justpragmatic · 1 year
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justpragmatic · 1 year
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justpragmatic · 1 year
…some days, all you get is what you need…
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Your daily dose of cat memes
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justpragmatic · 1 year
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As the mom of a trans-child, I don’t know how to explain the process, but apparently, one parent had to be the bad one, and according to the last few years of texts and fb posts, that’s me…
So all you kids out there, most of us parental units just want you to be happy and safe, but some of us are not going to take the 💩 end of the stick if you try and poke us in the eye with it…
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justpragmatic · 1 year
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Another maternal requirement was that they have to like and be nice to their sibling…
said child never actually ‘left’ home… bounced around to a college or two, required assistance on rent, tuition and living expenses while not living in my house, but maintained a bedroom and personal items here…
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justpragmatic · 1 year
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After years of angst riddled conversations, shopping sprees, car loans and repair funds, cell phone, computers and an iPad purchase, my profuse apologies for inadvertent bad parenting and years of doormat impersonation…
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justpragmatic · 1 year
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There was never a stated list of maternal requirements from me except to be careful, be responsible and do what will make you happy.
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justpragmatic · 1 year
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Said child blocked me and their younger sibling when we asked for clarification on life choices and statements…abrupt gender fluid/neutral , non-binary, me-too moments
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justpragmatic · 1 year
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The iPad blowout is said child asking for my account info to research iPad prices… I agreed to help purchase one, said child would keep me posted on research progress. I found out about the purchase of said iPad when the first payment was due on my cell bill.
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justpragmatic · 1 year
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my oldest child sent me this… the alluded to ‘dad’ was largely uninvolved from said child’s 7th grade thru 2nd year of college..
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justpragmatic · 1 year
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…the last of the beans
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justpragmatic · 1 year
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…more beans
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justpragmatic · 1 year
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justpragmatic · 1 year
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justpragmatic · 1 year
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Your daily dose of cat memes
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justpragmatic · 1 year
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justpragmatic · 1 year
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