just-a-fanxox ¡ 7 years
Honestly don’t feel like going on Tumblr for a while. I feel more stressed out because of tumblr than I need too! Like I literally just want to go to tumblr to see stuff I like, like kpop and what not. But some people make it hard. Yeah sometimes I go overboard but that’s because I’m defending the people who are dear to my heart. If you are on my blog, please and i mean please don’t hate on people I love, like Jackson Wang. I don’t need your negativeness like I swear I didn’t come here for hate. Stay off my blog and my inbox if you want to hate or anything. Like you don’t understand but these idols are my life and are about 90% of the reason I’m happy and it really breaks my heart when someone hates on them. And yeah did I act crazy when I saw someone call Jackson a name? Yeah, because he’s extremely talented and I shouldn’t as a igot7 be hearing anything less, I shouldn’t open my inbox and find someone calling him names. I love him and if you don’t, then please stay off my inbox and blog.
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just-a-fanxox ¡ 7 years
also why did you name any girl groups ? that’s sus
I don’t understand what you wrote? 
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just-a-fanxox ¡ 7 years
but it’s about supply and demand; other kpop groups don’t currently have that global impact. it might help if got7 would put their discography on spotify for starters & make their music accessible
Oh, okay. 
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just-a-fanxox ¡ 7 years
May be a un-popular opinion to some BUT I am a total believer that BTS shouldn’t be the only kpop group getting to go to American award shows/talk shows. Like I’m proud of them and that’s amazing for them but I also want my babies to get out and stuff, I want people to see how amazing Got7, B.a.p, Exo, etc....*Cough Jackson Wang *Cough is tbh. Like imagine American rappers and actors knowing Jackson Wang, because we all know Wang puppy is a social butterfly and would be friends with all of them!
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just-a-fanxox ¡ 7 years
Anyone else thinks idols should wear big sweaters and ripped jeans more often?
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just-a-fanxox ¡ 7 years
Kpop groups that should be more appreciated:
-The group with the whale voiced leader
-Best Absolute Perfect. 
-The one where the youngest is hella tall. 
-Monsta x 
-the group where one of them is hella ripped 
-the youngest is hot but weird as hell 
-the meme guy you see on your dash all the time. 
-Leader is cute, shy and is amazing dancer (Hit the stage man)
-Big Byung 
-Oh my stress 
-Hot idols together 
-Deserves a comeback. 
-Kinky as hell man 
-that’s pretty much what you should know 
-Double B 
-Can’t do acapella 
-There’s a one-sided love (Bobby loves Junhoe) 
-Wang puppy, Park puppy
-7 idiots 
-Youngest is tall as hell and dances amazing (Hit the stage *Cough *Cough) 
-You might say the Chinese one isn’t your bias, but lowkey you know he is. 
-Leader looks like he could kill you in your sleep, but 99% is a little baby 
-Has a literal sunshine (HIS LAUGH IS JUST ART) 
-Variety show skills on point 
-One of them is from LA and a lowkey gangster 
-One of them has hella long legs and is probably better at you in makeup and fashion. 
-One of them is scary. 
-Like Taemin? Well his best friend is here, (AKA the boyfriend of the scary one) 
-Like tall guys with muscles and personalty of a child? 
-Sass is the actual name of this group. 
-Remaining Chinese one is to be protected at all times, he’s a innocent baby. 
-Their mom has a Red Velvet obsession. We’re dealing with it. 
-There’s one that is adorable and looks like a baby but is the oldest. 
-They have cool ass powers. 
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just-a-fanxox ¡ 7 years
hi dear! let me just tell you that you don't need to listen to or give people like that girl any of your precious time. we all grieve in our own way. when chester of lp passed almost 6 months ago, i didn't know how to react. i honestly was a complete mess. i had multiple panic attacks and my anxiety got so bad that a lot of my hair fell out. while i'm better now, i don't think i'll ever truly believe he's gone. point is, everyone grieves in their own way and it's no one else's business.
