jonas-sargent-blog · 9 years
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maisy rhodes + jonas sargent
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jonas-sargent-blog · 9 years
“Best way to be, really. Don’t be a sheep and follow the crowd and their way of thinking — I have this thing about straying from the norm, it’s weird, I don’t know. How long have you been in town for? — But welcome to Tree Hill. It’s really not so bad here, don’t listen to people complaining all the time.”
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“I don’t think I even have enough time in this town for that to happen. Straying away from the norm makes it sound so hipster, I would rather just call it unique. A couples months now. It’s not so bad when you don’t have the step brother biting at you heels or spreading lies about you.”
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jonas-sargent-blog · 9 years
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‘’I don’t know where I’d be if I lived on rabbit food! I couldn’t live without a good burger shake and fries! You gotta eat! They don’t realise it’s all about balance, you gotta eat and work out not just work out and drink water.’’ she laughed leaning against the side of the net. ‘’Could you imagine! Me sitting in English with a big inflatable donut under me!’’ she said throwing her head back laughing, before heading over to the penalty box grabbing herself a stick. ‘’Okay Jonas, show me the best you’ve got.’’ She said taking a stance, the smile still spread across her face.
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“Well I do believe we’ve discovered one of the many reasons why they are terrible people”, it felt nice to have just a normal conversation with Niamh, like they were ever somewhat remotely friends in some way.”I totally could imagine and might be a little jealous, those seats are terrible to sit in”, he chuckled, watching her as she returned with the stick in hand, clearly not a novice at it. “I take it you’ve done this before”, he mused, dropping the puck onto the ice.
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jonas-sargent-blog · 9 years
“Well actually — I kinda get that all the time. I’m surprised I haven’t been dubbed the town odd ball or something, ‘cause I’m sure that’s coming one day. But it is what it is. I can’t change the way my mind works.”
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“Maybe you have, I’m not really savvy to the whole town thinking yet. Still suffering from new kid and outsider syndrome most days. But still nothing wrong with it.”
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jonas-sargent-blog · 9 years
“Oh — hey. Kinda thought I was alone down here; are you hiding too, or are you just down here to go skinnydipping or something? — Isn’t that what people do? — Or, you know, just normal swimming with bathing suits is good too?”
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“Has anyone ever told you that you have an odd way of thinking about things? I was just coming down to enjoy a nice day and go for a run really. Guess hiding on my own.”
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jonas-sargent-blog · 9 years
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‘’I’d use a much less savoury name if I could get away with it.. They literally have one nut and a sip of water. I don’t know how they live. They give me the evils when I sit and have a cheese burger but if you’re starving yourself just to be good at something it sucks the fun out of it..’’  She chuckled. ‘’You’ll see me in class tomorrow wincing every time I sit down! You better have sympathy!’’ she said with a laugh, smiling at him. She glided along side him, ‘’Right got a spare stick? I’ll be the opposing team?’’
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“I’m sorry, but that’s just not a real person. There’s absolutely nothing attractive about anorexic barbies on skates. Now a girl who can polish off a burger and milkshake with fries while sporting that confidence you do, thats what’s attractive”, he admitted, toying with his mouth guard, before completely slipping his helmet off and resting it on top of the net. “I’ll give you my sweatshirt to sit on or something, maybe spring for one of those inflatable donuts to sit on”, Jonas teased with the smile stretching wider. “There might be a spare stick in the penalty box, if you really want.”
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jonas-sargent-blog · 9 years
‘’I applied to four other schools. All rejections..’’ she said with a sigh as she fiddled with the envelope in her hands, her heart racing at what was inside. ‘’Definitely because if this is another rejection I’ll need all the drowning and also if it’s a rejection I’m packing up and travelling instead..’’ She looked at his envelope. ‘’Snap?’’ she offered with a small smile showing him her matching envelope. ‘’It’s got a great figure skating programme too..’’ she said with a small shrug. ‘’I don’t think I can open it…’’
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“Oh yeah?”, he asked curiously, finally setting his own letter down instead of focusing on his own fears. Sure, this letter held the dream he had since he was young. But it certainly wasn’t his only option. “Where do you think you’d travel to first?”, he asked gentle, nudging her knee with his own. “Swap sounds good, I’ll open it for you”, he offered, scooping his envelope back off the bench beside him and holding it out towards her.
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jonas-sargent-blog · 9 years
Elouise was no stranger to how quickly a few decisions in other people’s hands could seal a fate. Her stringent belief in God had always led her down a path of unwavering faith. She understood that he had presented her with an ultimate test in the child she was carrying. Her mind had drifted off as he worked, coming back into reality as he spoke once more. “Dreams change, life moves quickly. I’m sure you would’ve faired alright in the end.” She shrugged, though she did understand how only being in high school made the world a fairly small place as well. “Elouise, and yours?”
