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digichal · 3 years ago
How does Digichal benefit you in setting up an online store for your business?
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DigiChal’s app offers a digital khata book and a feature to create your own online store. Focused on small and medium-sized businesses, No matter how big or small your business is, the app helps you build digital khata to save you time on managing your business transactions. The feature allows you to store sales, expenses, and udhaar transactions. When the time comes, you can easily access information related to any transaction done.
Within the same app, you can cater to the increasing demand of your customers for convenience. Big players in the market have built platforms where customers can buy any product through various sellers and get the benefit of cost and quality. It becomes a challenge for small and medium-sized companies to compete with them. But with the digital dukaan feature, they can easily set up their online store and start selling their products directly to their customers.
Switching to the digital khata business was not an easy step for small and medium-sized enterprises. Change is always looked upon as a threat because it means one needs to step out of their comfort zone and start doing things differently. But while we are in the system, we often fail to see the drawbacks of the old system and how it is affecting the outcome.
Digital udhar khata book was the most significant challenge yet the biggest example of a successful transition. The old ways were to keep the information manually stored in registers and then spend hours fetching the information on the due date. Sometimes the due dates were missed and sometimes it took rounds of customer visits to get the payment back.
The switch from old bahi khatas to the new digital khatas helped expedite this process. DigiChal app offered a feature where one can enter the customer details - customer contact information, the amount due, and the date for the pending udhaar collection. On the due date, an automatic reminder goes to the customer from the app. It saved time and effort and resulted in faster udhaar settlements.  
It takes more than just overcoming challenges to advance in the business world. Therefore, the feature for setting up one’s own store online was introduced. When your sale udhar khata has gone digital, why should you have to download another app to turn your shop online?
Create your online store
Create a digital store in just 3 easy steps and take your karobaar online
Step 1- Add your business address. Add your company name and address.
Step 2 - Add the details of the items you are selling.
Irrespective of how big or small your business is, the digital dukaan online feature helps you convert your shop into an online shop. When you have added your business details, you can add the details of your products. You can either select from the menu or add your own items. Click and upload pictures of your products or select from the list of items available on the app. It is as simple as adding sale records in your digital sale khata app,
Step 3- After adding menu items to your catalog, you can share the online dukaan link with your customers.
Using this feature, you can manage your orders. Your phone allows you to accept or reject orders. The number of orders can also be altered in accordance with your inventory. Your store is completely under your control.
How to manage online dukaan just like your sale digital Khata.
1. Revenue growth - Just like the digital udhar khata app, the dukaan feature helps you grow your presence and reach more customers. Digital accounting helps you manage your accounting so that you focus on your business’ growth, the online store feature helps you increase revenue.
2. Manage your cost well - The cost is an important consideration in deciding whether to open an online store or a digital khata book. The app is free of cost and offers you features that help you grow your business.
3. Easy to work with - Like sale digital Khata, the online store feature is easy to use. Once you’ve created your store you can share the link with your customers and instantly start getting orders. You can easily update the order status.
DigiChal offers an app that helps them grow their business. The app provides features that are free of cost and easy to use. With Digichal digital dukaan app, you can provide better services, establish a brand name, and have a professional platform. It helps in marketing too. Create a discount code for your product instead of texting out promotional messages with WhatsApp.
Website : https://www.digichal.in/
APP : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.digichal
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digichal · 3 years ago
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digichal · 3 years ago
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digichal · 3 years ago
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digichal · 3 years ago
What is the best app in India for keeping track of your online khata?
Every person in business today knows the importance of keeping a digital khata book. It is the new way of keeping accounts for the business. Not so long ago, hours were spent doing business accounting manually, loads of money were spent to keep the registers safe and hours were spent later to retrieve any information from the pile. The digital khata took away all this pain.
Digital accounting helps businessmen to store their information online which makes it safer to use. Often small businesses find it hard to pull out a portion of their earnings to invest in technology. But the Digital khata book is an easy option to save and track all business transactions. Apps like DigiChal, offer services free of cost that help small and medium-sized businesses to focus on their primary rule of scaling their business.
Converting your business into a digital khata business is a sane option but the challenge is to find the best app in India for keeping track of your online khata? Here’s a list of things to consider before you make your final decision.
How you can find out whether it’s the right app for your business.
1. The app should be easy to use - Sometimes it's hard to adapt to new technology and often businessmen are scared to take the leap. But if the app is easy to use, it becomes encouraging for them to try.
2. Able to record all business financial transactions - Any business would have many daily transactions. A good app should be able to provide an option to store all the information. Along with sales and expenses, the digital accounting app must offer a digital udhar khata. Apps like Digichal offer automatic payment reminders that help in the faster recovery of udhaar.
