josie-newton · 10 years
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josie-newton · 10 years
That is exactly why I stopped watching it so often.  But I think we should definitely order a cake now.
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Watching Cake Boss makes me wish for some cake.. I need to stop watching this show.
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josie-newton · 10 years
What, your natural beauty isn't shining through today?
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I’ve been taking selfies all day and not a single one looks decent enough to keep.
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josie-newton · 10 years
They probably do, but not me.  Where did you even find them?
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Do these belong to someone or…?
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josie-newton · 10 years
Hey, it's not that big a deal.  I promise I won't tell C.S Lewis anything about it.  
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But what's new with you, Mr. Morgan?  I haven't seen you in forever.  
Well some of us aren’t as observant, Miss. Newton. Some of us meaning mostly me. 
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josie-newton · 10 years
You know, I'm sort of surprised that you don't sound too bad.  Especially since you're competing next to the trolls that performed that song. 
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                          "—- Is it the clumpy way he walks?                                                          Or the grumpy way he talks.."
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josie-newton · 10 years
Well, I've sort of reached the point where I've tried to explore everything around here to spend my time.  So, I have a pretty good idea where breakfast burritos are around this neck of the woods. So does that make me a finder?  I guess so, man.  
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What, are you some kind of breakfast burrito finder? 
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josie-newton · 10 years
Yeah, but it's not like they poop in a specific box.  Dogs can be trained though, like to only poop in a certain area, and birds really have nowhere else to go, so that's no biggie.  Rabbits poop everywhere, I'm not too sure about whether they can be trained or not.  True, I mean, you're not going to have a deep discussion about your partner or anything with your kid, that would be weird.  
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It can be argued that an aquarium is a giant box, but yeah, I see your point.  And dogs poop anywhere they want, which is gross.  And birds poop in cages and rabbits poop in the yard, but then again, I am cat-biased.  I like to snuggle with them, sure, and play with them.  But I can do without a conversation, that’s why you have friends, not kids so much.
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josie-newton · 10 years
Only cats poop in boxes though, right?  Dogs don't, fish don't even have boxes in their aquariums.  I don't know, even though they can't give you sass, the not talking thing sucks.  I'd like to have an in depth conversation, you know?
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They poop in a box, and clean themselves and don’t talk back to you.  Plus you can always pick them up and move them, no matter how old they get.
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josie-newton · 10 years
Wait, how are they better?
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Well you know that they say, pets are like children.  Only better.
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josie-newton · 10 years
That's true, cause she'll think since we're laughing we enjoy it.  Man, this is like disciplining a child.
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Well yeah.  But then she might make a habit of it.
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josie-newton · 10 years
But we all laugh at each other when we act like dorks.  Laughing at her now just reinforces that she's part of our group of friends.  
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As you should.  You’re not supposed to laugh at my cat, no matter how much of a dork she can be.
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josie-newton · 10 years
It's no big deal, she always leaves the place just as she's found it, so I have no complaints.  I wish I had recorded it or something, it was so funny when she flew in.  I felt sort of bad laughing when she fell down though.
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Yeah, she sometimes goes exploring to all of the other apartments and kind of makes them her homes away from home.  Sorry about that.
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josie-newton · 10 years
Nah, just jumped straight through the window - gracefully, I may add - and headed straight for the sink.  I have a feeling it wasn't her first time checking out my place because she knew exactly where she was going.
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…yeah, that’s likely.  She didn’t make a mess of anything else, did she?
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josie-newton · 10 years
Yeah, the little guy just toppled over, I just kept on laughing.  She got right back up though, so at least she's okay.  I don't think so, I think she might belong to one of the others actually.  
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Oh my god. That’s hilarious. Wait, is it a stray cat?
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josie-newton · 10 years
I think it was actually.  Your cat, Iz?
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This cat wasn’t by any chance gray, was it?
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josie-newton · 10 years
Why's that?  Wait, let me guess.  Did you do something cool?
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Today, is a great day.
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