Yours Sincerely, Dr. Giallio
49 posts
Novels, Short Stories, Essays, Poems, Plays, Memes, Random Images and Public Letters by the man himself—Dr. Giallio
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jvgiallio · 5 years ago
Me and my household will forever remain loyal to PewDiePie even to the end of time. If they continue to rail against him, or make fanciful stories about him, then we will never cease becoming His loyalists, his cream of the crop.
Johann von Giallio
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jvgiallio · 5 years ago
I made this a while back and sorry for not uploading in a really long time
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jvgiallio · 5 years ago
In the name of our YouTubers and Memers—
PewDiePie! Glory of YouTubers, Come into my heart, my mind and my soul! For your Glory! For your noble Ideals! May my love for you be far beyond eternal! Your glory will forever radiate in this dark world! Do not let fear and cowardice creep in us, poison us! For they never know what hesitation is about! Hold my soul, illuminate your Will in me, To boldly fight and never yield; For my love for you is more eternal than the Omniverse! Let my faith in you grow in sheer power! Brofist! Oopsie! Doopsie! Glory to PewDiePie! Glory to a free YouTube! Glory to a free platform! Death to all his enemies! Death to all his detractors! Death to all those who defy him in front of this world! Death to all those who stubbornly refuse to return to him! PewDiePie is far above all! PewDiePie is far above all! PEWDIEPIE IS FAR ABOVE ALL!
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jvgiallio · 5 years ago
Yo, i get that you can dislike Felix or Felix’s content (though i absolutely love it myself), but are some of you seriously just saying no one should be subscribed to him bc he’s “racist, homophobic and sexist, etc”??? Like again with that Bullshit? And bc you THINK you know Felix now you’re shitting on Mark and Seán for supporting their friend?? Are you serious dude. I’ve seen some of this shit on the main tags like what are you trying to accomplish? Spreading hate wont take you anywhere on these communities fam :/ Just keep it for yourself. If you dont wanna subscribe to him, thats fine, but don’t shit on other people for enjoying his content. Plus Felix said he literally didn’t care about the subs. Its all a joke buddy. Let people have fun.
See ya im gonna skratta du förlorar du
Subscribe to Pewdiepie https://www.youtube.com/user/PewDiePie
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jvgiallio · 5 years ago
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jvgiallio · 5 years ago
I cannot ever agree more with this expression above here. It’s that the politically correct bearaboos and their far-right counterparts who keep tearing him down calling him a warmonger and a genocidal.
Hey dude how do you feel about all the pewdiepie drama lately? Honestly I still love him, he made mistakes trying to make a joke and he realized what he did was not cool and apologised. I dont think he deserves all the backslashes and hate he's gotten. But anyway what do you think?
(this post is talking to people generally, not specifically to you, the person who asked. :>) 
cuz I’m getting so many asks on it. 
I was in California for when this situation happened in Long Beach comicon from an event I literally came back from tonight, and I’m, both disgusted, and I’m not even surprised that this happened. If anything, I’m surprised it took so long for everyone else to finally chip in and see the vulgarity that the media is placing on Pewdiepie. 
I watch Pewdiepie’s videos every day. I also watch him more often and favor him over literally any other channel for he’s even apart of my daily routine. I wake up, watch the new vid that came out, and then draw. He’s by far my favorite channel, (I know, CRAZY! innocent little me doesn’t seem like the type to enjoy his entertainment, but I truly do, and will be a bro forever. XD lolol) and because I’ve been actively watching him without fail as a big fan of him for the past year, I’ve seen from the beginning how the media has placed attack after attack on him, warping what he says out of context to make him out to be a monster, when he is infact NOT. because I would watch the videos first and see the context of his videos before the media threw lies at him. The proof, in my opinion, is undeniable that pewdiepie is being attacked. It’s actually because of how I see raw proof of evidence of how disgusting the media is that I don’t trust a lot of news I see anywhere, even regarding politics because the media targets that like it’s a gold mine. (because for them it is. it’s all about money to the media, NOT morals or standers, click bate and ad rev and controling people’s views and opinions so they can keep wracking in more money for later scandalous news articles and reports. it’s all a fake greedy glutenous ploy for money.) So seeing what happens to pewdiepie, I don’t trust most media, because they are the same people that make news on everything, even to people I don’t always agree with or support such as Donald Trump. I will say that I am definitely not a Trump supporter, but the media does the same thing to him as they are doing to Pewdiepie, they are in the same position, Just… food for thought… 
Now when I say this, I want to make it clear that my point when I say this is that, be careful what you believe when it comes to hollywood, news, the media, the press, even when it comes to people you hate, or love.  
