crazy About You>.
(5:13) Question: Which member gave the most love at the end of the old/beginning of the new year?" Gyujin: "if I've had an unhappy expression on my face, Kuhn will sometimes call me at the end of the day." (5:20) Question: "This member doing it like that causes a member momentary excitement?" ((...Something like that...I'll have to do some digging to see if I can figure out what the first part of the question is referring to... ;;;>.>)) White text: "Only Bitto couldn't choose." (5:23) Bitto: "I don't think I've ever felt that sort of excitement..." Host (and white subtitles): "I can make you feel that sort of excitement! Take a look at Honey10!" (5:29) Bitto (and white subtitles): ")h my, oh my, oh my." ((::>.<))
(5:56) White text: "Members going to look at the comments." The host is reading a comment that says... something is crazy and then ((I think!!!)) that this album and concept are really cool. (6:01) Question: "How was it today?" Sunyoul: "I was so pleased and happy to be able to meet Honey10 on stage." (6:06) Xiao: "It feels a little awkward and strange to have fans in front of me when I'm on stage." ((;_;)) (6:12) Kogyeol: "Can you feel the energy being transferred? In the applause?"
(6:16) Members (and black text): "Happy New Year~" (6:20) Xiao: "The showcase is done. From this week our activities (promoting the album) will begin! You've been with us since almost the first day of the new year..." (Various members voice their agreement.) (6:29) Xiao: "We hope to make lots of lovely memories with you, and we'll also show you a lot of great, fun things in music shows and various other contents. Please give our song lots of love and we wish all the best for the future! Happy New Year Honey10!"
((And a very Happy Lunar New Year to everyone! ;;>.> Hope it’s a happy, successful one for us all, but especially for Up10tion! ;;>.<  (ˇʃƪˇ) Up10tion hwaiting!!!))
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kalilikeskpop · 3 years ago
Ok! Dance practice! Let's go!!! Standard disclaimer: this is the work of a Honey10 who only knows a little bit of Korean and how to work Google Translate, please take everything translated below with a few appropriately-sized grains of salt! Again, I'll be doing this in bite-sized portions and adding each next bit as a reply. ;>.<
(0:09) Big text: "this is the practice site for Up10tion's [Novella] comeback!" Upper left text: "practice #1." (0:17) Big text: "the beginning practice for Up10tion's knife-like choreography!" ((As in very sharp. ;;>.<))
  (0:28) White text: "Up10tion matching the beat with the choreographer." (0:35) White text: "I want to call you" ((the lyrics that go with that part of the choreography.)) (0:48) That's just a sound effect "(hi-ik)." (0:49) White text: "A beat that is never forgotten."
  (0:54) "Today also, the forever squabbling Hwansha." ((The Korean means to lightly fight... so. And of course, Hwansha is short for Hwanhee+Xiao. >.<)) (0:59) White text: "in the process of telling my hyung ((older brother)) that Xiao is harrassing me." ((;>.<)) (1:06) Is another sound effect: "ack!" ((>.<))
(1:09) White text: "practice starts again." (1:23) Sunyoul (and the words by his head), "I think my body is broken!" (1:27) White text: "(tearful practice)." ((ヾ( •́д•̀ ; ) )) (1:33) Kuhn (and the words by his head): "it'll be alright tomorrow." (( ( •́ω•̀ ) ))  (1:41) White text: "(the friendly chinhan42)." ((I'm pretty sure "chinhan42" is a nickname they came up with for Gyujin+Bitto at some point? It translates to friend42 as well... ;;;>.>))
  (1:44) White text: "(whisper whisper)." (1:48) Bitto (and the text by his head): "he (Hwanhee) was just whispering to me, telling me not to pretend to be God..." (1:51) White text: "The always harmonious Up10tion... ^^"
(1:54) Black text: "seriously preparing members." (1:59) Choreographer (and the black text presumably next to his head): "sigh... Gyujin-a... just a minute... ((neither I nor the subtitles caught the second thing he said >.>))." (2:02) Choreographer (and the white text): "you're too cute." (2:04) Large text: "Gyujin's back looks too cute." ((>.<))
  (2:06) The white text ((is a... quasi-sound effect)): "(hinggoo)." ((It's the sound a character makes when they're expressing sadness but also cute. (Also used in texting.) (;;>.<) )) (2:14) Green text: "there are three things people can't hide..." White text: "love, a cough, and Han Gyujin's cuteness..." ((>.<;;))  (2:28) White text: "it's still a good ending."
(2:30) Black text in upper left: "practice #2" (2:31) Hwanhee: "individual practice... with Sunyoul." Gyujin: "that tired look behind him... is Xiao." (2:43) Green text: "after the lesson with the choreographer is over..." Larger text: "group practice time starts." (2:49) Black text: "choreography practice with teacher Bitto."
(3:05) The white text by Bitto's head is a lot of "syung" sound effects. ((>.<)) (3:09) Large white text: "(the star instructor of the dance world)" ((^^)) (3:09) Bitto is saying things such as, "this is like this, this friend is like this." (3:17) "((something I'm not sure enough of...)) this one's at almost 35 minutes." (3:20) Xiao: "let's just practice this far today. We have something else to go do later." The white text next to his face says, "bye," along with him.
