John Spencer Ellis - Fitness & Personal Developmen
466 posts
I help fitness and personal development professionals get more clients, streamline business and make more money. --- Each week, over one million people enjoy a fitness, wellness and personal success programs created by John Spencer Ellis. His programs are implemented in the top resorts, spas and fitness centers. John is the CEO of the National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association (NESTA), Spencer Institute for Life Coaching, International Triathlon Coaching Association (ITCA), and the Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Association (MMACA). John created Adventure Boot Camp, the largest fitness boot camp system in the world. He also created Intense Mixed Performance Accelerated Cross Training (IMPACT), Kung-fu Fitness and TACTIX. His TriActive America signature series of outdoor exercise equipment is used worldwide. He created programs used by Cirque du Soleil, the U.S. Secret Service, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard, and consults the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championships).
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johnspencerellis · 8 years ago
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The smartest people I've ever met always say, "I want to know. Please teach me" #smart #intelligent #intelligence #smartpeople #smarts #smartypants #smartguy #ilikesmartpeople #criticalthinking #criticalthinkingskills #intelligenceissexy #intelligenceispower #highlyintelligent #smartfucker
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johnspencerellis · 8 years ago
Therapy! #muaythai #muaythailife #muaythaigram #kickboxing #martialarts #martialartslife #martialartslifestyle
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johnspencerellis · 8 years ago
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I love this! Learn, then earn. How much time are you spending learning something EACH DAY which leads to an increase in income? We can never complain about our current circumstances if we don't do anything to improve it. #learnandearn #learnlife #learnsomethingnew #wealthyideas #incomeincrease #learnaboutmoney #learningisfun #learningprocess #wealthylifestyle #increaseincome #fitnessbusiness #personaltrainerbusiness #teamjse #nutritionbusiness #healthbusiness #coachingbusiness
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johnspencerellis · 8 years ago
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You are in for a real treat. -- LINK IN BIO -- This is the unedited video footage from my LIVE PRESENTATION in New York at the Online Super Coach Seminar. In this unfiltered presentation, I teach you how to go from thinking about “how many clients do I have today” to “how am I custom designing my life!” GUARANTEED: Yes, 100% guaranteed, when you finish this video training, you will NEVER view your career, opportunities and future the same again. Yes, guaranteed. You will no longer wonder about how to create a fun and compelling future. You will know exactly what you MUST DO to grow your training and coaching business. You will understand how to think BETTER and with MORE PURPOSE and CLARITY than ever before. Entrepreneurs in the fitness, personal training, nutrition, martial arts and coaching industries need to here this message. #wealthcreators #wealth #wealthy #wealthylife #wealthylifestyle #wealthgenerators #wealthclub #wealthgang #wealthyminds #wealthcoach #wealthcoaching #wealthbuilding #wealthyhealth #wealthier #wealthmanagement #wealthmindset
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johnspencerellis · 9 years ago
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You are losing business every day! Watch this free webinar and learn the simple things you can do TODAY to increase your Google rank and DAILY LEADS. Link in bio. #getmoreclients #moreclients #client #clientspotlight #clientnews #moreclientstocome #personaltrainerbusiness #fitnessbusiness #fitnessmarketing #fitnessmarketingexpert #fitnesstrainerlife #martialartsbusiness #martialartsmarketing #getmoremembers #morestudents #googlerank #rankongoogle #nutritionbusiness #healthcoachbusiness #onlinecoach #onlinecoaching
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johnspencerellis · 9 years ago
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FITNESS PROS: This is the NEW BUSINESS SYSTEM I'VE BEEN TALKING ABOUT.... Click on the link in my profile and then go to "services". Check out this complete turn-key fitness business system for fitness pros & personal trainers. YOUR STRUGGLES ARE OVER! Imagine getting everything you need to operate your own highly-successful fitness business. Your challenges & frustrations are over. Coaching, mentoring, software, Google rank, clients, simple management, scheduling - EVERYTHING YOU NEED! NOTE: If you live in Orange County, CA, let me know, because the system is slightly different for you. Watch the FREE WEBINAR.. THIS IS AWESOME!!! #personaltrainerbusiness #fitnessbusiness #fitnessbusinesssystems #fitnessbusinesspodcast #personaltraining #personaltrainer #personaltrainers #personaltrainerfood #personaltrainerlife #personaltrainerproblems #personaltrainerintraining #personaltrainerinthemaking #personaltrainerlifestyle #fitnessmarketingexpert
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johnspencerellis · 9 years ago
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Flexibility day! #martialarts #stretch #flexibility
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johnspencerellis · 9 years ago