I may be only 22, so it’s probably not saying much when I say this, but I have NEVER seen the media, the press, news, even the bias of some teachers in education, Hollywood, etc become so full of lies, let alone people be so GULLIBLE as to believe whomever gets to them first, and then believe it without question, or do any background check, or research. The people that think Pewdiepie is what the media is making him out to be, is just as ridiculous to me as the media itself who is accusing him of these horrendous labels. Like seriously, the least you can do is watch his videos to actually see what’s going on. it takes all of 15 minutes. I don’t understand how people can be so disgustingly violent and ready to believe and hate and disrespect someone so quickly just because someone pointed the finger to them, let alone with false evidence, when they have NO idea what the story is? HOW Can you people be so hypocritical to call someone scum, and then act like scum, TO SOMEONE WHO IS INNOCENT!
basically, the media is disgusting, and I’ve seen it’s vulgarity for a while, and I find the people that believe it to be wrong too, especially when they spread hate themselves and lets the media control their views.  
Look, I’m not saying that Pewdiepie’s jokes were in good taste, and that labeling it as “oh it’s just a joke” justifies the bad joke he made, and I can understand why it would be offensive to some. but an offensive joke is something worth forgiving, that’s just a mistake, and it’s a COMMON mistake that many do, everyone is guilty. it only matters because he’s in the public eye. like it’s not like he raped someone, or committed murder. and unlike those things, a joke, does NOT define a person for what they truly believe in, that’s why it’s a “joke”. So to call pewdiepie any of the horrendous names that the media is labeling him under, is absolute slander and bull, it’s disgusting, it’s inhumane considering the fact that it’s literally an all out attack to give attempts in ruining his career, Just So the media can make money off of a story that isn’t even true.
I see other’s such as Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, h3h3, CToastKen, even The Amazing Atheist who hates pewdiepie, etc. defending pewdiepie, and these hypocritical “social justice warriors” who’s blindly follow the horrific media trying to tear down Markiplier and all who defend pewdiepie with hate, and calling them homophobic, racist, nazi, kkk, antisemetic etc. I even saw people accusing Markiplier, one of the most genuine and respectful people on youtube’s platform, being called these things today…So originally, being a small tiny youtuber in comparison to the giant youtubers who are being attacked just for defending a friend who is innocent…. I was scared to talk about this subject, because unlike them, a lot of hate for me defending pewdiepie can seriously hurt my channel…. And chances are, I will receive hate for this post, and will be labeled the same things as them. but ya know what?… I don’t care… And if people don’t agree with me and think I’m a homophobe, or a sexist, or a racist, and attack people and tell people to go die over a situation you don’t even know, (despite that I’m a female, feminist, liberal that is apart of the LGBT community) you can gladly unsub to me if you so desire. And I will respect that. because respect, is important. it’s not easy to respect someone you don’t agree with, or even someone who hurts you, it definitely takes the bigger person to respect something you don’t agree with, And it seems like a lost trait these days… 
So I’m ready and prepared for whatever is thrown at me once I click that little blue button saying “post” in the bottom right corner of my post. 
I completely 100,000% defend Pewdiepie, and stand firmly by him. The Media is disgusting.
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jvgiallio · 5 years ago
The Greatest Memes of His Most Serene Highness, Johann, Grand Duke of Giallio!