(3:32) Large text: "it's a pity to leave it like this, so Gyujin came back." Gyujin: "Today the members practiced together and finished the lesson with the choreographer. It was a very... sweet and happy time. We want to show (our) Honey10 a cooler side of us so we will be preparing more, so please look forward to it! (3:49) Do you see the sweat? You can't see it? It's dry. ((;;;;>.>)) (3:56) Bye! (3:58) Please look forward to it!" ((A little loopy from all this practice I see... >.<)) (4:00) Bye! Bye! B-ye!"
(4:05) Black text in upper left: "practice #3." Larger white text: "Gyujin appears again." (4:10) Gyujin: "the silhouette over there is Xiao. It walks heavily away. (4:17) Now..." White text: "evening time practice." Gyujin: "because it is evening practice, everyone... I wonder what you had for dinner?" (4:29) Gyujin: "If this video is uploaded, please let me know in the comments what you ate." ((Well, we may be a bit late to the party, but I guess we have our marching orders guys! >.<))
  (4:36) Gyujin: "now... ((the black subtext is what he's saying)) we're done practicing! Finally! Let's go get coffee!" (4:41) White text: "(happiness at the thought of a caffeine refill)." (( ( •́ω•̀ ) ))
(4:44) White text: "and the appearance of MinDdu ((probably Minsoo (Kogyeol's real name) + two))." ((I think)) Gyujin says, "Minddu," and Kogyeol replies, "yeah. Me." (4:49) Kogyeol (and the white subtitles by his head) say, "Gyujin-a (("-a" is just an ending tacked on to the name of a younger person you know well)) (serious)." Gyujin replies, "yes hyung." (4:51) Kogyeol (and the white subtitles): "what is life..." ((  (;;≧ ∀≦) )) ((I THINK)) Gyujin responds with, "what sort of question is that?"
(4:56) White text: "failure to accept." Gyujin ((MAYBE)) says something about "we only have a single life..." and Kogyeol cuts him off to say... something. ((T_T No subtitles? But... but I thought we liked subtitles now... T.T)) Gyujin responds, "but this... concept! It's too..." (5:00) White text: "trying again." Gyujin ((I THINK)) says, "I said, life is... ((finally! White subtitles by Gyujin's head! ;;;>.<)) Is it like coffee?"
  (5:09) White subtitles on Kogyeol's head (and Kogyeol): "ah really, I'm annoyed! (x2)" Gyujin replies, "why?!? Hyung isn't the concept similar?" (5:14) Black subtitles (and Kogyeol): "there was no fun! No emotion!" ((I THINK)) Gyujin whines back ((maybe???)), "really, that... that... it's a little like coffee!"
  (5:18) ((I THINK)) Gyujin asks Kogyeol, "so what do YOU think this life is about?" Kogyeol replies, "This life, isn't it about whether I can live with Gyujin?" ((O.o Surely I am translating that wrong? I'm gonna do a little twitter investigating to see if anyone with better Korean over there translated it. I'll fix this as necessary when I upload the last bit. Edit: I found nothing... if anyone knows for sure please tell me! >.<)) (5:23) White text: "(it's a hard life...)" (5:26) Gyujin: "Well then. I. Am going to go get coffee. Bye."
(5:31) Black text in upper left: "practice #4" (5:33) Green text: "the eve of the comeback." Larger text: "Up10tion is practicing for their comeback showcase." (5:44) White text: "today they've eaten CDs for lunch." ((Yeah they have! ^^))
  (5:58) Kuhn: "Up10tion's comeback is just around the corner, so we're practicing a song we'll present at the showcase." (6:05) He tells Gyujin, "this is a practice room!" Next to Gyujin's head, the white word is, "-jjan!" ((Short for ta-da! >.<)) (6:07) Kuhn: "Honey10, we... were very curious about it. I hope you like it a lot. Personally, I really like this title song because the lyrics are really, really pretty." (6:20) Bitto (and the black subs next to his head), "please sing a verse!"
(6:30) White text: "Having just eaten the CD for a snack..." (6:43) Green text: "First unveiled at the showcase..." Larger text: "A very well done live practice of <Sad Ending> by Up10tion!"
(6:46) Hwanhee: "hello everyone! This is Up10tion's Hwanhee! (Sunyoul comes by to add Hwanhee's favorite nickname for himself: "Hawee.")" (6:51) Hwanhee suggests, "please say, 'Hwan-ha.' " When he does, (6:53) Hwanhee adds a similar nickname for Sunyoul, "Sheon-ha!" (That's also the white text.)
(6:55) Hwanhee: "yes, today we, Up10tion, are at the scene of the practice. It's a very~ lively place." (7:01) ((I THINK)) Hwanhee says, "we... how do we ___?" ((Sorry, I don't know that word and the subtitles ran away again. >.>)) "Let's go to the scene!" ((I THINK> ;;-.-)) (7:05) Large white text: "members who deserve the name 'tension'." ((Meaning they're very energetic. >.<))
  (7:09) "Hello!" Hwanhee greets Sunyoul, who responds in kind. (Above the poorly sneaking Kuhn in the background the white text says, "(zombie?)") (( (¬º-°)¬  >.<)) Hwanhee: "I'm the reporter on scene, Hwanhee!" ((I think he might be saying...)) "It's nice to meet you!"
