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jumbletale · 6 years ago
(whoops, should post here too!)
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tbh sans just being a costume only and not a fully invited character just makes too much sense to me.
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jumbletale · 6 years ago
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jumbletale · 6 years ago
Expanding the asks to include Deltarune characters! Still exploring my headcanons for some of the characters so might be fun to explore more questions.
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jumbletale · 6 years ago
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jumbletale · 6 years ago
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well deltarune sure was a thing
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jumbletale · 7 years ago
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jumbletale · 7 years ago
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As a youth, Undyne was a very angry soul, often prone to picking fights, lashing out, and general hotheadedness. The fire and flames that followed these incidents drew the attention of Queen Toriel Dreemurr, who summoned the young monster to the castle. There, the queen intentionally provoked Undyne's anger and got exactly the reaction she was hoping for, with Undyne lashing out with punches and kicks and scratches. Undyne's burning fighting spirit literally erupted the entire area with fire - the carpets, the banners, and even the stone walls. Somehow. Toriel was amazed; she had seen Determination manifest itself before, but never so strongly in a monster. She offered Undyne the chance to train with the Royal Mages, while also informing Gaster about her. Despite the invitation to train with the Royal Mages, Undyne still sorely lacked the focus to bring her natural power under any sort of control. This led to arguments with her trainers, which led to her frustration, anger, and before long, everything was on fire again. On one of the many, many, MANY times that she ended up kicked out, she would make her way to the kitchen and fix herself some food to calm down. It wasn't so much the eating, but the preparation that she found some form of focus in. It got to the point where she would stop attemping to join the Royal Mages altogether and spent all her free time preparing food in the royal kitchens, following every recipe, making every dish that she could. And some of it was even edible.  But this would not deter her. She would routinely refer to the rest of the kitchen staff as 'nerds,' usually exaggerating the hard 'r' sound, and began to call herself The Royal Chef, usually emphasizing the word 'the.' It became more or less accepted around the castle, even if the food she prepared was only average at best, with only some minor improvements to cooking techniques over the following few years. One day, while scouring the dumpsters of Waterfall for more ingredients, Undyne met another monster named Alphys, who had recently started a TV channel devoted to imported documentaries from the surface. While initially skeptical, all it took was a single episode of Honey Pistachio Romance to get her completely hooked. From then on, Undyne never missed a second of the programs Alphys put on the air. On another meeting, however, Alphys told her that the programs that she saw were HEAVILY edited by the monarchy, but that she would be more than happy to give Undyne a private show of the uncut editions.  As the years passed, Undyne and Alphys grew closer. Their friendship bloomed into a romance. A small wedding ceremony for the two was held at the TV station, officiated by Dapperton. Undyne's spirit shone brighter than ever when she and Alphys kissed, and so the wedding was temporarily halted while the fire brigade was called to put everything out. Maybe it was Alphys' influence, maybe the shows on Underground TV lacked variety, or maybe someone wanted a good laugh, but after years of calling herself The Royal Chef (and unceasingly calling everyone else nerds), Undyne was offered a TV show of her own, a cooking show so that the entire Underground could watch and learn how to prepare food, Undyne-style. Dyne with Undyne became a smash success, with monsters learning about chopping, tenderizing, chopping, roasting, chopping, cake decorating, and chopping. As the show grew in popularity, the decision was made to cross-promote with the shows Alphys was producing and so Dapperton became the regular co-host in the second season.
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Dyne with Undyne can still be seen every afternoon at 4PM, and admission to the live show is free. Two lucky audience members will receive one of the sleeves that Undyne flexes off of her chef's outfit at the start of every program. 
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Fire is real, do not attempt.
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jumbletale · 7 years ago
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jumbletale · 7 years ago
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jumbletale · 7 years ago
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depends on your definition
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jumbletale · 7 years ago
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A Battle of Bad Times…
Jumbletale created by http://jumbletale.tumblr.com/
Battle of Bad Times song created by https://soundcloud.com/lucaspucas3/battle-of-bad-times-updated
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jumbletale · 7 years ago
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jumbletale · 8 years ago
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jumbletale · 9 years ago
((I had been saving this pun for regular sans but--well--....))
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jumbletale · 9 years ago
((I started to unironically like Underfell Paps so he has his own RP/ask blog so this place doesn’t get clogged. He’ll act prettty much like he does here, so lol.
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jumbletale · 9 years ago
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jumbletale · 9 years ago
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