I appreciate you sharing this with me, I hope you’re doing better. Some people just don’t understand that fans can grieve just like family and friends. I’m slowly realizing that it truly isn’t anyone else’s business. We all can feel the impact of someone passing even if they aren’t in our family or friends. I truly try to stop listening to people like that, thank you for taking time to write to me! 
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just-a-fanxox ¡ 7 years
Hey I just read your message and I wanna say I hope you’re getting better and continue to enjoy SHINee + I hope people read your words and truly understand and abide by it, there are so many people talking abt the “no hate” situation but few are listening +++ If I Were you I’d block that “friend” 😊😊😊😊😊
Thank you, I’m slowly watching Shinee videos and I finally put their songs back in my music playlist which I say is extreme progress! I realized instead of like blocking him from my life because it hurts, I should celebrate his talent and shouldn’t stop watching and hearing them (If that made sense!) I truly hope that people take my words and realize things and in the future idols and their fans can receive respect! :) Thank you for taking the time out of your day to write to  me! 
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just-a-fanxox ¡ 7 years
jackson didn’t receive hate, they were calling out his cultural appropriation to which he disregarded as “hating” smh.
Actually he did receive hate. People told him that he shouldn’t be in got7 and to leave got7. Please before writing something know the facts. 
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just-a-fanxox ¡ 7 years
So I want to talk about something that I feel isn’t said enough. I’ve been a shinee fan since a while, and Jonghyun was my bias (rip). When I found out about his death on December 18th to say I was dejected would be a understatement. This girl who is new to kpop had asked me if I was alright, about two weeks after his death, to which I replied, “No. It’s still hard.” since that day until like a week later I tried to stay off social media, I didn’t want to be reminded about his death, I was in extreme denial. So after I said to her it was still hard, she responded with “Wow, you’re making it sound like he was apart of your family or something.” to say that was one of the most disrespectful sentence she could’ve said to me. But it got worse, (I mean no hate to BTS, I am not taking about the group or army in general please don’t take offense) She then later told me, “If someone from bts did that, I don’t know how I would react.” I was so angry when she said that, because you just questioned why I was feeling so depressed over his death but then told me this? TO MY POINT OF THIS RANT: Don’t ever, I swear EVER question the love a fan has for their idol. Their idol for some fans could be the only lifeline they have, they could be suffering with so much things and the only happiness they have is because of their idol. Their idol brings feelings of happiness and joy, and if something happened to that idol, it would be the worst feeling in the world. In my opinion, idols become apart of your family, like friends do. They might not be related or know who you are, but like a family, they bring feelings of acceptances, belonging, freedom, joy. I never, and I hate when people tell me what’s the big deal? if something happens to my idol or if they get sick and I “Overreact” in the eyes of people around me. I “Overreact” because they are my family, just like fandoms are. Fandoms are a place where you belong, where you can have your safeplace. It’s like saying you had a plushee from like a parent or something and it’s something you’ve had for years, you love it, even in the eyes of people it’s worn out and old and ugly and probably should be in the trash, would you throw it away? Probably not. I can grieve, and I will continue to grieve, I am free to cry over a person. I don’t care if that person doesn’t know I exist, that person made me feel safe, which is something that is rare to find in people who surround you. So to all fangirls/fanboys, if you ever have someone that is questioning “Why” stop them right there, educate them, people can be ignorant, and if no one else will tell them what’s right from wrong that I guess it’s up to you. P.S this goes to hate on idols. When Jackson Wang from Got7 received hate I swear I felt like my heart dropped, Jackson is one of the sweetest people that earth can have and to have ignorant disgusting people saying horrible things to him, made me sick to my stomach. Or when Onew was in that scandal, or TOP’s scandal or when I hear about how companies treat them, or basically anything that makes them sad, makes me sad. It makes my heartbreak and I honestly am at the point where I could give a total fuck about what people think. IF I WANT TO FUCKING CRY OVER MY BABY GETTING FUCKING HATE THEN I’M GONNA CRY A FUCKING RIVER OKAY? FUCK YOUR IGNORANT ASS.