  (7:12) Hwanhee: "How do you usually practice?" (7:14) Sunyoul (and the white subtitles) responds, "well." The white subs also say, "(a clear answer)." ((And concise... >.<)) (7:15) Hwanhee (and the white subs): "It's great to see you practicing well!"
(7:18) White text: "(no post-interview remorse)." Hwanhee moves on to say, "hello Mr. Gyujin! What about Up10tion's Gyujin?" ((Or something like that...)) (7:21) White text: "(a tension that can't be interviewed)."
(7:22) "This is a sloppy interview! ((Or nonchalant? or intentionally lacking? something like that. That adverb... is very confusing... ;;;-.-)) Let's meet Mr. Xiao! Hello Mr. Xiao, how about you?" ((Maybe?)) (7:25) White text in front of Hwanhee: "hello Mr. Xiao." White text above Xiao: "(Mr. Dongyeol is watching the interview.)" ((Dongyeol is Xiao's real name. ;;>.<)) (7:26) White text: "Mr. Xiao seems to be in a little bit lower place." Hwanhee says, "ah, okay, okay, okay! It's been a while Mr. Xiao! ... Ah, safe travels, goodbye!" (7:30) White text: "(makes sure to see him off)."
(7:31) Hwanhee, "ah, Mr. Bitto! Let's meet Mr. Bitto. ((I think?)) Mr. Bitto, hello! ((something...)) zoom in, zoom in!" (7:35) Black text: "this reporter is even busy controlling the camera." Hwanhee continues, "camera, zoom in, zoom in. ... Did you do it? ... Alright, Mr. Bitto!" ((I'm not sure what he asked or what Bitto answered due to the background singing. ;;>.<)) "That's all! ((I think? I forget exactly what this means except it's some sort of closing statement... ;;;;-.-)) Done!"
(7:44) Hwanhee begins, "yes, this has been... ((and then... finally... the subtitles reappear)) Ah, we haven't met Mr. Kuhn yet! Mr. Kuhn is practicing hard right now, so we'll interview him next time! Alright then, this interview..."
(7:53) Green text: "upon request for a sloppy/lacking interview..." ((It's the same adverb as before... ;;>.>)) Larger text: "Mr. Kuhn stopped practicing and ran over." Kuhn says something about practicing, and then (7:56) Hwanhee: "you seem out of breath, are you ok?" (7:58) Kuhn (and the white subtitles by his head), "I'm fine." ((I THINK)) Hwanhee then asks him if he can do an interview. Kuhn responds, "now... yeah..." (8:01) Kuhn: "I'm out of breath, but I think Honey10 will still want to see this practice room video... (inhale) so I'll do it."
(8:09) Hwanhee, "alright, then let's see <I Was Crazy About You>. Start!" (8:11) Black text: "an interview finished in seconds." (8:15) White text: "a full-on practice to the end." ((... or something like that. ;;>.<)) (8:18) White text: "Up10tion's activity preparation!"
(8:29) Kogyeol: "Yes, now that we aren't far away from our comeback, we're in the final stages of rehearsing." (8:35) White text: "(help me)." ((;;>.<))
  (8:37) Hwanhee: "well, you've seen us practicing hard to the end! I feel really good! Please give a round of applause for Up10tion!" (8:43) Black text: "applause for Up10tion who have gone through such difficulties."
  (8:49) Kuhn, "There's not much time left until Up10tion's [Novella] comeback date, so I think Honey10 are eagerly expecting it!" He says something more about Honey10... and perhaps that the song is a cool one ((unfortunately there are no subtitles... ;;;-.-)). (8:56) Larger text: "<I Was Crazy About You> Please look forward to many activities!"
  (9:00) Kuhn (and the white subtitles): "Happy New Year!" The other members also wish the viewers a happy New Year. (9:07) White text: "(flat)." ((>.<)) (9:10) Large text: "let's be together with Up10tion in 2022 too." ((Yes, let's! ヽ(´▽`)ノ))
((And that's that, more or less. >.< Again, if I've messed anything up or you can fill in any of the blanks I've had to leave, please add to this! ;;>.< See you later! Up10tion hwaiting!))
0 notes
kalilikeskpop · 3 years ago
(6:58) Green text: "Our maknae has changed!" Big text: "Xiao who exudes a grown up sexiness." (7:05) Large text: "Corner in the corner <Panel Interview>." Kogyeol says, "I think... I'll do 'e'." (7:11) Yellow text: "panel keyword 'e'." Large white text: "When do you have crazy visuals?" (7:21) Kogyeol: "I'm really sorry, Xiao is looking at me so strangely right now!" (7:27) "Well, once I... ah..." (7:32) Hwanhee: "Answer! When I look in the mirror!" (7:36) White text above Kogyeol's head: "(Suddenly, whatever was in my mind has disappeared.)"
  (7:38) Kogyeol: "Perhaps they're kind of ok right after I've washed up." ((That's definitely a rough translation there but I'm hoping that's the gist of what he's saying... ;;;>.>)) (7:42) The papery words by Kogyeol's head: "shy." (7:44) Kuhn asks, "why?" Kogyeol: "Because of the natural look of slightly damp hair after it has been washed? I think that naturally damp look is maybe a bit ok." ((He keeps using "a bit ok" instead of "best"... Kogyeol being so modest... (´∀`) )) (7:54) "So I think that would be when they're the best."
