
🤩🍜My professionally crafted meal plans are $50 off for a limited time!! That means that you're only paying $35 for a meal plan that comes with simple recipes, a grocery shopping guide, tasty meal ideas, day by day eating schedule, and a nutrition breakdown!! [Link in bio] - - Want to see what others are saying about my plans? Click the "testimonials" circle at the top of my profile or swipe around my Instagram feed to find that I'm a real trainer delivering real results!! - - Don't miss this limited time offer!! Get you a $35 meal plan and increase your health and fitness today! - - Plans to choose from are: 🌱 Vegan 🍎 Vegetarian 🥓 Keto 🥗 Clean Eating 💊 Type 2 diabetes reversal - - Don't drag your feet and miss an opportunity to get professionally crafted meal plans for more than 50% off the normal price!! [Link in bio] #mealplan #foodideas #weightloss #healthyliving #foodporn #cleaneating #healthyliving (at Lindale, Texas)
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🍽🤫Here’s a major secret that most people are missing about the air fryer!! - - 👨🏾🍳🤪Why didn’t y’all tell me I was gonna turn into Chef Boy R J when I got this air fryer!? I’m out here in these streets cooking up food like I’m on the food network. We got beans, greens, potatoes, tomatoes, lamb, ram..... YOU NAME IT!! - - 🙋🏾♂️One overlooked secret about the air fryer is that you have to start with QUALITY ingredients in order to get the healthiest results. The air fryer is basically just a convenient convection oven that blows hot air over your food and makes it crispy and juicy without all the excess oil left behind from traditional frying. - - 🍽Starting with a quality product means that you need to scrutinize everything you cook even though the air fryer will potentially make it healthier. You should check to make sure that any packaged meat you buy is NOT loaded with sodium, nitrate, pesticides, hormones, steroids, or preservatives. If you need help learning how to read the labels to find out how good your food actually is join my free mailing list! Link in bio! - - Have you ever heard the saying “If you stay ready you won’t have to get ready?” The same thing applies to your air fryer! Start with a quality product and you’ll have quality results!! The air fryer is a healthier alternative to frying since you don’t have to use oil but it’s up to you to maximize it’s healthiness. - - If you haven’t gotten an air fryer yet check the link in my bio to get the one I love!! If you want some good recipes join my free email list, link in bio too!! (at Lindale, Texas)
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👉🏾⏯#pressplay and tell me if you think this is considered fat shaming! Swipe left for a quick message about fat shaming! - - 🏋🏾♂️I have limited spots for the February #fitin15challenge in my bio!! The whole month is focused on tightening your butt!! - - 🗣Let me tell you what fat shaming is.... calling people out of their name, making snide remarks, isolating, berating, or shaming people for having excessive amounts of body fat. Consistently making off color comments about a person’s perceived health when you are not a medical professional or qualified personnel to do so. Offering your unsolicited and unqualified opinions about a person’s diet and lifestyle may all be perceived as fat shaming. - - Now, let me tell you what’s NOT fat shaming. Being held accountable to uncomfortable truths about yourself and getting offended. Fat shaming is NOT when a loved one or someone you know talks to you about health and making better decisions in your health and fitness. Fat shaming is NOT having to pay more for medical insurance because you’re at a higher risk of certain diseases and illnesses. Fat shaming is NOT having to pay more for your clothes because they use more fabric and require more time to make. Fat shaming is just as detrimental to a person’s mental and physical health as the body positivity movement! 🗣What did you think? Was the video fat shaming? (at Lindale, Texas)
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💉🍑This epidemic of ass injections has just gone too far!! Y’all got grandmother Madonna on the train now? People are obsessed with looking like celebrities forgetting they’re looking at plastic surgery and photoshop but a person’s genetics, their off spring and earlier photos always tell the truth! - - What do you think? (at Lindale, Texas)
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🤔😲Don’t buy an air fryer!! Buy 2! I said WHAT!!?? I wasn’t ready for the deliciousness that came from my new air fryer. My only regret is that I didn’t buy the air oven so that I could make more food simultaneously. Did you see today’s ig story? - - I made fried chicken, sweet potato fries, and an Asian chopped salad! The chicken was so crunchy and juicy it tasted like it was fresh out of hot grease but there wasn’t one drop of oil used! I used a table spoon of vegetable oil on my potatoes which I later discovered was unnecessary but that’s a part of the learning process. - - My meal was quick and easy to make, clean up was breeze and I feel like a gourmet chef! This was $176 well spent!! - - People have been giving me all types of recipe ideas so I’d love for you to share some of your favorites in the comments below and I’ll see what I can make happen with the air fryer. - - Later in the week I’m cooking up turkey ribs and roasted potatoes.... what do you think? (at Lindale, Texas)
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Has anyone recently tried to sell you any weight loss supplements like pills, potions, shakes, wraps, or special elixirs? #skinnytea #skinnypop #flattummytea #flattummypops #herbalife #shakeology #plexus #weightlosssupplements #advocare (at Lindale, Texas)
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👴100 year old man says that Coors Light Beer is keeping him alive. What do you think? - - You can give credit to anything you want to but Coors Light isnt the thing keeping this man alive. He's active! Cooking for himself and shoveling snow at 100 years old is whats keeping him alive and the coors light is just a cherry on top of his cake. I wonder how many other people are out here giving credit where it isn't due?