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“Yeah, try telling that to a kid who dedicated his entire life to three hour practices six times a week, asshole abusive coaches, blisters on his hands and feet, broken bones, chipped teeth, ice burns, praying his dad is somewhere up there looking down on him proud, and loss of a social life to play olympic hockey one day”, he mused, easily creating the drink. Placing the lid on top, Jonas set it down between the two. “Some dreams are just harder to give up than others, which is a shitting thing to say but I see it as fact. Some people work their whole lives for dreams while others just randomly discover it in college. Sure I would of survived, but I don’t think that’s one wound I would of ever fully healed from. And it’s Jonas, chai tea comes to three fifty.”
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jonas-sargent-blog · 9 years
Andrew knew that a line of impatient people began to gather behind him, and he wasn’t particularly in the mood to project his problems to everyone within the ten foot radius. So he chose to ignore his statements, pulling his wallet out from his back pocket. “You are the most exhausting person I’ve ever met.” He pulled the bills out from the leather, picking up an odd quarter from one of the pockets before he handed it over to Jonas.
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“Why thank you, Hill”, Jonas gasped out in mock enthusiasm, taking his words as nothing more than a complement. The two had moved around each other without words, expression, or even glances successfully. The daily annoyances of who left the toothpaste cap off or who took the last cup of coffee without refilling the pot had not been enough to draw the mean out of them. Not yet. He took his step brother’s money and quickly exchanged the coins out, snatching a penny from the jar to make it a simple one coin exchange. “Coffee’s will be out in a minute.”
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jonas-sargent-blog · 9 years
Elouise absent mindedly drummed her fingers on the counter as she waited, taking in the site of the cafe around her. He looked a bit disheveled only in the sense that he was new at the job. She suspected it was going to be money for college which she had a great deal of respect for. “Big news like that can come as quite a shock so I understand.” 
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With the order submitted, the blonde boy moved away from the tablet and back to the colorful cups. Carefully he continued to work, ignoring the blonde locks that fell out of place or the quiet babble of the cafe. “I think it was more fear of watching my entire life dream fall away with three words”, he admitted with a quiet chuckle. “What is your name, anyway?”, he asked, curiously. It wasn’t like he had never seen her around town before, but just one of those faces with nothing to attach to. 
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jonas-sargent-blog · 9 years
“The largest you have will do just fine.” She added, catching the kindness in his eyes. Elouise was in a calm mood, surprisingly enough, his gesture only furthering that. “Yeah well my letter opening skills are a thing of legend so it’s no problem.”
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Jonas nodded, turning hit attention back tot he equipment he was still getting used to after the orientation. it wasn’t difficult, but assuring people’s orders were correct was essentially what was going to get him the money to survive the next year. “I would no argue with that, especially since I was scared shitless to open the letter myself.”
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jonas-sargent-blog · 9 years
A smile spread across Andrew’s lips, but it was forced as he said. “Oh, it’s nothing. But you know, some crazy thing happened the other day. I’m talking batshit, dude.” His smile faded, “— Jonas Sargent actually minded his own fucking business.”
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That almost made Jonas laugh, almost. But as per usual, the smile never slipped from his features, even as the line behind Andrew to get antsy. “Sounds absolutely crazy, because I think for Jonas Sargent to do anything other than get under your skin, he would have to care. And word through the grape vine is he doesn’t”, he explained slowly. “Not easy being on daddy dearest’s bad side, is it. Now, that will be seven-fourteen.”
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jonas-sargent-blog · 9 years
Andrew watched Jonas as he moved to tap the keypad near him - and, particularly, he hated himself for coming here now. If he’d known Jonas would be working then he’d have gone somewhere else to save himself the unneeded stress. “Just get me the fucking coffees, Jonas. I’m not in the mood for your bullshit today.”
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“Alright, two black coffee’s for the princess”, he hummed, finally hitting submit on his order. “What’s got your underoos in a twist? Still no college letter, cereal got soggy before you finished, hair too flat?”
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jonas-sargent-blog · 9 years
Andrew rolled his eyes, his thumb and pointer fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. “Actually, make it two blacks.” Over his dead body did he think that he would be ordering something from Jonas; he wanted to spit a remark terribly bad but he refrained. “Thanks.”
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Jonas fought the urge to let his smile easily morph into a smirk here in this situation. His fingers tapped the keypad, putting in the order for the coffee. “Two blacks for...I’m sorry, what was your name again?”
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jonas-sargent-blog · 9 years
“No worries, yes I am. Could I have a chai tea?” She smiled at the boy, soon recognizing him. “You’re the guy that got that scholarship right? Had me open your envelop for you?”
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“Chai tea, no problem. Size?”, he asked without glancing up from the panel in front of him. Her remark brought his odd colored eyes up finally, a gentle smile spreading across his face. “That would be me, thanks for that, by the way.”
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jonas-sargent-blog · 9 years
“A black coffee’s fine,” Andrew spoke plainly, almost sighing as he added: “Please.”
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“Bitter coffee, could of guessed it”, Jonas spoke the smile spreading to his entire face at the entire situation before them. “Anything else with it? We have pretty good muffins.”
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jonas-sargent-blog · 9 years
“Sorry about that, the day turned out to be a bit more busy than I expected. Ready to order something?”
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