js-potter · 11 years
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I don't exactly blame you anymore.
These dead things are quite the distraction.
What can I say? I’m a pessimist.
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js-potter · 11 years
I... didn't mean it in a bad way.
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These dead things are quite the distraction.
A distraction from me? And I didn’t think it was possible for anyone to steal my spotlight, let alone rotting corpses.
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js-potter · 11 years
That's good.
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I'm glad everyone was worried. Er, good.
These dead things are quite the distraction.
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js-potter · 11 years
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Actually it's you.
These dead things are quite the distraction.
Distraction from what exactly? Your extensive haircare routine? 
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js-potter · 11 years
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Oh yeah, me too. That's why- I'm so, you know... I don't know now, what to do.
These dead things are quite the distraction.
I know, I know, and if I were her, I’d slap you right across the face… Wow, I’ve lived with three woman and a working father way too much time.
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Henrietta? Oh, you messed with the wrong girl, mate. She scares the shit out of me, not going to lie.
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js-potter · 11 years
Had to make sure everyone was okay, you know? 
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I couldn't- find Dominique. I thought- were you with her?
These dead things are quite the distraction.
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js-potter · 11 years
Yeah but it doesn't change the fact that I shouldn't have.
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I saved her though, from the zombies and... it's Henrietta, I went to the Ball with her?
These dead things are quite the distraction.
James Potter has only one girl? Who’s the lucky girl? And Diana, no means to disrespect, but I’m not sure that meant much to neither of you, right?
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js-potter · 11 years
Just thinking about dead things... and life.
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These dead things are quite the distraction.
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js-potter · 11 years
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Er, Diana Yaxley and because there was... well, another girl. A special girl.
These dead things are quite the distraction.
Oh, well, that’s a minor problem then.
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Who did you sleep with, and why shouldn’t you have slept with her?
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js-potter · 11 years
What- no. No one's pregnant!
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I... slept with someone I shouldn't have- but she's not pregnant.
These dead things are quite the distraction.
Oh no.. James, what did you do? Who… Who’s pregnant?
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js-potter · 11 years
I'm a freaking firestorm.
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These dead things are quite the distraction.
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js-potter · 11 years
Well, as usual I fucked up something that I had going on for me and well, I have no idea what to do.
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These dead things are quite the distraction.
What is it that’s puzzling you, cousin? The look on your face says it all.
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js-potter · 11 years
Oh, here comes the rain cloud.
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These dead things are quite the distraction.
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js-potter · 11 years
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js-potter · 11 years
These dead things are quite the distraction.
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js-potter · 11 years
"We have to get you somewhere safe." His usual nature had kicked into high gear, highly disregarding his fear and instead being filled with the brim with worry and the need to make sure that everybody was okay. He'd kept walking, basically holding her up as he'd taken quick steps, looking around for anywhere that might be even remotely safe. 
"You need to- stay in one of the rooms. I don't think they can get in if I put a locking charm..." He'd looked down at her hand and the lack of wand that she had. "Okay. So we- we need to get your wand, then I need to go back there and make sure- make sure everybody's out."
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The arm that was wrapped tight around her neck had her gasping for breath. Henrietta liked to say that she wasn’t afraid of anything, that she was fearless. But right now? She was scared. 
Suddenly, the pressure lifted and she fell forward into someone’s arms, watching the Inferi behind her burst into flames. Looking up, she found herself staring up at James. "I- Yeah… I’m- I’m fine." Henrietta mumbled, wrapping her arms around him gingerly.
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js-potter · 11 years
Some twisted form of fate had ensured that he would be there. He was, after all, on his way back to the Common Rooms. Had he not heard the high pitched scream of the first year well, maybe- no. He didn't want to think about that. It seemed that his brain had kicked into high gear though- he'd found himself whirling around and trying to search for anyone he knew. The world around him was a blur though, until he'd spotted her- his breath catching in his throat as he'd ran forward. He'd tightly held onto his wand, firmly pointing it at the.. thing as he'd screamed out his spell. 
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He'd watched as the thing went up in flames, running forward to catch Henrietta as he'd looked at her. "Hey- hey. I'm here... are- are you okay?"
Henrietta ran through one of the less crowded hallways, which was a difficult feat, considering her footwear. She’d been sitting in one of the courtyards, not feeling up to going back into the ball, when she’d found herself face to face with an Inferi. She’d made it out alive, which was something she’d feared she may not have achieved, her dress was torn in several places and her arms and face were covered in scratches. Eventually, she thought she’d outrun the monster, and slowed to a stop, before she felt a cold hand wrap around her throat. Henrietta thrashed around in the creature’s grip, cursing herself for not bringing her wand with her.
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