Erm...no need for posh intros, so, enjoy them while they last!
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jvgiallio · 5 years ago
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               BOW    TO    THE    K I N G    OF    Y O U T U B E.                                      100 MILLION STRONG.
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                                               Felix Kjellberg ;; Penned by Sammy.                                              Est. Jun 2016 @Kjcllberg, Revived 2018.                                                 Multifandom and Crossover Friendly.
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jvgiallio · 5 years ago
And here the bearaboo goes on screaming.
When Pewdiepie doesn’t donate to ADL:
If Pewdiepie donates to ADL:
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jvgiallio · 5 years ago
When this war is over, I will remain forever and eternally a fanatical PewDiePie loyalist than ever—or before.
Johann von Giallio
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jvgiallio · 5 years ago
Ok, but why get so excited about the video?
You know it’s boring, right?
The wait is finally over!!! Baby Doll is all set to make you groove with her Pink Lips. 
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jvgiallio · 5 years ago
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The flag of Nine Year Old emigres following the Great Subscriber War (of 2018-19). Designed in both Lunapic and Kapwing using elements from Wikimedia Commons and Google Images.
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jvgiallio · 5 years ago
Down with the Tunak!
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PewDiePie vs T-Series Flags
from /r/vexillology Top comment: I can see this as 2 flags in a Hong King situation were the Pewdiepie flag goes down as the T-Series flag goes up. 😂
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jvgiallio · 6 years ago
If you genuinely think that PewDiePie is to blame for the Christchurch shooting, you’re giving the terrorist exactly what he wants. Here, let me explain…
“Subscribe the PewDiePie” has been a huge thing lately. A lot of YouTubers, other creators, and fans alike have done some pretty crazy things to promote PewDiePie in hopes of him being the first channel to reach 100 subscribers, like buying billboards and advertising on the Superbowl (kind of… shout out to Mr Beast, by the way, for being so badass).
This “battle” against T-Series has never been about India as a whole, which recent articles and videos would have you believe. It’s a fight for YouTube itself between self made content creators like PewDiePie and large, faceless corporations like T-Series.
Have people taken the “Subscribe to PewDiePie” thing to far? Yes. See articles about the recent vandalzation of a war memorial, which Felix openly disagreed with and discouraged.
But Felix has never and WOULD never encourage a fan of his to take the meme this far. No true fan of Felix would want to take the meme this far because it would be smearing and slandering his name.
However, this terrorist saw that PewDiePie was the perfect scapegoat and the perfect way to get the attention he so desperately desired (he livestreamed the entire thing on facebook ffs).
American media (and probably other places too. I don’t know though because I’m American) is giving the shooter exactly what he wanted. He’s getting attention in the way that he wanted. He wanted to tie himself to this popular meme. By blaming Felix, you’re giving him exactly what he wants.
No one is to blame here but the terrorist himself. Not Felix. Not his fans. No one but the shooter and his terrible, racist, islamophobia.
My heart breaks for the victims and their families a million times over, and they’re all in my prayers and in my heart tonight. That’s what we should be focusing on here… not trying to deflect the blame onto someone who’s name got sickeningly tied to this tragic event that he had absolutely no connections with.
Felix is a good dude with a good heart. He doesn’t deserve this, and the victims sure as HELL did not deserve this.
(Edit: I only speak of one terrorist here because I’m speaking specifically of the one that livestreamed and said “subscribe to PewDiePie”. I’m fully aware that this act was an act of conspiracy among many people.)
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jvgiallio · 6 years ago
In Defense of PewDiePie: PewDiePie Apologetics, Revisionism and the Continuing Subscriber War with ₮-$€℞I£§™
Wow. 99 million subscribers, and we're yet close to 100 million. Don't let this be an excuse to continue the imbroglio with ₮-$€℞I£§™ because PewDiePie has just ended it, owing to its associations with serious issues such as political pressure, race war and culture shock. In other words, he just ended this war much as Ricardo Milos' April 2019 update helped to stop sending him memes because Ricardo believes the memes do not benefit him just as the imbroglio with ₮-$€℞I£§™ is of no benefit to him.
