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jmonsta2323 · 3 years ago
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Super excited about this call if you know you know chairman and chairwomen truly showing up showing us how it gets done 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 #market #focused #vision #movement #opportunity #goals #love #life #excited #2022 #ready #people #motivated (at Your Dreams)
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jmonsta2323 · 3 years ago
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WISDOM does not always just come with AGE it comes with LIFE EXPERIENCES and life changing moments and situations that lead our path to where we end up or if your like me and Chairman 25 loading @bigfaads you will understand that your story your journey is all connected with what you think about daily . What’s your work ethic towards this goal abd who are the people that will be there who are the people you look up to and hang around . The power these topics hold are manifesting thought process they open the door to the world you thought was just a dream so grateful for you bro and always taking the time out just for a pic and a small convo I see your moves and love how I will learn from you and follow the blue prints you leave behind stay blessed broski #moves #mindset #vision #goal (at George R. Brown Convention Center)
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jmonsta2323 · 3 years ago
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Bitcoin … what can we say about besides thank you for paving the way and for giving guys like us a avenue to grow out online Business in different ways which brings me to this amazing man here someone that went through so much in life someone who was shot in face and a young man someone who slepted in different places To get this understanding and learn this space the best way he could and the crazy thing about it is you think when people become successful they break apart they stop worrying about the those below them that help get them to the top most do , but just from the conversation we had I know that there is room for people like me at the top with meaning having to create the way fully Iam so thankful and grateful for what’s coming the type of coins he was speaking on and they way we will be able to trade them sheeessshhhh amazing thank you again my brother let’s rock this to the moon !!!! #crytpos #bitcoin #halfman/halfamazing #vision #focused (at George R. Brown Convention Center)
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jmonsta2323 · 3 years ago
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So slot of crytpo waves are coming out … they only should leave one question who has the best opportunity for me to invest me money and is apart of a community that can show me more than just what they know . See people are so fixated on seeing what YOU can do they forget your goal is not to see how much I can do cause then you won’t have that much access to me .. Think about it do you think there will be time to anwser all the questions I was awnserinf before ? Probably not !! Lol just being honest why would I want to help people that have told me no before besides the fact I have a good heart and the people that I spoke with want to see more results well everything works in a process what iam doing in private will eventually come out in public ….. But that’s my story my journey but yours can be way different… It’s the same like when you put somebody on to s née shoe store they saw or Resturant they see people are way more willing because they see what there buying Well this call will do just that!!! Make sure your here And your leave follow my simple 4 step process and then hold on to the flyer and get ready !! Type Iam ready if you want t to be on the call for free to learn more about cryptos !!! And how the future is Changing #story #journey #future #dcx #crytpos #opp #vision #marketing #money
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jmonsta2323 · 3 years ago
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Ready to find easy steps to get on the zoom call I know some people maybe curious and want to know some steps on how to get to the zooms what you should expect make sure your on it !!! Taking notes finding the best material you can go over before you make your decision then call up the person you spoke with to help line up your info and bam get you in the family and in the world of investing how we do it IM style !!! #marketing #mindset #easyprocess #steps #vision #movement #money #trading #investing ! (at Richmond Hill, Georgia)
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jmonsta2323 · 3 years ago
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Proximity is always abundant but reaching levels like meeting and speaking with people like this takes hard work and dedication to truly have the proximity how you like it ! Not everyone can just come around you have understand when people are first meeting you , you want to let them know you have access to me but you always have to work as hard or harder than me to keep me around . There’s lives at steak and can’t just give your time out like it’s not valuable!! That’s why Iam pushing harder to be in more proximity with the right people like my boy right here the young god ! #respect #leader #goals #levels #mindset #vision (at George R. Brown Convention Center)
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jmonsta2323 · 3 years ago
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If your in the family you already know 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 be there at tonight’s call Thankful and Grateful for this call !!!!!! You do not want to miss this !!!! #vision #mindset #live #mission (at In Your Computer)
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jmonsta2323 · 3 years ago
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The best of the best over here is not a secret she’s out there out working you everyday !! .. . . . When you speak of a leader that is relentless and fierce and will not stop to reach her goals and gives you the same strength in conversation. Where do you see people like this ? Not flashing at the malls or stunning at the beach , but in the trenches putting in the work that in required but doing beyond what’s expected ! So much love and respect for you sis let’s run it up !!#mindset #strongwomen #bosslady #motivation #insparation #focused #chairwomen #movement #teamlove #special (at George R. Brown Convention Center)