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Follow your dreams! This is the button the elevator to the penthouse we are buying on the Las Vegas strip! After years of work and helping (no kidding) millions of people in over 55 countries, the close date is coming fast! What's the lesson??? The more people you help realize their dreams, he more of your dreams you get to realize. ALWAYS be in the service of others and you will make it!!!! Thank you to everyone who has been my coach, mentor, advisor and friend. Great things to come soon! Stay posted. #grateful #gratitude #gratitudedaily #gratitudejournals #teamjse #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurial #entrepreneurmindset #entrepreneurmindset #penthouse #thepenthouse #penthouselife #penthouselife #penthousesuite #penthouseliving
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johnspencerellis · 9 years ago
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Lily getting her holiday weekend on. #frenchie #frenchiesofinstagram #frenchiesrule
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johnspencerellis · 9 years ago
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Think about it..... Capitalism pays for the planes that drop the food. Capitalism provides the biggest opportunities to help. Capitalism funds all the donations from Bono, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet - the world's biggest philanthropists. Try to build a village or a hospital without wood, nails, concrete, bricks and roofing materials.... All provided by the results of capitalism. Yes, people need to go pound the nails, and their plane ride and building supplies are provided because of capitalism. When micro-lending is used to help individuals start their own business in third world countries.... It has a HUGE success rate and it's capitalism. Go ask a broke person who hates capitalism to donate $100,000 to help people with AIDS or a poor island nation. Yeah...... Not gonna happen. At the last charity event I attended, we raised $3M for sick kids in just 3 days. Everyone there was a business owner and a capitalist. I didn't meet one people who hated capitalism. Could a group of capitalism-hating people do the same? I've never seen it. Fun fact: People often protest "capitalism" do so by blogging and using social media.... Their Mac computer, iPhone, Wordpress blog and social media platforms used to spread their nonsense are all forms of capitalism. Yes, it's that dumb!!!! #capitalism #capitalismworks #capitalismrocks #capitalismrules #capitalismisawesome #thinkaboutit #besmart #besmarter #dothemath #philanthropy #philanthropist #iprefersmartpeople #smartpeoplerule #smartpeopleproblems #charitywork #proudcapitalist #teamjse
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johnspencerellis · 9 years ago
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It's often important to have opinion, yet I'll take fact & science over conjecture every time! #factsoverruleyouropinion #sciencegeek #sciencegeeks #scienceoverdummies #sciencegeeksunite #ifuckinglovescience #factcheck
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johnspencerellis · 9 years ago
Nothing says "a good time" like you and your friend exchanging kicks in the head. With coach @mazanymma I'm just thinking how much each of us have improved since this video 2 or 3 years ago. #martialarts #martialartslife #martialartist #martialartists
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johnspencerellis · 9 years ago
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Metaphor for how I'm approaching my most important goals this month. #goals #goals😍 #goals💯 #goals💪 #success #successstory #successfulday #successschool #teamjse #successquotes #entrepreneur #entrepreneurial #entrepreneurialspirit #entrepreneurship101 #entreprenuership #entrepreneurmindset #entreprenör
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johnspencerellis · 9 years ago
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This is impressive and scary…. Through life-long conditioning, these sheep think the only way out is through a gate. Look at the picture closely… There is no fence holding the sheep back. They are conditioned to believe there is only a narrow passageway to freedom. Are you living your life like these sheep? Are you being held back by invisible constraints which you believe are keeping you from your dreams and goals? The truth is that nothing is holding you back from your goals and dreams and ambitions. Run free! #runfree #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurquotes #lifewithoutlimits #lifequotes #lifehacks #lifeisgood #lifegoals #lifegoals #lifelessons #lifeisgreat #lifeissweet #beyourself #befree #bealeader #successquotes #successstory #successcoach
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johnspencerellis · 9 years ago
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Phase 2 of deluxe pedi in progress. Work hard. Train hard. Recoup well. #recoveryday #extramassagejust$5
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johnspencerellis · 9 years ago
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Yep! UFC multi-world champion BJ Penn training at the gym today. He's a very cool dude and looks sharp as he prepares for his fight in October. Whenever possible, surround yourself with the best in the world so you inspired. I don't think it's a coincidence that today I had some of the best training I have months. #bjpenn #bjpenngym #ufc #ufcfightpass #ufcfighter #ufcfightnight #ufcfit #ufcfight #ufcchamp #ufcchampion #successfulday #ironsharpensiron #successschool #martialartslife #martialartsbusiness #martialartist #mmatraining #mmahawaii #mmagazine #mmacoach #mmapersonaltrainer #teamjse #mmalife #fitnessmotivation #fitnessfan #fitnessfanatics
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johnspencerellis · 9 years ago
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Who's in your 5? TAG THEM. PS - grab cool stuff here #mastermind #networking #surroundyourselfwithgoodpeople #surroundyourselfwithpositivepeople #surroundyourselfwithgood #surroundyourselfwithpositivity #circleofexcellence #businessmastermind #businessmasteryworkshop #successfulpeople #successquotes #successcoach #successtips #successstory #success #successfully #successschool #successfulday
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