3. The app should be safe to store information - The topmost reason for switching from a traditional bahi khata to a digital khata app is safety. Your information is saved on your phone and the backup is taken to the cloud. Even if the app gets deleted, your data can be retrieved by downloading it again using the same account details.
The app becomes a must-have when it adds additional features to the basics. Like DigiChal app that offers features like udhaar, expenses, and sale digital Khata along with many other features that help you grow your business. Once you download the app you get connected to the digital network of DigiChal through their digital dukaan, business loan, and one-click insurance features.
Website : https://www.digichal.in/
App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.digichal
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digichal · 3 years ago
How to go online with the DigiChal app?
In 3 easy steps, you will be able to convert your physical dukaan into an online store. In the first step, you need to fill in the business details in the app. To start your store online, you must enter your business name and address. This helps to create an identity for your business when the customers start placing online orders with you. 
The second step in creating digital dukaan online is to add items to your menu. You can create an online menu in the app that the customers will refer to while placing their orders. The menu will help the customer select the item they wish to purchase and at the same time learn the price and other details of the item. Digichal offers a readymade menu option. You can add items using the readymade catalog or manually add items that you wish to sell.
The third and last step is to create and share the online dukaan link with your customers. Once you click on the button a store link will appear on your screen. You can WhatsApp or message the link to your customers. Using the link they will be able to place orders with you.
The moment any customer places an order in the app, you will get an instant notification on the digital dukaan online. The customer is asked to enter their contact details along with their order, which is visible to you in the app. The greatest benefit of the app besides being simple and easy to use is that you can receive money for the orders without paying any commission to Digichal.  What are you still waiting for? Download the app and go digital for free. Convert your old bahi khata using the digital khata app feature and convert your physical store into an online dukaan using the online store feature.
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digichal · 3 years ago
उधार खाता ऐप के फीचर्स:
अपने फोन पर ऐप डाउनलोड करें|
ऐप पर डिजिटल खाता बुक डायरी बनाएँ 100% मुफ़्त|
किसी भी प्रकार का लेन देन हो, उसकी जानकारी ऐप पर सेव करें|
ग्राहक या फिर मित्र को दिए उधार की जानकारी ऐप पर सेव करें| 
अपने पुराने लेन देन भी आप इस मैं जोड़ सकते हैं|
आसानी से उधार की जानकारी जोड़ सकते हैं और उधार भुकतान पर उसे update कर सकते हैं|   
उधार का अमाउन्ट और वापीसी की तारीख ऐप मैं सेव करें|
अपने ग्राहकों को भुगतान संबंधी पेमेंट रिमाइंडर भेजें|
पेमेंट रिमाइंडर ऑटोमैटिक हैं, भुकतान की तारीख पर ऐप से अपने आप पेमेंट रिमाइंडर whatsapp पर चला जाता है|
Website : https://www.digichal.in/
App : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.digichal
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digichal · 3 years ago
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digichal · 3 years ago
Digichal App Benefits | Digital Khata for Small Business
The businessman can now keep hisab online instead of doing it manually with Digichal's digital khata book app. Any business faces the risk of losing manual registers or making mistakes when calculating. With the help of this app, you can easily record all the transactions done in your business.
This work was traditionally done manually in diaries, where transactions were recorded and a resource was hired to tally records and file tax returns. By using DigiChal's digital khata business app, all entries can be done through a smartphone, whether they're for sale, purchase, or Udhaar. The most challenging aspect of manual khatas is getting them damaged or losing them. Due to the fact that these khatas were maintained manually, there was a lot of time spent entering data.
Digital Khata for Small Business
Whatever the business, whether it is a local grocery store or a vegetable vendor, it sells and gives credit to customers. There are some people who doubt their technical skills and think they are not good enough to work with technology, or they don't want to spend money on it. DigiChal’s digital khata business is easy to use and free of cost.
Anyone who has a smartphone can use this easy-to-use platform for online accounting. With this app, you can store all your sale udhar khata information in one place. Your daily sales are entered here, and you can compare them with the previous day's sales. The expense digital khata feature helps you keep track of your expenses. You can generate reports and study the financial health of your business and do better planning.
In the case of udhaar, there is no need for any manual udhar register. The only thing you have to do is record the details of the udhaar given to customers with the due date in the digital udhar khata and the app sends automatic payment reminders. You can keep information online in a convenient and straightforward way. It can also save you time and money.
How Digichal Udhar app benefits small business owners
It helps to easily manage financial transactions.
You can enter the information in the app and it is synced with all your other devices. You can view the financial statements as well as monitor them in a much simpler manner. With just a few clicks, you can add sale, udhaar, and expense details in the digital khata book.
You can access your khata anywhere, anytime.
