jjm-blogspot · 3 months
Whoever said money is the root of all evil got it wrong. Power is the source that molds good men into marionettes who are eager to have their strings pulled any which way, just to obtain the illusion of control.
Sunny wasn’t sure why her mom's old saying came to her just then. Maybe it was because she was guilty of lusting over the very thing she’d been warned about. But it seemed unfair, to avoid an impossible pull; power was becoming a necessity in their world. Sunny looked around the festival at the mages who were being boastful in their displays of magic as she stood at the heart of it. A mirthless laugh escaped her. It was ironic, how her mom brought her to Redstone for the sole purpose of showcasing the very power she was told not to chase.
Tag List: @k--havok @writeblrsupport @harinawa @myhusbandsasemni
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jjm-blogspot · 7 months
When I read back my writing and notice all the great world building and sick character development
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I love writing!
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jjm-blogspot · 7 months
writeblr intro
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helloo! welcome to my writing archive. i'm june and i'm planning on using this blog as an outlet for my writing rambles and wips :) this is a main blog so i'll follow back. i'll mainly post fanfiction but look out for original works here and there once i feel like i improve in my writing.
about me
lesbian. he/they pronouns
south east asian (filipino)
17 years old
gamer!! currently into valorant, cotl, and reverse 1999
current wips
a heart offered; a vow made. a cult of the lamb fanfic featuring modern magic au lesbian narilamb! currently working on it and i'm halfway done so i'll be posting soon
i'll be adding more to this post when i work on more wips! i'll also update the "writing masterlist" tab on my website when i start posting on ao3. looking forward to meeting and interacting with you all :)
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jjm-blogspot · 7 months
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jjm-blogspot · 7 months
I’ve been struggling to find a good opening scene for my WIP but last night I had a dream about it and it’s actually good??? And I didn’t immediately forget about it after waking up???
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jjm-blogspot · 7 months
How did it know 😭😭
Unclench your jaw. Fix your posture. Relax your shoulders. Stop frowning. Drink some water. Take a deep breath.
You got this.
I'm proud of you.
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jjm-blogspot · 9 months
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he's so fun to draw !!
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jjm-blogspot · 1 year
The werewolf attacked first. Emma that is. The "queen" of Ember High.
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jjm-blogspot · 1 year
I have to re-write my first chapter. RIP me.
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jjm-blogspot · 1 year
Reblog if you’re over 20 and still read/write fan fiction.
I’m curious!
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jjm-blogspot · 1 year
“Sun.” Falkin’s voice stole her gaze away from the dense fog lingering at the base of the castle. “Are you sure about coming here this winter? Nobody’s forcing you, Ember High is just as good.”
Sunny looked down at her sneakers, stained with grass from months of overuse. “I have to do this.”
“You don’t. Let’s just head back home and forget about all of this. We’ll keep you at Ember High and sign you up for extra lessons to help you get control of your magic.”
“How can I control something I don’t have?”
“Sunny, hey, c’mon look at me.” Falkin cupped her face with her warm hands. The smile Falkin sent her was just as warm. “You do have magic. If you didn’t, then you wouldn’t have a trace.”
Sunny felt her eyes start to sting. “Then why won’t it work?”
“Lots of mages are born with dormant cores. It can be as simple as being a late bloomer, your body might not be at the stage where it’s able to contain what you’re capable of. And in some cases…”
“In some cases, what?”
Falkin hesitated. “It could be from trauma. Physical or emotional.”
“That still doesn’t change the fact that we don’t know what’s causing my magic block. If I go here then I’ll have teachers who could help me figure it out. Dad said some of the best mages in his department teach classes here.”
Falkin dropped her hands. “So this is his idea?”
“It’s mine. I want this.” She wanted to know what was wrong with her, and how to fix it.
Falkin stared at Sunny for a long moment, as though she were scrutinizing her. “If this really is your decision, then I’m with you.”
Sunny hugged her Falkin tight. “Thank you.”
When they parted, Sunny wiped her tears with the sleeve of her hoodie. Falkin tried to pat her on the head but ever since Sunny switched her braids out for an afro, the task became much more difficult. It did manage to gain a laugh from Sunny, so maybe Falkin did accomplish what she had set out for.
“C’mon,” Falkin said. “Let’s go before you’re late for orientation.”
Check the post pinned to my page if you want to learn more!
WRITEBLR! how are you guys? what are you all working on these days?
use this post to share a snippet of your writing you're proud of (& link to your intros -- i'll boost!)
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jjm-blogspot · 1 year
I’m gonna start posting random art work from my WIP.
Just a warning lol
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jjm-blogspot · 1 year
Keep it simple
Whenever I have trouble describing a particular scene, I try and simplify it for myself. It helps me get past the start of writer’s block so I can finish my draft.
I’m also starting to realize I don’t always need flowery language. It’s okay to write: she found him crouched in front of a crawl space.
I swear I was losing my mind earlier trying to write that in a poetic way when I didn’t have to.
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jjm-blogspot · 1 year
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jjm-blogspot · 1 year
I don't trust these untitled blogs that keep following me...
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jjm-blogspot · 1 year
Harmony Eaglewood (one of my OC's)
I just realized something about her.
She's in the prime position to be the "pack leader" of the school; she comes from a prestigious family, has great magical ability, and has all the boys falling at her feet. But she's so wrapped up in making her family proud and upholding their legacy that she sort of skips over that High School drama phase.
So when the kids gang up on Sunny and tease her, Harmony is standing off to the side thinking about how she was placed in class Diamond (the best of the best) but is still going to have to deal with her overbearing mom who won't congratulate her for doing what was already expected of her. If anything, Harmony just obtained the bare minimum.
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jjm-blogspot · 1 year
I woke up so late today, but I'm determined to have chapter two edited by the end of the weekend.
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