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Yes or no.... do you wish that you'd been more invested in your health & fitness at an earlier age? - - Most people I ask that question to admit that they wish they'd paid more attention when they were in their youthful years. - - It's never too early to start shaping good behaviors in your children. (at Garden Valley, Texas)
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Shout "amen" if u agree! Tag someone who needs to see this. (at Garden Valley, Texas)
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Comment 'yes' or 'no' if you're working out today! Some of ya'll are getting outdone by this adorable little girl! Her parents are clearly health focused and instilling it into their child at an early age! Photo credit to whoever this little angel belongs to. (at Anytime Fitness Lindale Tx)
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👈🏾🗻🏕🏖🏜🏝🏞⛰Swipe left and drop your best guess as to where my next home abroad will be... - - I absolutely loooooooved living in Thailand for almost 2 years and as much as I really will miss the people, the culture and their customs it's time to move on. - - I'm constantly teaching my clients that if they want to succeed long term they have to stay uncomfortable and they have to be adventurous. I'd gotten a bit comfortable in Thailand and I'm looking for something different and I may have found it. - - Drop your best guess as to where my next destination is and I'll let you know soon! (at Lindale, Texas)
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👶🏾🏡I think that morbidly obese children should be removed from the home. Agree or disagree? Share your thoughts! - - There have been several reports in the UK and the US where children who were considered to have excessive levels of body fat that would classify them as morbidly obese were forcibly removed from their home... I might not entirely agree with the actions but I don't entirely disagree either... - - One problem that I find with forcibly removing the children is that when this happens they usually become property of the state or placed in a foster system while the parents go through counseling, classes, and programs that teach them how to properly nutrition their children. While I'm aware that there are great families for needy children I am also aware that the foster care system has some ill willed people in it who can't wait to get their hands on a child who has been previously neglected and abused so they can run their cruel games. - - If the child stays in the environment their health, livelihood, and future will remain at risk. Children who are obese tend to get picked on more often by their peers and studies also show that they have higher depression patterns than their normal sized peers and they're also much more likely to have more health complications at an early age that follow them throughout their adult life. - - It's tough to say whether or not the children should be removed perhaps it's a case by case basis but if I had to chose a faction I'd remove the children for at least 90 days, place them in a nutrition learning center where they're taught about and fed proper nutrition, and the parents could only see them when the parents have attended a 40 hour adult nutritional course, completed diet & health classes, and met other stringent requirements to prove their parenting skills had improved. - - I believe that it is a form of abuse and neglect to allow a child to eat themselves into morbid obesity.... at 9 years old, children aren't buying their own food so the parents have to be responsible for the drugs their children are using. Children are like computers, they will operate the way they're programmed to. What do u think? (at Lindale, Texas)
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😐😥Comment 'yes' or 'no'... Do you know someone who says "I'm sorry" a lot? - - I have made it a point to never utter the words "I'm sorry" unless something has happened that I had direct control over that requires a sincere apology. I don't apologize for the way others receive my information and how they feel towards it as long as I know that I'm coming from an honest and professional place... I refuse to apologize for other people's emotions. When you get in a habit of saying "I'm sorry" you get into the habit of taking on other people's problems and trying to make excuses for them which inevitably holds you back from your own greatness. When I first stopped saying "I'm sorry" for every little thing people started thinking I was cold, callous, and rude but the truth is that I was simply learning how to be responsible for the things that I had actual control over and letting things go that had nothing to do with me. Another reason I stopped apologizing all the time is because it becomes less sincere the more people hear you utter the words... Now, when I have to apologize people know that it's genuine, they know it's authentic because they never hear Justin randomly apologizing for things. Stop apologizing for your lazy adult children Stop apologizing for sharing painful truth Stop apologizing for your spouse Stop apologizing for things that happened in your past that you've either outgrown or had nothing to do with you directly. Stop apologizing for apologizing. Stop apologizing for the way your truth makes other people feel. Stop apologizing for who you used to be and start walking as the person you've been trying to become. What are some things you're going to stop apologizing for? (at Tyler, Texas)
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Heeeeeelp! What are you using for your dry skin in this cold weather? Drop some suggestions below! - - As a licensed esthetician my philosophy is always to moisturize your body from the inside out using healthy fats and lots of hydrating liquids... my skin can't seem to catch a break right now. My body is too accustomed to Thailand 😐😫😥 #ilookcaucasian #ineedcoconutwater #blackpeopleproblems (at Garden Valley, Texas)
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