(7:58) White text: "Kogyeol_Prince_Handsome_Collection.zip" ((Alright subtitles, I'm gonna want that collection of files yesterday please! >.>))  (8:20) Large text: "Corner in the corner <Panel Interview>." Kun says, "I'll choose 'da'." (8:26) Yellow text: "panel keyword 'da'." Large white text: "The food I am craziest about these days is?" (8:30) Kuhn: "It's not that crazy but... well... ((he started back over)) It's not that crazy but I can tell you my favorite food." (8:40) ((That's right Kuhn, use your best announcer voice! ;>.<)) The subtitles at the bottom emphasize the fanciness of: "shrimp rosé pasta and bacon cream risotto... are what I like." ((O.o That was... fancier than I expected...)) (8:44) Kuhn: "However, the truth is I eat a lot of ramen." ((;;>.<))
(8:55) White text: "(Serious) that Hwanhee has graduated from being a puppy today (serious)." ((They use "daengdaengi" here to imply puppy because it looks like "mongmong" which is the sound dogs make in Korean. ;;>.<)) (8:58) The papery words by Hwanhee's head say, "fatal." (9:01) Large text: "Corner in the corner <Panel Interview>. ((I think Hwanhee says something about being super proud he figured out the phrase even though so many letters were missing. >.< )) (9:10) And then ((I think)) he says, "I can only choose one, right everyone? So I will try... 'chyeot'." (9:16) The white words by Hwanhee's head: "(eager to play a joke)."
(9:21) ) Yellow text: "panel keyword 'chyeot'." White text: "What book have you read most recently?" (9:24) Hwanhee: "My most recently read book doesn't change; I don't have an update. It's <Only When You Stop Can You See>. Was it in 2013? I think I remember reading it back then." (9:35) "It's the last book I read completely: <Only When You Stop Can You See>." ((;;;>.>))
(9:39) Green text: "Second personal shot." Big text: "Acting emotionally according to each concept (with actor Up10tion)." (10:03) Big text: "This is the scene where Honey10 had a heart attack." ((Who me? ;;;>.>)) (10:04) Green text: "A perfect atmosphere with Xiao." Big text: "Xiao is challenged to type on a typewriter." (10:07) Big text: "*Please pay attention to Xiao's cute expression.*" ((>.<))
(10:14) Large text: "Corner in the corner <Panel Interview>." Xiao says ((;;;>.> I think maybe possibly something like)), "'sheot' is the one left... so I'll take this one." (10:25) "(read the question (out loud) first!)" (10:28) Yellow text: "panel keyword 'eot'." White text: "If you were to wite a book about your life, what would the title be?" (10:36) "I'm not familiar with that book." (10:40) ((After some explaining... ;;;>.>)) White text: "Only now understanding the meaning of the question." (10:45) Xiao says, "well... well..." (10:50) Neon green text: "Xiao's autobiography <You Will Always Be Happy Dongyeol-a>" ((Dongyeol is his given name. And also ugh my heart! (ˊ•-•ˋ) )) (10:55) Xiao: "Because I like to be happy." ((Again I say to you, (ˊ•-•ˋ) ))
(11:04) Big text: " The knit (sweater) tickles and torments Gyujin." ((Don't scratch it makes it worse!!!)) (11:11) The white text near Gyujin's head quotes Gyujin saying, "it's itchy because it's hairy."
  (11:29) Green text: "<I Was Crazy About You> Music video." Big text: "the last shot is a group dance scene." (11:32) Green text: "this is a real sword dance!" ((. . . . . . . ? Good?)) "this is really sharp choreography!" ((I was... so confused until I figured this out translating the next episode. ;;;>.>)) Big text: "The sound of Up10tion's steps is very crisp." ((Meaning they're all in sync. Because they're awesome. d( ≧ ∇ ≦ ) )) (11:52) White text: "now it's break time." ((>.<)) (11:55) On the backs of the incoming members: "light and dark shadows approach Xiao..."
(12:16) Kuhn: "The shooting of the music video for the title track <I Was Crazy About You> from Up10tion's 10th mini album [Novella] is now finished! What sort of music video is it Kogyeol?" (12:28) Kogyeol: "First of all, this is a music video filmed in a new genre that we haven't tried before, but we've put a bit of emotion into the filming of it." ((I think. ;>.> Kogyeol and his constant understatements...)) (12:37) "So I think we had a lot of fun filming those parts." (12:41) "Also, I think this will show off a new side of Up10tion's charm." (12:44) "I think these are the kind of things you can really look forward to in the music video."
(12:49) Kuhn: "To all Honey10, please look forward to it a lot and we hope you like the [Novella] album a lot!" (12:53) Black subtitles: "Well then... until now, tension up! This has been Up10tion! Thank you!" Kuhn, "good bye!!!" (12:58) ((I think... possibly...)) Hwanhee sings, "I'm tired!" ((And I think!!! Possibly???)) Kuhn exclaims, "(I'm) off work!" Hwanhee responds, "sleep well!" ((>.<)) ((I'm pretty sure what Xiao says at the end is a catch phrase/in-joke but I'm a bit out of the loop right now so I don't know what it means, sorry! T.T))
...Only a minute left, I thought. This part should go quickly, I thought. >.> Anyway, hopefully this is of some slight use to you! Until next time, this is your friendly neighborhood Honey10 (who vaguely resembles a translator if you squint very hard and don't know much Korean) signing out! >.<
Standard disclaimer: I am not Korean, I am just learning Korean. But! Since I don’t know of anyone else who is translating Up10tion uploads (including TOPMedia -.-*), I’m just sharing what I’ve been translating for myself (with the help of Google Translate)! Please take every translation I post with an appropriately-sized grain of salt!
