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bone rosary necklace by vampyrgrl
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So hey, that business thing I mentioned? I actually did it! I have a website, a web store, and a four-year plan!
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So hey, I'm starting a business! It's called Haunted Bay Apothecary, and I'm going to be producing digital art which will be available on all kinds of printed products.
My Facebook and Instagram are up and running - getting me in the habit of social media marketing, woo! - but my online shop doesn't open until February 8th.
Working for myself means I can be flexible with my hours, but it turns out I'm a pretty strict boss. Which is good, I need someone to get my lazy butt in gear. 😉
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Fox Tales Felting on Etsy
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Weather warnings for my neck of the woods. I have a bit over an hour's drive to Hobart through the hills before 8am tomorrow. 🙃
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They call it 💕puppy love💕
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So hey, guess what? I'm still on that whole weight loss thing. Mostly because I gained almost 20 kilos last year what with... everything.
My main goal is to lose that, and then try to lose a little bit more, kinda as insurance. I'm not fussed about getting super hot or super fit, just back to where I feel physically comfortable because at this point, I do not.
If anyone's interested in keeping up with my self-accountability, I'm going to make a post once I get a stand-alone tumblr going to keep track of things, so keep an eye out, or let me know and I'll try to remember to link you. 😁
Weigh In 2/10/2022
Weight 19/7/2022: 128.9kg
Weight 2/10/2022: 132.2kg
Loss/Gain: 3.3kg
Overall Loss/Gain: .9kg
Humm, okay, I thought I'd weighed in much more recently than this. Guess not!
Well anyway - I've been back up around 131-132ish kilograms for a while now. And I haven't been taking any real action towards losing weight or improving my fitness. Obviously.
I'm still... There's a big part of me that is completely sick and tired of the way I look and feel right now (no self-hatred, though, which is a nice change!). And I really do want to change and get back to being a person who actually feels like *me*.
But there's this kind of hopeless frustration and lack of drive that's still preventing me from doing a lot of things I want and need to do. I've managed to break through with my writing, because that's something I can easily keep track of on a day-to-day basis.
I'm not sure about using a tracker/accountability app for fitness and weight loss, though, because of my tendency to fixate on calorie intake and inadvertently aim below my recommended intake, which is bad for my chronic reflux and IBS etc. Not to mention my mental health.
Perhaps I need to make a clean-slate "fitblr", since my main tumblr here is a complete mix of dash content now, and use that to help me focus? IDK, I guess I can try something like that and hope that there are more than just 20-something fitness models out there these days! 😅 I have nothing against 20-something fitness models, per se, but when you're closing in on 50 and full of creaky joints, their content is not aimed at you!!
Anyway. I've always been the "make 500 separate tumblrs for separation" queen, so I think I'm going to go and do that and see if that helps me with my focus, planning, and tracking.
I'll update here when I'm done. 😊
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My brother just sent me my share of the money from Mum's estate. It's not much, but it's just... This is the fourth estate I've received inheritance from within 16 months. My father, my stepmother, my grandmother (came to me when Dad and Joss passed), and now my mother.
And this small inheritance, it sits really heavy.
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Drew Barrymore as Casey Becker in SCREAM (1996) dir. Wes Craven
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Zzz (¦3冫 )二 !
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you deserve respect and support and good healthcare whether your disability was your fault or not. you could be 100% to blame for your own disability, and you’d still deserve to be able to live your best disabled life. the decisions you made in the past should not dictate how much decency people treat you with
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My stomach is being ridiculous again, so I've been awake since midnight, on the couch since about 1am. Currently 5:40. Galahad is on support duty.
TMI: Can't go back to bed because if I lie down, bad stomach acid things will happen. Antacids help, bit not enough. Blah.
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Ya boi is the most cooked chook! He got gooood drugs today. 🥴 Galahad went to the vet to have his wobbles properly checked out today. To recap - he had severe rickets as a young pup, with lots of surgery and physio to stop him walking on the outsides of his wrists. He has done really well with me, but is getting older now and experiencing wear and tear, although later than expected.
He got good report as far as it goes. Wobbles aren't neurological, and his hips are good. Back legs are starting to wiggle a little to compensate for his crappy elbows. Basically exactly what we thought.
Dr Tom is happy to keep him on carprofen and pentosan and for me to get him back in the water. He's still otherwise happy and healthy, so it's a matter of management.
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Changed my nose piercings out for something a bit bigger. Considering a second piercing on the same side as the ring at some point.
Also, I really need a haircut. Debating salon vs bathroom. And I need to do another dye job.
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Hedgehog family. British land mammals and their habits. 1911. Frontispiece.
Internet Archive
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