It is easy to retrieve any information. You can view your business information anywhere and anytime. All you need to do is download the digital khata app and install it on your device. If you have companies with various departments, it is easier to give access to relevant people through the app.
It saves you time and money.
In a few clicks, you can save and access information. You can also view reports for better business planning. You do not have to spend hours fetching any information manually from huge piles. You don’t have to keep a dedicated employee to enter information or need to spend money on warehousing. DigiChal’s sale digital khata app helps you save a lot of time and money.
All your information is safe and secure.
Unlike manual bahi khatas, data on the DigiChal digital khata business app is digitally saved. Therefore don’t have to worry about data getting lost or getting damaged. No worries about where to keep the manual records and how to stack them up to be able to pull them out later.
Collecting udhaar is faster.
Digital udhar khata online helps you save the udhaar details and sends an automatic reminder on the due date. SO no more going door to door or making numerous calls to get the money back.
Every business has daily financial transactions, regardless of how big or small it is. In addition to these transactions, every business will have: vendors to buy stock from, suppliers/customers to sell, daily expenses to continue to run the business, and an udhaar list to keep track of money lent. DigiChals’s digital khata book helps you store all your financial transactions electronically. The right digital khata app can help you save money as well as time. As a result, you can invest the same amount in your company's growth.
website : https://www.digichal.in/
App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.digichal
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digichal · 3 years ago
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digichal · 3 years ago
Benefits Of simple Ledger in Udhar Khata App
It is important for business owners to keep track of various accounts, and the digital udhar khata app simplifies it. Every business makes many daily transactions. It is tedious to make entries in a register and then shuffle through pages of documents to find out how much we earned and how much someone owes us. By creating a digital khata you can access all of your transactions at any time. It alsome, you can keep expenses and sale digital khata to check the details of any transaction. In addition, you can create balance sheets and compare them with the transactions. You can easily enter the details of the udhaar given to the customers. Once the information is saved, apps like Digichal send an automatic payment reminder on the due date. In short, the digital udhar khata app helps you record all your business transactions and keep a track of the payments due. While using the app, you don't need to hire tally executives or CAs since you can easily keep track of all of your financial transactions in just a few clicks and produce reports to h helps you to generate a simple ledger in seconds. With the help of the app, you elp you plan well for the future.
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digichal · 3 years ago
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digichal · 3 years ago
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digichal · 3 years ago
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digichal · 3 years ago
Go online with Digichal: Set up your own digital dukaan in minutes
What if I tell you that creating an online store is as easy as starting a digital khata business? Don’t believe me? Try it out yourself. All you have to do is download the DigiChal app and you get a digital khata app with the feature to create your own online store.
With the changing times, it’s imperative to change how you do business. To quote an example, let’s refer to the small mom-and-pop shops in your society. Their main business was from the local community where the shop existed. The business ran on goodwill and convenience. The definition of convenience has changed in the present times. Convenience for customers is being able to place an order at an online dukaan that delivers to their doorsteps. The convenience of not waiting on a call to place the order but clicking on a button on the phone and being able to place the order.
Small and medium-sized enterprises are often left behind when it comes to technological advancement. This is why the Digichal app aims to provide them with a cost-effective solution that provides the benefits of a digital khata app as well as a feature to create digital dukaan, absolutely free of cost.
How to go online with the DigiChal app?
In 3 easy steps, you will be able to convert your physical dukaan into an online store.
In the first step, you need to fill in the business details in the app. To start your store online, you must enter your business name and address. This helps to create an identity for your business when the customers start placing online orders with you.
The second step in creating digital dukaan online is to add items to your menu. You can create an online menu in the app that the customers will refer to while placing their orders. The menu will help the customer select the item they wish to purchase and at the same time learn the price and other details of the item. Digichal offers a readymade menu option. You can add items using the readymade catalog or manually add items that you wish to sell.
The third and last step is to create and share the online dukaan link with your customers. Once you click on the button a store link will appear on your screen. You can WhatsApp or message the link to your customers. Using the link they will be able to place orders with you.
The moment any customer places an order in the app, you will get an instant notification on the digital dukaan online. The customer is asked to enter their contact details along with their order, which is visible to you in the app. The greatest benefit of the app besides being simple and easy to use is that you can receive money for the orders without paying any commission to Digichal.
What are you still waiting for? Download the app and go digital for free. Convert your old bahi khata using the digital khata app feature and convert your physical store into an online dukaan using the online store feature.
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digichal · 3 years ago
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digichal · 3 years ago
Apni dukan ka hisab rakhne ke online tarike
Har business hisab kitab book maintain karta hai, par yeh zaroori nahin ki har business accountant ya fir tally wala specialist rakh sake. Business ko chalane main sahi hisaab kitaab hona bahot zaroori hai. Kahan kitna paisa kharch ho raha hai, kitni bikri ho rahi hai ya fir kis se udhaar wasoli ka samay aa gaya hai, is sab ka record rakhna har business ke liye zaroori hota hai.