(0:09) Super-title: “This place where self-awareness comes to life.” Larger white subtitle: “<I Was Crazy About You> (Korean title of “Crazy About You”) music video filming site”
(0:14) Kuhn: “Hello! This is the filming site of the music video for <I Was Crazy About You>, the title track of Up10tion’s 10th mini-album Novella.” Bitto: “It’s the same Mr. No.” ((Inside joke, a nickname for Kuhn from back before my time as a Honey10 so I don’t know why he got it… ;;-.-)) Kuhn: “I have a lot of affection for ‘the same Mr. No,’ and I think I can do this album with a little more heart. (0:31) It was my first time doing a song with a different atmosphere, so I paid a lot of attention to the choreography and things like that, but I hope Honey10 will like it a lot!”
(0:40) Green text: “Up10tion’s strong impression together.” Larger text: “Shooting for the <I Was Crazy About You> music video begins in earnest.” (1:03) Green text: “the figures hard at work at their main job makes the heart flutter.” ((approximately ;>.>)) Larger text: “the members gathered together and closely monitoring (the footage).”
 (1:08) The white text near Kuhn’s head: “Hi Honey10” ((^^)). (1:13) Kuhn: “The location for shooting the first scene of the Up10tion’s MV is a blue background, and in this background with a dreamy atmosphere we will be wearing navy suits for the choreography.  Starting in verse 2 I like a lot of the stuff Bitto is doing. I think it’s cool.” ((I think? Maybe someone was currently choreographing the second verse?))
(1:36) Large white text: “To one side is a Sunyoul hard at work practicing the movements.” (1:41) The little papery text box next to his head reads, “shy.” ((>.<)) (1:42) Smaller blue text: “Physical, visual, everything is perfect… the restraint…” Large white text: “All the statues that should be in the Louvre are here!” ((;;;>.<))
(2:03) Little green text: “(Let’s go) with concept masters Up10tion… perfect…” Larger white text: “…white snow is falling at the second location.” (2:05) White text: “Must catch the snow when we meet on the set 1.” (2:11) Question: “What sort of song is the title song <I Was Crazy About You>?” Bitto: “It has a feeling that Up10tion has never shown before… we’re able to show a new kind of feeling. It’s that kind of song.”
 (2:18) Green text: “(Again, this is during the shooting of the music video)” Larger text: “The point choreography for <I Was Crazy About You> with an undecided name.” Bitto: ((my ability to translate spoken Korean is even worse so I’m kind of guessing here! ;;>.>)) “As for this… what is the name for this?” (2:22) White text above Hwanhee’s head: “(A dance movement that expresses the camera shutter)”. And on top of Hwanhee the text is what he’s saying: “This is just: ‘click’!” …“click?” (2:25) The white text tells us Kogyeol says: “Memory manipulation dance.” (2:26) The black text at the bottom: “The point dance is named 'shutter dance’!” Next to their hands as they dance the text reads “(click)”… “(click)”
(2:37) “Must catch the snow when we meet on the set 2.” ((>.<)) (2:44) Black text by Gyujin’s head: “exceeds lethal dose” ((… of charisma I assume…)) (2:49) Kuhn: “Gyujin really looks sad!”
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kalilikeskpop · 3 years ago
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Donghun → Higher
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kalilikeskpop · 3 years ago
Here’s a recent one that I already finished... my best attempt at translating. Please take all translations with a large dose of salt! Google translate and I do our best but I am neither Korean nor even vaguely fluent in the language. I’m working on it though! ;;>.<
(0:18) Question: Where are you right now? Kuhn (the one in the navy blue overshirt) We're at the scene of the album jacket shoot. Please listen to the title track, "I loved you" (English title: "Crazy About You"). (0:25) Because this song has a new type of feeling that we've never done before, I think Honey10 (the fandom) will like it too.
(0:35) Bottom of the screen (in essence): Situation where you have to face each other for the photograph. Sunyoul: "Do we have to do it face to face? No smiling(/laughing)?" Kogyeol: "You shouldn't laugh(/smile)." (That word means both so. ;>.>) "You're a pro (you can do it!)." Sunyoul: "Right! I can do this without smiling!" (0:42) "...I think we'll smile when we make eye contact!" (0:44) Bottom of screen: "His smile/laughter burst out in the end." >.<
(1:07) By Xiao's head it reads: "soulless". Xiao: "wah... cool..." (1:11) Bottom of screen: "a sceen full of soulless praise." (Yeah screen captioner, throw them under the bus because they're tired. ;>.>) Gyujin: "You're the most handsome."