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jmonsta2323 · 3 years ago
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The Corner for some is where it all started !but even in a corner there’s still other options ! . . . Remember that when your focused on what you want distractions will come from ether corner of your life ! So become aware of what type of distractions are coming your way . And see how you can turn what’s coming to stop you , your greatest Quantum Leap !! #mindset #grateful #thankful #focused #ready #2021 #inspiration #motivation #mlm #thoughts #feelings #houston #texas #events (at George R. Brown Convention Center)
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jmonsta2323 · 3 years ago
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Keep your family and friends close but your Mentors closer ….. . . . . . This week they went by was the week , you know the shift we always talk about having , when the biggiest shift is realizing your can do this and you need to get up and just do it ! Stop having self doubt and just go hard because time will not stop for you and things will pile up on you . The faster you move the better ! #marketing #mindset #houston #crypots #mentorship #youngstrongwomen #shestheone #jenfortune #proximity
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jmonsta2323 · 3 years ago
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What you see in your minds eye has 2 ways to live … in your mind and outside of your eyes what element of lifestyle are you after just a cloud 9 or the real feeling and views of what you been vibrating???? This IG LIVE WILL break down how I see this why I do this Why IM and how you can gain access to this call 📱 Somethings bring meaning to your life and others Change your life !! What’s your Vision ? See you tonight at 7 pm est 6 pm cst #MOB #MINDONBILLIONS #PROFITEEMPIRE #EMPIRE #vision #mindset #visionary #motivation #insparation (at Hinesville, Georgia)
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jmonsta2323 · 3 years ago
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Good morning how everybody doing I’ve had a amazing weekend and week guys there’s a call for the mext 2 days that’s going to blow your mind 🤯🤯🤯🤯 8:00 pm est time 7pm cst time 5 pm pst Do not miss this call !!! Cryptos explained in a way that will definitely make sense to you I can not wait to share this with you !! Let’s gooooo hit me up to see how many spots are left 30 spots only!!! (at Your Home)
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jmonsta2323 · 3 years ago
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Truly blessed to have taken the picture with someone so amazing and a profound leader in this industry… remember access to people is important so …. Who’s in your winner circle and are you in a winning environment??? ask yourself this and get back me #success #winningcircle #abundance #love #respect #honor #integrty #focused (at George R. Brown Convention Center)
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jmonsta2323 · 3 years ago
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Don’t just go where the wind takes you ! Create the storm and show up not to destroy but to recreate 🙏🏽 . . . Where you stop at you can do 2 things planet the seed or die where you stand !! #because if your not not dreams to grow further in anything in life then your dieing without anything in life #dreamers #vision #levels #reaching #focused #believe (at George R. Brown Convention Center)
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jmonsta2323 · 3 years ago
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“If you do not step up for what you want , you will never get out from down below !” I always had to work so hard to get to what I want then loss it . It was always a bad habit I had and then rebuilding phase kicked in. But sometimes what your trying to rebuild just need a whole New structure , another way to make it to your dreams goals and desires . At the end you must find a way to make what you want appear and with consistent behavior and retracing yourself to@see the areas you must work on . And when you fall down and finding amazing people to link up with that push you motivate you back up and Help you truly find a way to make it out . Because in this game there is no handouts like life , so make sure the hand your reaching for is of one you have been able to help and know you have built a solid foundations with the right people as you will be there for them . I can not wait to present this amazing and serious life change going game plan that will serious Change you from the inside out ! #trading #money #lifechanging #goals #dream #desires #movement #2021 #growth #mindset
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jmonsta2323 · 3 years ago
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Let’s gooooo!!!! Tonight’s this call will nothing less than legendary and above !! When you have the top leaders of the company come together and make things happen sharing the vision sharing the dream sharing what’s aligned up with how we will move together as a family !!!!! Iam super excited so thankful and grateful for this ready to rock can’t wait to see them all at the event !! #houston #events #marketing #mindset #mlm #life #live #motivation #inspiration (at Your Home)
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jmonsta2323 · 3 years ago
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“What you thought was a scam turned out to be your Savior “ ….💎🙏🏽🙏🏽✅🔥🔥 I was always searching for something different….. being the same or normal was not someting I wanted to live by . But that doesn’t change the fact I had to change certain things about me in order to truly take myself to the next level . Really looking at what my future looks like Iam excited . Iam ready for what’s coming , and so ready for this next event in Houston and I know things are elevating to more business partners and connecting with the ones I have in a strong way . As we run to chairman Iam so thankful and grateful Iam in a space where you can move how you please with honor respect integrity and loyalty and truly know things are moving how they should be #mindset
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