Businessman ki sar par bahot si zimedariyan hoti hain. Jaise business ko badhana, kharchon ko control karna aur saath hi inventory manage karna. Digital khata ek aisi app hai jo business ki har transaction ko record karna main madat karta hai.
Vyaapaar lenaden ke liye manual record rakhane ki chunautiyaan
1. Manual record bharne aur use sambhal ke rakhne main businessman ka kafi samay kharch hota hai.
2. Manual record se business ki sale ya fir kharch ka hisaab lagane bahot hi mushkil kaam hai. Sabhi record ko manually jodkar uski tulna karna main bhi kafi samay lagta hai.
3. Manual records ko khone ka bhi khatra rehta hai. Aksar register ya diary gumne ka bhi dar hota hai.
4. Haath se hisaab karne main galat jod ghatak bhi ho sakta hai.
5. Udhaar har business ka ek ahm hissa hota hai. Udhaar wasoli ka hisaab yaad rakhna aur wasoli ki tareekh yaad rakhna bhi ek mushmil kaam hai.
Digital khata app ek muft app hai jo koi bhi businessman asani se download kar, apne purane bahi khate ko digital khaate main badal sakta hai. App download karte hai, business ke kisi bhi len den ko is main record kiya ja sakta hai. Samay aane par is app se business se jodi jankari ko hasil karna bahot hi asaan hota hai.
Aiye dekhe business ke len den ko online kaise karein app main
Sale digital khata - App main apne roz ki sale ko darj karein. Har din huyi bikri ki rakum, phone main download ki app main save karein. Save ki gayi jankari ko kahin bhi aur kabhi bhi bas ek click main apne phone se check karein.
Digital udhar khata - Udhaar se jodi har jankari bhi aap is app main jod sakte hain. Udhaar kisko diya, kitna diya aur kab grahak use kab lautayega ye sab aap is app main save kar sakte hain. Saath hi digital udhar khata udhaar wapsi ki tareekh par grahak ko automatic payment reminder bhi bhejta hai.
Expense digital khata - Bikri ki tarah, aap kharch ka hisaab bhi is app main jod sakte hain.  Har din huye kharch ki rakum, phone main download ki app main save karein. Jo jankari aap save karte hain, use kahin bhi aur kabhi bhi bas ek click main apne phone se check karein.  
Benefits of online hisab
1. Samay ki bachat: Digital khata app par jankari save karna aur dekhna dono main hi samay ki bachat hoti hai. Bas ek click main aap jankari save kar sakte hain. Isi jankari ko asani se aap kabhi bhi apne phone main check kar sakte hain.
2. Paise ki bachat: Digital khata ek free app hai aur is main jankari save karne ke liye aapko kisi karmchari ko rakhne ki zaroorat nahin padti. Manual bahi khate ki tarah,na to apko dheron register bharne padte hain aur na hi unki hifazat ki chinta karni padti hai.  
3. Surakshit aur sakushal - Kharab hone ya fir khone ka koi khatra nahin. Aap ki sari business ki jankari ka pura backup hota hai. App delete bhi ho jaye to fir se login karke aap apna digital khata fir se istemaal kar sakte hain.
4. Asaan udhaar wasoli - DigiChal jaisi app main digital udhar khata, grahak ko wasoli ki tareekh par automatic message bhejne ki suvidha deta hai. Ab na to tareekh yaad rakhne ki samsya na hi ghar ghar jaa kar udhaar mangne ki.
Chahe dukaan badi ho ya choti, har business main len-den chalta rehta hai. Agar kisi ka grocery store hai ya restaurant; juice ki dukaan hai ya kapdon ki; hisab kitab book online hone se businessman apna samay aur paise dono bacha sakte hain. Apps jaise Digichal muft download kar sakte hain aur asani se apne khaate ko digital bana sakte hain. Is app main sirf digital khata app nahin hai, balki dukaan ko online banane ka bhi feature uplabdh hai.
Khaate ki tarah, digital dukaan banana bhi bahot asaan hai. Digital dukaan online banane ke liye bas 3 steps follow karne hain aur aap bhi apna samaan online bech sakte hain. 3 asaan steps main koi bhi chota ya bada businessman apni dukaan ko online main badal sakta hai. Digital dukaan se business ki sale aur pahonch dono badhti hai. Grahak bhi aajkal online kharidari ko mahatv dete hain. Advance zamaane main har businessman technology ka labh uthana chahta hai. Digichal jaisi apps khas karke chhote aur madhyam aakaar ke business ke liye kafi faidemand hain.
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