(1:26) Question: "What feelings do you have about your tenth mini-album?" Hwanhee: "I mean, it's our TENTH mini-album!" Cut to dramatic Gyujin gasp. >.< Hwanhee: "(We have?) many long memories, and now all of these memories were created thanks to Honey10." (Gyujin is agreeing in the background to the use of the "created.") "Aren't these happy memories?" "That's right," Gyujin agrees. "Because it's the tenth, it feels like we've matured a bit?" (1:45) "Are you looking forward to it?" Gyujin, "(I'm) looking forward to it." Hwanhee: "I can already hear the shouts (fan cheers) I've been looking forward to!" (1:48) Gyujin: "Because each album has had a different concept... this... who would inhabit ten different concepts in their lifetime?" >.<
(2:55) Question: Have their been any unforgettable memories from your activities so far?" Bitto: "We had a pretty big concert! (It was?) a joint concert with all the TOP artists. It's the first time my parents have seen me dance and sing. My mom cried a lot at the end. ( ; _ ; ) It was very touching (heartbreaking? is what Google says); it's a pity my dad couldn't come because he was abroad at the time. It was a day of both good things and bad things."
(3:33) Same question as before. Kuhn: "I guess I just really feel lke I belong to Up10tion. (<- heavy supposition going on in the translation of that sentence... >.>) I remember the first stage. It was a pre-recording place before we even debuted on TV, before the name Honey10 was even coined. A lot of fans came (to that) and supported us, and I thought, 'Oh? How do they know me?' My heart was so excited." (You're right, question mark, I'm pretty sure you did have the wrong word.)
(4:10) Around Hwanhee's head: "cute by itself" (4:25) By Kuhn's head: "Honey10 hello~" (4:27) "Up10tion is full of playfulness today also."
(4:29) "Ooowahhh~~~" goes wafting acros the screen. >.< Kuhn: "Up10tion's jacket cover shoot is done!" Hwanhee: "Please give our album "Novella" lots and lots of love... Thank you for all your interest~!" Kogyeol: "We tried a lot of new looks and new clothes and I think the members did well! So... ah... this is an album I (?) greatly look forward to. Please anticipate our album "Novella" a lot! This has been... Up10tion! Thank you! Goodbye!" "Please look forward to it a lot~" says Xiao at the end.
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kalilikeskpop · 3 years ago
(3:01) White text: "Corner in the corner <Panel Interview>." ((Very clever. >.<)) Bitto and Gyujin read the name of the title song off the board. (3:04) "Past," ((maybe short for something like, "this is a blast from the past'?)) the white text next to Gyujin's head says, quoting Gyujin. And then immediately after another bit of white text says, "(It's been a while since (I) filmed a music video so (I'm) very happy.)"
(3:07) Bitto, "we're supposed to try doing this one at a time... should I go first?" Gyujin, "yeah, you go." Bitto,"well... then I'll do this first one." (3:19) Yellow text: "panel key word ((key syllable really...)): 'neo'." White text: "please say something to the Honey10 currently watching this video." Bitto, "me?" Gyujin, "Of course!" (3:23) Bitto: "To all of our Honey10, we..." (3:28) The white words by Bitto's head quote him saying, "...(has it been) only a few months?"
(3:30) Bitto: "We have made another comeback; thank you so much for waiting for us Honey10. We are taking on a new challenge again this time..." He and Gyujin briefly discuss which word best fits ((instead of challenge I think)) "...Because we have worked hard on this song that has a new feeling, I hope you enjoy watching."
(3:45) Bitto, "well now..." Gyujin, "I will pick the 'mi' from 'was crazy'." (3:49) Yellow text: "panel key word 'mi'." White text: "which member has the "craziest" ((as in best)) visuals for this album?" (3:55) The white text above Bitto's head says, "hey younger brother ((dongsaeng)), over here! Why look so far away?" And Bitto keeps repeating the first syllable of his stage name "Bi-" to prompt Gyujin. ((>.<))
  (4:00) The white text says as Gyujin says, "Kyeol hyung ((Kogyeol))." (4:02) Gyujin: "Just kidding, I think it's Bitto." Bitto tries to deflect "no...((something else, but I couldn't catch that part))" and the white text above Bitto's shoulder (4:04) says, "(unconcealable joy)." (4:05) Gyujin: "Honestly, this sort of new style of the different clothes you wore was a good sort of bold change (that looked good on you). So that's who I think has crazy (good) visuals for this album." ((Or something like that anyway... ;;>.>))
(4:20) Green text: "The (member with) crazy good visuals in [Novella]." White text: "Time to start shooting the individual clips, starting with Bitto." (4:32) "The oldest brother is also here to monitor."
(4:39) Green text: "Showing what mature sexy looks like..." Larger text: "He's in the process of 'Gyujinizing' all the outfits." ((o.O;; Um? Maybe that he looks so good in everything he has become the gold standard?? ;;;>.>)) (4:45) White text: "#Gyujin'd #Eve_of_Extinction_Face ((As far as I can tell, this is a Korean hashtag used for peoples' really attractive pictures on Instagram etc? It's probably some sort of cultural reference that I don't understand, sorry! ;;;>.<)) #Physical_Genius" ((;;>.<))
(4:50) Question: "Do you have any tips for emotional acting?" Sunyoul: "I try to remember the emotions I felt in the past and then ((I think???)) reproduce them. But it's not easy." (4:59) Gyujin: "I think I do something similar. I think about the feelings I've had in the past... and then the filming starts."
