joithebluejay · 5 years
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joithebluejay · 6 years
Me: “I don’t need sex”
My hormones: “first of all, you’re horny asf, stop lying”
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joithebluejay · 6 years
Ever just have one of those days
Where you wake up with the intention of doing something constructive
Like you have plans and set goals on things you wanna do within the day
Then you face the day
Trying to accomplish whatever you intended
But then somehow you can’t seem to focus
Or you find yourself knowing exactly what you need to do but procrastination kicks in
Then when you finally work up the courage to do what needs to be done you’re unable to think up any ideas
Your mind constantly drifting to the most random shit
Then reason with yourself that you’re overthinking and need a distraction of any sort to calm your mind
Then somehow you find yourself doing the complete opposite of what you intended or even just doing the same old shit as before
The anxious feeling you had initially seems to pass and then without even noticing most of the day is gone
Feelings of guilt and self loathing burst forth
Panic and questions of what the Fuck is wrong with you or why you keep doing this to yourself rage on your mind over and over and over again
Then with the shame of defeat you lay your head down at night
Silently hoping that tomorrow will be different but knowing somehow that it won’t
You drift into a numbing sleep only to wake and begin the process again
Today was one of those,
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joithebluejay · 6 years
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*Ps* This picture isnt me..
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joithebluejay · 6 years
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joithebluejay · 6 years
Gotta try this!
My agility and legs workout for those who only have space and agility ladders to work out with. (You also need something heavy like a dumbbell for one of the exercises but I have something else you can do if you don’t have anything heavy around). You also need an interval timer app! 
I posted a short video documenting some of the moves and some of the names may be technically wrong but that is just what I call them! I had done 2 rounds before this video so you can see the sweat pouring down my shirt. My bad.  I believe this workout is about 20 minutes long but I usually do 2-3 rounds of it! Also I didn’t realize how bad my form was for the alternating lunges. Don’t have your knee go over your toes like me :P
45 second rounds for each exercise and a 10 second rest in between every exercise
Fast feet Fast feet Squat Squat
30 second rest
Straddle hop Straddle hop Squat jack Squat jack 30 second rest
2 in 1 out 2 in 1 out Pulse squat Pulse squat
30 second rest
Ladder squat Ladder squat Alternating lunge (or just left leg lunge) Alternating lunge (or just right leg lunge)
30 second rest
Lateral fast feet Lateral fast feet Goblet squat or wall squat hold Goblet squat or wall squat hold
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joithebluejay · 6 years
Weekend overview
I went to a wedding this weekend and it reaffirmed my faith in celibacy and love. I don't know, sometimes watching others testimonies and blessings just give me a sense of peace.
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joithebluejay · 6 years
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joithebluejay · 6 years
Decoding dress codes
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joithebluejay · 6 years
also i found a nice little gem 
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would you look at that? cartoons and drawing :O
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joithebluejay · 6 years
My feed is slow so please reblog this if you:
Are 20+ years old
Post workouts
Post personal journey updates
Post recipes
Post motivational quotes
Are just generally rad and want me to check out your blog ^_^
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joithebluejay · 6 years
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A few curling tips I’ve learned over time. Keep your shoulders back keep your elbows close to your sides and in a fixed position don’t swing the weight to get it up and try not to bring the bar too high and take the tension off of your biceps. Focus on fully extending and contracting the muscle and visualize it in your mind. Use lower weight and slower controlled motion, practice in front of a mirror and make adjustments to form and do your best to keep the motion and lift under control. Put your ego in check and don’t try to lift more than you can. Aim for 10-12 good reps and use a weight that the last couple bring you close to failure without having to cheat much on your form. Just a few pointers I’ve learned over the years that have helped me progress and grow. Hope they are helpful.
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joithebluejay · 6 years
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Nothing is better than a morning run!
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joithebluejay · 6 years
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Good Evening Run! Soo needed after a long days work.
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joithebluejay · 6 years
Ideas for my office space.
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@adamlovie -glutes-no equipment-just a chair
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joithebluejay · 6 years
Calling all active Healthblr/Fitblrs!
Reblog so I can follow you!
Personal posts
Weight loss journeys
healthy recipes
motivational quotes
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joithebluejay · 6 years
Advice for people in their 20s from someone who’s just entered their 30s....
1. Don’t waste time being fearful: go for that job that you’re certain you’re not gonna get. What’s the worse that can happen? You are rejected, but you gain interview experience. Self-doubt is really a waste of time.
2. Live in the present. Yes, it is important to plan for the future, but it is easy to put off living until it is too late. Make sure that you have no regrets about what you should have done. Do one exciting thing per year.
3. Know your worth. This applies to both work and relationships; never sell yourself short. No job or romance is more important than your self respect. Also, charge for any unique skills/services that you can offer. 
4. Don’t be afraid to leave bad situations. I left a stable but draining teaching job in order to protect my mental health. Even though this was a big risk, it was the best decision I ever made. NOTHING is more important than your mental health. 
5. Most 20 somethings feel that they are underachieving. This is normal - especially in today’s financial climate. Don’t feel bad if you are still living at home and cannot afford to rent/buy. I’m 30 and still living at home, saving to buy.
6. People will disappoint you, but most of the time, it’s not about you. Everybody has their own demons and traumas that make them behave in certain ways. If somebody disrespects you, assert your boundaries and keep it moving. Also, examine if there was anything you could have done to avoid the situation. But DO NOT let it eat away at you.
7. In love, nobody owes you anything. Even if they made a promise, they are their own person…Everybody has the right to change their mind and to leave a situation which is not beneficial for them. This is hurtful and hard to accept, but it is the truth.
8. Learn to enjoy your own company. Your 20s can be a lonely time as your social sphere narrows, due to employment, finances and exhaustion. Use this time to find out more about yourself and do the things that you enjoy. There is something liberating about eating at a restaurant alone. 
9. Be kind, don’t gossip or overshare. I am still working on this one. It is really difficult to be kind and positive in a world full of annoying people. However, your attitude will influence how you are being perceived. If you are unkind, people will laugh at your jokes but they will never trust you. They will never trust you not to treat them as you treat other people. Remove yourself from toxic people, and only share negativity (sadness/anger/depression) with a therapist and one other person that you trust. If you overshare negative feelings, you may be stereotyped as being full of drama. Furthermore, people will want you to stay in a negative place because it’s entertaining and makes them feel better about their own lives. Just don’t do it.
10. You cannot win every battle. Within conflict, it is tempting to try to force others to agree with your perspective. However, most people are set in their ways, and find it difficult to change their views and behaviours. This is especially important when dealing with toxic family members. You may never get the apology and empathy that you seek, so it is important to accept that every battle cannot be won, and gain validation internally, rather than externally.
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