And still you PC bearaboos keep accusing me of PewDiePie revisionism just because I do not need to deny PewDiePie is not implicit in the Great Subscriber War. Being the finest defender of the PewDiePie phenomenon I refuse to implicit myself over towards the rightists parroting an 'us vs them' pseudoculture in PewDiePie's precious fanbase.
I was neither trying to revive the Great Subscriber War nor to inundate bloodthirsty warmongers to mount a terrible death-dealing blow against Indian corporatism and YouTube's algorithmic tyranny over the course of years, because if I do, real wars, yes, imbroglios committed against humanity in the name of PewDiePie continue to surge beyond our time, unchecked and uncontrolled; imbroglios which the corporate bosses not only fail to check but contribute to their intensification, had we just not unite against this malady and stop being an in-group of mindless, antipathetic and irreconcilable mutts designed only to destroy harmony and unity in diversity. PewDiePie ended the war, months ago, following the Christchurch shootings, offended by that racist's wrongheaded praise of PewDiePie as whatever mainstream media erroneously depict him as a heartless tyrant, a soulless warmonger, a liar who denies mass genocides allegedly perpetuated in his name and his name alone, a whimsical despot who desperately tried so hard so much as to impose his will on others, and a madman who believes he bows to no man but himself so as to think everyone is expected to recognize only him and only him alone as everything the world badly needs, ignorant of the unquestionable fact that there are others like him that need to be emulated truly by the truly worthy. No, he isn't as what both of you PC bearaboos and new-generation racists think of. He is far from the ideal person you racists and tribalists admire most as a vanguard of [insert conventional category here] identity and you PC bearaboos insist on smearing him as a diabolical tormentor and a violator of human rights (violence is not at all times among the consequences of video games; does one gamer kill an ethnic minority group?), which are both wrong and are merely weapons designed to lie about PewDiePie.
The war is over, but the struggle is not yet done, and we have a lot of things to do before this day is through.
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jvgiallio · 6 years ago
Whoa. What a sellout.
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jvgiallio · 6 years ago
Anthem of the Holy Milosian State
The Anthem of the Holy Milosian State (Russian: Гимн Священного Государства Милосия, Gimn Svyashchennogo Gosudarstva Milosiya; Ukrainian: Гімн Святій державі Мілосії, Himn Svyatiy derzhavi Milosiyi; German: Heilige-Milosienstaathymne, Greek: Ύμνος των Αγίων κράτους της Μιλοσίας, Ýmnos tou Agíon krátous tis Milosías; Latin: Hymnus Respublicae Sancti Milosiæ) is the official national anthem of the Holy Milosian State, a sovereign constituent subject of the Greater Pantomerican Empire that existed twenty-seven years in the events leading to the Great Subscriber War. Utilizing the music of the Hymn of Free Russia, the lyrics are written by Count Sergius von Ostenburg-Dollingen, later High Exarch Tikhon I. The anthem was later adopted by the Government of the Holy Milosian State in 15th March 0032, and shares official equal status with another anthem of the state: How Grand is our Ricardo Milos, which uses the music of a Russian religious hymn, Kol Slaven Nash Gospod Zion (How Glorious is our Lord in Zion), popular since the Pilgrimage of the Faithful.
Refrain O ever-fair Milosia, A country proud and free, Loud chants and praises we intone And offer unto thee!
Verse I Reminding of our predecessors, Those who pitched their tents (among us); Our Exarchs, kindly-chosen nobles (that) Ricardo Milos sent.           Repeat: O ever-fair Milosia, etc.
Verse II In light of which Ricardo Milos Brought unto us, His Race; We honor Him with kingly mantras And feel His warm embrace!           Repeat: O ever-fair Milosia, etc. 
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