  (5:08) Sunyoul: "When I first started doing the musical I had a really difficult time! ((He was recently in a Korean musical called "사랑했어요" or in English, "I Loved You.")) You know when you watch a drama, you cry when you're sad? At that time I was like, "I have to remember this (feeling) and use it!" ...But I couldn't, it was hard." (5:22) Gyujin: "that's right, I think it's really hard..." (5:24) Sunyoul: "So I think this song was kind of difficult." (5:28) Gyujin agrees right before Sunyoul is happily called away. The floating white text above Sunyoul's head says, "I'm going to do my shoot now~~" (5:30) As Gyujin waves, the white text tells us he says, "bye..."
  (5:32) ((I'm not exactly sure what Gyujin is saying here... and I think he isn't either... >.<)) White text: "Let's start the interview again with a new heart!" ((??... ??)) (5:35) Gyujin: "Because it's a genre we've never tried before, when we first listened to the song, there was a lot of talk like, 'eh? Can I/we even do this?' (5:46) So we decided, 'let's do this cool thing that we haven't done before.' So, this song from Novella ((the captions clarify that Gyujin's referring to the title track)) was the result. So please look forward to it!"
(5:56) To the left of Sunyoul's head the white text says, "am I doing well?" ((Although it could also be translated: "am I doing prettily?" And to both, the answer is definitely yes. ;>.<)) (5:58) White text: "Acting while singing, Up10tion's main vocal's class." (6:11) White text: "It's been a while since the last music video was filmed, so it's a bit awkward." (6:15) The black text above the subtitles: "Awkward+State of tension." Sunyoul: "How... I don't know how to do this shoot..." (6:19) The wavy subtitles next to Sunyoul's head tell us he's saying, "so embarrassing!" ((I am 100% positive he's imitating a drama or movie here... I just have no idea which one it might be. ;;>.>))
(6:20) Green text: "Sunyoul's fraudulent character is rising!" Big text: "'Oh I'm so tense and awkward' but it looks like this?!" (6:27) Large text: "Corner in the corner <Panel Interview>." Sunyoul: "I'll choose... 'ge' because I like it. Ok, like this? Oh... careful! Wait, this isn't right..." ((essentially... I think. ;;;>.>)) (6:35)) Yellow text: "panel keyword 'ge'." Large white text: "What is the craziest thing you prepared as part of ((or maybe for?)) Up10tion?" (6:40) Sunyoul: "hoh... I... craziest prepared thing.... maybe a song?" (6:45) Large text just repeats what he said. (6:47) "Something... I don't think I'm ever satisfied unless I get first place. So I'm always working really hard in order to be the best."
Standard disclaimer: I am not Korean, I am just learning Korean. But! Since I don’t know of anyone else who is translating Up10tion uploads (including TOPMedia -.-*), I’m just sharing what I’ve been translating for myself (with the help of Google Translate)! Please take every translation I post with an appropriately-sized grain of salt!
(0:09) Super-title: “This place where self-awareness comes to life.” Larger white subtitle: “<I Was Crazy About You> (Korean title of "Crazy About You”) music video filming site"
(0:14) Kuhn: “Hello! This is the filming site of the music video for <I Was Crazy About You>, the title track of Up10tion’s 10th mini-album Novella.” Bitto: “It’s the same Mr. No.” ((Inside joke, a nickname for Kuhn from back before my time as a Honey10 so I don’t know why he got it… ;;-.-)) Kuhn: “I have a lot of affection for ‘the same Mr. No,’ and I think I can do this album with a little more heart. (0:31) It was my first time doing a song with a different atmosphere, so I paid a lot of attention to the choreography and things like that, but I hope Honey10 will like it a lot!”
(0:40) Green text: “Up10tion’s strong impression together.” Larger text: “Shooting for the <I Was Crazy About You> music video begins in earnest.” (1:03) Green text: “the figures hard at work at their main job makes the heart flutter.” ((approximately ;>.>)) Larger text: “the members gathered together and closely monitoring (the footage).”
 (1:08) The white text near Kuhn’s head: “Hi Honey10” ((^^)). (1:13) Kuhn: “The location for shooting the first scene of the Up10tion’s MV is a blue background, and in this background with a dreamy atmosphere we will be wearing navy suits for the choreography.  Starting in verse 2 I like a lot of the stuff Bitto is doing. I think it’s cool.” ((I think? Maybe someone was currently choreographing the second verse?))
(1:36) Large white text: “To one side is a Sunyoul hard at work practicing the movements.” (1:41) The little papery text box next to his head reads, “shy.” ((>.<)) (1:42) Smaller blue text: “Physical, visual, everything is perfect… the restraint…” Large white text: “All the statues that should be in the Louvre are here!” ((;;;>.<))
(2:03) Little green text: “(Let’s go) with concept masters Up10tion… perfect…” Larger white text: “…white snow is falling at the second location.” (2:05) White text: “Must catch the snow when we meet on the set 1.” (2:11) Question: “What sort of song is the title song <I Was Crazy About You>?” Bitto: “It has a feeling that Up10tion has never shown before… we’re able to show a new kind of feeling. It’s that kind of song.”
