Romance Novels, Poetry, Short Stories, News.
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jnstoriwosamuel · 2 months ago
Dark corner of Love
our love was like a passion fruit seedlingin our hearts we sow it togetherand over time we passionately saw it grow our morning and evening kisses watered itand the random cuddles were like raindropsthat kept it wet all the time as it grows bigger and fruitfulour feet remained grounded so deepready to reap and eat the fruit of faithfulness as the fruits became heavier and the tree bentonto…
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jnstoriwosamuel · 3 months ago
Can Wine Win her Heart back
far from the mountainsmy heart opens its streamslike River Nile my blood flowsforming a red sea within my nerves when my heart chooses silence it wanders away from my presence leaving my love for others with no sensequestioning my seriousness can wine win her heart back or her back had turned blurry?would the dogs stop to bark if we’re actually not in a hurry? ©️ UncleSamPoetry Image:…
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jnstoriwosamuel · 3 months ago
Disparate Child
Child.How desperate are we to get you.ChildThe world thinks that getting is more of a success in life but how ready are we to take care of you.How will they see you when we can’t give you the life you see other kids have.How will we try and convince the community that having a child requires mental health stability and finance readiness.Child.You’re so humble to grow in your mother’s womb.To the…
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jnstoriwosamuel · 5 months ago
Accommodate me in your heart
barefooted I wandered around scared of where you’d ever be foundthrough thicker bushes I walked alone seen not even a single homethat could accept my incompletenessbitterly my eyes leaked painfully they formed farrows down the cheekno morning was not for mourning all doors knocked showed me warning and rejections turned my daily breadif lostmay I find myself in your heartwhere you’ve made a home…
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jnstoriwosamuel · 5 months ago
Cheers to Tears
Let’s take a walk togetherIn the forest of love Because you promised me your company,In happiness and sadness, you said,You shall be with me.No single tree was visible in this forest,When your love was too green,No single tree I saw in this forest,When your love was still straightBaby,What wrong I made?Let’s take a walk together,Because our history is writtenWith the ink of the Altar, not to be…
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jnstoriwosamuel · 7 months ago
Make Me Your Honey
Soften your heart, my artwork. This page is dedicated to you, my world.For years been sick. In my sickbed never thought to leave.As long as you remain my pill,I want to forever remain hospitalized,To have you as my daily doseinject me with your lovelet your sweet words pierce through my veinsmy muscles massage with your morning messagelike a queen bee, make me your honey©️ UncleSamPoetry
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jnstoriwosamuel · 8 months ago
Tied Souls
dreamt about you whole nightthat you’re into one’s arms so tightbut woke up to find you beside mewith your sparkling good morning smilereassured me the unending loveour souls tied never to leaveI Love You. ©️ UncleSamPoetry
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jnstoriwosamuel · 9 months ago
Until my last tear drops
I’ll hold onto you until my last tear dropsyou caused me this pain nonethelesseveryday you made me smell bloodthinking about the hidden wounds so hardlike a borehole you’ve drilled into my heartso deep you’ve made it look like a pit I’ll hold onto you until my last tear dropsno one else will carry this burden of revengeyou wiped my tears with pepperson the papers your scary face is drawnnone…
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jnstoriwosamuel · 10 months ago
Unkissed Lips
Seated by the lake shoreGazing upon the beauty of natureAdmiring the peaceful surging wavesThat softly kisses the edge of the landSand’s texture so smoothThe breeze so cool But wait,Why hereNot any other placeJust at the lake shoresThe unkissed lips were first kissedThe innocent heart immersed into the ocean of loveIn search for pleasure and treasure Alone we arePeace and tranquility reignsYou…
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jnstoriwosamuel · 1 year ago
If I no longer exist
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jnstoriwosamuel · 1 year ago
Letting You Go - Goodbye
Have held onto you for too long, hoping one day the universe would favour me, and give you back to me. It’s been a moment of caressing you, massaging your muscles, and running to you every morning to share memories together. You’ve been speaking to me, and gave me the best hope one would give out to their beloved ones. Now that you’ve become obsolete and what appeared as cold flu has evolved…
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jnstoriwosamuel · 1 year ago
We shall end our story here
Dear readers,the main character in our story,unfortunately diedThe author has lost strength,gained sarcasm and rejectionAn attempt to get a replacement, too,has been futile To this milestone,unfortunately, will end the story hereMay the last chapter of our story, motivate you to build a storey,guide you to choose good tenants,encourage you to practice faithfulness,and show you the values of…
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jnstoriwosamuel · 2 years ago
Until our Lips Lock...
until our lips lockyour doors I’ll knocktill you get out to sit on that rockas we open the page of this bookthat gives us the luck never to lack when Sunday comeslet’s prepare for the Church servicesduring morning glory wake me up alwayslet’s make the sign of the cross in our heartswhile our lips tie knot in the relaxed darkness ©️ UncleSamPoetry Follow us on Facebook:…
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jnstoriwosamuel · 2 years ago
Father from the Ashes
it’s been a decade and halfever since we sat down to laughwith him in his smaller hutthat could hardly host an ant uh?as the sun sets his image comes clearerand as the wind blows to turn on his musicthe trees whistle and make him his ark whenever the world turns against my identityI remember my search for entity turned nonentityto befriend the dogs the option it becameto share the bones it got…
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jnstoriwosamuel · 2 years ago
Birthday Kiss Unlocks Pleasure
Waking up to your presence darling,seeing you smilinga new dawn of continued caringhoping to mark it with a ring.Sweetheart,this is for your heartalways hot like heatand fragile not to be hit.Ma’am,a good day this birthday bringsas a gift to our livesfor the love within us livesthe flower of my heart.May when the day endswe have a kiss to unlock our pleasureand when the morning comes,may you get…
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jnstoriwosamuel · 2 years ago
Lost into bushy path
I lost myself in the wood, when I failed to get into the forest. I found myself eating the seeds, when I failed to get the fruits. I hate what I ate, but I had to eat what I ate. Just wait it never had a weight. I tried to beg for a bag that I never carried while crying. Furthermore the father had more benefits. When I cry out the tears fall as fears go down. I got angry for I was hungry I…
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jnstoriwosamuel · 2 years ago
Mommy is Back
An evening like this, I remember, she was out – she must be away looking for supper. When the coldness of the night covered me, and the fear surrounded my body – the loneliness that left me in a wild thought. In the world of no phones, maybe only the ones we could use to play snake games – I longed for such anyway. The radio was on, Ramogi FM playing a very touching Gospel song – at the onset…
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