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just-a-fanxox ¡ 7 years
Every single person without ocd who makes “lol I’m so ocd” comments owes me and all my intrusive thoughts 5 dollars
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just-a-fanxox ¡ 7 years
repeat it with me folks: ocd is not just about being clean/organized
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just-a-fanxox ¡ 7 years
STOP making posts that say, “If you scroll past this, you have no heart!” or, “You’re a monster if you scroll past this.” As someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, this really triggers me and harms me. 
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just-a-fanxox ¡ 7 years
Happy New Year!!
Happy new year to everyone. 2017 was a year of ups and downs for me, I sometimes felt happy and others just felt like I wanted to die, but I didn’t end my life which I consider a huge thing! I just wanted to say to my followers thank you for sticking through my ups and downs, thank you for encouraging me to continue forward, literally you guys don’t know how amazing it is to have people that understand and support you. It’s something that I will always cherish. For the upcoming 2018 I wish you all nothing but wonderful things. I hope for everyone that 2018 is a time of firsts, laughs, joys, and just overall a turning point in life that starts and ends with happiness. 2017 of course tested me to the max, it tested my mental health greatly but I really hope I can overcome my issues in 2018, I also hope for anyone dealing with such issues to get the help they need and deserve. I was confused about my blog because I felt it was a little depressing as well as I started with a band blog and slowly entered into a kpop blog. I wish for my blog to be a source of support, happiness and just overall a blog where you know you can get the little push for bettering yourself. Thank you once again, I really hope your 2018 start is amazing and I just really hope nothing but the best for all of you.
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just-a-fanxox ¡ 7 years
Tumblr media
It’s funny, even though i love kpop a lot right now. Whenever I happen to hear or see anything bandom (screamo, post hardcore, heavy metal) related it legit brings me joy, it’s like I’m back home. Like it really feels good and I feel happy.
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just-a-fanxox ¡ 7 years
STOP using “gay” as an insult. It drives me insane when ignorant assholes think that the word gay is an insult. Like when I show them the artists I love, they’re like “he’s gay.” OKAY AND? Even if he is gay, does that mean he doesn’t have talent? Doesn’t sing or dance or act good? NO YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE, HES STILL AS TALENTED AS HELL EVEN IF HE IS GAY, STOP FUCKING USING IT LIKE THAT. I also hate when people are like, “why are defending gay people? Are you gay?” LIKE WHAT THE FUCK? I don’t need to be fucking gay to support it, you fucking dumbass, THATS SO DUMB, it’s like saying, “hey why are you supporting cancer research when you don’t even have cancer?” Do you know how stupid some people are? Damn. And then I’m asked why I prefer spending time alone.
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just-a-fanxox ¡ 7 years
Kpop Rant (Sorry not sorry)
Okay, so I love love love kpop right now, but I’m really angry over something. Like whenever I search up kpop or am seeing a kpop video, BTS is the only thing that pops up. I love BTS don’t get me wrong (Suga is my bias) but like If I’m watching a got7 video, I want to only have got7 content, you get me? Like I don’t want to hear a bts song in a got7 video, I want to hear got7 song, or whenever I search up for kpop merch I don’t want to only see BTS, I want to see other groups as well, or whenever I’m in youtube and I scroll down the comments, I don’t want to see BTS this and BTS that. Like I think it’s a bit disrespectful to the other groups because they deserve love too. Like BTS is amazing but so are the other groups, I just think it’s a bit sad that people are talking about BTS in a got7 video, or a seventeen video or etc, like if you want to talk about BTS, talk about them in their own videos. I’m not trying to hate on BTS, because I love them a lot, it’s just I feel it’s a bit sad when I see everything is about BTS when there is other groups that should be appreciated too. It lowkey kind of makes me regret becoming a fan of kpop. 
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