 (2:18) Green text: “(Again, this is during the shooting of the music video)” Larger text: “The point choreography for <I Was Crazy About You> with an undecided name.” Bitto: ((my ability to translate spoken Korean is even worse so I’m kind of guessing here! ;;>.>)) “As for this… what is the name for this?” (2:22) White text above Hwanhee’s head: “(A dance movement that expresses the camera shutter)”. And on top of Hwanhee the text is what he’s saying: “This is just: 'click’!” …“click?” (2:25) The white text tells us Kogyeol says: “Memory manipulation dance.” (2:26) The black text at the bottom: “The point dance is named 'shutter dance’!” Next to their hands as they dance the text reads “(click)”… “(click)”
(2:37) “Must catch the snow when we meet on the set 2.” ((>.<)) (2:44) Black text by Gyujin’s head: “exceeds lethal dose” ((… of charisma I assume…)) (2:49) Kuhn: “Gyujin really looks sad!”
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kalilikeskpop · 3 years ago
Standard disclaimer: I am not Korean, I am just learning Korean. But! Since I don’t know of anyone else who is translating Up10tion uploads (including TOPMedia -.-*), I’m just sharing what I’ve been translating for myself (with the help of Google Translate)! Please take every translation I post with an appropriately-sized grain of salt!
(0:09) Super-title: "This place where self-awareness comes to life." Larger white subtitle: "<I Was Crazy About You> (Korean title of "Crazy About You") music video filming site"
(0:14) Kuhn: "Hello! This is the filming site of the music video for <I Was Crazy About You>, the title track of Up10tion's 10th mini-album Novella." Bitto: "It's the same Mr. No." ((Inside joke, a nickname for Kuhn from back before my time as a Honey10 so I don't know why he got it... ;;-.-)) Kuhn: "I have a lot of affection for 'the same Mr. No,' and I think I can do this album with a little more heart. (0:31) It was my first time doing a song with a different atmosphere, so I paid a lot of attention to the choreography and things like that, but I hope Honey10 will like it a lot!"
(0:40) Green text: "Up10tion's strong impression together." Larger text: "Shooting for the <I Was Crazy About You> music video begins in earnest." (1:03) Green text: "the figures hard at work at their main job makes the heart flutter." ((approximately ;>.>)) Larger text: "the members gathered together and closely monitoring (the footage)."
 (1:08) The white text near Kuhn's head: "Hi Honey10" ((^^)). (1:13) Kuhn: "The location for shooting the first scene of the Up10tion's MV is a blue background, and in this background with a dreamy atmosphere we will be wearing navy suits for the choreography.  Starting in verse 2 I like a lot of the stuff Bitto is doing. I think it's cool." ((I think? Maybe someone was currently choreographing the second verse?))
(1:36) Large white text: "To one side is a Sunyoul hard at work practicing the movements." (1:41) The little papery text box next to his head reads, "shy." ((>.<)) (1:42) Smaller blue text: "Physical, visual, everything is perfect... the restraint..." Large white text: "All the statues that should be in the Louvre are here!" ((;;;>.<))
(2:03) Little green text: "(Let's go) with concept masters Up10tion... perfect..." Larger white text: "...white snow is falling at the second location." (2:05) White text: "Must catch the snow when we meet on the set 1." (2:11) Question: "What sort of song is the title song <I Was Crazy About You>?" Bitto: "It has a feeling that Up10tion has never shown before... we're able to show a new kind of feeling. It's that kind of song."
 (2:18) Green text: "(Again, this is during the shooting of the music video)" Larger text: "The point choreography for <I Was Crazy About You> with an undecided name." Bitto: ((my ability to translate spoken Korean is even worse so I'm kind of guessing here! ;;>.>)) "As for this... what is the name for this?" (2:22) White text above Hwanhee's head: "(A dance movement that expresses the camera shutter)". And on top of Hwanhee the text is what he's saying: "This is just: 'click'!" ..."click?" (2:25) The white text tells us Kogyeol says: "Memory manipulation dance." (2:26) The black text at the bottom: "The point dance is named 'shutter dance'!" Next to their hands as they dance the text reads "(click)"... "(click)"
(2:37) "Must catch the snow when we meet on the set 2." ((>.<)) (2:44) Black text by Gyujin's head: "exceeds lethal dose" ((... of charisma I assume...)) (2:49) Kuhn: "Gyujin really looks sad!"
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kalilikeskpop · 3 years ago
Let Us Begin...
Why hello there! I’m just getting this blog up and running as a supplemental to my YouTube channel Kalilak. If you’ve wandered onto any Up10tion content within the past year, I’m sure you’ve seen me. ;>.> Since videos are not my forte and I hate Twitter with a passion, this is what we’re doing instead. ;>.<
Things that I will appear here: my opinions on k-pop MVs (maybe), reblogging other peoples’ k-pop content, k-pop MVs I like, and my (very rough) translations for Up10tion content will go here. I don’t know how much time I will have to devote to any of this so let’s all just find out together shall we? ;;>.<
Things you should know: I am an older k-pop multi-stan fan. By older I mean that I stanned TVXQ/DBSK back when there were 5 of them. ;;;>.> So I am too old for drama or hate, you won’t find any of that here. 
Groups/soloists I am spending a lot of time enjoying at the moment: Up10tion (first and foremost, if you couldn’t tell by the header >.<), Stray Kids, Super Junior, A.C.E., Astro, BTS (I follow them less closely these days but I still enjoy their music), Mamamoo, Sunmi, Akdong Musicians.
Most favoritest k-pop idols (currently): Heechul (forever and always, he’s the best) from Super Junior, Sunyoul from Up10tion, Moonbin from Astro, Jungkook from BTS, Felix and Hyunjin from Stray Kids, Moonbyul from Mamamoo.
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